-AUGTJSTJ6, 1912. NONE REO(IVEO OZU & tFOR LE8S TKAN 1% 25 C&NT$ RE< . . . . . .. .. .. ...FOR SALE-40 Insproted tamniq tn + lihlnudcaal>, North lDakota. Au FOI "R SA=L + elagant chanci for the fhamerm iiigel a -- .+ . . . . . ... . . iarmnatmesoabeprcut. Agafeitiveat- ket Sment for the laveptor. Write me for FOR SALE-Gît a farn anti a good priten anti ternus. Joste L. Bits, (que tnome bros the tiret day. 86 aCre. Lldgerwood, N. D. p-446-33 ta witli or vithout stock asdt bols. go tfor terni. Nveiatldvlide. Fie vlw. Coe. .. . . . .. .. .gloil anti me. GEo. F. RBERKT@, LlbtjtIlle.I 7< 'lN + l . . . .. .. . . .. .boal FOR UAL!-Kubhur tired mine buggy............... gonds new. I equire at tii office. FOR RENT-Vau on cash or Phare to -41.tf =ar Ciosi ~rêWill lesve 14 cows <~ ad are OCIM ud l e elf lia FOR SALE-Bicycle Ingod ulaaiUtools: extra rontraci for .11k smllet.,ties~îiot e l qia rd a, sud eg à. Gond chance for Borne 7oung man thaOffice.to tart. (GEo. F. Ibisi RODER?,. Llb.ty ii., 111. c-471 FOR SALE-New, modmrn, npto-datq FOR REN1T-Fne oûkfin l the schnock 7.roorn houe large lot i IM in u i hulding. S8. then. subdivsc, â 111. II.4A bai-ai. c24 LRNEUSUM 8. L. Tmipe, Rockfeller. c435.tf 1__________ BET___________ FOR SALE-Lak.eounty fameliad FOR RENT-floeuon Behool trpet la 110ntana, Texa suad l-rida. Inquire of PAUL MÀcGur-it., Lihertyville, DYMONO à AUMTIN. it45-tf Ili. c-il-tf Ef I clded FOR SALE-New modern. up-to-date, FOR RENT-SIx rou bouse on L&ekIan sevec roani boume, lot 501278. on aIns. Inquîre B. C. 6tLEAsoc, Lllherty-a Lluol Ae.wtî eî o i.,teme fville. Phonu 128L. c4"tf Inquir. of ego. S. Boxu, LbutvlI, Il_______ FOR RENT-Four tornes wtb use of foi e s e' be 51b hsement. @e.; wtb modern FOR SALE-8 rout bouse and lot &H Inprovenena S. E. CouumE-y. modern tmprovementé, lot lOOzî6O, on p 46 a Milwaukee avenue cOutil oi Elecîric -- deebhInquire oi R. E. Oagnouttv. .. . p& r NT=+ lo FOR SALE-Lot@ lu 0thttrnt-e uh-. .. .> t+i+d v tilon u Nilwuaitker.avenue eith of X@ttEliclt- 1 t Watr and wwer 1 WANTEOD-)Yomniîar,-d uaru. (Joad 'l e-jct rî.iponefilý ep.m i WVritt-anti date hwagt-i>ou ai-t- wuliiz ug titant for to FGR SALE-lioe-cfor &il purpiiet LAKE, C l reE)PEIDEST, Liberty-- *~~~~tai. Ilri.n-tdh e cma -47-1 gn III tjf iWANTE-To horow t Iont-e 0250 Ou a J cttage anti bati acre oh grounti. Statea FOR SALE-I teale tOf work hors"s terme AitireseBex 200, Llhertyriflie'a eba ;1" .rI ot e m lit p-47-1 horste, dursp; a feu sets second lantWANTED-Tîîlo h onuoyt' po bobrnes. t-tnie eiont baud rge St fTU* tOlenh-ectsmthe Ou cre anPOItih, Lu.ti. -Lbertyr-illo. 111, -tIIIf tshowecassInquhr. at tnfu tffica- CnD a. ý - c45tf FOR SiAL-T ii ilbetstiddt-r ChsmLa pionha>-pren ant sauline engn., iWANTED-(lirl lot- gent-rai brtuetworlu engin. attached, c-tti60(1: ufflet twti;quir. et Ifhe Lakt-Cunty National seagone (. 1.iAilO22nî1 St- ant i rilank .-41-tf iireteliaY iIl. Nirtl hie-wagii p4(i12 MR:.. M IfS PLACE 1 ait~ett~ AlTICTIV SPO W Ta nsfers F.P. Chniet>- bas bought tht-boute i SORT ON GRASSItAE.La iOWuet Cii wliich holiefas i 11.