LA Nr INDEPN DENT WAUKEGAN WEELY SUN VOL. 20.-NO. 44. TWUILVE PAGES LIB.ERYVII5LE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY JULY 26, 1912. ONE TO EIGH-T PI0 ER YEAR iN ADVANO< FUNERAL OF MRS FRED DES- JARDIN$ 0F ORAVILAKEHI4ELD SUNDAY; SORROW la WUOL. NOIBI STOLEM; MOT LOSTI SAID TI4AT MONCY WAS STOLEN AND -THUS SEEKS 'TO 'TAKE SUSPICION FROM SEF onue ofthle sadda5t fuerais sean ln )COrteCa hetd at rayaiske Snnday ,lien te body o eliLte Velra. Fred lies.tardius vas laid te rest ln h. t1r-avbake cemetecy and when nts.5Y memibers o! the twe lotiges of vbich sçhe nas treasurer turnati eut te pay her rea pecta deapite ithe tact that, sben the vernan tolpoIso lAi week uviicit anded ber-il!..the, audit- iug cemmIttees ot both iodges.vers ilioen mseriing apon her hooks to10 l- cate siieged discrepancles lu ber ae- coints. The loigas of which shte vas 'ti trasurer vere the Nlystlc Wrkers, sud the Royal Nelgitiors. Varions mr- mrs veme ainat lu Craylaka toleow- iug thte sensatienal suicida, facts ot sebîci appeared lu tliese columus at ah.tinie FlNtreportselied It tat tira DesJardins lbaiS meely leat $50 ot the %fystir, tVorkers, meney on the streeta. that bei buaband bati mode Il op andt bat it wau mare despondaucYl anar tînt lots. tat iassed ber tuened ber lite. It develoPs, nov. hoeear, iliat lu ail, lu ha twe ledges sha vas &bteut $200 shorL Lodges Turn Out. lu ber lodge a*counais, viien the limeý toge eofniambars of! aashbodge luruati anamber. The service was ln charge of Rlev. Smit of the Il E. churcit sudte ltuerai proveti taie one et the largast itelti in thte village le a long t<me. Details o! the Shortage. liera la what a Grat'slaka dispatrit says et the sitotage: Cr.'s L aT ..-. L uit 2 - Whlleean tudic r. î'."lnteCas ucalgte exptrne ber books a3 tr raurer otfttte P.ysk V. acera oft h e \orid and the Rcyai Neithbors on the thaory tht there was a toniage approxlmating $200,.Stia. lirtie Egjarelu. a memn- ber o! s pronc.lent anti vealthy tame- t ly lu thîs suburli. look poison, trom the affacte e! vblch the <lad. In bar dying moments the vomsan la ai te hava aiclaixued* "Tiie aneay vas stoean.1idit! nt s. * misait." lM £#MUgaarin'a actI labeavdt hLave bain prompteil by tha tact that bar huabsud, an enginaur lu a manu. facturing plant. haiS board gozaop r- about the. vay sha vas handlng the. Mysie orer.s'fonds and haiS akad bar about IL This conversation toah place eaany In the, avanlng, and ti 8 e'clock Mr. Egjarein teck the pa. son Thte incident creaald much Wlait Graysiake. lira. Desjardins vas the tiaugler o! Charles Toute a Weal- tuosen aund sealthy citizen anti hec Othe connections vera promineul in tha ctmmuiitY. Womane Delay Causes GOSSlP. luntae lotge anti social lite of Grays late. lic. andi Mc. DesJardins vene avaye prnttnt an d toc severai yeans site bas hald te postion e! treasurer e! the Roala Neigihors e! America. Sea ime &go eue o!ftaeoffîcens a! the Nlystlc Wrkera catietioeaMca. Desjardins tonritem bocks vîuicis vare te ha audîleti. 5h. di net gîvet1Imm le hum and maiS. an excuse tînt she baiS some verk te do upen tem ble- fore site couliS tum tem ovar ta, the suditlug commIttae. Books Pounld t10 DeCorrect. Thîe booka et the Royal Neigitbora bati beau andteld JUIlY 9 anti vema teundti le hacorreet. Buh dlay ln trauafeîTltag the cash te ibe tresaurer cauaed a misindrstiandiM ngndthe vas comment smm , te irivfaera Thera vas n* au5ploiaauat Mrs. DeJardinshon"e ttu ýogtbot MIRa3a laitepeople, blai, thp~ ie round vt cl'1PMalw fthM uh- cotnts were al rlgbt. Later, it le belli'red, sie let hlm tînderotandt tat 1 discrepancy eidsted, for h<e le! t the hou»a ad veut dowu Iowa for the PUYPOsg Of ralslng tonds. He later tUrnLed over $50 ta the Royal Nelgh- bon' soclety. 