Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jul 1912, p. 4

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~~~Cf hIN Y RflF FfiflI% TINDE EN ENT~IORand fortïr4V* at enother. He,« IA E COUNTY 1 NDEPENDEMi T IDE' NDNT M' :plane&, iioweyer, tha' lie tit hh. .____............_________________ RRESTED <iEUINQ STORY, were Justiled iiln epeedlng because t OUS eTelephone Ne. 1. C:îy Edîlrs Iesidence Telephone No. 145-1- PED i -wasS 0OOr prosel tie Iat, If tbey SPE FFIFTY MILES AN HOUR me-dered 9iong. It would have been Lîlervtl. L, ,ageIN CHASING DOWN ARTICL E too late for igatuirday's pa.per and Batredat ,itýrtvile,111. e SeondClas Mil later CONSIDEREO ExTENuATING. lie woSiId have te print the article 1k. UMerd a tlwPe.,tb, ft Lii~rtviie, li a iteondClos Mal Materthe Gazette, on Monday, which, h. dld * - -FACTS BROUGHT OUT SHOWS flt cars te do. "We wattd ta get lmed Weekly Adertieing Rtates Made Koaci o n Appliation SUN BROKE ALL RECORDS IN teatcei audyntMn FOUBCRITIO PRCE,$1.0 PR, EARSTRCTL INADVNCE GETTU NO EXCLUSIVE NEWS. day'e paPer,' .aid sttupe!. 1JBSRUPTON RICE $15 PE, VER STICTY N DVANE Âtoruey exîlalned that he __________________________________________________ That courts concede ta newspapers admittod la teolt.nkal vilation bad the right te techoîcaiiY exceed muni- been made, but added that lie teit W. %J. SMITH ........................ ...... .......... ........ ....... ..... Editor e ibounds and ordinances when the clrcutnotancese vere extentintfg. IF. à. SMITH _....................... ..... ...-........................... .Maager emergencles face te newapaper ln the lie sald the. premm acted @à an agent of AM L. HUBBARD ........................................................ .Ciy Editor matter Of getlng news as a servant te the police, that tih. SUN auto wSS8 l thie publiel wa? sliown Mon. marning pursuît of newa and, beFt of ail, theY ter Taylor after hearlng evidence had gotten the. bacto on tire and had FRIDAY'. JULY 1-2, 191I2 agaloat W. 3. Smith, editor of the printed ag article wbieh lnteetedi SUN, wlio eas cliarged witli exceed- ail Wankegan a.nd whlch wa th OnIY - - iug the sPeed low, dismisied -the case, meoula of the publie knowlflX Lboult Tho main thing Ihia klrd of weather la ta refrain from eating toc much, explalnIng that while behlae violated the tragedy over Sunday. Ho ekit tat talkIng toc much, runnlng or waikingtoo mucli, and, drinking certain kind& of the law thie couîr, feit that It wis flot the. court atOUIadb. lenient lna face of Utverages toc much. a wlifil violation but one almost as the tact thst the paper waa mesreiY Inoffensive mu il a patrol' wagon had trying Wn serve the~ public. Mrs. Harlow Combe formally annauncos that marriage is a failure. Other been haltesi for speedlng when going Assistant Chie! Tyrreli senod lni- wumn by the score have came ta the samne conclusion, but the la ane of & few lni response ta a eau. clIned ta be 1eqient ln face of the tact Who have the temorlly ta came rlght eut and admit it. It was Saturday aternOon tliat the thatthle . SN vllated tthe law rnwely +_____________violation of the law was commrntted. 