Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Aug 1912, p. 11

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-'-'.4.-> sut ansi consumes ouI>' aboutt't o a-l er rsof the pari>' merci>' bours o! my ime eset day. Ttcbae wre_ tket everely ace o!fteimerne an spensi in res l- 1Ttc>'reluruesi i-e tce Pink Poodîe fui repoae, readîng. etc. wtere tey apent the nigtt. Thc M>' thousanda o! professions] trlends nexi morning ttey went lu bbe car te are moat loyal, trîtmng, caîling toi- ~ienamine the extent o! an>' damages. me ansi keeplng rme ampl> aupplies Iin It waiben tbat te>' oumisi Ial some funsis "for persuinai needa." t ime during ttc nigbl some vandal Regards tualal olsi friende ln WeU_ ted passesi aud trippes Il ut ail Ils, kegan. acceseorles, Inriudmmg tu tires, al Ver>'IraI>' yours, the lampa, brasa fittings, etc. GEORGE L.. MARlON. Otherwistatt car was Juat te samne as witen net, ttc accident not tavlug damaged l lu ttc leasi. The part>' FINDING 0F BODY 0F CHILO 1-au Indignan tai te robter', btn CAUSES MLitIEF 0F MURDER. lnail>' proceeedsioutileir way totard Ch iicago. (Coutinued Prom Page one.) be lefti imturnes Inlumeklng ttc inves BOARD 0F REVIEW COMMENCES Naturally' tbe ceose for apparentiWR ONT NOF AUE N murder caunoltic determinesi, aI. iContliued Prom Page One.) ilîougb itlalethe belle! of te autborl.- lies ibal the ctiid lu al prôtaietîl'plemed. Toda>' le thc lest dc>' ou tas alîve 'e-ten lbt as places inIDte -lict suicti ompiainîs ma>' ticfilesi box sni deserlesi. A porion of a tit Iebeoard. fh la saisi that a toman'o werLng apparci vas founi large number have hecto fi led! aireesi>. lu thc box wth thec cild. but tis. Ttc board bas completosiil s wva bas uotp rovesi a dlue. Tt Io the Pi- o-0 fer as ttheallier lottos In the vallng belle! thet lhe parents o! lhic cunt>' are concernesi and nowv 'II ebuls i dont cars ta stand the ce. procecd u afinishi up the yack lu Wau- sponaibuitty ar csrlng for IL. kegan as rapldly cs possible. merniage lu lbe (attolir tat-bwecc made b>' local cîcerg>' yesterday. Au-ch- blbiso1îQuigleY 81,out o!fthe Cit>', but bis secretars, Dr. Hoban, deulesi a r. Peal o! lb. decrcee An article sppearing Sunday ln the 1Wecstenî atctmau, editeul b>'ttc 3Res- Patter Phelsu ot St. Louis, daim. 1lng as île source of autonît>' tbe Ro- man paper Acta, causesi saiwdeapreasi scirculation o! the report Ibsi- tce lav e egltiilting mixesi m>rfagce luinthe r 'atholic churcb basi tecome ollsolete. tTilese reports acre characterîzei as 1misieadlug ansi unirue Yeaterda>' t> the Rev. J. .1. Taunrat, chancellor o! the diocese of St. Louis. Fatter Tannrath saIid: 'The decree -Ne Tcm-ý ccc' la ual ahrogated b>' ttis new de- 4Cree coulcinesi lu Ihe Acta, ttc Official organ o!flte Vîtican. There le a slighl modification namel>': lu e ace -ttere a Cattiolin tistes tatc unIlesi lu IDmatrimon>' b taptîzesi non-Cathollc 1ansi thia baptizesi nou-Catboiic pool- àtivel>' refuaea ta make ttie cequlcesi 1promise ansiite Catholic party lu cqnssion.le (of an Indifferent Lste gr Bmind. 10 avoisi future serions spirit. 