Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Aug 1912, p. 3

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%l swW 4 9*ty mvet on Thur&. Mv ur,âwMd unt Io daugbus tImm SwIu*nE. Y cositai, à. C. Cor~ie, The lie= dancetaImoulmes Doq wu & a a"I ge u nase FuRl v b dre. tps"bl Mm pissntt ram' sil partse ofthe toustry. 1%0 ti"". Kfnele aMmd Oayle of Oçk Park. e«r. onItouattend lhs>M ndaM aet Neris Bron. amd vIl peed0s0» O ea, b.e. C. Crris home. seversil tom thie communty atteuffle thé tu-nuaofichas. Hains at Pisset Prairie. Apéirty ai yung people spent CIM46a eveulng n ii yreles d WlIll. orie. Mri.a»d Ire BSert bMelvls anitdagb- ter @pent fatnrdar nîit thé J. IL Crnie famlly. 0 Mr. and lire. . E. Lewin gr# vWdltla at Dr. Len's. "The Protresslvs" Party 1» the ludlldwal, Mân or mma, Who use Foley 1414»y Piis for hashacho. ibeumatim, ceak baek aid other SLidney and badd9rlrre«ularftlss. Folsy Kidneyv Piffe are bealng, strenatbeaing, totansd qulalitapradepé bafflfilal recuits. joutaisauoharuiful' druge. Never w4d ln buiS. Put up lu Ina aile ln. eluuaeti of,îtê. The genuine -tu a YefIk.w packiage. For male by ail Ihîuggiea. R.sad the turnieeit om Usdlalth. Paper today-and tItan write a BUCT- TER ono. it l nd zou a itte. Wisconsin Silo and Ta>ik Company's -Stave SiIo's Boit On The Market MeS ob.~4~V% useThain> irons "Lb. Maotpg ai ohm sârlonly 0l ciMe pgielpé but at pissent wting li%.ijX0. Doegfa ad daughtews. E.ê DOool, 0f Waukmga, 'pont, Medlday i Me M iWllf miner. gkias bedp mtcaned to ber bomi la* Pêem atiipomlu a t YMO. M~s4 Ls.trmS hephîrd of aur. uo*t Tmray cth Mr. and lMre 19. Touer. Wk Mise Inaimiesonretnmned ta ber h~ u la Keucea. Urw. Job. Hugshes oi LA"t. Villa, la spssdigÏ ceek club beidanghter lMrm Enma trang aid other relatives. 1W, 9. Stevrart la Vary elaSfia. à uer- voue break-down. Mis. Hardy and KMa. Luiu Thain rn. Waukffa, vfslted Misr. J. 8. LeVoy. ssu Mary Rasm of Waueau. Wl& rleltiug Mr@. James Jamiesan. Mr. and lire. Geo.! Bafford sud eau of BounUy, 111,, oie vfltlng their piarente. Uer. aid Mm. Ua#ord. Ums Pearl Celand vfsited a few dais cf ti friende a% Foi Lake. Tihe mleeiauary tua le postiî,.nsd inde. fictely. Many tram hure atteDded the dattes ai Munrie Bras. at Rusecîf Fridey. Robt. Banner of Wltbrop Harbai. spent thé ceek sudd wihbis parente. Mr. and Mr@. J. 8. Deman enteitain. ed a nurse fram the Gertau.Anterican boopitai lu Chicago, s.eetl dais. Frarier gayder of Wbeaion. TI, ras s gnest ut te paioaqpuiom Satuiday ta Mdonday. Mrn. and Mr». Rapii Barrisai Pene, fil., are opending a week with tbe for- mer'@ siter. Mr*. Wifl Thoms. Mn r. C. Sonner ièturued ta ber home at Eantoa, MI aceompanied by ber eobier Mns. A. K. Bain aod tlorothy whu wil tipend a we*k witb ber. Mr. snd Sime Rapb Taylor sud çifd- reonpfily bake, @Dent Suturdu> and Bunday cluth helattere lfathen, A. B. 8tewart. JamesAndeison. Geo. Andron and dsnghter Margaret spent Wudned>Ly civibreltive.iu tbf. vllity. MliesDorthy Douglas ai Waukugau. opeut a neel diih ber aubt, tire. D. M. White. J. D. Pope and tamlly lett Wauke- gan yeterday afteruoo on a tour o the WOSLt.T.y wlimae the trrp la Mr. Popes new Cbalmn-Dtrit automobile. W. S. ftiAWriQIf E A . Jae lI~ a nJE N Chico.Cal, ni-ap iîaudled Foley& C~O.'