Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Jul 1912, p. 8

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News of Wauke4nanci licor -e Il EIALTT SUAIS WAIWVRAW MIV W 4IWU5sUII5I 55V 5 AT LUNSUem IN ONU CLYDE M. CARR AND AU- EXPLOSiON IN OflIIG$TORE 1 blD FEA 0F W lITE-Evenithe death 04 ber aut, lbthe- Sm OMTO TAXI mmi. hao oave on effe«O n the Donint FRuf.iT: TO DII T onc. AflCr~f'5iE~ ALt girl aho ia nov In (Chicago. apparent-i CAPS~ CAUSE UVINLUMAN lIndfeérent ta the pleadinga of her. jOHN PACINI, LOCAL FRUIT DEAL CITY FATHERO ARE ACTING UPON i0 mother'5 relativesi, that sbe mabe an ER WRE IHOLNG AVC OF ODO AK epoeure ot the facts concerning the E,ÇAGDWTISLIG AVC FWORWOK TO SECURE GUARD f diagrace vhich alle ban brougbt uponj1A OCA,YE.OSANANAS -To 90V. LEY 0F CIAO _________ Aunt Moka Statemifit. P ÀCINI 111E THIRD MEMUEN 0F CORPORTION CCUN4KL UULKLEY P Mm. Jos Ftzgerald. alter of Mra.; LAXZAIIONI FAN ILY TO BE WIL.L WIT14MiAW MOTION FOR DRANATIC CLIMAX TO MR&. trainl to accomlie.y the body ta L oeat wsvr uaoknl e, AR£TDI EK RECAiT 0F THE ROLI. DONEGLAN'S DEATH MARKED Olivet, Chicago, abero banal a s fWU giamn, s sveeandtaloe her ATEliaAWE. made.crvevl Mn. Donegau, ver, golng ta - Upon rcomraendatiou 0f Woodrov Huabnd iteforhacin te Rfus toRid on rai. qelàtits m t t ie lirit. t$belWaubmu fruit dealers and 5ruCO5IOa.kiy, a recfflIsed antbority on spe. church aw@Y from remaina while Wbile tbe scenle ln the churcb bail aaid Uicy ba*l hlred detectives and . vho b"aanIdes that l la perftOCY cil Improement orillnanenanad<as- her relative only are rosi mouan- been one of Intense excitement and ver. voMbng bard on the case vith'legtirnat. to disposle of dec*yed fruit egamant roll, "WaiiegWa' city f&- miss nerthé. 050155.suspense, another deveioed at the de-.a, doermination ta dlear Up the deatb «ecail'wben the custarom aremthora Moluday nor.lag iaatracted A>r- 2. Fatiser Gavin, painting fInger pat vhcn the relativea Of thé roman of thir &Iater. whlch elIs v as'cblidrén, are wax-ned by the police ithur Bialkey, Corporation Donnantl teC acroea oflin of dead wonan, hurle arrived. They saw Donegan and Iaenet suicide, and aima ta straigliteti op, tint 4aOonduct tla futur viii cause carr the South Géneme. treet cul- pinted Insinuâtions et husband. relatives board the trsin vblcb vas the natter of their niece. Anns Don-'duir ariet vr u ote.peecut &. Relatives cf desd woman re- to taele the body ef Mra. Douegan to lin, and the brth of tbec bibi ta, the John Pocini who conducts a fruit The comlaaloors are dleetlaled fuse te ride te cemtery oni ame Chicago, and, Reelng thon gettifl latter. vhlch vas dlrectly the cause stoe et the corner eofGeete and vith Julge SnUersà rua«liel thé train with Deaan sMd moite trip ahoard. tbey t Once teppod huit of Iis mant unfortunate as*slr. M isc.arew afstdauryen ndneti blstMthS.m villa ato. frota thepiattrm-tbey explalnod "My husband and police o0cers, ac- ngt on e. verront svôrn oSI by'As-1pro111o0Court vWin annul bis doclol. 