1n pursuit of n.wm and did fl ite lit la minuned that Stanley Wjlan. the North Chicago alrahip vnen stesad detaMsaifwhat prompted te vo- on a be.vy j"ê te etauita m akm a flight froni Waukgn serais Lake Mchigan. Mraleàsug- lation prov an Intretng Judas ¶sylar after coniderinu the. bUmo te Stanley: Try ta tiy tram Norths Chicago ta Wsuk.gmn firet. Ing boer a live newopaper GEYIS THE matter ftated that -wilue the. law wa& +__________ NEWS wben the e.r.rency prosente violatgded hiad te admit that the. cir- Woukmgan la proud >&f Jay Graham, row amateur marksmnan of the Itself evon tliough It does relltre the. cumetanem we.te dîfferent and til5t If w004i. TissI', brlnging the honore rlghî home, ian'l il? Those Graham boys breaklng of a speed iaw to gel It in <t bati b.on a "-mrchlng" party; that br orne shooter; the>' aîways land In honora when the>' enter a shoot timte ta serve the public. a newopaper waa the publics servant + Here are tihe tacts: and thorefor. h. toit lie eould nt b. Pogitl recelpla have gained ton per cent n Waukaen during the past Stturday at u:45-the SUN recelved overstepplrg bis bounds ln dismîs- yýar. Trhat's a good'barometer'of btainema gnerally. The postoffîce nover a 'uip" that two bodies had been Ing the cs'e on promise of no turther mteaepres.nts. Us recelpts prot'e conditions. The>' prove Ihat Waukegan le found an thae lake ahore north of the repe'ltlOa. fering ahead. Finer road. The last "form" of the Prlnted Exclusive Story. +______ editlon bad jnst been "locked" reody Possîily Ibis stary of the double The Chicago Tribune has started a joke glng the rounds-il says that ID go to pross- tragedy la thoeb1gge-'t iews heat a mmévmenl Io afoot la have Taft wthdraw frram the Presidential race. Thlnk Orders were gis en: "HOLD THE îlch env neWspaper las scored ln of the nerve oi such a suggestion, ater a man ha* landed the nomination for PAPER!l and, witliut furnber ex- vears ln thîs city. Thie SUN\Iteard Preetdenî af the United States. Only s "Mut"l would concur ln such a sug- pîanfation, the editor and the Clty tte 'rip" hatened to cget the farte gmliand,. whlle tee disagree wltIs #Orne et Tat's policles. we dan'l believe eeitar Of the SUN, Jimped loto the 1,-ained thpuminluicîkk lime and ho la quite such a Mutt. SUN automobile and went up Sheri- gai- e l e th le publie, No ather + dan road almot as fast as the car pî't'r had lte newus aturday but the. The local minlter who aokod men why thcy dld nt go to church Sun- could go. People stopped ta wa'ch Il SU1'N. iMoye jet a variety oi answera and at 1h11 ho miased many handsome excusas. pasa. Seeing w ha was in the car., 2jui wow noe o., ,ui say te weather vies toc cool, honce they would explain tlicee woloctked litew "emethi on_ d, ~a Mtao hot; sec them ln Winter and then it would be too cool. ls alniost remthng thse point where ministers may soon have ta consider the proposition « paytngp1 ope ta go to churcli. The more we think of it "the madder we gel" to think that somebody d14d.ust have thought ln lime ta throw out of the parade on the Fourth, the lllr wagon in which men wcre drinkiflg and playlng carda. And, ta make mat- t"e"'wrue. a emali boy was ln the çrowd, holding a beer bottle in his handa MW~In.4klng. Th. affect was anylhing but plcaing-excepllng ta a low clac& 1WMMIensm Uch a dispîmy wouîd appeaU as I'cial"; ta others Il waa dlugutng- 4i»*it It hauld have been 4cked out of the lino af match, which, b>' no.other