xl .Waukegan 's Intake to; be WAIIK#lNYTOMI#AI Extended About 4,000 Feet , IASWSPPFIRID 1 - STANFORO DILLffNBECi< 0F WAU. 1. The extension of the. intake pipe to a 40-foot depth of1 KfGAN HAS LE"T CITY FOR viter will b. the. first stop taken by the city council in the. PARTS uNKNOWN, 'TIS SAID hopeofpurifying Waukegan's vater supply. -This stop - - 1 - M11:betakenat thesugetion of thiespecial conuitte aY OUNG MAN WAS £MPLOYED AS 5uffge8DIVER FOR AMERICAN EX- pointelà by Mayor Juliu.s F. Bidinger to lvetigteme- PRESS COMPANY-"FIRED." oda of pur"fyngthe 11drinking water" sold by Waukegan ta its inhab tante. StanfOrd Dillenbeck. son ô! Mr. andi 2. It will cost $60,000 toe xtend the. intake into a 40-foot Mr. E. S. Dillenbeck, of 124 Asb depth of water. When thi. contract rc of $60,00OO tret bas mysterioualy dimappared beapad orth exenio o te nra ie th"ity bm ie home lu Waukegan and hi. b~ pId fr ti. exensin 0 theIntae pie ti. " i mm41ate relative@ deny ail know. PaUmera" vMi enter into a contract for the. installation of a letige o! bis whereabouts. MblUton syst.m in Waukegan, if deemed necesary. Two nights before DIllenbeck a L &The. City vii extend its intake pipe 4,000 fot out dischargeti as a driver for the Amen- into LkeXlchlgan. The "crib" of the. intake pipe wii b. eauIExpress comfpfly, be @pont 1105 lodgd ona bd ofrockbowderswhic foni aclI Chicago witb two boy fiends, it Iodd n bd f rckboidrswiici frma Ontinua- le legd dea of ",Wlnd Point Ref",--wb.lh iia been charted by It le adeitteti that auditons of the 1" ereeton of a "reef ligit" off Rauine, Wia., by Uncle express Company are now audîtîng h**. the accounits ie the local office. t. Josephi Falcon, one of Chic a' minent divers and Stanford Dillenbeck has matie Wau- marin engneer, basvoluteerd te inane ti. de Loegan bis borne nesrly alilhielifîe. Maie -iers a outer2t,&ac teda o e attened tithe publice chools oftiis the exteonjmoff thie city's vater intake pipe. H. proposes: citye for a few years, and later le!t Tint: Ho vill accept thie "city's paper" i pay- scbool ta accept a position as "trou- ment of work done..hie man" witb the Chicago Telephone 7Second: He wll enterabid for the construction of Comipanly. .- .. . rj . , tii.ad e He haï ~LIIwoked ior the American E. u~~Ri' bi ~ proue Companly for nearly a er £aaaa'a.He gaa t' present a bd'uThe agent et tbe Waukegan office 'low" as an y other manine enginoor. nef use ta t give onttSfly ststemefl Fourth: 1rée of cost he will prepare plans and ta a Sun reporter. He admitted ieb Soffor any and ail suggestions for the proposed i- hati discbargeti Dilleubeek, bot deitied SprovOfliOlt. the report that he bad'iîssued a ar 5. Teodre . Drit Praidet o ti. Scurty av-rant for is arrrest. 5. ToOdre H Duit, resden of he ecurty av- Efforts mnade by interested parties '-"bul, froi a bankor'wr standpoint) lias offered to tear the whereabouts of the young purohase is proportionate shane of theo bonds for the. pro- man have proven fruitieus. It is said. pousd improvenient i tihe "city fathers" decide te extend be Iutake pipe by a ilpecial assomsment. HARBOR IÀN lMAS & Sucii mon as Geoge Sella, supeintendent of the AYECIIODY Amelican Steel à Wlre company; Chiarles Ebert, uperin- ÀYERN DO *pent of thoeoon Products R.flnlngcompany; Jonn W. FILES BILL FOR DIVORCE, 18 AF. **Waf preident of the. Bl ___fordCalf Meal factory; RESTED