4 Priant citcires lUgligOnce iii they refused absolutély ta ride on companléd by John DouIiÊ, brother *laent Clief of Police Tyrreli, cbearg- . AttOrnOY Bulkl.Y bas lied a petit- preentnu st acrmen beng hé ametran vth anhirng orCfAnna, vent ta 4167 Wilcox avenue,, lngbila vlt hbavlag soid d-eéd bue- ltin lua iCnaly court la hâve hi@ iven Wii5iL auto. thé>' drove ta Chicago ln that where Anna la stopping vitb bina. Po- anmas. Mo vas taken ta the Police motion for a re-cat af the aeagouement isiot daintiesceé eer eelnr.aites. rve. The>' et iret absalutliy refused station vhore bands vire furnlOd 1-Il witbd-afandI bopropesed té agit The ont ramtic cen eve FelingWu*Intese. ta let any of us néeeber, but fiaaiiy for bis appearance ln court todey and JudgeO Stuilo a ltdraw bisl Order eacted in a loca cbureb took place Feeling that sometbing unusual thie girl's brother, vhe la about 25, submit t ril. ln the Ca"5.c Thurs merning vbonesiUc oiea f igitt happon at the funerai of the un- taikéd te her a littié. pleadag vitb 'lhe compaire wa-s received et the The cil>' fatera bave been advlmcd laIe Mrs. Pilip- Douegan 'abeid fortunate vem *an,- akegan people ber to corne vith us, but sate refus- policé station Satiu-day atteruoou il that itvt eW ' Mroiatl 91,060 X forai the CburCb ef the launaculaté turncd out in sncb autubers that thé ci, istîng elle voulil remain there. voman cledinag that her amali son te carry the case te the Suprême Conception. Father Gavin efficiatlng. Citurcit vas illeil. Thé voman vas The ciild la not vitli ber-the lagt .heuiléon sont t0 the etore ýta gel court, but the>' féel that the> are on Standing et nc aide of the casicet Dlot so evli kuovu, bence the reason ve héard eftiIt wtvasnt Robert Diures: beasas. When he re3turueil home the vinning aide, and vili net ho con- ccnltalning thé rem 1tuac be u0a- n sny attendtd vas Ibrougit a de- hospitai and Donegan and te girl'shi .say that te gieter part of thre peUcil ta beur the hurden of capense touate vaman vbasc deatb a cero- sire ta cee andi iear anything that ver. trying ta have Il adoqted. Tbe han4nas vure decayed. She 5§ogiht to ln the end. nées jury sai vas aet-inflicted by migt arise. And enougit arase ta authorities iteard et thé trouble, bow- hv aiigv e oePret W aly h a h ugu poison, ihlthar (lavin. the vnrbe ietinsitnel ne-tigadeen, ad retusei lu bave anything ee u issem t wtba ne- an appeai ta the Supreme court, le a Nient cf tbe parisb for tblrt>'-eight excitlag. 1oe n im h e iChicg ayr el eou s te do vitb putting It out under thé fusai. llsen elle appeled ta tbe PO- Icgiayr Hoaregn ds Year, poiDtOdl bis finger et PhbliP l» tact, se intense vas te excite- circumstauces. We don't k now vbat lice an autborlty an nasement rails trid Donegan, and, ln the noat dramatic, ment that, viteinet vas asklng bas hecome et the babe. Assistant Cblef T>rrell cellesi p«_ public Improvement erdinances b>' bar yetPlan trnaposibe, nsîuatilthé Amlgitty te aveage tite vnongB of \Ve are laklag teps toda>' 1 sec tclI up on the telophone and nakied and bond tenue. thatclrcmatacer ndîctet hiat the decedent, womea beld their vhat can be doue about gettiag Anna bini te stcp over lte Police sta- Teni ltiee h urm Denegan vos te blame fer is vlfe's breatit and came evea bail tear-flled andi haviug ber put Ia v rilng the tien ta settie tbe mOitter about the court viii be heid the last twa