Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jul 1912, p. 9

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LAE CoUNTY'INDEPENDENTs WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL XX.-NO. 43. PART TWO. LI-BERTYVTLLE, ILL., FRIDAY,.JULY 26, 1912. TOUR PAGUB $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANOR. IJEALTII INSPECTOR CLU VERESI FORGiER SEEN AWRY.MC.A f *I f a t COMPELS THE USE CONTRACT TO CHAS. Ib~, 0F SCREEN DOORS ABOUT iER IN À LONGi PENCE; BID $34,572 SE E INa THAT 8CR EEN DOORS ARE TIME 1VORKEI) DIS iAME WOR 1<ON1 CONSTRUCTION 0F PLACED ON ALL BUTCHER BUILDING TO START ON MON- SHOPU AND GROCERIES. S C E S U L O A DAY, JULY THE 29TH. MAKES OTHER REGULATIONS REJECT PLUMBING RIOS AT REENTSAPLS 0 MLKMan Who Gave N~ame of Fred W. Bell Cashed FR~MI ONEA- ARE TAKEN FROM EVERV MILK Forged Checkat One Lake Forest Bank and ING SYSTEMS WERE RE- WAGON IN TOWN TO TEST. Then Tried to Cash Another at Other JECTED-REAOVERTISE. _____________ Cit Halh nsecorAls.Crm-Bank-Escapes Whe.n Suspected. Thte ofies of the Yoting Mens FORMER IWAUKEiAN Public Service Company's Plantifeft mond la busy these days seeing ltat Christian association have been au- _:_ tytelmpcoditions ofhea n te Oeofnit@the mstdaring robbtrims the Gerînan Minlneapolis b:nk made thorized b hemer s te ~board PIIOTOiRAPHER WAS Furnishes Sixty Per Cent of curs- f rom dise",,e niayhli leaeened. tîme, took place et Lakc ret~ oda>' himseif. On the liack of the check tractor C'harles W. Pence for the" er- (IE IErient and Soon W Ili Furnlsh Practs- Following a raeome of the rules lie when a man wh~o gav thenomeof . pe ed te nane f Mr Sp &lion of the Y. M>. C.A. building ln G JIIN ONOR ial A lo tS nî e e h o Is ayngdon'Fred W. Bail, cashod a check on the se>'îng that the check wae "0. K." Waukegan. Mr. Pences bld for the . Mfilkmon muaetlie more Lake Foret Stats Bank for h$% and N4eedie@eB ts ay'lte name of SpîdelI work amounted to 832,572 5&. Hie L beryv lle Has<buird O e, careful In the handling of mut,. then sttmmptd'to caeh another check had been forged, Bell having boid an bld duos not Include the plumbing j.H. BRUBAKER ELECTED STATE d U I V' ia W 2. Screena muetbeotlaced on on the NationaliBank of Lake. Forest OPPOMrunity 10 'o>' tthe signature frein and lieatlng mysteSni or gas fittingE. REPRESENTATIVE 0F PHOTO- afo Elc r R dSt k-ý A. doors of grocery tore. aind the for $210, but who *caped cufen the lite nomne whI-h Spideil had eigned Rjt Plumbing Bide. GRAPHERS FROM MICHIGAN lato lcrc K a tc - . butchpr sitops. cashier bacame aspiclous and tbld on bis letter of the day liefore. The Teofcr oie orJc i 3. Grbagn and ruhhisit muet hlm that hie wouid have te ook Inlto check wae for $55. Mr. Spîdeli, hl ie- for plumbing and heating ani to P o t -n esr oR t m n not hoe deposl4ed na the rear o the matter bafore ho cashmd the check aides being a notar>' public, le a pro- re-advertise for bide. The' advertise- F o tla o D sr o R t tia c stores. The Lake Format police have an ex- minent citizent and a bank officiai andmetaere1eohr om ! FORMERLY LOCATED HERE Take h e of the Road.