Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Aug 1912, p. 1

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LAKE 'COUNTY INDEPENDE)NT WAUKEGAN WEEKL Y SUN VOL. 20.-NO. 4S. IXTEUN PAGES LIBERTYVILLE LAKE COUNTY. ILLINOIS FRII)AY AUG'CUST 23, 1)12,. ONE TO EIGHT $!..-)0 PEiR X'EAR iN ADVANCJf, WaTROIS ASSU1ED 0F FEDEIAL BUILDINQ SOON 1S FIRMLY CON VINCIEO THAT ACT. UAL. STARTI NG 0F WORK 1S NOT FAR AWAY. SAVS LETTER PROM ISUPERVIS- ING ARCHiTECT SHOWS EV. ERTHING IN READINESS. Postmaster Charles G. Vsrous re- ceived a letter from the suPervlaing architeet et Washington on Tbursday whicb couviences hlm that the art- ual work of construction ou Wauk.- gana new federal building le not very far distant. la tbis letter the, supervlIsng archi- tedt declared Ihat the drawingisud apecficatlons ior the building bave been seul back te the architecte forl . correctIons aud that as soman as they Louis De Rytsr, who was arreated r eundt teTesï eat n Wauksgan Thureday evaningil, larrtunitohtrasyDpr. "Ild ta be ane cf theckceverest confi.'ý ment that the work will he llaceti on dence men1 n the worid, and a mom- thteumarket anti adverlsemcnts tor ber cf a gang ot ton mon who carrybitis loserteti lit the Weokî-gant neme. an iheir confidence gamnes In ail parts itapera. cf the worid. De Ryder wàa given a priliminary hearls, thiIs mornilng be-1 "To me Il looks as If the actual fore Justice W, F. Walsa and hi& case wark ot constrctcion la naw îery was continued for ton days, hie bond o., Ir Watrous saad titis muruiog beIng fIxed et 810,000. He was placeu Tepashv ae etbc o n the county jaol n defasat of furnish- 'h tai aebe elbcit lng bonds. hbaît the- final c orrectIons madle and J. L. Coaia ho conduts a prl'.- whbn t hese are returned t ilall e pos- aie delectl',e agency lu Waukegan. sible te go right ahead with tht- work. camte ta Waukegan a tew days ago The Information wblch la runiaineil undl alth the assistante of Sheriff Geen was able ta apîîrehiend the tel. In the supecvlalug architecte' leter low. He was locateti a, the Klondke to me la the muet deliitt t bt bas restaurant ai51a:30O*c'ck Tharsday )et beet, receiveti bere evening. Ht- dîdot put up mîch ut aý flght st1d afierwarda admllled t'î.t bel '%Waukegtin leoîle haie i haied bî)e woîtît have resîstei arreat haî lie âtt-â[1ttt the mort, dors nul prugresa fastý hten undcr te influence of cocaîne tr, but il h. notul întiîal in lit-n. i to which he la satievotet- Sinceth-n uctc hrtt rair ilat Il bas bt-nuit-earnedthaltID1e R>derth fathtteTasr pr. was the irolrietor of îhree or touri ent mît lcenstrîcti 0r 111(1 lîilît Orth titoncessions wich helong lu thtel0n't of the maieSlnd sud tht- difer- ilazeppa arîivai company.le aOp- eut cies lit a hbthese tittlîti'btlti *rated tbe pennant, Itoodiai do; and'-h rce aejuts cartte rack stands. inge r'lseeeîî are lua a Colline ia Elat.d. ittiIot' tii otiae aork started as îaq C'oline Is eiated aver the captureWatkegan> ànd to a representlatlve ot the Sun ta-I am net It a lotciit u sasy lit day nmade the tollowlng sîstement- "I consider the catch one orf he hum long It wi!l lake iti haie the nisi Important ever madie I the- coun iraI