LÂKE COU.FvIlJ àNnPEnWN 1 , AVT11TVL 9 lu 1 Xv. oa4 lie Gî. Thomrn sd chldran et ti ortb Bond, Nsb., spout the paat week vib I tr. adUliaW. G. Thom. lalues Pollock ni Chicago, vllted thé put Sek vîih ber mother.1 Iliss Mies laiana -fChicago, vlslted ovçr Ssluvday and Buuday with the 1 borne tolt$. Mr. and tMr». Clarence Donner of1 'j Emantol, vlst.ed viii lr. sudidM'a. J. Donne, snd other relative,. Malai. Lyburu sud Bos Stewart of9 Chicago, &pont Sunday iitb ther father, ,A.IR. Stewart. Miss (arri, Irvlug retnrned home lait vok rom Madison, S. 1. Mira. Fred Deunisu la ppending iome filme wlîb ber aiter, Mr@. C. E. Deuman. Nick LulLen of Peotoue, Ili., vlatted »Fvera.l dase with James Amour and other relative@. Born. to iv.sud AMrs. C. E. Preeton, a sou, lait week. lire. Ets Wlnleeke and daugiter Fris"a retunud to their borne in Syca. more, 1.11.. Friday. lirs. Lybuvu ##d daugbter Alieof Chicao, are out for a few eeki ast1h A. E. Stewart home. Mr. sud Mn.. Ralpb Barri. 0f Poends cpuuty are vilting lhe fortper' Mater, lire. .. Thomn. The limsiousary tea vili b. beid sit the catis hJuf, :1. S.1b@ Mlluîuru Ladies Aid aoclly vilii Sbeld Auguit 8. Notice later. YORK HOUSE Our peasor. liev. 0. F. Joues suet Sunday st J. L. Barrns a' siiOrn Carmaoa nsud la vWstlng aroudd-tbis W.ek. li4and Mira. Areble liurpLy are visît.. lut a$ their homne. liv. Murphy bad the mislortun. of havlug bis luger eut off. Fremont Burri. la viltong at FrankL Suri' Ibis eek. MiUlmysae.'Wilson sud lire. Ernnet baentabie içalied on David Adams sud fanily one day lait we. Mvi. Wil Ferry is vb.tug a: J. 0. Nessons tus va-L. I u LAEIW rnNml milas iorpom ou" i asheen spondlug a few days lu Chicago. Tiie Ice creani socal at Chavley Lambs vs. weIi atteuded. A gond 5Dm oi îuouey weAasmdo by the cemetery aseocation. Mro.*BiEoEty bas been ou th ii.elk The Warren Cemelery AssocIatIon meet vlth lira. lues Manzer on Wedues- day afternoon, Auxuat 7th. Wm. Kuox hai been laid up witb an attsek of rb.urnailm. Mises Mamie Panser bas returued to ber home la Novvood Park. Ney Lamni sd tarnily @peut Sunday at ZDon City. The MmIses Elsie and Hasel Clark of Waukegan. are vlsitlng at Cbarley Lamis. Mr*. Emlly Rowling bai bei-n very cieL. Mise Hope Kellogg aud lber ne, Portia Kelogg ol Nýebrasha, are vlsltiug st Ney LAMbes. LealisCaunon @peut Suuday lu Chicago. Mies Bornîco Elsbury la tsLlng piano Issoas of "ii. loy Dizon of Russeli. Oliver Book of Rolus, bas purchaeed the, Odett farm. HIcKORY lira. John White, Jr, la vlstlng at the home ni A. 1. davaga. Ga. 'llotaou satort.isd REL. W Inker and vile last Wsduesday. Carl Bd varde of Chicago. speut Sun. day wlth ths home folks. lire. àlim ni. ut.vtelnsd ber ua"c, lir. Ira Waters, and Cap$illher of Chicago thls ek. mmra G. A. Harmen amemp@&le Capt. Mllesrborne. The. saunaHickory havvsst picne ilI la bsld Augnat Sali. Tbe:LeMW Aid Socety "Iib. poit poued this usunth. Mmr. F. Acben and lriend of Kenoshs, visted asieral days at 0. A. Kennedy@. Mr. and Mmr. Alred Pederson snd .langhtsv vare ca4.irr at the Chris Paul- son homne Suaday. Misa Edtb lyan vsited ber aut. Aied Alare-co1attended the. ie@ creain Clarke- Little Mararet came bim o cl su entertalument given by the vith ber.I cemetery soiely. f