Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Aug 1912, p. 11

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o2.5 0. MI.-ervie returu- O.... E.3.0oaIl bael Meurun *Ivlg bellotsdle- .. .. .. .. .. 4.10 $8 1.20 preont. H. C. N. oye, #I.Mot ..............800 SLC os'Iy, eviea \Jd'oS le .....10.00 Cori Dorflor, .- for 2 dara' services sas servi s a 10.00 daw ~services sas ~ecUca 10.00 ~~ servie as asoS .. ..... 10.00 H. . -N ~oi.-2.50 ..00 l'olnriibit 1.-501 -ha -da. mrvioe l'e- e0vig alot»sd mle- *0... ............. ý.451 $82.00 E W.Bot, ...... 10 a Ic S i......1000 ye' services U f at leOile .....10.10 A. W. vm5i erie.a Iar E ' s ervice. as éam»srices as- efulectlo 3.004 1*ida' ouice pei- EOO W.:o gtffl balths...... 2.60 384.50 Fr.............. . H 691 ings' ;e 3éss'servies as etBiection. 1 10... bh 2' dai'suer'viceas iBeoic.....10.00 for 2 émY$' service sas -Cl1erk ofS Eleeln.... OQ for 2 daym' services sas Clark of lection ......10.00 M. T. LameY. for 2 days' servIcesa as Cl1evk cf EMIction-.... 1000 ré lClruchnev-. for 1 .4' evicePet- jfluwthe f lection . .. .50 IFred Kir*aierZ fori 'da"'eser"vice Pot- fortra sv-'- aturv-- ig P611 iooks, etc-... 3.00 5'eiKlr*hnonr, 64 diles travel retunin; ing Oliboks. etc-... 2.80 Frresi KirachiieZ fer 1 daim s srvice ve- Mel#lg -ballots Md é utle- a go ... .... .. -. .. .. 5.80 rull ilcbosse, erdctipg boomba----------1.0 388.10 M. A. Picke, balv-nt--------------.. 8.00 e». A. Zk. éays- services as Judie of BictOn.... 1 - 00 S2days' services as Jude Of lectlon-... 10.00 I. W ài d as ' service . as V ugeof Riection...- 10.00 Aug. Froeicb. - for' s days. services as <2evkof lectiosu.....è bH.uu" .......s. i~lU s-tmservices au rk o lio .......10.0no for 1 dali'@sevices oa las Betlo f eecionM... 2- 50 - for 1irv' eu-pc. E. A. IrOmr- 4 ilAj Çt, tc........ 8.00 - 2.20 R. A. flskOi ~. Sé I dayB spbu0e ne mile .s,.~ Town etof G Wa 0 . Vtter. lor .recîlug Md repair- fer 2 4ays, service. as lug boothe... ......s 9 65 Juége off l.«Iou...10.06 - W. E. HundIel, $3.05 for 2 éay' services as100 vernei. J of, Election... .00 A. O.~F 2itirfc£1aya' series as hAll i'lt ..............3l8.0? CIuk ef Electicak. ...10.00 A. 0. - h1her, 1PIrauk Laing. *ha 3daye , ervie - jr 2 day' services as J. C . et 4ilçton .....10.00 tClei1k of Electien...10.00 J. C. 1 1 ,Alfred, A. >108cm, *r '-ý à dare servie« as- borý a da;*' services as 4"90 or cf Oellon..10.60 Clerk of Election ...1000 . J.GIN4 1 (. J. Brand' ,S 2 da", sÀý " fbr 1 daY's service pot- Bri fLPection-.. 1000 .ing notices of election... 2.50 C. xsn . J J. Ifand. fer à dés' services as for 1 days service pofit- cU M fgecticu ...10.00 ng san,pic balots ...... 2.50 C. C.Or. J. J. Brand, '*1'I up services as ksr 1 day's service retums- <2evk of letOnM ... .0 O ilig poli books, etc . 3.001 Frak weland, J. J. Brand, fb 2 da", e 5rti05M AS0W milles travel eturning o1r .......t.on 10. 00 poilibooks' etc .......... 1.50 zutt y' srvcePost- for 1 ésys service re- lug Dotices S et tIon... 2.501 eelvlng ballts and mite- A. o., Maéh4vRtea. ... ........... 