Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Jun 1912, p. 3

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- i LARE COUN~Y mp~PE~DENT, F1UDÂY, JUNE 23, 1912. I__ Irs. A. W. ilafford returnet] Wednes. dey ramn Wbston accumpanied b> âdise IdeOer o! Bowmanville. Oe. Fludley o! Chicego, la spendlug le v acation et J. B. Bouersa. MeLars Glbert o! Fort HIl , spelt saverel daya vlth ber ister MIse Mer. xget nf tbla vicint>. Wmz. Fiadly of Lake Forest, vîitet] reltives bre the est o! the week. Mr. sud Wu. Andersona and] ion John e! Lake Foreet, epet SOude> with W. B. Iftewart. Mines [nez Pollock of Chicago, ispet Sonda> witb the home folk. Misa Aite Jemisoli o! Chlcago, @peut the week end wîtb ber parente houe. Mr. (eer o! Bonmuvllle, »pot Batl. urday eat]Suda> a% the paraonfge. Eanl White ratunnet] Frida> to Madi- ion, ti.ousin. Berthe and Claenoce Crawford. Peal, itoby and Meut] Clevelad and] M. Law- lu o! ttisa viit> atteanded the vddlug o! Miss Moud Lwinst et hm e O E.J. Heydmcker o! Weukiuaa SaturdaV o«M mi Anna McCndie vI q ýmI ber vacation et ban borne. C. E. Toplc June 30 "Mualarey Pro- gras" la Af rla." Pi. 68: 2"-5. Belsa Safford. Lesd..r. The cborcb bas recalvd ieiflant cot o! palot whicb adds e great deal ta l e pîeerance, A. T Whi te of rayailke, vas a calier here the pâlot veek. tIra. lrew@ter of New Jersey, in riait- ingr Lire.eo. Jamison. l). Young end Geo. Jemisn wve Evanston viitora Suudey. RussnLL MimS Evelvn Kelly yl give e readlng lu thieclucb on Frday ereolog, Joue 2m. A cordial invitation le extended to 3he public-. blase S C. Browne entertaiued au aut !rom Peuneylvenie e couple o! de>.5 lest week. MmrL . \1B[, ner sud Lira.A. C. Crrîs were Weukegen viitors on Tbureay. Devid MLiand Mti. Stagner @peut Suodey wth Il. W. Chttenden and !amily et (,ornee. Thiere will he preacing iet Suday mrnriog end eveing. The Siner farnily held thpir enoual re. union, Jîrne 23, t 1 L. Sier@. A large comber were preet- Tiee codaIlesat Tnee8day eveuog wes verY wll attended. Al hed e gooti turne. [Dr. andl tr% . Qnag f Weuke- gen. cafl,dl ortis l» arwl, suède>. A. lt os wita Kerît isira -ai er 'lu Seturda.v Albert Fraiey and aile o! Chicaego, were gueçs t tFrnk AetsSatur- de> sud &uday. Ed. EHeode ves e Chiîcago tisitoro 8undoa. Frank Riley anrd Clanas Molidur vioited st the ItiWy. borle et Liietville Sun- day. Phil FIer> eut]dît. e re FoaIske1 vietora Sonda> afienoon Il Ethel Smith o!ftChicago vasageie luev Aisn'@iti ode> eut] londe>, Heur> Greieki eut] a-le --îîuie John Brewer to Wllo t Sonda>. M n Hart> Ltviller, Arthur Shober, Fret] Fier> and Martin Theisu itteodet] a lîuw in Chicago Sonde> evening.I clîtuRe Junge vais s Waukegan viitor uit Tueet]sv. lirs. Herick ram Hebron. vas the gUttt o!ftirs. H. Vinicelette Tuectay. Natani Vase>, Elmaeaeut Ada White vers Cicagu vaitore Tueda>. Anuber troua ber.etien e tie anc5e ut Weuacuda Saturde> night. tIrb. Franm> Vogt o! Northt Chcago, is Roalug. John Roslng aot] lirs. Peter Flac> vere Ciicago viitors Wedueudey. tir. sut] Lin. Paul Avery aI Round Lake, eut] tr, sud Lire. Citas. Kapple o! Grayalake, Sundayed et