Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Jul 1912, p. 4

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LAKE StYT a à .a . «Ir %110 a qh UUUllrCfh Tri pD9F INT 1 I)t»N) N1ý-/ 8% IN EE"IFI i'.'>-u u"u .m - THIS WINTER1 NOT TO UIT LK O (-i 1 Id crs Reuideflfe Teleirhone Noe 145-L.- - MANV PEAR PRICE WILL GO HIGM- 'STRIKE 0OF ALL ELECTRICIANa rai rIll ii eîu-'id I ilass %li] N liir F R THAN THIS AND ARE LAY. EMPLOVEO EV PUBLIC SER- INS IN A SUPPLY NOW. VICE COMPANY THREATENEO t r." ae 'll îînii pl srurSEVERAL LOCAL DEALERS SAV^ TASE A$N R IRTO VQ TCTYIN ASrVANCflF THAT PLAN 0F ALLOWING SRSE AON RIRTO W. J. SMITH P. G. SMITH ..... . . RAY L. HUBBARD . ..... ...... . ... ..... . FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1912 Theulisi of pupils honored throughCut Lake County thi lu these columns, centaine lnteresting information. Thre chiildrn'a names je about-the only real honor shown manly< tifs and tihe accompllshment ofthtie standards announced, me thom ini every case. If it lsn't one thing, It'a another. lu winter we seek tbow to save our cool bills; and now we're seeklflg means for lot bil. One thing w. have wth us always for which tiren lions and no known remedes-how to eut the gas bill. Roosevelt third Party ciietains Thursday marked for the Rspubllcon congressional candidates who "'won't go si Amoug the number plcked "for sleughter" by the. Chical nsw movement te Congresaman Fous oftihe Tenth district. * It dosant motter how meritorlus movlng pictures Voil lu hie movlng picture venture, uniess ho gots th klud the esnstlonli, etc., the Independents will get the irowds, vn te psy te *es the ltter. lt. Jut s case of "who gts the I legs.- A Chicago judge lhas ruled thst It la dangerous f4 haive u auto driver drive with one hand white holding àa wth the. other. Sonne men are good one-handed drivers Thorefore, grle, be caretul in your pcking. It sasaid.tho 0 uumbr of expert oue-handed driv ers; and e tew whoo *two-handad. Wirther one agrees wth hi,, .r net, ane ha. to cor Jîlvlu, the. local priest ueys wht ha thlnks and "lets the. ~.ioy will," sud, If nscesasry, le apeci flo ln hi.e tatements fWenliurd by hlm t the. funersi Thured ay were nt Indiefi «M ran d uttered wthout tsar snd fa ver. No other min ttWiurm of ethéi city would dore nrak e auch strong aser ft oaMy uotng et making thsm ev or the bler ef a wor *guit il etofwllch shows the loyal ty etftthe Roman Ca 09 te éther denomnationa. Were sa aectarlan church psut Un $ossm Fathsr Gavîn dld Thureday, a t once there would *ouldneyer b. hsed. ln the CeaI c lechurch, however, 14«" eh be specîflo aud plain sud w ordoso e»ii.klnd t~el.iff y mombera eftuh.c hurch as c omlug tram one wh> litthie Position ot 'qauher ta hI&coneg regation," thsy are v~eefor tisir own good. Bututens y evsut, it taes.a -<dsteflUlnahloi'. aman who teara rinue ta assume tue ra %M 5whese.d Iluthedramatlc ecene i n the 1.151 ohurch j rfle. le à trong setaon lu the mci dnt tor the luke. lostarîsu churchea. LAKtcou Office Teleli one No OUBSCRIPTION PRCE. LABOR WIL CEASE. Supenlntenduilt John S. Reesmn et te Wauksgen plant ofthtie Public Service campany, teday staied te thre SUN tirai tirssituation ln jollet ha. ne bearing wiràtever upen Waukegau and on athern orth shore chties.. Meecx- ,liied tirai Joliet sa eue place wirr when tshe Cmpauy teck aven tire le- cai plant, S union et clectriciacali- ed sud ih leaiisy Who, lately »..