Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Aug 1912, p. 11

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For the canvenience of our patrons who live in the country, our optician Mr. Evert J. Hendce will make regular trips through the couiitzycvery week with headquarters at the folIowirg places. ARREST 0F TWBOY T91lEVlES AT LAKE PHOTO OF BOYS ON MORSES, FOUN'D IN LAKE CO. MOTEL, GIVES OWNER CLU!. WAS LiFT ON HOTEL TABLE ANIMALS WERE STOLEN IN CHI. C^00 AND BOYS MADE WAY TO LAKE CO. LAKE REGION. lae i Your Opinion of a Knockcrj It Pays to Buy NOW Before Our Great Sale Closes 4c for 10c Rockforg 2c for 5c White Ma lc for 5c Blue and 39c for,50c Under $18.95 for $25.00 A Ed atnsStrMlun.t... nsjorse thieves on their stolen maunte 29 for 50c SUikMH . rbs Store, AtohN led tuothearrest ln thc Kngsley hatel o arfr$ Kerr and AverY's Store, Lake Villa . :at Pistakee Bay, III., Tuesday by Peter$15fo $.0Ma Roy Brasher's Store, Gurnee.........-1- - -, Prosel, 4740 North Clark Street, pro-$.5fo $1 0Ma Henry Kuehker's Store, (irayslake.- e prietor of a livery stable. . $1.40 for $2.00 Ma Henry MilIer's, Lake Bluff Wedi . s The boys, wno are aise alleged to Jay B. Morse & Ca., Libertyville. We t - 8 have rolîhed a Greek leddler af a $2.95 for $5.00 Sm HA.Wto'StrRockefeller, Wedn - 8small bag containing a sum of inaney, C. A. ts on's Store, Defii T - :Bwteo brought teck to Chicago Tues- C. Ate'Sons Sore Derfild . ii ; sday nlght by Prasel, gave the Rames Phone 1352-M A. Mther's Store, Prairie Vfiew ..Thu' - a soaiCharles Lehman, 1665 North Ârte Emil Frank's Store, Lake Zurich.. Thttr4t ste&san avenue and Barily B. Busse. 1647 Go em s t Graam' Sor, Wucnda- Thued1sNorth Maplewaod avenue. 1Eact la 14S Harry Gaa trWuod hisi38Years aid. Ec à1 Accordlng ta 'the police. the boys ________________________________ If you wish ta have your eyes examied or stole the nianey tram the wagon af lenses changed leave word at the above places MiIae ndGore'rIsN]agn l he.nD ndi ses h ttockwell Street and West North av-B ide the lot, Its branches hang outL and Mr. Hendee will cali at your home. Mr. l'le, Chicago 2uturday evening. EN E À P EÀ T over CAry avenue Bu te space la Hendee wiIl also call for and deliver repair wark Give Money ta Frand. aintost covered by lstade. It la onie on W tchs, locs, jwely, tc.SAV E R I QQESfI~T ar the grandest trees tt o nd any- on Waches ~ Jeelryetc.The boys say they gave the bag taeU I U J where and lt secoue a stame ta allow Gluy St. Pierre, a frlcnd. living near It ta die. The Spilit ta righttat the top Ail work guaranteed. the Letman borne and te gave ttem PII IIed. Of nthe trunk and could te proacted Pries lwys odrat. 25-a smal Portion of the contents ai IRCE INa v EURiAN YhyétcInsertion of cancrete and Îhe C- tte bag. With ails monew titey went use of bands, according ta experts.T to a li',ery Stable Sunday and each Tte tree stands du the lot adJIining We can save you maney on a Sewing Machine. Irented a saddle torse <atusd at $100. tte W. J. Allen borne and ls auct a d The hoys rode away and failed tut RESIDENTS 0F NORTH 810E MAKE g'w"d affair that many persoas stop t return. ta admire it as lhey Puss under lise Proelhaî t gototheKigsly o. A PLEA FOR LARGE OAK spreadIng branches. EntablIlbed 1857 tel ta transact sanie business Monday ON STEELE COURT.