i uretîlens matie, but mi pt- try. Tbere ta no quedtIon but ttat sontaliiottn l that il sîlI nul lie we can prove tht' cbscge of rontîlir. ongt antd me mal, expeu t detintte In acy ta defratîtiasd aperatlog a con fra o Iaue u ienw fitience gamne aat hlm. He- alfraina ýo n ipnw wanted for any înîber 0f targertuies lE-erylhlng laiîble basliten tom- canînittet i]aIlocer the counîtry, but lilPeei art iht-ce.i> 01111ilotuintte the charge on mh I1arre-lità hm rtrlttuatn fsr mas for fleeclng a Wisonsln rn an onttar __he________ rk of $7.000 son une ut the cleverest con. fidettre gantes evc.' Iulleti off.~ ODRS "menageilto 0trace hlm t10 Wuuk SDENT gan sud enlîstedthte serv ies of Sher- IfGree. Ir. Green îartlally idcuti-PASSES ÂWÀY but did nul place hIntioder amies.. FUNERAL OF MRS. GONVO WHO Hope tao Gt Others, "There are at lea ten uî LIVED IN CO. MANY VEARS tht- gang ut whtîb De FYder i. lieut- HELD AT LAKE VILLA. t-nant ta the leader. Thev seldont go atter cs Ihaît $5,000 sud ftramthati saut (bey sciure ,as3 high atiltt,)î RATHER SUODEN DEATH TOOK ahlch amount wasa sectir--t by their' leader. PLACE BUT A MONTH AFTER "There le hardIe 5alate or couitty DAT 0FHRBO E. lu 'the country tahich bas nul lieu ET FHRBOHR iteceti hy une or the ther Oý these cri iiosîs 1 am plractîtali certain 1Vi ci bau been recelucd in Watik- lhitithe noturttua --.ohn tiuok" aho gatt ot tht- death ln Richtmttnd, Texas, ttîîe ' Ir. tbedge ut tVaîke.9not it ut Mra Julia Gneo on Augut -,th, tif tltliit a few vears aen, a.c. <('nti~ï'dOuPagtiSixi 1t9tI, dututbeung dot> tu îîaralysi.. OuronIrs. Gotco %as, boritai FoxI. at,c n Iis counîYlit11154 ant ivled tiers BURO R Lâ ::;c .tintiouLly uOItu1 191,9 wbeîîah- DENTAL OFFICE îîtoced mthbhrltushanti, Phîllp G(et to, lu Texas, abere uhp resitied u CARRIES OFF NEARLY $300 INtuheimoferda. GOLO; ENTERS OFFICE OF lirs Gonyo bad been in pouer heattit OR. P. C. REGAN. for Bomne lime and her condition bail gradually grown wurse ontil ast mcci, POLICE ARE WORKING ON CLUE,ber cildren recelved word site coult THAT MAY LEAD TO LONE tot recover. The Ibree suite, Bert, BURGLARS ARREST. Ruean iecy snd ihe enly ulter, Betwen te hurs f à nd o'cok lrs. Gente Graîz, starteti for Ricli Bctce th hursutS a~ e'iok.mOai atonce. LOUIS DE RYDER ARRESTED-IS ALLEGEO TO BE ONE 0F THE CLEVEREIIT CROOKO. AUTNORMEIS AUR JUBILAIT MAN CMARGED WITH FLERCINQ WISCONSIN MAN OUT OF $7000 PLAC EO UNDER BOND.,. Po neer Resident Passes Away MRS. BAIRD WAS ONE OF THE OLDEST RESIDENTS 0F THE COUNTY; MIERE 14 YEARS. E Mra. Jane C. Baird, mi0,of ilrs. John W'illuton and Dav id W Btaird of tbis city, passed aWay ai -1 ocIock ou Sunday morujuz, ber dean, lîvîng due in cancer aud tumor of ihi' 'uer, tram which aher h auffered Bei eral months She was borts lu Kenobaa county, \Vis., Nfarch 2, 1837, whcre shre lived Ointil gtte ras 12 Years tII (tht- then Ecame ta Bentan, Ili., aller' ,be lter was marrled ta James liaird thte Gth 0f Aprtl, 1858, and niaîi bfer home there untll 1898. Nine childreil rere torti 10 thefi., four of whom, one daug11ieý r nil three jsons îîreceded ber to the îorld be- yond, as did ber hushaul îho dled Jan. 261, 1893. For the padt