40 fig 4, daysa service pogt- John obeslian, irL' sanîple ballots..... 2. 5> police................ 2 .00 A. G. MaplOr -A. Messe, f:ie1lday'e service rture- canélee ...... . 16 tag POUl books, etc..... 3.0 John IShanh. A.e(1.rninie erecting boothe 1.50 poilbook, et ......... 160 85.65 iA. . lisotilr supervisor Edwards. Chairmma of for 1 éa>'e servicé nM- pecial Committee appointesi te audit evng ballets and DMile- (haaleIOWn *x.paaebis submnitted &gO,...................... 0te .Ito intreport.- West Deerfielé C. W. PaltîS, hall refit . .. ... . .. .00 C. W. Pettis, fe 2 éays' services as iodge cf BLectiOsi... 10001 Jobs Carol»u. for 2 ésu smrvIce s0 Jusige'cf BEeionIU.... -10.00 Id. Horeuberg9r. fosr 2 days'.serviceo a Judas cfriboonc. 10.00. U. H. kWillms, fer 2 éayos services a 2evk of le«lîdâ ...-.10-04 C. 0. Pallia. for 2 daym' ervlete as Clark «f Eection-....10.0f Thon. OsrolAi a c(en cf sBlein...10 00 M.Ho reeegel', for i dayms service poul- tnunotice. of siscIlo.... 2.50 Mi. Hovmeeger, fer 1 éassevice jouI- iug iample bllts.... 250 Mi. Heremberge. fo r ,$ aimserIce ntare- iug VOilbooks,e..... 3.00 M.Horenbrgel. 30 Mile. travel rotnîIn; log polI books,0Me ..... 1.50 M.Hctenbeler, for 1I day'. esil-eve celilugballots Ld Mlle- aga--------------------.4.50 Desvfleld Fret. hall vet--------------.3s 900 T. M. Clark. fur r days,'serve.a D. A. mimei& lo. os . 00 fer a da",serv-ice. as Judas of 1Blectie..1000 W. E. 9ras.1 for 2 dayaý services as Juége OStBmeetion..1000 . .Prier. Wos 2 dars' services a leri of Election ... 1000 W. 0. Hateiy, for 2 dan erviecel as Clev-k of lection .......10.00 A. C. Purd>', for 2 daru mservices as Clark of lociOn-.... 1000 T. M. Clark, for 1 day'a service poat- la; notices of election.. 2.50 John Geneat, for 1 ésysg service pot- ing sample ballots-.... 2.0 T. M. alrk, èý ds sservice eurn- ing poll books. etc..... 300 T. M. Clark. m billOt 4vavel setumniug poll books, etc-----------.1.50 Fred Rudolpb,-------- .0 John Siieshan. 1erecing b0othOs..........6 0 T. Ni. Clark. for 1 day"e service ve- oeiin; ballots and mile- Rte .. .... ... .. .. .. 4.50 8- 51 Deerfield, eo. Cilty cf HigIpýôato bll et--------------.... Chris B., Jolinson. t 0e pdues services as Judo cf RIe<rIi5i..... 1000 A. W. HIMIner, tu.. i dayes services as Judas loi Eection-... 10001 Heur>' Uske, J émia uervloee au Jnde ofriEection -1... 0.00 Bpeclal April Session. 1912. Mr-. Chairman and (Gentlamen cf the Board cf Supervisera. Your ieclal Comnsittee ou tise Skectlin Uxpeuse Bille of a Prîmar>' Eletion -helé Apuil SOis. 1912, beg marete epat (bt w hae xatmin- Board bi' the CeunIr Clerk. and Ibat bhe folowing bills be aise allowed. Gzette Publisbing Co>., pr-intiug ballots ... 482.25 Johm Whalen. delivering ballots ... 10.00 H. Battlofore. hauling booths. etc..... 15.00 lobs Nelson, for canvasslng election Iams1urns................ 25.00 Jae .Welch. for canvassiug eleclion nalurus ................ 