yacks délIth, Wlnding Up is assertion vitb cyca for a short lime, la short, neyer confession elhe matie seule six weeks baniane&. Me vas infometac at Pa- lf Auguat. an àppeai tOteAlAight>'ta viit Mis bas aucit a dramatlc scelle beenten- ago vben. before sevenal vitnesses, cmni vas hunanad did flot haveflime 1Attorney' Oakicy belleveate bridge cra, uion Donegan's heati lu case be acted ln the local chancit as thatofetlse Implicateil Denegan. but vas pre- ta mge over te the station. Improvernent a local eue. and vblle m-oel>' vas gliit>. tiis merning. venteti by tira. Perve fretu signlig -Weil, if you dont rare te coferne e admîts tbat Ille Supreme ceunI A Dramatit Moment. Rests Negligence. liesae!tatr tbi envl- ,rl iewyItlkv a as nover been calîcti upon the de- pointlng is luger t the bushand, Pther Gev int tsiagle eut Don- ten. if selleés siga te statement.1 use nmre geatie persuasion" the ,<> j hdé aole o fîbIs idlu thé past.e vho et far back ln tbe chureb and egan sione for bis critiim. He ot course, Danegan viii be arrested. lice official replIed,. lapent ta have a ruiing on a case of, ava>' fron the coffin, Fathér (lavin everel>' arraim-ned Mises Heul and Misa "John Doalin. ber brother, feéls ter- lit eaic but a few moment ta bave Ibis kind. muid la wastance; "if Yeu aretaà?LcNamara et thé hospitai antiDr » o rible about the vhoie affair and de- a varnant evura ot for Pacin's ar- The cil>' cammission dosa net ho- seitty men,, i knew Qeod viii Puniait loy. for net havlng reperteil the case aires that pualshment be metedti Umtest andi la a f evminutes hé vn as 1e It viii récelvé 'justice" vitb you s ud 1iociliupon Hlm te avengu theof Mrs. Donegan te hlm itfe.ell e th ose vita deserve it.", cegted ta thé police station-. He la Jutige Emilér on the béucb. but Atton- woonga of Werwiio hua gons on b.- lied lu order that he might have adl- tIra. Fitzgeraid suimitteti that bel the tiird mémber oft he IAzzxnai Inéey Buibie>' vas non-connitailanbis forse"Frther ramarks madie b>'the rinlteréti thé lntsacrement. Hé uasbaad and Chicago authorties veré tamîl>' ta b. arreutetillsie o etavek. tatomeuts. Hé réfuseil toaeven ques- piéoatuidlcateti bis opinions on the tatedt tat he batilmatie persenailu-ntoda>' in confereuce 0,cr the malter ll&riee iazzaroai vas arreetes.nirY tien thé Court's IntegnIt>' ln the mat- M&ar because, among othor thînge quir>' et thé nurses la charge anti Dr. tedtermine as ta vhat cléps coul la thé vcek ton lilgbtng andi vwon- ter. ho qil mthé bcd til hlm <8$ther Oav- Foiey as te thir négligence lant ne- legaly hé taken te compel thé gi e. Tony Lazzarcn on s eilOa One veil-kuova Wsukcgan iavyer la> that, Whou, lhreo veeka &go sbo tifylng itu anti thé expianatlon vas ta léave thé bousee tré rite 1is tay- Saturda>' atternoan cbargéd vwith cen- clsIftéoiancl vtsbs vent ta ber hbeneber buabanti gave matie that thé>' bcd ne réasen ta 1mev îag and taus remave ber tram the hailatlga lo1iehnéanclsa iesufgge cd, tite l a uio fasnlas be ap=jf tuabat eahedrank a that Mns. Denegan vas a Catbalc un- flueuce of Donegan, vitomthé>' afsertni Ilu acti diwha la a hnttier-iti-law bat no légal riglit ta enter auy athér Uitile Md imelt tofit alck and tii