~. nlied ta fonce the Issue Of union aber. He statas tiret It Is puneIy Rla- ai matter ah Jolet ad affects neotir-l ir pied.s ad will net affect auy other >ecaiiee unlena are net operatl nggaises whire.. MHesMy* Waukcgan wlI <loi 'mel tire Joliet situation in any way, as ne union saleita lu tis ciY. The Pubhlic Service courPaI! ef Northern llinois lies practicait! de- cided flot to emPloy rînion labor and flot to recognire theuDuion in the fu- ture. This wae acknowledged by Sxîp- erîniendutit Strassen et Joliet this rioon. Slmultaneou@ly comus the an- nouncemCflt tram tbu striklflg ueec- ticine inElgin that iîniers their de- mands are recognlzud 1n tire neir fu- ture ail eluctrIclans Pumployed bv the Prîhuic Service company througboui Norihurn Illiole wlli 1)u catteit on a srike. Thie wlll le up rire labor-î ln 87 cities anit towns throrrqboit the etatuetofIllinois. .Ominais lo iud& Saurer si,,,o PER YEAR STRICTL' Power of the Pres Vice Prerident Lake f the Inter- U NAB E TOnational Eicctricai Until, annouincei Trht outing et Leimer shows the powern et the press mare thon any- N B E T today tht the unions ibrougirout the Uhqn whiceh hmeatatracied uatleu-widse ttýntIon ince newspapers began tae IN ) t.ES te wuru meruly waltlng ordure to %fley lo*Q an Important part lu tire peepime afaiein. 1f1NDi trite and ihat a generi trike e i m- The. expulsiou ofthtie "Blonds Boas" was directiy due te the uuceaaîug minent.Tire trouble ai Joliet le but baaewhIeh the Chidago Tribune waged against hlm. NORTHWESTERN ROAD CANNOT the.starting pint, accordilig 10 the It Io quite certain that, irad tire Tribuns noi dug up tire original bribery LOCATE MAN WHO ISAW ACCI- union men. dletalis. ne charge ever wauld have beeu imd sgalnst Larimer; Tt la equaIiy DENT AT WAUKEGAN Vice Prealdent Thomas Lake of the cerhain thet, irad the Tribuns merely lot tire motterresta ften thaae chargeas International Brotlierhood of hec- * we fennmaly made, that tire Lorîmen ea would have died as mauy others IMPORTANT CASE IN RACINE CON- trimai tvorkere, gave out thu follow- 4iave la the pdat. Buttire Tribune, aten gttlug the. dtailseo e ttrinbc'y, TINUED TO SEPTEMBER TO lng stîtemen t Thursday le Joliet: itept ater the. case, lu e wsy that wauid moite a modern Shmniock Molmea lok"hu trie ws cuee hyoîî de rgick-and thty fnueily attaincd them end tirey #tiýi'hd for lu tireir effort te eshow sr ehl etn n rw tup the woret peicital scandai tins tate ira* b6k ? fi5d ta chrouicie. Baueoth nabllity to locate tr ehl etn n rwu Thée Tribune'. victory thue Impnees upon the. public sud .hould lm- William Bandera, deciaruit te lie the acentracti iutween thu Company and bprasun politiciens, tirai the press, wiren strred lu Ita might, cen accom. enly uyewtness of the accident ai ourseive. Tire eumîatiy absoiutely ilpilsA more threugir publiclty than eny ether known mesus In the wenid. V.aukugati, Oct. 23i, 1910, ln whiclieue e etwt u.Teel Tt la tmmn ot pubiciy, more tirauy anything lis,. that raids tire acrup. joseph Jenecker Teat igeeziglit andt a question of raising 'wages from -loua witin bounds et satety; h ITt p wbici icir causes men te ireitatu was malmuit fer Ilfe. attorneys for thie 82.25 te$3.