STAVER BUGGIES ARE GOOD BUGGIES We Have a Stock of Fifty to Select From... Cail in and Talk it Over. SUHANUK BRosé '"Stop! Look! Listen!. And at Gurnee too We have a quantity of lire sale goods we are almost giving away and'we are aisQ selllig :CGrocerles, Meats, etc., cheaper Sthan other stores. AT TIte NEW STORE 0 TABLE RUSSELL TAYLOR GROVE I)oitigs and ayi.ng's of Oraysiake Tii. Ladies Aid society wrIll Oleet wiati re. P. liadden i,, staYiug vîia bher àMn J . D.iurray on Tbursday alter- daugiiter, tire. Buga. IF. J. Druce, Editor " , Pho» 1ilDoon, Anguetlolt. A cordial invitation Geo. Le-win ieuonlb, @ck lieî. las ex teuded 10 al futeetted. Berîlan Crawford ilenI Friday cveniug 01nda Taken for Job Wonit Ad vertising Rat«s On Application The dog and pony sfaîw aîtnacted bore. _______________________________m_____ quate aevrowd liondmy ev.anug. r.ani,sion.... .are ... .î Ga. Brandatetter took a ioad ofJ young people out to the dance et' Van&Woud's iast Tueeday eveuiug. Aitl report Bafdue tlm. iLouis Uarwood ia uuw hu@Y Wiring at1 Round Lake and it Ioe eperted tiei1 citizen@ thora wii ail bave electrie iigbte1 la the near future. bir. and Mm. 1). T. Webb and IMise1 Ada Miltimove cof Waukegau, epent Suuday witb B. J. Lot tue and farnily. Wrn. Klmas. Who has been workiug boesthe. paet few moutlue itt for Fou du Lac, Wle., Tuesday.t B. J. Loftnue1f t Tneaday for hi. farm 1 lu Wisconsin wbere ho wîili peud a few Tiie Chicago Telephone men ver. ou: thii. eek re-sdjoutlig tbe contrset for lelephone Comnpany. Thse business pesople have ta pay a third higber rate thon previoua but a much better service le guavanteed. The Groysiake 111gb Sehool Alumni are l>lnung te have, a banquet &so lime lb. firet part of Augues. It le hopud that ail Ibe pas: graduâtes wiii plan toattend. A definite date yl i. maBde later. Born, to Mr. and lire. C. B. hlcCelland. B baby girl, receuUly. lire. MGrath and daugbler Kitty, opent, Thursday and Friday of lait veeL viti lot. ana Mre. H. Coornis. Mir& Dowvus,,district manager of tb. Ujintie Works,'s of Chicago. attended îus fanerai of lire. Fred DbesJardin and naisted la the services t the grave. Mir@. L J. Lamub of Chicago, là a gueut of ber aiter, lira. Han.@(Jeiden. lir. Charlotte Le. la vltiîng relatives and trlends lu Chicago thie veek. Ilsrold Clevelaud drove with hie unele, home lait sunàay allai a yearýI. ll. The. funeral vas beld Tuead4i afîurrin,,u at 2 o'eiock st the home. Tbreasyrsln peddl r e.arneeted and f1usd by Judg. Lougabauizi laet Tueaday for p.ddliig dry goodm Nîba1ul Iliceume. Join Lougabiaugi tvansacted 1,uînese lu Lake Villa Mouday. Wîn. Moore tranaaeled bhnirm u Chicago Tue@day. Mlesora. Churehîli aud Ferry and tîrr vives wlll ipeud tbe lat of tIh e , k nt the Dcll@in lu Weconalu, makin, inz ti, i, lu Mvr. Churrbill'a auto. The mauy frieudi of Iyrtle l.jli ocpre eboeked to isar of br datb whlela occurred at ber home 'Satunday ev.