- - ÀK~ OUNT TN~PE~DENT »STAY.J1LY 12, 1912. 711 NOE AgCIVEoUNE TO PASS ~ E E~E U 'NORNE S I4A IVE VRTHIS CITY FO2L ACENTS DERIGIBLE BALOON TO MAKE 178 . .. .. .. .. .. .. . Grand aenue, westoet W«ukegan, vgll CAGO AND MILWAUKEE. + FOR SA E +! b. sold a«. maters staie, aSthUe east . . . .. . .. . .. . . doorelthe court bouse ln 1Waukegan .Regular aerial passenger seric o - n nay h 8hdyof july, at 1 tween Ci cago and Mlwaukee bateh FO A E l c t e te up t odat oclock p. m. This w ll be a grand Cta lib d this I mi o lb.e toamemen o,$0csashttonter>opportunity lor soxuebody to biJy a lIrst alrshiî line ln Amerîca, makl,.ng $16n 00 Do re sum iwlseliiîg dth e s m ail farin.w kly-.t 1 gular da l>' trips, The initial -Y_ Gond____________________________ age ahiIb edSaturday, July 20, FOR SALE-i Ocam of mark an vr yteafrwhtte FOR SALE-Oùen amily driving mare, ebeas; 1 3.yssr.id ct;I,1 team road watber permfts. suyrey, top buzay ancd lgtit wagosnat, boise.. trbeÎ; a iW eEu etm ,tiod band A gre.at dingîbie -oaloon smilari ressouablerpriS,. AddreêssGus &iA'z, i larnss;momeserond band ige S13iruii o un epln eîhad h Graîlae, ii.c-4i-~AVtERYT, LbVySii ii - ir itraip te make reguiar passent- FOR SALE-'20 ares u9 tirnutis>'ha>;FRSL TASARFC- ero r tn ,lu Europe, lias been lmported alun 5 ace alfa. Mat§ JAMJE5» buse, ainst uew; lot 50u0,50; gond o l.Claoillakosrie L BRADLEYt, Lbertyviile, DI,li. F. D. looation, msuet ho sold at on".Price ,al11bo eqîIlppedi with a Itxurlous cait, Phone 793Y3. Lake Forest. c-421 otîy 1400- &@y trmx if dwcred. See ln. The (?itlicko terminus of Use Une jA. R..Y1IEEiELE & COSrAN). in the w1l1 be at WhIto City, tweflty ilvei FOR SALE-Bay driviug borw,, good LueBuiS. t.41-tf adonnlieWL Cyame oiz, nound, Lady ean drive. J., .__________________acres doigthWieCtyau, (jaIDLEY, Lbe+vil. - f1 4. . . .+.+..+.. mont rcort on te soutil havlng hbeeî Llbertyille. '3S.tiI ++++for use am an aviation field. FOR SALE-New, nmodern, up-to-dat. + FOR .EINT + 7-roons housse, large lot, lu Ravine Slop.............. aubdlviatLu, Roefelier, 111. A barai.+++++++++ 8. L. Tiurp. Riockefeller. -85-tf FORRENT-6 roomf brick cottage on R ebool îti'eei; gai and electtItie bte. FOR SALE- Lake count>' farmi, land Appi, ta J. L. PRIC-a. -32-ti bin Montana, Texas and FoWda. ____________ DY.uüNo à AUXTINt. c-tl 090R RENT-Fipe oiSeuse in tbe Scbanck FOR SALENVmdro-odt building. Sem tbom. -LE-Ne! 1-odein -to- !t ic-IlS-t EiIZABETH eAN. Lincoln *Ave. Will Peou on egay teTflw. ~' cIquire uof jE. S. o.sD, Lbertyv ili, FOR RENT-House. on Soool Itreel Inquire of PAUL MAcOzFiF711, Liboi'tyvil, moder n pro)vpeenu, lot 100i1.O, ou s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mlwauke avenue .aouth or Eiectrio + - WANTC 4 depotb. In luire où R.E. Osiouazit+ Lbertyrille c-41-tf.............. FOR SALE-Lots in Osbosrtne ub. WANED-'lt one exfwriOntccd fsrn divieion on Mlwaukee avenue *outb of band. AppI>' O. HoL118, iansonDd Lakse. the Electr e l t.Wster aod s..wer P-42-1 inîs laid. I.ElsoncLberty ville. c-41-ti WANTE-tiiri for general hcuework. FOR SLE-Tree ieavy8 --5l1?.inquire st tbe Lake ouuty Natitoal FORlaE-nk. cay -Ilil t los1silreo! Wi. B. PF.TrEaeEll,, Lberty- ville. rcl>8 WANTED-Dm@bWaehpr at tii.