-'- n. Mrhnsmuet flot humrn ellent deecription of the fellow und bis selcuature Went as undlsputed Proufthiementsuoe !ntint N._____________Ch rg parer whicit collecte back of titeir hope to b. able b Sapprehend hlm. that the check was ail rîglit b>'te Will Empfo>' Inspector. WLLATN ITE AiO L stores. Bell appeared ila lAke Forest yen- t casrt flk Fre Sa bank.T heOfcr fte"o oinwr LATN NENTOA 6. futchers muet he more terday and pretended Iliat lie was a Bell then went tu thte National ' n aTheoierafth ener no attontwre CONGRESS TO DE HELD AT 1. The Highwood power station of the Oh«epaad liak atholze toentr iit~ a ontactPHILADELPHIA. ~etii o r~fm1 ohuen~b m carefîtl about leavlng meats ex- retIred soldier andl liet a letter whIcI* 4ith a chteck fdr $210 buftltte casher witui Engineer Chiarte F:Iluespîl as iwueeEetic nnwpatcH oh OSà poe drsedt h ajtngeneral jwas sueldelous andi bld hlm that holeuspector on tih. building. Str. Rue- sub-station. Poeseed Inla fofte.. ns nw addres ed f r cth e s otan iswae gobe 10 calop SpîdelI and vify seoi wîî devote his entire limeln- 2. The big plant of the Public Service a lh la looklng Inb B efore long hie discharge papers whicli li profeeeed the ws inaur rtteou Bldlesale spectiog thte material cind grade o! odrcie rmGadRpdc fl ilopes b lie able 10 eee titat grocers 10 have Oust. He went in a Lait, 1h a nah y htlewudlaeworkmanship. He ii be on the jol iMlch., le la the efect ttat .J. H. Bru- 'Waukgan inlow and bus been for nmre r aro n0W allowpd tb sel canned gonds Forest noter>' Public b> te naine cf 1htcekand cati for it on Prida>'. foi7 o'clock ln the morning unil tMiloer. a frm- aue anot60pr et f . pwr-s y h whlcit liae item stndIng on heirispide. andrgerhlm to acnowpedteiMilwaukee Electric railroad. whchhvebensanin n hirSIdllad o hmtoacnwlde nthe ma ie he o ficiaiso te6 o'clock ln tae evefntggrepher, liae been hlghly honored ln ~ 'bnti shelves for years. lie la working tu- bis signature alttougi t atemwarde I lkeForstStte an hd dscv- Wîîm Ruth the Work. attendlng a big pitotographlere con-th local poher plant10s,000leaddition nW un« ward thîs ipoint Juet ne fast aselie deveioped thlt bis soie reeteon Wall ered the forgery and liadtattempted 10 (ontrotlrPenceepenwerl plangresinn huladloita.theoeW tae 1 gela ampIe of Spîdelîs ibond- callte plice station butteewaahu wt h r ttli Aeia w lAuaish racti i.l ver for tii. Witki regard to enforclng semen writtîng, o teewa orwln ieioT h pca hie disp.tcli froin Grand Rapide oe doctrse li ei found titat merchants on Today hoe appeared with a cicko meeting beld Wedneadaî' niglit and saye: arue~..i u o llbertyviU.Iiau Markt street are tite worst offendeme hekon ((3ordi1ued on Page Titree) stated that lie wjut ready to coi rnda d, iiJu> 4- s toc in the f > VE %O Aua. Bela vîtdaI !tieepacssdmence worktIoda>', Il le expected that dRpdMc.eJl 4-Be ln the majority of thom screens have >~*work on the excavation wîîî start W it-cal 10 lite Sont J. B. Bruliaker left 5. A. C. Front in out of the. electric tirs heen put up and lu the otiter places E PRiurR î A I IMD A I fore