-uiug, July 2tb. Tise funnr~aI w" beld at ber home Sunday and lu rial at (irayslake csrnetery. The Mises Watlefaan and Quayle have returned tb thef n borne, lu O)ak Park, havng spen: two ceekm aIt t. torfe bomne. A. C. Corrisaud farnily cOcu: 4unday witb the. R. M. Meteaîf tarnîly at Guru., Jo. Mervîlle, (lladye aud EIlwiri itîed at Cenos Junction a lew da, m Dudley Pope tia vetunued tlalic b nDe lu Wsuxefan havlng epent a cmille 4of weeki ait Murrie Bro.. Mira. Anme Baud cf Urbana, Ili , C1sn a eouÎle o!dayî îi tins. A. C. L'ica aud callsd ou otier frieudi. Tii. funeral of lire Greeley wam laiîgely atteuded ou Thuroday noon frein t!ac Bapît chureil. luterueut vas ruade lu Mount Pest cemetery. Mr, Greeley bac the iYmpatby o1 bis boatloffieuds. Asher Crittenden bai a uew motor- Sirs. Wrn. EIli@ and MsOie einIcce atteuded a miatisse and dinuer PârtY at The many f rieude o ciess'Vers Met Notice The Court of Honor wiii bhîid a regular meeting Frlday nlght, J uly 26 . important buslnssa 10 b. tranusatd. Meresaienls asvved. Swlmming and Diving Float A large svimm4 gmua i dvlug test has been ereeted and vifl b. îauuebed lu waler of about torsy bot onu Grays1tke. fIl tesqulpped vish a piaio Il sxeet bisAi viti a sixtsn ot o pving board. The. fund for buding seme vas duuated bY the vsst uids cottffland icreral ot lhe Young men of th. lovun. 1t is îaid lob. lb. beet oue launched lin auy cof lb. lakes lu Ibis vieinlîy. (u.Ceveanu ta tue Navalitrainig Rosolutiona of Respect sehool ai North Chicago Suuday. WH£EKEAs, lb. gransudndaupremne rnier Guy Geiden, 1h. son of Mr. and Ars, oftheb.universe.basin Bhainfiuntewîcîlm Eau. Golden bad the maaortun, to meovaid frorn amortir us one of nitu 'brea bisIdt rm lnt londa eve ig Vrîbe; Myrti.le Jardiu, and Brek bs 111arr lat Nouay venug WiîEueAî, lb. long ana litlîliate wben lb. tilfIront a aswiug. relation field vitb ber l iu I. lahbui Editor Ellils le lu Minneapols aud St. dWbcarge of lier duties lu thiHeaî P'nao ul e bé;we.M. W. W. makes Il erineullu bifittiug on usîcesIbi vek.tbat ve record unr appreehâion î.l lier. Henry Dornboki and daughter, tirs. Thevefore Ile il Clareuce Doolîttle atîcudd tbe funeral Resoired. Ibat lie viedoun and laiuiaty of Im Cale a Chiago onda. bicb @lie bas exer,-ised îunlb. ifour of Mi. abl aIChicgo iouay. organization îy servie., contribution& lir. Cash Ifoolttie cutertaincd the sud couneel wilI h. helai in graîtul Ladie' Aid Society fait Tburaday alter- Ren erdat b sdenn,, al noon. Supp.n va, eerved and as nuaui ar eeOvetary tameour d,î ci' aa af th. tables groantd witb good tiîngs W1 vacaucy au.. a ohmdow tbat ilii le ost. Fiftcy people were prisent and & dely rellzed i aili meulier, and collection cf $25 va, realized, tins uied@oftIbis urgsnizstion anuil tuinlg thaffair a soci1au d finanelal Paodothe-puIe 'uti ownt andb the Pbi.ae nlaieallb Miss Mary oLl iain red nd..aaed, a-e express ou' hi.1.- that cucu Ludaugîcui, Micibgan. 1se great a le" tuluns ailinîav te )Virt Yon ame looeiuar înouey Il yen are uot ruled for god i Bmbîhdoecîl ail taktug advantage o!f Or One wolck hbngs ewl. Speeial sale. Druce Drug Ca. R.soved, tbat s copy of îlem- remein. Icourd ouLretrnc iat ;.tinuibe $pread upon tt.e rcorni,(if Ibis Leonad Hok reuriid iat nrday i organisation a ealiy ,yrîuî.ad in liae frona Kremulin, Wis., viiere be baq ben loalpaper sud a copy lnrivarded -ta for the paut six weecka lbt eiràaved famlily. LaMaont Allcu and Cîccieul WbtuîareMAUA WHEi'a i draîve la Kenaalîaain Allen, machine A(iiil .1i .iaaseias, Mr. sud1frs. IBarry MacD)anit.ls of