-tfor @ornme tuie as ORT~~~~~ ONGAS AC 8 O tracte of Tille. Titîce imar:ant..td tenant froni f). E. Cubtrchill. NOWN SV PRACTICALLY Ev- MlasouicTemnple eldg. iauhcgr-gi,fl _______ NY RESORTER IN DISTRICT Lýrrî J Gtirt-. INSANE MAN IN DITCH horty's place," on Gras laitke*~ August 6, 1912-H. C.W-î1 anti GIVES VILLAGE SCARE t-n ta t-vr-ryretarter /,ebo fre- wlfe to J. P. Hatch, Iota I i .iiît Kit tht sctin ad i ha coneblock 2, Deerflelt Park. w, il. $i. A man bt-lit-ced tii haie beren insane- )eoe uifaItht-e gh eeChpae, (icago TItle and Trusto iiitlany t'as seit-enlying In the- diteli at L.ong sigt seln plcestu Har>- Anderson ant i o 4 roeTea oniga ' eveybdywh vsie helae e- i lfton ssecond eubdtoieîuîî, ut L.ong antiholie -uaîn'd tIere util nS ix - far, t . te eues ormooLakue. Deei, $275. that eceniug wlit-tilue, juI -îrted, uis iat Ilîe ola ts ncantifor lakes. Aug'usi 7., 1912-Joseîît NI, arthy wbt-reaboufe &fier Ilhat tiîîîe lein)g e pling n Gau ad Fi laes.to Jobn rfih o 9 rfiBya-ukon il>.' Shohen came to Grass lakre n .fftilo79Rr-uiia-ai nko. yyears ago, found au olti bourse.thlîlon, Lakî Forest W. I) f$10 That heorvae meut allyunhalaucei wai Uirowu up on a smaîî plt-ce of John Griffith and wire Io bar-epb tht- hellef of rhuse who trîr-t to telk tii id anti atayed there buntfug une >lcUaî-t>, loi 93,Gr-en flatadition hlm for the fr-low ronuil nht anarier ter. He came back lu the Sprlug to ae Foret. W. D. fIl. coherently ce-ni semeti un. iing ro tîîîk found It atfîl thera, hence he de- Chicago Tftlî andi Trust eompanv, vointarlly. He %vas wuhl drete- anti It I would maken s goond home for t rusIt-et- tahle Flacher, n',ith ont-- appeared about thini>- yt-er. oui. elf Iu future and he ronceiveilha t ot24, Section P I; aitikegan. Ia of geîttlg a squatter% daim Uede $3,500. CANADA MEN AFTER le landi on wbîhih the boat stood Ada0. Adams to C. F FI%,., lots THE TROTTING TRACK9 what mlght accrue latin. 33 anti 34, block 64, Northi (hicago ___ . Short>-' squattati!andi hteht-en %V. D. $800. Tht ltht-r.le somethieg -"in tht- aint tlung ever %tuce. He bas built Charles Grasrs and wifu- lui veif A. on the Llberiyvllle tnottlng track i.. tht- IaddItons4to that old hanne boat Bué.10arsIn rhes n-goentrai feeling among horsenien et the îuw It la a resont wht-ro peuple fourth sec-tion 12, Avon t Wi , 1 tract who are dal>- expecîîug iii bear i.,s sta- a few dayc at a tIme D. $lu. thaj the ut-gotlations pounding for seot wlrueedrivera af moto, boets go AuKuet 8, 1912-Mary \Wahter andtimhaebnc pltdndttte lquti ani other refresbmeots. huehani et alI b Marie R Rieim, 21 te have b ine ilîed anti hatlee Mas a God TItI., acres ln sections 22 anti"-., Vernon 0- Wl-enm illeanuct Hnà oo il. township. Q. C. 81.600.fit is halles-id thet the- dr-al I tht-e ea peneral>-lt-lt that Short- bas Couef y rlerk ta W. L. Tiniî ng 33 ltiuglings' cirrus le ai off aund uow th- dle ont a the- sfte lu question, lts, Wfethrop Harbor. Tai. reeàti$- feeling in iliat Canadlian mon are dîcker- exact dimensions of whlrh ari Antony Scziaey rsud w-îlt u~ Weroe. Ing for tht- treck. Ilac-kenxlr- th- unowu. He bas bt-en themre o)lkh-is Dombrowky, lot 12, lovk 1, Canadian wlscihas aiqurei tht big tha nooti- wulde-st t jWashhuru Springs, Waulieati W. 11.,track et Lo@Angt-l-eanud alto ut ut- tilt tank of ousttng JhlinmWnepg i @ad ub<th ai ani h. l fle îyîn ta et eqat: J. W. Surma and wlfe tu Theotior Wt- egl,iut-aai toi hathth e nian e te f0l towt rapg ert asqut-Adamowlîz aud wife lot t, hIdock 1tt elbtaaeleh-r h-rpit rtidbatumte pmoey tr ni- ahuinpr, at bî uo thatht-le butouonfiie-ral whii îlaur ortybasmad moey bereandWasbur pak, Nrthchiazo W.gettlng the Lihertyviîhe place. A1il Il naln It H- a..caît D, 1.