TWICE AND GOT OUT ~W .ALeu, enginoor at the Watir Works Station; Theo- ON BOND; ALL IN FOUR DAYS 4M H. Durit, president of the. Security Savings bank; WDEDY L~laoin 7»d W. Buck, ez-mayor, one of Waukegan's proresive rEaDeNt AYLet nHop Mab, WuIuenmon01; Dr. J. C. Foley, health physician for Waùike- brugM suit for s divorce. Bert ~; . . anainvontor, exprt egneer for tii. Ameni- Atkinson namned as co-respondent à s i Wre compwiy; WiÜlliam . Wright, engineer 1. the eill. IWAWUmacIjno, and N. A. Griffn, the boit post.d vman n ,THURSDAY - Mogopiane- 09194M ifftY o thefinncia coditin o Waueff,,, rested oh an osaSult and battiry 0ftidonnlicndto fWakgn" charge preterred by hie wite. -P-'uMeppdhei front and bave accepted tiiê invitation FR DAY - Aiînsn brought t~<1Va~aIcegnss "olty fthens ein e opurffica- suit te have agopian piaceti un- , u o d àw ater for Waukegan; te offer suggestions der a peace bond. k J1j**prfm4lou of the, systomi of puzmniwgater for SATU RDAY--Mailogan releas- nnrnaes nd e "brn ti. lïï1ult o()in an ed trom coufty joli.l.5a iitwed t É0 4 t 0jet@Prb6 o nsig h rooiio.Mn hie own pence bond for hi UW ebopes cf pnocning purer wa- ic LeHgp$M nadn tsi' tée S-L to Its Inhabitasits. tbe CUSDAYwnteLeeo i-abopn, buafrmsdeorl duy ot .waukegan wrill extenti its wa- DEATH C UE YWnho Iabr u omryc t8r 112take ipO alpraximately 40000WO TH HED augn.fltasitithCrc feteut Into Lake Micigan. This BLOWO H LDWueafldasi uteCru iflgt'Oveuib"ent will be accomplisheti by court at Lake countY for a divorc tue exPendture of nOt ever $60,000 T WAS TH-IS INSTrEAD 0F FAL- from ie wtt e, he has fallen. it ia fear On the Rocky Reef. LING PROM SCAFFOLD THAT cd from the sublime te the riditu ThO extension of the intake thia KILED Jl$ BARRY. loue. tistaspe will enable the city te con- So .trh ieibssi o ibtnt te itake crib (at the mouth Svpn, le wsretet on assuaird 09 the Intake pipe) on a resi, cein. Wben 'trs. Henry Deerer of Wauke- and battery care.ste c uaeauw POWebciefly a! rock houllers, vary- gan arrived inbChicago Wednesday, can tineutilch ay Hiebs o tut tea bize trou three tate tes et cn udutlMn n i o IÎ iate. Thons ia absolutely ne colaitd tere by the Information that FRIDAY - Atchinson troughi «cI -pool -on sand on this reef. The ber brother hati been kiled in an ac. The next day Bert Atkinson. th "at ur-ta do nut pans witbin cident, she learneti that Insteati of bav-Wntrp abrnanboHop 1,00 ft t fths location. Ing falien frrnm a defectIve scaffoiti. ters abrwaanityouio . The. Engineer's Repqtt. as sbe hart bean toiti, that bis injury s te sbvie'agpin placati un Lest week. Jos. J. ffesn, oesof vaes receiveti wben be vags ftruck onsutthaeH0Ia ledoe the bout known marine engineens andi the beati by a brick wicb .hadi ieen a peace bond. He feareti he o divers on Lakte Micigan, trampeti the meet bodiy barmaet Hagopiansa baiq bottOm o! the lake froni tbe shbesdropped trem one ef the fiaoorethreeThscevacotuduti l line t Waukogao (diractly opposite or four $taries above hlm. Thisday.segpa was o lacned untMo tbe puitping station) tea adistance oet The brother o! tbe local wo a. Hond a fer $500.und nearly two miles ont tn Lake Michi- ma'bnfo$50 gai'. He folioweti the city intake pipe Joe Barry, vasi employed on the frst Satur.iay morotng ho was reiease Ie bis traveis on.the laite battont. Soon of the building when the acci- trom the