Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jul 1912, p. 11

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ILZEOOUITY ID~IE~TDNT.F!RIAY.JULV 12, 1912. li MIL tu I PBIC BCLS sa, GITH LIIDLfIY81 IRE Ta Arthur Simpson, County Superintendent of Schools, Given Credit by Teachers for Vast Amount of Work Accompllshed DurIng Past Year. Complete List Herewith lda G. 'hlilulansetii- Wast-tbut-y school. S2hen Zimmet-uan, Lt-ieecHaines, Owen larnstaithe, Milerva Edy, El- aie ('uiaae, Merlin NMügartan-<,it-nee schoui. Floreunce Johnson, Rdw lhn, At. Une Biel, Raymond Goodman. Eti- an K. Williams, Gertrude GastfielI, John Sdnneller, Leslie Stryker - DeersltI choot. Everett Lawson. <(harles MeLdrum. June Prit-e, Rose îI,(klan--Spauld- luge et-hool. Elie Carr-oll, SaieFlood, Edwat- Boedt. Walter Rîîd -Warrn-ton Josepitine Tn-ite, El ward ',)'Brien, Ellen Htornîerwet, Wibmo( st-boci 'hetire iiasuey, William R.aung, .Margaret Webster, Juilus Laegler, Ar- T.ý ARTI4U simpso.%. thur Coweli, Patîl tluzlk, EIiti Light, Coucly Superiefede telof ctoolg. Isabel Hneti-Highwood ictîoo Educetor w~to bos due mare thoan Mabel <Cle-York House s-boul any une persan In Lake county te ln- Ireae Schumn, mlery Hart, Niliner cress. the off cl.ccy end adsptlheilty lap&sm. (Cart-oll Leunizsg, Myrtle and general wurth of the grade schaIs Kelth, Jerry Rouse. EWAeil Pus-k, Bes ara af Lake county. One hundred and sie Massek, Josieph OiKeefe, iidred e.ghtymine students wece graduated lanicon, (;erge E, Powell, Luther f rom the elgblh grade@ of the puble Henry, Sigrîl Neson, ffuna Nelson. senoois af Lake counly thîs ye&r. Jusla Kamlnsky. Bestrwe sWcLaroeu, Twenty.cine atudenîs mals an aver. sabelia Jae-kaoo. Verona Beecuon. âge of over 80 per cent in the final Fnel Sreen-Nonth Chit-ago as-boule. elghth grade esmmlnations. Sixteen Lýeisul Perrî. lDos Bennett EKIi tudents were awarded Licdley echol. Dinamore-North Prairie sohool, arsàipsandsci ghty-eigit tunients A wRdwaL iolman. Evangel lngwer were perfect in attendnce for the sou, Tort-ens-e Foa"d, James year. 1Entit. Arthur- <'ristiaumen. Alie Kit-k, Helen Bentsen Wiulhrop Hat- lie hundred andl forty-elght tÀke but- a-boul. <-,unny students resta lut-I setlfteateâ litazel Dat Is. Merle Englebres-lt. .4 6-adutioz fi-m fit-e ehti grade (irltlueý Smit-U-be-tyuiiie s-oul. front T. Arthuir Simapson, courrty snp- George Bingiam-Fýox Lakée sebol. ernlondent of scijools. IHobart Bergboruu -oney Laite "If ibis number saneteen ara reml es-boul dents of N7ortb tibiosco mai vlcintty. John H. Prehî-Lake Zurich ichool. List of Graduates. Cen-le Panzer--Slearn s-boul. T4- -gmIPIOte MetOf the tihth Estheri Carisun, ASIce Larson, Les grade jpupis of Lake sountv lu whom tjhase, Manthe Walklrck, - Russel dploum .have been granted-. acool. Waler FIraMer-OicOory edsooî. N1iîlie M. Dowell 110. . vlle oc-boul Tventy-Nine Scholmrs. Rlemee M fllk-ool i qooi 'l'wenty nine of tiese iludeuts made WiAiia M . Masoni, Alnia i. Er«I- an average uf ovet- RA per cent lu the ger. Flusle 