$1, Libertycîlle le; on tht- atîitiur st-ceplenti ýant ir u-ect-ose tht- Ire In Wi- neAttg294.-esK Rne> ii o- lng final word in tht- deal. itîl he bar mate it- blef quît.-et--7 ( arsb toi --to ,c f fad awat e-as formerly 1fur section 7, Fremottonh ampof d tesolate mnature. ScourtB, 1o.nhpLIBBRTYYILLE'S FIRST e iecutar humee la lceted near E .Roue>- tu C.1 tit-o, 24--l1,E CUC iotus betis anti on tht- front of acrer In Seactions 12 anti1 1,. aicon-M E.C RH building appt-are the e-ortie: da townsehip. W. D. à2" rt>, mayor of tbis rît>-. ,Emtma DeLaner Waltc utI idi,>aiit ________ o lOtmont M. Young, soi.ieivf ares WHICH IS TO GIVE WAV To A CH i L _4 southeat one-fourîh se-tioi. 2. New- BUSINESS BLOCK For hihi ant Fr-er. port township. S. W. D3 . _____________________aAîtgiue 10.-A. J. Ausior ailii t In 1N36 itht-é-tut iemilta-trritiiry . to1ý .Trigge north c~r,4 f lor 100. FO SLEtI3ev.,i cti u ciiWANTED-fiirha-r et i t- w Village of Round Lakceuît- w . $00 lie frs.anrutTttaLt. t s*a,. Iletf ir-, r-37 î i Publi- 0011-e-i. ebtrt-b>- giet tîut tht- Antony- Sczenny antiou t uuoiuet- for tyarin animaîo -oh1P.oud Rate- wirecr.lcesealëd ke Doobnoe-sky, lot 1:1 l.C-112 If WANTED-To tracte irst lve asa port. bits fîrr tht - onetrumction tif eaecIi oniSpng Fahleusrpne,îhur.rentri l'a- 1 becotrut-ti anti topipte i n D. $ 1. lt-ra tusuatre.iîiue- a-thn, iult- bri-. or coure Oit & Ott, Vi enle- eteortanie r. tithir- pansianti npecifica. Frank T-ombroweixy aîîî tiesliane neguîr.tatr-rlb> 4t1.0 o . . t. rîii-nieiu Acznsylt 3 .AtaTtt(. -45-tf gan, Ili. c-liy 4 uetfA.HOtdi uîte ntl-tiin rlt ther. iflhirt-ohth.- village clérk ef sait lesy Prolessiogal Cards DR. 0. F. BUTTERIELD. VETERLINARY SURGOEON. ASIOTA!gT STATE VITERiNAEIAER. Lîbertyville. Ilinois. DR,.A. H. CHURCHILL Physiciean and Surgeon Otifie -,rle.htr& BnUd .Drug 3tore lirrrrrtrî104 M, 1t. 8 t. 8 p IM St-t-cal atentieon to Nie. Est. -,et and' Thneai GLASSES PROPERLY FITTEDh Liherlyville. - -I-llnois DR. C. R. GALLOWAY, OFFICE OVES LOVELL'B iDtlD STOIRE, soras-froni 1 loi 83ant 6 to 8 p. in Lhartyvllle, Ilinais. PAUL MAC GUFMIN ATTORNEY AT LAW. l.fhetyolieIt-flInots t-SONg 83 DL GOLDING DENTI ST HoureS 8tii 12 am.-1 to 5 p... J.EKil Trigg@ Building elti lDn J. L. Tayfor-Plione 19 lte. Phonr- 1092 Lfhtrtyvillt, Illinois DR. E. H. SMITH, I2ENTIST. 3VEB LAKe- COUNTY NATIONAL BANI. ocus-8 te12 a. ni. andti a5SP. ni. Libert>-vle lliolm DR. 1. L TAYLOR, OFFiCE OVES J. EL. Te-tis uILiu. socas-7 to 10 a. mi. 2 ta 4 anti 6 tr. S P. M. Bwlesfttt'lu-mnBroadway. opposite Park Rloertyvilii. t-binaIt. DR. E. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTricE tteurrh 8r to 0aM. 2t%0 Mdati 7np.iot 011icrel-, Rai- Faciiture Store. SPECIAL AIT'ENTION TO THE ETE LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS MARTN C. DECIR &TTOItNEY.A?-LAW UlIlci Opp. ifitbti Stelctrle station JfBffPhome 848 R@. Phone 1860B NOITE MCACGO. ILLINOIS villtage- iF-ai.-<Iildtt ouil,4 re--ivrd up to - PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING ZA.iD.k1p12,i t wh t th e a 1, uau"t b 1o12. at bli h t a il bitioftheij C hio-.ilittir. aid u, a rrai ngieg prnedpudboard t ta neelg oftif h out tiiîî I. cii-I i r--in rihandý.peli- i nihad i retceo at inir sanIje illage et thte village hall in faaiulillage. A!, H ndm i i., uv. , augou, auti À cetifleifcherck pabevtto iithe -ord.