1ual consBequences c priest me', 'titi- ont eccliug promises, mahcrially as- s151 la hie ceremony'» WAUKIEGAN MAN ESCAPES F M IR FOR INSANE ASYLUM. IN GOAL (cDtne Pront PugeOne) AN O I( DI F ,ouning ownshavebeen eutflied o DY COOPERATIONthe scapeof te tour tnmates on AND DUI48 GIRL Titre boys, 16 years of age, ascep- - AGENTS 0F MARMON COAL Co. ed front the St. Charles sehool for ANTONIO PANAS, A WAUKEGAN PROMISE 25 PER CENT CIJT boys Tuesday morning. The Waîîke- BARBER. FINED DY MUNICIPAL FOR THIS SEABON. lian police have been given a full des. JUDGE 0OECKER. cription of the four deserters. Howe la an alchfflic. Once before hie escaped ln somewhat similar way FIRM BROKE FRON TRUST and ater being gane for rive dlays ARRESTED IN C Hl 1 C A G turned up ai bis home In Waukegan ____ aud was returned ta the Elgin hoas- M. L. MACDONALD SAYS COMPANY pitli PANAS, IT l8 ALLEGED, WROTE 10 HA$ BEEN FIONTING COMBINE The escaped patient has ticen work- VEAR OLO GIRL LOVE LET- FOR SEVERAL YEARS. Ing lu the carpenter sliop ati the hoa- TERS. LEFT FOR N. Y. piai, assstIng the carlienter and th__________ has had free acces, tu the ont of Agents of the ilarmos l'oal comn- doors. le fulli-dtaapppar ]ast eve- Anoinlu lPanas, a barber or Aak Pan>' o!ibicago, declared ta he an ln- nlng ai supper and no ir-e Pof hlm gai'. was fined $25 and rois Tues- dependent firmn, are ln E'lgin seeklng bt!d been round et 8 o'ciucký day arterîloon by Municipal.iudge lu organîze a cooperativo club Ihere Dr.(C. C. Atherlon of thue Sate Hos- 1)1-ker of Chicago for annoyiny Annie RndI>rmlmng reucton n pIeofpilai staff', notiilied the Elgin police Trenk, a lit>ear oId deaf and (limll 25i permcengtaairldcon i0 riceo!and police of the ,urrounding lowng girl. '%houreides ai l1655 West Lakel 0f the patipi's escaepe. He ase wired sm-eet. lie wrole noies ta ber. Outines Plan For Eliln. 1 oe aiiy nd1bismorin- Iljrec esily Panes wat; emî,uyd Thefiln utine li tis:Reldetawrotetem a letier, Aiendanîs atinonouf utheb cosn lown barber sîopsý Thetîln otiied . tîs:Resdens ie hospital scoured the surrounding un ti it ly. Durlng bis wtay bere he Or Elgin muet sutiscrîie$8,500 for terrilory for a long lime lent nighi îbuasted uft he iael Ibat he was a doc which theY Wili recelve prefered stock blwihntefelfor and didul need t0 worl &s a har ta Ibal value, earnlug gmuarateed e 1 ~ ~ îî e.The ista eeitoue dihvldeuds; aisu a 1ke amot 0 CoflItbr le abs vd hom te, witin asholrt hesldnoe aih" rilu Chdicgo mo sockîron u.The companflimte. Tuesday were wrilien bi, Panas et la tuaivsaI 5,000 ln Elgin, lncluding Thie îbrPeeboys whu escaped 1rm Waukegan. a-mn o ie, au suppi>' of coal, the Si.('harles Home were abiout 161 Panas îaid bis fine and ieft (hicagoi salpe o bsinesadcls h years o! age The>' were allired lnifor New York cil>, He lias a lrother alutrai.ater the co-operative tié cregulation Horne uitorm. sand living in Waukegan. (tu s oredwli 01 b cntiedunles hey have been able ta changeý Panas, it s aileged, met the girl ini tu members bt will tic open ta ail. their ciothîug Ibeir alîprebiension laý Chicago ibree weekaj ago I-le miroie The Stock sutiscriptions are nulot xecetsonobe elies saigeivin er, lhe pldoutili the Compaeny bas pro-,_______ I o ase biima visit ai Waukegarn cured ils Piacve of business sud erect- ed lilsai sheds. 'I D I A D Use Co-operstive plan. I.YIVFSLV A14ÀN kifl EDITOR 0F LAKE CUT Accodingta H I- acdoaldWhOýMAGAZINE STRIKES PRFESS.