41" LAKE CÔUNTY INDEPENDENT, _______WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XX.-NO. 42. PART TWO. LIBERTYVIBLE, ILL, FR 1 DAY,JtL,,Y 19, 19 12. FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE in a IT , imAge lili 1v U IJ ULA 1' E IR A R I S LEROV CROZNEC 0F CHICAGO -T RA MEETS DEATH IN WATERS 0F HIS BODY WAS RECOVERED BOY SEIZED WITH CRAMPS, WAS 0F LOCAL PARSU SHOWN DV CONDITION 0F bAil UrF810 P R CENTIN PRODUCTS Gain in Value of Producis From 1904 to 1909 Llstsd ln the l3th Consus ius.t Issued by The Gov- erfiment. CREDIT WIRE MILL ~ AND SUGAR REFINERY Increase Due to the lncreased Production of Glucose and The Steel Products- Population Gain Is 36.4 Per Cent Tire ci-ries tatbstii-s 0fr oanufac- n irres@tf Ililnois roupiiecl by Ini- tari States ofIcW&al-Q-co-mpîIer primar-1 11Y for tire pnrp<ae of elîowlng the atb-0 solîrle andi rebtiso nîag'mrîude of t-irat 'lfferent irancires cor indur.nry covered1 tunh<'ir gro tir or de-ine--howe niat a gaIn i I5ir' r1 au of îrorlucts from 1904 o109101 cas ruade 1,r, Watîirgan.urainy on ac- 'mnt of tie treresMd troductiorn of glucose andiseel works and roling mtil roductà. Every ct In Ike MatteetofItinota1 for cii-h comparative etaUtites ranj lie gilen exrept Bioesnlngtn andi1 lÀnroîn, sbho)ws an Increase In value! oi produrta tromn 1904 to 1909, and ailý but le Salle an increreee from 18991 te 1904 Tir1e grpatea gain, 151.2 par1 cent, cas made by FPreeport and waeg due larVeiy 10 tire increnseit prodet- ion of carrbages, wlnd mille and pat- ent medîriesa nlcompounis Tira si-criad greatemt gain was made l'y 'n' a" kegan, EaFÀ Sttfeule s'ai> thînda tir a gain of 722 per cent. Cii-eàga1 'With mlaraUchtured pro-l dui'e l nin-rtt $l,281,171,191, and al u'eýrag>. of 293,977 'cage earners ln manufariurlig Industries In 190)9, la flot onîy the mont importaLnt marn- faMrirng rylI Illinois, buI ranke second oîly tu Ni-w York. Stîi(li Ci- ragi, ilirasnot tshow as greet au n craes frumf 1904 te 19019 In value nf produrie as dos Wauiregn. Watrbs'anu olda elîti place among Tire manunfrr.trring cItlla of Illinois, JhIs lte thîrd, Reciford fourtir and Sioline, lftti, p SEVEN CHILDREN WHEN AD- JUDGED INSANE BV JURY. Anuna lllow-r, a patient front Wau- kegan aithtie Elgin St-at-e iospital for tire Insane, aecbdent-aliy i-ut hersait wîir Othe breadkinfe Muile working lu tire general dlnlng room Monday, surtairlirg asemait i-ut on tire dorsa surface of Oie distal phalanx of Oie left thiirn'0, Tire Injury wcihile not e- garded as serions, s mos>. painfu]. jh'ie physiclan at Oie iroipal beibeves tire wound wiii east bu a few days. Anna 'i"ower was sent to tire Elgin Stat-e hospitat fromt Wancegan maary mont-hi ago. Sire was separated front a favliy of san-an chilidren viro silo had eupported iry working nearly 16 heurs e11t of every twaenty-'four iry tire jurys art In adjudgIng her Insane. Sire ived on Northl avenue, near lire Gol1f ground road. Her case was re.garded as tire most pitiful one on record lu -aire county, Daaarted by her irustani, sire la-~ ilored Iuceesantly to provIde food and maiment for har famlly of saven chItl- dren. Hard work andi wtrry iroînglt on tire meutli