fourît'. iti arMr. Baird has made ber lio'i.,t' h her Ieldest daugbler. '%ra. Jolir Wilflerton of Ibis City. a She was a woman acîl lukel by al rwho knew ber. Sbe uuî, -Pr mInd- oitI of those around lier ijîl as at aIl trnmes a kind and lt. niother. '%Ira. Baird tormerly, N o-. lane tC. Steison, hore the dîsti nioi of he, flng the lirst white child b1, ii ilKena- aacounty, ai tiratitrime in beingin- liahîted mostly by Inîliaris Besid-es a hoat of fripnudi, slip caves t0 mourra ber, one sit-. rs Saille .*,ltc-heil of Kerosha aiI tour daugh- ters and one son. Mrs William Flelds or Tremonton. t 1tab, 'AraAlfred W 'im ot Ke- 8nusha. V%'ls. \rs Gor ,i onneil of eZion City, NMrs. Johii R ierton and Mr. David R. Baird )tî f this city. Herc chlIlreu 'are al]il her bed- a ide when the end caoi. Funeral to he held Tuiesday at 10 o'ciack from the hiomi, 121 Poplar street and at il u'clock iu the ZIon Methodis, church. Ret. t. C. Burllng. 3former pastor ot Ins ciii, offlcîatlog. Interment In Ltake Ilounul ceuetery at Zion City. COW BARNS MODELS FOR DURAND'S HOME NEW HOUSE TO BE BUILT TO CON FORM WITH THEIR STYLE 0F ARCHITECTURE. TRIIP THROUGH NORMANDV GAVE IDEA WHICH IS UTILIZED AT CRAB TREE FARM. 7 A home bîîîiî afer the pattern of 'ber euw har i s i t a e t Idea ut lira. Scott Ilîiand of îtLakre Bluff, the soclety dî' uralîhoe deas lu regard to dai rrîî have recelved attention truni a i aris of the count lry. BS'. ILATS "PAL" MIEN CAMPING ON MEYER'S LAKE QUARREL AFTER BUYING DEM IJOHN OF WHISKEY QUARREL RESULTS IN ROW aNE SHOOTS THE OTHER TWICE WITH SHOTOUN; DOUNDO0V- ER TO GRAND JURY. ('harles Anderson, a liowerfuti ish- erman, six teet sud eleuen Incites tli maàsho an d killeti at Plsakee Bay, on the Fox nIver, Frîday nigbt hy is chut, ('harles Jorgensan. tdentiy Unknown. The ltomnehati been camping on )leyer's lake. in thetotwn of Grant, &Il Stmmer. Sherlff Green and States Attorney Ralîî J. Dady haie thus fat' heen unsuccesisful In their attempts ta learu the irîte Idenîity uf thetwio min. Celebate a Big Catch, Frîday attetîtoon tbey solti a big catcht of isab ougbt a demljohn et "eqîtirrel w.hiskiy" anti qtarreteti Be- tore et-coIng they tuught sud itirgen m on sas v.orsted. Left Meyers Lake, After tht- tiitrrel at 3Nîciers IaIe, Anidernon letltihe camp. Be aent (ii-i rt-uilto 10 tsake Bay. Jorgensan Fallows Him. torgensoti lett the campî mie hour aller At.de4aon dîsuppearedti la aîlegeil that hé- madie threats that he wouiti 'gel Anderston" before the day mas oit-i The ple hith eard bis ibreat îhoug>u itilwao tht tatînga of a tirunken nian ant idtinet ntertere. Guests n Panic. About 9 uîiuî k guests at the Pis- taket beach hoiel heard three aboIs. Tht- wouteti ontht- eranda licd lu their rouoîme Severalinmen lt-ad hy <htorge Bi ruhant, ganis v.ardexi at Fox l.,ake an 1I aik V'lb led ibis pusse otf tmenalo ,tartedti o utht-investi- gatintrtip, Enter' Woodlsin Vicînity. Enierune ihe v.uuds lu tht- ilcinily frum vlicibtex bîti heardtihle tait ehoit i t-e sse ecicountereti lorgen- son fiii l bltte îuvereîl a'ib tloeti I sboî Aîîdersou. t1t-bot o» pal,' be ta allegedti tehait. soilakzmueti tîîîîghaîn andî Vtelcb ot lorgenson îîîîo cîutotiîsud ihe balaitqe ot the puise îî cu tu tht- v.oîtdeîi man. They fouît bute lîtot face îiu.