-r lien,,-m -, r -aI ii m. îîUcut aIi] o tf the village re tri.irer ftreu pjer cet. o fthtle atuniOtt of teehh iil flit elc-iitot H ENRY SINE pAný- theamine or th, -b,Id,-t-no,-t t, Phon..i 148 or 48 ZMON CITYjILL ,ifer raid ciw<-ký 'iii Of cel wî,rk le tii lit-paîi tir i.> - ive~wrrat. td raau i n au t irilat in etftiie te,. lev. foit ýteis(a-ilyen, nding Mar,-b 31, i1913. tiîd vlaert-ar-r.t- F. rabbe, Tel. 261-L2 R. tau5ltery, Tel. 5 tbe rigzlurt v, teia rt,,ailbîtir Cmr2kD R I ,Idkrq,, aiuu,, ; 19 îîiîjuox.i lage- Uit-r EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEERS Live Stock and Farm Sales a Specalty. FOR REI'ERENCE COllE OUIT AND IIEAR US POULTRY 0urÉy Rome Comb Rhiode Island Reds FOR SALE-Stock ronuian icre.a trerii.pe.t t..Xe r-M f, 1er t QUALIT Ar RIfOkT PRItCES S. C. Kimbal F. BAI RSTOW MAI14UFCTURIERFtO Marbie and Granite Monumienis Cemetery Work of Every Description I correspondence solicitedj 116 Genesee St Waukegan C hai1 m e r s a r e ca r si hîiik I1, iM Q. (- uto An- hi11 i.un Wahurne prInge. Waijil, a:,iQ. C D. $ 1. August 12, pil l .rtanier ant i efe.to E. F. Clark, Ii iii.actre lu sectionst 26 anti 3, Eloi Anîlorl touwnship. W. D..$10,0(w. Auna W. Barnum cul i iusbant to W. D. Ycung, lot 1 and 2îorîh -2:1 feet lot 2, blocli 1, Park adI tiiou. Waulze- gan. \V'. D.$700. Wl. D. Toueg (o A. i;Ta vor. lu)t I. andi nOrth 23 fer-t ou A2h ock 1, lPark addition, Waukeg-ui. \NI 1.$ MARRIAGE LîCENSE raclit-tiFo ivelt tr isstir a..dii Itt-t anti tue nurth ptn ut 4hici eW&@ lîmetetitht- Rite-rt>- ill e a'hiig poinuît e-a..(&lîidtht- Lake lircuit. I t ca- untit-,tht- laterate iof lbillueinRoyal that thusnet-rcircuit e.can anti auuîn iwcaent a four e-eeks circuit nithi thirtv- two p)reaî-hing potite. luî IN37 it we.. again tiiclietianti tiis ection uf tht- circutOwas tiamned PhuI'agi-atîdiWaeii inigton Wtfiix rerve-ti ni. lattor. lui IS40 tht- naine tuf igin civrcuit wa givrin i and in tht- foliorriug yt-erwhui-l iairks tht- organizathon tof tht- Rock flivr Couferetice et Mount Ilurric. I., tut- circuit wue egein tilcideul rtutitht- Wl Iireling a,-id Laecircuit.. Ilurlng tht- verm betw.-en ]1541)andi 18491 Ors . .AIaiker, MNIts-ht-ir, S. Pilîrbur>-, H. 8, Iirunî. .F lOî,, ni1, weve sent ai.patire Il aukegennuoe Iueing t-couie a statioti the naine of Liertyr-ill icruit, ouringthb. paituor- e. ouf J.fH. Tionuas P,-CR7 the Liberty- - - -ville- durci bere-t 1the groutilelani (charles Steplianis, N itt Chic-ago. 42 tht- Mithodiat cougregatiori unîtt1i CHANCERY NOTICE. À aroula HolloN. w ... . ..14 tbt-erection uof e Union ec-l rcic-hE (harles Staali, lila ioe...21 tua- stands on Churcluetni-et anticli b.î Siale.of Illinois, CiuiniyuitfLike, as. DoroUx>- Rasmuierot.ii ........ 18oî-cupieti b>-tht- tucuet>- urng ht Cirvcuit Cout of Lake (ount>-. Oc-t- i lIenKick, ........... 29 entation if tht- uew tructnre. Tre-mt>- che TrniX 3. 91. naIVhlitock. -irit.. . ..- 22 re..in ibie IUninchut-e-luare etili hbet -Mltjon E-. loltotiv ' atharine A Chas. J. Glouer., iriChicago ..... 27 b>- lb@- Methodiet eiiviety. 1 Kerroot Wiliami A.Kertoot. ChîrEgo Catherîne MacTais.j,(hicago.- 21 lu 1801 bt-mugit.. f. Wlî,tn tuthe bc i rm, and' Trust (oiipane, a cot-pora- Maurire Cohurn, t oi li...e -136 charge for ae lire.- [cava ternu. ,uiuvngf tion, ae Trustee- anti the-unknown 0e- lLouilse Gordeon,. Rh- Forest... 35 elicli terina ulualel e-aa erenteti un tht-à rr or 0wers, lt-gailiolter n- oîtiers Sean Suateon, Lutin(-arr-si-....29 eite et-thle parsonagv- îîuw stands..' et tht- note for twenly tbmt-e hundreti Emma Llntiberg., aie-- - -.. 