$ ,udY.iu" foronntnv year@. are Ubertvllip - IIltioi-1 conélder tbat Fois.> s Hrwanad sr Loug DitacepIICo-. Compauud ham nu equal and le the one Lîbrtyill X5a rougis modieine Ieau recomu.d as l'amer, ban-ryle i . containg no afcotimc oother hsrmfuf Parer' Pbne--Gryalke.properile." Tb* genine in a ylfow ý v E pas. For se h y ail Drnggle. R. R.LA UGHL IIN Teacher of Volce Culture' Président Nauhszun ('ouseivuto y of Music, Fotrmer Direot.or af Libertyville Choal fSQcietv Diriug the comiug season, begiuning iu September, àIr. L:iughlin wil teatbI in Libeity- ville an ane day of each week. Mlr. Laughlio vill b. pleased t. hear front thase interested, "addrese Wankegan ConseevatoryeoIMueîc. ~>Publie réctals wili be given as soan as pupils are prepared. Mr@. Laughlian l reoive a limited number af piana popils. Va a1 t 2 Stop! Lookl 'Listen And at Guruee too We have a quantity of fin *sale goods we are almost givIng away. and we are aIgo selling Orocerles, Meats, etc., cheaper Fthan other stores. AT THE NEW STORE CH. BARNSTABLE dre% ini adu".yaku oy er "WOrlc A erdi*q Mr. and Mmre.Frank Ogils leSt1l6 useS ta vt iesrtivs. la -Dakota. Tber nure. acompaul b y thuir grad itanugter, EMmes Seai..DavIs. Mns. Oea. 0CievelanIo lhome, frum IL. licAlltor bosoill chr. sie aider- cent au operalôloeverai noe M uo. Miese BIanob oaglto. -of ChumO, f. spendln ber vacation wtb ber moter boe.. Heury Barron and ecildren are easp- lngsl in f5. pve. Jeb 0 Loougabauit aud, amily @Pont Btuday ait Chainel la". Misé inz Taules la spoudlug -a ion dojosvnitb ber parente'bore. Clemet Wbtuor. sand LaMant Allen spet lut Thnradav laInChicaga. John MuDouga lof Coorado, is visit. ing Cicro Alleu sud famlly. Mise Vaferla ElIoEsqulte ieS at ber home usai Dru'e. LaSe. Ber suni, ier. John Loogabangh oais .place, le etayiug nitit ber. Mis. C. Afllen aud ber mother, Airs. Culver spent Tneusay ai Keuocha. Esnl Thomason sud iamily, Mi@. Louis Thomson sud raudma Thomson took an auto trip ta Lake Geneva Suuduv. Miss Susie Whitehead sud iter, Mi.. Fred Kuebker vipited theur nepher, C 0. bougabaugh aud dis unt Chieugo Monday. tirs. L. Y. Sikee bai the miefortune ta eprain bei wnrst lst Frlday. John Haak. J r.. fot sarîsînabie haise at 'seul. Mr, sud Mi". Ernst bau purchuesti the Walter Stiike place chers Tom Stîaug sud wils rm.lde. Eani Richardson sud Je@@ Itlfina visted ut Chcugod lest Suday. Mr. sud tire. Lue Wiliams bars purehaged s er Kipt inedeter ai C. Allen cha îeq agent for thie machine. ise. Clifard Shanks ai Hsiuesvilf.. aeýomitauis.d ber mother sud grand- mothfr ta Kenacha Tueeday. Mir. andLir@. Wm. Ellis, Mr@e Lee and M. sud Mns. Miller drave ta Tera Caits Manda>. Mr. aud Mn. Clark sud eau Ed vard, oi Waylaud, Michigan, are the gueste ai O pplito _________________________ - I mS.. Stella Thayor of Waukegau, epet Thurodayaud Frlday wnu rela tirés.. UMsJosephine Muihisar7 rsturned to ber homeiluChicago aitur spendlng te pat titres nseSs cftb Mn. sudUrie. and Mr@. Keller. Miea Cynthia Vase ret4imred ta Eraus- ton Suutay&Biter % neek's viei dit ben parents bore. miseCletis Young bas a new piano. Miss Nlle Hook bus gous to Chicago tor a vlet