county joli by Sheriff Gre H-ie Officlai Report. dent happeneti. One of the workrnen vhen Justice of the Peace Wilii As the realt ot this Investigation, above him accidently droppoti a brick F. Weiss alovoti hlm te isigo b. foudi- -wicb strucit hlm on top o! the head. ond o 50 aoinr YMlnt-Ths.t the cribi o! the City cruabing lu the situil. He wes picitetied bhoefor W00. tbop a rtu lntake pipe formed a celi pool up unconsceus by a negro who w55 rdtbshme acts itoappear t] for sewage and lakte cunnets; Fo he at twudapa h Second-At a distance of 4,000 working nean hlm.Hgaanbsenbvngar feet onit ram the crib beotûiiiitl Rusheti tea ahospital lhe negabned erhus tuba e nb hf ivgara ton be ofvat?;conscieusoasa anti bis wife vas sum-. vas drawo up 'and ileti by bis ceu Tfict-That tha vater t this monedt is hgbedaido. The aurgeons e.Atre Car dats ploint as a <rykalebtat 5 at the hospital appeanedtat have ail 'Hagoptan dlaims thet et the clea ti s poinrytal; ond confidence that lhe voultiho beele t! opreetilngs be yl i ntroti the botiom ofthîe laite caveneti pull thraugh the operatioii, but In aplte testmnyof riaedeetie with rockh oîiders van1Ing ln sio f this heotieti a short trne later. He nvaedtotv tram cIrep o tir fe In diame- waa consclous until the lest anti op- pi by hlm te sbatiow bis wl ter;Peard taknowthatlie as d ing i1lesasys he viliishow that thise Flt-rýsý,ta nton;lie arethat o know t ho e as dngas 1tectIve tollawed is vite antiAti theit Pi-or s o,1 i 10 onhs elti lemg-lleae oe. son'asfanas the Edmunti hotel. patî o h~C lidurrlit trniHe aiso asitet that when ho dieti that -The Sun a few desys ago atoo In the sewage crl r ouie. lelebneibadehcmshri n igbt whlch 100k place on a Nar __________________ aler lpat oethîe stale .~io,~n, :3nore s s a an :htm ton- in rn- bor. that.4 oun- di- em. wite. d&- tin- ekAftN RAIStNG AT FOLEY FARM. Barry as an uuui ounarCii e iLmtave t monLve ap... gouingtel ow d t Ils r fnleiseneh ta be Italians. stating that tle fighi -- <ie lai- gretlyaleceti u hin e îl deah. ppe.areti ta le over a yauug vomui On~le bundreil mon atnded thebar -ia ton motlis tbride lu nearly pos VWMU t tthe tarm or Dr. J. t'.ioley 'vIa vas In îhe company et onset OerneThursdaa' uturnoon. tratet i vth grief. temn -ýe »bare la l6xt. fo et iilufiwiilon Hie tather aluîo taipBthesledeath temn a4 abenolnaected, hy tFuclinBos.leeolv, more se tram tle tact tînt mis- it Is nov essortedt lai the men are I I1.is.amodennly arrange(ift h fle eybaiyuo reiasta h one a t se R! taOcomotiato a large lord farune las tîe er"iaii' nelasta tcyug1 a t soaW Il3 frasn at hiswJ' v'ieîlv0ery sotitenly Then an- detecuiVe bu-ad b; Hagapian andi the Polloisg the "raisiolcoirons -,cauler son vas aloi vilie oui huntin 9yYoung veman vas tire. Hagopian. iwespphmMetso! coffse, sandiîches, anti bled te deatb befone e physician The fight an the traqi. saidte tahave dpqs$lttS.etc., anti cigans vero e rm- ekeue.Asottneao tre hntemf at o t q& thoegeate. They ailireport a soi-y COnUi1 euei Asotun g traivc h iisiit i t goed tinte, lis daîiglter baad oneofa!bon eyer put I itson, objectedti t the constant ________________ out with a pain o! sciassns and nov P911adeviflgofthîe tietective. Cond na d aéDmontel set e John anailer sounlIs lieti in a violent man- TeSsuat place ert tenty acres t o n. Mr&. W. R. Choover sand ber- mothar WIii Taylor o! WadvOr*, cosadera- Barry lied bren in Weuitgan sev- M!ra. Mary E. 