25.00 Ilinoie Pvinting Ce., adisiOfal elect ion.s u .p - 18 plis.......... ... ... 280 Ail of whicb lB respectfulli' sul mitted.H. C. Réwarés. 9. A. Ficke. James G. Weleb, of Newport. Supervisor King zuoved tàt1h1 le re- port ef the Cemmittea lie accepteé ansi éepted. Motion carrieé. Loy. A. Henéce, (ounîy Clerk, pre- mauteé the folloiÏng Mil and sked tis tlie samne be allowesi. L.ake County 10 lev. A. Heude,, Co. Cik.. Dr. 1tor making transcript of tax- able propertr for Amas- sors. 44,342 descriptions 0 2 cents eaeh .... 886.84 Supervisor Brooks meved tha thie bill be alioweé. Motion carrIesi. upervleor Clark requesicé tisaI the Board laie soe action lu regard te a liaor penvn front bis Township wbc d«esirsé(c e admiltesi toe e cty Faim. Supervisor Meyer of 11remont moyié 1h51 the malter be leil (o (lic Count>' Farin Committee vîli power 10 art. Motion carricé. Supervlt.r Oblttensien movesi (laI 0i Clerk te authorlsé (ouév-aw war- ranta on the Ceunty Treasurar la the aeveral clalmanla for the amounta allowed &ai (bis meetinÇ. Motion carried. Superviser Brooks called tbe atten-, lonsdl tise Board (o the tact 1h51 thi contract with the Public Service Cons )pauy for ligbt had expireé. Supervison Walch of Waukegas moved Ibat the matter be lett tu, li Public Bullélurs Commlttee villi pcv )er te art. Motion carriesi. Sniperviaor Brooks moved te ad -odn. Motion carricé and Soard stood adi 5jotirfiss. - tes'. A.ltendee, County Clert Stale of Illnois, Laie tountr. se: 1. Ley. A. Benées, County Clerk in ané for saRîd CossI>' lu the State aone- salé. limwiy oortifY' OIe foregin; to b.ntm aan1 sd tcoplete record of tise troeogs nof tiseBoard et Supervia- ý ciMMi County ait tie Speelal April Session. 1912. Iu Winess Whemeof 1 bave bene- unis> suisscriscd my noeainsd a- fixesi the Real of saé COMtYr ai WVuegau It RaidéOCt>, tIbis 22nd day Of April, 1912.. (Seal) LEW. A. HHDNDBR, 1 e..1 E. J.Wïïii-as , , 2jêé le ces as-. 0 41 REGULAIII JUNE SESSION. Heu ocr>'..Bell,0.00FllIU -DY. Henry 2d sSerie.a Wueanl IJoelOi,:92 for j ot Ri ein-100s Bard of superI,ue o Laie1ou. J. er A. Sn) ctlv....... ,Boaino s metivegu Lak ée fun-a -.A sufoi2das lri i the Clior t inSVluiterC > Se"aai Cie2desri o M ctis . 10.00u6Inte it f ýu] Cl rkJofusect .... 1.0gan. wtb Chairman Clark preiltll foris B.oasone.vcedput-heisi li olbin; memnlera emet 1fo't'4ay srvie PU- Supervîsors Brecier. ofltji VMW lu; notices of election..2.50 Clark, Chiltenéan. Bllvê.ds-. Eber, Cliris . Johnson,FerNke ag iohr My, for;1matpl99billot-2 0f0<premotit, Meyr of Weikeffl. lise ChrIm 31Ja tlM ......2150ther, Pettis, Sorensca. Stratton. Ctsr&.'. le roera Epolinai.Walsh, Woeh ef Wabegan. UdI 0*3,oIc. .~ o!àloh <>f Ne*"v-, ~i C «risnB JobulSil,........06....osnt.-Supersru B eaSon, R 24rs .11W ravi rlurng mono, Goes, PdtOr. 9100Mn. B. 24mlt a. rtrnn Minutes of precestlug meeting ead A.. -pi an sd uImnmotion of SsérviaorCoui pouls up boths i - 5Md" approl'es. K utn A. Huatis..... . Sugperviser Meyer, Ciaîir an cf (the BApcalpoce........ 