Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Jun 1912, p. 15

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,FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 191-.- Carl Pfanstiohl, the. Northi Chicago loctrician credft- edbA, juI ~agaone vils bolng a 4000% rtanl in'oil thiefront in his -ina7luly eiio MM ,an uhorlty qui1 to NMuuJ=* iy ~~-"isa more youtli, lita repula4ola î s on d adho in frequently consultl ergarding fine points whch oIdeates. Re là nîghtly tal. a' a "isard" in elec- tnlclly. And, bocause ho i.soM y. because ec- tl'lity 18 80o0Young, hie future la ex ypromioing. It la pointed to with pride tisaI lthé cty hlilfto<ij $8,«00of the bonded dobt during thie ât year. Our recol- lection ia that.j oach yeara, undor twlai, ,thle clty cal- lecta certain m*'one-yawhlcli wua ot underton or twenty Yeur bonds and Ihat money, under fh. law, must beplacod into the'ulnklng fund to b. uaed AB8LUTELY ?or the socfc purposl of takin gup the bondsdinquestion. I, oIsol vorda *8,000in collcted on tlie one hand and paid offon thse oerase It IMU8T BE. A local papmr adyacos the satling informiation tisaI a man had a uîiraculous escape from doatli at the barbon, descnlbtan golgterme 5ev hoe foU off the pion tub tise waer-and thox abunthetise loting information Ith lie aaved 1lnalf byLswlmming to shore because o ewua food swlmxner. Surely hie escape muet have been miracu- losit mut have b..» harrovIngi The Supreme court may cali a pes'petual franchise of an electric railroad legal-but lise peol oor give a corporation the chance Wo test ita ic1ality, becauae lhoy wont let thoremgetthir handa on it un r"isort of anar-, rangement whlch miglit ho conzldorod perpetual. Bryan says lie may run-he's go». tanISer tisan tnt before severaltimrn, but that's ail the good he'e accom- pllalied for ilaelf. Thse only way Bryan cm gel W lthe capitol la W be Toddy's ruinnlg mate-thon i. miglit have a chance; hd be the nearestto it ho'l oven gel. A gain of 700 durlng tise past yysr for Waukogan, sc- cording tW Mr. OGpdy, ia no sMmiii howlng for Waukegan. In fact, it appesaslo un that itla a mWsy good inreeae. Il look&auaaIf thetown la oi;gaead fast.* Now tiat a movomoul ia afool W ettsta "Thou niait Nol t eaV' orgaiastlon &smqjng politciauisaImi it be vell for uomobody W atiart, a 7Thou BShat Iot Lie' club. Wbloh Would have the mont members Recolver Jqlwn la tW meol th. couacil Saturday. Whym l meogti e l Q le hy'rm lie ome. - Ummam.o§Wod t tbp $&mes mi0 w . =0s tralm tuiiduiffl or Cakesla %d4undI tie malm e Sor- ttM labelpgmaite boutons off mi hW borsuMd .vmrthing t :centaine te the csilers. p o AnrMbow, »- tichat tlb off O, 10 tle ti.but ban" a ltheb.wM M tbmihu oely wab la tb# ,'probsst qU a? long have bhW euiI4lnm la, ejeT IL FioatIng Carnner>'. A new phase oc acte tlice manage- ment han been put lptOgeratlop out Sou ar progreâtve Pacifie e-nt hi the. conversion of the geod obd .hilp Clan etf the sen oto a fieating cao. noiy etrsaleon. There la the whoie proceedlnga rght on onee fGing --Wf --catchlng, cleaning. eaoklng. eu- mon .*- 5.,ir .,a th. w.hen the hold. OFFICERS FOR PIFtE TEST Adjutant Caneri alOllcon Confirme Appointrnenta Prrviously Made. Springfield, IlLi..June 26.