'Meadi ef Kenosha, boih ten beunt$3,200. Tbey losO m Oitionreil tmes anti matie nny fri-ente former Wauiteganltes. loftIThunsday _4 a ireestff te ijns. 'ressulas Mdébere. His body vili 1e sent tahIls olti fteo oS'iu v tyfrltsanti nerla- Lib*~tI ouetonibtMe r uraI t eontonvioux City. ledsad e, a _«» oving to tovo about-Oct Jt 151, orhrli tives there. States. The city officais o! Higîvoti are tallue o! the court ta cenfinni the pavtng ordinance anti assert that thoy vili stant et once to gsi another erdi- nance ln readiness. They say tlat sevaral large deais eeolt bava gene throug badlied i mprovement bOen 1confIrmeti. A caloreti vomas about 25 yeans o! age, vas fouet asieep ln an11 ad abandoneti bouse on the mareli ai the rear e! île J. E. Weyba ernoe on Sheridian neati, mat souil et Beach, Wetinesday aternoon anti,wville she les Isteti on o!llg aliove to te rmain le the lociteti reantthai site mlgbt continue praying, Mn. Weybe ant irM. durgeas, vite tiscavereti ber, tiecidet she shouiti ho careti for, -beece ShortSf Grces anti Assistant Chie! Tyrrel vent Atter anti tokbor n t the caun- ty Jaul. Henry NMuien o!fitke Parest, îhe men vho, an Auguet 6. vas tiivieg a wagon helonglng te, a Laite Forest greenhause, declatedti otiy tbat ho vas le ne way ta blarne fer the acci- dent le vhlcl bis Wagçn vas strucit hy île sireet car. Re says thai ibero vas ne car ln sight wben be tiiove up- on th; matit anti that the car appear- et tram the cnt-aff anti boesdov upen 1dm tram the rcar. rTe accident happenot near the cemetery. 'Te point la one a! the worm!tfon au Ea- ident te bappes- Kentiala peuple are going to, bava a chance te, show tem 11lk. or dis- litreotfte cemmisolca fora of gev- ernument. Attorney M. G. O'Dannell la to bc île leader in the mevemestt ta bave ibis terni of governuant atiop- ted ln Renosha andtilts MornIng ha hati bis polluions ail readti te ha gnt out fer signlng. The plan Ct!Io ggenteo ts ae sthte mattCt suit- mittedt t the people at the. uxt City eletian wyul a viet of aving the change go mie oeffort a!t te tinet hixiCity affîciahsarancelected-K*O-) sEls Neys. SCHOOLS SAYS THIS 18 THE BEST WAV Or TEACHINO IT. TIet h. C. OM.Neara, raprasentative a! a St. Louis conceom vblcb is seoit- Ing te Introduce fmie île Wauitegan anti ceunty echoolis. a pieu of teach- Ing coucrete, gaagraphy by monso! Illustratior' by actuel specîmees, mis- qdttoti hm Intieciaring, that le la etrongiy In favor efthle plai ant i vii de bis hast te have it instaileti In the achools o! the iaunty, la île state- meut matie today by T. Arthur Simp- son, county supernentent ot schools. "Il la true that J toit Mn. OlNleara that hilssystent ot ieacbing cencrete geognapby ie an excellent oea" Mn. Simipson salti, "but h tiaesn't falaow, necessariiy. that bis systeini ls oetd eti te properiy teach ibis subject. in the first place he aIsasilng aven ibrea tumes vbat tb. colections are venth. "Thon. again, bis -collections arec net nascomplota as ha vaulti lieta ta bave us believe. Why, I have cllect-1 et specimens that are five tuaes as1 large as bis. Thoen, why sheuit vo pay for thase spelirnans vben theyt tran bhadtifer the asklng? "h admit ta!itsa avery nEce ibing ta hava tbese collections En acheais vhere tbey can lie seau by the pupls. but bf yen voulti teach ibihs subJeci tboroughIy