-N-w FOR SALE-Uorcmfocr ii purpoues; aif oe.* dwgm ii 37-0î qà)two oei--ond land lscggîe.sand gmune hine.L,&tm eLisvit%, lsertvville,! Cu -3 ....- ....f FOR SALE-3-yenr-uid vot ccwiii trade for an oldrisorse -quitable for th0 . .+.+.+..+.+.+. +. . . ljvrv SltlisLi Ef5 LîbrtrcleWILL EXCHANGE-If taken M50 < - 2tfýadrm odland @lx tuilesirosAlscs FOR SAI.E-tiood Deering mower, houe fine irins. 300>cord c of ccod. for fearly i5ew,.OSf t eut. Inîluire 1ILAI V. ho)ua'and ew art-es iear tosvn. *drc-cr Mso@, Treptuw tartu, Miwauiisc Av. 1i; E. at this INe -- --- - -c-41-2 _ __i __ _ __-__ _ __ _ __ _ PA L R SCANNOT AVOID NÂMES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fOR M M R I*I&b,,, 0shdB F CIIILDREN j Professional ards TWENY FV CNTSRE*Rý lakpetounty Title& liitC(o APOSTLE 0F NEW THOUGHT IN: TWENY FVE ENT RE A ,itracceotTîtle Tutl-ii <sateetOd THE EAST CALCLJLATES IN- DR, O. F. BUTTERFIELD, PER MEM13ER SAIO TO BE RE- \aî, iTemple BPik. o aut-egan. iII 1-lst.l litfusE. IVIDUALITY 8V' ALPHABET. VETERIN.ARY î8UELGEON. WARD BY ELGIN LEADERS. LâglgTANqT §TATE VSTSEfftAilAU». ELGIN PAPIER MAKES A BROAD 1111Y 1 i2 liicrv P. Furnres., andl SAYS NAMES L-NDER WHiCH THE LîhertyvlUe. IllUnule. lîiasancl, tu Eu;î,îîSî . -layhen, lot 3i, CHILOREN ARE BAPTIZED NOT ASSERTION ABOUT MIOVEMENT Southfi <îliaî.d lPark addition t0 GIVEN BY THE PARENTS TO ESTABLISH NEW RATE. liigitand Park. q. ý- ' -- DR, A. H, CHURCILL Etcnî S Ma v a i, rcn to Di'. Jalia Siton Salrs,, cil i. Physiccian and Surgeon Star'lung charges tai L ,dir-u LewsînE.Jour 3î il South Ilig--Newi Thotiglît i%!sel.ci ii îlimî i ccaatic c lgSe. - -.1 ! ý ,- . - . io M i1cl1- o tr. ciertis have been offefcil -iî-ý is 1laucd addition tIo lbi.îi i0X the head camp for w-lui ' incii--s IOli t0 suppcort the increase ii (as rei- Mary J. IRatt- r (a.î so OIn Alfsred hrought bofore lo-cal ni 'li -1 IL Churchll. 1'Io lie-4, i ran!;, dîy. Xl rillîîrcadiion ir i is5loX Tiscnty-llve cents a lic 1i s,-t le 1. mnoney imbture>ement w - ,,i . FrnkB Mr:l:as o u c1Mw hase hoon offered for i!,- -î ,:n A. lîuicau,lo*s 23 afndi2f.,HiAoki «nicniberships toi new ,i-et. ,i*-. -say Xlanrs mBsis'bdJîs lon in s,-r t ion i :nsurgents. A commlttee of three th le Ic- Grant tow-nship. XW. D. $1. surtrent dIrectorate s--re îi lI (k I's Herbert WX. Drew a-rd wirftof --1 t- . . t . - ) , ,,, i Xfeller, lot il,. In 'cauconsîda I.akc A large steel and concreto hangar Io laccu tcuay ustusiconfr !c ieus- iai--------- - -- flwblgbui br.caOmfpregarding maulpil n u ofthtii-Pari. \V - Di. $10. Tr bipe 10 lit.aukee. aSrtraxiordursmonoy 10 pay c- . i ia William H. SmithX aud sife 10 liisa be mi, t M0la.ke n. d 9 ptm. nd llting thefr cause. XM. Beckwlîh, lot 3.1, ln iliamîIl1. spcil ntrctytip wllbecO- is uance of a petîtion îriii~titi-Smilt'saubdivision, ln northwest one'- trepecfa r nt app tliatonllao tn- referendum was ta, hase '-- i-i -,fourth section 35, Avon townshipî.X. tracted.forionappkeeatton, lgt 15 it- odtoday by Lthetree ilJi X. H. D. $ 1. nouced Mlwake beng lgtyfveCleary of Galena, T. E, R' cli of iît. XVJjIfa.n Il. Smith and wîfe to Leslie mile away, the trip there and back Chasles and R. W. Mii . i i o Sterl h1. Belîwltit lo-. 