the Ray Pari- t]ack haine. Lra. JiaSu Walton eut] Jasou took au autoattip to Wauconda, Bunda>. tira. L. V. Luîk eut] chidren @peut Thon@ae>set A. J. Ra>maud'a. Lr@. BeuCossuaandbloniel o! Round Lake, spent Sude> tternoon t tire bomte o! Jas. Kirvan. tirs. Lee Hoson ean]deugirter eut] ies M arion Huson, ver. ticlisr> tallera Titoraday. lice. Cires. Kepple eut] tin. Hart> Lusk spent Thuréa e e. ic. sud tir@. Chas. }tsught spent at- urda> sat] Sonda> in Waukegau. The infant dsugbter o!tir. sut] trs. Jo. Vogt. wu& ituriet] in the Catbolic cmeter>, Wedueot]a, Jue 19. Mo. Y. Wagner aud feinil> enterteluet] Chai» vit iors aven uday, 1 ILAddo Ubue~f A. J. Jobnson vas a Wankegao vistor Suode>. M. sud lira.WiII Warren arrivet] Saturdsy frorn San Benito, Texas,. coinglo conauli a apeciliets lu regard to Lin. Warren'@ heltb aine l as vlat relativesansd frlEsabe. ËleinArmîilde Brorin sd Ada MacLeughla lot t tbe drot o! the wesk for DKaIb, IL, vhere tboy vîlI attend the six .e.ek' entmmer ichool courses given eit tbe Norma achool tbere. Tb@ hearlng la lb. matter o! Meyer vp. Ktomne t for Thureday s a@t lu inthis paper lait veez, vas botd la.Justic Beovlck's court a change o! venue bolagj Iaken hufor. Jusclee Davis, the case leter teog diamiet. Thi er . Louis F. W. Lmumen yul prmeb aI the M. E. cbnrcb Sundal veelng, Jue 80. Mr. Lesemen la the nov Distrit Bupaonlundaut o! tih. Nortb ChIcago district iuc-eWiîg Bl.. W. 0. Shaperel vbo vu eevated to the. Offie ..n Blabop ai the lait genersi conformesa.1 flair>Poster ad ProkitPt. te-1 tumuiedW.jdeF romam evuk viat1 et »Mai, Eam.Wlle ir l ber>tvent on a butbag ipediion sud 'ti ida opbad on logo rabbit sud sitaboollug st ltfôurbm iea Ia. ithaut nouit, cou- d6ded it mvas asilesansd veadedt hirE vveary vay bamevard. Mr. Be, E. Paddock sud MieIrmm à O. Huson yere bappill> natet] la f marriage a%'the M. E. peraonaga nt 10:30 ocelock.Juoe 26, ta> the lierW.t I. Wipple. M. and lire Paddock viii heave ou Iboir bone> mono et oncesaler vblcb the> vîli bc et houa. to theirt frienda near Volo vber. tMr. Paýet]ak is a auccesi lfermuer. A large circle o! friends vleh them Weil. Wedtuea]y Guoneas Lino, an eimployv of the American Wire Fente Co.. vas arreutet] on e charge o!fitaviug seolen e vateh taloagtng to Louas lteickofl. sieo suemipo!. o!theaameconrpeuy. Wheo coutronted]byL)eput> Sheraf! Liuaberry I be empbatlcally deulet] havlug tis vatcb. but upoo being oearchedth Ie tolen propenty vas founut]iu e beekÉ pocket o! bi- troosere wrappet] up in ivo bandkent-Liels. Hie vas taken before Justice lieevick Who Ibount him orer wi the grand jury in bonds ai $10. lu i-fanît o! bail he was lodged nia tht, coonty jail et Weukegso. EpscoaelServices Services et thoe piscopal chu rehr every Sonda> as followa: Choncta se.rvices et 10.30 p. ni. and Sunday .chool et 11.30 A Il are ton-dieU> Inuvitet] to attend. eVý J. J. Steliene, liector. - For Sale Wili mil i mcodininir Wdtanîesd ara chainu imon ied. espiiug andl nîettres.r. dresser. rîrling t ihire, tenter tabile, liei tree. <1r)Iisi ..v c'ae nd tIWa iting deý.k, tt-reia rahiturn.-r P.