ii[imy wasmamrred ln any ,way. Itlas bmd enough ta have such thlngs operat- ,.2q Usder the-law, behlnd doors, but, ta publcly diplay lhom and apparently '.,dlnI0f the proposition, why, anybody with good sense naturally rebels Ag iI was ir." The rin nos Made ta Finer rond, thence stsi:a far as the ma- chine could plow through the sand wierefit a a iatel and the SUN Men ran along thie lake slore ta thie epot where, juel abca tv itteen sergçnds be- fore Undertaker Hart of the Conrad & Hart lirm. lied reaclies and was survevlîîg the dead bodis o f Mr. and Mir, James G. Smith. Thie SUN men ftngered long enough ta casuîalty scrvey the bodies, tihe Usî brella and the two hats and,. making sure of thse faets. tley bîstleti lack ta tihe auito, reapedI lto Il and made off fer lte offIce ehere the SatuTday edi- tient wa ihetnc lelsifor furtiiel'orders. OFF TRACI< THREE COAL CARS JUMP THE TFèACK AT RONDouT AND TIE Up TRAFFIC ON LUNE. WRECKING ENGINE ARRIVED SOON AND AFTER SEVERAL 1-OURS REPAURE.D DAMAGE. 'rhe derailmnt Of t iire, cars Of co:al as Rtandout on the Si. Paul Ralîraad 1 L'vl' - -- -eanrace ismurullgie " kb'.y '-. -.u AS <S RA ESArrlced bock at thse office. bath m ereral bouts and causeti trains to ASKS RÀT S sarteil wark on tise 'clorY' and. send rn oaver anotiier division by way f- LOW E<EL' ~itg ta the linotypes a parogral ' a tare, V.Vryatute oan - I im stlsey smroeT.the fctcn-was kiled or serlouilly lnjured. M[Y~ RO NDcerning the double suicide o? Nr. antd The cause of the accident la nut .1. W BARWLL BR NOS E HILL Ntra. Smith were liurrledly put io kawn.allouh i XI!bave been IPSS EDITH M'GUURE 0F ROND- STEAMBOAT COMPANY SEFORE type, whle the front page, wblcii had suon defeet in the rails, sncb as their THROUGHAUR STTE R.R.COMISINy been lacked for the Pres, l'Ss preading. As thie Cors left the rails OUT, HURLED HRUHAR T RILCM SIO. oanged over toa ccomo<late the mosi îhey plled up n eucb o monner thot - - ECLA$HEBATFRTESSEREimportant story af months ln Iis they comple'tely covered the entire MisEitajicnr. !Io doul ARE LMOT A TEGIS HR i ya oywic u edwltl mach riglit af wey. The train l'as stapped b[.ts ith #y njîut reo d nglt AEAM S HA AL Contera by fne bt aitruiers af the ln tinetul prevent otiier cars being w**cWt.a park In'ortii hicsay wh RATES WICH US UNUSUAL SN.ragged off. 'à osi p aretstNor dt a hiao mer-y- AlDaole ln Forty Minutes. Word was at once telegraphed ra *S-'stid left thse p'stform and the J. W. Barwell bas brotiglt the Hil t vas Inst 4:20 w!tef the last Word lieadquartors and a wrecker l'as nt joiggirl wueshurled 1 rougit spaee SIeemship Company ai tuis cty before waa set up la type sud, lu five minutes once dfrpatclied la the sceeue. Tt re- *otn imwof ai -arly t.ven-ty teet. the. Illino~is raiiroad a.nd warehouse laler the "forme" ver, ou the prees quired several hauts diligent work la Mha M3ecGre in coanpany si-lh ite Comiion l n an effort ta see Ifte 'andth ie sensational etary ecas belng get thie cars back on tho lracka and 9tboe Young ladies l'us riding an tule "tte commnission wluu net Uawer the printeti. ta gel the trocku cleaned up In sncb -iWI008 iten the accident bappened. raies of shipntent tu Wankegata.'Te Rrntembeir-It l'as 3:45 wlien tihe a way tliat traffle coutl be resunted. 