32, lu William H. eau be made lu leis tban two hours îng nI. unde hxoablocondtIos. Te scted . imith's addition lnn coFthvest one- une wlii ho e arrnd, ows Teoo, as Another petiton dîîls 'iîll-iv fourtt sctin-,, Asonu tawnship. M,. ule illbe rragedhowver goas[the state Ineurauce deci,..iu will 1) l1 eto 3 to leave imte for the acrial tourifste i- eissued by Lb. lnsurmîi- Thi.- ir Brh ot n ubn oFe rest aud sîgiti- seeing et hot ends. i clr r lfrt, The derigible su! hoe commanded by 1 Seec-ton of "dtors for i- \%XXiisimcn N. Converge, losa2:1, 24, anîd 3( blotk Capt. Horace B. Wild. the onlY Amer-,puliîcation was part if %i)iik o hi-cI10,XhlîueýWebbt & Ilasleys oubl Jean llcenoed hy the Fedoration Airo- ýonsited by the coinnii -,svion, GraNs like W Di.$7. nautique internationale. He s II irel A opecial meeting %si!- li-:1Fr1- July 5, tri 12 .Tiitln K. Ors io a-id rememitored as fil calitain of the' day eceuîng lu ahichif, r;riii ir o, "wti- to A41-t ".-ont, lots t, 2 and Chicago s-latioîmoi-f lasc- Summer. certf ibtates wili hoex, i 3 hirtck 21, in Nixoccrs sculdici Ion in Recerva.tinl arn nom iteing made forj ît s not kuown hon i eroerouitlrwkt ont toiirf.h si-uc-ion 28, Waiu- passeuger Itrips. Titi-minimum fate I odum sîlI ho obfaineîi ' ios i-cnor legan. will hi- $23- for ai-h Persan. Ionisposed te Il untilt i 'I icmi ou E. V. Ors s and wife 10 WV. A. James Tht ca rîrthelunoa-10u -atand a general delay sPec- i,aYfie liait of lot 24, addition f0 Nort osrt ouggeerllrb., be srncess 0f Court Titi-local lnsurgents '- niftaddition, Waiikezaai. Q. i fi. 1. Zeppelins aeinl pasaIenger servie - gofan\lnaitllty 1to i-.n fo Xtiooe5 riiocI An icuSO ho meen anoscIlofsd Baden iu Gi- many. A syndirafe miitt whili Clap- fain XViId ba-,sociated oe-uthtiti-sri gible. Ici coijîîuction ostih lthe passetiger sersvici-. Inîtain XVild bas opened a so-hool 0f Instruction lu pflotlng or deriglilie anad spiterical bailoatit, thte Fraduaes te recels-e pilot certiIieaf os. usasblNeîi o r MAtU FOR SALE-Tii. Oett farm, cnis F ire îuurantce, kioselreutng.-rlc. AN!iU r AI thoOfug",Iuatsg uul t'y1>'lsisu& ls À i 'rTSc' in fSffty tWo aCreS. ioCated on jAISTI.---lIS A ih A a _____________________ __________________ ENORMOUS NUMBER 0F PIECES Waukeçan, Ill.. June 7, 1912. Public notice la hereby given tsaI at a sîecial meeting o! the etoickitdd- ers of the M. Al&huler Ce., boiS ai the office of siS Company t Wake- gin. Ilinuois. au thre jt day o! mue, A. f. 1912, wth[le bour a! two oclock P. M., thte capital sock o! aaid corpora IJon s-as lni'reamnd from Use snm of $25,090 o teUse iao! $100.C)000 and that cerlficates of suc-h change hasel been filed lu theuofflce of te Sc tas-y of Stale aud la thte office 0! fileý Recrder of rXeeds lu the outy of L3ke, as prescrlbed hy law. M. ALUHU-LER, Prealdeint, C. S. ALSHIULER, Secretar>'. wkl.y 3t Adjudication Notice. 