Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Jul 1912, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPMNENT. FPRJDAY, JtULýY .11._______________ fro co la reg BUTTER, BUTTER. Who heu tirs utter? tW yeu are loolilng for Butter made rm thre cesnestland pureet crearn-Butter tirai ha. s golden silor. an exquisite flavor and Crismery testc. then TrRIGGS'S GROCÇRY scortaInly tir. place go find Il. For ratiabbe Oroceries et *ieBOflbi pricee, cati on us. J, E-LI TRIGS fflOINE 2"4 ThisT'H SeaSOn for Oxfords How are you Prepared? W. juat want to cali your attention to the fact that on account of the late mson we are offering OXFORDS at greatly reduced prices, from $1-00 to $400. To b. sure, the ones we are offering for $1.00 are broken sizes and mostly amali, running i 6, 6k and 7 but they are AI stock and weil worth $300 of any mans nloney. We have theff ini Tanand, Black, Button and Lace, in ail the Ia*otals~iIf you are in need off a pair of Oxfords let us show yen what we have, YOU may be thejudge whether we are misrepresenting themn or flot. We are here to sell gooda and give our customers their money's worth. Remember we guaranee satisfaction. EVERYTHING FOR lMEN J, B Morse & Co. ýPH ONE 1, Lmibertyville, . Mlinois. T E mani the ordinary chair fl ot getting thre mot ot ofh@evening'e resi, aftera long tisys work. Riz stili tired look proves it. Note tire restfnl look amnd posithon of tre riait in tIrs easy chair, There wasn't very muîri difference in cost, but ibis man je enjoying hie evening ai home and go is his wü,e. We have a fine line of Morris Chairs and Rockers for you to se- lect from. TREPTOW & TAYLOR I NEVER COUID WRITE AN AD, THAT WOULO LOOK WELL IN THIS SPACE AND SAY What I Want You to Know IF YOU WILL COME IN WE CAN TELL YOU 0F Something That Wili Be Interesting THAT WE CANNOT ADVERTISE IA. BISlIOP, Mgr. Libertyjvide Lumber Company' D.n't put lt off. SIIELDON TO EXTEND LIBERTYVILLE BRIEFS] COURSE IO EUROPE 7ý HEADOF SHELDIN SHOOL LEFT LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION FOR THE WEEI< l FOR LONDON AND OTHER ______________________________________PLACES TUESDAY5 Teinteure pdbilcation in the Indepen- Mi»a Dora Bandas of M'au k eenr.aleid dent, copy muei bc in thre office no jeter on relative@a nd frienda i-re M.ordav.' A. Il Sheidon, baud of thre Sheldon Sehool of Salemwnanhil, ai Rockeeller thart Tuesday of ecd weeic. Adver- Mir. andi Mn. Frarnk ' lls is-ni h-t on ias.t Tîreedas l or London. tisera. espccieiiy. are asked ta lake sever8t dayo a it wseil- nnalîrnifrela- Prom there ire will go ro Ireiand, Sent- particular notice to tia ffcct. trree et Autin. R)and, Grreany ani \orway ln agria ____________________ MAr. anid Mr@. J. 8. Hyatt. andMi H or theee countries lewl vinit sorte E Oohorus ad daugirtîr ibnchen @ peut of the larges idites bis intention ire Mica Marie Haven m ie ithrg friend@ in Tusdyet Wilmette. Illinoir ing t.o extend hinawork so tha' It iil Mlwaukee. rlth hlIold Mr@. James (ierred and daugliter Pearil Mre Chum. Seller and cihilr-n retîrrîed enrcietr eosioi opot Stiay it reatieset ntocl.borne ibis week alter an .