- r. etrîlc ,I mtIIî. t.aii tuve iii ,then 1 imiito .-ts f Iibi , 1-11Yr.- W. PriS rear.eose . Er :. 1i-% t T iaîiik. lako e t r . t. YORK HOUSE tIrs ra-knu ister ait Illmouat L.ake. la vigiting itere tuas week. MIr Suit]trs. Geoarge Long eut] temil> viliteti Soiaay alita ira Hoit]ridge. Tessie aot] Guendon Brockson visitet] lest veet witla tbeir grandorothere et îirIauoiid Lak. Miss SeasieHanrover @pont Sonde> wa th Martin Olii. Li. ndt]Mn-a. Miller o! Chicago, and] Mir. aud Lina. A. P. Wells eut] femil> @peut Solides ettch. home o! their para-ut4 . W. 1'els. . E.IDikinono, vlited Tosede> et I)eOit] At]ami, - Several youog *pupectrne out aud $pot srirday ai L. J. Bornao'. Mrs. Arcbie tlnrpbyviro haseeostav- ing wltb ber lahrfor tûtie past veeka returnet] home Wsdneet]ay. Lra Agsta Cen-mari visitet] lest week vitta Lra. E. P. Blanchard. Tire. as quit a goot] attendaneet the Ladies Aid et tirs. H. L. Wilso'a lest Waduesday. TAYLOR GROVE. George liertiett raised biis uew bhrn lest Thureda>. Mrind uM tra. Fred t] 1e>@peut Sator- tiay lu Waukegau. Lra. George Hollend bias e ver> large trop of tavierries. tirs. Vanderval h doiog niccI>. Miss Edue$Sit>. tornnerly o!fibers bt nov of WaUkegan, graduratet] froua the higi achool thr. let veek. Lils Blanche Edd> ires the Rosecrena sebool for the comiug year. Idss Liggle Oeling ls speuding bon Vacation bore. Satunde> evelng eat the boime o! E. J. HsydeMer ncurred tire uarriage o! Miss Mane esLein to, Frank C. Hewlett o! Chicago. Tire> vers attendst] tya brides malt] aud eslmari. To the aêràlne o! Medeloir'à vsddlog mercb the> came dovo @tairaemb tirshepanlon wbr. the cereman>, vas peformet]. Ttborne beiug beautituli> deconatet] wllh ferasl sud lovera, the taride Perrylag roses sud tire bidesmiait]whine carnations. Tirs brides@ dresvas bridai net eudth ie maid'a drmo yellow iîk. Ater congre- tulationas sùppen vas serve tu t100 gueste. tire nt] tra. Hewlett left forea veddaug trip, surît] eovers o! rtc.. The> vilI hetet home tb thelnr MnuY friende alerscAuna. lit et 6055 Laugle> ubnue, Chicago. Tbey r.elivet] mar> tasautlful Preseote. tira. Hewlett la tha ouI> t]eugbter o! Chas. vin aeut]nlae gradoatsetfWaukegsn )Uigb sciool eut] business cllege and le *eIlIkuovu bers.. Bbh ibas besu employed as tenographer lu the Blatetord factor> lu Waukegau. a Mr. Hevltt boas been smPloYed lu Racwine blit nov bas e, governureaf position lu the Chicago postofice. Theli 1 insu> !eut]swieb tbe orn a>neu] Irppi- Dés. ble . 1 Hans Hansart, brother of Augatet Henson o! Long Lake, ie criticali> ill. The brick yack on the Heury Kuetaker building Wa being delaset] on accoont o! tire rontracture belug unsirle ta> get material. Mliss Nrah Crans ai Chiciagu. lea frneat o!ftirs Wm. Elis. Miss MargaretLiceKey, who iren beet .1p .gettieRopeait] cottage, let Seconda> fun e motha viit vîtlîber brother in Savannuah,. I. Meers. Meae d otChurchill vith iheir famiîlies drove to Algonquin Sonda>. Cires. Rtch retunnet] froua the Ito@pital in Chicago lest Sonde>. Whoereho recenily undrventan operetion, lisviog ia lel eyç, vbat-b vas njuret] b> a usil, remîrve.l M. Wortz o! Haineeville. lost