Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jul 1912, p. 12

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EN'.'. ~ JULY ir10L Pan Pour, Maubegan 1eefti %un If the commissianers of Waulctgan want ta do something which will per- petuate their names in Waukegan's hlastOry and be a big monument to them, lot them conc*lve a way and execute It, for making the Finer road ta the lake shore a modern thoraughfar. It would take but lttietot improve It raterially and thus give citizen* accesa to the lake short which they now do not have. And then. if a drive could b bult north and south along the shor fromn the Finer rond, how great It would bl Pasterity wll biess the officiais who carry out this plan even though there mlght b. a few abjectors just now. Sheridan rond bridge, with ita bumps every few feet, saà rival ta Gien- co and Fort Sheridan. In aur opinion, the placing of thase pieces of plank on the surface of the bridge, In repairing haies, places more strain on the whale structure thon con be lmagIned. Each time an abject passes aver a bump, it shakes the bridge terribly. Were the surface smooth, tht shaking WOUld be materialîy lesaened. It an easy ta comprehend how this le the resuit. Rosidents of North ttica street who are awakened before dayight each mrning by tht fira wagon and team on their sunriat practice run, are wishlflg the driver would case up on them a bit and change hie route for a time 8a as ta give thet 'awakener-sensatlon" taothers In ther parts of the cty as a diver- sion. Hot weather sn said ta Increase the number of applications af wives for divorce or separatian, tht usuai charge beng desertian. With houseworl< sa trylng as it la these hot days, If tht tables were reveratd and tht wamen de- atrted, there might bc some excuse-'they have the burdens this kind of wether. When you go home and dont flnd Just as hearty a meal as you might like, consoe yourseif by thinking that tht weather sn too hot for wife ta brail heratîf over a hot fIre and furhermore, that It s better for you during this hot weather ta est modtrattly and ightly. At any rate, we want samething over tht ravine which wiil insure tht safety of tht public generaiiy. Hardiy a persan ever passes over Sheridan road bridge but quietiy ta himatîf mutters a word of thanks for having passtd over t in safety. Waukegan people surely, durlng tht pant several days havse been kept on nettîts by senaational news of ait kindeanmd ail colora. And, do you stop ta think that ench time somebody la heart-broken as a resut of such newa havlng to be made pulic? After als said and dont, many peope believe tht lake water la bestt and, accarding ta latt tests, It le mbaiutely safe naw thraugh tht procets being ustd at the city water warks. Many persoa prefer lake water ta any other kind. The man who at Iat occaionaiiy saya somnething goad of thetotwn, or of aomnebody ln thetotwn or of somebody who helps run tht town, le a booster 4.h. who constantly "hoilers" and finds fault la an Ohsltructianist. BROTHIERS FIfihT? BOTU IN LOVE WITII TU1E IOUSEKEEPER EMIL CHRISTIANSEN ARRESTED UPON COMPLAINT 0F BROTH- ER, 0. CHRISTIAftSEN. ROTH PROSPEROUS FARMERSI FIGH-T ON FARM NEAR ANTIOCHI ALLEGEO TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED UV A GIRL. A pretty young glr-a bouse keep- ar-bas suoeed l n hreaklng the lIes nf love that hound the iearts of two young,,Danlali tarmera Who bave suc- nessfilly opeatad a faim thrae mle west of Antiooh for the paot iteen moathe. April Ise- Emdl C(tiflaansonthe eldest 0f tire two brtties went tu) Chicago and employed Miss Aicas Me- Conneîl tuo oflciste