anti le a nianner that vui bring the hast resuitS, IcitIh studett lot eut ton themselves anti iere the different protucts ot tbe earth. Lai tbom visIt the steel miul anti une île completc proces efmaibg vire- lt thant viit the suganrcllfnery anti earn abeut île thEty-ssveu tiffenent pretincis o! cern; lai ibem pick up bitsetfbard anti soti ceaIanti baril efthîe many pnetiects et these enti- chas. That's the vay te learn Indus- trial geoagrphy ant iilta leanneti le a way thal viii stay wyul the student as long às ha lves. To sesIlittIe specimens in botties o! the differentt praducta tes ubitel the stutient mucit mors ihan he can and le bis books!' people te go Into business for tibm- selves la fals3e. 1 bave net tiane that, in tact, 1 arnmtueastrict than aven lu this regard." Chance For Waukegan. Asitet about the report that the Cooit Riectricai plant vas planning ta niove froin Zien, Overseer Voliva saiti, "Tiky miglit as vili go te Wau- kegan as anywlere cia orton tey sure- iy viii bave te go sooner or iater, anti Waultegalu mlgbt as volibave theni. Hro's a dliancO fer Waukegan te do semething ton mo--to get ibis Cok plant anti take ht thera." When talti that Waukegan vas reatiy ta recebve tha Cookt people sud that tbay vouit have ne troublas bore, the overseer saiti ha favoreti sncb a change moat beartiiy. JOHN WRIGHT 0F SOUTH UTICA STREET SUCCUMSED TO DROP- SY AND HEART TROUBLE. Wednesday niornini' et 11:20 a. ni. atie biolme on Souh Utica streot. Oc-i curnedth b e etb o! John Wright, agati 59 yaars. an oit resitiani o! the cty. Deetb vas due te a complication o! bean trouble anti trepsy o! whlch ha bas sufferet for soei re. Ho vas taites senleusiy 11 six veoita ago lest Sîînday anti abati snln bcd ever sInca Hie lite bati heen tiespairaetofaqd bis triants vers net surpnioe tte lare o! hie tieath as ho hati bean lying near tieat's'doon sevaral days. Mn. Wright vas born In Janesviiie. Wis., anti cama ta Wauitsgan about tonty-nine yearsaega. Ha bat mate this ciiy bis borne aven since. S'en lventy-seven years be vas a sales- man a! thc George Krk Luniber cern- psny, but a fev years ega gava up this position to e oeme janitor a! the South sachool, a position v-ich he belti up ta lis gavera llieess. He slal keaonanti respectet Inluthe comme- nity ant iebidtiatb danses genenel ne- XI WAUJICEAN LOCALS g ~ qlf l IDUtII cla il O8 W ,11FmBK W ITIT3JYTI ROY*. Soinuel W. Chitiester anti Prof. IC fàT D A J. IL.Ilafptt, both of WaukegaS are spending the& jvacations aloug the SON or JUDO£ WHrITNEY WHII batirs o! the Hudson river le New SI1ENT, EXPRIN ESSIIESFORVIE. Yorkoite. , EFFORT SEING MADE TO CTBOff1TEPESR VEs Mn, DSlvld Carnian bas neturned CITY SCHOOLS AS WELI. AS Pnreu Wbltney, son ot Juda. Char- home troeaus extentiet Eastern trip COuNT-Y To TAI<E UT UP. les Wbitney arrivei bore Weducsday alght frout London. England, for a te New Terk City, anti up the Hudson. visît oftan lndell.nhte perioti vitb bie vialsitn any places o! Interest la An effort la being madie to get T. relatives hmn. flthat uty.Arthlur Simpeeon andi the Waukegag All niend og01the tvo veil knolai Pester Weigel, manasger ot wake. board ot éducation Ito mataI! ln the mue.father and son, decleethere dit tarm, near Barrlngton, repente seboolisot the county andti iy a uew wifl ha thinge doing ln the Whitney dan average ot 74% bushels et cati plan of teachieg