a vluable hors@ tbiu wek aitb loakaw. Mrs. Jolis Meade o! Chicago, vae the guest of John Book, SrBndeu]wîle Mande>. Chas. Book o! Chcago, epertt Sondey vith irer parente bers. Citarlie rèecetî> purcheet]abhome in Chicago virere fie le now ltviug. tir, andi Lr@. W-rt Haines of Chirago, vere gueste ai the B. J. Loltue home Suda>. Samt Adam@ o! Chicago, vas a gueft et the Jo. Garwoot] home Monde>. Audrew Dcker o! Northt Chcago, la daiog tire pfarrbine vork ou the MarquIs Shaffer bouse. "B.J. LaItue ra north oun a irsine% trip. F. D. Batteraansd tDr. E.F. Sber eut] femil> beldt ieir tiret fanai]> pienit et Gage. Lake Souda>. tirs. Albert Clark att] trs. Wru. Cuninghamt eut]@on, vin> bave heen viitiog Dr. W. N. Clark asdt] wtfs returuet] to their liiiin lu ino Tues- day.,Dontforget tirt et are tire beati- quenters for irewurke Tire Bexel Store. Droelîrug Co , IraysIake and] Round Lake. Joasephr Petrkort vas Iîteratedu cri lest week,bariug hiasli nit, euiouied. fHe le doing nieet>. C. A. Cleveland e]an ile îî(if nadrko. OkIe., spent sevenal dayé, itiîîg rela- tive. býesleit week. Word nacelvet] frotu Nir.and tira. Frank W iukle reporte§tire yourîg couple etijoyirîg tier trip tirroogi tbe sînutir. Pea catsning ires tuîrmencet]aet tire caunuig laitorrand tire trop is eportet] ta ire a fairît go ane tiisyeec. FORT HIL oin Monda> elternoon, Joue 17, 1 occurred.thi, deeth of littie Frances Vogt, the behy deugbter oif M. and % Lire.JosephaVoîgt.of tuhencular menin-1 gitios She was ton mouthe old. The 1 fonerel waa, held Wednesday moroiug eti the Volo atholic church vithIt lterent lui the Volo cernetery. MIr. aud Ms .Vogt have the sympatit> o! their Mary efrieuds bere. Card ot Thanks We wisb toexterrd onr heertfelt thenks to our kiîad friende aud ueigbhors vho eested us durrrrg the llunese and et the death o!f('tr hloved lttle deughter. M11. ANtI)M"se. .SPiî vowT. i Lire. rLela ,ove, wIte of Wiley Love, e fe jrmer living -1<oere e, ea r bae taken Fliey Kidney Pille end flud thern to he ail you deam for theru. The> àgave me elmost intant relief whon my tkidueys ver.e lugglsh and inactive. 1 r carn cheerfully recouarend thora to eH 1- suffera frour kiuey trouble." For sale by ail Drugglsta.- eold ont and entered the hardwaie businesa. This entertîn- rmae cerried ou util the pat ý-ar Nilien Mn. Thomwnos eltirfeil îr:uIthtiritm whicb .-onoisted o! lift. Ti-nn is s@on Earl end brother AIl-ýru ,lul out to L.erzen Broo. Mn. Thýii,îîora asibmh <uteide seleman and nu a ei anti favorable kuowo tlîru,liiu itLake eod aIdjviniag countie«. H-, ,ii un-u.iderepd as ans of the beat -ia,- u in lutins sctioni in tis 1Une ,tof ,i,,, lubisa bueineee sovelI as iin. -cîal Ilfe b. mae].meuy varurfa-t-I He leaves a vite ail ,rit,-mun, Eart, . ---- 1 - l. là - 1 TASTES BULLY >TIIAT'S WIIAT TIIEY AIL SAY 0"NLY the choicest, ripest natural fruits. ONLY the riclaet, citeseteat . ONLY the best of everything coin- bined with clean, isanitery dispenscery and excellent service. uren> rele tineavo suad ari-n of [rieu d@ tuJ AT O.URI SOD)A.FOUNTAIN Tire services vere uîi ,db> Bey. T. E. Stevensos a ugu.iiI., tire tiasoîît order o! tire -l,,lige having change o! thre funerel aniaitbirl service ai the grave vere ieautituil and] impres. eive. The burial vas et tire tirayeleke cemeter> lu the.