Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jul 1912, p. 6

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6 BE~N IRL IsS SUT PLAINI INIRIÂt{'ucfIkCONCERN mC - - te do "a suii t~ »i L~FJULU MISS ADN^ FINUKIN HAS NARROW RAYN YOFIC3 R tCOI U a t ~Itsodrt.g E-1111OUCINT ON WARRANT larrudot. j f VNEE 1 WOE AEECAPE PROM DEATH LATE COUNTY CANDIDATES AWArT THE 3 TTSATTORNEY. CHIAGOTTAGOPLWHOHAEIIJLL UOu 1#0 I VI CALL# FOL-j -. ENNG. OUTCOME 0F WAUKEGAN 1L'rPR UOMIC FA; HCAO OEN Iis Au, he1 ya ad aug- CONVENTION EAGERL.Y. ALI.51i ATTCE SAl TO HAI -- UP. MN 11DR3 ftCONDITIONS. 1ACICG O E r AIUAt LE WIlE ID O PEJ Ig, flsaeJiy28 --oi PSTRSHAE EI SN RI~ I T TE M t r of Air. and Mns. J. Finukin, wea-j HNC TID ATV, L- tby (Chicago residents, who are Sum- WI ù I OSIA.1DN WO>NSLTS A eigo h ee asnîr, CAL CAMPAiG.N 1S SEING biS8- - N OPTA. The Lake C010117 Boazd of Super. DELICATES PROM AL. TOWN-. . TO V«RY MILK OAIRY ON HAS CONSITMIED: three miles west of ltlgbwood. oas' one a1 the montt s9nsaîîana Camat FOXbaite onadl e lookmnte, thoe 11P IO OPT Y I IEMî.UT II 40.(la heure...........4b.000,0001 accidentlty ebot throgh the ne C ndÈat MEf r c TyoDAV.nth*I hebâey ftec1ycm t 1Mswarnlande matI. snd teansc that - = Mcg's bedtisdpaatmmnt Une Çthfr materials . $1,125000 JThursday nght by ber brother whie Cni tsfrcunîofcs o d0ay wben 'àvaret was as ued by "squatters" tram Chicago. vbo bave MULMIIIIIIS 0FIOPPARTY IN OOUNTY ~s1 a nmc iI mi teeneis......$2, 000 'playlssg Indien." Repubican ticket are becOMIng Co,-f tts Attoramg Dady for the errent0famdeisndl WANT PULL 1REPEISI198NTA- abno uho h u sfdeabi worie avr tb ma.r..n..ta.',taien pseso ra"m"Iln n1réacblng 111*1 City troa m mlipro- 1f 'triihisieyal ore ve b stor fRay lleed,,lffl Washington street. pvtgeebay, are euted tram tbe TION AT ISTATE tMEETING, ducs,le.1th, toetOry tributary ta lbe ofmtra ... 5000 Ila nknwsrse othcf progressives that tbey -ill put a 2 ael baVa Wkaiegan yaung man, lai .- iyand n ü mteia,0000a0.),Lae orst,0sltlw,000woCh fi]ckntyan salerickttn bohrgigitm*# aseionwofesre tw ndamngth nubi t le bu caro spect.lisis wereA'u waiting. Aft-, fildforunhe adt etick n. saZ cbargîng hlm wUleone -aestrheais admise, Divanut_______out ae leve*0 nimbrtaand ab carrle, er eearc thailaubariliilitlenil1)eeaanniuttecan the'speeillCcharge behng that b, mis- ITem-m ad reta i a.atvgr. u oaotaemvylfsmr simi Ditroeedbtdbage crid e erhta atdful e Dvlpet i h onye<>11jtreated tble 13 year aId ululer of bis! baucaueed any &Mount af controversy Ibat a brasusvh t BullotMooue par- praducersa th i .vclnity of Wauie- ky vomen ln Chicagoamarethe latestl minutes 1the hule ras round aud ex veltion ta e beted ln tbe court baosse, Ife, ber condition tthe preseol lie forsorie Utile tire. due ta the fact ty, inciudluIg lbetirs COufty -UItagns. hd. mani lbe popniarly of tbe new j tracted. flefore the billet wa 1 is e Wakeantbe letiof nexl weekbeing quité serions. Reed lu aileged tisaI Ibm board bas beon unabte te ut bi organue lIn W*befl, cm JuIy 1Chicago pepers on Tnesday publie11- iot*We bas hecame a factor ln the ed the grlcondition a as regarded areta bave tft toa-n and he aberlifaafair .prie. for the tend whicb pola. 30. ÂÀoei by the commtte. for dois- élita long 111 i Is uadme at i ahom eustirial gtand ca ~~ .ueo1 a rtIS.ithem. 