ollapse wici reerrlted lu her being sent tetthe asytou for treatment. Har cildren m-are sent te Oie Metr-' odist MOhi orphanage at L.ake Bluff Tire chilîdran have not been itdvesed of tireir mo>tirre rjurY. Ouae chili s'mas under 2 nears of cge when tira moher Mas sent to tire asaybm. Sirace Mre. ttlower was sent to the asyt um ae hbasassistdIt n tire worir In tireIritchan Sni dinlng rooni. Sire JO regarded an tire mut indrstrbirus woman by thre rospîtai attendants, and all officers of thre asyluna agree ttat &ho met Imr lnjury aoccdentally. 'DAY AFTER DAY EMIL TEWES HAS ROWED FISH BOAT TWEN- TY MILES INTO LAKE. $200 reaaiy 1lant miroi, It nray mi-ari miii- liTewes So ire wo't ire rush lie Il sa,-e tat casir, Aml bep hirisclotire'<cii-an 100. Eril Tea'es, Waulcegau'a assistant lgitiouse ireotrer, leanes Waukegau tomorrow niornbng for Miwaukee wirere ire Intende to spend a few ceaire wiîir relatives and friands. ilrs. Ti-ces aud ier two chirbdren clil ai-- company the sallor of tire deep on tis trip to tIe Crani l City." Mr. and lIre Twes do flot Iuterrd to maire tire trppiy rail, and tiey do mot lntand 10 hîre a livery rlg, Mr. Tecet' ownm a emali 16 foot row boat andIilteoln tbus boat t-bat tire famlly wili maire thir tnIp nortir- ward. Toc as ia an expert oareman. Tire le not a man ln Wauiregan wro enu handle a boat ln rougir weather bt- ter tiran ran Tewes. Tii-y a Il leave Waukegan at 6 o'clocir Thursday imorning sari tiey expect to arrine In Milwauskee short- ]y aftar snn-down Tirureday nigtrL Tewes cari row hie tiboat fi-e nmise pr hour, anid an keep it Up for fuily ton heurs, Tire distance froru Mil- waukeeat b Wattiegan le 52 miles and Tewes wilI tr3 to mnibe Oie trip ln etaven bours. Wirn Tewes was assistant igirI ironise ireeper at t'on du Lac, Wis., ire rowed to Qshirosir, a distance of twsnty miles ln a I1111e over tirrea iotirrs. Haeiras officiated as assistant ligirI- houas keaper ln Wsukegarr for thre haat twa years. left Tnesdan, nîgirl for Ann Arbor and Detroit, wbers, uni-y ailInspectI-u iU'ovetment of roada. Wayne courtly, Nlivhîgan, ln wlici Detroit islebaItdiras been termed tan ideal tolinîn .as far as goood roads are coneertted Tira iarty wmt>conipoaad of tireen- tire clty admîinistration of Highlandi Park and L-aI t Forest and also of officiais or otirer cillee along tire forth shrore. ALSTROM MAY SOON BE A CUB Ilere le chat lita Tribuine surd Ica day regarding lire likelirood of tire Watrkegau lad, Ai,-trcear, ' becoraring a ulemirer of tire<'abs of ltna National League: "Harry Alstroai of W'aukagan, a lef t hander, abo. ira' been pltohing for tire Higiland P'ark teana with gond succese, le to be giNen a tryout In mornlng practlre by NManager Chance. If ire siroas a coc8on ire may get a Job as second string Cabr southpaw.' L00K OUI FOR BOGUS $100 BILLS Raised notes to $100 fromn a $10 denomînation iee'being.Im.aosed In l'hit-ago, Tire ainti note raleed to $100 anis tîîrîred oui-r 10 (aptaluThos, i. Porter of tire United States Secret Service Bureau yesterday by tire Corn Exchanrge National bank. 