- LARIf OGUNTY JNDEPE1»tDNT, FEIDAY, ÀI~GXI8T 16, 1912, ,. 'w.,. çbgS mgo Telei msevice the, aMe cOI pip.........2.50 ber ef sigU Carfild,..... w n or VOr f )L.B. Warren, r9ccmmend1 t« wrk........ 21.30 p«ttlo-,~ beig m sons, of the. licenx kre .......... 20.28 tutioner. . 001 Ail 0f whlc .p .hone C. 67 811,0 8.781 wblch la resPectfulY gui> Fed K,= "ner Henry' J3Brccir. E. W. Br à= var Welcb af ltewVOrt taI the report be accepted and mm-tisq arred. ~lot weICb af Newport îroi that tic Cierk b. authorized $MWV Warrats to tic sveral Claimf- te ftthe sereral ainoulta allowcd 1 w meting. - carreied. KItIO ig moved that the iitiiad.ouriied to Jue 24th, tolicarried. sixTU DAY. effld m e uruant to adJournment *;CiairmfflClark prealdil sand I8I eiLIinbOr5 preaunt: go- rok.Conrad. Clark, ltMld-O, Dosons. Edwards, Eger, yerr.,Fiche. Gos.,King, ~uhm er, yer o!f remont, Meyer ,An£ke<ui. Matier. Prior, Pettis. noUa. S iensn mrttal. Speliman. i. WeCh or Waukegafl. Weich af L stSupervignr Broecker-l. .tato f precedlng meetng read qa po. maln of Supervisor SteoOkSapproved. IM4 ndferd to the License Conwitttèc l'O the (lhirmail and Members of the Bm o Supervisera o! tic Ve.uty of Lai.. and State of!m .Mm inuialled petinera repre liaI tiey are legal volera resu.- l0ATOIn o! Vernon, Lake IhIimis, sek lb.>' respecctullY yçmi Hoorable Boldy ta grant 10 bo ce o « a dram sbop la the '. *0* OhiP ef Vernon aI uhat la Ieo*o.W ailciOskwood Stock - l.! aa eosiasce itb the »cIai aqu eeral Aascmbly entitod A« toc'd frvhe fr Uiclicenalz sud ibtti eviein, f..m the nie 'tato=IS8 lquCIS, lu forme July fi ta grant roi gstiermoved tiltthle b>' 1:30 prcWok opm mafther Ste. tic OotlB o* Mrson- O ~ o I ! aie intailla thie rquirednu.- men0esof voter. la tie emon and would therefore thet the prayel 01 sali rented, upon the PaYmeslt ,» f00 ot 1$00 by nid pe- i[Ch la respectfully submit- B. u Simone. ja. G. Maether. H. m. Prier. Superviser Deacon moved that the report be accepted and edopted. mo- tien carrted. Blne of Fred Rudalph, Oea. 1D. Bar- nard & Co., . . S. il. J. B- Neahaus and A. A. MOMilleu and John Onan were rosi and referred ta theo proper 8:1erl=orFerry, chairm5.n cf cam- ritee on MisceliSfleOuB CielmB oui> mtted the followlng report Stete of Illinois, Lake CountY. se. Bord or supervisars, June Term, Mr. Cheirman and Gentlemen of the. Board of SuperviSOra. Your Commttee On MîsCelieneoUS ciaims would beg 1.8ve to report tuat we have examined the daims especial- ly referred toOneaidrecommend tiit the bill o 0,0. Il Brnrd & CO. for Electlou Bootbs, Si3.00 be aflowed, and tht the bill of Fred Rnadolph ho laid ovr te the September meeting for lu- vestigutiofl. Ailof whicii le respectfully submlt* ted."'W1- PItOlOSED AINTION TO RE MADE TO ENVILOPecoIPAN HEAD OFFICI&LS 0F COMPANY HERE ON MONDAT LOOKINO INTO NEICUSSITY FOR ST. RtUMNINS AT CAPACITY New THE PLAN4 ogcIDED UPON la TO OPEN LUNCH ROOM FOR CONVENIENCE 0F I4ELP. 