'Accrdlng taoneu member of the Mlys dic Worker' lodge. an amount la.- tweta $150 and $175 la îaxtaconted for. Ilia. aortage ln the Royal Neigh- bor' fond la sad te be $45. This lat- ter has beau madie gond by the hus- band. Mrs. DesJardins la naid to have been a quiet, unaasumiug wommn. tlne way eXtravagent and the. peuple -of Grays- 151<. cannot beleve sbe misappropria- ed the money itrusted te ber keep- Ing. They are equaliy ai puzzled by the. unfortunate w.omana's dylng tate- meut that the money bail been tolen. Her whispered words were the firsi lDkiifg titat a theft had been commit- ted and hec ante-mortem tatement Was almot as great a surprise ta the viliagers as the firat rumoaofo the ahortage. GRAYSlIAl<E.lIllnois, JuIv 19- DeaPOndency caused by the loge frem bher pocitet book et $50 of the Mystie Workers'letige of which th, w&à tresaurer, cauaed Ms Fred Des Jardins, a preminent soman of Gray, laite te commt suicide Thursday eve- ncg, Juîaiy lti, by tal<lug a dose of "rougb--On-rats. She <ied wthuîî an heur atter taking the poison. %Iri.' Jardins was about 25 years id and leavea a husband sndonue chid of <vo veara. Site wss fer meriy Nlyrte Tonis and biaiti ived about Graylake met et ber lite, mov- lug jn$ the village about twelva yearg aga. lier buabaud la engineer at thte renteuslng tactery. Dentsd She Toolc I. Nirs. Des Jardins vas foundti t bi mlck about 10:30 o'clock aud licýr continuai vomitIng causeti ber hus.1 baud to send for Dr. Ss.taffer. Thel dcter worked over her but te de- niad that tbs hati taken auytbing ta cause ber condition. Bl. lucpt lier Eecret until death cama near and then th atimtteti that ahe hati taken tCe poison. l'p to that tminIl hadl been te ttat she vas lck because et ber narvous condition. Afttarshe bati aduuîltedti itt sIte lad taken poison thte doctar resorteti to every masus kuosil to avercome sucit a condition, but tound ti tnuavait. lng and the <Ied about xlniugbt. ce. marsetul tint te bai commltteti thé act. but failing te tell just wity site bail don. Il., Lost Money Recently. "rinds dectare she bai worrled monh over the bass of $50 efth11e lotige money. 5h. bail carried tiin luhc pure anti bat it on the streets. Site told ber bustiand the biait sent iltet headquarters. but fiustiy raceived a ltter lnistiug that il btld fot arriv. aiS. viereupon har husband sent the, $PO andS front that au,. ah. seemeil te, vorry mocli. lIma. DesJardin vas qulle promin- et lunte village. &ie tonmely vas assistant potinîstress under 'Nlilas Wbltmone anti everylbody lu the. io- calty kuevheran sd reapectati ber. Friands masis1 that ber mind must have become affacteti from tebao!o th. money. Coroner Titylor beiil te Inquetý at noon friday andt he verdict %as lu accondauca vit thlie tacts. PLANM JUVENILE PROTECTIVE ASS'N A meeting vas helti aI Wlnuetka Titureday nlght by committea rapre- sentlug lb *ubucbs of thàt placa, Wlmelle, Keuilîortit and i Hghlandi Park tonrte purpoeao! couslierlng tha " os.blsimaut of a juvanili pro. tective assocIation. lInsa. G. Heve BnItton read avs re- part ehoitalg conditions relative tu morallty et eilidren alcng the nantit shonr e ho bliatiThe tactsou intis report airaady have beau publilahd. A lemperany organizalien vas effet. et. PALATINE MAN DEAD AT 94 YRS. In tae deatit cf John Louis Derg man <n Thursday Palatne lceteue et tast otaI nlle citaracters. Mn, Bergman vas hem lu Gannanyj on )(&y 10. 