ýl la inElgin seeklng tb form the club, ST D ON <Cotlued rom ageOne the Hearmon company broke troai he (OnledPn ag Oe. cos] trust four years ago and la uow! PREFERRED DY BOY iighting the combine by co-operalîvei cnltm of sbiiiflhiiy steting fata aud1 cýlubsî Ie says more than 100 sucb <hlbs are ln uperation and Ihat 5000 leiiling the irutti wben a different agens ae ot sekig t totu GIVEN HEARING BEFORE POLICEý wording wouid give a more illuminatI acensaeoIsekn uf new MAGISTRATE TAYLOR AND 18 ing, and, ihere.fore, more truttifuliIn- clbsBOUNO OVER TO JURY. terprelalion. Mr. Elils Improved the 'We Bell direct traminte mines 10 OlPortunuty ta draw lupon tus persaný lhe constiumer.-'lhe said '"The camps ai experience as commerce ,cou..el n fia oniy 10 per cent of ail stock. for a ralîroad campan>', Iln exam- Membe.-s o! the cooperaîlve lubs BONDS FIXED A T $5,000 î,îes of newsiiaper notices affectîng field the resl___________ rairoads and rsiiway legllation wiicb ý ________________he said, did not coincide wltb itieý BOY CONFESSEO EVERYTH-ING fate GEORGE L. MARlON, ABaT. Li- WMEN QUESTIONED BY MOTH. BRARIAN AT PENITENTIARY.ý ER ON TUESDAY P. M. 1 'loIuve guI t0 make a slor>' or ttie PpeOise wonlt read it," he declared. M r. Ellis said Ibat newapapers whlcb nli (ConlIntied Prom Page One.) 1 Sîener I SIece') fBanks, colureul. tieirllpages with enîerîaining fentures 'A no bas been emîilo>ed iu varîous I- lu 'tatli h Ie habit o! overstabing the tlbc tiret knowiedge of the klud receiv. barber stopsud saloons as a case aud their news value Inevitably ed bei-e, porter, was arrestei titis mormn n u rail lu the public mnd. The lelter follows: a warrant charging hlm wth tavIng Crticises Rail Commission. Rasteru Penilenliary, commîittesi an unnatural crime witb Philadelphia, l'a. VWI liamn Wagner, a 13 yeer aid boy> Turnlng to thee-head hune arîlat" as Weuukegsn Dilv SUN, Iliving on îLewls avenue. [le was giv- wse tteItli r u on Waukegan Illinois. en a beariug before Police Magistrate grounsi for crtIcIsm. He devoteid Gentlemen:-, Tay lor ibis moruing andi upon theý much out bis lime ta critlilm of the Kindi>' place uty name uapon yOr' leslImuny of the boy was bounsi over Wsconsin ralîrosul commissiou, Inter- yearly subscription 11,1 for the 'Week- i tte grand jury lu bonde of $5.000. poiallng numerous uewspaper clip- y 911N' sud advise what the cale Iole liessi not gflty la the charge pingaa a basis for bisMaimlintai fIud I wilIi mmedtstelv rorward a, The crime ie alleged to bave taken neespapers use thbe commissoins molle>' order. Il willi tring me much i pace on Indiana avenue Tocsae>'art indituga lu suilibtteir own poiles. lileresling news andi menti refresh t-mrson. According lu the boy, Btanks _____ mleut lu once more read Waukegan gave bi", a lile moue>' a te%~ days andi leke couni>' newts, wbere 1 have ago PE i LJ sa man>' friendssiTheluis relurned borne 111 and CLER6YI VLIY I have noledin severai o! nosr l-a4 wben lits ruother uuestoned hlm he Pro paër ro~nt ime ta limre) Ibat onîde a romple econfession, wîîbli te P P ' A RA theyare avi mîrach lurmoi, agita-, resuzl Ibaiat se bail hlm $Wear Ont P PEIMA I G lion aud ciscord lu the Spotlles cil>"' a warrant for the ngru's arrest. on te north ahuri- of iabe NMibigan, Bankas u ne o!fitheat kuowu coi G E NC ID E diuring the aîst year. u resi men lu the cil>' andi ai boughhte Tbcise worrying confusions are nul bas livesi ber. a nuimber o! years bits guriiîrng but are in tbe naturai or lis the tiret lime thb51lbeba.q bei-O ar CATHOLICS DECLARE THERE HAS dcr oft any vil'v or crommunîl>' govere rîrstei for anys -orious offv-nse BEEN NO ABROGATION 0F Pd andi mansged wilb sncb absurd sani PROMISES NECESSARY. SJily ideas. I lhase becu assigner] la verv con CAR TURNS TURTLE. gi-niaI employmeetlnlathe Institution,detli-aPoePusX Ihal ut assistant ibrarian, wblrb po-" (continued Prom rage Oue. l,lnl)tialic eil htPp lsX aiion oitera a rare opportuinily -h a fus al îssiied a dccree abrogai-ing the sirol Idi>' througb te ros>' patha Of' l I a fudthatlhe m'as îlotlîPromises lte îadd as a r.