7s . Eneadie, Thereala F. final lghth gr-ade examination. AmnnunHait Day a-iol. Ille ounI> pertes-t taIxepewaa One- lu Gert-rtîle 013.Keouth-l.yor sctioui. an-iteltlc haudet- in b> Betty Dur- Rosettae, oppen--ib echuol. honwof ut le Lake Bluff isehoul. Walter J. Furblck-.43rasa Leke Leeiie Haines, 99---Gut-noe oes-l. s-boul. aliver Wii4uu, 7-Laite Villa. Oazel A lel-Bean Hill sm-oul. William Nfe.Nahon, 87 Laite Villa. lia G. jensen-i3akland sboul.Nfarguenitle MoNflotnk)gi, M -AntLi- Rutht H Polloc-k, Vera1 i Mller, os-h. Miaalîne F. Stranq-Crnaib isbuol. irene Schusman, 86--Non-t. ClÉce, Olive J. Yoîîng, Marguerite Paddlos-,it Ntaielle 1i Ririardsloster J. lannond.Luither heury. 86-Nortà Chicago. Vers Tiffany, HarolHuber, Rfle KIna NMetcaif, 05-Stefford. Kelly, Mlarguerihte Mt-Cullough, Don-j Alite Sehendon'!, 0-au-u aid 8S Smart, Laurel D Powlee, Cat-ou. Nihnet-Eaphelm, 85-Nonth 'bis- iyn Osnmond-Ar*iooh st-bnci go. Pt-no). htîthiord-Daviln os-boui. Kit-llIaPunck. tS-North (Chicago. Nlilnie B Johnson -C(Ourtnelt Betty Duriot-ow, 6-lI»e fluff, as-Ijol, Ethel Cole, 83-LaIte Bluff. W-.ater- J.Weiduer -tptakisfit Cat-rblî Lennintg. 83-Norti OMica- ~shool.go. Frances M. Baud, Gladys Btoncheon îiîa Batteralil, 05-.--rayalake. Alilse V. Ssheudorf, Winnltred L. Leelle Stryker, 83-Deen-feld. Btrown, NMrgaret l1ampsere, Alla âmte Frie. Ç SpouaiSga Ca4-,Wau(-oida e-boul. Batel Deuls, 82 I.bantyviil8. i7tber O. Frankilu Avmn <enter Doris Benne]], tl-North Prairie. ss-hooi. Mary Hart, 81-Non-hh Chiciago. Lyman DennLisun, StelaeM. Kemrr. REuthar Carlson, 8l-Riseli Pearl E. Leonard, Geortge E. Itusker. Wnnifred Brown, 81-Waîncomda. William J. McMahon. Oliver Vt. WiI Besle Mî..îs, 81-i'oon. ton-Lake Villa aboul. Ruth Neville, 81-Geayabake. Ruby A. FaIs-i. Lillisai E F'alch- George HuokIer, 81-Lake Villa. SanI Lake s<thool, Flte i "Fakln, S80-Avon <'enter. Ruth Neville, [eua Pt-alier, Chat-- MyrtIe Rarndon, 81"-Plini Cresit. les D. Ris-S, Almoul l7iurwell, LIta Illadys Odehh, 80ý-Stafford. Batterasali. Rachel A. Smuit, Russell Elward Bostedt, Ou-Warrentcn. KaVte-Gmyginko scioui. Edti Dinsmora, 81-N.orth Prairie. Charles hanxibat-lain - !va0hoa Flvery iowmiilp lu the gete te l schocil. gran ted aa sboiarahipla * e iate nuIt Betty Darborow, Ethel ,.%f.'oieniai schtoI for Ue pupUi naldng ths Kenneth Nesf. Mrgaret Mawntan ht-set grades la that towétip ln the Laike Ruff »oh". 4final eaanlton. Ifa.publi wio Jamnes B. Lahey - Waawr b ave been awarded Lindley acholar- subooî. shipe fer the yeat- 1912-1915 are os Ethel Crawford. John B. Putilil oliovuts Ros's"raus-boul. Licdiey Scholarabips. i 41-12 Doris Bennett. Ha--t-it Eflbuaàn5-.ukta-boul, 46-1l1 Flter uars Stanley Eidlei,fMet& Mruuke-Swan 46-10 Willam MOMIIoil. es-bool. 45-12 Luther Henry. Turner XýViocx, Clhrles Vueliker, 46-9 Marguerte MdWilo*L Aima 1. fBlas-k, GeoSge H. Rouese.Buth 45-11 Legile Haines. A. *chl-Rcsele sSl. 4F-10 Olive WIIton. My'tile Hasds- PFlint Creek 46-q George Btnchmn edicol. 1. 