181$ endS canae te tba tnt-j ted States lu 1865. Re hait rèseiS lu Pâlatdue ftty--seven Yearis'U4 f forty-fve yeara on tstaa'na vierse paued s.vay. ]: 1840 ho itara'ld laga sarare - 06».. Ta~ tfoureen cuid"n. of wiiom fou qp. Z liviO.e mtRLmRUN Ail $1981 TOiIEVES TAKE TRUNK PROM THE ROOM 0 F SLEEPING MAN AND CARRY T FIVE BLOCKS. BROIE IT OPEN WITH AIE MONE BELONGEO TO POL18H CA- DETS SOCIETY 0F WHICH JOE OYLEWSKI 18 TREASURER. One of tite boittest robiserles thatl avecr bu taiten place lu ts icinity eccorreti at NorthtChicago \ionday igbt sben rolibers entereti the board Ing bouse at Fourteentit treet near Comamonwealth avenue andi carrieti away a trunk containtng between $800 anti $1,000 belt inl trust by Josepha Cîlewsky, empioy'ed at the Hardware Fouuidry, whote i treasurer of the Po- liah Cadets of Northt Chicago. After remov'ug thte truuk ftram the oueherobliars teek iltat an a<- pileugorchard about unve blocks away anti there broke It open livmnus of ana axe. Tt Cas founti this mornlng by John Walzsk. sehose home Is near the orchard. Kept Money in Trunit. Gyiawslty la saldti t have beau a mnan whe <Id net place much confi- dence le houka and for thîs reason kept ail] thefonds lutrustad te hM PROVIDE FOR A-GREAI FAIR 59TH4 ANNUAL FAIR 0F LAKE 00. ACRICUi.1.RAL BOARD TO ELCIPSffALL 0F THE PAST. REOROANlZAT11.t'i 0F THE BOARD PROMISES MUCH IN THE WAY1 OF AMUSEMENT FOR ALL. The 59th annual fi, r ftle Lake County AZrICuItasl 'ot' i selli le held Sept. 3, 4. 5, ou I '. <T ,iberty- ville. 111. Etuce the reorga- ' :>iTT of the board soanae lLahlit it.Ti"qmost subtantl h Usiness imtrtpi 1,ofP5l men haye heen appointe'! *aoff tee andi the,, fair ef 1912 prois- TO eclîpse any other tair inhi h. tt of 1111- Thouaandg etftdoln i ash prIzes wiil lie awarded. bas' ini Tue qualitî and varety of prodi. ..ho n in the Speeti Prcgran, 'rbrty-tiiree hauýr. 'i anci lfty dol- larB wlli hadstribir I 'in'rashi prizes. The pregram: Wedmeaday, Sept. 4. 1 vent Running race (halil, mu! repeat). Thuraday. Sept. 5. Event. 2:35 trot.. Purge. .. V3001 .... .300 Are- Purge. .... $300 .. . . 31) Free-for-ailitrot -. , .. . .4 Runnleg rae, 1 mile ah. 1 ltuttung rar£e % nill, ad repet. 1U3 Friday, Sept. 6. E vent. 2:22 Pace as treasurer etflthe Pllsh Cadets lu a1 2: 20 trot ... trunit lu is recan. Se one evi-lFree-,fon-ali pare dently learnedth ie secret vbich led te the rohbery. WNhen Oylevskl aseeke the flrat tilg ite notîceti vas titat the trnnk vas gone. Ha routti net bellave bis eyes but a dloser searcit couvinceti hm that thora ceutd ha no donlit about th1e matter. About the same time Wttiznk no- ticeti the trunit ln the rear of lits home sud making an Investigation diacov- ereti the name et the osener upon the Cover. No Cue te Thleves. Heaia once calleti Gylevalul up on te telephene andtIniformed bhlm et the matter. The owuer iturcleti te tha scene anti foundt iat sure eueugh. 