W&aukegsn, are @pendîug n fema day, Notice vitu Mr, sud lire. Harry Geary. MizPah camp, H. N. A- ail inembereq John W. Baker, special agent for llase nuin June na-va,tiN lieu paylug A. F. & Ml. inenrana.. C., callcd on local lhe Jnly aswesemeul or hil ' recept if agent, Jesse LonueabincbTaîe(laj paid. Ail dues inust 1,il'y 'august 1, 1912. lire. Joseph Petenkant dia-J aitlber] Miui. Ilism\E N ReLvxli-onien Joseph Vogt bmd a fine t wo yeur old colt kiiied by ligbtniug Satu rday fflght. Mise LUra Gilbert baa ben hired to toeebthe Fort Hîllachool fer the. corning Year. Misa Giert taugbt our Piool lait year and gave excellentesatiefaction. Richard Towueeud had the misfortuue bc have bie arm eut quit. badly la8: Thureday by having the. ha.: fork flu. lirs. Orylile St. Peter and littie daugh. tsrs of Highland Park, bave been visit- log ber sieter, lire, C. L. Thomsnac. lira. L V. Luek and son Edward, @pont Mouday in Chicago. , Nias Ethel Vogt apeut lIt,,,wek visll- IUat A. Paddocek',. 1 Lttie lMaurice Towneend, son of Dell TonWueeud, wbo waa hurt (uijte badly by bsving a large barn d4or faau on hirn la gttlug aioug ulcely. Robbis Vasey gave a dance lu hie uew bava Thureday nigbt. ,Md Baurnan aud Fred Couvere went to tue city Buuday tu buy cattie. Tii.y rstuvned Mouday ulght. liMra. Vogt aud Mr. and Mr@. Will Lobman spent Monday atternoon in 1.ibertyville. ias (rac. Baurnaueutertaluedseveral triandsSunday, the occasion being her loentti blrtbday. MMr4 lcCabe aud Bernice Geary took la th. wlld West show in Chicago Mon. Whet Savod Thom. "Ysm," nId lh. voeoan, 'at one filne iq eveT ~ itin an incbh ofr.estloit bofrZ - b ONE WEEK SPECIAL at the "THE REXALL STORES" With a purchase of everg SOC pipe we will awag one quarter of a lb. of Black & White smoking tobacco value 25Q. Druce Dru'Co. ýGraysIae, - Iflinois DR. L. M. COULSONý .VETERINARIAN Office at Gardinier Hotel Phone 53R MYSLAKE IUIM been secnred ta teablb.hebohol anotber term. Mdise Carrne Austin i@ ePeudlug ber vacation witilire. Cham.. NOBODY SPARED Kidn.y Troubles Attsck ,Liber le Mon and Women, Old snd Young Kldney file seize youug and old. Olen coma vlth 11151. vavuing. Cbildren sufer luin hir early yeare-. Cebnt otrol the klduey seeretions. Girl@slare langi, navrons, sufer pain. Woinea orvi, c'î do daily work. Mien have lamne and acelg haçka. If Yon have any form ol Ldu., flsi You muet rach tiecaase-the ldue. B)oa.'. Kldney Puisave for weak Have brongflt relief to Libetyville tiL0ssrtyvllle teatimony proves il. idra. ReilUy, Viret St. sud Park Ave., Libertyville, fil., @&y@: *Wbile I bave nul bad auj klduey trouble rnveelf, 1 kuow about tb. mrltsofD)oazi'o Kiduey Pilla aud eau vecornieni thein. Due cf my family euflved froin pains lu bis isek aud irregular Llduey action. H. uâed lloan'e Kiduey Pilla and foad thein very effective. They regulated tb. action of lb. kldneys aud s:opped the. pain., For sale by aldealeve. Prie. 50 Oeeute Foster-Milfioru C(;, BuffaloNew-Yark sole agente for the Iluîted State.. Remember the naine- Doa'-d taLe Do other. 44-2 .MMI80..-.-- ae... 'g theOo 4ui road wbicb ha, ejued su lunch trouble lately. Tuesday, July 8n, oecurred the datb i Wi. She bari been eleL since Jan. 1. Addle Lewin va, buru lu Englanl Augz 1, 184s~, sud carne witii ber parente tu thii country viien lwo >eavsofaffe. 