îîvarti ilaa tile of brîah.le ha I been ahot Ini the- right leg alîove the but-e ant inl tht- left leg close te tht- ankle. tor- (Continueti on Page Six.) RESCUES YOUN<iSTER FROM DROWNINfi CANVAS CANOE CAPSIZED BY A NORTH-EAST SWELL; TWO BOYS TO THE RESCUE, LAD HANGS TO CANOE AND 18 TOWED TO SHORE BY COM. RADE-BOYS HEROES. - '-- ----t-'- '~"- ~t' Ibîîblt, est b b n aît mile Iront ahore, ailli sncb iunes, Thurstiay evcuîug s loue hurglar lIaa ber oter mas tili alive uoiOna îIelgl h-cna listfT ed tht dental office o! lrc P. t' Rt-! labteigl h sia ie fT gan, csrrying off ln spolia tully $3100 their arrivaI anti abe extresai kecu bis home-matie canot, waa tht serious Everv.tbuuig mortb o! golti ant i slver delgbt at seeing tbem. lien cottiiotird(mn nwihWihlHvo ulig Sbortly atter I 'clock Nîtas Martha seemedt 1 grum better al once. Shepreuaao hc bhlHvu ulig meknBn ho Ils tuttpoyeti by Dr.' seemeti nta much hetter that thetw son of a ut-il knemn IFinnieti famîîy with the cxci Regan turnet thteht-y in tht tuck o! a'otteat aune relarnoet'tmins hume, oniy tahewor o cabinet ln wbich the at-l lnoantien.1 e' c omolyt d Fridav afuernioon. bfscor. ti keeps bis gtls for iltinga. There recebve sorti a day or tmu later thatofOter mere several People in the office a-heu thbohe erbarlsec anmi- d I Haut aas reacîci front drownîug bltJtilt hy tut o ho, s cf bis ou-u age mho risk.Omti isa Jenkiuson locket tht door. Ju'tbat tht body waulti be sent lu' LakteTtlu lin V BizJutIe 0 bc eac, atVilla toc burial. Tht fumerai mai helti cd theîr cuvillies lu beilufbima. odgmI lit . droppeti lu ta cail upan tht phîsicuan.lin the Lake Villa church andi mas Bail, a usver ut tht- vatcr, hîîit tht mîll cItt- Tht thefl a discoucreti this miono Iargcty aitcnttîi bu relatives anti canot ai his home tutu weeks ago. he buitlo f I figw i r.og fnend lerients. She l e eieqle o-Yesteidia3 uliit te lake bat been wivth cedunIe office. Tht hurglar, hlitsaelit-et, hllbanau, aho tormerly residet lu a hipplutoto u aii whnithe tosnîng msass of the('c"cil gabned ctrance fil the office builît hketan. tbree sans, ont dsughte.r,anti'iby ua north etast wmuid. lavi lictItht lor uas p1111 Ing lu the Whitney building ai tht-s'il grand chiltrirerual o!fLake Villa. harbom in bis c.înuc. lie auîcccafuîîy eredthIat the corner utf('ounly aud Washington Slirt-al8u eaves aasiter, '.Ire. Alex raundedîtthe sctutu utr anti then for litbho i streets by usIng a sheleton kcyý Tht Gontu otf noxville. Neb. tht lirai tinte realîi e uvsa ln dan- ger ot beîng trumnet. Ht- caîtet bast. Hor loch an the dabinett ln mhich the. gîrît 'tIs Gonyu before lier tuacriage masilîy ton ait Tht'liou, ras hept mas -"teched hy tht cober. mis,'t-'lIa '(('tnt-r ad atiosaa 'iter lu îinti,. AIt-t Ju)huon anhuit Slitneà" thtecîîîrîîî i I The- tilice beleve a Jimmy mas useti cf iii,'lite fIt-citt 't'('snem ah' Ic~edtI)oli'r '.îs,utlue0 boîta ttan thetlit tI liiiTlý lu force the loch. Tht aithoprilim-shave stcceetiîd u ilebiidttI .u-c tu Ftlicotoin-rst-soît ., 'tIl. fi( ub; lu nd i i î hi ,.,r, î'r iiuýi' - ut- iti> vu, rnil-i i t ' 'lua no r u- . up tiir î Oi iap j oni unrut;%,, tirreul t. il I l( ie tt1p h 'hîI i o i ' îîrTi i î.. ,ul10 liiu. lt fort' ilg -fi! 