-iî.-rrd.d riwit Since threseirool first waeî fotin deti il <pot Sndy wti reatieaBt rrlucr.wirh Mr@. Sellers@ motber at MWaueonda. iras expanded front lime ta mmmi until Tire W. C. T.1 . wil meet selth rtr. now lt N-rtire larges' sehool or ita Emma Maibam on Tuesday aternoî(n, The Ladilea Aid society tf tliii- mby kitndi In thre United States. ilundreds july 1.4 terlan cbnrch wili meet m i ti.M r. Jullus or tudents are graduatel rrooî this Mr. and Mra. Fred Croker visited axer Treptow, Tbnrsday Blierri OS ,july 11 Chrouf seiicti teasibes the ier points tb. Fourtir wlti thir dangiter. lire. as 2.30 o'claek. or saImmaip. NIr. Sheldon leoflot La@ Hunon. at Volo. ilet your wlndow cri-eswnîhout content with titis. however, and i skes Micaes Mabet and OIBdys Edwarde ai frBmoo et thse Bouc LuitraarWtoextrand biis work o htiraIIt seul take Wanksg.n, spent Suaday et tiraborne 0ot Rbert Scott W% lSaturias itiru In thre ehole word. beievlng tiat In Mr. and bdri. Fred Crcker. Party of rBIlroBd eniptoyes from other EurOPe be iha. a 1130t PrOmbing ieltd. Mdimes ertbu and Dorotby Sortiranspoints for a lwo weeke' fiphing trip to I Blà IicipBitIODB are raized it le of Wilmette, Illbnois, rsturnsd borne Tue&- MnocqnB Lake, Wls. pirOle tisat lie seul estubita a dey fweendng sverl dys iMra. Samsuel J. Emidis>', for tbe Pest te briurch of bis scitool In thse différent 9. E. Elswonlnvrth. cwtheontrfi sebere sucb a couirue seeme H.E.Elsorh.MOntrs emPloy.d aM printer et tibis dibe George Bi. WWmnr, a prounlnent and 0office, h irsgned bis position bers anid ~ .. m bigbly rsspected reident ot our city, died acepted B itoBtlOU aa makpurp on trip ait is omeon Litsetret ue@dy Wukesn DilyGazttebusiness loertin Waukegan. sirmir to attems oeon b Ltake sîr apetTairDitWnegn athe eteiiplan adoçted In Chicago and otirer .iteni. Olnr' ilapernx iî8.eHaret Sm&]e andiîls,.Bond large citie., ihue met wselr oco... and wek.were la&t week In ttendanr r- upon the thse firet lecture weul be dolivered tre- Tire Lad ea Aid societ.t ofthte Pr"bcY>- wetminister Gulid rconvention Bt fore tis club btu te cotincil chamtrbera terria churcir wll irolt a baker>' sle at Winonla Lak',m rrn tfllcea rdyngi r rIos fts thbe Paul Ray' Fnrniture Store, saturda>' delegates irons the locaul 1 npter. lecturem- connected witirte Sheldo alternoon, Jul> i6, beginnllrîgaet 2:30 .Ilyorr wanît ooesil votr îrainmai us selon]. predic4sta irt tirere wel ire o'lok.fuldescription, local on nil Iprrie. thirty meniers tri fthis rlas-s. Mica Flora i4îaplr-.sloft Tueday fur a <<<5îîftA & iC~CJVRr,3:7 \ I ,-nnrn Si., The subjeet of tire lectîre wbilh tiw eekgs varation trip to [enver, Chicago. -41-1 eiarr.s at 7:20 o'clock sitI cireIle- Coorado Spinngs andi other points in A Libertyville ei l- i adt a nea. Building. Salesnansnhip and Gen- Colorado. Mires [anna front Waukt-gan, rsther difficurtl ime on -r ',mlry af eraI Self De'veiopment.' accoriparsieti bers. ternoon wseeattemptri- - tord lire Mies i Iin ana, front Walworîî, W,@., riser near tire CoPetanrl - nue lIn the A Pet edn nLtwe u h niddle or tire river t;,- rses andiPet Wedn