a bouse keeper a the tanin near Antloch. AU went weil at tha tarin for a few days and then the aIder bru-ther fou.nd fault baeuse hie pactier ws s pand- Iag too much time ln th bouse with the bouse keaper. The two brothera setarated afI-r a flet; one taklng tlp quartera iln a nearby botal. He re- ttimned to is houe la a few days at the suggestion of the bouse keaper. Monday nlgbt Isat Emil Christien- sen dlsohsrged ibs bouse keepar. lie tol.d ber oe was lIoafiag on the job" and tiat he had heeo uuiouccemtfi la hse ttempt to persuade bis hrotb er to keep up is work ein-ce bier ax' rival. The nng girl aoked Iri vihy be ilsharged lier. He reiI I-baht he dis obarged ber Incause abe wouldnlt Mwpak I(o tlm. The two boys had a figt and tihe younger brother clios tbe lurtner struck iai on the âbouider and tlreatened tuo chew' himr. EmU4 wa arrested Monday on aut amuit and bttaery charge. Thre case ir alîed for trial hfore JustIce of tPeueeWiLliam F. Wess Thre nom pIdnist wi.eesare tD.Ctristian sen and Miss OConnell, Attorney Geoffl FleJî bas heen retaiiad to represeent the defendant. Neighbors ta Ite Chist lansen faim tte 4 case la rnareiy one of i-ttt> jcalouzy. They daidm thaet botir men love the Young womaf. lise mtbe of th York flouse '-burol i wlll ive a JuIy blithd.Y so- cm oni tha lawn of IL 3U Woot FrldaY eventng and a snumer of lIo «Il People pan mtea.dlag NEWS ITEMS FROM NEWPORT The people ot St. Patriclca have de- cided on Wednesday, .luly 31st, as the Parlith Day this year for their annual picain and reunion. Everybody Is busy planning for the success and good time of the day for themselves and their guests. P. H. Madden, by falling off a car on the St. Paul trackw. suffared a broken hip and armn on tast Saturday. Everybody in the communlty as well as the people of St. Patricks church were sorry for him. Ile is in the Mon- roe Street hospital, Chicago, wbere be la dolng fine. One ut the beautIful figured glabs windows In St. Patricks church bas been donated by Mrs. Math Meyers In memory of ber parents, Daniel and AilîeHagerty. They had enough of hall atones ini the Grove Moaday evening to lest a week Il lhey tie careful of them. Con tributed. QAPHANAGE PLEASED (Contlaued Prom Page Oae.) 1 desire tbrough you to expressetto aUd the memnbarscof Your Federsaon Our molit sincere tiianks for t1ke do- tiertin you so klndly sent us Our large family are enjoylng very munit the sandwicohes, ham, hregui and the pies ara ladeed a treat 110 them for Pies (Io flot come. their way very of- i e. It was nertalnly very tkktoughl.ful la you and we are lndeed grtefl- flot oniy for your timely assisgtance, bubt aloo for the klndiy t.hought and lnbresta proapting easme. Our cIvi- dren thlak the 1"ourth. of Juiy Io quite an extended holidiay, so far as the "etngB' are oonoerned, and 1 know 1vou art ail glad to not oaly h.ip. but o add 10 thoir pleusure, ln ibis way. Our 120 oidran are well aow and are so g1axi to ha out agaln alter their two montins' stage of quarantine. 9 Appreclatiag aIl yt>u hava done for t is and hoplng we may ever be worthy of your c»udeýce and Interest, 1 amn noamut slncorely, > r LIJ{'Y J. JUDSON, Per M. Charles Crawford and Henry Stiang nra-turaed I" ssght f ront a fliWng trip eIn northeru Wisonsin poins. 'hee >ftwo ment expree0ed thair rmai to Waou- nkeaen Mond-ay iulght. When they ireachad hare Tuesday tbey disoover- Yed thae a large quantlty of thie fislt baild hean givan away hy titalr arn. ployes. C MARRIAGE LICENSES. Broelowee Yruszwicâ, cty ...22 Walerel Smloee,, same.......... 22 llbbn MllkowaSli5 Milkwaulse .. 