atter ber death vhcu thé>' discov- is et course paylng ber expenses ln et thé etiier tvo viii have bis hearing erdér than eue ot dismiasai. vomt Outile wberel alevomitttot; rd thé stual acapular about ber thé City'. on Ea Otiltremncnut that the saiber bubaul asked bar nock, ru toil>'esb i étCitréyc. cnat _______ i>' ahé diI nt drink more tua. Thé rallier Gavin spokeofet tra. Doue- Han PilipDoneffl, thé West Bidéefruit oesinl h, ué cil>'.n IND O OERT laaiauatiot mado by ftha Priasivas gan as u lg am-ot voman. lu tactman w s ies msterqe ea t r. yrre ln beciY wa v aa IS O PR mer>' trong. ver>' pointe ta Ibose vho b. praisét ber lu ver>' strong terme. ,hm- c 4geoi h iggs emtSte vItit fnyi lu l b dty vie se base n ILa mse. tating Ihat eshe vas anevite bad had City hm beil la yeors. procuréed thé asys hé tbinks thé eating et pertiali>' Charie. s zarnt, w.uluconuats s Mmbad Oft nmoed. ail kins of abuse béapod upon ber. sérvlces of a man teacsetas bis body- tiscyeti fruit causes s muCh lek- firuit store an Washington atréet. vu Deaigannet there unmoveti. hardi>' Wbie appaenti>' élîminateti su ter ané OEs ananytimiasaise anti hé Itnlésagivén a hearina In police court Mon. obassilaithe positionier hla bondi. Hé as belng a direct mournén et the t- fa- tii man vlio la centanti>' vltb ta proaècute ailvite deailla titis mea'n n ua charge af conductlng a W»as .vig l ier, bis throo népb- anom-i tbis vifs vbo bad -loft bis oea an wh w«trtse mmt.bndVgHea creiwt av eva aadle YOna vomana, vbout naone hon ome tUme ago. Donegan, 't la muaaywhnd onega~ fn rtaured Int dipg. hivskyharildv-lthbat- ,&.B ntkaovn. A=a& Donln, Dons- anid, miakos excuse b>' msistlng that fthmueda> vn oui en -étrnlliquors n la bsbasanent Lazzaroni aas alue"vas Dot athle tunersi is vite vai insane, a ftctfurtiier CftO lnot h irie bis ite In Clhyig*i-AIDN ledgit n « ie ieo ,Md or vhoroaouls seenta be un- bonne eut b>' the admisasion et thehéo w#, a u i ody-gumevrd. hy legnou? LLFOR M pLie10i gducte.stvsgve iea ont$&iL unerai ta thé churcb tada>',for, Cath- 1evt l o -e-vn ogé?tlRN SL e $0 i olce onda, cmbit Do« i D o Int ait near te hier CHOIR state that, had IîîDnet bec con- And v->'b é deDemegauneucéla fori poieral othsréithve <tonikilfl cotainlag hisevtes boldy. The réealcetietiand proveil that she wvan. in - gal>'RATEBUIDINGtFfor svér ý ai nanAis ta this kt itai mournere vear. ber relatives, Inchla- »»n, the fanerai voulti Dt bave banienH.burciai measaumut £SPARTE BUILDINSEFORE LofaLace, n buvasot iuln Ibilm ia lag Ivo elatorusud tvo brothera. peTittud ln lb. churcb ln conformity A alit a! mmhn" i D IARTUNTOFTONUE OT- 0f aeplae, utynbe to untîlthtte o vbosnau»,te Murphy. Tboy mat at vltb te cburcb iav pruvotlag timler- dA mavondcf tainle ti055bne ldI I NSon0FO! NV dy v ii,>' ilne we cr"eeté od tb. frit, Dnair lb. coffin mdoit.ns- ala Of suicides uBlosa il la provoti that AdOe.Iit sonul plasitibie fiel bladv-oeil li> ve thelbrm-oi moure. Ibeir mnda vene lackling. require lb. cervicles eta mm but, WAUKROAN PUT IN AO NGvY X uof zatrtitl eeral aes Whou the service W&& 0,cr, Doue- Donegan vîi, It la sald. pay the fu-socom-ditug ta imlghora étranger Bib FOR INSTITUTiON;MAY Milir 0f azz he ar ild, onéSuêi