0 Special Cammitte, la whom the peti Cs 1,Jipice ........2.t f-or the ceau t né~ * 1'vm c9lvit-neg"0« rbioasê11e as r«etred, eab51t l .19,fllw %-go......... ... 4.20 lngr report. - - - Waukegan, III., April 3, 1912. 38.0Mr.Chalrman sué Gentlemen cf thb Deerfield sssrBoard of Supervimors cf Lake Highlea igeP0. - - - .0051>. - ., Jil, Urlt ..............3 800 our 1CommiIIee *1cm vawu ns J. J. ué2. evrosi iï patitieus ait otnén papura ccr -SmoI das' anice as. O.qmlngtha creaokoS ota noVtvuLIn Juda" 0F »Ad~~O100 u CouIty oet Cake Ote b. kOWD a Il ni a fi Il s n a h e c e t t c me j;own 0< Lob.Villa, beg leave ta *0 $«#n and paper toumunme- rere, ave ndtatte orui r ryistyacon lmof " l Bh1 ixteen (16) square 11e."nle tzrsi by the satatutea for And vo further find that tise terri- dry7 snod5hg lu caco of the Towns " ntoc1 von and Girant weulé mbrehan sixteen (16) 4uar mies atsrthe division of said tos pf 4utieb. Avon and Grant for lie c2ea4'Ip salé new tovo. And l>a4.'ý1tr si-h division tisey vIii eo02alismore than îwo hunéred 200) 10mai votors euch And ve for- bher Sud that within the terrlterY comprisinis such new tban resîde two huadred andé senty-vile (271) legAl roter,. And Upon exaininior ftic Original icilnfor stId new tonn vs ué baIt agl pffition contalnf; hie naines of tir«béilérséainéthirty nine (289 legal vots. pu upon etiamining oth- rr apa retrred 10 île a-e flué the vitbdraulo lienie f otlh w48 egivteafronisulf petelh. (48)ieh vtera15 leai reutiion, saii pettmné. Ibenanîse oains huo- ia nlettIé-. te 119H lgs!Of On Sl whd ic SmbOl(191)tees ta (hote"- wniv, reuter la tis tactefomp- uertioniff (hatCeuntilard 1taifo e a- titnon île teCren) atiotiosch ewac tionuhpnteceto f.c e t(Riajueil H. C. W. Meyer, James G. Welch. itdward Conradi. Superviser Eger mos-eu that the re- poitle semfilend léadopted. motion carriesi. The following petition wase reasi. To tb.he 1orable (bairman and Board of Mupervisore of Lake Ceunît. Mlinue., We, lb. undersigned. hoing more tan tbnee40-fmths of the legai vOtera rezident lu the fltow descrlhed terri- tory', te-vil: Comnalelcing ai tise soulbeast co- ner of OSetonTvelve (12) Township portp.ave (46) Nortis Range Tan (10? liaI oftbe oThiré P. ., rUnnIii lience veut alan; tise Souths section lUe ofsections twetse (12), elevel 11), tes (110. aine (9), eigbt (8), and saven (7)- lu saisi towuship(banDce north along tha west lune of "Sassec- ilon seven 4(7) te tise northweat cor- ier tberef, llience s'est alan; the South Ilhe of section (1) Tewnabip Pty'Oi.vea C5)>Norths Range fOie (9? OsaItb oS(l rd P. M. 10 the southytt corner tl>eef. thence nortis alan; (ha wst lins ef salé section one (1) Sud &long &0 e WOSIUne of Section 1h17t- six- (86) 'I'ewnuil Forty-ix <6) North, Range Nine (9) te the norîli- Weat corner 9r aa(d section thirty-5lx (3$), tisence east aiong tise nov-hlb ne of salé section îblrty six (36) ToVu- slip 11'qty-aiz (46) Northi RangefNins (9) st et th. Iré P. NM., tthle nOv-lb' eat corner