geogra rét bensidence lest about îîow, for, be it hper acre. Tho grain was tbresheticd rn ytmv Ilbbas povte nemeubereti, that Judge Whitney le Moeday andte machine showed 2,- *rn sse hchh@po a bot Taft man andi bas aven sld I242%~ busheis produceed from a tract iiemenseiy succcsafilwberever tnIeti. be beileves Roosevelt haae't bis nlgbt a of tbirty acre, Y. C. O'Mcona, a represeutative e1 a mimd; andi that bis son Fred la a muat *John J BoEesof Lake Bluff, mcm- Si.Louile ocae wbîch supplieg la- enthuiatie lRoosevelt mse. ber oftitbe board of neview la stili l s 80<lîciusf >~ ethere yen are! confine te têbis berne hy lieas. Hea utra clecilefr Booeai n anywell-r*tlated tamuly. vbat bas been W f or nearly tbree weeks. over the country, la la Waukegae to- vouiti resutaitvben such a difference -This souevbat handicaps the othen day ln confereuce with the county Of OPIUOU existedT! ýmeubens la getting througb with tic superintendent or ichools andé wiuh Andi, th maite mattens verde anti It work«ahowing exactly boy ha stands, the A di'gtea va bre hundaylai reubers cf the board Of éducation Tnlbtne this uorfting Pninisdtitiîs te t Mr. and Mn,. Harny Warren, ne.né e. communication Itront. Fred W bitney; Mis. Plorence Coeidaugbter etof Ticplan le a tv en ods e ite sup- 'Coiege Mon For Roosevelt tg ooer "Waïckegan, 111,, Aus. 7.-(nditer of Mr. ant i MEs. James Cooper o! Wau- pya usai'.of teacbii'g geograpby lenh rbn.-ue2 b rbn kegai'. a conceretstenuor. Insteati of «plain- theblibeti u edo3 cabepTribn e A.u-tars o easapo I ng to ths pupils Iliat certain ceint- whb 1,i as Prositient McKinley'$ ' e A.JL teaasforyeau aproi-tries are noteti ton certain products amsuaigna manager ot the Amet-ican nent lswyer ln Wauitegan. bas cloueti andti tat difeetponcs cm Reuian oleeeau.rgite bis iaw office on Wshington street. fea rdct ot elrs voers tou lau scbls dh 'The furnituire vas removedti t Lake tmceai-ure.teiWsytucoliagus te support the Progressive Bluff Saturday atternoon. Steana sgeaz to the mots o! thinga anti shows panty. I hava Just corneaven ro aeie one ie vas editon o! the Wauite- exactiy vbat these produce are anti Engîseti fer a stay at rny aid h=u gan elyib.lowtey are secuncti. -le Waukegn, -', x "yIn. - -I 1.11eve thc majority of tbe col- supervisor Henry Deacon leaves on Fer Instance, taking up the ceaI tu- lege.use viii support Roosevelt, Saturtiay ton an extendet Estenduatry, tepupii la shevu a smali wbose addtresreasalite à proclama. cebusiness anti piessure trip. Ha ges mple et cosi Un Uic crude state, i111on e rancipation trou poiltical tet ufa New York, Worcb ane, than ln a more refined tale ant i; Rý,"lnus atia netrub bg usn le Rul, .eat vn iilysonvt t ueosat nuerad setro bgm. snes, Beston, Bangen ., n vnulyl lalyeonwt i ueosmeans everythini' te Amenican verk. Bte New Hampaiire. by-protiucts, such as tanr , ni], coke, men andtihte fornera whe support t The ralîirosdtr tacke anti bridge near cdtsrroal, graphite.,tiyes. etc. Again,1 ibein tootistuffs andi raw materials. the Pistakes Lakte station et the C., Ln theÀOIUlu indu&stY. the pîSpil la As red BROW W HI U TNEY."e es M. & et. P. rafîroat i e Fox Laite have suave the eggs ot the ssit worm. thon If isIlikeiy that tIare viii ho ne [t been raiaed tvo foot anti hoats cane prl r d.again enter Fox lake witbout any tE atygaewn orm, thon et nma, voodsbet Iinterviews