'île aalo whic:!tsotene-i the, liai e to case was a lled before the cotmiesidh message came tu lte SUN office. the Several 'trains on Iis division wer. %be MIVatving plattormn pulied out Wednesday andl was renewed today. trip wa matie a bal! mille north oi made several bours iate as a reult " «LIde machine wa revolving et Willsur Blows having charge af the the oaet eind of teF'Iner road, thie af the accident. a bMi rate o! speeti. intter for Mcr. Bara-eli. return tripl'as made, the %tory l'as Tii. yount inly s akirte le-are et- Âsked about te action tuday b>' l'titten sud set up ln type and the Mrs. Louise Shepard andI daughter t9nied In thse bracesa sol she as tIse SUN, Mr. Barweul .aid: papers l'ors belng r-un off the press Lois of Gurnee leit Ibis eveuing for tbz»wu clear- 'M the merry-ga-round. "We have fet for sntme tinte that Inide of a total of FORTY MIN- an extendod Ensteru trip, going tint 13M w« iunensciaus we2ienpcked Waukegan wlas being discrintinated TES. Itl l belîeved that tuso breas ta Atlantic Cty tben PhIiladeIpbia abd ap off te groa j r..0"-~~ againat ln the mtter of trelght t te the records for Wankegan Intie mat- thber cý.D.JVvwsgýIties ln that locallty.- Mamod. Beo~thie phcY&!ciansr arni- via boat. and accordingî>' le have er of getting a big tory of thie klnd_________________ VU sit the Park a rumnar spuso-d thai tarted an Injuir>' beore nie conuis- et the luit minute andl gelting Iltut ________________ the Young lady had bro.,:e'î ber spinal slan. lu an effort tu bave ltat body jires and tu te publie ln rapid-flire eotamn. TIhis report troveIlta be reduce the rtes If Possible. Water tia. SbowUng witb what speed Tt was taise, rates are always supposed itu be îow- furniwbed ta the public, t le Interest- ite Young,' cnnan E-Ltlered internaI er iban ralîroati rates, yet we are Dow lng ta, note that. wlien !Undertaker %Wnjnrie whiel rrsy tct '5cr '"or lite. in Waukegan PaYlug imost as iigh Hat entoetbIiCanrad & Hart un- Bbc was rernj'ed ta a lcise in the toAlsip via boutase via raliroati. Wau-1 dertakiig roonis atter rettirnlng ta aMsgtboriaod. T'libe PhýiicIan ln kegan peupile, therefare ln'our mmnd, «0wn aih ne bodies a copy ni the charge 'wauid fot Permîilier remos-al are Dot getting the rate they aliaulil SI'7N 1ay upon thie desk contýairiing ta ber home aI Itondout, cor- to thec- aid feeling that .omnebady hiad toalal thse facto abaut te tragedy. lu Aisier haspital at Waukýegan. 1 tartIt,1 Iplaceil the matter before the. oller word., ar ats for the story hsd 'e Young lady la 19 y"ars aId and c 15m810n wblch la ol' aking evi- been ecredth ie article ihad been * ln the daugliser a? a prasperaus-t d ld)ante." rtein up, the papers iirited sand *out fermer. dellvered Io is office hetore bo coulil 'Mie exaatA extent of? ber lîijurleesla EIGHT NOUR LAW EXTENDFID. drive baca frant the fiais,. Ulknovn Arreitod Salurdoy Ev.nîng. Th'Ie art ol c - _________________Washigon, Juîy ls-Attorney Naturally the apeed taieui by tIse .kxg w tle lt§OECRACKER STOPS Genleral Wickerclam lias given cin 81N enta i0 ging sp BSheridan rond in -i g w t h s iIUCCOUGHS, BUT 1T. opinion a-bicli uill oxtend tlie elit ta gCt the farts. attracied attention Ba been ntarcblog abead eteadilly ALSO ENDS EXISTENCE. bour lait ta every meclianle and la- sud sontebody, not kno-lng what bail