11. vus his tnnnk. The contents, lu-] clutiiug rahiabie papens. etc., ver. al acatlered about te gretuti, the, reu- bers, evidently, having threo them out lu ibeir searçh fer the mcuey sehîcl they founti ln the bottom ofethVe trtank. There ver. several boarders ln the bouse wîit Gylewski, but it le said that noua o! hem are suspectaiS 'of obaviug commttadth ie crime. Thi. North Chicago police itat recelved uo report efthtie rebbery tnp te an eaaly iheur tiis atternoon and te tacts ver. igiven out hy people living lunte vi- ctinlty o! the hoarding bouse. Tbere seema tobe not te sitgltest question about the matter, alttbugh It ls bard te gay vty te police vece net notl- fiat. STÀTE MEDICS ON VISIT TO COLONY STATE SUPERINTENDENTS WILL SENO PATIENTS TO LAKE CO. TUBERCULOSIS INSTITUTE. Fritiay mering a1it an automo- bile party. consistlng o! Frank F,. Wig, general suparlutendent o!fte Municipal Tuaeculosia Sanitaniu c Chicago, Arhur J. Sînsseson. assia- ant sacretary o!fte Ilinois Plate ,As"bulaton for lbhel'reven.lbon eut Tîîlieulosts. D. Theodoce B. Sache, medical diretor et Etivard Santar- lom for Incipient tîibereu!ar patients, Dr. 0. XW. IeMichaci o! the executiva committeaetite Chicage Tubarcu- basis Inslitute, Dr. Jobst Rittar. beal et te Rosit Medical liuic anti elt. an speclallals on taberculosis, vlsitad at tbe coleny e! the Laite Ceuty Tu- berculeuis Inatitute. viiere they vere recalveti by a commaittea censlsting of M. J. W. Barvaîl, Mr. Joeapi Hingitan and Dr. W. H. Watberson. ?liay ara muol Iintereatau inlu Via ont ofthVe local institution sud &lai eim hav, beau sendlng patilanta ber. frein lima tote.. Tbeii. 9l insu- tifflon ta fleaiScsi tf0 awf.cty et fiais Urne, aud viii thm ecin of tihe gréai nad etf a mai Utlllty bafdwx t. . mmpaipt **ulaI tisl-' -ttôn unftg u in *s~ Pu rse. 400 Running race one liatt mile and repeat . . . . .. . . . . 1 if Runlung race It4 ani reiteat. 150. lj The purses vilii ho 0.' ded 50, 25, 15, anti 10 par cent. Offcers and Superintendents. Paul Macaffin, tresideni. Herman Bock, first vire presideut.1 W. B. Smith, se*anti vice presdeut.ý Ray U 1-ublard, seccetary. Roy F. Wright. trea.4uner. Drectora. W. F. Cio, F D. Btatershsit, Wtt- Hlam V1clery Juin Austin andi James L.ý Clark. Superntendents. Hersas aloI mules, F. Gablie anti T. MeCultoughý Cattie, Y,, Davis. Sheep, Freî Bayae. Svîue, I.. T. Brant. Poultry, DaniltLee. Agnlcultucrîl andi <amy products. lRtu- dolpit Eph-er. Frauits, IL N. taxham. Vegetabies. C. J. Keinl. Carlages. lbugges anti mechanîcal arts. C. A.lTiikley. Culinary, Jessle Thomas. Preservpet fruitts, Jeussi Thomas. Flevers, . ttolinger. Domestîr 'îianiifaclures, NlilsClana I Mitller. Oruamnenual neetileseor<, SMrs. R. W. Churchill. Young fliks. R. J. Proctar. Natural busTory, 'Mils RA. Hush. lscediariy Miss E. A. Biush. Arts andl craft, Misa E. A. Bush. The animal tain boo vas printeti by tbe Wafflegan Dally SIUN. Titt book la thp lurest anti mosI romplala avec pinted, It consitase!f74 pageqý aud lIsta ci yenv oynt, avery enlry anti ever! cash pnîza. CANNOT USE THE WOOOMEN FUNDj Slandpat Mernber Wins. In Suitl AgainstIrlsurgentsof Peerla, Ma-I Jorlty ot Camp Bing Forbîdden toir Rube. Peorlie, î11Y 17.-Modem W'od- men orf'.uî'ira campa cannot tale nuonev fi-atiiîein genemal tond anti uie It tiTe Jil tagal.ust ltae propos- et rate ilurreise. even tieugi a ira- jority of Tlii, members of any campll are "Ilisturiîsliq,' aeording ta a ruli logna mxi" ty t.etsl 1D.Putarbaugh in eti taitijw1ii Tiiprayat tonr iîy a itntit.'miember et Bakter ramiu, hare in <o'ta.a. Thte camp hy an ai, arvbeimiu.g vote dacîietitvawattels ago to latte the gaenaj fond menoy sud use It ir a lgbt agaînat the lu- tcrease lu rates. Edyard Pevers I tarteti the proceedIugs anti won out today thse court holding tat Wite a snsjority et auy camp migbt desira lb.hemoueY sD