ae uaant ishierelatives vent ta lb. nenat expénsés vithoal an>' argument, hava ou ttbe . sc~e l urnSdalster- MOT DUCiDE 1H18 VEAR. aTiWeilva.s we, thé>'seul uSns lnalstlng tbat is vite hati uat beau nDonandi boi beau vitb inflomamms e l sveed a woe. lckc divorcoti, that hé kaév berén d vas vbéuihe o bou , beeiela bis hme nd t Illacis' DOW stato heapital for thée Lzao i i ovoti» aeardvo flégal t- not rigit andti Iat, ihanéfone, hé vhcneve ebo u ntié l own tavli, Insane, viticit Waukegalibas heen ar.we oDrto on r T he roui!>' vaslu thé smre position as a Have Threstas len Made. vorlcing fer anti bopes la landtrg th urrausbrrvd tte OC mna viose vite mc>' have been tu thé Accring ta residents of <lue Wot thé efforts 0 e stor Oison, plansofor sttin Builartivéti 5lim li on ~ATi re H u e Ein asylummwherené t ovrok Bide tiieré bavé beui everal timevhlch arc about complOti, l9 goiug Ieain: W ired H ouse br throgh berown ac. wbeuDonegin bis buen Ibreetoneti to e'oeofthenmontmodern isita-BiendS : Old Nt Accompny Body. b>' lie vengeance or vwhite caps be- thans orlits kînt, not Oni>' lnIlilineis,. ltcus ae ot hsyai aA tact of Intereut lit thal théei-e- cause or hl aliégési cruel treMmeut bat ln thé venld, according ta mcm- ert-hg elos ttte isamains of Mns..Donegan veré accota- et bst la PesIbla limet tieébers et thé tate board et administra- téatifylng aguiat me aimpi>' bécane pauidtramntéeCouradI antiHart an- ttreOta havé nov 11.00 repeaeilandi tien. Ils coml la ta reachu mbntoéhan lb.>' bavé a grudgé agantatenéDOv- More Comfortable HOU"e détakîng estahlishment te thé chancit dose tiismean that he buaseacuet dreda efthIousanta of dollars. vouit >'ou piénilg-ail>' a« Yeu vere il b>' tis. Donegaus relatives oly. Don-.te servicoa eprsmih 1 -g ri At Wenlc Thnoo Vears. My>'Pl-." More modem HouM eégan anti bis relatives véné nt ai the te protoct himtu lacage an>' aci taI- Fer tre>'earmStatu Arebcto wa upl>' thédIvormei a cari uudértaking nooms la accompaay tée titpt la matie On hlM? Zimmérman bas heen vonkina on vst haun aise ni iomuet in azfrn More Valuable Houa, body anti the cortège itatireachéti the I'Mitiquéetiemi te ane limet cennot hé plans for te nov structure. Hé bas nipasihiovus pdacnd hitsef a fa. chancit anti the moarnérs bail gene la- ansvérsil, but lims via bavé no«c-, correctet ail of thiu nistakos matie la confeemlng gutit. Aak your meighbor who Idé vitea Donegati ant ishi.relatives ed the ma vo.appeana10 hé bis Per- tbe construction Of thé preseul stale Thsltescodim Mh cmiv éd andi vaîketiquieti'le -seuls 1sonal body-guM-d areof the Opinion bosplals and buia ncorponalémi thé T iti l théseco na duIne 01 has il about the pleasure tlte mtale o f the chancitnatarail>' tiat Iisltathie came. besî Idéas obtainabla from thé Illinois ov- déespcnd bIistlaf ae>' pas thé cenler of al eyes vito dIscoveret Inlstead et Martin Donlia, thé 17 and tilier et ai nstitutions. lIgion t îet iiai te at aind convenience of teir présence - year aid néphev of bing. Pbiilip Doue-' Intéad of butaS oe mammath 1 Ti ate eodtmeta a gan. belng te sole honelciar>' ta theébuilding, the nev- date bespitai laTrondibutheen red m lI ino WVAT'KIGAN, Ili., July 12.