botwoen him anti trouble. Tbe traising oftheb bridge tunltY, the cncoort, the suit vhen bis tatller, the jutige, but suroly il la means that ail t oftheamailer hoats sipun ant i iially the manufactunei ar- ptha bedicuhavensomeingtheet cao nov enter Fox laite vitheut hal,-ticles. St i nown as pongoo anti poiltialscusons tieigthch nete ing the bridge openeti. fwdy.Hvvn hne r Jahn anti Anna Tessman have sod otiOmewbat coanson titan Mosit sit andi thet' viii not ha given out for publi- ta William A. Taylor a twenty acre madie fron tte pradnct o! a wiid sit cation. tract on the Muforti noati for a con- verm wbich la feunti ln China. are R.iïderatie. n et 12,200. The deai vas ne sinavu aise. in the old îedustry .. -3 VOLIVA DENIES THE gotialeti by Atterney Claire Etivards. trie verieus producta etof etroieum are SALE 0F STORES Late Saturday kNira. %largaret shevn . In tact the complote set cern- Richards et Htgbland Park fileti a prises a practicai démonstration o! OVERSEER DECLARES REPORTS bill ton divorce againet bhabusautid. every koove ntinusiry vith the exiept- THAT GENERAL STORES HAVE Fredericit, on a charge o! drunken- ion et tohacce anti elcohai and t fi; s EEN SOLD ARE PLAIN LIES noe. NMrs. Richards ia neprasenteti coasderot ativisable that thias eouiti by Atorey lair Edard. Te Ib adittd fom te ctegry. Ovenseer Veuive totiay entereti a Rychatdsere wl w e opir dvrs.e amtn toith aegr. modt emplatir dental ut the reports Richrdsare eilitnvn pepl le Manshall Fieldi & Companiy etfChi- vhlcE bave heen current for sanie Highiandi Park anti the filing o! the cage rocontly teck a complete course deys to the effoct that a chlange ln bully bas caumeti considérable cern- et thisi lecture because îî vas fetoit ewerahip a! the generail stores oi Ther wil besevraloductioaZion City hati taken place, a change Thrtiih eerleuaiuiIt volitmake boer an smrn froni whicb removeti their centrai troni bis campaigu meetiRgs for tha ceborati tbe dents antan they knaw the cern- banda. votora o! Lake couehy anti the nontb piste protiucts deriveti front thé vant- ahane under the auspices et the Laite oesosurces. Scbeois ail aven the The. overseer sait: "Ut ès an abso couny cvicbage teho elt lecounry re aitltg p te pan ntilute lie, from start te finish, etarted couny cvleleaue o b bed l coutryaretakfigup he lanandby rny'encmies. Who, whipp.d t10 Waukegan anti Laits FanesLt.%Ir. gondi reports have beeri receivet. The standatilli are reborting te Uit posai Rueff Griffith anti othens viii apeait. ceunty ant i cty achbol he)%de viii bis means te hurt us if they con.1 Announcemants later. go inte the matton tioeply hetere tuait ewn the general stores, asbolutely of William Abtcno r n .Ia n éiin This man Beatty dose net ewn ont ot MAbttAht.sootn.atMr.ngatesincent'@ Worth ln 1h. store; in tact. M b o!o Julian anti Asbstreets, sirnost ewn Beatty. Ther. ha* beer iii la visitlng vitb Wauitagan relatives no change whatever ln the. ownershig "ce anti friands. Mn. Albett is making bis LEAIN ULUUIRArflI o! the stores andi non. wili be mode r- om in WsigoDC. hrheThi. stores never were lnneasgeod a u- carneson YsucarfuEbisinas.Hocend t Ion as now, Why, totay, ws'ri les n a ucceatulbusiess.Hebaving a 11,200 sale and business hot maites trinitets eut et aid coins te ho been very gooti. We have not don, d-feunti ln the capital city et the Unitedi COUNTY SUPERINA~NDENT 0F oay With the. co-operative tehture.