usadtibera vs. uhbIng lý th. charter of aiiy Weadman camp which 'ProvIded for Via s.e!fmoeney In that way. WILL 891UO $10910 ZClH 03,870 RAISED AT MEETING 0F MEMBERS OF MOTHER 0F G00 CHURCH SUNOAY TO RAISE REST TRIS WEEKI COMMITTEES AI'POINTED TO PURCHASE SITE FOR NEW CHURCH The final split between the t'eo fac- tions ln the Mother of Goti churcit ocurred Sunday sfternoon when the etriking congregation, by a unanImnous vote, decided to throw off ail ties or the church and to beCîn Immediately the erectien of am independent churcit te, cent tn the neighborhood of $10-' 000. A collection wu&a taken yesterday and $3,670 "se raised, and itl;a con- fidentisily capectedt ht n5t last $7,- QOO wiii have been ,aised by the endi of thls week. A systsmsatlc csnupslgn foc the raising of this mnoiey ha& been launched. In addition to ralalng the large sum 0of roney for building pur-, poses, a collection of $69.41¶usa ta- ken up to defray current expOrises. The following efficers f the ew1 church wsere elected: Prasident-Father Jacobi Kalan. Tresurer-Jobu Hoduik. Secretry-John ltacek. Trustees-Frank Belc. lMartin Bru- net and josephi Brence. Tite treasuren was placeti under bonds ot $5.000 and Fatiier Kalmi, te- geiben vith the Ibrea trustees, vera placati undar bonds of $1.000. The members cf tha indepentient churet way thay de thus simply as a precaa-, tleasry aneve anti te aveld any sucit dlfflculty ase devei9ped ln the olti Church. Will Secure Charter. The truistees seere Instructedti t>Pro caad an once with tht e rk e!seur- ing n ctharter toc thte nav churcla and thîs was doue today. Other cemmit- tees have beau appointedti t secureaa site tocrlthe nuewchorcit and stili an- other vili tata e the vort cf get- tlug plans aud SPeclficatiens of the c-hucb, together wvltheaaci t fasard lng the centract. The intention is to have <ha gront broken aItbe earliaat possible moment se Ihat the structure msy b. linîsheti by Faîl. At the present time meetings are belng beltiln a bal] at the cerner o! Tenth streel anti Sheridan roati vhlch wiii hoeVithe titinarters o!flte strIk- lng cougregatlon outil thte naw churcli la completed. A cemmittea bas beea atpluted te visîit e ieatiquantera of thte Indepen- dent Catitolle chumch of Chicago vitere î'eiics anti aquipment necessary for te nese ctutrch seili lie secuned. Titese wiltb lie rught 10 Waotegan on Thurstiay of Iibis eet ant iinatatiat ln the baillago that they may ha useti fer saying mass next Sunday. The aitars, etc., viii lie buitîlhobrs at once. The new cburch bas beeti caileti the "Ciurch or thte Tctuty,>' neaning the chucitor the Fatiter, tle Son andtiheb Heiy Giteat. Faîher Kaisît bas racalveti vend from lthe btsbop wba la lte bondief the thicty--elgbt fIndepend-ent Catitelle ehurrh lunrthe tutret States, ha says. lntorning hiltat no act cf Arch-' bisitop Qîîigley worsld wrest hie poern fram hum sud titat go long as hais j omntitted nu crime thal lie neet baiel na tear et anyting andti ay geoitn sas lui mass anti perfermlng hua ether chTîrch <luttes, the ame as be.tere. Fa- tuer Kaisu bas tieciaredti iat ho ta satisileti nov ant ill toilose the lnt struîcîlons giron hlm. lie says ltL arder nýeeveti trom Arclbisitop Qiuig- ley nilglt divest him o? RiIy salhority tiiH bisiocese bt tcoolti noV pessibiy atte.