- 12.000 muurancé vhich Mns. Denegan ta hé cemposeot of one largo buildingronî bashier-eontheformse etf EiectriC Service Anna Donla, 19 >ear ait nieceofetcarnied, $1,000 being lu the L. C. B. A. anti a namber 0f cottage«. This vîlI él, l ais areenat hafrerf<ign MI.. Phtllip Donegan, the girl vite anti the citer ln thé Lady Foreetera. Alenti tacllitter f0e the segiégatent ion li égia hna tS- ws ho causéeofthlie Original troublé il dévelopa that thé boy la but banc- thé vaicesi>'afictut Patients. vbicb am- li ihn Uc ec f hlween Denegan anti is viteviticb fician>' go coe-fth andt ta Douegan, 1 l comin _O .tle oaOnTeet'éti asOf euec clf ayinconie. And the ex- caue-I tettatseparaté and latén, téeitushanti, gti one-haif et li thé of lthé béat méthodes fer curlng ln- Thé2 Volu n ters récnt ca a.oTlmi imO WrZi .Ue fO about tée tuicide et Mrs. Dnean a Plsnned Changing Polîcles. 1Théré vilii hoa seParate amuse- sbowlng loyly tb ter tîncie, PhIIIlp Tbe SUN léarnetat Mm-. Donc-.nient hall, a building for industriai >egr. Loeawvasrecivédti Iis Ye, g5ifs ow Donegan. surit as local suthanItIes gan bcd pianuéti ohangiar lbe po- traiaing andia a bOitei7, Suparatefomtram L*lo To -esnI HIghItand Pal havé net-en before wlînéased ln agirIl lIcie 50titat ber ulécé anti huaband Cottages for lb. Insane, viiilue oecéa- tian lent yeux,.bat More vws réOOIV We do the Woi-k at costetofber yéars. j oaldt ltgel an>' IMneft t ram Ibéni l. lniWakonf. Dî lepite al efforts on thé part et anti go ber nepbév voulti et te ful Capacit>' of tbt owov iteqtal vilI uk i el e uabi n 24 monLuy thé gils bloond relativeès, thosmé néiat.!$2,000. Site féit there vas ne but?>' not exceti 1,200 patienta t et ~-'As.-t J' Olue buaeIO a de1ail edtot ber motter-site la a tiaugittér about mailng the change, hovovan, néeessît>' demanda îî, nav buidltaoS. ~ Schvartz vlore*Y héo w-é a if 1nti g S et tirs. Denegans deat i sitr-tite and nover get b Il hbefrs the sud-.viilho aldel. >'es- let eofthle Store building - vi~mc sivic WETNY gihas rémainéi lolaaIta Donégan, tien béat bockedthelb. ommunit>'. . Lýocation o et b.név bSPtailbu,1 12 SOU& a ntieestréet, DnWo fus c RW -0!ipf b rfuedtocompromise hlm la not houartiscidel upon. gavreraI itnpidba300à.H l oe1 V w ê w fuIR N 'I ai>'_va>'_ormalté.lite _on -_ .-en ___ufvilgel tngeep - but the I nalocpie b>' aito eon Hé fv-I otén - - Ix GUSTUS A. CARPENTER, AC- STANTS CONFLAGRATION; QUIRE TRACT OF 500 ACRES. NEARLV ColS LIE. PACEER SET *s e S ACRES ADIAO- R S E « o S R E ,C O H N INT ITO HMSHOLDINGS AND ORUSHE; NTOSREOOTHiNO D. I Jd%£NNN 48^CRELBa A WORKWAN'S COAT. DoalsectinU«aeppm'eahM.1o*y 573 - ,, acres of mrlsiltate la ud nIabout lAko Envelopet b>' line., Robe-t Dl>' Torent verecouncludalelerday. >'oulgést son oet biru. J-. a. ed>' of Clyde M. COmv. pioreMit ef JosintiUIS oali Cout>' sto, 150. &o T. Ryaucn & 9%M, lAiMutmueA. ajé et ofre ll te Umaluaa ug stoe 0a-peuter. purchaod «fm Jane.