'tcc lic t<orce1- ierrhv riteesrthal, thre S, , ir¾rAdfmiistrai- r cfrite Etîsie rfl He-Sci. F,o, ,ýi" vlr deealedt entend l. C.ocîtv f aeC nflt Bti erin tiere t.c ho Iciteai the Court R-ousele aW,skega.iî lui nid Couty on the fIrît Monda, 0< eitemhe-r ieîc. 1912. miseSand i here aI1 P.r.On% binet lai, araînt saldnraite are itflled antd te- qicruird tOc ireent thse lame u laid1Court for, i. aduIccclctlcf.. ETcWARD J.5WE[SEOPF. Acteli«trator n1 Esale of Hery Feue'rtelui. Dreess W.uauaO. 201. f912cif: Adjudication Notice. hib lie tsottoe lx herev ivnrta laithe Sui- torc1her F,"utrix nr tie Lant WilI atnd Teta- ruent .f Johin Baztet deceased, ai attend the o Cnsy Court n1 Lake4CoutY. t merothereot toI-ce holden etthUe Cout Soue Waîkeean. ID Mail couatS, onthtie Oi Monda, of Seiceier nudt. 1912. ortetiand tritre &Il verss t aIocions aranst laid estate are n.titlted snd Mreteecto piresent thte s$âmetuc laid Cout for adudicaton. JENI'ZrE SPEARS. Eeceatr- Lat Will ami Tertamet of John Baxter. decoased. Watcran. Ji t I 1. 12c-f-3 mARTIN C. DECKEif. Att,. Adjudication Notice. publie ntiîee ishef, t'"lc cn hat thseSois- set-iber Admsnltrator cilthe FUitte Of Hubert M.. Hler deceaoed coll attend tIse COuttY CouorI n fLake (Joontyai a terni thereo lobe iodeu et the C.occrtHn.-e 1icWbukeia. i) laid cousity. on tise fiioitdat of Sel-encler tnt. 191) su eandi csferr *11 fCrolitbariOR claIms agalet said sEl ale arr notified acd rqeteiet tpresent tthes aine f0 sid court Io r &dJdldfatf it. J - LEE VF.1)tEf. Amohcf W.ukeg.i5 Il..Jufie 24 912 Q-0- f. BAU RSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Marble aad Granite Monuments Cémotery Work of Ever) Description Correspondence .Sollcited 16 Gêne se St 1 HANDLED B ut H ARMY Or RATS EMPLOVE. 'YP INVAif oui- or nmore of your lbItera are at or duaced iilue mails dor't il develops that Xaukgan has beon blamne tieti-tfer c-Srict or titi-Postal inc-aced by au army o! large lzoi-Sit'ferk itefore ffnding ouît sie-iter t rae whlicb promiîes ta Seveiop a urot jas hl, fatlt bt just teflioltat te serions condition, e9peclaliy on te, i-rage nurciler o!f il-Eces af!milî mat- Nortu RSide osiere thte pesta seemn toi fer haîudled lier emploelu 1900 the tati-et year -for shici t aatftice are hase taken up ieadquarterg. axaiabe-wasa 4,239. That mas moret AI first th mes-e slateniont tiraItitan 1,00f) pieces a oceek that wen' rats are iufoaîiuig a nsuglisithood titrortgh titi- bands 0f -a-oh carrier or mould ho laken as4 a sort o! loko and ci&k. people would iaile au Uey neglected Ever tInte 1890 tite mos-ltof postalt ta look at thte sorlouans Of thse mai- employee has hi-eu slediIy groving ter. However. <is rat Ilulonula mre -ütlos. Inf bat year tite-aer- no Joke as those mita bava ha-S to ageinumber af piotes baxidlod ws dJeal mit tham ahil vouch. 