>50 a day. Soins twunty delng many thirlga thcy would do if asaurmd thiri actions wauld nt becm NorthweEsturn railroad company, ln cen aafuu c ani bre . opn t re alo- public propeiltirrougir the pres; 1h in publlcity that han toreed politicens *0 Racine obtaîneit befere Judge Smied-co eneadaropnlayhn- refrain tram bribery lu almosi every electian the. own, or village or cty or ing. a contnuance of the suit lrotiglt orable means of settlement lietween nation may have, andit tli only tire exception when blder men tale th by Jenucker againut the ralîreait for the company and oureelveB." cheuce of aveiding tria newapaper publcty and iry te put over acandalou@ 25,M00dîmages fer perional Injuries, thinge liOnstire Loimer affair. Anit,.wien uewapapmr publicity, lîke tire Tri- until Soptemtier. Attorneys for Jen -_________________ bunes brings sucir resuits as are naw preduced lu outlug Loimer, it at5doekuer epliosed the grantitig ut thu M& power Sud trengtir te the pres: t wil causc poliiciens wile migiri bm Con- dIon, declaring ihat Iliere wune ne eyu- sldmrnqn simlar tactice te iestete bocauae of tsar ot publiciy. Theretore, wltnesses te the accident. Jlosephi tire People as a whoie are bentfited, are made mare soecurs tirrougi tir. oui- Jenecker. plaIntiff, wae lu court. lHe le corne et a case le this Ilinois seuiterial disgnsoe. au eccompilsimeni wiich parîlyzeit- tire Tribune rnay justiy daim credit ton. therppJne*eer.hvigadc MaeLong Sougiri Senders tirs mater b>' taking up later tire Tribunes causc, Attorney. for the rallroad company Fermer Senator Leimer la a "part Lake Ceuni>' man," iravîug as Om- ductaro that liuy have buen seuling mr home ai Fox Lake. Aud, ai tire lak, non. le bttcr liked, noue la moreSanderas ever sînce tlie sut waa popular than ie. One tiing about Lorimer tirât cannet be sald et Oneen and broughtbt lvJneclnur, but as ho la a tmohier big political leaders, is ihat ire sticks te hi ristiende, he rememnbere wanderur tliey have beun unall te tirose wiro do hmm favors. Those Who kncw hie , weîî sutinssiret onmven, locale hlm. 'Py le'daim tht an es- 'double-c rossea;" tire> say ireis harair on hl, enemica but aiwaya loyal aud tate, to ihli anier» le One et the *true-blue te i friendsanmd helpers. And, for tirat, ir eshoulit be given credit, boire. lis ta bu aetled lu Waulugan Ini even ln face of iis prisent digrace. Auguet andi thai Bandera wlll ho pros- Th'Ie art of 4' unti n court and ai ibat tîme service nesdeclare that Bandera, after wtt- This is the season for the warning that stands at the. nesshng the accident lu whlch Jeneck- Ba hen marching abeaid stesdlly un wae Inlureit, went tu the itepot et loi yeais. Waichas have mors brainé bMIwd of this paragraph. Soon he newspapers wWl begnV Waulcegan and told thetetogl'apb op. and skili pot into their makiegfto <ia. 0ohtl death by drowning at thie seahore and on thie rater how Jeiecker wam Injured, thau @vert.g hepo = 11.9O st of hem wil be inexcusable and unnecessary. Bandors remalned la Wankeganev- aIl thewhile-wblich la roithmr étrange. altesW immig sk il nd slfposesiN , ndti.eral days and thon depai'tod. AI- Iliyon ould Uniseto learin jnst b9w s= s s s gXdsl n Yees s 0Isw celved lettorsansd pont carde tramt vauced, thin le the place ti omorn O ~sm a oybeome srpiing I os Uo u ktohlm. hi. yherebeîîîs are unknwn. If you wimh te finit oui bow cbeaP bar w istweuwin.Tak i eay.IV a nneesaryto Crushmd lu a V stibule. a etall rllable wat c jnh t o d m k mouIon ro e at a m e.M oat of unVr 1Votke On the evenlng o Oct. 23, 1910.,itthatr. Il ae a 0 Janckr ws apasenge ona