Ihereof. ibence north alon; (ho veut lUnes of section 'lhIvty (JO) TovS8bip Forty-six (46) Nov-lh Range Tmeu(10) East oet(ho Thiré P. m. teatiha northst corner thereot, thence sant along the nerlli Blie of vections tisiiry(30). tventY-Dine (29), twe5ty-eigkt '(28). tweaty-5evIl n(27). tweuty-i (26), îwenty-flve (25). townuhip andi range last aLferealé. Ibeuce mouth along the east lis Of sections tweuty-flve (25) and thlrly- six (BC>, iu Tow ashlp Pcvtp-att (46), North Range Ton (10), Easteof th@ Iré p. )9. sa"along thceasentlins of Sec- lione oua (1), asd (volvo (12) Town- slip Porty-flve (45) !North Range Ton (Io), zast of thbe Thiné P. M. to the place of beginning. containlng sections ans (1), (vo (2), (lires (3), four (4), oive (5), six (fÎ). seven (7).,iglit (8), aine (9), ten (10).' eleven (11), tvelve (12), ln Townsisip Frorty ilve North Rtange Ten (10) Euet cf tise 3v-s P. M. sud entions Twenty-five (26), lwen>'- six (26), Lwelntymeei (27), (w-ont>'- eiglit (28). twenty.atue (29>. (blet>' (80). thirty-ons ( 31), tbiv-Iy-two (32>. thlrty-three (33), tlilry-four (a4). thlrty-five (35), tirty-4lx (36), ln Towsip FortY-six (46). Nortli Range Ton (lOt IFast cf(the. 3rd P. M.. ansi section one ()In Tfownship FortY-live (45) North Range Nine (9) Rast cf 1thé 3v-d P. M.,.sud Sectlon Thirty-slx (36) lnt Township FcnlY-uix (49). North Range N-ime (9). Bemt-o t(ho 3v-s P. M. li thie Cotînty of Lake andsi Sale e9 Illinoiss;iseretiy respectfully petitiop your Honorable Bodyr ta create a ner tovn o thie known as tise "Town of Lake Villa." Laie CountY. Illinois," consisting of the aliove describes te- ritor>'. purmuant toe 1e uatute in suris casa ma&leasd providell, and we here- by' reprecent ibat Ilibre are more (han sisteen square iles lit salé terrltorY andi ihat sad terrItOr>' eontains more a(tan tso hunrfié legalvoera: and Ibat the portions of thie Town$ cf Grsait. Antioris ansiA'vOn ln Laita 4COunty Illinois, reiuastaîilg atter the orisnizat ici of salé tovn each can- tate more than sixteen square mtiles ané more tissu Ivo hundrei legai a vters. William Kraft Jelm.%.Cribb Jo« IN*. -Mbrton Hoatlie J. Nelson P. M. Luné P. . D M. D. Rush &. Marer WilUim i. flraéley Clartan tI. Crafi Tout. Gnats Hlenry' POîter Hvoltett, Culver Henr>' È. Miller Ge 0, gA.Nixon Ernesi O. 1Meller r, J. G. Bowling se John Il. Pertes a. John C. XIller charles -Jélleen Wm. 6llins El Dettiolmes' Eugfl5 piseeban le . Slrang ti- A. L. Jieger et.AU>éî J. iiler WM. C. Cremin A. 0. Spafford he A. Osle e C.W. lkns Jub J, .MoMalion s- joli*.W 5ke- M. Aulft Koppan. ni ThoMU 11AR mlîh, as Louis Palier 1-d1w PerseOliver C. llMattte to h r p o ta Obs "Ward 4.Sa Ud yeo.rie Pilan lmoeio.n catid.b Jantes M.wilsoiamrDawbison the Cai rmanapoifîs 55uq James Lon ard AI1>e'rt 3Rihards irseliner and dPettis. C. B. DbaitisneA . Weeset ien E.8 ra dleyar Vn Lor s k ReTefolwigpectitionwti OW t. Vl.nA. it IErestA. oryTo thcyno le one Po Jo.nP. tatton, r A .