246,11 a lttle mare titan ha-f tite Undermine Foundations. amnunt of mork required aî present, Se serons bas te pest iecome tbat Figures given la the Housi- coitî- lu an case' tbe malle O! a modern tees on pottof!iti-5 and post roatis1 bousee were uudermlned by the rod- show Usat Uncle Sam kiows ham 10 entas(10 Sncb an exet filal plumbers speed np h4 e mployes and get out of1 baS ta ho clleS ta adjttat the pipes thes al lte mark Possible. Sa If In thte baseiuent shicis mre threat- One Of your letrs "oi-s tray Jmt( eued by thte 'eakened waii. Thle mail reflect tiratte 'ma-n hîgiter np' andy baS to ho slrengtheued anS lhe oxca- nuitUse posîmuan hiima-f rnay realy v-alions causeS by the rats bl S ta be horespoasible.9 filled ni. Ln Gertuany. -iete te lasI word1 Destruy Ciothez. le aupposi-d ta havce bei-n spahi-n ou in anoiber plate te rats more s0 the uèw gospel o! efflcii-ncy the got'- peulferous that <bey destroyed nea erromeut bas also bei-n leedig hp i115 lotiing lu a clothesa basket: la tlePostl iemployes. alltongitby no 1 saine plate Ihey cars-led off haif a mens ta sucit exremes 1as in tiis cake One ulght, country. Tweuty years ago each Ger-1 In thse ?tler place ail effotst toi man posBtal emplaye bandled on an catch thse redentsavba-t proveS vain avoi'ti.e o! 17,28,7 pli-cea af mail mat- and fiuali>' the bead o!taise houai- bas ton s.ualiy. lu f908 Use nuîmber bail borrowed a fers-et to see if he canotIncreased lito c. W Xiici sitows that catch the destructiv-e creatureN The the UniteS States posta-I empioye aI ferret 1s turneS loose nigittaand ia eu eras is gaar.-Bostau Globe.1 scccess bas flot yeî been re.poted. Run Over Trapa. MARRIAGE LICENSE Titi-Partcular lot a! rats witcb Sam Perro. Ki-nosha-------------..21 aeem la forai dii, atm>' miicthiasRqse Beide., Ratine ..... ........1 taken possession o! the houses on lb. Anobi- Scott, NMilwaukee .........42 Nort h ide eem nt nisua4ly dcestinMande Burke, sa-me-------------..36 T0iey are 60o oltive titl few bave as Samuel J. Burnslde, Kieuosoa ..22 yet beea captnred. lictla sa-id af bernuAnuna Anderson, same------------....22 tat lby rîu rîght oven te trapa Ec-retl C. Hello>, flru'tou ..... 26 In aany cases anS seem o 1 def>' th May' A. Daitu sanie.ý. . ...........2, beel sto! rar calchiug cals. Frencht Coline, Zion Cty-.....24 Miuc-bdestrunction lbes een ucrought Goidie WarS samo-------------20 ity tite army su, far aS neigihors in alnXaea it-------2 tite parlleular localit>' are wonn W Laeroak. a-me--------------1.92 witaIta do la git rIS of ithe pest. Watt Nete B. Burtels, Mlwaukee-....70 kegit lias ual professloual rat killes Mss. Francos S. Killips. saine-...58 it ir Chicago there are men wbo Alred Fs-ano XMiwauke......... 25 make a buineluss of ceeang out rats Auna Meyer, samo--------------..18 fromn homes, hotela, etc. Unle.. things Paul L. Iamberk, Mlwauke - ...26 change bore pretty s5001, liL ma>' b ieassur Strack. samne------------..23 itecesear>' -lu s te eet tii. -t' in Roilt. Ktsisu. Nelsvile, Wls -2... 8 somehady a! this profesion. 1Mai-ene Wetzel. Watîkegan ....27 Chas. W. Ka>', Exasport, Oio... 36 N.J. Gorman, 'Cashir Bank 01 Wood' Mar-y Loimor, Chcago---------..37 vlle. WeoSville, Gia, bad a very este attack o! kîdDey trouble and the pain$ Art-hur T, iallaey. Milwalee .... 