Monday, July 39. toda> for a business trip of two weeks ee;h cares nothn bu w lie liasnieen assenred thaIttis wilWEU Dt5I~ fJ Cut Down Fîrst Bld. 10 New York, Philadeiphla and Waah- hoe don@ et une. He lms ponted o ut EX MN hT V ~ ar nA few monthi gu, it was announced Igtn B e Ie the Michigan menthe and doesn't desie to ave anyhidn tod(o titat b>' iaving creen doors Il Wl Il E IE IlU AXE jOcj> D 4JM R I LI titat the ontract for te IeW buildingof thbinterna~tioa nge f h tthe future as his tiber interetm Caaaaetool * ho possible 10 kemp out mac>' filmeoin beau aw1-arded tu a Waukegan tant for a oaal thing like the, electrlcralodt tu6 aite do«PIPE ent go muIcf of the food co a' ractor for IfO itis report lograpli>'and a promninent member of Ida attention. ben otmntd IEAI XTVLLR urfLIBEKYILLE " z correct, lb. offîcers o!thie as- the Pliotograpliers' Association o!fh bv motn em The natier o!fa»kng btnhiers t___________ sociabion evldently have succeeded in Amerîca, boto! whicit will convene TeaoeIpratOM.»81 lie more careful about leaving meats cuttlng down lte fir'eî bld. in Phitîbelphli tis week. Al7 51< AM nbieSNb'amsl G.pB. exoedlisjut en trtd > hmJ. G, FAULKLAND ENTERS INTO ONCE PROMINENT RESIDENT 0F Ready By October. Seieeo I ork wîln mak h hi.a mo rtantliena. ige>'dmiuOtrUJ but lie plans ln vîsît every bubeher n A CONTRACT WITH COMMIS- LIBERTYVILLE PINISHES IS The nfew Y. NI. .A. building wili eImporttnbite conventIons by reques bown. Be wîli poin ti t at b Wy- SIONER E. V. ORVIS, 7 4<34Tj.S SENTENCE, b. officiaily opened the lael week 0f o! officiaIse anvmnatu reaq ESON IB E ORhiitpresent thinga la tt.iê _________ October or the iret week ln Novem- f f"p iis ' and "mane mBufacu er fR S ON IL R u i athnd te ett"i lca pw s eqt* liniud nPg Tre er. Coitraclor Pence wyul have the ..plte-an &ThVs. r.B bke ra ad h lca wj~,# (Cotlue o Pae hrs) TO EXTEND INTAKE PIPE D O ETR OEbuilding compîeted tîy Ibat date. WIII vieil prominent sbudiloin lte DfL~JAv*rumu ruA1S Weil as itaving a bearing oes #p _____________HOME_ tiree named cilles ln thte Intereet of aie4aal1salaEiàJ lie futur'e of 'WRukegm wfi&àql@m- __________________tite Michigan Society' or Profeeselonai ____---____ ence to beconing th lb.càWmt *int CITY PIIYSICIAN WOULD AGEPT PRIMIS80RY NOTE MAS LEPT FOR SOME co PEOPLEPhtoograpiiers, as welî as for pereon SRIE OMSIOA- of the electrie ra4linosd FOR WORK UP ACT RECEIVES PLACE, PERHAPS TO START C LORED aPEOvstPaioE SWEBRELLCOM ISINAN-CIVIL IfWaukegan bas bea'm SANCTION 0F COUNCIL. LFE OVER AGAIN. 60 per cent of the powT toitihSu TELLS 'WIIY WELL_______ SWERS COMMUNtrCATION for a long lime put.11hwSeg&tfl DK~K1U To ancertaîn whetlier titere are an>' On Friday, Jul>' l9tit, W. V. Boit. REGiRET TIIAT THE Mr. iribaker la well known in W~au-__________las baclme noinnij>' but f Il DBE.i C O D lo&lthbi naepeJ former president o! thte lolt Manu- kegan blrotigh having conducted etii-itlon t0 ranaforu te caru rv e h ASCdOL lek i ie i ItkGpp , .facturing compan>' a!