- andi muta the laving armii et vormm, vio wIlliam eGIse. jasai emr>' Vîcké- .ntbered lime laine. v itAl thoir .oets mâla apPv«mtoluOIy »Ô &aces la Laie anti ed lb.e>'olng Iil lté. Furent. The propert>' Va. psmmotft At 7:10 Selurdajrmoreut, vork- as au invammt the0 omlsid om «men eatng et thé nos-btertminal met lue l - et te.cfti. Cmono> l MlIe.ule lecti Thé tract of lb lal stvo ile. freM lraAs-oeil vre aleliel b>' tbéa erem lake Forcit botwom thlb.a=*rimoOf- of & youaa lad, llu t.lia ttro md b>' IMe MnCUlVm-. kinovAesecouis ethée seesning led appurel Rock Woode Mmd thît of JOhn V. FEr lanlime doorva>'o et 41siman drug -el. IIl les nartbeast o et iéJ. Ogdén stoire. lie va. envelopoti b>' issues Aranour place ald la tbmn-eequare-m fs-mouahnd to tout. Pulling Offt bair ofa mlle nortb of lthe Arhur Méekar onasthe men Tuboi ta bis aid. The t iré wvapnx*e~ret b>' lte Men. Pîrvil 015 20 cres NIlia s Étl t tiray, lthe ont>' Mn. =arrid tir. Cas-Pter wvi occupant of théeilrug stare matie ne' couve>' ta John V., fant FrenClm Par- eaî uttmpts ta cavé thé boaalté véli a ctOfe120 ocre. iyiag Imn- b> ltée-ut fvster. Twlce ase n- ueilatel>' vest 0f1lte 140-acre piéca termétithé prmacniPtlm neem vitènéthé vbich Mr. Farvél récént>' punch- fiames veré le-seing ascibtas ltée saed trota thé Cornél astate. réaénv- ceîliug ant iîlied oa vater itsckél. iag ton theniselvés 280 acres. neé be>'- clotimu frorn tite vulst J. M. Cutiait> vice preeltiént et thé linupaivus detrayei b> the fine- Hi Cuiluit> Packing compant'. purcitasel sumfféréi a aligit skia hum about tb- tweaty-fivé acnés adjacent te tiseadmn twerty-nlaé acres hé cîréai>'ovati W'hen lime bey'a lte bail beén saveil on Deerpatit avenue, lu L-eké Foest, the vonirmén turuèti lnand saed tlé anti an viicit a palatial résidence stock anti builinig tregu destnruti)m. la uev la proceas of construction. Thé timel>' arrivai Of the vorkrnen Fitéén acres véré purchased ftrmanthtti'immeiliate tiecvn>- otthe James Matin and lén tram thé Kn- fre prveniod a e-<aus comfiagratioti- ucil>' atat. Min Léo iaiman. PruPenle Ofotthé Thé titirtiLake Forest transactioatm toe - eeste ie - s9t vas eue b>' viicit Donald i. tIcLea- 1 d btg sto exli on.e th er aaa rIN - nan et tIanst & McLennen. purchas- lé br a iedeaon theWbene a SfuN r ý 1 . 1. - - ýý- -, , * -- Il- - - . 1 - - - imanglim , tract ot tort>'-eîgît sereon thé a 100 pount bug of augar, a arnail Green Bs>'noati, across tram Rilpi Quatit>' etalcobol antia arainélof P>ool'a récent purctame. Théeitnice strtiw hamnina. vas nat matie pubiec. Aillthe dénis Fucki Ma>'. m-alermaion lthe C. ver. negeliatet b>' John Griffith, vimo M. F. raIlt-oeil. v-s tée fret to offer rapremeatéti ail parties. ansistance tu thé boy lna usnS.Ma'i vas thé man v-lueopéaim téhed WOODEEN MEET ATdoor anti thsv eut thé hurnins ta- - NOITU CgICAO lThe bava acreésu for hélp coulli ha heor forovera blck.In lèse thaïs r tva minutes a cowovt e n.aly 150 WAUKEGAé4AND NORTHt CHICAGO esnhaauebid CAMPS SOTIE HELO MEETINGS It tievelopes tlusa i acali baIeéof WEDt'ESDAV JEVENiNG. aicobi e xploileti. D r ,Isit la repent- FEEL CE TA: TH^ EV RY d, vas lgttlg a patent g" el FEELS cERTA TIAT EVERYbhumer v béna hé drppéil a hber un 8 CAMP IN COUNTY WILL TAKE thé boule. Thé explamon Cailoeti SIMILAR ACTION SOON. Thé cloElmlng about Dady's vnlst va - oaed ivth aicaoel. a AI negular meting oft Laké Camp Dr. Sciiows a vu aummonéil ta 174 anti Tauarack camp of Nothm Chi- tirées tée boys' injurlea. Hé cilsed cage, héiti