24 1 labisekisineyp and haek 'me.terriibe.s ine 5OZeck, sanie .............1 ~1 ota btte a PleKîue> Pl Aulse Paîze, Mlwaukee .........48 tros or nssglt. d tsy~TSV a Popper, samen............... 42c anyi~b.rntdlcn~# A- *wtt LmrteRaQine ....38 u~it ., mgv. ~16 at..û. âmes.............35 frontlite head camp. f1 ~ cam A. Jarnes. part of lot 25, acfilto LAKE COUNTV MAN WfNS FIRSTI o Nrfi C s.siaddtio,1Wu0.a HONORa AT THE BIG OLYMPIC icad'fiumre tFrn, CONEST INSWEEN. Jeffers, lot 17, bloc-k 19, Xahbcru Lakecout>'nowha u- o ssridSprîngs subdris t-ion, Xaukegan. W'. D. champion. si On Jcly itb, Jay Gr0vi i-i . r f theL i-Car L.Sas er aird ife tb Gutav !amous Fox Lake bfoti- r 15 t.eISînenberg, lot 2 'iblock 4, Lenox suit- amateur sonld's ciamiý i; lnp 1 Sîvîduals lu Use big mii. mont meei iu Stockholmu, Sai-den. Tle noms came tc, bis itrothers a!- - o min clutb shoot atElecîrle frark :ird causeS gr-st Jay among the' ,IscOlefrs, ito nimber Jay aimoug fheîin Here lb mit-t1helie4ord-i-raid sai! o!fitis work: '"Chicago &gaintitaneS in tti- 7iiînfs s-teu Jay Groham o-f fui- (hirago Ath le! it arroctatiou, osho begun h sI-eiries of winalng perfoinnc.s i)v r-glat-r- fng bîgiscore,-lntfi fi lcrf shoot- Ing teant ctsmpi-ifiin iar-t Xfonday. took tirgt placeln li e Iiclivldual cday bird eveut -mith i af aof 96.G-ni-I den. thse Germais -xrert,i.lnlseiisec- ond nnd Bîact ofie Russian hi-arn CHARIO1r RACE S SEEN IN WAUKEGAS Waukegar >ici1,.-wltnessed unun- nuai igl.it irs criasd il wOuld fol have laken a greiî trti--lof Imagi- natLion t-o imaginer ilcat one mas bath lu the palmy car - of old Rome. And It ail happiieid as the tesuîf of wÉmt migit 1w ternieS a chariot race aithOugi tfic r-c sbut oue en- e.zy. The 'rarýe' iiirealil>' mas a ton - away and lt osas ihaut question titi-1 final lime c-bai \X'ailgn people oserý saw a ruuawav of 1ii~s citaratler. Jrîly 3, 1912 iai-rIot E.('ross and itisicand to Florenîce M1 Sexton, 60 acres lu sectfions 13, anS 16. Antlot.h towship. W.V1f. $1. John L. Tsi-en e-tati- anS Anthony Cuneo lofa fI and 1'2, luJohn L Tweeds Pislaki-e Lake subdiision. Deod $700- Es erts Xrenn and s ie f0 Anna G. Sienorlt, sorîth onehiaîf lot 20, block5 ?, G. I-. Wr-ns addition to Highland Park. W. Di. $7,0. WXalace leuret estate to H-enry Karuparf tlhteatt,-s, lnsection 116. Cccbaafoot ma-il). f-ieS $17400. .ohnuBaxter i-atati- 10 Xilliam ES- sard-. anS mife psart of sectIons 9 sud 16, Vernon townsip. Deed $4000. Artitfr L. 'Moore and sife et aI 10 Burridge fi. Briler, part lot 7. block 68, Hig41and Park. W. fi. $760. Niaitel J,('onuel i spr.) ta Alfred C. Hav-en, 210 acres iu section 19, Shiel-ds townishtip sud aocion 24, I.ihertys'111e townsifbp. WX. fD. $36,750. Jrîly 6, 192-Ciareuce Buckrghamt i-t al ta Claytan XMark lots 83 tcf 88. faite Farest anS land adjoining. W D. $10. Claytan Mark anS mife ta C. B. Pîke. sorîli part lot 83 Lake For- est. W. D. $6500. t'. E. Smilthtand mife 10 'Magdalna Xember, lot 5, block 1 llryers sua- divs igon ln Nort h Chicago. X. D. $40(). rangeS 1a hase isr o Roman chatlots nrtfb-east part nomt-wes eno fouirf I- ln tse panade.The- larger of te twa nortit-eae3t aue-fallrtb sectIon 19, War --one ta -ahichiu tîîîîbares more a1-rntwsi.W .