witb finente. Mdios Ceofa Baringion. and Mnm Coîpren sud tira blîdren ai Austin, vlelted thein anche Jas. Taylor and fa"iv the IIt aofte eek. Mn. and Mns. Dohph Chard are enter- taluing Mrs. Hsnrv Andrew sud tro ebildren ai Chicago thie week. AlaWrigbt af Chieago, Suudayed ut the Vase home. Thse ladiesAid eoiety wuiinîset dii Mr@. Walter Duuisp Tbureday. Aug. 8, viitais are celerumu. Mr. aud Mris. Wil Strong sud sous. Kenneth sud Caren'es of Chicago. ne. turnedte t ptir home siter s reeke visit nitit the iaîlhie aifSid EHoak anti Fred JERSERANSfl] Mnw. Benjamin Baguanso oau a u- t egan, aIen, Mise Maris Harbarg are visitiug ai Mr. EBogsu'e Mnw. E. (liant sud cblîdren of Chcago, spenu sevenal dasy aif at ceek nit Mn@. ' Tom Edwrde. Several tram bers attentai the daies t a te Marrie farim lait Fnl day nlght. Mis. J. De Muray entertained the eMont ilet Cemseteny soclety this ceeS. Re sure ta plan ta attend the Harést picnlc ta bu bel d t Hickory au Titure. loy, Augui 8. Robet W.,Herter, Lawiencerille, Mo., who bal been bothere citit iduey trouble or to ears, sape: «'I t$ied itres differet Mut iS idney pille but wtii no relief. My nelghbor toIt mue te tes Vole> Klduey Piles, 1 aolSc Ihies b"o t thun sud gat a Iftomst ure. I rscommud lsm teeveryhody-.'" Fr sale by AUl Drugglets. Johl aEses, Who daims Claton, la., at luIs home nos oveicote by te beat ai Waukcgan Sunday alibi. Ho t'ail lna a tiounthe cement sidecaik At PeaciCO cerner ail cao reMeo to lb. MclIItOr hospital whee le Poaln«6 cascluswa. - Hoela"Ith Sir -for' Olutn étMiêSo, NOBODY BPARED Kidney Trobles Attack Libertyvilie Mon end Women, Old and Young Kldney Blf. seize young aud aid. a Oftealsome nibt lte narning. 1.Citidms suffer in thuir early years- Cau't contrai the SIdney secretlane. Girls are lauguid, nurons, suifer pain. Women woiry, ean't da dalfy work. Mien have lame aud aclna bac. Il yau have auy faim of kîduer filsa Yon muet resch the cause-tii. Sidney. Dosa'. Kidney Pille ais for ceaS Sidney-- H ave bîougbt relief ta bibertîvîffe L0betyvîîîs testimony prove. it. Mr@. ieilly, k'irst St. and Park Ave., UIbertyvlle, Ill., saya: "Whle 1 bave 1net bad any kiduey trouble mvself, r know about the mert» of Doma'sdney Piffe a»d can recttmmend tem. On. af my famil y sufferpri i rom pain& iu bis 1bacS snd irregular kiduey action, He usai Doan' Kidne.c Piffe aud iouud them rery effective. Tney regufuted the action ai the kidnt.s aud eiopped the pain.", FaraIe b> ail deasler@. Prie50cents l'aster-Mil lburn Gi. Buffalo, New York sole agente for the Unitedi States, Remember the name--Daan'.-and t'aesDoaother. 44-L FREE! FREEII With every purchase of a bar of Castile Soap which are ne Iling two Ibe banu for 15e and one bar of Glycerine Boap for loc we will give away absolutely free of cost one bar of Maxi ne ]tlUiot toilet soap. Now is the time to buy your soap. Druce Drug Co. TWO STORES Graya1ake, - Round Lake Mi1.e» Forence sud Friaces Smith cent ta Oak Park Vednééday for a esc day. isit cith r"ltir"sltera. Mir. and lire. John Ford ai Chicago, vlultsd aI Gorgs and Mabel Beuceif'. arer llnnday. Mr. aid Mnr. A. J. firent r atteuded the Kiumsey weddîug nt Grayshake Sun- day. Mr@. Josepb Vagi sud