'le irell was passed ou tire banir and If coîrld not ire traced back to tire original possemeor Tire bilt wais a $10 note on tire Anrlerloan National banir of stoubouville, Oàla, HIGH UP IN THE BELFRY WERE ONE WOMAN MADE STATEMENT NAMES 0F TWO BOYS WHO THAT SHE COULD "LICK" AU. Ivriaireke, Jkil, 1;. Mrs. Eizcab.eth ARE NOW EDUCATORS. - FIVP POLICEMEN. Wrattersorr, wîfe 0fr clac of thilecil> a 1aged neterans, dieri St ber homue about 3 230.o*i-cK Morday aflarrioo, aller TI, oîisoolelyad elaie irtielreZo Ciypi.a- an ilîni-st of gaveraI moulus.lleSuhslo efyadbl ,e Tath ie on-typico- - l8 atrubdbe oie tir") nire'filcers arrested a few weeke ago aoa tiof Kaîtkakee for Ififten raars, ther No longer will pirpils of tire Sourth assailt and battery cirarge@ premrd ftaitrily luavnr>g itro,e-d tii-ne fiuni Jo- scirool reslrond to catIs tb leesons by by ' loseir Bleirop, acted witin tIrir i liir earlng tire oh bhell. whietî for over jurraiedction whren tirey drew tireir po- ttesid'etihi-r hilstsanl, itie tri sur- lifI> years bis serNed tire pîrrpose of lice clubs and tet back a crowd ai li <el b. tino cons, triig iz 11sîîînooulg thi tu0tiroir oonis. religions fanatics aiho raied aisrap, 0f Kankakee ant i)lr. W."tW. W'atlrr Tire belfry anîl bell Ttierday sue- Cour wiren tire officers attempted te soit 0f W'aikegaîi itimnbnd to tire aîtmers of oarpeil reak<nik)rtireir meeting, dld riglit la 1 Fuera ai aieboul at7:30o'cockters wiro hart bren sent îy tire 8soh>olthebleto-tlas n auei ii vnera attei)roniethanir'fthr oatuînoik e beief of >. leessone Waeg[te. lir lta ,Iiodg t Ir coiCtlianil o ndtire tyad l rîrtîe ItIM bn lt-ceverd Tisîle.nt l o* ti tIen%. Mrt, <roightijîrFirsl PretYlti ahiclb alîtia i-thlie catler tbenter tire tran Ruben S. Botsford gr>, Waubo.- ran cirurch tt off'l,'late. Tirhoilny roorils leltua. It mas .l<îied to1aban- gan's neteman Justice of the peas. >ilI b,' lakn to Joliet at 7:3i<l o ck don t1ti'1.0 11 ltilantdurItireforelte1 lirecaseswere taken ta Judoe 10 Ioan for b uial. o4i be'll an;aiaso tak-n dowrt andi Bottsford's court on a changea ofs- mayhie plnceed lit a room of t-ie bulld- le.Tire Justice ireard the evld-oaa Itîg as a î.elIc houire shnrwn t0 future train, elart to finish and thon dl.,- IFORMER LAKE generalinmta e tire rt bell aver ln-nifissed ait fII-r cases. lied lunlire Southr building."Tr police act.ed withmn tirer jur- CO. WOMAN DIES 8'tInfititil- alieur pupils go to scrool ltsirtio. Thelr chief ordered hn tl er a iIli ane to plan thir o urs to go te tire Meeting place and queil Mir'i 'ti tLewin Greeley, agi-t 64 from hitîa nd walcir tire cock bun th disturirance anrd tirey dld an. I elfe of Johnut <reeley, sant >vlde]î tirier t0onotire t.ardy. Tirqeatrorsg bu.o%-n in Ploasant Prairie, Wi, .hi-d gong'. wltîir bang in t-ehalaI will ire (Continued on Page Four) a t he ainiy nsldece uesdv a t- he oily meanuiof i-alin6 tire ohI il lIte119 iill esf Bide Ts dis--dren la tessons. 