$30 taohed-itad iii it l itched rit) a .-. luroand ifo ta G. F. GoaS- fron of he rothrs' iver osv fise acreos on se t aide Green stable anS Gio-utc LX etzel ha-S slepped a od ot fHgln al.W a-v roasSheDý$1.soli0ffigtadPk.W The unisuialiiclente of being .11,i c ii - tf c F. ~Sielchoir a-rd wsu hittitoS fourit ast, i.together otitiifIo E.f ILaker, lot Olblock 3, Shoare Use fart thrt îllhc reu aiias os sActer-. Roikefi-ler.XV.fi. $10. useS. do sa-y notiiui..iof the explosion Rit-bac-ifiuelter and osîfi ta S. Y. of cannon c-ra,]i-us sud revolvers a.Lrrioti. 10 crues lnnorti-t one-0 frightlened the- u a5and 15ey gltýit oîurit se, Onu27, 'Avon Iowslî. XW oS aI a- maifg.lîî aist ounXMadîison -dl2j) streel. GerI ePeterson and s-ifista Mary Nit. XVetzci-ir ta hI-r post In a F fo t lot 21, XVadow orti subldi manner thai isoufili have doue treilir s i, in, Xaflegan. XW. D. $1.7f)0. to a Roman osarilcr and lu fac-I ln hi cPaulXtueiferantI oife ta C. N. Erit'k Roman cosiiir. -i off o-it a10ot7, -rot, lot _-1f, Shoot's suicdivision seca-- lowIug sfream fIi u ihuthe looki-ciev- tiOn \'3.XXc,f -Stuorit townshliciW. er>' incuhfte 'rt fiT), $r As te ma lIs it-alopIrfg itisteic JoittuTes-nuan fis Anna- Tes-iran. 2A dartiug Ira-i handuîlf itIi larrowl y e c urr iilstiiin LtOn- fou itih sce-iml i, capiu.g ittting lo.iaanS wagons 7, XV.uxhsgan toscnshlp. W. Dfi$1. and swaylrg the chrittolfem aide taj aide, reacited a poiu ni-ar West strCe't - one o! the- animiltorlipped and teil. He ma-a dragged siorne 11111e distance ' hifore his oveiglit irouglit the utera ta a hall. Thte aniua-Imas quile baS- 1>' bsttlaed. Thei- iarnes mas ruinecî andadeSok tnpos.-iile for thls chtar- - SaNDS Fe lot to taire part lu the parade. e lq;Igw C h a 1 m e r s C a t r s ar safe çca rsa Materlals rigbt, grluding rigit, goa o» paint il igbt. [I WX XMER 'i."--ka Ma Nlas.t, fineaè-àrien -'oIrt i one's failîîîgs aii ua,,I N a of ficiO itgcures. jle, pi-wiciOle realize, a s Drt. S, ais9 I tua' 11ei tle f ho-st y w ere lia Iii e,i m'itluandiLbtii-date of thefr itirfth sor. flot c io by tifor parents, buît w cîe li iisoîla hi-fore thea store torti., 1,1 A i 1 <c to-r. 7ote 8aP. M LASSESPROPERLV FITTEU DR. C. R. GALLOWAY, OTFCE Oc-ER LicELL I DiItQ STOSI, i- PUBLIC AUCTIONEERIN' ( _________ cloffst attention pald to anraloubef auction sale» and best reauin laàadk, l 'iikinds of borses, wagons"iI barnees for sak or exebange stltn tas,.. _____________ HENRY SMN ___ __________ Phons*148 or 48 Z10t4 CITY. x Ros Comb Rhode lsland. Reds FOR SALE-Stock f,.m iatsor leedIiocpensf0nkrrofrcos tICALITY AT ElOliT PRICES FCOR SALEý Icîdiall RUnner DUck Eggs, 50C pCt 12 XV*iiteAfricanG iineaEggsic-1 MRS. L.V.I 15K, Phone Round Lakt 2-- f. Grabb.. Tei. 26l1-U R, aujhey. T@i. 58 Grabbe & Laughmr EXPfRIENCED %UtTiOMW» Livt Stock and Parm Salas FOR REFERENCE SE ou It U Leive It ta Mer. "I asked your husband lait evenIat If ho had lis lite to lire aver agalbit he would imarry you. and tae mid k certaini>' wouid." **Ho certiflY5 wouldnt."