î upvior o nad COnf tb , JamoesCj hristE.OT. A e l Yttou reier, e. te a à t' a s. HckiuersndD. J. Nlsnk or te Cîreot Zitn.rereil llIr WaormClan Suret . IT. imhan sMntionto yr Honrab Js M. Wlso JaesBRobinonhr aafc et Romurd iesFr.nk G. Ho JuTe ot he m Pceinte 8ané Cý JarisPLonardve t Alertpetîinh iIn d '-ause byut e rvisral rm51t x iavr we ht h mnad A Cl eke Kau r ( K San ett ie ore Fankbrlso.nDLeoIas3îorKing teegiv tle noticetieuiredwu fhent Shrd urti . ae Satt l sci e s meA e and pro- of Iltiiser hereOrer (1.i.dneDbi vdd oin c. rled. To ahesy Honorable B ody ýc John SHadr Te folor gAttonaW. re rad: careisralsf of Laktece Om'Y' Chas .Lyiz36 .Iîu v. Belvid.erS. n ofthe ityof th on or entn. dh . PeRay ameBrowne 4 192. ouny, ili vnoi, c nt an tY . laugne efr Boaur o Sueviorof Laie o. Toint yofetnn ae, . R Ch Cai o tz L. M tepiio orne Gentldmen: sn, Juthe e o heace te8o 5 Laev . T eea ha v e a 1(11mattnder unbc an-ovaC.ncKforStaldyute pore r M .14 Albert M. Douglas ton edterlg iefeoe ou forred u eunexie em en o Ia hÉ I Mo ortmeb. ap ave hcae mdertund po- owi uer.pttoe heeoe- Johney .blenard lot Mnion cît>, nmi. lon whicb respnorfule>'sBomitdy John H a ins Theeus ollin e amitinbuild ;cingte but ffieoR. Cin'stIiaf Wa . L z 0 . I¶hri wssl and evde tel 161e v l. pae o h ono etn née G alg r 10h. 910 Ro eve1912-. aaemad A ts i, . W.P var ant, sarit 10 à lame@ p Kerr arn f er s when r the Cding oint RurioretermoE. R (hbe tedgarg. Krri Gen al .6 utaxesmene:es tonusice rof tee te ta3 C. H.o K oUela v e a lt nti at teree o nut ax- h v cmmitrtet. unxp Rudoî M.Wedou la at bee rn 99scering o thefo ledutrs Mopretin ri e. o eg t jt R. lmenatic. 1 have the masort a o ut il a pe fO Bok, hiinO Won . LW atsoloi lnve oneCityd lnoidrs.on ht h e oiown Ivnti. Guran Mis r woet h onyTesrradh netre s Lecty gPeer Pr Tbomas Murphy re erameto houaaa i beilong, souct brtvlE. III., J u ae m'i1L, JWhnA.oîlIsif fIw bicb te expee il. ai t16Npovr.icuîsec Hrasi.Ter ohan190.made 50 b unfoWunatiee iii AticlW ey.ees. V "-J 1.oM.Palicbtheaieta in in teCldng even oh eubt er irMetheug plantba TEgarJ. Kerr It sid 1 wum wf.6ila a xelé l e ruis ed 0tvon bedste4is. t te 1 frci. iOH n vate e lo n t ané s hah elcrlbe vse- î b5Y fOv. rp n ul T. .v-s Brtt fudieto 1 y ou Iftye ae tso malot trS coi u roos grm e, JonsJhplards andalthos s oa posible. 10 D Cuny aties. e, bm W.IonHWat eener av'Desciv n oet ic ot ss N to.n9. Wi llm eer rTh oe ilding wa a s o r te. a cdi scnt r fLkewm . yPo, rr Th.oma Muee Upefeaném oved smehereonsurei-i c e r..ile ..... d 1 John McN}fredin l'os t e. 10 bossa..........scl]O@ô.. - . :-' Horacle . Twerbott 1-bng mae hear fro oruson, 1 aln- Aorices. cfle Bi eflsos Mrs.ns l Z iyadc nte ol. 12bot watîer atr Plt - Thom . Web Oartmun wi Beivid ere 80stro eiig eadrs............. AR. F. eotebon Ct unme Illn nds hal o 3 st1hy oro e ad . lyl. W.eJra uliet ur ean unif ou? honable be5.v-d lancrn uters........... John Jt Wel ia TÔ sanoAon a bpisi pe. 1 flalionsro.......... F.M . Jan ILlu hedl e fDU .o fthe lot 1911 No. 1,n 1extnsin tble....... Cthas. H