2Mis Kathryn W'ysoc.kI, empiayed era lon Ni r.Gl-ey frona Brîgrît odi Drecover Namnea of "Boys.", for sevan years by lte Alsec Hein t ac a Ie.Flerey wan.Sita a oira Inf u ariog cdown tire belfry, tire o&r- Company, teaves Morrday for a enjouru ir lx'glauid, but r-aune witlî ie' arr ppnters disevered t-wo namnes ciricir ln London, after 'sirici aire goee ta entsto tis ectin weii h las aidtreen wrîtteu there many yearg Berlin and lau-r 10 irer former hoMo lut 3i-r. o ae t'r îtrî' easago, They were: in Rirîrla luiIn ondon aire will v"I ltetiiiilý,r r,'ded inlu tube otinîy, Il1 o0- <, a'ilit-h r.and 'tirs.John wlaw&ld ahr irntSre. Cr-eley tauglir foi' ni-tnt omr S i it n r'ars inlu ti rural scirots, slite was JOINNY TH-OMtPSON î'îtv Pr( I ng sire liks 1 toIIr rllý wntTOMMY T]iOSPSON sIte titidi-> de tu remain tbs" Ur nep a rs ag o ua d s ilice h a r rsid oci l u 19 9 1.td rq in g f9 U g t M 1 4 1Pli-tisnt Prairie, Mond__________ ci- art wnoet cm gaàb - 1 onilTîtîredar frOnithtir. Iaptigl Tire hamac ordinarlly s'oirld nt ,i-naîtrai of avery 1Iau rmirchi au t irseell]. I.1fr. Cri-etc Irai-t Inlerest, but birpeaurse eoft1h01i gan. kMr Burastes vS * tli tire soie eurn'iving rreluber of tirhe ______________ ietr wih'$I~ o 'sI amlly -Kençsb& News. ~~ ~ doaet o! rbi 4. mmemwU o P840 deRt 01 "M « it was Believed. had Lost Fortune 1,199 MORE MALES Father Gavin, by Declining to Deny Althouglh an expert ijanîer, Le Waikegii ail SV: iia), $ip ri 'olmancoblt;$i- roy Croznec, aged 19, a lhi.ago 3outh T À E rrI h R p r iesi r ctc lC n liratM$5toiiroenaM oai, l ~îtrwro hba heen camping ()a tie sbore ToAfEIAL S I h e or jv si P a tc lC n Klndly grant nite apare In your pa- i Gld <enter and lînterial. $F,( in Fox lake, miet deatir T i-cdc3a), t4: 0 A firm ation-M em bersof lus Church Pr to placo In rebuttal certain fa, te Kîngaer and $40 tri Pioner JDm Dan aben ire wsa eeized Mi.h daamj, itIN N W a h a I t ma e or S m as oi)lo>ed to printed staternents la dy leasing tUs last stol k belng a'iren taklng a siiwi l]î aill about your s atid.,otier papers, regarding~ bouglit ln tire ane of bis wife. If 300 yards off Crabap,île 1sland That Little Tim e That lie V as About to the financla trou bles or the late tire rearler wlll take the troubfle to rmPB smised hie deatir %ts RiOWf HOWEVER THERE ARE MORE FE-' James G. Smithi being due te unwise ligure up tfier*' saleraIiiamont, it iy tire fact tirat hie 'uo.in Mien fotrnd MALES UNDER THE AGE 0F 21 T L. Tk , Cc. 4m i u Ilaa Inveatme-ntm lu minlng stocks. MIIire foura] finat \fr. Smlth's Ifnvest was ail cramped out of i.ts rnatural po- VEARS TTNiMAIES.F'11< s L eII IIr8 Th ir tIr>farc lrait praisente.s l ment>, CoNertng a period of alitîle citron. tme l9, Ihat thre Initial inveslmEntioe v er <,,Na O Tebd a evN( i64 Thirty-Eight Years and lias Es- rmade la a mln'ng stock by Mr. Smnlih LSS TItAN 8,0(ertainly that Raitu lfter thre Young miai ad beeriYn PPLTOseen1,95 t b ih d n E va leI e o d was mde wîtih me as agent forcreaf mouev aoîîldnt make macir of alto, go down after yelllug %nalnlyforPOUAIN TDY 1.5 tb is d an E v bl Re o . Bulfrog Piorneer (7old %finescoZop .le bote fn lanc-es 0fra&vealthyfmani bel 1).A eearc'n for tirecirod y w a. _______ wltir h a (tben) uiîlnîng pr pee" b aslb lPapers have spoken of Mir.started at once and fie ansfilnally PPLTO FWUEA A fe atrt nWuea fFùe ai.TeLk Q cated about nine miles rtti of Rhy- Smith leing aithrie lime he broke lu- fisd PPLTO FWUEA A te atrt akgno 'tîr<ab ieLk oldte Conl o \'. evda