44-12 Iran. Schunmai Trans-la Moubimr-Hows .aool. 44-12 Razel Davse. Fi1-111,06 Edn& Matirai,,GlaYe L4 44-14 (lianes dh&Miqatn. Odetl, àftb*rt R. H.MOWer-Otaftord 44-4 Alies-Jaesdorf. sobool, 43-3L IeWie 9mryker. XmJ&Q a e- ili.a chuG& 43-11ieazo*mille. 44E-0 e Pxui 43-9 Mytie HueZ¶1e POrfect ln Attendance. AlthouZIh lait Winter waa the cold.- est la theze parts ini mal)> >ears, ei&t3-eiglt studeu1.k, Bjteiiued oery gelalon of the @choole during the yesar lhbe etuder"tsperfect In attendante for the year. Eirner Nord ineyer--4'I y neii s titI, ilblxie Milis, heleal IAIBls-,0on seooui. MIxner utr enli]chl .%IatiailJack-k4trubIî school. Nlallrhle at-Rournd i akese hool. Wille Sheehan-('hrtinel lAlke ('hârlsuY Oat-ken., Nyrtio a'-kerî, Waker J. Scott- North Prairie sedoool Cltara Edmond -Hockaday sxhool Alvine ByeAdolpb Boyo-eîu Wright echool, (;eurge liu,,kr-Atou Cellier Olive Young. Gordon Wells, Niar- guerite igavage, lrene Kuelman. Wai ter Harrower, Cari Nether, Alorizo Runyard, ipeae Runyard, Jtnette Wlulace,.Marie Wheelock-Rosenil)e sci)ool. Vsther ilodge-'-eerlield srhoxult AlIese Kirk, Donald Petersont. Wln- throp Harbor sohool. Della Hanson-Volo sthool. Olive Patch-West Newport sehool. Mildred SOser, Harlan Lon4y, Rus- se]] Sehool, Blanche Adlams, Jemste Hurrie. <'o- ta Powerg. Nathaile Olsen--York lotige tSdbool. Arthur Stoker, Eugene Stoker, Ar- tbUir IMoDoweli. itýVikfred Grf.en Waueonsla uchoot, Pvan i.awrens-e, P-ancs t'a es k <leges laMe sehoolý Marshzall S-hrodr-llit la> sehool. Adolph Pega--4rase Lake sehooni Carl Barthel. >iabeile Batthol, Lin- coln Rowlinx Lake Villa ohool. Greale Bauman-Fort Hill echool. C'arroll Port eu&--Rockefell er school. Ruth Neville, Rav Pester, Tonale .Noore-GýCmysiakeshool. irene L.anduyt, AlicseZ4snetan. .Nildred H-oward, Nartha Landuyt, Li- bi Wirth, H-arold Oglsby. Miiored %1l4'iiot4t, Leslie Dinsmore -GaCr- non sehool, Flent-y E1îker, I-hnnie Epker-Mad- den as-bool George Johnson-4egurtney shoul .iabel Snai-{4ilmer sehool, Edith Ligrht, Marie O'Counnor, Ar- thur E'nglund, Gertrude Smith. Ha,7ei Srnrth, Ethel Englurkl, Elizabeth OConnor, Siavnard Homaster. Fran- ces ObheIton 1tIrh wood school. Ida Oiver--Willla.m sebool, Oma~r <'at-mal) Lindon Brn- Spauldings ebooli ON THE DIAM N IL NATridNAL LEAGUE. W. L Pet. W. L Pet, N. Y. . Il 7 15 -.91 PhiL .. .31 31 456 Chi. ..42 28 600 Brook. .27 44 380 Pitt. - 42 29 592 St. L. ..30 48 385 Cln...38 36 514 Boa. . ..23 63 303 At Chicago- R. H.AL New York .... 000000000-o 4 1 Chicago .... 030»00000--3 5 t Âmes Meyera, Tesreau. (randall, Wilson and Hartley, Richie and Archer. At st. Louis- Bsto>n-St. Louis-Calied eud thIrd aceount dark.noss. At Cincnnai- Brooklyn Cincinuati-Ramn. At Plttsburg- Philadeiphla-Pittaburg-Rain. AMERICAN LEAGUE. W. L. Pc't. W.L. Pct. Dlos . ..53 25 679 Cleve. .38 39 494 Waah. .48 31 608 Bel . 3 9 39 W0 Chi .... 43 32 573 StIL. 21 52 288 Phîl...42 3 60 N, Y. . .19 52 268 At New York- R. H. I Detroit... 6 00 ô0 00 32-11 16 1 New York ...O10l11 O000_3 9 5 Dubuc and Stanage; Ford and Swee- Dey. At Boston- R. H-. EM. 3t. iLouis ..... 