'Accordilig ta PhflB Dutlined and dlscueped b>' tieatt fficialsa of te National ITuvelaPe cOmp.Yuy pon a riait boeMonda>' attorlooti. «asmi- ion wili acou be built 10 tie' plant ta take cire of the rapiily increasing business and aien 10 provide a lunch rcam for thie ernployes. lTii. tweofofi- ciais wio, were bore were James Le- gan, general manager. sud Charles B. Catiier, mechanicai suPerintSdeut Of the United Stites Envelopeecompan>' whcse central office la located at springfteid. Mass., ta whicb corn- pany the local Plant belonga. For a long tâmfe the, local plant bas been apera.tiug taIs ffuUleat capacity and bas baid dfflcult> lu tumnIng out the large volume of business tbat la demaaded. Eveti et foullcaPaCltt>'he plant la aaid ta ho gettlng beblnd in orders and il bas been decided ~12tl cally that a aubatantial addition ta the preset plant Je needed. it was tua whlch brouglit the bend officlale or the camuany boe, but the>' are not ready toa aaounce their plans lu full as yet, altiicsgi it Il said that îa derinite aunouunent will b. giv- en beore long. The curreut report that the adlditian la to b. a duplicate of the present piau la deuied. several monthe ago the o0fciais of the plant began ta see the aeoMst>' of the addition, but wben questioned ajbout tbe matter at that lima deciar- ed tbat pians ban! not progremad sur- ficenU>' ta make a definite satemeut. Wm. 3. trattan. 3. T. Emmans. Supervisor %Meyer o!f remont movedt hbat the report be accepted and adcpt-1 ed. Motion carried.1 Supervisor King, Charman of Com- mtte. on judiciary daims, eubritted the foiiownl report flesor fMinute, Laits Caunt', sas.1 Mr. Chairman sud Gentlemen 09 tic Board of SupOrvliOta. your C3ommtise on Judiciary Claims to wbarn the bills of A.. A.McMilliaIi J. 1). Neabaus and E. B. Oeil j wer. efeed tu, beg leave ta report thut ve bave examined tbem sud remineiii that tbey b. alow8d as follova: &. A. McMillau, J. B. Neahaus. justice tees .............16.50 E. S.Gall.. justice tees ... I......... 4.8 Ail of wblii la- respectfuliY aubmit- JaesF.e.is amil .#ILFIce. H. C. W. Mey'erm Bupervisor Welci of Wanleegali moved tilt the. report be acceptedu sioptai. motion carricd. etupervWsr Pettia. ChairmAn of Pacr commttee for Waui.egaii. Shields and Deerfiehi, submtted the Zlowlng re- port ate eof Illinois. l.Ake Count>', s. Mr. Chah-=" ansd Gentlemen of the Board or Supervimor- Tour CommIttec on Po, dcaims for Wanksgsn. Shields sud Deerieid. ta vhom the bil ofJohn Onan W&A rO- fermed. vouli rmcmnid tilt tuis bil b. laid over uontil the Septembet' metý far distant rien the propossi exten- slan viii be made. Tii> National En- velope compan> la anc o! the mont subsatial concerna lIn bisdistrict sud everyone la more than pieaaedta, âee il grow nitb sncb uMpi tride.. The plan of baving a lunch room a the fautor>' meets rith popu a 'fvo IYom connet tell by the lo*s of a toad tOw fier lue co JDp Nowis -thç time to Buy Shirts Manhattan-$1.50 Fancy Shirts, , now $1.15 Mon hattan $ZOOJPancy Shirts, tmow $1.40 $1.50 & $1.00 Lion Brand Shirts, now 85c 75c Shirts, now ....................soc Se. White liaidkerchiefs ............ . 2c $25.OO Men's SURtS.............. .95 $5.00O5 weet Orr Pants ............. $3.15 $20.O Suits........................ $14-45 23c Ught Lisle Muse.................. 18c 50c Pure Siik Mose .................29c Phone 1352-Md 119 Gemema. st TWO IU TRIDINEI TANI>EON MAOTOR* CYCLE LAST NIOiIT EDGAR LINDQ4UIST SUSTAINED TWO BROKEN Rima AND WAS QUITE SAOI.V SCRAPEO. SENATOR MLON 15 INVESTIGEITNQi THE1 SITE MATTER STATES HE 18 AT LOS TO KNOW WHY WAUKEGAN GOT SUT ONE VOTE FOR LOCATION. YOUNG WOUAN HURT ALSO!WRITES TO THE MAYOR si ing two aboi Rom of1 ttr the rom if. H n re- na ui' of t.w.epelis. onlb.eprt o! employez. At the pr-ma replIOPSth"l ibe le a Timetii>'Spellal. ot Un oepcyez Wnado not C a i W a'thle Vlllag et Laie Bluff In A. C. Maether. theîr lunch to vomi. muet stand lb. eSUMt>. mg5R te iti Tizooth>' Supervior Deacan movel luit theexr pusofaetcrlredlytl' .AmomS f Town of Shields report b.e ccepted -sud .dopted. Meo-exsthe oxunch of s aset c ropre iy tl piUIAiuSItY acidule for thelincamel. Tr ielnhron spooe a 91iting oe.perl>'o 0hf l supervisorr)loyer of Fremoul movei vili turnluh a place v.iere employezsthe Tb" lod* assecoour tilt lue Clerk ho authorlaiz 10tudsmw >' gel a varrn lunch et a nominal ai go1ti figures ln lue As- varranta ta the saverai lalmalits fo prire and tins not compel luein to wei .0coiu s aaerrer la the the aseverai biis slov.i aIet ta mieet-eieretaclluhorsnd 5 its. aitlso andts- ~ina. Motion csrried. teretaol.luc«rsanth&O of SuponvisOr Descon Movei liatibtis exilnse o treel car fare.There are oOC h>'~ ho. B oard adlowm ta met %I Fox Labo, ver>' few concerne vhicb Provide aemm vels ! I0r36ni On JUIF' 24, 191. sud liai lie Sramp lunch rcom for tueir employes, noue fol lAnda Committee maie arrangeflumta m~a'.. i. r a>'onefo hl ~ fer bosts. etc. Motion caied. lu tut clt>' sud theides. la proving thc Foi 1ke, ii., li>' 41h. 1912. qut. an Innovation. The lunuchinain.tte mokui et1t 180ssae vi. o Foi Laie, Illinois, vitu ChaWimanos posible.ou r s tU»m lieefrempra>'s tala __________ h ~10WW h1,IMY vil nvetigte members precoesl. Supervisra Brooks&_______ -d~L Ps ai. >'rb. Esar. enmoal. Peur>' 00e.. peuanIivalady K UM S h» SMaye et en II4 ORSE SfWW TO = Of iest taxs sapaidby 1 ofNerport-20. Absent: Supervisora d il. raecker. Flcko. Meyer Of Frernont. i Respoctfnly suffmtted. j, rkoI, petis. he ThSLkeFoesnhmes-wfei.et John H. Horard. supervier Maether addresod le TeLk aethm hWl The foloing communication vas Board in regard ta the case Of John ueit event a! lnterest ou tbe social si Tale0 i Cut' lli. a ionKundsatercular patient from ver- calender and boxes for the *qalr, 1 011cè f he ouny Ierý Md non To.n ansd stated lu is opin- Ihl atk lac et the. Onveat. Count>'. * ion thal Iis pereon couli b. ciraci forwchltaakp livarisvilie. nIl., Jan@. 