ir: o1rremiînggae roznec arrived aI I-ix lakbo ast INCREASED 576 DURING PAST thirty--eig#tîyeari, la thre Rev. Father. toryl whicilrrecentl i afle e i-. par value of tire srxxk waz $1 perý In addition to tire minnig sirare-, aeek Wedneday. le, aîll a frieid, TWELVE MONTHS. E. W. Gaviîn, pastor of the Churcir an(e, in commenting lapon tii. C1â ebarPl .n1s, lcnctiesokaIiiii îi r i 1e~ bn r wecamping near lb, ilraabridge ____of__ thtecImmaculate Conception ta re- of triImmacirlate Coticeptl 9i« d # two end s e iarlte stockI 00mth aýfl o i d arrs d1 6,000 sie, rrsI a Wdedytia eaipae ttire active work withln a few months dilferent pastors, ira»tire folowlg toi airan'e. r. irSn)tIt.as my books willl 0f stock lu tlire ttillfcog loneer i ttire Colonial (boino and )asked tire >&Ithroutod IîavWatîkegan hoines at the langest? say of Fatirer Gavin: I how, bougirt 10,u000 sbari-.s ai Ibis,[lng and iil ~tliug <orijan, Nwhi<h did ba a o o.\ inh Fmoene fa onii peMa Sienni rieb a.eGv "at-ber Edward W. Gavin. Wuba fre bîîying on thle Ion paymert lPlan ifot -ost fili the exîendltîre of a' refuesed, ireasked for i îîîeal unI lî01011911tliis (atiiion iiai Ib i 0 jNeii, for soîîe le li me , nidn ,r'm 17,i siiIbr <erti- tiris paying ont ln nirre mouths tir.' ingle diiliar, aas e eaîe s a gvnil H hî.gaotmiee i i'h9îe aririitenofbttcrgrgtin ntmut -egr yas rl40 erieada siîm of $200, Sîilsequerilly ire littstaIes agent for - t -ieiorrsany, sud as> plaie for a time and ma, ren oct--'., heq-te are ,0')î ibi livi tnlng l in tatie, iabout reudn to, taire thebotter, tiegun in November, 1872. Ne ,000) hiaresfrmore aItirhree cents pfir1 conîmîsKiori r(,eieîNd one saare of slonally but dl.d not iNîri ut flic co- Viýatikegari Iodfa) The rîtetber offle I- utrrCai hen uestoîied lareeetedyasiotol ta urCthyll ebare. ,or $60 for th43 additltnal 200() stock for aveC3 sirare ire ibid to lu-lontai omales Laestsed by ilarîtel A. Crady aith regard tu tira mattertiamoi rttnîsfltnyawohypIt sirares. Hie entîrei lveerment ln tir" veslors. 50 mincit for Mr-. Smrithe out Tire boy witii whiti, ireamped, ihs o irc he istsfoîr tire seeiol lg, dclirred to diseuse tire matter, bat as a pmblo-aprlrted atim&s Bullfrog Poneer shares tins totaied goas. irurried t0 Chicago t-o nolify iris par-boadnlujune, totale aî 7,698. In bu t, iry refuebng tc, deniy tire report, Tirrougrhlies ecoWmolrirp, hieta t«.- $260) Tire osyment for Barriexetend Noa' for tis Incomes on sales of ente and the body cas siipped tirere otiier words, tiare are 1,199 more PratliIY COnltrmedlit. rity anrdiris long yeai'm aof.orvle, lie Ilrg oer tie tat,- monlirs of 1905 ai it ok heîd iry hlm, I irnow POSITiV- ai once, following tire Inquemi, Wed- men liran women bn9aiiiegan todaY. "il woflt give yau alythîg-whàt iras been a powir ln the. bedt y't of tire earlv monrirs of 1906lf. jy titat wlien Poneer eBares were a, nesaday morning, whicl resiilted ln aire censuts takersa report shows 1 s-Y la fr-m the altar-you go tire. aire county histary and eUpeclbU,7Of rring 190f,. and tirhe nl erî31ceedtiigir ide ire 80141 2,000 i4îares tirasnverdicet of accidental deat, Reports thiat tirere are 72 more femalsrînder and