îLiberbyville, DEAL FELL THIIRU dine itere for several yeers. Be dis ÏSAYS BOARD 'S8 WILLING d-at NorthChiceaM X4» »M*- Fauikiand, an expert dîner, Intende to a reieased froi te Lake county Poaed of hie etudios liere about seven Raciead______oins.______j» Waik the i>,ttvm o! Lakte Michigan Jail hiere lie bad completed a mon- years ago. selling out to P.E.E Godfrey retention of Hlgbwood M h e~. ANSWEIIIS CONTENTION 0F SEV fnom thé sitore Uîne bo lte moutit of lence of seven months on thte charge ADMIT THAT EVERYTHINO POS- Wito leler sold outItu, Johin Bemmen, WISH TO HOLD EXAMINATIONS quarlers for lte yaIr o> ERAL RESIDENTS WHO LIVE te Intake pipe, a distance o!f uly of embezzlement, a charge tu whicit SBEWSDN OPR h cnut iena h rsn AS SCHEDULED AND WULL RE- lias me a consld.rmtion db. e~Ug NEA JLIN T.WEL. titres quanlere of a mlle. lie entered a plea of guilt> ab ite lime CHASE GERMAN CHURCH. lime. IMBURSE APPLICANTS. te power turn e f.,d thesm% Monda>' eornîng, Jul>' 29tb, thi ex- te case vas called. ouiginali>' Wastlb. omet hgmg*~- a plorer o!flte lake liotoin. vili don!Tece îrcm ui teto r Brubaker was noted for te fine, ceung lseadquertera tierg.- Tecs trce uhatninqualiby of work lie turned out, hie Aî'cording to J. W. Barwell, chair- Bcus ak.aJ lafrlitaA SURFACE WATER LEAKS IN hie diving suit and plonge loto the a i te lime lie wagsr e lie e BcueWtk pl w_________ aters o! tha lake. Ha yull examine charges agaînet Boit aeetedathoE PAYING FOR A LOT work being o! sucit a cliaracter ltatItinto!fltae Waukegan Civil Service tar caent of lb. current nov«. alm eve>' ____________called attention 10 Waukegan froin ail comnmission, Commiseloner E. V. Or- Include furnlshing a tiret dïâil p REPARIN OFPIPS MGHTRE illwork under the direction o! La- larstrougli miorepresent.etionsetc. WHEN THIS 18 ACCOMPLISHED UT wene placed on exhibition, Since leav- bwo posîponinente o! civil service ex- nalural thing eveatuaiiy vuld.SWt. EDY MATTER BUT THINK IT gineer William Wrightt o! Wauk.gan. Fred Enderlin of Uitertyviiie being 18 THEIR PURPOSE TO START lng here lieolias risen stîlI hiiher lit anations for firemnan at ite dater transfer lte ieadquartes t W tgspit 18 DOUBTFU. A liig auli e*qulp tl ail litte elclmame ial> neetd BUILDING A CHURCH. his profession untîl te le now recog- WOrks. Titis statement was made to vitere tue greater part oetÉl ______________ necesa>' uppie vii b brugitn u ote troubles, his interest being nîzed as one o!rte leang Plioto- thte Sui tIoday it response tu a ne- le being furishd-WinkegM' tiIs cil>' this week to aselet tue dîner saeotwhere about ;6,000. rpesIth hlcony. qs mdfrarao orheot- utemrI a In reaponse 1tuIthe contention o! un hie vont. Boit eerved te jail senteitce quietll ptrinievtecnty. u. aefr esnfrttep-,1utemoe ll t*44 nmre o! thte people living nean lte an- Mr. FaulkLand bas offered thte ex- and notiting ted been boeard fmmoinhm In response to thte report vitioh iaBi position as Ntlcblgan itreseen- ponimente, tite requesl liaving beeti equipinent at ti.he lghwoe M teakan veil on Jua0 street tat tlie tend lte Intate pipe a distance O! lit ubertyvîlle since te joli doors bas been current about thee ciby for tabive tu lte