<iuiremcnt lterature. s ertousi>' bart. A few bruises wasu'O an aule nuptial part lu mlaed mer - The work lsth lh ean and pleas- tbe_ extent ut flis Injuries wile tbe nrages requlring Protestants ta greejl .-.,ta usine tueh. f- rsu1ngurs 'paignu'The tiresent administration in IIIIEî!IIAI j1JS for a strong nevy andi Colonel R0o84-j feet, iluaesapaper Interview on Fr1- day. bas denouueed i-he democrats for ELLS ITUA ION Iheir uupstrlotic action The fur is tY U T ss w.quwssss bound ta fIY.' WEALTHY LAKE COUNTY STOCK BUYER 18 KILLEO. ÉCmtlnued Prrom Pace 0e..) business trips. The new% of hi death wili be a shock to hie many frlends ln the countY. The victimt was alofle In the auto- mobile when the accident occurred. 14EMORIAL FOR THE LATE DR. DAWSON AfiAIN REVIVED l,, luslsting upon pros imtous for etÊ an@ veesel o! tilutype, andi te WAUICONDA AGAIN TO REVIVE' la eluorcsi >' tepeselaîve PLAN 0F PURCMASING MONU- derwoosi, the floor leader of the Houme MENT FOR SENEFACTOR. 1 A number a! scuate Democrats are1 urging tiat their colleagues lu the bouse cesse from maklng i-be usvy p~ PLAN MEETS WITH FAVOR polîticel Isue.1 l ma e>'ticliat as s result to!ftS agitation andi the wisbes o! Gev. Wfl' DR. DAWSON DEVOTED ENTIRE sou another caucus wilii ti callesi 10 LIFE TO SUFFERING IIUMAN. reverse ttc acUion ut the two aircasi> ITV; DIED A POOR MAN. tield. lu amy event, e revoit la prom-9 iscd among the bouse Democrats agalnst the ceucua mile o! no battis-! Ttc tact liat lb. littîs bawn o! Ssp. iWaucouda bas jusl taken up a suti-1 Views o! Reprcscntativs Fos*. seription o! $26 ta purchese a suitable1 Diseussig th sitatio tody'teadslone 10 place aver the grave of! Dlsecaslu lim sitution Ioda', icteîs Ward, a cirrus pertormer who Rcpresenlali'.e l-'ofu the Tent dia- i ed there a few days ago, efler tcv-1 trict, uho le the rauking member of în compled an acrial set, recalsa the minoril>' o! the naval affairs nom- timat sonne Ilii'e lime &go,.the rosi- ý mllep.andeboahiicsi he igt detso! ibis village sterted ouIta ln ttc bouse for tan battlesbipoi saisi, gel subscriptions for a similar mcm- "Ttc Dosocralic part>' bas gatten oriel marker tor the laie Dr. J. Daw- Itself Intosabole trom wblcb ilt ili sou.e The wark bas nul yeltitueen com. have a bard lime io pull oun su lpeted bat l le saittthîaî l slu ticb square Ilseif witb ttc American Peo- revlved ai once %nd the neceseatr> pie. The>' baiv ecu etrYtig ho Pose jsum o! mate>' ralaedý as bbc trieus of itbe Americen navy, lu ttc case of Ward, te tas a per-t and-ln teir îlatform adaptes itaIthe, fort strauger tb the people of ttc vil- Baltimore convention ttc>' bos.stedilage.thiedi causes some hotink Il that Ibeir part ytas;i-be sponsor for sîýra.,wr. that he shoulsi bave tiec glv- tile American oas y sud the sponsori en a memariai tictore Dr. Dawson wbo a! the Monroe doctrine, yct b>' theli twas one o!rte groatest pianbro- caucus actionuiey bav-e beiied thelr1 phîsta Waucoude ever bcd. i tods.Dr. Dawson, as willi e ti tlsted by "luntce ilr-,iiace shen ttc naval' thouieansis, dvoted bis enlire lite la appropriation billii sas coder