______________ and the first ttlng that caught bis at- 9tt fIlniConya ae s tention was a ptotograpt of tbe two l te ofCalnnty Couty of Lake ount boys mounted on the torses.InteCayCorofLh ouy Ttc picture bad been let by Leh- LOCATED O N CORY AVENUE September Terni, A. D. 1912. niM o table in tte parior of tthe In_________ the malter of the estate ai Dan-- tcael.onatel NI. Sammon, deceaaed, To Mary' On Way ta Farrn. Duesthei AéContvIisoilA, Wilson and Edward Sialotie, heins Frou A. Il. Kingsley. owner or tte Society wtst ta save ttc largest trce at law orsaJd decesd. qy se bail suffered wltb beart trouble, hotel, Prosel lcsrned t-est tte boys in Lake caunty? You are hereby notlfied that an 14RS EL EN F RWE L 8 hie resulte lIn te r deatt. arriveil early ttat morning and bec I I 1es ta prescrve ttc îargest 1 Monday, the t day of Septeniter. %ira.L FNFAR LI4 WIIC was the y foun out hem ikn tteir rom aneep. Tuesjoak lu Waùkegan or te wtoieoun ty JAI>1. 1912, at the tour or 10 oclock Yougealda betoo thm bck ithhimandfl:hasthehane ad. nlem te lsia lnahe oredayof .a ttcy unun hauhtr ftude hoasD7mmtd turned theni over ta the police ofai 't docur, the grand nid oak wii ntifierSigned, IÀite E. Sanimon, execu- DIED T LAK FOR-Shewsbr tteodDumn Desplaines street station, îlast msny more years. 'trix ai the lasit Wlll and Testament Dii~~u AT LAIE' marr~ed there ta Mr. Farwell in 1884., and onbetng Queesttons as to e a te trenth teclto Psa. S t e w o m a te r i c s h ai d D r m m a n d b ain d l o e f t $ 1 l t K nb t t a u t e n t e E a p p a r a n to t h an i f l < th e M H u . P . L .d c e s o n a~ l l E TT SD Y P M.nently associated wtttvarious civic hv amttdthe tteftof the rnoey aene , bout. hs plt lOtnte acountIlinosber iacta rep ortnda of s Wilas ithphlanhroiewor. as n aretauant -ng.Ina Short Urne thc raina, snaws. sehExecutrix, &i ohaetesanie Mrs. Elles Sheldan rarweîî. wile ai Mff. Farwell served as the first The bays wlll te turncd over ta tte etc., vii cause it ta decay and ulti- approveil. to be disctrged and te John V. Farwell, dicil Tuesday at tbe president ai tte Young WomOn's Juvenile court auttaetties. Ttey salO niately brng its deatt many vears have sald etate declared settled and Christia TemPerance association and ttey wers on thefir way ta a farm lni eariier than vonld be the ca a tcoc.a lihtneadiic o irarwell realdence kt Forest. Ste aiso vasanc ai ofthc first officers oi Wisconsin vtee tey ntedeilta at rakn. at prsent imeyandseclaea o. vas 52 Ycars aid. For several ycars1 the Auduboli Society of Illinais. spend ttc reinainder of ttc summer. This ttc. le sald by many ta tie thc Dated thia seventt day ai August., rd Working Sox, slightiy soIled lndkerchiefs 1Red Handkerchiefs rwcar M1en's Suits ose, the Black Cat make $1.00 nhattan Shirts anhattan Shirts weet Orr Pants Fe C,.Seidel i .Co. «"The fHous. of Setter C14bea" A. D. 1912. Lîllie E. Saumoan, Executrix of thé lAut Wiil and TestanieuL of aiDniel M. Samnion, dcessmed. wkly-lt Thie ucat examinatian for teacher#* verlificatea vili te teld ln my office Tuesday and Wednesday. Auguat 20, 21, bcglnniiig at Dine a'clock eaet day. This lathe lant apportunIty far teachers ta write until the Navember IWantsl:z s u* h~o% "F examination. WANTE>-To traile frst <las.[port- Anîtual county Institute, et Wauke. able -poultry bouse for farrn animale, gan, Atiguet. 