300113001-9 18 3 Boston...10,l001000--2 8 1 Powell and Stephens, Ballent, Pape, Colîjus, Smith and Cady. At Washington-. R H. l. Cleveland ..610000000-7 7 2 Washington ..j 0 3ô2 001 1-8 13 1 Baakette and Easterly. Grooms, Cashion, Vaughn and Henry. At Philadelphia- R. H. IL Chicago ...000000301--4 6 2 Philadelphie, .000300000--3 11 4 Peters, Lange, Walsh and Kuhn; Piank and Elgan. AMERICAN ^ASSOCiATiON. W. L'.Pet. W. L. Pet. Col. 3 0 663 Mil. . . .40 50 444 Toledo .54 32 628 St. P. ..37 52 416 Minne .2 34 60- Louis ..32 61 386 K. C, ..42 45 483 lIn. ..23356375 At St. Paul-Toledo. 8; St. Paul. 2. At M Inn eapolis -Columbhus, 3; Min- neapoils, 1. At Mlwaukee - Louisville, 7; Mil- waukee, 0. Second game--LoulsvîUe, 2; Milwaukee, 7. At Kansas Cty-Indlanapollb 1; Kansas City, 4. Second game--In. dlaill, 8; Kansas City, 8. Everymane Wilfe. TWr& cly nsbriget voman Ln t%,p wotM; se . hamarried aven- A~É~GA ~ILL The Three Grahiam Brothers of Long 4-ake-Thu"eé"- WELL IN FRONTof the Very Best Shots in the Wurld. I Hfer Athlètes lako Great Show-. _____________ ing at Stockholm. I MANY RECORDS AND SURPRISES' New York Policeman Takes Shot Put tramn Rose of Los Angeles- Sprinteras and Pale Vaalters Ready for Fînats,. Stockholm, July 11. - Recor8dsid surprise@ lu abundance nmadle tli fourli) day of the Olymnii onrteus____________________ the muest noteworthy of ail the excit Ing days that have reudereti the pires-_- enl meet the greatest ln atilltic bis- Chief was the defeat of America greal quintette of midl disdîtance, E. S. GRAHAM. THOMAS GRAHAM. i. R. GRAHAM. runners ln the 1,5M0 mlr final b), the young Engllh collegian, A N S9 Above are Shown the Likemess of J. R. Graham, Who Won the Amateur World'a Championship at StoekP'olrn, Jackson of Oxford. A sweep for Sweden, Recejty And Hie Tw o Brothers, Thomas andi Edward, both of Whom Have Won Signal Honore Anierica was configently tooked for lu. t agonigan d in Various O ther Cities and Town& in the COUfty. This avent and ahin the Englishman heojed Kiviat and Tabac at the filih- there was gloom ln te ap__________ Qui____________ et-en the landlng of ailt Pae,1 Felnthe s lt put couid nu FEAaEECOR JUDGE BEN LINOSEY LOR IE! VOTE big surprise, tbough Ritdid flot affec t the seoring for America. Tht- et-ni1Fmu evrCide ug had by general consent t1-en crtpeeuleLL CET AW AY Faou' u A AIN OEIAYED ln advance th ie Les Angen tuiant. Active in Third Party Cause. bIt thoughBesarceiy a Ia, id in tb, __________________ Pal hicDouald, the Imodest New York !Tafti and His Managers Con-Unx ctd eghof ebt policemnan, metapborlcl l tw the ex ctd enhofDb e Goliath of the shot-puttlng sorId and fronted by Serlous Situation. Brings Anothor Recess. finished i l it -place, naking the nuew Olympie record of 1-1eet4 luchos. Rose wa oIly the extra fou luches bhhnd and thîrd pulace Tel t THIRD PARTY IS AFIER THEM DIECISION 15 EXPECIR mGaK L. A. Whitney Of thaesostn A.C., another of the supptennvntary men >____ ,bh) Jutified hfis msklng thetrip l-pt