- les andtihte joint lantubng ef mess- ages via 'plone andti taegnapî s ssla nos tle practice here anti elsewhere. Mn. Ford. iîy tle acquisition o! ad- ditloiel duties efthrie telegnapl mana- g"uîelîi, las lad lis field suaidtiles oniargeti, tor, under tle receni cin- soiidatloîo e! L aite loLinty Tele- phione cornpany vîih te ('licago cern pany. le aiso lias charge ef ail the lunes et that company, thus being lu charge et ail tle toiephone luisnesm o! Laite couiity as weli as the tIi-eu toiegraph offices. AUTOISTS VICTIMS OF' YOUNG MISCREA&NTS SEVERAL CASES REPORTED LATE- LY WHERE YOUNGSTERS ARE MALUCIOUS UN COUNTRY. Waukegan anioisavho ina-el ini tee country- surreundlng te clty, are 1comulainlng lIai, ln many locafitlls. mrail boys at terni hanses deliglit lu tlr.irovljeatnes ai tbeir machines, ln lame cases sonlaus daniage lbeîug creatoti, 1n otbers merely disigitre- ment e! the ladies of île cars ne-ut Ing. Peoplbe vlo line pessedti hiowiCt Zion tCity have encountereti the srit e! the litho misreants vIa scud awaY as woen as tbey have madtea tunow anti thua esapsîe tle diver vIe may le inclîneti te stop anti give It laeoven verso le sanie parts a! the .ceuntry near la n. The latest serions case vas tlat o! Chiarles Bauntev, silo, vIoc passlng sloiiq near Grange hall ibis veu. nas au- tonishieti vien a lad et about 8 year,. jumpeti eut efthîe bushies anti hulet a large stalle igbit inoaone of bis beadlghts, amashini' the giasa, break- Ing tle ges tlp anti honding the iamp hadiy. it vas a case vbero le ceught the boy, toat hi before lits mther anti receivet assonance tfluethîe tain- ago veuiti le paît fer. But, tle iu- rident meroiy shows vhai rntîchlev- ans beys, yul ne apparent reasen. are deing hbellsautoists shouit lie- vans aot, vhen thek se a auspiciaus iaaking Yunegster ln the neeti. give hM a dlean Path or go! neaay ta catclhum if le ibrovs anything. gnou. 2Mrs. R. D. Wynn, vho on Monday Mr. Wright Ieavqs a vi!a. tvo vas brengît boeetrou, Ohio vbere dauglitens, Lîllian anti Emmna andt tvaohé vas taiton sîcit, l a ponteti con- brathers. Wliam anti James ofthiis sldeabaly improveti. Miss Grace Wynn clty. vas unable te go te Morris, fI., as The funenal arrangements have not aie plannedt because et bar motber's '4 yef been matis. lness. News of Wùukegit ad the. orh . fl4mairw IB the Besit That Money Can Buy Our e caintiOl5 &tC UORbMu.d com Plet. ta every W&Y by corapetent T,<iBCMOuiStà lfeeOf charse. We crind out Own Wcs sud make out owl ftrames tue ft ..cb partieuai cm. Loiù J. Yeoman MAMJFACTURINGO OPICAN' MANAGER OF LOCAL 'PHONE OF- FICE MAS ADITIONAL DUTIES $INCE OFFICE MOVED. A f&tas-tf! nteroal anti nal gcneraiiy knowu Is titat Manager Chaanes Ford o! the toieptione cempany, smo eh Wetern Union office wvs, novotiloto the telephatie building. bas assumeti the î,asition et manager oet he tel- graph as weîl as the telephone busi negs bore. Hoe alsn ls manager now ortonhle telegnapit offices ai Lak e Foresi anti 1 figlîlanti Park. île aperalera in thlese llireo Offices iereatter <elng ioder rus supervisioni-te lias oeil Iug la lerioi îlte linos, neely loit- lux' aller thie business enîd ut he telegraph business. The Chicago Telephane comlîaîy la a part et the ei cempaoy, sîhich, SioDe menths ago, arqulneti contrai ot t ne Western Union centrai offices et 1.1