24 Tht- chapel vaa 24x42 anti srveti tht-' (2300) dollars, matit-b>- Katharine A. Oscar Dlttniav. \Iilio.uker-..... 21 c-h 1 o e er A ut xiai Kertoot andi William A. . rt-to,dtatet ET,.e rat-min lubsaineu. ...... 21 .hrhotner.Ateeprto Octolier 6, 0911, pay able tb the order !Amnold (t-brIo, ny............... 23 li îtri and thet- he coptigcei Ie- of tOt-msllvr-5 (anti b>- tem endive- hAtie- aJahike sit 1 r-il> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~"l On-i1yavai- teioe*1b d-oie- iuu r......,> Fletcher Puni vii>-unifier welii, tope-r ed) on (1) %year ater It datewith'Mkodina Rimkalci111at.......t, îj u ttîeanprr-or ehe ntrrite s ee, ait intere-st et sx 1(P)per cent, pr-rPt-tronc-le Ville,. luisane ..... 2,th0ulig hc a annuni, payable sat-lantuualty, er-h Dl7aviid Share, h'îîtiogo ...... u-,aquivt-d and tebidn vucuae tItnor-tib>- two (2), leterest notes of Mfa>- Moore, saci,- ...............22e soIdtetoDri. J. t. TaI lic nîneLeser . LIs, ., c-o........22 wase rrtrt-. Thea t-tlre cuiet ift eîr ev.-0 date t.uereeitt, for sîxt>-n eLse .Llechcg .... 3vimietei propert>- ers 4,142 6G. (69) dollars erad, payable on Apt-ll Mat-y D. Hawkinse, saineî---------21 ivr Lentvs Curtis preaciied ilte it,-dice- 6 anti Octobt-n 6, 1912, respetivr-ly, James J. lnîir..i hiîngo.....20ýtr emn(nJnay1,Iýi o sali principal andti nî-r-st notes be- -Leta M. Kimball. iii e ......2 ttoryet-moneuNlJetodist- 10.1.1> f-it- fng st-cntetb>- a trust dret of r-von Dan Statz Ia . -in.Iis. wr,26e eewhl h esnlo date ihereelil, executet b>- sait Kath- Martb.e Kîmin. .Ii ....... 18-liitht-c-but-nbanti cingrr-guîîoîu bas cvry ShOt- A. Ket-toot, ant i Wlliam A. Ker- Carl Hafoaroti i .îc . . . .2!',îîîuun ihaniget lu>-rettilîr as anti etdi- font, ber bushant, lu Chucago Tithe Hulde Antero. ,an , ît ....-... 26 to e-nt Trust Company, e coporatlion, as Louls Wulk liîîiil- . 27 Tbr- lac-k of sie.-tor ningrt-gaticiua on Truster-, rt-rt-ed bIn he Recordera iElînore Ftelske-, saii,.......2 2 alr-ial occasions se %%relne the- lack t0f Office or Lake Couinti'.Illfioisan George I. Sîuîîoîîî h i hîago . ..22 space lot- Suîîtey .-oi-uiol -utk lies Uc-lober 9l, 1911, as D)ocument No. Ethel J. Barber, s-uni.-...........hý 137,862. In Booki 197 ot f ortgae-gt-atiCbaxles R. 3l.iiut -r, Milwaukee... 21 c-rtatt-il a iîngîng fuir i-ttt-n quartera. Pag 441,In hacer N. 534 Sarah A. Seelcu , iiln-......... ...IR Iiei.itiiiig tif the- iloter vyclt-@ anti ragetiti. Uhncet>- o. 834 Roent J. Dicinsîonî ,Laket-Fort-st ... 19 carsv, lient-rtîitly lecreatset tht- unît-ir- Tht- requlalte affîdtlihaving bt-enRuby N. HoytI. irtiivllbe .....21 ellent-r of tii site luit chut-ch ptirpuse. Bllet In the. office offlie CIrrk cf Be-Id Antnee- Torz. n -\........ 26 Tai Yeere ugo ou efler tht- îornuuug of Court, NotIcce le tbrrfort- ir-rebiy giv- jKatle Lotiokie. ,r i- - - - -.. 19 Bu-v. NW h. O hlilc- a..pastor tht- t-n te the saIt above namef anti unlJohn Kuiit, .i.i.....e---------29 'proposition tl u ilul, aeetw ait.-e-at kloe-n defentiants. tiiot the- above ijosi. Balaril, loi i ..n..vi . -,6 tii@sre-ianti dnopluetliecaur.- i, ne-met Complainanf lîtrelofore filet! Carl L Lai-e,, hicaio ........28 llniiiuiiuiuille muelftht- protîert>- is BllofnIConîpleint un nat Court,iCaine Barker, o in,,........ 28 ett t Ic i cd enketi. on theeChancer>- site thereof, sud Jas D1. Sacît, lliin ........