1la naking oves-y effort te locale bhlm pie ln tbe vicInIty a-lis ta prhe. gaies fronmait 1the diffemet touhlpt th. ban liaitbeen plaei and tise lot Un cty Wben eaborale linen baga Today the pli isican lu charge rec- Dlglsthe tis alte convention Th' arat There la a large amount of Itisloy a-W tbe extendOd engiIl l là 1810n e buhembemtiMde asinn etisaIlime. go o»lortdfron Irelend silx montil ommended liaI Nfiss ldna he taken t 11-1Ibe ebosen by eleclian of the r a srrietatsemny crnsland te whlch be.-cOunty bodo it11ehve is nsdleth trm e .nuniber oaa-ln t. hebul-out Ilt aasupietth ayfriengis obn iteobv enmnyaps t btUe.mi1eareieet- plu1e cntyamrehn ,,and roundl Instant favor ailb the ber parents bhome. Her condition bal'- le@entaliveq frtim ait 1the towns and Reiad 1eutte -s lcse tuiiathavpoe o i m ioari 8tatbtern îooIn ba rlblar teritri "has-tme" i a-i ot arsenthatj ing împroved materially durIng the 1 lties imth 1e nounly a-ho are ex- <il reyo iesîel oa.Cn - Utadeipotset lte abadt im gThe rae ril g atlgbmcn- beaobrg ebltdpa- « l t wndlaIbe cot ribtng i)usenighl pected te1e present. siderablo Indignsation lae epreosed ln.itlnd 11 Wrh ine hicagat o tsier ad use incampas' ilth ber yaunger hrolb- lieretafare nomnation on the Hep- nomee uerlh. * ty aItIis bitmeeting bers, viii ho ment seems trmined ta maie exac 4&D6,0her sWtars bC tcaomaen alndoe randi a isarty of the nelghbbr'a echu- ublican ticket for a conintyoffilce bas FIve Menthe go, a-hile bie vite Tears ago large tracts of (bis tea ppoint daiegie to Ibm etate con- tioe local producarm n" vill lesbard ~'* ~ cane a amne i roc et!grn. Mîiss Agna a-as piaying Indian. been practtcally 1the urne ai an elect- was mindergoing aul operationeaItIb, sa-amp land were oIti for ame 1un eV vnU 0f the, P&t WI a-bl Ia-lUbm' to emptî wtbh. On, of Ibm rqro- Ë6* csi orze of -er brothers hall !ouOd an aId ion. if the progresives manage t <ptl adtabveb$1.00e im pmd $1.25 au acre. The owner# baili ln Chicago on AniMîet S. bram- tsud-doleatol 4a i~5*iwe~ for ~ praceedgi la la Ibm tend asa ai a bei', ofe".etyrty n Lbe anty »luit'on Mitbeing dmlvrd te the- x4Wïfrtemanufacture of the bj sar ndreole Ina s fltatine fas Dne m ale e epuhlasStive-h ltgdatcocpdt tIbm value bai beu icreamd t sy vut IbheOOU5ty Walet i et-conmsnmer st a tmmperatusmoft0 de- beige f1b iiale retdepartmnent, stores bueadh a ~itn sjDmcas bvej-te a nave a Use tie Ibm' girl a-as keeplng- baume bà4 « lrgno th exraorinaj, 'Dore Devnt Pete, 1the Indian tiestraY- j co.blnatian strong enaougb le le- for hlm. It la alieged that Ihe thromk- oneO hundretidollarr an acre, Ibm prafit daitlitbe s4ta convection. laisgros& A fortiier rmqutrement viii li or. asenteetiodfCTd - . foutth11e aId parti. enedte takilt ber If aise digi nat g igi aottr., cdpe et ôut aetiidt nedlea esfor, t lmd fsrmal. emuttm Psstorlafrei podfer tieemateials and tiave bnt eiins e h ulsét uTela boutrdeortsupesa do lt y heLîtM. a n tea e rt ba aitm. ao leeP b pouet ram, VAI iffiety in meeting it. :Ho catted out ta hbu aliter la tbrov oiiedeiina l 1efit lst utbe star3'that 1the atackilpon berjTehor tspvinsdntae 800 ~ d~stmntmange f ri f up ber banda or 1e vonul shoot, snd connty tickets a-ii probabty fmot bagibeen made hi a recruît fromt the ahe 0dispase et any more o etb. *Cemmîsslonmr Oevis. j Spmelng Of daicegom enetioneon teprai-voet mabne torione ol- The girl dld net compli witb lis b.matie untit tbe state convention naval station. 