'lii l- i ý )olcc n-ire u \'I ] , îîî. . v;, s i,, , 'i l ,- I i talinîts t iii h rlai Turi,' I1 t-g!il" ilr ii t"b)"~ 'o e te ýId. This lib e rtir I hurt ili "r ta tcuri that a dental orflco bas hbt-gin bt-t litru v..r'utt-u'-îuîluî iv ua: ofIlt r IIIt - i f ii ut,. ,i ln day ligit. rat hem 'iltidcti de'îuhh gamdn -,Ia-,uà tirouioui,' býitv.iliet-s. ~ ' ami s t.hkoan as tht - ni 'îr.ttg sutidenis iii e s."t'i aI i cars ago a bii 'ai],il ibe iffeclinutmar MYSTERIOUS FIRveEIlCAUSE 1 il ' I btrstand ly tb ake ETMER7~wate ie Itolanie for LOSS 0F $10,M se1c it 1I fitle condtion of tylti il ever lietti- clty. Surithis net tht case tii it t N i ithile un a trip ANNUAL OPEN AIR EVENT WtLL 'hcg e-MMOHIEHUEA IH nii - lie conceltet thte EGRAET FEALuUr i exception the North 'i-g>liuMMOH C HUEA IH Lilliig low axn whvh MN ETE, 'IS AItipe mbo are it oftylîlold l'f- r Iraîtlk LAND PARK BURNS TO GRDUNC> mriii iu îraîty partIculars elwtr HR AYNG . t '1 e ioutntry tbroîtgh 'Vî'c ton't claîrîî tiiar it lt ' tuas tîaîelîng. Lporn ber THE SHOW IS LIMITED TO ONk ter lit North t'hicagoî i'ýil, 001gond ul HORSES AND WAGONS RESCUIED auri-. tht- ncw haros mere DAY * PLAN WAS SATISFAC- lion for tcinking uîraec.luirauNodît } ROM BURNING BARN. FUREt- anti uiis ng about tweîve TORY ONE VEARS AG. tlaiint thati ilu spi, iit.l Iiîgie I MEN WIN SIG HONORS. ii -. 'rt' along tht sanie b h-iot-ipisi ta adti l.,î, F rtsi ia iii lii l-i ttiit lal cd îto thbu,, il,t it lt- ,t, AiistIrtai Mire ou a oui ut-clans arigin Thurs- lu;Id New Hause, or:euair hors', sîuîîv.ibis 3ycaî on Sat-I atlt'iti'iiîaî ' i îîîe aý nîgîitde-Irnsedth Ie îammaîb icq g on - tý ai-m ln the sac urdu>. Setîtentber 7Ir i s the tirat' Stetlad\'rýi nter-I îî,îst' utl(îligItantiPark, omned b>' nIofNor-man sty le, yearly attîtn alliai otîanuithe o111Y aI has il îî tIto iii îirrvnîtîtelfe i " 'l-i e,.rt uila.tleî snd Larsan, -Pl iiiiý ut tht bouse. Nom open air boite ashow. hat bas mlth ýtht lakte uai'- il tî Nui tiiagit Foii ndured toits o! Ice-valued at rt', g Ileutthîs toll9 ttiio h-Outî.e "h tiîns il ht'l a tniecin.î app'ruxiniatlc'y 65 cents a bundrei and iti . ;il lut-turc tht Miide Remolilatit-andtict-mîore nmodetrn '- aindttu u,,ii- ulruul îîlirt~eîida prxmîl a ' II bouse or hutige, ici iIrafi t-t-itemsm ! Il ite«( rli )ii,,i v lid es p rxi ae it. 0,îov'barns, mili he ThI,- cliairnien ot the- îuîî loiýs ,uii tt 11 %I s Jlui i', -(I anduil u-Iiiliei v$iii lt-t deatrayesi hy the fire. ntrilul fo t heib show u.'folloî G'îiuu ut-iaiî îuîîîi i, ý i ii'e- tn it lik ut ut I T-i i leb uildtiîn e satotal A ogis. eson v. e uttt teey s~ su m îi.inîro. i lI-rîîil ît.ll tutir -ut .,it% tiall, a btrt- t îi l îtîîioccuplesa a site adjoininc' thl i, r and ti re. Duira r nti ltîas i mlrturr ileceil, îieiomalroîî. 1) u, l fo i a cî" i ,l t lt t nte ,itvîhich the ice houset stoul, ,esî ,jt(jtht- Lime. It mîli tIark it- ' îtîîîîgs. tt'i'uratt-îl tc,luîî lt,. y . Th xc lln ,r (ni' i, 'P.t'. î.'u tonies high \Irls utii T.I ' (ibase i' ng c10iîuu (ii O IIi' ild gi-t diiitg v.'