trtlonte k310, Sae cn ai. E tauB te. 1 fnnig ml... .... Wilar m oeror d cf Revtsingwasenldt hlm roles G. 2 jaekwi machines .... J. K. DeVIn Ugang d se a sment, a n s li 1ap ogasrg.......... ... J.h H. 8111 pe eree il10rd eboome> .n....i..engns... . .... Prtaul . TA r>' forn hm te er d asseeusint1am,1 owa es anéahutte .. ... Chas J. aoer maryact r>' nd oul ntelie hagei1 tee prposar .. e..... 1-L Nedl sepnpyngbis.tAies C or ~d, 12 grankitewvesméfr Pt.h;». Andrs W ollin Teth111e oar inéftup trtieaofLe OS bu care ............m William 1. TrMille r ev e bé le d bhis Madme, ellt 1 ait .51 sp it ..... W. J. Haul 14,000 enssenodt le sudonoahe ba rd 2 lanern le is.......... Gartr t M nel tht o l ed eps taxte s sumel. r ofuthef 25bstandsllI T .- .... EmstWelleown or Aon abisesoné aluaoptio fY sya.... P . O hoM.15. H ml ef uefrteY u 11 m n n 2 pair pipels ......... Jhs . Soream ttoe t e$2 r aeoreip alue;that o hewî1 ru hite ts........ Oale . Cane ord ofné t e m t hianéoticeTe 2aestwbu macins, .....ho J. .ber Kngle ard gan d ecom ens t a nd he aon1 igair agel. ais... JH. Tilthol axing beoie gved tardbandthevl. i -tm les ehgin . Caslot Avery f txes on the exced ssiventalua1ion i ee andiel............... . JamesJBanaler sofactr4 an,000.nt09 ca 60g1me cre terhaberav. WiohnamH . ler ve "rasectfnlly slimes 1 o xtns................. Z. e0. Haw aisld T m m vle idhoasu. bs e O. lu ?oWs.............. Wale Naise StaUpte f li taes, Conithcf a eu s: îO f d gr einer ............... 13 al.l bumli $1o4.he on oruable aid lutoS BU of 38 mythes ... er.. ...... Geozu0. Tomk $4ntlemen: ihpaiipla tnt J. Breon S.HelerTurpeitoe r Has Heétekilof 2 mts d oe a e....... Chorls. Roges te n f Grat. Citeake Co ty 211.. i irIm AilbertJas e t n rec ommepeen ht he yo r ous 1 aigr as enaer............ DH n Breebkn axlb oie ereodn d lted -litihte vAr-10 vet iabl ise............ W.has.Flotesassgrtae the e 1911 real esationas lesok scle............... J.ohn Itolmes following. sb 40e. 1 Ogrtai s ............... AietI Lts 1. I ad 1, ioc o f e ta I glri hoe................ Ls'oarluB Oougdon Ô of l uiois oun ofprt efl. 1 forks..... ............. W.Nu M" rP. . m d e h oorbe Boc.r14et54SuAeér- à ile b iae rf........... Moatonm8Jagler ps whr e t e aidHan@ Hendrcksuds2 ghandoin lantuess. .. A. L. LJaog ers thr ogh eroGraontAsskeo t oy a M. awn mose ea .............. Hem angeWift e155 umdylotprl was t ies rouer$81 i patform soe ........... W. . Whi rette toer abov e tt aue12spock axes.u............... W. WaIc01er senerin tproportin1911e el sas3st hfl res.... Chas. L.Cazadeli nge.e 40 ogLIe 0th ropatables............. Willam cFaden ewn f Gant.anéwheras1he A- bheineve............... fLyrans . OThaye Syeor of the on f r t batinthe 1e .water .................. BaKreN. Zar 'À 1912Wput Sec.aluation-o. tne2 swagon Jacis. ............ Wm. Jegrpest er eané.t he red an*the petick tiotier as o rn 4e5t5 . ..... 1enry Loebt a eg palé tuh e rtxer or o thse sra he au o n i e2 awn se rate....... ..ï J. 30.