toryears. Watcbes baveifmore bmm» - baer mjsoyedby he nile Sllom proinpted t reparted ta the police. and mmlpiteb ibir a.kiDnto-d5.7 * Lgi.poe md Iily Plsi. Previous lulerpretations ofthtie Iaw Assistant Chief 'yrrell erved paeé thiap ver. « 1>10ided a giat ire crarker rontlned lis oleratlana moaly ta thieI0on itheS1N ediilr Sa'urday ngitt and And .1111 bhev are gettIiitcbespeir :tâo biddd of James ileGionan at "pubic warks" sucii as fortifications, lte hsaing rame up thie mornng ai tbewhlue-whil s mterattsOit0, A 146*01 0«erd inlathe hope thaI raised lnconiiertion witli tbe 1,000 before Magsatte Taylor. Attorney la f o tsewoici i ktleag uet bs i eoumWn& focs ahach won stopb bIc-bildinget c. Pt ports. lOSW. F.,IWeies aPpearesi for tbe SUN vance,.th.oip the place 0a Comtuo 1. tsmibln& for ove a which hghhe t enlbrrsauuiu ('1v Edtor Stupey *-as forced If you irish tuIid aut hg , wcheaji eu5etstgfor£v~ aya bie tloîig heby the court ta tesliy. H.estated ao ralIl relialile watch eau bo sold waa quioted beo dfed of exhauciion. Predicls I-igh Pice for Hay wbenu itder oeth tisai bh.'«ai wtb the, admt Ibis etto, MeGowsn whowa 9itmo d Ont rwatch stock containe ALL been '.iio 4 years aId, Frank H. .Isst. former editar of the SU'N editar wlien uliey drave up SisOri tha Ou at îwtbm.igbs1 iil-trc aouilhug ooolnn gent strS'prediits thai y ub*v aIl '«îîî ldan rand; h o ld how the e 'up' onO aller eletrlit> su oUOr estdia ibring $30 a tan. Mr. Just sPent a tel' the stary' lasa btaiuedl late andl apoed And l'e willîiogUy place an? tint e t l'ee tred wthont oSCI beot'e the hours eush Wauisegan triends and re- mut lie made te get lbe tory 1n yonr dIsposaI. eIelng of the. ilourtlt of JIIIy colebr5-' latives toilay. Durlng the pasi Ueo tinte fo rtte Public on Saturday ove- lit i ugetdlb ie rc9ra eeks e hblas driven lilsauoover ing, Wllen the courtasaked him ho' m 1,000 miles ln and about L.ake coun- fast île machine was goîng, the city A . HS t>. He claints that the corn le cous edtor said be did not liko tu admit W LR »*S4 *lt frnlged rom aft » 0 las alone fine tie past ew daytr and lit becauso t might e'ark againtetis1 $ the nwrte a. a thelb crop Iis yer will be equal- employer. but ho nolei tIse speedo- Lbryi, Ui~ 'Wlih4 oi edmaS0 d s.l a* -tl'O Yesre eaumeter mluawed fifty ntiles at one it ____________6_ AT VAUS OlT PATRICK MADCEN, 63 VEARS UN EMPLOY 0F ST. PAUL ROAD, SERIOUBLY HURT SATURDAY SOUGHT THIS AS RELIEF FROM WEATHER-TRAIN STARTED AND THREW HUM lIARD. Patrick 3Maddeln, 63 Y.ara old, an eioployeofaithe, St. Paul Pae.Iroad ai Wadsworth for the. lait thirty-elght years asud prohubly on, or the, beet known men in the county to the oIder resldenta, iustain.d injurie& whlch ntaY resoit ln hie deati when on St- urday lie was thrown t tah" . grad tramn a frelght car suter b. b.d clib- edto the top of ilta get a piece of tee.. IlaInjurie* consatat af a frac- turmd ulp, a broken a&M th.ekiln île- lng icvaped front hlm face aund brnlam abou tih.body.H. e uremovei sl Onc0 et the Monoe stamet hetepita. tu Ciiimo w uhre hls conditIon la asidi to be rather serions. For Yu-ru ad eaMaddei had been, n t.enampoy of the a vairom4 Company. bis principal duti,, consat- Ing of cuttlng the, Iawn' abont the de- Pot, sweeptng out the station and et- lending ta any lttte odd