Sweden ou bis clientibok Nal n udeiEetr.WoeSenators Surrounni Jones of Wae$ng.. There wassm on lu 0ufrlt Names Are on Regular Republcan ton As He Sjpeake ln Defesef defeat of the Amerîca distance un- Ticket, Are Deciared Roose- ..u. . .' Illinois Man-Smith Huil ners lunltesgrand Rhoalut maIe by velt Men. a Challenge. .i the sprinters and pole %allers. lu the pre liminarles of the- "o)(ruter_____ lash Thiers, were elghleen h-ats and lu eigbt eof hem Amerirans fla-tted by Washington, Jul l -The situation, Wasinlgton, Juiy Il -kctot& on ~the the julges Étrst. This pet-ct ttta'e confrontng lt-t-vident Taft and the Lorimer case was delyl un»itlq weil maintained lu the st-tu isaI t-on- regular Republican organization l on accourt ot the dclate liIi îîg uninez tests aund'011 but il ,,i otiv te bei onî tniore t uottifsed et-n-l dy iPectedly proloied. A t . is , e 5. x- speedy sprinters trom A, rn tta I' h The it-esidentas poittcal alt*isera pected lods' li0wes vi Cralg, who bas oirpadî utthe 1tlu art- fou ttni'-'t tculln-T .î ....,.,', t- ahitt~îie4. ,r;it3,. meteru te the trt-dit cf . . il thal Colonel Rt o-, om (.'iu t i, l Te hune for snl iot l'n jtI,-iit, ,ti. It lvî eîî the first serti t al IlptsîtnJUu t ,t~.t ,tl.ttuîe As a rt-suit ot the t ilte psle Net SI. .nlîllct', nriit 8slibe vault there t-tan ,Il 1 1q iiil t ponderance of Amreric t- talent toeOilerBut ,,tus aut - îit ltI ttu îî t utlit ù,îtl ilbe compete lu the final No les@, han the sumne cttoirdînfut i t Iti e hurt onln-.u.,Iittt.ilt5'i- elght men carried the 1 ntted States ed' at Rooseve slt by lie Taft peuple, goinatr IllLu 9t~nians.~M shield 01er the tweîve feet that earn- wbo are getting ready te aculehfi ealmWliniAL ed them places with the representa- of planning to "stel the electît' ugeLntlet s a tetidna Igan. reenting lte ort-repeat*4 inateFk tIves oftlhree, ther nations. These through preven' ug a fair selection of ,,)usie tt r ttk, aeune of the arîlce lu2 tie face of public sentlp eit mon were Frsnk T. Nelson, formerly jelectors lun many ot the 5ta15 Ih-e tni -«I. teIlustgned tiecoer. lVi5lig h vte gar it of Yale unlveralty, IFrtank B. Murphy, This question 'ott tletcors la reallY h -11sIru!itNaoi P0tsi...t-Yhmasatnglevoe g1ntt* assuing lariiin proortinstor t&, l"hid t,ld it thicago Aag t6. esla Ilinois senator. wis on his, lestwI University of Illinois; Hat-ry S. Ba.b- h assu tnpeoplle6prprtom & tu tIr tndpss n u li5nnln sn cock. Combia unît emt-It. Marc S.teT.tpol 1,t~- ,î~- Senator Smith hurled a challenge Dukes, Noir Tork A C .;S.80 Beilah, tors wo t-re Roosevelt men, but1 decreed political leatSi for any se Mutaontah A. C . Portland, Ore.;abuhse nanies aI 0e con the regular ansm..UPl h tor *ho ljidnet fine up with the Prak oyeUliie-n Chetiîcago, Republîcan tickets. Many et these ;for LolILU . He lenouneed the and W.,Il. Fritz, <orueil.letrhaesi ityta hyjyinheavtzMo woull vote for Rooseve tlt and meet Ijry(leivetgtlnasci WEATHR FORCAST of the- others are leanlng toward thae from Senator Lorîmrs triena, ______course