vjsited caveraI daVe lest wee l. anin iiti hi an foepr fti ekwiîir lier aunt, sgr ereMiitii snt n lss Emmra F.ilosseli, daugirter of forepart u,1teveaibiMsm.Cleelnd e-began lu sinki. i it -rni,,ti, twts Mr. and %frrGo@ssel ot Rockeieller. s-as turae to Il îl--thnd. brs Teatine-hours efforitetagel linýr, .1j marrieti at tse, rîlur-k INVenesdayaiter- The.' Itest addition tr tIr.i îracîralnoon. theti- senty-niniir of Jimie 10 Waltr Ierrik rturnd fst wek ortingenr-y in our r il- i.-;j chiken lMr. HenrrvA. Kullman rof Barringion, front a ibrPess-e-s businestrîi to tetictr . îîîp ti e Pran linoisatî helocal lutièrarncliurer.ltev. saist. Hie cousin, Mli ns oa Clinken- Ydu-ng. dman, ia.t . -.ran .0.Bpgreanthsrvc.Niq berer o %'st olwl, Maiebn-sdi-r. hbdatia prineizi- i tîrat Ffrieda[Bers of IOak Park. piayed tire gtioiipaui.'d blu rle.'wîere ,he wlis ioseetiympturme utfi r rsore-bridai rrus troui[Lohenrin. Thre de- viil for sorie.-ime. tbmniz on tirai rrder, a ni I..r--rit- ld to curetions f thtie home andi eburcir sere lOns oflire rint Important salesofttire perforro a surgit-ai i rrrr . . paîtrand awhite. The bide -rre seile setotin Bloe-nu ýalliewsemiade lest HPt herper-, r-engin \1 i i iekjort laid cri-pc ni-erdrap-a sitir point Veniloe meek s-bsn N. E. ljatzert l old tirheast 1hlm, -r a block fi.lil, atrietlace. wiîir a vei l rappd ailiriles of tire irerdtiblil l'rinr-e Ylnma Sîtfford Il11hand i-ad d tiwn.audti, l arp kmue vaileY Sirecrîrriedth ioa-cr bouquet ot 474(J10 tirH, V.Till, ' vof Solîiers (iruve, lance.'i@iris esailîrer aildtîr open iri bridest roses aird iiîY of tire valley' Miss Wîe Tire jrice pald îr lire Prine-. sas craw airere ihe fonad tlin -1,îir mt.îinge Laura Kablmrimsi- iterlirte groolmi. - $27114 in a trarranu te n rg TIesireos-as ruaiti if ironr rard Mies Elsie [Boers Mr. end Mr@. E. E. EIisseirtlr are Ibis rernirvi-d. dr-sseed an.,I oni-i l itire If tOak l'ark, brîdsmard [bth s-crs ____ enetinn re.i-lswortîih's nn"d andilet tir etntiiýr g ý,Il Hqgraeein white emrrioiider> uv-r çinik __ e tos otrta J.n.rng si nd tw aid thaI naw li--b, irtr o-as as anmd -arried i pur bridle m riveet Lariora a n d i P o u li n e , o! B a r t î s î. illi Li rie . r . a n a Bp ptite a n d t i sd u l a v -i g r -a t c d nli -u ît a . i c a r rie d ea lb a s k e rt m a rg u e r ite s . Icanipie o e .Young Man tri banig u is 1k-rîrnîrgle- andi G. H. Kuhîman as relier. A recel,- __________________ ion fliowed ait tre brides boume a boe Kerrueha rau sure onit up horme base tables were spread for 1111>' gueste. Tire b al lt-anis .ast Suntia>' sbPsent la MIL ER Church Services. lbridai roupIe receivestiman>' beautitul -- Eockefeller a testai witir aa ns egged 10:00 a& m ll iuting, Rev-j. f vresots. The ir> elspendti ieir bouc>'- pltt'ber, and ti 'ir ad tire>' iat airer MacOuffin oo triui cripplefl In tireir lneup, too. Wonder 10:30 a. Mn. 