liat lt," ho Saad ln reapans. to tire Waekeg&n," log hrg t yaret Mr. mit rsv, Mr Smltedfilr$70nNTissoeedaeno aileds loin onertcomsale auoftheagaof 2 eos InnVaioîlen teut-uertireounageb a0fpreenti-vears nen mtirrs f te cogre $73 lit('oeur IlAlerre Magie,$40 lun, cide, bei-anse of dIleidenc lia t ti s maIees 'fliere are 2.184 enaale8 as 0f tire SUN, wtlon of tire oburcir- Say that Fuie Niontraal Cobalt; $25 lu Toronto Co-i otnaionPg or proved ungromided. ('ro-nec was a! agaînst 3112 maIes.t souriIfa pt' ai (CkiinedonPae ou) remarkabie swimmer, ln atai-Ibirewaaj There are flve mlore fi'males living seried riu'i a long pastorale as bas <Cntlinued on Puge ftur) fasclnated by tire stoter soeira cas in lIt W'aukegan Iîtween lte agesa of 6 t mcir of tire tirts wlîen ai lire ands 21 yaars tiran tirer, are mais. DEMENED WOAN FOM WÀKEGAN ak.Wauikegar isatire onît' dry b irheTOHE NO BELL ANY COURT SANCTIONS" GOffrey Johnusoni. Iroîîrloor u tire sae of ilîtîtols wircre t-le nuaerof AT ASYLUM CUTS TO MILWAUK EE Colonial, Informi-d tl, SI'N Iial Croz- fomale bh'-ths compares faîoc-&by L N E O O T O IEM TlI SELF WITII KNIFE BY A ROW BOAT ajloed hlm tir nado f Watat i e tirhs tofreth exaelin Walegri of-CHOOL PUPILS QIJELLING T1ERIO gan boldtire inqireel. ery year. MRS. ANNA FLOWER ACCIDENT- WAUKEGAN'S ASSISTANT LIGHT Tire Ppullationi of WVaîkog.îi lias ALLY CUT HERSELF WiTH A HOUSE KEEPER TO ROW FAM- NORTH SHORE li reaseil 57t; <irin,,' liie list v-ar. 010 BELL AND BELFRY TAKENI FIVE SPECIAL POLICE ARREOTRD BRADKNFEMODA. LYTO"CEA CTYi 'rite poPlaîtioti of hii'. ilv a tiniar DOWN BY CARPENTERS ON ON ASSAULT CHARGES LIS- 9RED KIF MODAY L TO"CRAMCiT.' OFFICERS ON JAUNI ago sais j(;'1069. "lia opuolilationicoi ORDER 0F SCHOOL BOARD. ERATEOD S LOCAL MAN. Julire 26th wa> 1>,595. IS AT THE EL GIN ASYLUM AN EXPERIENCED SAILOR Thirty-t-rree nieuibers ofe ria IDNMSW ITNHIHTEW MNCEt C Road Improviienit association, com- DR. WATIERSON'S FN A E RTE IHTEW MNCET CN WOMAN SEPARATED FROM HERta rr. m o- iislngheao hr, Liste Ciief Praducta. Theier lriniurrtires as lsîcdilritira bullamli Pltet nesed by t'ncie Saum, liorm st-afemest: - "Tire chi«t Industries of Waukegan are the manufacture Of glucos and (continued on Page Four) LOCAL TONSORIAL ARTISIS DRIW LINE ON SIIAVING CATS DO NOT TAKE VERY KINDLY TOI N4EW FAO THAT FIAS BEE N DEVELOPED IN WASH. SAY THAT IT 15 RIDICULOUS ONE WOULD SHAVE CHICKENS, BUT DRAWS LINE 80 FAR AS CATS ARE CONCERNED. Barbeae for cats! out or Officiai and faahionahie Washingtan comes tire slogan. And trie le tire progran: Herafter w lien seabskin muff and. coati; are consbigned t0 tir e CdAr cirests for tire Sommer, away goast M lie. Tairbys fur coat alo, 'In common hnrmanty, why not?", tirs la tie argument. For long-halred cats, tire Pe-rsien and! Angors. varleties, have been ob- served 10 tant 1k.puppiea ln the 1111at of Stmmer andth ie symrptn ~~~~~ ?OPiud O seog lotir) BRlADBURY EXPLAINS MIN= JNGi INVESIMENTS 0F LATE JAS. Il. SiMITII; SUYS HE PROFITED,_DJDN'T LOSE lnteresting Inside Facts Given by Local Man Who Knew ail About Mining lnvestments as Made hv the. Wauenan Mian-IA/kn EXPERT SIWIMMERr HM BODY WHFN FOUND. ,THERCAVI.1 TO