-...s; 'flue ,fieiîal Boaird ait tlîe titu it-led thiat e- summons thet-etpon Issuet Out, Martlma Krupp,îu, ii, ....----------------aelitli-.- .1$7. 500.0 )1 pî,etht- pruuîîtî of se-lt Court ageinatlfr-ebve ne-met! Fr-ank T,'RuleZo Cilty-.......... 251fuît no u, uthtaier e-asfountiuntil DlIn.b tiefendants, neturnaLble on the- first, Kaîbenîne A. .1.'Zolh.tt-, IZon Culy. .21l'1, Tayllîufrnuuateti eut pricenteil tu day of the tex-m of tht- Circuit Court. Chaeu e rin,t Rîusse-lb----------.. .. . th- ta propocsition, oftriig tIi, of Lake Couet>-, ta lie htld te i Rtanc1 Xaxv, ltiî,cîlI-------------i. a*î ue uaîuît-u tioifuir ftue tioperti- Oni COurt 1-ouse In Weukegan ln salit ,Paftick P.hiiîrkihnSouith Chicago.. 2:f b,,it-t-t-mntatiuin if tlis îîroîuuîtiou hafst Laek.Cout-.on tht- FinalRoute-y Annie _Nluulabo Uhicac-o----------..22'1June a co,înîttse iscie appointi-ilte ai- of Uttoiler, A. D. 1912, es ls b>-le-w'Clerence Rat-oon. Madiion, Wis..-. 2-11vils the -oi-nuunit9' 1t-sPeif a ut- rquIrr e-tufd wbich suit u5 atilI ptn-tiifeurgit-Seset-sou [ieerfield, Wle .. --,7jîîîîuern an. vomntiodiotus etructursvi-iîuili ig. LWS0 BOK A, Walter J. .iuguutiin i. NIIIe- ......25b- reur-u irtt the noet-t. iithtelipiel L ISO ROKA, Me-y Connote.saine ....... 2O7-bpttr. Tiie- î-mmltte ttt itbcadli CIt-rk, Gusta.- O. Cotiolî,-Nilaauk-e .... 25 tuicuese a.. e-rrant-<ltht-jr prîuct-..îng Waue-ege-n lîlinois, July 271h, A. D. i Helen Kuvtb, sanie .... -.. eith tht- pruuît-ît. Aller cousultlng ai 1912. Robai-t 1 Smni. tRaine------------... number cil archit-ect Ite, coriiuiittet Utarles G Lttlr- snt George W. Anme- Juatentien, sanie------------..21o ecotpoiet of Peuh MlacCantin. Bt-n El. <odon, Comple-leantas Sollctox-, Wm Eut-b, Milweaukeer.......ý-4 Mill.,, Dr. J. L. Te-yltor, Jolie Weleb anti wkly 4t Clara Hot-Iru, sanie----------------.12 W. R. Whipçpt-, ar-ecu-ajGilbert Wu. Tut-. hullit fULhiiaogu a .bâla i eti. nor coec-ret&-. he passaet]aBdriad. modIo~ thi wny3r o ci, rh carrit-tiail vottflg &y@. art trey. TL, oii i-'it i " 1motion i.>- Elsworth an Bfosse tbab, arhiecur T.- uiinute. t-ithat lrdeec o.229, be-iigau riah tht. bi.-a .rk-i it 1.rt inutij pnoîiding for tee lotitrtnooeofa ,lt' atIi i elutîe ccl i tilci.- -i i 11rr-tr ct-ment eldewalit onhit eotb Inunits xveil. ,-idue tin'J, sdof Hurlînttourt aind un the, eu~t Oi ti >- t-l I Ot-f Ii. rcîil amt- andti t'eside.. on Secoud strcet in front urt-rof thtuii. iullîîig 11 -t instîi i f lot 2) blit k10 antilot 1inta .lreek tionai depairtmt-îîît ofgvIuîli.'ulu 'it Io, 1î Hurlbfatt Court and loti 2. 4, ëhower iîatite aumi I ker, le large 10*li 12 andi14 in block 10 ad iot& dtiing or banqueiî.t baill ith 'itilt-- il and 13 Inblock 13 oin Second otrt-et conn-iîng with walkl. aireSdy kitchen andi utensilt. forru r.- adig laid in tront of loti 3. 7 and 9 In sali nooms Stieda>- echoî,l tdeiatîn.uî ritli blockli >ini C Frank Wright'@ additon setparate nooms for tb-harea.tii Litrt r île together witli inter- The Sructre wll 1.- ~ ii .- tii four fret tquart ait northeait The@tuctur wilib, oi nî or ira â1id îock 10 andiuortbwt aite abouIlt fortY f@et sanutliof tiie-par- I-orner (il satu lorek 13, sa&id eidewalk f0- Aonage aed will lie bit of brick trim-leîa four be-t wide, wîth a euh or srt&;! meti witiî white Bedtford stilut-Filîe fîîundatiîn filvefltet wide. 'h cinder or grae],-lfirietuon of the uniforni dipif roof wliil be mate coin pletlng the etru, t- ,of.igli.t imcii.