'o-ar-ing, Rer. W. I'. why Rtockelsler sould't make arrange. Whipisie. Subi Thie-Seat of Autirity.' mente for a gam instir a bell teamn and 12MBil hoI JUNE RECORD MONTII rut tire marinles' gag. 7:0 p. mn. Epsrrin Leaguv. W. L. FOR 14ÀRRIAQIES Ars. C. H. Smiîth firam Los5.ngiiis, Cal., Wipple. Sublrî ,-c "H- e ha Beside Blm- self." q eçending tbhe summer sitir relative@ Wedneetaýv, 7:30 iraverenvr-e. NUM13ER OF LICENSES ISSUEO andi friende irere Sire s-as formeri>' lis_______ HERE THIS MONTH IS MUCH Alice Corlett and iras a bost of trienits RG HA EV BF E in tinte cil', airalg livdhre n ienuno0 Presbyterian Services LAGRT NEVRB OE about twelve years ago ireuni cii- sent 10:30) a. rmt 'tornitng worshir' S - WOULD INDICATrE THAT WAUKE- to California. Thinsle ber tirst vsaer berstef-et: "tetneiilrei the Sabirathir la>." GAN S5 GAININO MUCH FAVOR turin tir twele >cre 1 -45~ rSîrIr .iîl -- -_11111 --- i A S A GRETNA GREEN %londa>' A. R. Scirnae-lsle puri-ireetinru 7:30Up. m.~-li tfw-irirlip. iinlli-rt, Te nu -bero f"Jüne ,----si Chirîcan 0w145 mnors@ poiser seven 'Spritual Fruft.Tr uie fJn edns1 pasengen Sciraciritournis- rar, aitirhe Wetnesday -.i311ipum. l'rayer meeting. Wuea rsirknalrcriI same time îakhng tire agi-nu> for Lake I^re- tlî iraveirsg been le- count sitir exc]uinsi- rigit Thtisrar ie lied Ilp to 2:30iioclork Sat. arternofl buhît b>' tie Sibar-ht Motar Car Cro. of Private Sale w ithr lie îrobabirllty lirat severai more Cinî'Inuati Oio. and retaia et $17.-0. wouid ire ssued lefrnstire close or Besjdesarompletelhneoiîleastire relin-les Wll osiIl uiitar t. nining table and i thsnst irksofietisatr tire>'produce a lin@ of truckse - ngin cirair", iron1., iîrîr .ruge andimatîms, lir e n>t, ierkn oies ttis aite- caealt froin on.' ta six iras, dresser, ror-inr in irs, center table, bail das - l :Oa trtT ooe si t tre * cr ti l,tî r I.-î ase andi wr-ria I ay pt :;0s -tf lo si dee it-ben îa-inî.t, ilbourner Perfect i oirl se-i-rai feare t iat tire weddlngs LIFE INSURANCE o11 store, Irialinri 510v,and tinter: wonlid not take pnlace In June uniesse t li a profitable use of funds e rng furnitur- ail pn-nicttalv mnes-. Prir-es lites irrrîcî il rotctin nd ccuul.i fi son")ab,-. El 1Il ' airK, Lake sir-l, The atI hi-adai a are usmatiy tire I prtecton ati ccumlatin o i'c-ordlfrur e monlir, ailirotigirever>' I _______________________day titis titontîr bas been unusinaily I f~ L'L' ~ Il ~ V taur-inrgery o ni-r r ay igirî unir-r moorias shown th~te large numirer of th aulapWemAof tliii-1i uireyville Assr-ýurtihy. ineine- issucti l)orlng lune lu 1911 ~~N O t tosen bail. Liir rville, Ill. clamse'àrotcr oî-irnîdicd andt iirlymine murriage AN 0 RÉ 'istructiomn i n aiin mg tram 8:00 to il 1111 icctnseî, nsere issired hiere mo liraI not lthenciret rît-n of rO o 12 p ni.coitinthr iose wmicî ail n talien *District Manager Ashton Olliiig lance Saturda>', Jlyu>' satrnotetoa une Old CooyLfeIs ne o '.1912. MNlinc us rO'Connor orc-iestra. tIns -i iar is elgirien mure Iran lbat. * Olti olon>' .afe lesuranc C paa'nTikets. gi-ntî-nir-ir750c; ladties On re hutîdred (tI> -egit marriagesinu fllOfiIn <uneOffice lîncludinnri sardtirîrire U'40-2 ane monlu may flot seem many to lire $1000 REWARD WILL BE EARNED AND PAID ON SWVINGS DEPOSITS IN OUR BANK JAN. lst, 1913 AS IS USUAL, THIS REWARD WILL SE GIVEN FOR FAITHFUL SERVICE:--YOUR SAVINGS N OUR BANK WORi< WHILE VOU SLEEP $1.