Mn.. Wm. Lob. maunuis eWsueonda rieltors Saturday atternoan. Mis. Earl G1ruansm is visiting Mis. Ber. huit Davis nt present. ni.. Graham cul be btter kuacu huis as Bertha Rtz. tire. Robet Boettebei sud soanud Rail I>avi e reuChicago visitors Satuî. day anudSunday. Rert Smith ileîplanning ta eiect a nec boud@ sud a ement sfio. Mrs. b. V. bueS sud sons aud Mise Maniha Baner spent Tue,,day ut Lincaoln Park. Albert Vagi sud Mat. ihoseon sure cahiers at Joseph Vogt@ Manda.. Mis. Watcbausen o ai Bsnitou, le vlitlug lber uieud Mie. Joseph Vogt. Mie. Cors Wahmoey le keeping boues for ber brother J os di tounti Lake. Mr. sudNlire. Joseph Vogt eutertalned relatives irons Chcago tram Tueeay ta, Thuaday ai chie neek. Mr. sud Mrs. Wiil Amaun andi childien opentSlunday rlth Mi. Amans' parents Mr. aud Mr@.Il. PFreund usai Mdfluni>. Bu> fever sud astbma muku Angust a mouth ai intense euffsring tu a nuy people. Foisy's Boney sud Ter Ca.- ruouud gives prompt esse and relief aud s eaotblng sud heaing ta tIse lullaiiueýt membranes. Wm. Ml. Mrtew, N. Besispoit, Me. says: "A fen doss oi Fafeyte Houe> sud Tai Compound relierai me ai s severe attack ai asthme's sud le.. thon a botte caneed s complets1 cure. Riefuse substitutes. For soie b> ail Diuggios.9 DR. L. iMs COULSON Wlbur Glenn Voliva teclaied Thans day ihat te nouit faut for tweuty' vr-l'-911Afour benne hefore iteglnuing hie car VEEIIN RAN -pou "tthetuiners lu Chicago," neit Suptemiter. "Then," sys, "I dil )u 'em surve. I cilîl et arter the co. Office at Gardinier Hotel mena, tua cit poodI. doge, pochle. dog btiterfuies, ioa." Anti-tabacco crusaders nais bombardait cith rot- Phone 53R ten esge yesterday noar te Cook Electrlcal company's plant lu Zion City. Qnuare!w rifles ant watcblAg. GRAYSLMCE ILLIN IS ovar voiivê ulsutomais. -- George F. Lyucb ai Chicago, iwae in town Wedneeday. J. W. Butfleus enttaining a co)usin, lire. Wm. Rand, frtm Weet Newtcu, à""s. J. T. Aser@ entertaiued a brother-fa- faw fia. Buhi, Idaho, s couple ai days Ibie wek. MI. sMtMr* Joehn Wasbburn tbf. ceeS. Tnsy umt" te l i su anautomobile. Bd DaviU aobingol, cal led on friende hm m onday. The PaiSse Imlly taitut ihur cottage alMages Lobk,Àw>lng out atFriday. Rkerd Voombe mOd daughter Fath, oi Oak %04, spet Satuiday aid bunay cltbjIhI former's brother sud famiiy et GA Lae., 0. M. Fitch *as fa Chic-sgt, on buineses Tueeday. Mrs. TImiesund eauEloit, ai Oak ParS, @pont Suudal withNI r, sud Mns. John Washburu. ' Ruai aur frise eoap ofir in this neek'e ad aud don't Mil f ta tk.-udvantage ai îî. Drue. Ding VCo. Wm. Moore wca sChi gopassunger Tueeday. Au tue criansocilonani arle> h)rby's fawu Aug. Sti. Prie 1-, cuis. Mi@@ Cordele Stadig of Waukega,1 ras a guest ai Mn. sud M v, Newbouoe1 thi. ceeS.i I. A. Feulan le malit-n ýtended fin.i pravumetsaon hie bohon P tcfark Ave. Geo. Cittenden, cho, urs killed St Russel faut Tuesday je a frother ai Chas. Crittendea ai thib lin., Sire. Otto W&ldrnan of tintago. rausa zuet ai Mis. Barry (unr, ti s eek. lar>y.Hors i l of .