-MiJutant Genoral DIcheon leaued an order con- firmlog the appointment cf the follow- Ing officers as officais ef the ate competitien for plce oh the &tats tIf.e tealo and orderleg them to report Ait Camp ILogan. (bîicago, Sunday. juiie 29, to Lieutenant Colonel Taylor E. Brown of Chicago, chief orduance officer of the dvilon: Range Ofilcers - Lieutenant Colonel C'harles 0. I)aigl, Slith lufa.ntry. (eneseo; %lajor W. Il. i'henweth. ordoance officer. Pi-st brigade, Chicn- go; ('aptain A.J. Borgmeler, Coso psrry A. Pi-st lufantry. Chîcago; Cap- tain Join IH. Newman, Company , 'rhird infantry. Aurora, ('aptaîn Jamnes E. Branrdt. Comnpany L4 Fourth lnfantry, Oloey; Captalu MI. 0.Brown_ lnp. Inspecter of nue piactUce, lley- la ful of the gean'gnSpack of tase«. StatIsticali licr--Second Lieuten- a tow of the tsctory loto port and the art Hurt Lyoni, Company E, Fii-atin- market. antry, ('hcago. Clerk to Executive OffIcer-Sergeant Ggantic Loavîs et Bread. Eugene T. MlaitUn, Company H, Second ta e h. ate are thope made ln France Clerk to Statistîcal Officer - fier- or ltaly. In the Case Ot the Pi geant A. A. Couster. Comlpany 0, Sev- bread of the latter country, the loaves enth lntantry. Chicago. are between two and thrie feit lnl oo".onally evan long(r while the ?reoCh P.Opl make thei True Nobleness. baves in the sap ff ofveri 10129 ro113u a T)ove the unnbvely, ta ympathize o bread ranglng traifour tae fit. wlth the contrary-minded, te give te font, and ln a f ew instances Over six the unVhaztable. ta forgIve mch as teet ln lengtb. jnever pi ty, toa1e just tealmin w4o ______1___make tI.quftv btte areosV tholr Ailes of the Earth. cefaeless bate wlth never-ceslng love, A Trrench Scietint Informe ius that la ce ofe the noblest attainmnçts et th. .arth may bie 700,000.000 Yeats man. and ln this ie becomes mont di- otd, although ther acleatiî&tO have. w e-TheiOda)re Parker. nster dared te pîlimate the age of oui planet et more than 100,000.00 Y.Uig. W. would becorne VltallY le. Thre .Kinde of Mon., Wt.rsd la this piatter If Il wereonet Thare are three lUndi of men litjb lor the tact that .It would ha just sa' wrld--lboas <(the het) Viho ina bard as ever te stay ln the earth. even jokes, those whe can enjoy joke., and 0t we were taenatabllsh pavot or the fibe (the verÉt klod) Who attett ta, eorrectnési of the IP.ench î i-efflat'a es- exPlain lokes.--G. K. Cheterton.,ln timate. Londau D11l' Nevis. Cuir ou 11 W01hL r ccuo Co;oq -fConieocutive Dates wll entitie you to one of the , AWA' 8AUR fo srswl o*hdWtman of the con. ed wfiether In hi.eopinionv the convien- chairman. They then took up the con.i ft$ Ti. "fdntiaia commttie tion wouid leit over Friday Dailisttst from nine *tâtes. dsclaffl Uba,# ennet complets tthe nid: 111 have cent for my Winter cloth tenight.Chîrman oeill l'are 8uîstad i ng.' Bryan refused to talk on hie 1:40 p. m.