(oO OPENS AN ACCOUNT PAYING 3 PER CENT DO IT BEFORE JULY iOth THE FIRST NATIONAL BANKI NEXT DOOR TO THE POST ONFICE ' to lhinttîhual n lake, two tu niahs a niarriage Ih le seen liraIlire totai realiy is rousiderabe. ('uîni Krlarts and the axiom tirat Maa r-aail live cireaper Iran une' are lau potentft(artors rhir miaIre tire litiîci of tire marrlage license clerk i niig bît duillu Jue ant i le nel- -ornne tire nack' seasol itaiirenliru- A ulantite iroîrgi tIhe marrragi-l eshiook shows liraitire majority af conuples married hiere corne irons out or le irerly. Tire iiggesl majorlty liroirgirtirere are nî any aho t-orne frotin ail parts or the country. It would seem tirat eacir year Waukegan is galinlng more favor as a Greteai Green. 'Fhere is nul afarnier ih. îhn, eounty who shouli flot hae a 1tiik- ai:omnt. If yon bave bills to pay, whether îhc% Ile large or small, >oar check will pay theni ariid ou :lways have the rîglit change. It wotil.lile a pleasuire to have yotrr naine on aur booko. 'iou koahuw tu farm to the beist advantage. l'armning is your huai- ioo. NNe know how to handle rnoney 1.0 the best advantage. Banking je our business. (urne in and we will talk over farming and hanking anrd perhaps it will prove to our mutual benefit. The be@t chair in our bank is flot toc, good for arry hionest tiller of the oi. Lake County National Bank Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits $88,000.00 There'. Money In The Farth besisies the goiti adsilvei that are sainsti. Mon.y cgws wh. Èlamtsd lwgood i * dRo e is ate. t irow. tut a. sd ther ea e no bettur or snfer . esmei %a ay .oflbthe r- ioss prapeties. we eBow et- ferla5 la sirswd invcatcra. W., are in the smarkelt tobey, «sà or eccIme & iii s o f rail wsa e a r emgéod poopie ta set Bcquinfled W"f. N UF' C ED. A. R. Schnaebele & Co. Real Estate, lrtortgage Loans and GENERAL INSURANCE Luce Building PHONE la Libertyville, EL H. CORLETT Q. A.FREDERIMK Corlett & Fredericks DZALERS IN Fancy Meats and Groceries Phone 30 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS- A Few Special Off erig For Hot Weather Wear Men 's Balbriggan Underw ear. these are -seconds" but only sliglit imperfections cause themi to b. marked tess than 50c, ail sizes at, per garment, 88c. Boy's Blue Chanmbray Waist@, liglit or dark color, very well made for 25~c ('hildrens liomrpers, rmade of bine chamhray and trimmed with turkey r-ed, aill izes at 25c. Boy~s Play Suits. 'lwo-piece suite mnate of Brown Khabi cloîh, long trousers, special at :is4 Ladies Viion-suts, ribbeýl, made urrîbrella style, flniahed ,Ai ii toroînon lace each :iIýc. 'KNuîfort MclsW*' Urîionmtuits, the coolest and mrost cornlort- able itting tunlerNvrir made. l'ure white bleacbed and nicely firnished each 50)c. WW.CARROLL & SONS CO. I ~* TWO STORES INSURE ÂGÂINST FIR!- IN ONE 0F THE MOST RELJ-ABLE 'FIE INSURÂNCE COXPÂNIES IN EISTENQE THE -NEW HAMPSHIRI]I- Charles D. Proctor, Ageimt ILLIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Pis.. -r .', = ý %XJ1

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