8h. waa the daughtr of Hienry aud Jane Lewin aud vas a reeldent of Lakcouuty e fer.e se tauglit for many years lu lie rural seboule. 1he was married toJobu GrWeey, january 1890. lu chicago, ivlueetey kept stcre for a lime later luyiîmg a tarin at Pleasaut Prairie ehers tt*.Y Dow are Sie was a utember of the l.iEol, al church, cf Waukegan and a iiember (il tiieMount Boit eeeery moc'lets for yparm. lMr@. Gr..ley vas 64 yeare of age aud lcaves t0 mouru ber deatb. a beoved buiband, au adoptsd eou, two sitere. tMr@. Be. Stedman of I>ubuque and Mir@. Kate Breser LaFaro Wle. two brothevs, Dr. Lewin of Rusel aud GJeorge cf Zion Cki. Tii. funaral was held at 10 cJe loek fpel the houas viiore làbovîpervice vas beid aud theu to the =uIelî5brcfi viere the Bineraii semnvspreaebed by Bey. Eugley of Kenosba. Sb@e vas laid ta vest iu the family lot lu the.Muonut Reet eemetery at: Roeecraus. A1. M. Nanu, farruiug naar Canaan, Me., vas hadly crlppled with oelaîle rb.nrntiow due ho saye to urie seid lu hia blond. "Folfey Kiduey Pillsecul lrely cnrod me and misn removed numeroui b e« ra@ etu"wefteonuuslly before MY o.." Foley Kido"syPileare a oule aeld elvent aud are ffsctive for the varions foi-ns ai rhoumallam. For sale by mil Drugaitu. L GAGE'S A J Dr. and àdre. UecCJeary of Chicago, Su ndajed at the. Keller bomne. -Nlîegqf vftbis Vos. of Evastoâ , ta ependiugr thiâ week witb ber paresta. Mlr. anJ d ro. Wm. Waiah of Chlea«o, M p.nt eever-aldayâ with lMr. and Umi., NI re. s' is enetertaining ber am, Mmir. itamkel of Hamnilton Park,.U VTEER STRAIOR? to Wrn. Laycock & Ce. If yon baveasny auto neesd, regalvlng or otherwise. W.. dlaim lu Lnow aur buhsinud to at- tend to lt-s dlaim made good by every job "rinlg aur baude. Even If iou diDn't ueed env esrvlces today. drop tu auyhow. Welcumet Wm. Laycock,'Co. AgoBte Fer MOLINE MOTOR CARS Lihbrfylk fiLM PltoIes-ameS u& 1E. Sb*a33 UIERE'S VOLiR CHANCE If goo are foln or a hoMe l of Vr ow If gou desie oowa remueratlveRat îwo cottages in choice locations lookit.,for qulc hagers. Attractive in price, with ternis to suilt purchaser. Get in communication With. J. E. MEREDITI & Co. ROOM 3 SCIIANCK BLOcK ARE YOU SICK? ~Fr Poison Blood Puiisthe Bioo, Gleanses the Laver, 'Ouata the Skia, S trengthens the Nerves, Inrese te ppe '.For Catarrh. Sa ro fuie, Srfuous Humors, Ulceri, Hammisud Pinipieson the Fae,-Constipmuion, Headache, Peine id the &Bmansd .@UBlond disesses (rom-any cause. eFrChils & ever 'Of Oai clentifi hl alaeansd Ague oures, -1"*CHIL. , LAX7 as the world's girest- est. Absolutely sure,saufeand hennies, 10 thâ persou.mking îf, yet 10 extremely fatal le the mn1ri gerns Aut ina oSt uses it drives the poison enzrely out of the systee nl 3 deys. A Mild Fsmily Laxative The New Discovery ForREUATISM snd GOUT, deep- i te sd penl'hopelest ese% any V ~ a g. di' = = Usdi by Speciafilstin -~quarter of the Globe. Plessant to a e Don' wuWtI.sldacampounds, cure-alla snd liniments 1 n:.; if neilected often 1ues. to Brlght'à =e. KINglýFLUSH le a sufe, apeedy 'and auaslactory remeily for lo=g stadig KIDNEY; trouble,. poaaeaaing a wond nIl andsuptia power [lý LAKE COUNTY INDKPM«NT. FRIDAV- JETTAI '-)(; 11.419