jobs wblch developed. Saturds>' was Intolerably bot and Wheon a freiglit train containiog a re-, lie Paw relief ln sight. Au the train s!opped he clintbed on top of the car and secureil a plece of tce whlch ho threw la lhe ground. Then lie started tô altae the de- 'Scent but mast at titi moment the train started and tlie uudden jar liurled hlm front is nseure pooulîit ansd lie struck the ground .1o1.,n for camne utIle distance A phylsican wua -Amin h.nuneoîsnrru a ht th. msan's Inluries wore serions. Ho plec- edthe broken boue. in avllnts sud lied lhe lnjured man placet UPOn a1 cot. The beadu o? the St. Paul Roati were notifled and In o remarkably i Cliart lime iadden liaAl een placed', on board a train and wau belng rush-1 bc cared for. Madien la a wepl Inewn reeldentý '!\~dc elrrlin ! !!,Pltiere thl bis wife for many c'ears. HiS wife ls aIl bi-oken up over the acci- dent. 0. R. LOOKER. Prea.ieul MICHIGAN M T14ERON F. Cli r GeanraISul SAYS SUE59ASWon .816.LEOACY LEfIlBER MId. E.I. Ans BEso. waa bhum Nov 18 180,nu Eeddlng. N. f.sud catme to Illinole lu tiie year 1852. LJNVERUFIED ITEM LEFT AT SUN 4hf wa married ta David ONeI la OFFICE CONTAUNINC INTiER-- 1855 with ubont she reoided nortb 01, ESTING BUT QUESTIONABLE the tawn oi Lbertyvlle er a nmber ot - y4ars. ThiasIent wue tund utnck in the, Sh@ paâftd away on the filth day o SUN office door thle morning. July 1912 nt ber homne wiiere @h. llved "The iawanit tîiat ha been carriod :w.t:bme cblîdren, a son sud two on a Mlwaikke fr ysrebasbe nghe won by Mr@. E. 'Connor Oof ou* Sherldaua road allowlag ber 75,00V." Efforta ta find Iont wt MMrs. OCon- nor In Waukega.n had bMe made an boudau to thia extent fsiled ta de- v"Lp a&"body, bence the beat May7 Wth lb. dfparture 01 Mm ONoil tii. lâêt niember aofb.thenson fanliy pase away. Servios. wore h.Id beneatli tbe wesping blîeb tro.un the. lAkeide csneters, $an- day, July 7, at 12:80 a'eiock by the. Bey. W. L. Wblppîe of ho Pirot hl. E. chureli, Hymne wer. beantllly r.ndered by have affected momeone or it ay bave MinseCardm Ubard and Mdr. Everett Mareb beoul too rnucor ai Four& of july and tii. mortal reinaina worm eowrnltted OeW'Stton. Lt caumed thie SN ta to the grave bemide her buebanàwbo to tak r Je Hwarda iong TMprmeded ber tundeesnme yefre belote. Worth a MillIon.' At uiyrate ,the SUN hopes Lt je The. UNDEPENDINT ham mort> i. tU-. even thouIi w. werm unable toisorlmrs mnd Ie t»i.»aemidvutiUft omoIrn the tatement. Un . .y STAVER BUGOIESI ARE G'OiD BUGGIES]i We Have a Stock of Fifty SelectFroh.. Cail in and Talk it Over. IF IT S FROM iSClIANCK'S IT'S GOOD SCUAN(K BROS. --t A. F. MOORE, S.oretleY IUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. DDINCS. pI. ef Asmneces Detroit, Mich., JuIy 2, 1912. Mr. John Hodge, District. Manager, Rockefeller, Ill. Dear Sir: ,Agairi I send yau thanke and congratulations for the nies quantity of Applicat.ions sent the Comnpany from your Agency during the ronth of Juns. I amn greatly plsased at the energy you are showing in developing business in your tsrritory. Hoping te oses equally as good reaulta from you in July and again ausuring you-0f rny appreciatlon of your work, Very truly yours, (signed) T. F. G±ddings. General Superintendent of Agenies. oý

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