-t tînt ehile ha le untier the au- theriy of lthe blsitep e! the inuitpaen tident citîreit. lie bas also bearti troînthe bishop ioder sehim ihe serveti eelntAus- tria. This' latter Informa,! Min, ha says. that his authorlty vas net ta- ken train him-lhal ha slnîpiy hati been releaseti trom Anstria seltl lte right to preaut ln lte Unitedi States, tbut titat hacausa ha hati loft lhe coun- try ha coolti net glva hlm, the racom- çmendatîcu ha ethervlse veulti hava )beau able te give hlm. r The Information rectivad tror4 thé ludependent hishep, liover. là con-1 .1dered the most importantaý,uuil], an members.o! the srikinIIJIIIIIVI'III bave sui litby FathierIflhII.Ijail thot ance that be was ln h i4lt'au ràuçh rellevc-d althoughte e ail along that thpir cous CRUSHES Nt T.he strikera are mr hnetu siastlc with the ln8tructions given ont by te independent bishop to say nothîng of the splendid reaponse made W .VNEKOTAT suî.day. BY TROLLEY CAR NEAR Ir is said that the $3,670) raised on NAVAL STATION Smidav oas gien one-third of the ro0ngregation, thus belng the number pi-,.TiT RT the meeting.. When the SEVEN ESCAPE DEATI other tno--tlirds ýare tlalted liti Tlioight that tbere sel l e not the ïlîphTe T difficulty ln raiaing the rest Pf the rnTifT TeesaSry to go ahead ACCIDENT OCcURREO AS Dui< wit'T Tte lofilding. Andi most lmport- STOPPEO CAR ON TRAýî anT of il], th- menîhers of the congre- gaTion sav thar the nese chîîrrh weil ON ORDER 0F OWP4ifi lie tuieir cvii pro1îerty and th'e c'iurch Are Seliung Sharte. l' e work of raisjng money Io etug ber being permitted to boy as many shares of stock as ie may destre. The -setest nusiaer tetten Sunday was tonsar lu addition te the liresent members of the nese congregation It la saiti that 10)0 familles. pçople of ther nationali- tien have ignîfleti their Intention et becoming members andti ll bahlu o ita support. If thbe entire amount of money cannet ha raiseti at thîs tima it wlll net deay thae weri. of building as a moartgaga sull ha placeti on the atructuka for tea aaaunt lett andi weekiy collections aon seul make 1< possible ta maille Iis. jI»S. ELSDURY MAY STAIIT SUIT WILi. SUE WHITE STAR LUNE FOR $10,000, ACCORDINC TO STATE- MENT MADE TODAY. WHETHER OR NOT 814E STARTS SUIT WILL DEPEND LARCELV ON TEMSE N COURT. Ffleuda etflirs. aes Elshury, wvb< utisides jost west ot Ournea, wyul avalt seit cousîdecable Intenast, tha ont- comaeofthtie suit te recover fer the death of Abe Wiiler. vite va. dravu- ati wben the Titanic vent dovu, as It la salti that Mr%. Elshury plana a slm- flar suit lu casa a verdtct fer the plain tiff la returned ln the case that vae startet inluthe Cook county Supanlon court, In Chicago, asat Frlday. Willer vas a ceident o! Chbicago. Thea suit ta recover toc has desth prcbahly vas tite first sîuitlte kindt te b stat- est ant i vli lia more or lesa o! a test rasa. Thte deatb o! James Eisbnry la stîli tresb u inte mînda o! bis friands In Waukagan and LaIte cenuty. lin. Ris- hury, alter having vîiteti bis oid home lu Ruglanti, vas retumniug le bis Gur- nea home onu board the ili-tatati Ti- tanlc, viten tae terrible catastropha occarrati. Fer tiSys te umes eoftita eues racevereti. vas scanued Inluthe hope that ha mght tave beau saveti, but atilsat camie te announcement <bat ite vas onueetfIose vho hati gene tievt. Froan lIme to lime tuera seera vilt rumore titat te hati beait saveti anti vas t11In lua NaeYorkIt ospitl, huit a searcbIig Jnqulrv ronuictai by <ha SUN brought terth tha tact tîtat h. aras lunoue ofth11e tospltînl andt iat noue of the bodtas recoverati anaver- cd lis tiescriptionu. Than. anti no u- tiI Iben, tid 1v.Elsbucy gise up. Sinre tiharTîtnle