tain Our wîtch stock contile ALL two r tteosud ani sezesus bcaue w ar unale o Jneclr ws apasenge ona tain thas the art of waicb malliglias toe Mif oui' bodfies ca out of the water. blinit tram Chicago to Racine antdt offer. of te suf. W Vch he wve ,,as riding on a vestlbuled pIatforit. Andt we wiliigiî place aur tIme et Above &%l be carfu,1o Vhi bun at the ae train arived at Waul.galt vur dioposai. pounding aga1nzt th.e breakwater or the end of a pier and a ondden jolt o!flihe train threw Jen- yS M hvesome Idea of the. power Of a solid Mass o! -- l bndiet-tw-un theAVestibule gonm water. tay in8lde tis ropes on the bathing beach bradeuof thie îwe couches and i beid A . H S sw mir s h lfeuadhiislf ais su haity lrulseit aud that nat anly JEVIEI.E you are s go him ef.bcamep aralyzed but lest the siglit Tlseaeep n utytnginalde f«ra sa nor two and 3tou ef both ayez. Heinanght suit lMnt Lb tvhe ID .Y [NCREDIT tS EXPENSIVE. Accordlng to the predlctcin -1f1loc'l ...... ...... dior out dealers the priee tf liard coal ..... ..Manan;eri nexi Wîîter wiii flot bu lower than $81 .......Ciiy Editor ror $825 suit May le anaideràb hi higher. Thu first mentieneit price uil S ire pald for egg and range coal and S the latter figure for nut coal. At the b iresent time the price of egg andb -- range ceai la $780 white nut cool tg on il yean, as printed slling for $805 per ion. - l mention oft tirae Thuse irices are considerably higli- > of iirem ln echoal e, than the prevailing prîces for liard C ans sometiring ta coau as a rule. On AuguSt 1 the prce e et coal iill bu ioosted ton cents Pur ion and a almilar raille wileli etr on the tiret of Septomber. 'Pli rice la suggestions se ta then la supposait to remain statlonarY C r cutting down tire ail wlnter aithougli in caeo f a short- o e are few augges- rheu lait winter there ls no telllng hure last wintur thore Io no telUing b -- luit how higli the price mai go. w The fact that several coal boats ie laugiter ail et bave unloadoit their cargoesInluthe long wtir them.- locsl harbor within the lait few dais go brancrofethtie givea the City qulto a stock of coal,N but hy no muans enouglit te lst ail e winter. Antetpatlng the risos In priea that wll taite place nuit month and t va may put fart>, the monili following, large usera of et appeer excitius. coal are layin.g In thoîr supply airesdy e n theugh they have go that they alîl not only Bave a con-ý u beat bokiug privl4 sidorable amount of money but wll lie indeitendoflt of any shortago that may arise. This Io keeping the local coal dealers qute hugY and la Ustng UP the for tire public te eu1pply that la coming io the louaI Yaung ladys$ isud docks.p iat>ers one coal dealer in commenting on ait Waukegn irasl thua practice of purchaaIng coal B canuet drive weII uarly sad that In hie opinion peoplu Iwould bettur te holit their moeu and s gt thu advant.agu of Investlng It ln nced tht Faherothur ways than Invustlng sucli large ceheptiraitFaher amountsIin coal and receivu such ad chis eu hee mail margin of profit. 