of action- Chosen President of National from the wltneesez agalnst hlm Indiean& - Genet-ali> fair today and The situation mealsthat Presîdeut 1Seassci tio.rlclmJ os ad iulcated. tomorrow; llghl 10 moderato variable Tafh elther bas get le nun bis chiances Educa1toa oi ation meHis maxcaewen th li a wiuds. b> asceptlng tbe Roosevelt electors vlsbsovîlntal teanA flltnois-'l today; faîr, eumewltat electel iy reglilar Republcan etleviehscnvcinta Warmer in western sud southera pur. Organizations or else liev lla bave te Lively Timtes ln Chicago Convention, of tie Henulng-F'unk suit wee p: 54 lions tomorrow, light te moderato put an ludePeodent set etftlecture lu Wtlt Accusatons of AillSortes oe ie trinet on. rLo il variable wlnds. the fiel Flying About. eator oes.l vleira l WWo"n-Pair. somnewhat warnner Sevet-al "et->serious confereuces ___ iiemti oneasd he vsican e mpt"n lu western portion lulay; fair, wan-nu were hId at the tIhile lieuse in re- ed lu reply. He sbouted btcil, *attem or temorrowlilgittlu rnoderate north- gadt-titethe gt-tsing mIn att ever Re- Chlragtî. l\it l Rdwat-d T.Fair-. otechte are >te Mdih1g eriy wluds ieconutng variable. Puoblicain etectors. Tue couferences Clilîl. t-tii tt-tttidint or srhools oftehecagaurdlIlhemhi4 reiated chui t ata, ot e anai tusttîi tteilo he eluator. Senator Galilger. the pro.., THE MARKETS kota, Pt-ansylt-aîiiu. C.iifornia. West Nationa l itdlttat total at-su lallun atter asgadi ntiofr rppelntelwThéb Virginla and otbet- staies in wici soute îrt-lîiuîntariest alictst au excitlug sonevits aiment nnprecsdonted le Chicago Cash Grain Qutations. tht- coonftion bas aiready developed a sett of tht- -s-elint lItptbllcan ns- the lignîfiel soats. Whet-No. 2 tel, S.41.6u or is immitnent.r titiuil ii, itttjolitSenator Kanyop waa on hlda 4f No. 3 red, $ 2ii t ;No. 2 hard Pesidîl Taft han sent oui s caii Tht-ru ýla ct iutiont- ot Intimida-wtbmrQeUO.Bfreh ol winter, $1.03eI.01 6, Ne. 3 bard winter, tu bis tt-lendslunIKanusas abe are ilion,. t-t-arn -iiert- tttics and genqra i gllimoe fur eustw. or Craho col 10001.04; No 1 uortbern sprlag, workung 11kv leavers tu t-at-ty the prO- deîîîîncîatlon tuf ( hlu ioîas halug gNorthe flor ai en r.C oros $l.9@ 1; o orter srigmaries Atît. 6,The- Taft Repabiica.naseîudl îtîttoNot -e-lo aAlrhlmDamet Sa enrHm Jn $1.0401.10. Cotn-Nu. 2, 72@72%.c; i te put up a ticket ot elertors so lshieüri tuor tht- purpost- of deteating surrounded by the hostile senatori No. 2 white, 775775c;No. 2 yeiiow, hope 10 be able lu s-art-y tht-m over tht- candidat-ioft iss GîIleC. froinbis d.esk la the sear of thea su 72073%sc. OasaNo. 