2021. T. A, SIMP'SON. ro. SUPt. borne@ or cows. Ott & Ott, Watike- 105-Aug. 7, 17 -11- 111- wkly-41 i c D ~Coupons of Conffecutive Date@ >: wiIl entitie you ta one of the advertised in previous issue@ k o OUR L AST CAL TO YOU WL WILL CLOSE TUE BOOKS THIS MONTH We Positively Guarantee Your Investment! The Mredith Flower and Vegetable Company la onc of the mont profitable Campantes ln narttern Illinois, and it iu a produat of Laits Caunty. Tbcy dId flot camne to I.bertyvillle asking for a large bonus as sa many do tut vent ta wark jut sas any boneat Comnpany sbauid andi stowed ttc people what ttey cauld do andl arganized on a profit sbarlng tands andl elected their afficera. Tte bornes af the afficera are heme and flot ln Chicago or some atter distant place and men elected by ttc stock- boiders direct. The directors for ttc presant year constasaifJ. E. Meredith, the proniater and gencral manager and wta ta a resident at UÀbertyvilie and manager for ttc C. M. & St. Paul R. R. for Libertyville; R. P. Scbaaeie, a retirei fanmer snd financier, aime ttc present mayag aif Libertyville; Mr. Win. Newton, a retlred meretant af Rockefeler snd capitailet; U. R lausen, Supt. oi the C. M. & St. Paul R. R., veli knovn bath on the main line and Janemville divisions. W. B. Carr, the firth director, la toc veii known ta nccd an Introduction as te inte papuiar coaductor ai anc ai thecIUbertyvilte trains, on thc 6t. PaulIL RB. All thc dîrectars cxcept Mr., Ciausen live ln Libertyvile and viait thc plant daily snd keep a watchfnl eyc over every detaili aittc vork, tQue assurlng thc test resuite snd the least expens. Thc persanaiity of thc dîrectors la above reproast snd ttc pcraon- ality of ttc stock boiders ia ttc test and consiste practicaiiy af ail the businesnmen or Llberty ville, very littlc ai ttc stock beng teld outaide of Uhertyville. The company la capltalized for $35,000.00 canslstlng ai 3,600 abares at $10 Per share and lm sold ati par ($1000) on terme to suit tte puretaser, Iîrovidiiig ttey are reasonable, ecnt sare dravlng, 7 ver cent lterest froni date ai depoit of nioney and due on the tiret day of March cact lest-. At tte sanie tume thc dlvidend wlll te dcclared and payable on or before tii- irst day af May. ar:A 1w Jof thte ressons wby yeu ebould ovu stock in this company 13crause the stock la nan-asacasable wten fully pald and drava 7 par cent interet îrom date of deposit ta day of withdrsaia regardions ai divldend. Because h tamaneaifte ey caopauies sclling stdck for Grecabouae Vurpassa s t tla o valuable and pays the promnoter botter ta torrtow malÎcy et 7 or à per cent thas it dong ta captatite, but we capitallsd on ttc theory tUit ln union ttesn vau trengtt, andl we bave found fitno by ttc amaunt of business we have dons this year and again it makes it a profit sharlng company. Because Ttc tocktoidcr ta limlted ta 100 shares. thus guarantec- lng that noa anc persan can get contrai af ttc stock and 'it'rezcont the wage eamner, wta cen anly awn anc, tva or tbree sbares., Because Ttecomcanpny lias aseets In praperty ta caver ail lit In- deltedocca and -dacenoct have ta "vater" lis stock ta ralse mancy ta de- f ray litsexpenses. Because Ttc board ai directars cao flot place any lablities on the campany wlttout thc consent ai ttc stock-tolders, beyond ttc assois ai the Company. Because ttc manager Cannet tilgate tttc stock hoiders wittout ttc consent of the directars. Becaus* Any stockholder can drai' bis or ber ~moey out at any tinte vtt Intereatat I7bper'cent fram