-îuvimited friende hurs. (leneveive Keith of lluîkie,-nIll1., rturuud titis ceeS t iler borne alter opundiug acouple aifwc-k. euih J. E. B1xle fansd famlly. MisesMargaret IMtarittf Chicago, le epeudiug the ceek mC ti N Irs. Nuffle &acNmaria. John Beciaman o ai Wu-ulîî, speut Sunday nuc R. B. Godf ru Mns. Nelle tMaeNamart ituttlier kuest MisesMargzaret liseNýiacau dnt Wed- needay cit. fi nnde At1oî1t.tq Mies llion Darby aiof iio, viited1 Giaysela frende Tuevday, bhu ciii lettre lu the nesi futur, for Seattle, Woeit.. niere site bus tcîd a position tesching. Mnw Groshen aid ber îlanghts'r, Mr@. Apple sud grand dsugiîtFr Cille, are 8pundiug s fer days at llurlingtan. LIIERE'S VOUR CHIANCE If VSu ae Iooking 1er a hom 1f ouro If vu dS re to @wa remuneradce %oid Estate. Two cottages 11h choce locations looking for q"i huyjers. Attractive in pricewlth ternisto Mai purchaser. Get in connanication witI1, J. E.. MEREDITtIý & -CO. ROOM 3 SCIIANCK BLOCK No teoublel No workl No pumPtu la the cold The. farm Ptmp Engiue viiiprovideaau tho y0E need for the bouse, dafty, bam, feed lot, r-t bh oudooe lu mm w eather. proVUdesWah S rigbt te&mpatu- no lce-pack.d taul. or batlsusoom boums. asle.titan a bbdu indaillDoa mucb cork.S. 8vmtwo is ss m a lta grumblee about long hou o l*I~ojb. __" ror Sale by rT PRIDÂT, ÂtTGUS 1912. _______ Mr. adlire. B. il Lincoln of Lake Bluff, wers vistoabrs Monday. B. H. Spononburg went ta Chicago Mondaiy ta lsS êanePhew tram Canada Who wfll iasit hmr a few daye. The Royal Nelghbars gave a scli at the reoldenasoa H. E. Flood Tussday eveRID& WIIII Albrlght, VanNe@s Young and Leslie McClure returned Frilay ftama motorcycle tip tbraugb Wisconsin. A gravel crasher le being aperated at the McCulaugh gravel pi far raad use. Mir. ancd' Mn. Jas. Campbell returned to Chicaga Manday morning. Mfr. ad lre. J. A. Bennett bave been où the slck flot saverai ds. A number ai aur young folks attended a barn dans at the Murrie farrm at Russell Frlday uisht. Statee Attormey Dady of Waukegau, wae a visitai her@ Sumday. Lea Lux of Wadàorth, was here on buelueis the firet aof te week. Smitb Wright ai Waukegau, was bers au business katrday. Wilf ie Cadahy, wha was lnjured faut Thursday lu a ruuaway accident at the Graham faim, le gettiny a&lang nlcely. The dance at the hall was fairly vrtll attouapid Friday ignt. Everyone ieporte a fine time. HICKORY Mr. and is@ Alfred Pederson and little daughter @peut Snuduy ut the A. Pederàon home. Frank Ed wardesud rite Sundayed ut the K06lnff homeë. Asou ras born, July 15, to Mr. aud Mre. Ray Bîsbop of Kenoof ta. Milss Grae Tillotson le viaiting rela- tives lu Kenashu ibis week. Hickory harveet pienic aud reunion ut the aid pivaie ground ane-tourth tuile rugi of Hickory corner cn Thureday, Augnet S. Short program aud amuse- ment@ of ail Liuds. Chïcken pie dinuer will bu seived au the gîoiuds. Every- body iuvited to come ands@pend the day. Marahmullaww rosat la the evenlug. In case ai bAd reather, ptiula nubu bel d next day. Miss Shirley Bolleutek returned home Friday alter speuding a week with hE r grandmother at Ward's Coteere. lire. Bert Edwardse pet::Bturday and Suoay. lu Chicago. Mie. G. A. Harner returned trom Chicagu Tueeday w bore ebe bas been havlng ber oes troated. Mis. G.0. Edvards le vlitlng finonde in Wankeanau Iis Wesk. 0.0. Hughesaid famfy were Bnnday lee at Frank Ksnndy's. Iv FM H" Ted Piacutter te eportlug a nec lire passeogêr Fard defiveisd hy Schauck Brou., Wedaesday. 