1912. cheeper et is home lima at heb. aie ais club thee utrnoo! Sept. 7, are t (1baima a ri a! supervisors. wan Count>' Tubercalloss Instituts. Wlire- ta he o aad tliiaflemnootci atheb.homeu kegau. Illilnois. 'ipon Superviser Deecon rnoved that et M. sud Mrs. D. Markr Curnmings Deer Sir: à t h iater b lortIvitu Supervilsor a aeFra. lelehr.shov q At lthe June meeting of Our Madison ehrîlu hpover tla st as lie " tLaeFrst àethron COunt>'Board of supervismrs1 î as et. Motion carried. -of lent >ear, I ilviioccup>' our one.Y mqmested ta exteni te >'ur Honorable Supervser Welch of Weiikegaii, the day and a gymiana vwhicb inludesf bol>' a cordial invitation tuatts aie Chirman of Spoctai Commlltee. ap> man>' unusual f cats performed vîti t lu th. celebration of the 100hl anni- pointai ta arrange a Sont for the Pl etsadhneswl eapnl Verse"> of Madison cunt>'. sud tbe Fourli of Joli' parade In Waukega.plopuefsdhner iib.apr eulabli0hment of arpeehtv submtted lue foiîoning bilîlo! the progrant. Thie various commit.W ~ve5~e & l rliînos. i vlchtimo Wsukegan. HI., Jl Itith, 1912. tees for the, evant, gsunncd soomset lOIn caunt> vas inciuded linnterri- lake Count>' ta James a-. Wolcb, veeka ago b>' Arthiur Mooker, the pro. Dr>' lu e Soat. Jul>' 4, 1912 for LIgke aident of the asuociaUo. Mrs. Cum- Mithie Couteumlai iii b.the Pre- Count>'. mings la tu have charge o! thc decome- mesiallon o! lue monument appropnlt-JeseUp ,m aigu Painter .. 1850 tions. Ms. Samuel T. Chas<n liev til>' lue Leisiature of Illinois ta lb.JseUpa ,~s yo Ninlaju Edwarda, the tiret Teat. vagonan sd driver .. 10.00 charge o! lie deconated vehlclesanen Decorallona, lnciudlng buntig of Illinois. Sag, etc ................... 3.9 Arthur Bicseli ii look. &fier tho mu- Cotenulal bogins eptember 14 Guerdan Green, for vork ou aic.t «de September 21, lastiug one f .............. 2.00 _________ COmmittee.wnu malte aiar lu 1 aite care o visiting Total..................... $3445SW R 0F D GO lisspectluliy yours, Superviser Goss moved that lie billShM OFD A O Han.> J. Mackluaw, b. aiioved. Motion carriai. FLIES PASSED OVER Couty Cek Tho speclal order of business of lb. Conrai mOved tialtie meeting beiug lue Investigation of lie ,'udal rkimi e elected a£sweamp ande lu Fax Lake sud Pata-t le tS contenla. Motion ie Laie sud vîcluit>', lue Boar vler- Waukegan People rare mueh Ier. ai and lnveeligated nid Svamp lAnds Conad imoved that tuissai iuci as possible. belug bampered eteci lut nigtithelb passage over o et Plis"a In l nvesti. hovever b>' lue unusuai igh vatem.. ecIl>' of au Immense swarm of - - uvamp siatilon. Mo- Supervlaor King movai 10 edjournu dragon is, e> e. ylase thte nudt regniar session. Motiontu. winal lsectsanad tih, varu Maer of VeMoi- oved carrlod and Board staod adjouruoi. , Z thywrmflao am 130 4iclok P.M..Ler A. Hendee, Clet. 'rai are. t to10k fu> blait sa nahig o li :0 coc . . __ our for them 10 paso overthie cil>'. 'ài 1-30 êehek -P. 1X. Boutivu tte of Ilintois, Lake Count>'. s. Tue> ver. beeddIluae oulr>' hi oglisi o ~ erb>'tiechakiaise. 