-andti tree ont--all inef tire B0 ail to bring great credit tii tli.- coourer.- bae, anti an inch top lireeiagU toave andi communlî>u. Thu@ thifie bî r i iielîîng laver if contcrete, b. paumi bai growu froni a simaîl point on a a@. trend. Mtotionn camnîed ail rotîng ayre. n_ Motion b>- Ellrworto andi thoyee that labrce circuit tii a cornmaetiing apoiet0~rinatic. No. 2301, being an ordinacc. meut thouronghiy equtpped to do the povoidiigfur construction of a concret.e mucuereded work ot(tht- commuuity. ceuicot aide alak ou eaet eaide .f Second un te sie vatedby he âc!-ty wlietreet lu front of the ntirth 7.0 feet olf 0e ht rie-va'a~d iv ht soi-t>-wif ot 10 le bloc-k 12 in C. Fraenk Wrght'& bc- ert-cted a brick husiness block cover- addition tui Lîbertyvilie, iaîi waik to bu îng the- retire frontage. four test wide, with a éub tir earth Witb thèsce new structures undfir pro- foudation, a cînder or grariil founda-. cestif eretion Lberty ville e-ill taketation of uniform deptifh of eîghrtue. ' uad titree, one-haif loch contrate hase ut-w tart forward andi with them and an loch top dressing or didîhing rfîouhîî go the .- gil eil if ht-r itizinm. lajer or cont-rete, bc. psed mait. Libertyvîlle te oe@tof 1he-most heauti- Motion rarried i al votlng aye. fuiSpos t th eothen prt f lfînle Motion b>- Cleveland and Dolleninaier fui@ptmin henotbeu ar ofIliniethat Ordinance No. 231, being an and b>-te ti. iioieration iof ht-r citizen ordinance provlding boribe construction niay le rade îcr-eei attraictivce. oif a cioncret@ tenrent sidewafk ou tue- eoutb aide of Park avenue lu front of lots 13. 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 24 andi 25 in Presbyterian Services block 1 (uonecting witb walka noie 10:30 a. ini -rini-t woreliip. Sub- laid le front of lot. 14. 15, 18. 19 a»d j.et: SuiitaiValuer' 23 le raid bioek 1) lu C. Frank Wright'& 11.4. a. ni-iîiîr biii. additilon, eaid walk to be four fit-tBride 7:81> P. lu-Ec.-uîug v.irrip. Subji, t ailia sulior .arthifoundation, liv st-l Tht- Lord ou, Kpe.per.-w ide. a ciniier or gravei fountiation of %Vcdnesdav 7:30 p m. l'rayer meeting nelforin dapthi of eight ineeuansd Ibree C. K. Al.ende.r, NMinter ont--haillic-h oecrvte base andi an ncb top tireaeîng or finiehiug layer uf concrets, lhe paoestd airt-ad. Motion oarrit-tiaf votieig aye. Coundil Proceedings Motione levCi-eland andi t)tiieumasi-r Itegular meeting tiug .5. Trigge th t riun- No. 282, belug an absen-t. orfilane providiug for the construction Minut-s 6f tht- leit iiîeetiug.. at-rt-rt-adticancrt t auiet edewralk on the and approvet ai rt-ad. wet@ ide tif Third dt-et iu front of lotsi Mr. Ailiton wag preit-ut anti amkrd tii 12, 16 anti 17 (cunuectiegr with waliK have tht- ir"oe ou daure reduce-t, after uow laid in front of lots 1) anti 13) In a tilecurejon it wae referrt-d t-o the- liranse bloc-k1inl C. Frank Wrght@ addition clîmmittea- on miotion tif )olenuaier tii Lîbertyvifie, eaid idewalk tu be four ani Boy@e. ltet lu width with a tub jr eartb The trea@ureres anti ler's reporte fouedaîhon riv-efaet wide, a cînder or at-rt-rt-ad andi auditeti b> the finance gravel foountation of the neiforti dtptb comînîttee. anti acce.ptt-tiun motion of tif eight lent-a, a three our--haif inch liîileeîîaier anti Kiewîrth a bief, ýce-nrete baie nîtiau loch top dresoinig ,arrit-t or finishlng layer ofi coucrate, lie paiwd Tht- olioi irî usam te rt-ail and (0 as rt-ad. Motion cerit-1 iff otiug aye. K'tl li tt-. inianîe orn ii nittee- and 'Il ict be But e and Dl uin ratr aliîîw-d olin motiutiui î oillFtiiiiiaipr andl Ciîuii Mot\iotn vî arriel. Faulknier rthivi carrit-il ail vititaa cv- VH iillitHTT, Village Clerk. Mr. lerron, sewer work .....1l0(.00 Lake Co. Printing & P'ubliit- Co . prlntirg ..................If)22 R W. CHIURCHILL. Attonrty North ShorteKit-c. lo'o iglite .. 