1fr. sud lire. Wmn. baycock ant irM. sud Min. Wm. G. Wall@ aid httis don R.R. LAUGMLIN NedeI are sPendIng liEs eeS ln camp ut Thiid R.ILagln otitor m~ Lake.H.I.Luhintdtnr aioet't . ukrgan Couservato"y o'ut Thé local Camp B. N. A. en1JaYed be r aud iormun diectar ai the Li bet, aunual pentat LaSe Bluff Wednuedy Choisi t ortuty ig ta teacb voice. ai tbfe neek. About s'eeitIy-Ovemex. lu LlbuiîyviIlî.oe as dofai eh bers audfriende attended, and te gire l duriugtueýcomingseaeon.M.a~ ta yen us ce got it, lie> bad îuhe tinre wclisburumemnbeed s the.mSl oi thoir lIre.' The day vas fuli of dinectar auhoiso eucicemfif fv onduo'- exciting eesta om taît ta finish, anjyr the faut etauterre giren by use a isw ai nhicb ce mention. A aumber ville Choriil St ciety. A. a cauncert ai the picuiellere donni bathiug suite oratorio singsi, MI. Laugbliu le cG sud eujoyed a dip in the nature f aiae hitown, bsn l.gc sang in many et,~ Michigan sud chit ns @engaged oneaOf large citipm ant iclla fusdiug 4 the part> ns.a niaitunatu ennugh tausoicieà thiongiiont the couutry. 1 lses ber weddiug ring, wcile sathér clîl aitorri singer. af i .bertyvllje alter retirîngiz ran the ster sud wite excellent opportunity ta study and:~ lu the set oi cushiuR thesbd tram a ondenîsund th&$ itlalethe purpàsa. portion oft1ii,'bathing suit (nbich, b> Ur. Lsngblln to give publie pupil reultà the way, was anseblie sd borrowedi as allen as the pupils uare prIepd. caruseloy et te garret clp front bier ____________ graso and il wss carrieti fai ont uliont Much Herder Question. the barrnittta sa utd aiefforts toti*'wbat." malt au itervicwer 110 recaser it, vrv tutvain. Antîther nien, 1candidate. dlo ol, u tend tute a beroaithe Party tCt ct izl Iwstch fuuttl.ou are electet '.Mygo"t however whtlu in btthiittgîbut irtu-! eald the pooi le . -."ca lI1i ustel> waue 14tuty enuglit ttret-tst t-r r. IflIn n' q*'Iaed' Thuse ndéd tai ttenLfitf dut uitthe annale ai Exteisior rauup. i-- ARGUMENT AS TO WHICH f8 THE~ MOST DESTRUCTIVE, AERO, PLANE OR SUBMARINE. wnucbi woufd be the more deBirnet. ive lu a sua buttUe, a Bubuiarine or ai ttydoiahse, le a probluns ebici bas1 stîrred oElicers of the Unitedl States naval traliig station at NonbCis go snd members of the Ae lba Illinis, sud msy resuit lu a cantoti bietwuen the two types ai eraft lu iaxe mtWgila off tbe lake front la unheago tils Sammer. Accardlng ta a story that cas' toit SIM TR M3 at the Motel baSalte, lu Cicago Bat- I o lj-p ae niday nfght, Captalu William l'.P. -to in. Laverie CaIfyu ait lant, commaudlug tenaval training eait u ..Ilaa, d station aud. Commodore Jamee B. tend ta lt--a clalm d'4o ty ICw ai the Aera club have become loi leaving ouibonde. B ei, Involved lna acontroversy ov*r the ulodeon'ts.viee ad reseotîve merlneof theabv Wl-Me snd hydroplate. .W .waua -W. *iItiy tu have a coutei l bora tit,, Smer," sait Erntest . eve-Agle~ im-For manager aoftte Motel LASalle,"and fi MoUluE MS SOO the navy ciii moud a submarino, Ce.- Moilore Pler promise, ho Wittl Ighi .5 ht ciiihbis latoat hytropIzn,.' 9j .IOM I o .c flf 1 - 1

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