<IsédWi$15n d o191w2:aledfom$83 1 pbanéfe c auIer .......... Per re ight Wher$10 orth e n d otes ied rars2 hore l ranetscn... . . A. W âtoffor ofthe Ibi honr ab e aod p a l e 2 p60 ta e s ..n.............. O. A. Sonreadisootonooté oietaeastwhfl r s..... ChOdas. elU t>'Town f rantand wBrg e, il A s-2ut I i. fer uneedi........ ...: Wil am M de F roL thetan oistric t bho in tesIou 2 ole r m aya. ................. ergnte C.lé exceassero 192tt he20 9.00. iOfthe2 aire acstrtc ........... Hr d arry tb l a s d r iespec olni l d v lu 4 a w oodeix raies............ X Jor.n e t erv-at t io ,adHwee a nshe e riekibas 2 Iaon.e le pote ...... Be oYrinlsie IPestetr les ni 0pliy G.nrP. antera ubscrthed xeswohern b efluoi'1me 7 biIpara............ . r. Trum an ln 92 an dcter..... Hilie Wrah terpol iWhrd day thedunde 1912 pay2 borele iokes........... Nirceolas Mo hs oorbebopagarosoiYPbi,60itare man.............. H.A soWentsnrd ton eIngig hesi te Illîns1. 6 calne uarrch.......... HaryWaox PpeLak Slean Ditrictr mo Thaitoth e cer bolier................ has. Mog ue pidetiti sBli rfer20 é-00 th 1rén- i nvglid chir............ oerg er, t cusAseset umittB. 42wdritig ek............. Elme H. Wallace Motion carricé 7 largec ta.............. WG. P. wcuaie olownnpttinws ed Le. . dfstb T i e dndse ord t cbf Supme-7 ti al;$ ....... AEja rmi an lin9v2stors o tb Countysf .ak....... .. C. B.VaDiis GnthsTlmen: A Jlie Heuriam C. Quedefl nerslgned b leaiwedrous ut ou ........ PrniN si rei g a oem i act ry blign 1 tru akv ..........s Fred T. as M lln ict ery.le In thesOigé in Tn i6 " egutcar ..... hasar alin honorvblesody ter au th h is"e yn étIP i5!JIt1........y.. . Chaseur'atwei uesinsioa quieto thdeé, co- 1 ltld cSh ai .s....«.....2 GeeisKWIl,. eyins (at parts c Dgti teet l2Ig w iting docks............ .. AiÂlleH.W.lRaei otion (oNob nee Crtoried araitubner............... .. Joln .G. Cordler 51Thet aloin hatparit of ané rei Cg11po....... . Lo.J 3mtbis lTintheHonorable cotrd o aur-,Totlp*ile....fl.........1 Benjé amn (XiPatn vstr~tortliof eCutaY On Lae.t ~ tAe....... mark Wcks e lem atetinn: heAarti5 i c HeyC. ede id The uparts c sted e aboe écirosé f dak erectDenng nahv odern acatedb> (o lilinoSan truckwaon........... Hans T.Halnnka, sud 1h54 lte mOrinal Twn 1 àff pIcs'.............. S.llamB. Bte beeofLitl o vane (oanyadecet b 40a V late«..... thereo r@seetfuly peition haur raie............. Chred ' att n hn o alé sdy toaléfIthSrY b uilding 1 îOft disc m1 .......... Heos tepi lldos Jr. a~éliger. aqut Ibisaiecaton i no r. ................ L.incolnagaRolng Noth fsueraINort(hoUne rc~eOUs1t-airn planer ............7 Jon . iseg r ig tt gand reat par10teof and te t lige I a lt roer........... AuosL ie lenahip gof hie oter liacaeneSi. 2 sukey culir.l@....... Dia.B aie sid X)stenS Nrhetihiiq n treent.atn- etin v o ma.iscrk ie méllyatenpon gt et fie tb 2 Wiil . niuone hveiibcommecedlIe the Ctonof Wan1é (O0wan .... ... luéHna eaadtA b M m r»1sikypo . ..... ,011

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