-fehuily luotThe ariter felelam astr. Wu,. Ellue, a dear Iient] at M. Thomsion, ha.s ait] ln tire lest verse ofa ePnoemdedicat,-ultou lur "But m ui tdes i Hnwver sud the %ai l 1,,e iinei. Bnev ue «1-tir, h-t , uia.u âtril. We and th, %-;i areu- ter tirat roua ived. Anrd tiatfii- t au, .- If vo ail live that sorie frient meas>y thîs o! us, a c a ili nlot have livet] in vain. Card of Thanaks We viali t, leartlly extent] our appreciationi andtiltanks Ion tire floral tributs.eut]nd siance reuderet] us in our laie tereac,uuent. VVI -in ui tt IKFiliANDO FÀxiuý.. Card of Thaauks IVe viei t,, iliuk tire kînt] neiglibîrs eut] rien&uC- r tire kiotinese eut] assistance tiraitct exiendedt] tuus in unr lime of deejecu eirrowaeut]alou tu tire oces aha i,-omade it pleasiant in man> wsye fo.ur Ucbeloret] histiant], fatuer as uul- i Grand Opening On lietur la V.1t ille 29,vs ai tave our drog store iai Riont]Lake mian t fromtits preeclit lu-Stionito aur ic store. reenrtîr huit jastt orti ilfith- Ltwiler liarîl a- store. tVe invite >00 tuîeolaumi isit us on tiret day eut]receive a liauuio(me sooveir-Tie REXALL STulili [luît1E DauiCo. Twu stores, Graymelan iud Rout] Lake. S They]Put aniEndITo Ih SU @ Charles Sall,. :30îCook St 'Roceheeter, N.Y. gayslire r,vommirends Fo'Iey Kidney Pille et every uppirtunity becanoe they gave hitu îoirîuît relief frouna e ad case of kiduey troubile tlathed long bothered hlm. Sucti a iwrecinuedtlouconing fromntMr. Salm .direct sud conviuclug evidente of the great curative qualities oI FoIe> lCîluey Pille. For sale h3 al Druggigse DR. L. M. COULSON VETERINARIAN Office at Garcinier Hotel Phone 53R GRAYSLMCE ILLINOIS OUR SODA DRINKS ARE MAD)E RIGIIT "'THE REXALL STOR" Druce Drug Co. Grays"le, - - - Illios tirs.Holleubeck sud Bollie o! Ward Corner, vioirte t the haine o! ber son Suudav. M aster Frezier r.luraaang ho nie witb tem after tvo weeks vîsît vithi bis grantimother.j [tee. Otto Winlker ttaok charge o! the churcit service, Sude> evening as lien. Steiner vent te Pleesant Prairie, Wie., to gin. a aieeopticon lecture et thre Niethodlatt honrit therc. tirs.Andnew Peder-etin epent e 1ev deys lest week et thre home o! ber sou Alfred] o! Lake Villa. A famil> renou vas heit] et tire Oso. Et]vert] hotu. Sonda>. Those prearul froin ave> were: [va Edwards ai Waukegerr. [tari Et]wards aud amily o! Chicago, Frank E4verds aeut] ite o! Antiocb. A nuaher o! the ladies !vom here et. taudet] the Royal Neightaor banquet at Antioch, Tueeda> altaruon. NEWPORT Ou Bell sunday, June,29. the Chl o! StPatriek's will meke tiiIr firtuH ýComrmunion. Their preparation ie Leen goîng on for the Pe$t couple. t- years, both et home and la the. cb*eb.' Ttaeir immédiate preparation hma b.