1 AgluS Rigedesi, mare.............. 18 These Are Th-e Ideal Vacation Days, eHE days when the sultry heat incluccs ont to depart from - I the everyday routine and seek the cool brcczes of the ocean Sbeach, the pleasure of the lake side, and the quiet and com- fort of country life. Scores of Waukeganites are busying themselves with r ~preparations for their summer outing. These preparations - a..usually consist of numerous articles of apparci and traveling and -camping outfits. The Globe is your vacation store; it's the logical source of supply for ail summer needs; its lines are the most complete as well as being the lowest in price. You Cannot take along too Many Cool Summer Wash Dresses Dalsaty Wash Dresses et $4.98 'us ollc<tioxî of Sîini- mner Dromwo is coînposed of unumually pretty mtyles, Koîîîe umade of ail-over eînbroidery, others of daiîîty 'white lawn ai!d still others of figîîred lawn, attractivel1i1 trimmed with white pique. It's scIdon tlat 4 9 you find sucli splendid values at so low a pri ',9 Wash Dresses $1.98-Made in- many hri-n tlso fine Sheer Lawn in striped and figured effe tV ek, rm WiËinsertion and piping, others emhroidery rm 1.98 priced specialai..19 NerfollK Saits $5.75-Pîitre Liîît'îî Norfolk 'oî.iii n nttîr ai color, neatly tailored, perfect itting, beit of maiîo material, low priced at .............. ...I7 - wè7 lÇayser SÛR( Gloves At 50c- Kayser 2- clasp double uip silk gloves, black, white and ail col- ors guaranteed, pair 50C At $1.OO-16-button pure silk Kayser gloves, the finest of quality, guaianteed, splendid 10 values at, pair . ......10 Nandlierchiefs At 5 Cents, Women's pure Lnen Hemnstitched Handkerchiefs, also fine lawn with embroidered corners, each ........ ..... 5c At 9 Cents, Womien's allover m broitlered Swisa Handkerchiefs, also hemastitched linen, specîally 9 priced at, each ........9 WiIte W&iSts-Woinen's dainty WhieLngerpadVol Waista, trimmed in various fetching way t h-ty n embroidery, some have peplum, priced seila -- 8 White Shoes for Tour Vacation1 Women's White Ne-Buck Shoes-W h i t e shoeis have neyer been in as great demîand as this season. Be sure to be supplied with a pair hefore going on your vacation We show a splendid selection of cliarnîing styles at, pair ....................5 CHILDREN'S NU-BUCK SHOES AND PUMPA - Soft veivety qualit3y. solld leather flexihle soies, with or wthout tîpe tÉii sires up vo 2, pair .......2900 CHILDREN'S W141TE CANVAS SLIP- PERS-Close, flrm weavs, with or wth- ont tips, lwo straps, beavy or flexible soles, pair 80c, $11.01.2 and . . . . . . . .. . . . . .1 2 BOYS' OUTINO SLIPPERS-Made of sott pliable leather with elksltin sole, wedge beele, sîzes 9 to 13,. sizes ~f 98e, ires 1 to , pa-r- 1.10 WOMEN'S CANVAS PUMPS - Whie canvas purnos la attractive round toe lastg, large ri-hbon how. leather beels, de- tachable strap, priced spacial aut, pair ............1.50 MEN'S WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS- A large, selection of mea's white canvas oxfords la attract Ive styles, goodqf quallty canvas, pair.$1-520a0 BOYS, OXFORDS - Sot t leather tope, with durable elkskin soles, wtbout beeja, pair, 60c; wjtb wedge heels, 69 pair .................... 