big pliotograplile con- made in a communication received b>' leing aiiowed bto ,IIO1lItUiW vaber o!fte velI would lhe ail nîghî 1,000ftest on more a.nd to take te closed on hln Flas l. The Liber~- a long lime 1tote effect ltaIit e cul- gresa5oite of lte greaet honors titis paçer. mac>' repaire being maMe.'10M ln cage a break llnte pipe vere rem- ciby's promisear>' note as Pa>'mnt. t>'ville compait>' viicli BoIt as liead coitd people of te cil>' are about ready and more clearl> titan anytuirig aIse lit te omnuniationit Ilas ponted WOuId indicate Ihat the. oemvM&upkm edled, and tat go fer eanyone lies Be believes thte cil>' could payfoulthe of witen lie cen againel te atone waîî to1lur<fbase the Germaon Uitieran eliows 0 in ht a eem ol e lbli b>' abandoning lte plant as lm go eq been able to, »certait, nol a single Improvement lli temaniter euggesl- vas placed lit the liande o! e recain- churcht. Rav. al. f. 'JojnÊon iilte elate bo<dy.(Continued on Page Three) il oItonveint n b w is case o! typhoid fevern ho b.traced ed b>' Mayor J. P. Bidingen and nove er and afler Ilie case caae up incourt communication tu lte SUN toda>' de- -iniWait li poel .s ry to ru 10 tue vellI Cil>' Physicien Foie>' made hljeviling to take bis chance o!te.- titecoencemn vas eold t0 satie!>' hie clared ltat rerrettully lie muet aérmit TUE IlteUowrISLe"7tor te foIioving statement: ceivitg the moite>'. creditors vho got but lîtie oui th hat the deal bas not beeln consldered lAVE-YOU SEEN T E 818SON O155 IN lb. CamU. "Titane la no question but that tue Mayor Bidingen suggeeted ltâat tue settîement. for some little lime. Owing ta a fail- neuh l te4Mad Ment waber la tuis Weillan contaminaleai by annual surplus o! the vaten depart- Hoit, upon leasing te JailinbWau- ure 10 gel together villi lhe Germait TUE NOON? SIE'S TIERE ALL RUT 1 TitlSainuel bnauli, teoLibertyntîle surface vater uhlchin itail probatilit>' Ment lie ueed to de! ra>' theexPauei.O!kegait, did flot reburn t1bis itome lit Lutterait peoiple. At one lime, lie men, lias aculred cntrol of the stockt leake bIntô fi trougli ionbreak in extendîn>' Itite Intake. 'ie aianual Lîterlyvîlle, but met lils>'ai gays, everylilng was t readinese for of lte eleotnlcal railway,.lela tln as te pipe. 1 have aitai>zed tue waten surplus amounîs t10 appnoxlmatly $10, Fox Lake vbere they epent a couple the deui10 lie put Ibrougit, but noîli Several Waukegait yoong vomen one else spolie up and said the>'&aie a fact beoase it vas lutiersomue tiorougiti>'and have found taItue 00o* It vould oust about $70.000 ta 0f daye togetiter aler wlich heb.fam Ing came O! il, cau*îng tue coloned bave beeti having coneiderable fun 1-80 v e ges sesttere ail riglit. lime ago litaIlb. vas taking It up a exbnd iteintke ipea ronr ds- l>'nelritd ome10 ibelynule ~ people coneiderable financlal loec. Thte latel> litacbiigthelb. Gîbson girl" And, et one aide, lte young women fast as lio coqnd gel Il. As lie and hIls valer le woIse tai vas lb. leke vs- xedteltkpieapoedi-Iyrtnehoet betv1l.ol_- -. -.__ -1 111 . --

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