* conducted under the dIrect aupurv1lbm- o! the pastor for the fast thre.ioal Claeeee were organzed at ZIon (*tI 04 aleo et Itoaecrans. UmisaLonu.C0 W tcok tare o! the Rosecraus Clam tre wek and Mî*g. lchîmmel toull oi theLion City tisse.Bthlss- t, tbe church on Saturday and where they were in8tructed on tb.l< o! the previous week. Tbere amequ a nuniher o! children beug prepsa f tiret communion front liou City. , 1 Uhe Meirose MeIr- eBedinlagrain t tit p-sitast uS tanaicu, ot n. car Sioor etaî.itnad ai e hi& MiseBed au bay Tapi oe Convertible Wagon Bedi *Ir 15 IN OE Can be changed from any one position to any other of the 15 in tau minutes or les&. A twelve yesr old boy do it. No tuola needed-just youc bands. Bulit to U» ... Built to "eut ALWAYS READY to HAUL AYTHINO WIuen you have a Melrose Bcd on yotar geai-s you're rcady ta do any kitrd of hauling. Go ta town with a ioad of hay, strew, grin, stock, or whatevcr you want ta Iraul, and use it on liere tturn trip for any hauling rurpose. Whect_ you use/j this bed you haul bigger Joad., youj get thr-ough wîth the job quicker. S You save lime for yourself ant] for yoor tenmn. No more back airain- j ing, laftan g tif and an of heuvy heds F ~ and] 4 cks--have them al un one by ia the Meli-ose Converttble Bcd. - B.ilît t. et- unacys ndad make ut runniiug geer. c 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL FREIGHT PllrtA!Dt- n any point at of the !"uon -I-um--r un the tJuned States GREATEST FARM INVENTION 0F THIE CENTURY P3e sure and] --e a pratticat demonstration 'Ifru the Meirose. Make it vour business ho cait and stee this wonuten-ftitfacta inventionr. Thre M'iros ix flot an ordinary single pur. h~ pose boX. but a cuanbinatioii of 15tiiffareait wagons inions. Corne and Se. It and BheoCeImomd SCHAICKBake m-lira. Bd la stock rack paaltm M.1-sarBed lun rugattanleriss iilià Tira Mer- os atin a houe. ahu ra O p.sU r ack m.suliM Bar. sica., hiioe.baurgIa~b~ - LtaS 0 stnLw SaiurdtA lultrIr ied 4800 rorrrrdscioeaaiay -~-u se.maaaw John Longabaugh traojacted busineâs On lat Frlda oerured th, deatb o! at Fox Lake and 1Ingleelde M boodey. j ILSSBeule Tanker o!f uuonary con- llira. Fred Kuebker and Mâter, Suase sumnPtion, a&t thé age of týartY-sevefl Whitehead wore Chicago visitore Mou-: Yeare. elght menthe and tlîree dayo. l$he day. had been liu very pour health for th@ Lita. J. If. Palmer atteuded the fanerai patjear and for atinie wae4 with her o! Lrs. Frank Dufour et Cicegu, Mon. parents nearOluatee, 0kia., where tee dey. Ar.Duifour apent severaiel L e 4emed $0 ha ln >tter beultb, Ibut wlth ber lest summer wlth Mfr. and Mir». te advent of tbe bot wether ahe limerY Dufour and was well known. soeered not eu well and cerne but e short The Mystie Worksmlodge N. ~time 690 tou lve with aneunut et hsflemd1te nw hll n te B166Evenston, wberetie iiShe w baidigeo laadterraeofal#b e Bookmember of the. Royal Neghbors end builingfor tem 0 liv yers. Mystic Worken ni t Grayelake. A boit Tha dlegatia. Mn. 1. Rsaeley end of friendi aad relatves are let to mnouru Wm. Ra. ie a e plendid report of the ber ,ntimly d«ilm. The funerai was convenin09 niMyotc Wekers et heîd Sunda.y aet the Congregtional Milwaukee at thir lait metg. cbnrcb, Bsy. NUIeofllcieting. Thora won a large atteudance et the A grnesaumpi. box of cracker jeck wth1 Elbury ineuoral service et