2 white, 480ý the Roosevelt elleclors. Straclianu tu Net-tYorttk te charnier, seemal hacheid n1 4814tc; No. 3 ahute, 46%@O4734e stand- Tht- lattu i tilsa îtîtîîîuteî on the a Jiâ h allisa nae n , 7@8c REFUSE TO ENDORSE TAFT furo h cininIvMs ath gaine bate all tanenraed u j ChictaoLons S ok.Rpublcanset- 1)eIl andtte ltl itsMatla fianceand explanatiua at 41s opponi H-ogk-Receipte 22.000.' UtiosIwReulcn Shout for Roosevett Fot- ieue out \its sut-at-bians s-m- enti. Hia volt-e penetrated te th $7.4567.72% ight tuîtcbers, $7.150 andgonttîncet-ChicaIgos-its-te5 f lu-farthest corridor ut the blig capita rangl at$7.0~ 70 ievy utchrs. nniAttait Cicao Plttori. tiiîaîlîi uttet i t taIs-l eid-tien huilding. lTram al Parts fineksd coe, 7.35 heavy parking, andi $6.6007.25 flj oinsla. Jly .Bya vtes-attain cunîrç -ut- I thlbNliqs Mar- gresîmen aud visitera. In s îeW m~ gond te choice plgs.a 7 e32le eaicnsaagaretlialu nof ( liii ugo menti s vary Beat on the-fisor ah SIS Catl-Rcetl 1,50.Quotationa convention retuledIh enlorse the na- Tt ' ttt i lti -tti o low lry wsu taken.4 rangeô at $8.50e, 9.75 prime steers, ienal ticket andithie Chicago pa-Iug tht-etulttntu ofthe îtirep-ort fut hl i Let us show the nation Obat tha cows.*60d 60seleched fosdet-i,îetm. nmniiuutttîîtu uthl h-snte laabole politîcal claoran *6.7607.75 hoIra tu prme lad beatfot-enoutn ttIu t i gît tn the Fai-prejudice, sBald, Senstor Jups."L $6.0006.60 fair te gond stockems,$8.2,,Tiet corientien ieftthle Issue ittcciî auiî,îtttr>fu otsa sso hlw r utyu 09.00goodte coiceve&lcalva "hie constience orthie individuali gîn ttiii i ,t tta t-aîsu. Oele sso ha eaewr ft 0.0go ocotevlosle, voler."The Roosevelt elemeut. whltulu ntspe frMl taca. senahes tbat have precedadus. We* Shaep-Recelpte 18,000. Quotation huld i uorpwrt rdci ranged at 17.500 8.00 prime s asinois buit nohIntimernos, maIe rt soul dfee1ln hougbpowerte1h. countr Iambe, *5.505U6.25 gond te Choice ,atemlît te st-cure au enlorsement. IttTIIEnug.eelcig cf pulicout cIaiandman yearlings, $5.001 5.50 gond te choîce St the speelal meeting aithte Save; -3 Hall the worll dont know how tbév tu higb places." wethere, $4.25e4.60 fair to btagdcîelhoOwen.Rusveîtliva th.'nzelves.-Llfe I New Poloo. tate.contvention lunBte MohinesJu13 Virginia, $2.60i52.75 Par bil.; Tri. Pedn lattnecuh mae __________________________________ umpis, 70075c pet- bu.; EarlyOh meetings ai be bt-id and delegats 80#85. Ohbs, namel sud arrasngements made fo>r Liv Pou. puttlug a tul lticket lu lie fit-l. /.1 " LiiL> g LivePouiry.a resuit of the lîglit plate on tus4, o ui% J 1L'4 .i Çt Turkeys, perT- b.. 12c«. Chickens. otclia tcetle at eu Il;c ul, fowis. 14c; rosters, 8%kc; d412,c.lis-, pt-omikettthT ft esiuir tils g E ass falok.v Stck. ae tickl et abteputlls s..dlect DunngStevensalLivie Stock Bem Ont-tic egilalure which i l - mision Met-siants, East Buffalo, N. T eynuun tnnLv tc on chori the sut-ýessur te Seustor Ni. - o O C o01111,11 $ 3 .4 5 quonteas 5 ollows Catle-Rooeipti 10 cars; mai nut)r .- ecipi ., (î î l 10 cars; mtut si ong ieany,. .0i Ke nCi utn.>tû i îtff *000 he- leu ie.,ite Cehî-, nlal l.cufa0.0;Trtts Slb821 ig, At tht- 600-year-old Audlem ciurcb, < . kel strong - .~- rugula.tIy rung, eIer ac bi te date ci A IN LV CU M C E K R C5 25: ewvs. $ li r< ie -u , it.tti tttsN TO AL V C Q L A E S- yesritltn.t- . 1,'0 thresc Dolulutul ttrn - h PaOWTWO."

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