EXTRXI~ EXTRA! Y [00K! L [0K!I ____L[0K,! SA^,rýT URK,,DAYý AND UNTIL EVILRYTHING 's SOL» 'a Every- lhing Oui go thie Core SATURDAY AND UNTIL EVLRYTHING 's SOLD PU RZ D THIS »- The $38,000 Stock of TH1E ALEX HEIN COI dies and Chlldren's Ready-.to-Wearand Outfitting Storei place soon, some changes made, the Store enlarIed- and the1 business continu ed i C ASH and at once. You wil buy this.merchandise at much less than what we paid for It. You wili fin por ganedcirulaionsom tUne go that there were to be somne changes made Un the business here the people have been waitingI loth, at 9 a. m. to the blggest Sale, which s to be continued until everything s sold, of Womnen's and Chidrens Wearlng Apparrel, th Nwis the tîrne to save money and the place to do it is here. it will pay you to corne 50 miles to.buy, and buy as many dollari~ ~~EAD TIIIS fl" 111~~~~Te list of articles advert ised are just a mere hint othsleddhisyowilfdhr.EeyhlgIs to be sold at a ftracta e emphaslze this sale as the sale of ail sales. RAILROAD OR CARFARE REFUNDED ON ALL PURCHAS wn as lIEIN'S and Lake County's Iargest and most complete La- ýe turned into CASH at once. A reorganization of this business is to take irger scale than ever. In order to do this, the stock rnust be turned into COLD too , just what you have been ooking for and a cool and comfortabie place to trade. Since the re- 5wie. Now the tUme has corne and the doors of this store will be thrown open to the public keople in this part of the country have ever seen. Lale. Everything wlll 11e plainly ticketed so that you cao buy readily. à.just to get the money quick. You need the goods. We must have 5.00 OR NMORE 10 OUT.OF-IOWN CUSIOMERS. SATUI Every section is Iiterally overflowing with bargains and every garment offeired isdes the mnoney --Therefore,.-.this is the opportunity of a lifetirne. We speak honestly, wI IHERE WILL BE PLENTY 0F COMPETFNT SALES PEOPLE TO WAIT tjPOr = a£ HEKIE EARLY Shrewd buyesm willb. pro- pr4te bssy f r.oly. Wash SIlUrts ,Ul white natural inen and beautiful white pique Skirts, ln a complete run of SUCS:, l, pur regular $3 Skirts, to bc closed out at7> Pfute linen, tan and white Corduroy Skfts, ail $5 Sklrts, your cholce. . ...19 Wbdte and Tan finenqe Skirts, our $Skirts, take them at ....... IW. guarantee a perfect fit ort &U1¶rýnrots that Sut e iered à e e m Plo0 y nthing but firet-ela3a hel. Misses and Junior Coats These Misses and -Junior Coats must go no matter what they brlng. Please corne get thern out of the wy., Misses and Junior Goi M00 in number, butj of a kind, serges and ors, mnostly ail timmed models. Ail formerly solci for $7.00 and $8.00. Corne take them at ......... Fine Serge and Ligi novelty material Coa and trimmed M o d e1 weather is cool enough now every evening to make good use of these Coats. Al $ 10.00 and $ 12.00 Coats, at Neyer!1 Neyer ! Before and Never! Neyer! Again Wil Ladles' ail Wool Suits be handcd out to the public at such mercîfui reductions ln prîce. The fabrics ln these sults are g.od dependable fabrics, that wllt give sattsfactory service, willl stand pressing, hold their shape, won't slip or pull and are properiy ftnished. j About 250 Ladies Serge and M lxp trlmmed Modeis. Our $10.00 and 75_ flot many $1 2.00 garments, sale prIce . -... -k.: plain col- About 175 Ladies f ine Serge and Noveity Sults. 91 Ait thit years styles. Pienty of plain, black and blue ln the lot. them, at .......................I ht weight About 125 Suits, In materlats$ heavy enough f orfail wear. Ail ourj as. Plain best Sults, plain and fancy trImmed ig 1 q The $18.00, $20.00 and $25.0garments 50NL0iq ý't AY &nd until everything is sl Lé.k lore!W~ ~1000 new Wash Dresses in&Liien, miaerals 5 n stle a dous tat you wllldecc art the most charmilng street and$1 0 bsedresses, you ever saw, 25 colrs are repeesented. $5 dresses for this mighty sale...$ l q No Fakl! No Fake! R,çrnember this Is no FAKE SALE. t will d'rive you alrnost crazy to sec fthe thhums you cao get here for practically nothing AltmtI*DS Ire, NIGHT GOWNS Fine mushin Night Gowns, lace trimmed, 74c kind at 39 Cents Children's Ginighsm Dresses Children's Gingham Dress- es, size.s to 6, very fancy and novelty designed, ail worth .$I, your choice, at 39 Cents Dr awers Ladies' fine Musla Drawers lace trimmed, 35c kind 10 Cents Ginghamn Aprons A good grade Gingham Apron, any length de-sired, 35c kind 10 Cents jL~~ Wa141 'Waists, - Pretty qf Waist ÀAassortment of 400 Lawn Walsts, short siceves and low neck. Soute very dalnty patterns among the lot. 2 Al our regutar 1.00 Wasts, you wlll take your pick at Liaigerte Lawn and ShIrtWasts-hlgh andtow neck,59 long anti short steeves, About 500 la this lot that59 formerly sold for $7.50 to be sacrificed at ... Ali our beautîful Messaline, Taffeta and Ponqee Slik Walsts--worth $4, $5 and $6, are going to be stash- 1.48 ed inercifuliy ln price. Take alvou want at Shamefully have we cut the price on att our extra fine Marqulsette, Chiffon and Sllk Wsàlsts. Wthout 1.951 exception they are worth from $6 to $8. Your choice1 Net and Lace Waists These Net and Lace Walsts are exceptlonally