the .vsrY l0e ck*geaiosflIre works et The E1l.ogal Mision lut Banda aiternoon nliSl sBooraDntIS lrux Co., Grays- wh wu as onductiel by Dlahop Tol.. lak@ and Rouai imam. The Graj'dak boosters will hold their1 Mm. J. P. Eheralea buaerye bady neit daus on july 4th. Everybody avolUa q. sas the remitî o! e bee enjoyeda be od ime et their danes etiWgac bar. Wedunday .,.ia. The Aatlca ymee deleâted by Lake ltaY Paddock aud Ermra Huson o! Bluff lma 8tIa ln a score o! 8 to 4. Fort Hil, van inerried tlednenday. SThe Athleties vert minus their pitcher Both are WeilI kuov bere. and everal of tbirIrmen wvblcscounte for the deat. Wm. Ehlla inSt. Peul on à business Obituairy. trip tbis week. GiOg@ W. Thoéu wa. burn et Fort The mnyu friende of Peter Hoehenedie Hill on Oct. 8, 1866, ea (Idied et i home vers grleved to beer o! bis deetb wbieb ia Grayslake. Buaday. Jurie 1, E0 2. took Plac et the Jeneeville bopitel Li.Tonn tntlihldodey wher1 he hed reeuntly been opereted o t heParente On t4l farm, leter Ile viAseeid to ta. sole uvuer o! liteeggi"lhb« ma îiiîe t i GrsYsake anain Ai. wblch',buseîne'. t1hi scceas- fnirayelekeêtcilnforg factor>. ,t,, Gr- LK J _WARTONj tira. Dix o! Weukegen. @peut Surrday Misera Alite arid Lrtte Burke are witb fiends. borne fron ui oul.l Mis Eva Tucker of Evanston, spent Edwin Cerroll if thicagu>. ii xiitîng the latter part of the week wiîh Walter here with hre parent'-. lle.ek and fernily. tir.endLir. EgarVoi erteralnd B. Ekdabl entertained Chicagco Iriende their deughter. %1Is@ Cynthia Vone, and oe udy !iend. Edigar Wrght o! Evenaton, over Miss Mary lodet43 les vimitiing bere Sunday. wit liber sister *rs. Guber. Et]. Harris, who haie heen lnae iîl. Mr. and Mirs. James I allalian enter- tel in Chicago for the iâet tva weekB. tained frlends over Surnday. la improving and e pecu s to returu bomte tàPalDoile cmnned y the later partoentertaink. /Weokegao Irieudie epent Suuday wlttr Mr. eund Lic. Ueo. Clevelaenterta LicM. eund Lra. H. Dolittle. ed copany on Saturday. John Kellybas about recocered front' MrndutMLrs. Carl Schneck o! Liberty- the injuries be received s@uie tiue a&I hc ville, &peut Sunde> et ili Sageso. bolng thrown froiu e wagon. Miss Anna Hannon liras) een engaged Tbe hem dance et Jas. R.ven's :Satur- to tacil the local scîrool nezt tear. day night vas Dot very welI ettendeti on Walter Abbott returned to bis@lhume In occaunt o! the F510. Chicago Monde> bavlng @pont tire peet Miss Mary Kelly boas completet]lber two months with Alpiont] Bras. terni o! school eit Eneretaud bas re. C.. eak of Michgan, speut Sonde> turuet] home. wîth bis brother VVeter end etteuded Mtrs. Wm. raack o!01Waokegn,@peut the funenal o! bis ulece BmeageTucker et a ev t]ays boe receaty i> vli er parents (Ilayaleke. Mr. eut]tira John Loseran., Mir. and ira. leu. Kepple and deugh- Mr. eund Mmra. enrY Beckmaa are rov. ter Mldred open t Buut]ey vth frlends et Ing onto tbirIrtarte bond ut ii rsilde Aftioch. bieslu tlÜe tutu ra. .euil. Florence, msouideoagbter 0if Thomnas lindd and Ernest Daritable Wyndbam and AnnasTucker, wuvumbore e .ZIon it> vistore lai" veek. aM Atiosir, Illinois