1. 1evw A. Hendse, Count>' Cir. of action. Mpetviinr 5IMMns, - Chikuus1mi O! ILaie Caunt>', ber.iY certif>' the for, h lg.-okpaeaou 'lc (pitec eMa USEMw sebai*te b.gtag ta b àtruie cap>'o! thc record Te igltopacabu6ococ mellg*ort. of the praceedinga of lue Board 1af d sudItel until 6:30. The srarm ftatcet fl a b ae Cp m>-. SupervlsmOt Ici id atut the reg- passaedover lth er p Doofce site "d.Cai eai tlSor thec njoueS. ession, 1012. a nd ienot darkcnai lue MW>white or ovn-- la vitum sWhoeof i have hcrsa-thywn.P&ig .1 Gohlmar Italilm cirons JUIFoA. MOTORCYCLE COLi.IOED WITH FINDS OUT ME WILL FOR. BIG LOAD 0F MAY. WARD THE INFORMATION. tdgar Un»dquiat, a young man liv- Mlayor J. F. Bidinger ia ln receip ýon McAlloter avenue, anstainedi vubroken ruS sund sevore bniiuIs ýo a ]etter from Senator A. J. 01 fft .the, body .tad face and Miese ion lWblcb ho declarea ho la cor se Tiiorpe, % yonng voman frieud ductlng au Investigation ta Sund ou bis, vaa qui"e badl>'brulaed sud 1y akea g'ouyanballe mnned, wbea hotu cf thc. ver, for the location of thei. uetateaIe r rowu twm na motorcycle lu front of ie Keiti place on North Sheridan salle aayium. He Say@ that asuso= id %bout 8:30 o'ciock Tuesda>' ove.' as ho receivea definite intorinetie Ig rien lue machine collidei vith tiat ho vii torrard Ji ta Wauega ,oad or ha>'. but thet at the preeont time ho le i According te the stary lindqulet a long ta underetand the. action lis, te adi he young wrman, the the committee. ter 'occupylng the .lsdem eaIaon so motarcycie, had atarted out for Hia letter foliors: ride lent evenlng. Hie mays they "August 10, 1912. rire ual gaina ver>' fait rien ho "Mayor Bidinger, ought ta peau a Joai of ha>' riciiWauiegan, III., iupled the conter of the road. Hia Dear Sir*and frieni:- emor>' la "réther bas> about wbat blloved, sud he la not sure rhetier "I amn ver>' much disappoiuted ihe machine skfid.d Iviien hoieta heariug tiie reporte of the committe empted toi turn It baà I nta tho road xOn tie location of the ner atate i )r niieter ho turned lit ln too saon pital. 1 have vriîten for particula id %truck thc corner of the Joad of ~tiith governor and alea the cornir ày. At an>' rate, bath of thont rere tee sund hope te have their anavera hurlid etuîned tb the aide of the rond. a few iays. upen recelpt of viicb About lii. he Richard Barnum vwiii forward tbem te yen. 1 rave elng la hbis antoohie.The "Yen inow liai 1 alrsys daim river on the loei of hay Éalouted for we r ould get the hospitalIif it cal lim ta stop snd thon tld hlm liaIta nite nortiiecu part of the atate, 1 the tro young peop4e vere lying bc- the>' have evident>' ceen fI;teta gnd ide the rond on the other aide of the ta the, aouthern part. However. i lad. Mm. Birum tumaed bis search- not ratnt tao ay anY mare'aIt tit lit; lu the direction lndlcatied and or untîl 1 sec the commlttee sud f the victime cf tie accidenit vere re- ut wny Waukegan oni>' gat one v vealed.anthei. fltiiballot. 