hec grief bas beau no greuu! lhit she titinot kuase vit le tao, but nov. t le statad that site has r-ontId4 i ta sanie o!fhanerlrenis tat s he tliks of tartlng suit aginat the W'hite Star Lina tfor tle death et Ilic Iiisiaritid. It s saiti sie viii dlaim uh.uî lidthe big boat beau preperiy "iippeI %îuits ili le-savlug apparatua, thati t woutl baie been possible fer licr hiband andthltaother victime ta saaas Ibera aas ample ia îe atten Se% eu persoashat iae~ul".4 cape from death under tii he w$u a Chicago & Mllwaukee Eleti at thte creasing leadlog oMt e- soutii portion o! the naval tr'*AI«gý tien tewards Pive PoiqtaSaUdM1U ernoon wheu the troliéy est, toty tuiles an heur, hit the- R. Vanderklett auto ot Lske ii lu the Car vere: Mr. sutàé4" rian Vanderkioot, Mr. and im' liam J, Vanderkloot and thé«~ ter Burnait, Miss OraeS O5DAiï4*î ter et Mnr. William J V*SIb« Nt. Clark Cary, ber obr chauffeur, aml of1,k ~u . Tihe car vas demOllShed but Mrs. Vanderkloot andS rel«4fflrê as the Chauffeur èicapeil exoepting %a few miflerbralaM almoat ail anataiated. Tii. çsr, a ne, Stéasn Senger, vas vrecked lu the the hood being osmb.e« 054 tgina totn froan lis IISu#. portion et- the ma.olidiie v aged a preut demI. Mr. ý aud thé. driver at once a cuient and' atter deaabs oe w as aêrlotisly luJwle&ý Sho vier t vas throvn Wo mttatter 110w haInE tnptO tto - Company, vbIch oeri14à Narmw E.oap-oj. It That nobobdy was 4 - tenia a miracle Wh" .S n the. condition of the. aut9. 5O derkloot tauilly b"lialr..i1qê tisay reacbe hat ti.rOSiS Peints, tbey tartail te trio tracits. Ac<iesngt teur, as hae gelte the tra*.. damkloot avldeutly saw tha, approacbing for be 1,elledt t* an te "top!" The. driver his .mergaacy irak, and atapped on tha taak. car bore dovu 031011 th.m couliS gel clear. The rm songht te 'threou tmig, coniti net bhnug hlm e« a. ha vas tanier fl spaeu! latlcular crossing laeone aultolaVe usa lu geiflg veff lision vas theretor. a ern the auto anti occupants tX te oua aida, lbe Impact trolley aiS auto bins lux hoati, on angine portion. elà. been a foot fartiier on the. ly sonie of the occuana utav beau selaucly itaJured. eti, bacause tluay voutit celveul the fulforce of h cÇ as il vas, vaut againsl lthe Portionuo! the auto. A 1 Mr@. Vandorkloat Torr#IiI While 1Mr. .Vaniklo the point et impat. bo- tid - as serions r.e p48 tha car. Mr. mdc)et' a netins omaw ,for considerad l eIn ft Ing ou nervous proitrtOin id'fa$t et tha exiitemallt tolboviînt pb experlance. 8h. vaa takan boise once viiere it la Saiti she nov lanij coveraiS ton te siocit. The ciii F Ir la probable, boseever, that Mli. r fl Eisbury seill net atart 3011 until thç 90e far -eitneseiu. body la iselits Wllaî sait has beau finlaheti. If a spmnfail for the accident It verdicrt for tite pialullif la returnad Itlm on ueetofliiose cases setire ào , 3 wli eslallh a precadent Ibat viii te triait te avoîtithé car asBd, ' -airger seu fon a almilar verdIct Wocdeog enceanlerei au acC14004. lnsr. Elabury. Relatives et 'Wlllar are usganeralty feit that, badti ti. -suîiag fer $10,000 andi Il la prO'bable îtapt goiug vithout thse q 1that lins. Eisbuny vîli tiamanit a like mate aaccident venuS h Me ,automebile W«..A - Wlth the angine runnlng on oeean but about 5.40 -cylînidar andtiha vater mix luchas covaftitby lnaOMM<' a ven the floon boards, ltha lauucIl le -vr~ Ses, Georgaeta. Ricae asnen, matie pDort icday atteruaou, vicIaI' uvara - tve-bour battie vlit v!ind and iS av. Ttà iV i a 1 - C%ýL:d t