Octoar 11, 1884 eMW atter su lInm" oï tv Yomaixil MmlIra deAndornon of Libertyville, le mooulu peesd evey b orne et vltlag ber parents bore. Eranaton, Illinois Juma 19.1912, et tbe Commencement exerckee of the. Wer. mga of tveaty4even Yera, t.flt mouilla santon ichool were beld at the achzool and elabi days.. 8. leaveç tu -moug bouse TtbOu evenlng. A deligbIlul ber departue ber parents. two brotbira progrem wa reoderet] alter wblcb le -adt re. iatera, WUm. H.. OlIve A. and cream eund cake woes ervet]. Nellie Id. of Oloîte., Okla., Live D. o! Erauston, and Arthur W o! Graielake. hostldes meuy relatives and a boit oIfOR friend». Tbe funeraI ,ervices yen beld C]R et the Uraylake Congregatlonel cburcb LMr. and Vire. Curtis Wells o! Antloch. gundey alternuoitntu which e large nom- vleited Sunday with hieis&ont, Mire. ber of relatives sot] friendeaettent]ed. The floral pieces ere meatir sd heauLi cure fue. Misesfueker was a uembdt or the tMr. antd Mr@. Ueo. Harmer vinited the R. N. A. end M. W. W. Deut veek lu Chicago. Evan Lawrence, Jr. o! the Gageas[Lake Liester Willierd Grant o! Chicagoi, is' oecool reerivet] bis fourtb ertiricete tb re yeer. lie basneyer beru abentor tard> visitinkIlbe Hollenbeck larnil>. during the four yearè behu asattendd tira. Eenl Edwart]8anedt]femily bave sobool. He li he son o!ftMr. and tirs Evan Lawrence o! Gages Corners. came t6e5'bsWebhbholefor theommer. Patrick'@ parisb under the titIs, *'mb Queas Daugbters.'" Needlesa ta yl tire Qunu le the Blssoet Vrgin Marg The soclety la lnteodet].jo rucludo &Uai h youong ladies o! thre panlsb. lt la q8der the. prealdency o! Min Thereas Cuatar bam. The eSoclty ba@ uadertakm tg psy for the besutiful uev star o! lb. Virgin aireat]> inatalled ta thoebuhrabi, Tbo siler eand Roser>maclameolb4 Catimolle ladies organisation o! hbiur lob, l Its iibrd yeasro! active bIa,i' comprises aiU lhe vomen o! thea guiait vbo are Iatereitod la tue building o! theé parlsb. Ilims.Nelibs UCartlheuhmborn ~i*@c'ed preildent sudliMm T. C. Kelly treasurer vîtir MW. Reynolds. Majors,. Hogai, Fouln, Lux snd S. Devle ai cousultora. The St. Josepbsf aller bun hem do- nale] ta>Mr. Eugeaauj Mise Naie MeCarthy. Tihe Inscription on the plaie reada: "In honora!f Alruighly GaieMd Iu bonor o!f on brother Couallua. b Ertgeue sud Nelîlie iCVartby, 1912." LAKE VILLA tir. Lee Tweed and ainter, Eva L2re-. @en, vers Antîocta vieltor austFuiday. MisPearl ticCaunnsud Liei% - 1W& Lielinir. ver. thre gueeto o!1Lira. Boit 0eIlig' a t o!1let week. Chlldren'aj day vs bteerved vllý appropriate exerciees et the. M. E. chuithi Sunde> morulug. Oqcar Soreusen and Lewis WilaMéM ver. Gurus. vlaitore ou Frida> svenlag. Mr. antd Lra. Bert Osîligar ,sud demà$t ter vialtet] relatives near Pikavili., ibut Bunde>. Holpod to Kaop Down Expensea Lira. J. E Heur>v. Akron, MIcà.. talla how sbe did su: -I was bhouerai witb ta> kidusys sud bat t go assrlydo*b4sý 1 tried as@ample of Foler Kida.>ff eut ie> dit] me nomach gond Ibati «bought e a cttle, and sli hat hbaYas tme a bilg doctor's bll. For baie b A Dru«Wlto.

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