'Of course.,so . The remarks de- long as thu! wlsh ro do this It la n0n0 ite-they were dir- of our business," lu aaid. "-Wu are ister In sectarian 1. the business ef selllng ceaI and -tios fom he ui-people can gt t wlieue"'r they want maen member o e tire tirolics as camper- onu thlng that wlll characterize theC ton te preach &long sale of Coal nuit winter wlll ho thtat J b. a eplt whlcir practical! ovury itealur In the City rth prisai la ex- will demand casli for ail the ceai that 1wheii utiered are las old. Somu of them have heen do- >ose tti. places hlm Ing tbis In the pant. but more wl11 gt 1 accspimd as be- lto the clieS this year. Tliey say iman et nerve aud tirati ome of thir accounti idrag for a positive stand au a yuar or two wbun thuy allow the ae- Thuraday marning. counts to run. People tale tie stand layai members ofthiat tliev "are gooit' for the moneY, but do not stop te figure out that thue [doua flot pay the ceai dealu'-' bills. E The gtroomlegoce.toy apur. ad e turPliltth ercu rse tt ocie-upn Tnu mlte roursi e « reide o. la One Clile Lmth far. Mr. elàm liae Carl teandbh aiwayMr.dy am bepo'basdoato afdt darobe Me i regaerdit as autarfultrivbe, Heton Wadod as naglit ho thriecauton t thu tnday md turht on Ction "ulce the iie "cdhut wag on amhe -JtIi In eiglers witaii ota daredarthe iepeud v iton las.toai unregrriOf; as ad viaigebl and Ai t wheurs astr a nwie reland uncet frthboure- mon!. 'P ime hanpy pain wru unhe ite mony aThe doappyo suirmpteuonayd- ad i rellawnitoAals eltihatendawell 'Pi epiai coopls eltat enmd igli for ('bicaro. Read he furnlsltud road8 stelutire paper today-snd tb.n write aBEST. TER OU& 11h l"d yen a ledgr. AT GURNEE MARRIAGE CF M-88 GERTRUDE -VZSE T3, ANTHONY JOHNSON AT GURNEE WEONESDAY. GROOM AS LAST RECOURSE HAS CHARLES LAMB MAltE RECORD TRIP TO WAUKEGAN. Wednesday evening Anithony J. Johinson 0f Chicago was unlted in marriage to mies Gertrude Voeu at the liome of thle hrlde's parent's, threeu miles west or Gurneu. Ruv. George .,IGinnis perforined the ceremon4. A lîttie epîsode happened Juat bu- fore thle groom led his fitlhlng and ireautiful bride to thle hYnlan altar that enUivened the occasion very mucli for th-e retatives and friottds wtio bai gatbered to witnees thle wed- ding. The pastor hait taken the bri- dai party slde ta bave a rehearsal of their part. and lncidentallY aak If the licene. bad been secured. Wilee thle document ws aanbded to hlm ho disoovered ht was a Ohîcago licenet TPhis mîstako happens frenuentlY, for Chicago men imagine that 'wlittgo0M in Ohcago le good fanYwheru ln the9 state.-'The pruacher îuggestud ilirs wave out of the dellma. Tale the elodtrlc car, cross the Cool county lino and have the cer'e- mony performeit. ISTAVER BUGGIES ARE G.OOD BUaGIESi **to select Fironi . Cail in and Talk it Over. IF ITS FROM SCIIANCK'S IT'S OOOD SCHANCK BROSI Last October the. foflowing appeared in an Ad In the LAKE Corr iWDKÎrIÇNDYENT: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN "Having received the appointment of D>itrict Manager for The OId Michigan Muttiai bile Insurance CJompany, one which is known Vo be moît solid and reliabie, 1 wioth to assure iny many frienda that 1 do noV make changes as hastiiy as At may appear, for the fact of the matter ie that I have been looking for juet this sort of thing for years. In a few words, 1 have one of the- old time (General Agency Contracts which are so bard Vo get hoid of theme days, everyth!ng in my territory mnuet go throngh my hajîds, ail collections and subeequent premiums to be paid through me kshali arrange Vo have a local bank handie the premiums collected in a nuniber ot Contîtie,) whiie 1 arn giveîî power Vo handie the business in iny ow$i way. The company ie known Vo be better off financiaily, everything cousldered, titan Any other. Tlhe firet thing I wish to do je Vo put a good volume of business on the books. Our 20 Payment Life Option Policy le te boat ever devlsed for the Policy-Hoider. Cash at mattirity equals ail premiums paid ini. W. issue al l andard policy f orme." How well I liave succeeded eluce theD is shown by the following: I JOHN HODGE In accoulit with àMICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. 