69 Suit Cases, Hand Bais and Trunks Vacatiouists will fiiîd an exceedingly large and vari(d assortmient of trav el ixg eq W pîîîtt at the Globe. Th'le safety of yoîîr lwlongiîîgs is absolîîtely amsured ini one of our msuit cases, haîîdbags or truîîks as ouîrs are the substaîîtial, dependcalule sort, and they ('ost uO more thaîî the fliîîîliy, shoddy kiîîd. Suit Cases from 01.00 to 015.00 Hand Baga f rom 50c to 015.00 Trunks frorn $2.00 to $1800 What is a Vacation With- out a Plunge in the Water Really hiaif the îleasîîre of an outiîug is in taking a swimî in the' watt-r, and there is îîothing like haviîîg yoîîr owîî suit. Vt'ry few bathing suits are mîade to fit the way ours do. The' aver- age garient is just put together while ourm arte siplendidly tailored and fit eîqnal to a street dres Prices $l.9»ý to $6.s BATHING SUITS $298- A speciliolTer in black and bine mohair lrthing suits 4onubination trninm 29 cidtiaturai slat tini.98 BATHING CAPS- 0 A t 10c lt .... BATING SUITS $4.98--A titre qnaiily ohair iralîing suit, vnattirai and hîih aimt t,! effect s, hi ru and tilae-k. at.. -... . 4.98 BATHING SHOES- lot)o At 25c t L .u A... . U Talle Art Needie Worki With You Many women are ini the habit of taking art needle work with them on their vacation, as it af- fords a jleamaxît pastimt'. You can obtain whatever you desire in the art îîeedle line at the Globe, for we carry a large selection of stanîped piece. as weil ais the ilks for working. Boys' Wash Suits A ipecial sile of thre famous Nlothers' Friend wasli suits for beys, h,-atitifully tailored i Il a tt ract ive Style-s of maîdras, duck, cîneviot, ga latéa, cloth, lawn1 linen, percale and khaki, $2.00 and $2.50 i vaues att 1,25 Girls' Wash Dresses AT $1.48-Dlilr,îSumfner styles en- bracl ng valti(je reg kla r] ý seiiing il $2.98 and $2 49: made or fine ging. hamos. awas and gtnghams. short AT $1.98 -('ilidreti't, relty iaw,î dresses, low nec-k, shrorti lrirriied wiî h lacre and,] eun,roI dery, $2.19Svieai_.... Men's Summer Apparel Needs NEGLIGEE SHIRTS-Men's cool summer shirts of madras, solesette and cheviot, soit collar to match, soit reversible cuffs, priced at $ & $ . ( NeSIigee Shirts with attached collai, made o! pogesilks, soiesettes, charn-50 to3 0 brays andraro MEN'S BATHING SUITS The Globe is headquarters for mensg and boys' bathing suite: we bave a s3plendid lina in jersey, attractively trimmned, 50c, 1.00.....15 Camp and Picaic Needs WAXED PAPER - 24 large eheets for 3c. CAMP STOOLS - Wlth troag, durit seat, 39C. SANITARY DRINKINO CUPS--Collapuible, each 4c. ALUMINUM DRINKINO eu PS-,Collapshble, each BC. WOOOEN PI1C NI1C PLNJES-.-Per dozen 4c. KNIVKS AND FORK- White metal. wlll flot tarish, 6 for 3ke. LAMP STOVE- One hbar- uer, lapanneil, 39c. TEA SPOONS - Whlte mataI, 6 for bc. PAPER NAPKINS--JPlain wbIte, two dozen for bc. FANCY LUNCH SETS- Crepe paper table clotb and 12 napklns for Oc. TUMBLERS-Full site, 6 for 10c. LEMON JUICE EXTRAC- TORN-Glass, eci4e. rlee vas8 1.98 STRAW HAS orU LE choice of any . 50 Tra o 98c, included are aIl th, nifty new shapes, such as sailor, l eptimo, and telescope in 9 cfne and course s8atraws ...... MENS SUMMER UNOERWEAR--Our uaderwear le nnsurpassed for fit and flneness of materials. We have hutb union suItB and saparate garments la P.orplnt, baîtriggan. soieseta, dlilty and barred mnusla; union suits $1.00 101$3.00; separate garmenta 25C ta $1.00. 8 LBiRIGGâAN UNION SUITS-The celebrat- POROSKNIT UNDER- ail Cooper and MW.te WEAR- Shirts aad Catmaks, effctfit- dralvers, tan or white, t-atmalts. î1~4 long or short îevea, tliig, $1.50 60 tc values, gar- values, at ... .5 ment ...... (c Everwear Hdosiery Everwear hose are just thes kind to wear on your va- cation becase theY are light and comfortahla, as well as helng guaraateed . A box of six pairs IR guaranteed for six moonths, three Pairs for three montha. Corne ln suIt and liste la black, tan and colors. 3 Paires slk for,...1.50 3 pairs lisIe for ...1.00 6 Pairs ligsie for ...1.50 1 - -

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