4 land et sucb a rIdlýutou»Iy loy ligure, Commiasianer Os-via la on.eoftlem bvthéuk Bipply tblslsaornlng.D. 1. that hail a milion paunda me 1 commianidland tb, yonng lad, puledinluChicago. Auguil 3. Wbetber or Dot The girl mlinotblng of h a idfer Ibis reason ttiey iaidoter- memnes set ibm commtte. lat Wafeem m.ots tImbm maaa lnnredad2,01tetig. uhtisthesurprise of acandidate -for gavemrar a-iI e nais- mIne,,jui a-bat thé tend reatyin .8m Ua le on.a abas tiben au active nais produoers ald :"We do nett mev Î!1eylnlggerheiicb O iae ter untît a fea- days ago wben née 't tldwuteo.Orbtefrsar al mpaetintnIR repora do25.000 ebm edvos-pea.sTlaeg pralertyooveer&Jetereofafirmst n tisetveWorth.eth IbmpIbts-owna-bathtnedo.tOrrst lattheolte are nDv pe ai hen seg fr hntbagairie dante epr illaed1ind ken hiGovernor ('barbesDeneelu 1beld tlathese ari about 1the recrutt il, b ie this swppo anitî t a r Us. S imesofie bull M Ir acs. pe rt - se enliai. taMomilkptaandI-t ~a~be Tier anfor ad 1hat on slrlcken, ber yaunig brotetsr rush- ma-owr ta lnqnlryrmatie bY 'e but a-hon presed, broie dovna and mdtoa edaii br emitgti Vasa a1aeouî,l tesmtfru .iyleacmh ï%z inta hr im fourtiand ah C d teber ide. 11100d a-aiPournig lvse e ter b. viii support Roao- weoplngly docleiregi âIbtwila-as di aitob. latd aleItb taisabeiemgrvldiiand l1:aaIWu«mh i aeom y. everal pot ufornellam, a-tIm msacby à&.m t»Un for 0 cents. The nedlesfroiD a aound li lie 'ui. vit or Taft.-Wo a-laa-ite blâme. ilemul9lu sa li ~pt, illaie bld ter . phaha« rolinmmîitimnd e n uhob.sasvin dutpeple uàm-e art t h b e fesUa." Tis pngeuonun~regngi murele ccrdngta lmr svl . a teft fw for fear of violencel nt rmalter 1htins iiven 1the swing uliteUne for RoosevelttIrbea DeisYMmncanm -ault-a«rtlist WîPO elgten ta eîgtytîbourm are amang lb. îauligmterm until Us. ai- geciared i bmseif sts-oI11ng oye triOf et the bandis ofisawlfe'm brother, esso t is e manufacture of ach rival of ta-o mn i inA re a-amen. a Bull Mceprtcniat Wfraho la reportei le have magie Ibreats 1bad cnsldrate ra te a ts se illie cia . ius -bardt stie'mas upheaain. k utieles ty mcceed bogeadlng lpnth btntThe mid. revolver butiesn rettAl-,aitt milices a-ut te considered i utth inse ltr. li a.I -itrndaIb erg.Il beilevegi ta b. about 0<1 as n relie of lb. eaii days. ltinitllMoose conlventon la b. beldiluIn thes t paeI a be ln1by the depoaitm at laid and eatUsa Ihird cauny ticket ioteth iblmd bave te go t Chilcago and taie thse ownr tougt I hal ben nIcdedWanega wihina fw dys.whib wre aken a-bon tb. canj awll Illb.decîdeg et the cenvitalon taimaites- up vils tb. beetî autlaorties Jours, makln aa f nrtongh ibd ee uiedd aneonfîhu4afe-,ai. negi, accordiiig la reports. te bave Ita-o a n ogtbsaa c-b heubrn ty3.' Iii tbaI di. ,*Ma&Morg.Trfere are about 2.000'Te ooigwa naccident, pure DENEEN TO SUPPORT AT girl sert a-ayfor salime. but a-bon lvatogi. fardiî hal Ibm Island beau Darlng thm lait f.a- menthe mliiIn- tbruemd anadudadi i h holga-aa te isper hs saimple.avefarsned wirea "squatters" tram Chi- LAKE FOREST D6CTroR TO WED, t5pecttrstram klose bave bout, m lt1.000,000,000 yards branv npe .aiDlspoic Io The Ses) ebangedth e Plans and ldted th ibmcage took up their abode an It. huli- -erans andi il la tram the reporti oh>b- Misa Finubînse parents are veathy ( jc ___________ Chicago reidents. Recently tbeî Chicago, Ili., .iuiy 22.