1911-1912. To allottmeflt of new buuinees Dr. -C-r. to be writ.têf duriflg the year 8100,000.00 By amount writtefl between Cet.. 31, and July 1, 1912.................... 8137,16.29 Bal. du. t.o be writtefl betweefl July 1, anid Dec. 31, 1912, none.. *(Thies AgencY will more than double the allotment for the. year.) Anu Other Business Cao Better Afford to Wait. Write to Your Michigan Mutual Life Agent To-Ddg T11E TIME TO ACT IS NOWU!I JOHN' HODGE DisTRICT MANAGER. *<We bave set the mark at a quarter of! a million. day evuning, eayî thre Joliet News, butr the strilseri were ln uarnust consul-0 tation. Thu company yull ot arbi- traie. -Theru h9 an underetindig," wae askeuitoe Supt. Strasr ibis noon "tilat the Public Servtco company la te do away with union latter, ta It true?' I underitand that sucli le thu de- sire ef the company," answereit Mr. S't ras sur. "Hie the corporation sanctloned1 any arbitratioti." "Not 'tha, I lnow or.- answereit Mn. Strasier, "and probably wtll net. You wil have to see the C'icage officiais. Thoy are aheve me. But 1 u&5erstazad thu company viii watt and net take action." -ACKNOWLEDGES THAT UNION 1 Aproulivee t ait bae h e] atpe ticea aisnd av hewddn Pile garomgo O W ulea d- 1 1 QVÂTLE WANTS TO * b a tltpssa *lm bro 'vase N)WWHIO SOLO IT picksd -P hwtnetatele - b is compaitea hait boer bottles MAS aSTAýRTEOAN iNQuiRY INTro Protrudins Ir- m tIier poclte ait hs CAUSE OP DEATM 0F SIEOT. tîmo of teaccident. ROBERT COLLINS. *'ThorZe la a ver, tigi t aae law aov.ring tille ma«te," Rev. Quayle 15 0F THE OPINION COLLINS AND said., l'If 0>11111e bo a wito or ai- FRIENDS GOT LIQUOR IN 0one whla 15deeding upon hlma for BLIND PIG. supgort,thei'0 la an excellent case for - damag ln caeas ho w.. ntoxicateit lier. Thomas R. Quayle, secretary et thie timne b.o'roe lleit. AUl thait là of the Lake Couflti Law andt Order nueo«wY la to Imm rnthe. lut placelie league annoupies th*t h. las etarted aecul'ed hies lquoi' unitheiievldence an investigat4bn as ta the causeas wtIll 10stffiiffilt ta tecure a verdiCt." whkct led te the deeth of Robe«t Col- There are nosaloore ln Ulghwoad lne, Plret Surgea»t of Co. F at Hlgh- or Hlgtblaiid Park -Collins andt vood lest Moitdfy nigbi his comradesspaent the. eveing and He gays tit ±ho will vlit the fort, it la thus irenulld tuat t hy muet learn thse nanias of the soldions urbo bave purdieled the. liquor tramstoine were with Colline at thle tIn-e ho wasa blidpg. Rev. Quayle soya thati. etriiel sud killeit by the Cicago & tisl In no wny effots the mafttr. Nortbwesteflt train and If Possile, provdlnlg h.osmasget coal' er- learu where iliey purebasei thei.ber rades to tell where, tiiy got the wlilch ii à a llaed t ey hait been liquor Mbii h ilaIt VM begense of drlnklng durlng the course of the ove- the, yonng fellIoW5 death titat hie ning. friends vill b. wllliitg to Make the At the. lnqueet it w«e abown tutat 1foots publI. . ff ..."

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