consid-Irelseving suffering humauily. He nev eration a feu uiolttu ago te jemo- e tried ta amas e fortune, but cou- crallc part>' nis ucus deciered teu'led hlmselt wltb bard>' enougt aeinst an>' lattestiîs sud ttc result1 to eke out an existence. Na anc iu vas thal Ihe dcmocrai-lc majarit>' re- te vicinît>' a! Wauconda ted tto c portesi na battiegblps lu tbe naval pro-r>' about payug e doctors bil as lon gram ibis yesr. but dud report a few las Dr. Dawson wes alive, Thal vas«9 I Incoaequential siis-crett sucb a, la ver>' minor consîderatlon to hlm. torpedo bosa ttc teakest naval Pli lie neyer Inquired wthatter a peirsan 10>' wblnh bau cicr been coporlesi tram the naval commilîce. Two Houses at a Dssdiock. "Wcdnesday lihe.democreasmet lu caucus again andi decîdesi io stand cgaini;tJ bai-lsis ansi b>' teir ac-, thon, lu tact, btiund ttc democretîn bouse not tu sare 10an>' atalîchlpa, ansi ottc cenale ansi tchanbose arc eh aabaundatIliand inia edecdlock, ansi me>'tolsi Up ihe sdjournptenl o! cou- <l'esfor sume iseeke unuies aome- thlug gives ta>' 'Tte publicelîress o! tte countiry ai- reasi>'bas denounizcd esiltoriall>' tbc demoanralic pollcy o! proluising lu Ibeir plattorm lu te for the uer>', aud yèh take a standi against cli battIs- ships. Democrals Badi Reformera. lift the democralir part>' yl noi fultillItis plesiges before eiection, bot cen il ever expeel ta a&fterward, lu case 1h abonîsi te given full power ln this country?" "This actiou o! the degnocratic par- t>' Is likel>' la tecome ao! lfite mosl Important Issueg ln the cominx cern- hasi ttetuone> te ay>'foc bis services. He vent therever te tas cllos-iI bis patients tece chIla pa>' hlm. aIl weil ansi good, If not, It vas Just the cerne. He us-ver refusesi le mînlater 10 an>' aneticcanse te lboughtl he>' dld net have moue>' vit viciho t>'a andi lu tact hote ob sve'u botter cars a! tose ton poor te a py tim hlan te disi o! those tho were abtils10pe> for bis services. Thisla umanitanlan work tas c Gosi- 6ecusite0thé people of Wauconda, btn Il di net reuder muc I lIanctaIaid te Dr. Dawson aud thon te passesi ac>' about to 'ccrs aga te dîid t bave sufficut mous>' te aypehis fu- ocrai expenses. People tram aIl parts o! lb. count>' tho baul heard o! bis goosi deeis came forwerd sud helpesi la mclt t e ex penses andi te wark o! taklug up à antiscriplian te place a fitti-ig monu- ment avec bie grave tut up ta thls hîme I1hbaanltissu completei. l not eppeers as If tbis ters taetic done. MERfUR OF RFgieIEN BY CIIICAOO PASTOR TIME 18 RIPE TO FORM NATIONAL PROGRESSIVE CNURCM, sAYS REV. T. F. DORNBLASER. CALIS LAITY 00-MULED LUTHERAN PASTON ARQUES A UNION 0F ALL EVANQgLICAL CREED WOU LD ýRUDUCE. '- 1 -. 1 - - - uab. It afos.Sb4Imd" lta c ,r-u .S0g~-*, %.:*very eleaveri 1hsUflt,~~ b ae4oagg ed posmal mow4alu.oe ion% ýthe iitmm,ie vif edeuldem that *0 l w4 bmprt> ypwb$a M~at tsam v15b dropp.d. l.ýds1IbtiSqfi fluences wUll b. brouet tu besaur ffl tuhe iumblsIât ob,'l-*1 gen lta- PUA uý mu- MurI bo, t.umvobm 'Sînce the agitation bas begun la ,, bt~II the politicai world, c.gardtug lb. or, 110 ganzatian of a new Pm"'t, t bau ce. cured 10 me that it might b. '1. ficleul ansi ttmaly for 09.10@40n= 5 .aet> Christianit>' ln our coUsin ta, '1221>11 "W s t 1» gurate a movelentl ta fq4eU&4 à~OO S~ thé. Evaii.ltcal charcism , t.a.ufr thouai Progressive chuwci,, ma ROr -- T. P. Dorublaser, Chicgo et tIs Of. Luttieran cburcb. .