-4lloverflor De- warrant heing iminegi for bis urreat. Ing a ittie cottage. Among 1the Summer wedings or Ialned fotram ,that Use "mise-out"* A n U N U SU A C LO C K . esoed th 1)aw son farte an m e neen IThereemthebprngessbvve beenT hsa mm uet m t hareiblonîto b.h tnatr sofWDrt eTheetioaDr. idei hemor as talomplielI i. fram Chicago. The Dawson tarm l mlllee today thut ho vaulgi support' According t0 curnt reports 11e objection lee hiIsha t here mot been Pros-mire. of Lake Farest andi Mime smprloor of 11e-road bouse e, ust tiree mites a-est of HlghwOod' TafI; tber Blte candidates matie meuiens oftheb.African NM. E. churcb comptantithaut the peopleo a-hoaccupy Adele lanîgan of St. Lonui, wlich The day of thie horsels net aven. ,bon an expnive dock whicb!l. on t d mi lading te Hail D- jthe ane elatement esceptlng Angrea- ln Waukegan, bave ail but campieted the Island have one continuai revetr ila-buhocelebrateti on Aiag. 10 aItIb' ut teapt net inIn Ake Forent, and that Tii Iulr miiOX~0 Is "ab" Jtisô afChcaa]maie tatemont in aritlng teChair- jLutheren churet on Laie street. TheYIt lu seli., la quite annnavng ta the l'e- te ane oft 1e familles of promInenco eti ln Use borass le , ~.ln Shav hi *êPiman rairie topped 1t I man McCorick; eaaa iutjhave been a-orking toward Ibis end! marIera aho ocpy cottagps on tlb" n St 1 osis i: Dr. ros-mlre la' tie annoîucemont liaI the show wil 15.Dé ime b ni Lake Villa, bas heen eng&ged te jChfbagin. Roosev-elt manager. annaune-! for the iast ta-o or Uree years ant i nland, scarcei) aisebundred feet, weii--knoien ln Lake Forent. a-er. je given ai usuel this iear, Salunday es* tiie001 aIba-itemtttaolahtIe Grass Laie s chaai iet led that a tale ticket voulti la-placeti j ilehreporled tIsaI1the demi a-ltbc >ay.A campiint wa amde tae ho bui reedefr a nimber or yeara, Sept. 7. Arbur bleekes-ia presient yajear. ln th1e fildg. cloued within a fea- dys. boardi tait îear and t1e "squatters" et tise Deerpalis tnn. of the Horse Showv assocaion. WE RECOMMEND THE - RAINBOW* -AS. A SAFE INVESTMENT and offer at Par, $ 10000 Per share,th unsold portion of the $25,000.00 -Prefered Stock issue, which guarantees Seven per cent per annum and is Redeemable -after January 1, 1922 SAFETY 0F PRINCIPAL is secured by . The business and management of Ii corporation will tis issue being preferred as to assets as svel as divi- bear the meut a&arching investigation and we recommend dents, The Compay now bas tangible assebt the ex- the preferred stoc of this Company to any person as a tent of $43,000.00, consisting of land, buildings, machin- SAFE INVESTMENT, in which there la an unusual ery, pelts, stock of gouda manufactured and outitanding opportunity for increase of Principal ptnd Income. Wedonobeieve thai ym n a point ta ONF, INDUSTRY of abiy chgraçter that W C t Q U LS thi. p op aI nd w e ar e confidecit t à nm c r f l c. m 4 rf o ro tIOMT9 EYBUST NVE9TMEI4T OPPORTUNITY Our Common Stock là Now Seling At $1250 Per Share. -- FOR.FURnHER NFRMATIOti'W#tl'IORt CALL

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