beaulcs andshou14t brIng aes much'as $10.00 apiece. It: Is a shame to srifIce theét the way we are,2.9idyý But we gotta. They go et ... ....... Take These Coats Out of Our Way Quick Choose from about 150 fuil iength Serge and Mixture Coats formerly sold at $8 and $10 and the people were glad to get them too at these prîces, for the small andi trifling sum, which would flot pay for the materlal atone ...... ihese Ail Wool Serge and Novelty Mixture Coais can be worn until next Decemberwith coin- fort anîd et the same tîme they are flot too heavy for the cool evcnlngs now-a-days. They are goud servlceable, ail around garments, that we formaliy sold for $12 to $18. Ail we wiant now is to get them 9 off our bands. You tak.e them at W About 75 Coats ail our best Ail Wooi Coats, right hcre for your Inspection and you take - the best oncs at one hall of what they cost. Remember %,hat %&e nced now is 6 17 the moneý. Look these over at Beautif ul White Lingerie t: and , - =Dresses. ') I. 's and Misses' pretty embroldery end lace trlmmed white -Dresses. Jo buy one of these dresses etlits value, for psk for them Ils lîke buyînq a qold brick for ,our gettlnq so much value for your mont>. efi, home at .. cent .%hile I Inqerle, al.-over Embroidered, and (- hilton Dresses at a fraction of their 5 9& 10o, $12 and $15 qarments, all A FINE LINEN DRESSES Linen talloredDrest.-1 n, blue, white. purple, lavender and many other shades -s for al[, at $3.98 you pav tess than 25 per what It cost to manufacture them. 'ou wilt ýe month's service out of them >ýet, at- %1 4 VOOL DRESSES AT ABOUT HALF THE 0F MAKING Ail Sergie Dresses, that were formeriy as hlgh as $10 are to be put on one long I vou can ta ke >,our pick from about 350 and each drcss wiit only cost you - . 9 8 Womnen's and Misses Full Length, Plain Tailored, Pongee Coats--A very desirabie garment for warm wether; 2 8 Positively our 7.00 coat, at ................. ........................ NORFOLK SUIT S AND B LOUSILS, WeUl! WeUlf Neyer such dispiay before in ail the Northwest of Cotton Corduroy, White Pique and Pure Linen Norfolk Suits. About 350 com plete Suit; In white, tan, pink. ighit blue chamnpaign and #any other colons, with different cotored telts, tics, etc. Actually Suits that we could bardly get enough of to seli at $71arid $8, ta be siaughtered, slaughtered, slaugtured at..................................... Norfolkl Blouses and Middy Blouses in white and tan with coiorcd coliars a nd 8 culfs, ait neatiy pipein contrasting colos, Our $2.00 values at............. ....... 9& See the Big Double Page Bill for Hundrmd of a orDo Bargaine Not Listed He e...There Is One a orDo Extra Fine Full Length S11R Pongee and Rajah Coats--- with Lace Collars and otherwise handsomely trinirnd. Couid absolutely flot be bought at any other time for Iess than 10.00. Sale price ................. Il-- Corne, Get These Junior and Misses' Suits at About Whatever You Can Afford To Pay. When you see these Misses' Suits and the prices they are ma rked at you wili buy two or three of them. Two racks full of all-wool Serge Suits for the young ladies, in shades and models to everyone's iiking, absolutely our $8 and $10 garments, 1 f take as many as you want at.. Our high price, best made, best fabric and best ail around looking and serviceable Suits, for the young ladies, formerly sold at $15 to $20, 6 9 must, must, must, go at. ... IWell to Know: There Will be ple of Police protectiol the -Store. LADIES' AND Cr MISSES JE Ladies and Misne Panama Skirts, bl Mlue, 3.50 garnients, at only ................ ....... Pienty of Serge, Panama and Mixtu Sklrts, ln several ncw styles, takce them at ................... Ail hlgh price Serge and Novulq Skîrts, in Ladies, Misss and odd us» 7.00 and 8.00 Skirts, everyone of theni at ........ S e o t h e b ig D ts p m 1 in Our big ahow wi dows lon..then you~ b. convinced what 18 las SATURDAY and until everyti Look.i iere! Boy s' Blouses. Coose from 500 blouses of 2 dozen ye different colora, styles and patteras, made up in heavy mnateriai, and for ail ages. At the price we ask you can afford anew anc for the boys every day. They're worth 50c. Take them away at.................. 150 White Ratine Hats, that have sold the couintry over for $ 1.50 and $2, wiII be offered for quick clearance, Tomorrow .. .. 9 Llandherchiefs 3000 of them, cach worth 10c, take them at 2 <Centsf White Petticoats ... A very good quality muslin Petticoats, embroideried flounce, our $1 Petticoats, Tomorrow42 at . . . . . . . . . 2 Shoe Pollsh Liquid and Paste, in aIl colors il - - - - p ~S ~% *a *O COATS 4,m48 Linen Dusters...Why suffer this hot weather -with heavy garments, when we give these light airy Coats to you for almost nothing. Ladies and Misses sizes, 9 c ail full length coats. Take your pick at.................................98 Dld You Get One of Our Big Double Page Circulars, If Not..Send for One hiing lset Opportunity! Oppor ,tu, We are known for our high grade meclmnl opportunlty you have now of buylviq thts men at these ridîculous low prices MIN neer oci k Alterations Gui ...,. SILK PONGLE OR LINEN -1 5 C e n t.q