-Il le Weil krowii," ho contail, - !V "tat omne denomlflatiova hWoa-jàâ4 arc tossrulcd to such aa eten.l;e, ,, - the rauk andi file of t",nb*ablp who pay thé bUil, bave PEUCatldY no voe n tle.govrumt e t ___________ chuccb. or in the arpamdnre of thé mouey for educatiouM 4 m Wmslay,1hI ORM4- < m purposs. O 4 SU "It la bigh line tiia.thue ý -,.!k Mmd IU~ noms sense of lb, lally b. caI1U laoM ~ fllici exorcise in the matonat aiA"rS l IR cturch affaire. 89% "Il muelteoapparentl 10 evary se> .1-1- - si bic man that the maintenance aiet. 9U..»b - w. oeparate organisatiouns lu.. hesaie-Ui~g community o£ denomlnations bolopgu ffl1qpd-,n praelical>' o thse ,fldocrial »Wbriaging rmu ta.'0 els involves uot osily a foolisi but.' the 14.0m oW au unuecesser>' expeedituce of!the -, 1 M-11i4l- - .5» peaples' -maney. ! thie Iq lcaà Ifttc creesso! aIl evangelial 'd ol churches thInt recognise ech iot hW 1 as arthodax Christian&. vers 914.1%o10 the crucible o! common siense "a 1 common fallb. IL vould acee.rnM- ablc Ihat a net a»d suMfctentiF d- ulte standard could h. dMrisa, gundo wtose (fals I plgoosi enditrue- ;- lievers couisi rally andi tencefartil pri- sent to tise vorîi an undividesi front at borne andi abroasi. Charges 'Bensoleas Wat*." "Ttc presentuneceesr>' divisions Invoive a senseless expanisture of moue>' andi euergy. Wberc nov the or four churces are malealng a struggling existence, one cburch taulsi serve the commuait>' better. Plhe. thre. preachers are eking ouI e miserable existence ans mlght he yel suppoclesi. "It la nul time for rlgh hhIklng men ta talI, la a net standard tof economy ansi goosi tors* *mne." BELIEVE REPORT ABOUT TME RINGLINGI WMTIOUT @A818. (Coulinuesi Pro Page On..)j for their Wiuter quartera, declaredd b. day Ibet b. bas about given Up thb. opiiontat tbe big cirçue la ltio Ulve et ait. "I cm convincesi," h. .8.14. "tb 1 ttc reports la lb. affectt laIt t.eair. cuis la ta move ticsWinter quaftem ont o! Wisconsin tiecause of the rW.ellyî passesi pert%" propecty laI 1X whlcb wouid place a <l'eat btaidea ni> on tem, oemaced fi,. sourcas.*Ur frisudu>' le the cirons wbt, arUtGS ceosons ddMA, noviaht he.cirm uto more. In addition tota deu. fftriy bulleve Ibat odur Intreuts ltutth- mIche. wvlsIlng toa aolt payfutg Ibis lai, bave do". ail leu Ileir paver toi LAKE SME -TOWN* A*KKO TO WhilI. Kaaab".&s Bartnos-i bqr hotus. sare bleeatit ta thé eI&So! OMc taltBe maréwmwt m z@ thair vosk ae béB0th govrsn.euh fa mmUug tism ai sion. .Sapa h.. mo h. gatu te.ta- -luoilr the riait t.trou the ~~~~~t Kta.dall b. fisis a~ii~~ ma is au irppel for me,Uu.:'bsb* -but It b« ow ovbeau r,«*ý obm inmakint au- ole.të*Wbreperlnlssioun ta pw«sthie Isaé. .,4~ ga~IatMae by thefBarh awg tava s lahat tth a ta bn fromtil. laie at thle othesu e04 bau a talidane>' 1. maxe thé.water lMPMr ansi focrl"t Iroason lie>'ameobIct. Ing ha the more. n~e astaga question la s«M a~ dlucnaed amens ti.r% hs tawns o! thse Batoshm are mdiliadvooteatlu tr .! a uiwa7 las-B o!flu e~ NiirZmu ilNT r!tHAY, 'UST 2,-1912. The World Neyer Loved A Quitter The Success 0f Our GREAT LIQIJIDAIINO SAUE Is due entirely to thegreat values we are gMing We wauit you and ail our amy friends to profit by tMis sale-Buy 00W and make $5 to $10 op 'a suit Prices $9.95, $14.45 and $18195 $5 and $6 Patnts at. . e$2@95 $1.00 for $2.00 Straw Hots Phone 1352-M F. C. S7ei4 119 Gemesee St "The Nous* e-mr . 4 -.77r;

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