-Resoiutions committee toniht hairan ell as equetedtook a receas untii 2 o'clock when the j-tisat the. conv*osion tk a recelaun plans. fic Parker'a electien it lhan ub.cemmlttee wili ha appoelntid te tif thieavenir*. The reiolution com- hee, considered certain b>' members draft the piatform to be preaented te Umtte. by àate ofe 41 to 11 agreed to of the resolution ccmmittee thit the the full committee. Itl a axpected that the. motion uf"vd b>' Bryan that the platform wlll hi very progresiîve and Bryan, Raynor and Ogorman will hi platform bc sdppted after and flot ha. the tarif! plavik wilI bce xceptlonaîîy on the subcommittee with Chaîrman fore thse noes4iatlon. The programn strong. It la assirted that other fia- Kern. Folk and Raynor addressed the muit bc ratifii by the convention. tures will roclude the advocacy of the convention. 1 Income tax, popular ciection of sina-, __ committeeman from North Carolina lai term te six years witl'out re-elec- 2:20 p. na&-Chairmnan Parker open4-d and a itsunch Bryan man, declared tien. Senator Ogorman, Coîhîrson the convention at 12:30. The gallar. thât the convention wouid certaini>' and Rayner were iaiected b>' the ne- lia were sparsely %flied. It was ver>' James of Kentucky' waî chosen 1y the that tihe nomination weuid he made mansl'ip te fi-yen. He declined. The. id by Rev. John Gardner Murray, the committae on permanent org4nizationc uni>' after may ru> nitlest balloti. Asic. committee elected Kern ef Indiana as biul'op of Maryland. Governor Biach- erd sugliffled àa emie ia0, 0f "Ayes" FOMOi, Grvenlor FolfWc ý Miur rmi, thse îw" , :I.' Briefa celle S*yin .grtest mri' teachir of $iiu s e"ttlonh aMd y,. greati>' pplogided. Sqnste Ru and ReposienÎa~iv. Ctsyton aoh= nixt. "i do net know tapon Wvdfi nemninatjqof ia ueo wI fait," said Cîsyton and paw" 01 e rival Icandidates tart.d Ulgàusc F. lairstow ia erectlug a hug.ruoAs. ms'lit ini thre Free sons ceflldeI.cIbI r .ao, f,îr the Nirsee. tsmlly ot Hlbq lPai-k. Vroricmen wenit totiMe etY iLi day to erecet tise monument. - "-- -~-..- - f MD YOU KNQýW'l T HAT aiterA&ugust 1 st we will bc locatcd in our'brand neiw so t.ppesr~t T ~wil bave an absolutely new lot of up-to-datelfixtu,.res and inside f r«I*i8kâ This efpectecl removal of ours on aur decision flot to carryover a - >0mr wotb of stock to our new quarters is going to provide you witb an unusual ptwçbasi g wOtt4pzý ity.-in fact one that you cannot afford to overlook. The mgerchandise wcç 'Q Idispote of is our regular spring and summer stock---Perhaps we bought nior& 4ban wce should have unw- der the circumstances but it aIl goes at our meva Cearan@8. STARTIN1Ii A RtlI The hot weather ha&Iiit us at last and this sale of ours wilI give you a chance to buy that lightmweight siuit and what goes under and wlth It at a tremendoius sav- ing. We hanidie the weIl known staeqjard makes of Clot*ing, Furnishings, Il at s and Shoes, every ar- ticle fully Guaran- teed. Meu's and YouÉmrg Men's Sui*is 5 ea, for your cholce of a large sebectbon 5.9 f mens and young cmens s'lits ln black aud ,lark mixtures, poaitlvely woi-th $1? oý 71,foi- mens hbandsomeiy taîlrr-i suitil, madie 7.95 rip of fine wool sultirigs. In new popular Irtterns, worth $1400. sale pie $7.95. 