date of deposit ta date ai vittdrav- ai ty glvlng ttc directars due notice In vrlting. There are many ether tessons juat as goad but tinte snd spsce vIlI flot let us enter thent ln detail. We are located wittin flfty feo the tc d depat at Utertyville ue have ttc test shlpping faclîtie. In ttecocuntry, taving tva railrade and two express campantes wltht trins aijmait evety tour. W. are nov affcrtng this stock at par, $10.00, ta ttc vage camreu of IibertyvIlllc. Interest tegining the day ci deposit et 7 par cent. Why place your'savhina a ttitknt 3 ver cent whcn Yeu cen get 7 pet cent? Don't ydu n 10 that that bankvili pnt ttnt aime moaney out et 6 pet cent and even marc? Try te borrow sams, maney from that sanie tank sud te convtnced. Take 6, 10 or 15 starsIDaibis Suid nàne and te convlnced. Ton can drav out thts maney any trne wt thte 7 per cent Interest it tas earucd, and if it remain o». year ar mare you viii aito get your portIon ai ttc divldead. vtich WvIiho.ln Proportion te thc numb@n cf atares yon bol, lotet teanseor anceilundrel.1 We extend a persona] invitation ta you and ail yaur frienda te visit the plant and vexUy every atatemient v. bave made tefare tnvestlga±lng We are nov adding 40,000 square font of glass ta aur pIan$ad vixen campleted wili give us 83,0%0 square font under glass, wtlct yl Produce 11.00 a foot within the next year and the expense oi malntaining la estîmated at 50 cents per square faat, lasses ln variaus otter vsgs, 10 cents a foct, thus icavlng a Oct af 40 per cent or ataut $3,a50so ab divlded betvsen 2500 shore, thus glvlng a dtvIdcod of 13% per cent in addition ta the 7 pet cent Intereet ar a total af 20 per cent an ttc lnventrnnnt. The tanker viii give anly 3 per cent on yaur depacits and mreisttat JO lper cent on your money. Figure It up youreehf. No business eau exit e o es ttan.20 per cent. If St dacs nat make that it wIii close its dora. Ak your nierchant ar auy business man and be convlnccd. Show tii these figures and If ho la tancat te viii tell you tat ttey amc correct. It te truc that ve bave capltalised fat $36,000.00 tut $10,000.00 iras placed la ttc treaenry for emcrgeocy and lanat vorking and don. pot draw Internat or dividend and eu on.y Io uacd wten urgcntly needelad It tasntte replaced out ai tic worklag tond as ioan as possile In the faregolng ve have tricd Ita mal. ur proposition as plainM possible, ourniing ttc probable question and ansverlng thce sméand &gain ln conclusion, viNi extend s cordial Invitation tualal (and e.pelally thase wvtahitut finI a profitable place tu Inveat carninga vitete ttc! positlvoly coetflotase) ta visit aur plant and 1brlng your note book vlth yenau ll af questions snd If we cannat snsvcr tem saUunfactortly, we vil ont aak you ta Invest anc dollar. This la fia gct rtct qulck actcme, but JIt la an tbont Invetment, on business principica, by business people. We do flot sell you stock for 75 cents an ttc «dollar and promise te p»y .»u teck 110 cents an the dollar et sinie future e c, 'but vesosel it atfsce valne, $10.00 par star.sud promise ta tedeem ltIt a ny Umne vtth 30 day.' notice ait par value. ($10.00 tugetter with vlsatever Il; mtas e!hed aver the. 7 par cent Internat. Meredith Flower and Vegetable Company See W. C. Sanbor ,,,Busy Bih la One of Our-Stocliholders. But Do It NOW! J. E. MEKltD!TH; President mooomw

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