-HDuston FoUt. WHY NOT BUY A On e-ieceSilo1:. Any size desired, &et up complet., 1 abovelfoundationl and use the new0 improved [doori (rame that is flot an a infringement on the Harder patent. 0 S IT WILL PAYfiYOU TO FIGURE WITH j Home Lmber Cc, Libertyvffle, Ilu. Bciir ii i-r isriceanu eai-cl baptiismfal 1i iOI 1 tuccc.O a ala i te1 , r-..f ai cie- n i i-o-.rrhday nmeans corne- Il'ib.rtyviiie Ililinois, fling _______ \i f I 1 ai- exilaînod the systeim o)f w 'o]s ari niîiibehi- t- -i s-iieosoi-n PAUL MAC GUFFIN. i 1îîl- applirbiy soyons, It la ATTORINEY tT LAW. so o t mîl i~s woted Ont oîî a ha- lîe-Ildle, Illinote 8 s Of 1.rniotcouibniration£. There ýbrt, are Jîîst iles on tfs esOf People lu titi- eNIC s88 unvrîsra XXe ail go throtîgh each tof titi-e t> hec n111sou naie 0f 011r manor DR, GOLDING lise, Firsi number off te alîchater t>ENTIST as foliossere8t 12 anI-ta 5 p.m. ARÇ IcFi-FC, f.f 4 XIFJ SVs' J. Eh Trigge Building 1 2 3 4 .3 c 7 S ic9 1 4 -, C q841 311 mit Dr J. L. Taylor-Pbone Il: WX YX.- L'. Phone 102 6S. L.ibert-vville. Illirole Nom fake i h.ýsftnci- Anna frowneIn fire plaie of i-ai h lit'r, l)u ln coresironding niiiitir andifliefi DR. B. H. SMITH. aOd titim. Anna hi llie Loni-, piilvOe IENTIST. plus flse.îPlus.ori-, i-quais 1tisle. JVER a L1. OttTTfNATIONAL B ANS. su nd Broari- mili hi-be fao îlîîs one. ouRs-t§I-c !3ka. m. and 1 ho 6 p. sa. eI-lcala thiîuty-toto. Burt no nurmier Libertyrhîlle lits aitove nine la used. Therefore. adîl_________________ thet so digits lu twlu-li-and h-'hioiI equai îtree s'ItcIl la the nuciner t:satý DP. 1. L TAYLOR. stands8 for Auna. In tite sari, w ar-, oFFICE OVES J. EUt a"qifabi eis ccfandri for Browne. Add titisi- motaba:-7 t. 10 a. mi. 2 ta 4 %ad S4tQ 1w-o atsu hý rescltfor titi-oc-Iole usule 8 P. nM. lt eigbt. -i lercei-nuBroadway. oppouItePark Eigitî stands for a crifital ,cbnucclnrtvfe.llos type- of! nui Oht tatu in sficOs in a Inaterlal may. l gises Otit j R EaVlMI symraftetit r-ouI wbitih sill bel lits D V M I feiloso min oockalvly nditstnlally or GENERAL PRACTICDE liolltically. Tit-eighteorcc are inlatta-- lour, tc01 a. o. lin4 ansd 7 ta 8 5 m iy pe-ople focîud a i te boaS o! large ulIe.oetla,- Funiture 1,,,,e commercial enterprîses. They have SEILATTENTIONS TO THEEST£ sliong Indisldtiuality sud are generaî- LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOiS ]y looked np 1 te y itflr assoclies. Titiv make goond business meu, gond MARTIN C. DECICE oralors. lasoyers and physlciaus. 'But thiIs elgit repressenî0 ouI>' Anna Brosssi-s pesxcsality, Xr what the tieOpp. iflîn St. Electrie Statlos world si-es ilulher. Her 'exulte' or true t.Iille Phone 848 Res. Phoneo 1800W muner si-tf la foonsi by addingug t he NO3ITH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS ne-sel alone lu her name, Auna ai__________________ gise oui-, plus, one, or two. anS the name ,Bmowue ix, plus live, or eleven, STRADIVARIUS VIOLIN Fur 00 prn Adiie 0ne ls0w Excellent toand in arfonte rWo Acngthe values of the Ixro 1ia. CouiM sabon .trial, W i trames me hav-e four for ber exotic Mbii Ber"s W. M&Mde, Route pemrorality." Roatiale, Kaus. 'l.