Tituuuevénina tbame w"tas thé romnovl etflihéboy ta bis borné gaail attemilcucée t ésch meeting: att- oM South aCîul> aIréee- >fe? Laké camp beldlils meeting, a %feaxmtlr»cosky v-as sont ta thé large délégation vent te thé North Dcii>'réslidence te break thé neya ta Chicago camp anti emjoyeti a plesant théettcys, motter. nt eeting anti thhoepltailtiusof Tama_________ bi rack camp. Thé inmpolfaaco business A tact titat almovs <bat James G. w &t eau meet4ng vas-tbé pa»Mlng etfSmnîtug m fnne«muet have bhen tht- il resoictlens auttorzIngantid itactina or 1evtg shown b>' thé condition af jd thé camp oMeiera toasigu lb. petItion tumuituré ln bis ceilar. Séverai large - ,d ger lb.e ubmlsealou to vote of the plom o f Valiuumgfuémure bail baeba mntbérs tlé répeai of lte rate es- choppéil np preperatanrl tu béina bhram ,Y, ltaéti et Chicago, In Januar>', 1»12 éd la the furnacé for fuel. A iarg - anti unten ' vilu b1ad ratéethe arnt etfitis taruituré bail bee of Wooain «thlie emitre jallidCteunét i ird n théehansmént. ,are nov @rceang. Thé résolution ad- -n________ r- apte b>' thèse caMps ua uhettauWi- Léké For'entlal haying an Interest- ', ]y as tollova' lng visiotrjust nov tuntIrs. J01111 ne "-RèScvet b>' <Cap No. - M. W. Fox, vite etflihé nevelist. vithelb A., that thée ffîcers et malt camp hé, vrold ti tlarge 1mev-m béttrn yb>'her ui ans' thé>' arcée e >'b autb«e5dé andl stage narne, Fltzi Scimeif. bin. FOX xe direaléil an behlitoetthe camp tobas b ieen attffering frota acolt ter t heb petitionsuemét ta @Md camp sont. lime anti las ce rtrm ber b>' théebéeti cherk andti lereus-n the Eesteranhome for a bit et changé anti n salue tu thé esti& clerk v-heu prOPen- a vWsll vth ber hahand'a brother, Iy igneét, b>' - ragtaterei laltten. RittihrdFax anti Mmc. Fox, -ha1areSt el "Thé antion ofeft é tv-O cP the Osivmotla club. I placées nearl>' 600 membéns petit.Ining _________________ ,, for thé aubuioslon et thé Quetion.'* r Mn. Héytiecker téels cetain ltut -' OM AN'S et-en>'camp ln Liaie ceunI>' Ithîn the ha némil lia laya vili have laken like il- -aelon, cuti thug maké 1.W000 fthé, as- 10parcent riuirédttaebtain avote;. piaI vh eunlte a-ote vili hotakéen .bas a- nol yét bien detettimIneti. Titi ail c aImportant tblag «athnuis Ime la ta gel a- ltée pétilons tu lte héadichérk's offfice. - - ht- mr. -iydéckir boc ava i lhe. ltati enct camp cabSomia thé>' bavé takea action, vounisiU bif>hlan s itieu éd etflte Lake Count>' ProteMtve eti- 31 clatieti, se tiat limé sésocialleon may ýuýknav vitere vork -hai ta) ha doue. ear Mn. Heydeckcr gais ta t'nbta8ta- édk gcni u adet a]ageWbdanb the Best That Chapegucouil'. Money, C n Bu y lb hea Mglajo epiruce tSear O urex&uin1tons %rethoroueiî eud costalge lithhel anenjyabý3 Vellc tt 910rffl-in ver wa ycoipétu retractiontsls fi-se of jen 1 ville Sisals>. TbO Htgbs-otiff11-o- iaie. We gCiSd oui- sytulensud aad eeur At patemt peavoll eaebau WMvthim ie Oua trames, oleft eeeh étictilar casé. omij Lake Stoisa mI doesmct lnn UP b>'a cea Sm t t0. 'lte , ere Lou1B J. YeoD8m . Isg, j an fia.fdai web rude the M and afl.aabig soet. It la «an uaI P C î« PTC affair. '- WAU G N IlýNtÇ Il 1 l

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