1619 21 Adjudication Notice. Mvi. E %WarrFn, reoat, ............ 10 M" ,Ntet et-t it-ita ttWh '1 C-ohCi reae . 4î e-rt, t- uIînIi h att WIi tOit Tetaentu H. B. Ew1r, roe .................... 7 NOoit o irce H Wisrer. iter-ateit« %vil tlt-end the North short-es Co.- gas .......... l(;0 C.ntivCouici ifiLake Cointy. tai atern ih.reoi L.te t. tulien ai tie cou" Hoare In Waukegan. Wtauk-gau011 Ci., eauutit- ..6 :nu -ai.' (tvnis ethe- ii t tIiay of 0.-lober LiberI> tille Lumbert-L'o., tutti-. <il6aI9riiext. wtu randli rhert-atii tersont having F. Quentin, @tret svork......3 u() 0eiaitus t atitriid eriste are dotifie. andi %V. .tttritige 1 lii gi.teito tîereei tht-rme to raid Court fur W. Barnetît... . ............. fia 50 EUNICÎ A. WISN ER. gît-cutor Treptow & Taylor, funitetiug.. 2 00 a tvn.li.Anio.tt. rt- Pait lRay-, futigatîng..............4 f()I __________ D. Liniberry, taler>-....... _........ 9)5 0 H. W. Smith, caler>-.............. 65 l00 il. Limberr>-, trenian selar.. ..14 10 C. lirunin iieit work .... 7 92 P. Hartîettwaik rebat.-.......il0< Mor-td by Boiyte antilervelandti it Mr. 1.-tram bc allowed $100 on lt ciintract. larritatiail voting nye. Miiecti lv elau.f and Boy.'.-that J1. W. Buttler h- alluiaid tii pile brick tm) tht- ittt- uring the ert-vttin tif bis building on)Xfilwaukeer.avenue,.i'îriit-t aIl îîotlng ayt- 0 01) p&& * - o aTi sietteti. c vrt rnd -will add ~asta tibs Move yeuh> oleeîîetr anti Faulkne-r ile of your bouse.It-wUl that ordînauce No. 227, ii-iu nordîti- prevent dry rot, decay or ruai tltau anc-a- prnvidiiig fîîr tht- constructio.n of a r air coet-paysfîr itselfo-verandoveti, concret.- caimetit idewaik on tîîr wtet ;p l thet tue to peint. aide oîf tiret etrt--t iefront of lotsal18 and 2(1in lbloc-k 5in C. Frank Arite additionu ti, Lihet, ville. saîi m aiiîtutic b.-l lotir ltet aid.-. w th a muhti r earîlîghu p a foundationivee tet a-île. a cîniier or . b B the Up a. gravel foinîfeiion ol.utiîorni teptb tof V"le cifflar bonne eigltit met tandti tree one-haîf inch aaI ie i a concrets bate anti au ich toidrt-einig invling. "It or finieblng layerîof concretse pht- d on o e ai rt-ad. Motin carrieti ail votirig aliease alt :rmweank Motion b>- Faulkner adCeeaduguttetu thiet Ordînauce No.s. being an;lnm-f i' M&« îîrdiuancet-proving for the- iiiutrutitiiti on<Ci-5al yti not tîion tu. Lîlo rtyvviJlýe ea aiktutiilie four h-tt witie, witb a eutî or î-arth foîurîîleton,- e c-nde-r lorgre rt-Ifîouitie ttu n t tîniforni Itpthlurîteglit in-hcit îi aF.ndEM E tlîree ont-hl in chb voure-te bits,, îîan i W .iEK R ii-b top dreeaiitg oli ihi.iîiilaveir of Dienmond Lakte <0 WHY NOT BUY A <-0 0On e-Piece Silo 0 Any size desired, set up complete, - abovelfoundation,@'and use the new 0 <o improved ldoori frame that in not an < i infringemnent on the Harder patent.* <0 <0 <0 o o o o o o o e il~O 1 IT WILL PAYItYOU TO FIGURE WITH Home Lumber Co. Libertyvilie, Ili. ----------- 0 ý.ý ; , 1 *00 wi ý ýý -vý!