9*5for mlens up-to-date suits, iaI:- of ail wool n f11 ana workmansblp. worthrip to $1800,yor cheice at $9.95. Sfor a splendid lune of! rusaisbInes'lilts, 134 p ot aI *col Wrsteds in Iis eeasen's latest cuts blac.ks. blues and tarrcy jîrferus, worth ]ip te $22.Or0, sale price, only $1345., 15 for yor cooce of our lest bline et *4 mens excluglvely tailored s i ta n faucy blue serges, biacks, grays and ireatir pltr pattéras, strlctly ail woi tuSterlaba, very bIur of worknran- shIps. Suite that ulloally sel ai $27.iio and $30.00, s.peciab for this sali 'ai $15.45. Bais #or -Men, and Young Men 9fl~ or yur eici ot a selection et seft and 2000V stlUVii ~ oblacit and irew uhadeet ofgray and brown aiî $3 hata. aper-lal ai $2 00 1.9 Your cholce of a large lîneOf sifadSf $250, alemIel .. ~ ach fer yolîr choice of al Oui- regubar $2 00 bats Me's ami Young Men's Trou- sers ai almosi 1.2 Price 8 cfor men's strong cottonade trousers, worth 8 C up te ;1.60 ale price 89c. for menff $oe treusers. black, bllîaeilSe 1. 9 aucy Patterns, weorth $250, sale prîce $1,9 95a pair for nen's good wersted troriserS. 1.9- new neat Patteorns, regular prie $3,50, 7*a Poli fr îrour choice of a good selpetien ot t*s ioi i. W Isd lrasal new and stlt pattes¶" O r, Q 04 V IM -, WMMfNGTON ST"~ Sh Fèrft"£I X MAitnatlona-y knewn and GW'dy uaaanV-, ______ _____ _____ ____ an 1yOU beat i tep THE LIST SF1AKAISBLONILLa OliE i MEN'8 HOSE SPECIALS 6 a pair toi- meu s good working sox, grax mlx- AT LESS TH" > .N QT u rre,, regular 10e values, 1 f for boys' nice sti, made lu doubte 1breest- MENS HANOKERCHIEFS SPECIALS 1.985 ed two-plece styles ln blues, Vgaad 3ceacir for' your clrorce et menus fast color turkey tant>' mixtures, aleas Up to 16. 3c e , i iortb lu or white handkercblefs, large e for yaur choe@ eof a selectiene f ir'~p 20 grade suits, Lieas to 1?yç8r%» Rialpl 19 MENS SUSPENDERS SPECIAL. tallored et faneccssînteres sud bvoadbl 9c api- toi- men's fiue suspenders, a splendId treated conta, bloomer trouaerg, worth I4.# %M i lice ot heavy or iight welgbts, worth to 50c pici $24& NECKWEAR SPECIAL for -urchoice of a handome ine et men's 0 wool 's- aLid uIe oelp% oêe fo' u r arui des, ail this teasons patterns, trouai-s, double breaatad caLa; Wortti u* e8 , c eaqchxtI' linen collai-s, regrilar l5c qualliy, an extra special for thia aale at 10c. BOYS' KNEE PANTS SPECIAL. 9ceach fer boys' knee pants that are irosi- 39 tiveîy woi-ttr lc. MENS WORI< SHIRTS SPECIAL 39 earh.for a large lIne et extra good work shirts. black sateen. bine. gray striped, etc., ail sizes. regular 75e values, sale prie 39c. OVERALLS AND JUMPERS SPECIAL. 9ceach fIr mens exttra beavi- overalis and 39 irimiers. biue, black or slrlped, a] izs 9c earh toi- mena balbrlggan combination 39 s 1suits, regular 75e quablty, speclal for this sale a( tie exti-emely 10w prie et 39C. j. J.j. SIYIIN, Mgjr. Shh'*s9aMd Unierw..r 39eacir for mensa fine shirtsg. colaji aMd. cub 39 ttached, l white. crean, blu.aL n» stripes. 75e values ati$8o. SO ch ~forhne'abaibh nois ad rw j 2'Jc each for meus Peroab"t shrts aud drawera. Worth 50c, special for tâtiscale at Ipo. M frmens inieon suite Woutb *1.00, picil for thîs $tet aluy 48.. shoes» a "d o~i for Oien's fine abois and oxfordig ' Y our cholce et menf fine grade dres s J and «u tords, made <cd gun matai and eatheiri. buchir eut 13.50a values for $1.95. 2.5 a Pairtor mn'us fine dreesoso 2. lu gtu metal, patent bld and <sa tg dt lder,'.ail new ats. op te 9apair for misses. Id&g, We'orths up te $3.00, apostai WAUKEQIA4. Ç Ir ý« À

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