1 arn reabiy a .It vas readil>' seen liaI Mmr. Lind* bage ta kuor. quiet vas quit. bail>' burt. but the "itespectfuliy yaura. roung roman appearel ta b. mare "*A. J. OLSON." frldltened than anyUiiug olse, il_________ thaugb Il la nat thought that ho va najumed interuall. The. young vomanSÉCIRED THEIR wes aile te go te hem homo nnattend LCE S I D The. fact that lhe motacYcla vas not bau>' srnasb.d indicateS clearlY It didn't taie long for Cupid ta ýthat It could net have been travelling buay au scion as the barriers vere vcry fast et the. lrne the accident; et- noyed ln the. case of Misa OEui K cnrred. Fortunilely. the YOUng 1Poo- ses and Antan Bomauik. Yeeterdu pie fo11 quite cl«et fthe machine or guardian was appoiuted for lb. 70 the>' migbî have beenig nWned more raman becauae ah. la net of the.Jh severel>'. age toer-a ry and ber parents Mm. lindiquist alpered te have ai rauld naturally give their cousent along somne distance on themacadam bath deai. The marriage licena. rmU for bis face, higai. sd chestleisuei ta them tada>'. Il vas oxplai vers quit. bail>' scmagpod. He nill yeuterday liat tho sole, sud ou>' ho coufined teahis bmon orme 11111. pose lu havlng a guardiani appol lime. This la the. Bra Jasé motOscycie wras tfiehomîgit cousent ta onr aciet10tk lce-oeIisse- riag,. Misenicoroses is but 17 y son. old sud Boran:la. Si yera o. sot Ooumoutive D"te onI tuu10one of the Fe Ce-SoideI ta Co.e "oTho Heuse efIbettev Ciçthe&b" A&W vete Second.fand Boggies, end Surilys et $10 t.e$60. Secoed.Hiod Cornn eIders, et ail pulCm Orne Perce Auto. -I$1ale, se.cll Orne Ford Auto, ncw en l net est lene oi tank &ad elle i end mirm, $75. PtansatIM Mnegot.. New Mtrmee Euuglne Frae nced Ten"s Second.Hand Motorcvcles, aun Awkes. Aime McW Fae TOMlS, Englues, Punps,Weene.Bou- gies, Haines., Etc. Automuobile end Metercicle SUPPIlis, Repais end Repln. Liohtning Roda especialtY. Fuether InIeonnatn eicrquet. Ra Wu.MM~, m àad C.a FORD OWr4ERS: Good Electîlc Ltimbfrlsbed @ed Insuffled fer 58.00 Att SUPPLIES, ETC. AT REA5ONABLE PRICES Ln'J'_ 28x3 $ 9.25 $10-00 $ 8.44) $2.45 $1.90 30x3 lo1.001 10.7.5 9.00 2.65 2.00 32x«3 10-7,5 9.75 2.9,7 2.10 2x½ 14.25 3.40 2.90 30x3/ 14.75 16'.30 12.50 3.60 295 31 x3/. 15.30 3.70 3.00- 32x31/i . 15.75 17.25 13.50 3.75 3. 10 34x.l'/2 17.25 18.75 14.50 4.00 3.20 36x3/. I 18.75 4.25 ý3.30 30x4 21.25 23.00 -1850 4.65 3.40 31x4 I 22.25 1950 4.80 3.50 32x4 22.40 24.75 20.25 4.90 3.65-: 33x4 23.90 25.90 21.00 5.00 3.75, 34x4 24.00 26.00 21.60 5.10 3.90 .35x4 24.90 27.60 22.50 5.25 4.00 36x4 25.9 27.90 23.25 5.40 4.10 34x4½/ 30:75 33.75 27.60 6.40 4.20 M5x4l/o 32.00 3475 28.50 6.50 4.30 36x4i, 33.00 357 29.50 6.75 4.40 37x4V>2 33-90 30.00 '7.00 4.50 3.5x5 39.50 34.50 '7.50 4.75 36x5 40.50 42.50 35.50 8.00 4.90 37x5 41.00 43..50 36.00 8.50, 5.00 Ceusetlesepetcea. ihosIN piel.............. ond i.tube pouhe. .ac ieCev.US. o soi»8 . ......... ..i... . VoIemlzlmCe.cot.i pt ca.iSAcs oegqàapp 7 Cilo r sFiris, aigi e*$ 76 o f , gc 1341.8MelgtApi ght 44< .o p 1 il