ît-r ideuroîc.ti dhy lire Hihtland Pi, i n71 lit] ul pola. Thaltfar ltt-. .t tî r dl ey;îtu potlo t-- \ nI it t' uî i tî, il so o,, cii li t rI e îid acli ne aveti several 01 .h' il Il îuîr t th ayle tt-îii'1ttl.ttlltt. ilNtiîi' ail] . I,,l uoi.-IP i , o'! î n s I l îoýI nslut lt tht neighluorbuoîi " ., a, i îtî hen ht iter a lîlît-(it-s.4 'Ia Santui-l tie 't-tiiandI iput' for 'Irinkuit îurîuu' lmeas hickor'yletuila"It." rît ,I. tIra Durant i dîcov- 't Cn lio!'aluîy stt- 'tr- fu tI Wo blochsa lut lt-- t- i î t soume details lti miii l uti nsanttîthle le - -s . t- (, i't'nîîr, eîtlîil ait-itIi bls $1I) inb wiadt i hch Nut. îui,ý 1 i' uî1, ' met be amîtîcîl Airînî)iýti, 'iing Nionietii ,bt 'ahIjI, I re lutin fr hic uî luitt i' s uilan the,~ A nîtîn er of i. . - i i" i' th-m ""'li iiiOuttitart- Mr, t NI iiiiI .'rs .îrt'i(o utarii i 1 t t - to tht-oeghborîoîl u. , i ,' i f.t t. lii ii iiili NI îrr' "î- i ' ffi cii îîîît. n ita i-1h me au Olti One. 1 i iiilit iifl t\, o T T.h - benîi . i .'." lî iII l iso h friTe'eýk i h i ilasCausehîn lltii .' iu'X Ilý n ise buîuIl,-! Il . it,'t- 't iit I i t I t-i ' pag, i ca la, t>, ua n i , 'l i .1 i I t. N 1 i t lu. ic ii I ii n g'. ,. iri atn . îi,', ..iý TERR ISORU eSITs (NT! $100,000 DAMAGE --O PROPERTY BV STORM THAT IT THIS COUNTY SUNDAY RAIN AND HAIL RUIN CROPS AlTEMPI TO DESTROY TIf11fllIU V TABERNACLE NO. 211 liiDUN INCENDIARIES SIET PIRE TO 'VOL-1 V ASB STRUCT UILRE I. ZION* I U , k CITY TUESDAY EVIENING. AIJwww VOLIVA WILL STATION ARMED GUARDS IN THE BUILDING. A partly sîîccestul attempt wasa made zo destroy Tahernacle Nu. 2, Ttiîeda) cvenlng ln ZIon City. It waa averteti onls' by the active efforts of the ire detiartment. '11 was about Il1:30 o'clock In lte evening.was rereivett at thte fire de- TREES UPROOTED AND BRIDGES îîsrtmcnî stating ihaltthe structure WASHED AWAY 8V THE used by the Zion (rusaderi, as a SWOLLEN STREAMS îreachîng platorm. mas ahlaze. The chemninaI -asun masu quickly dispatcb- edut the scene. A phmnomsnally hcaxy.,claud burst, An Investigation showec that a lot confined In te devastating ýeffects ta fcto at adpprhdbe an ares within a radius ot fifteen miles stufted îînderneath the flooing and a of Waulaegan, Suflday caused the des- match applied. That il mas a deliher- truction cf approximately $100.000 ate aîîempt un the part or incendiar- wortli of praperty. les there was nut the siigbtesî douht. Rsilraad bridges were washed out, The huilding was ilazing goond aben culverts alcrg the highw4ays were the department arriveti, but by prompt burled under tans of water, and thrse and efficient work they soon siîcceed- af Waukegan'à large'buIldings wers cd ln gettlug the lire tioder control, siruck by lightning. andi althotîgh the structure was quite Three Places Struck. hsdly charred it wag nfot comîîletclY The tbree places thai Nitre sirurki destroved. hy lightnlng Sunday night wece- 1Thisa ame tabernacle was destroyed NORTH S4'HOOI-COnFrankln treet trafe wek agan th large brick chimney struck. Thtehili freathew twaes laidgo adok- bricks aerc scattered lit ail di i-crs lu Zion who had becume angereti eciluns. Tl mlii coatt fllY $300 '10 t the persistent marfare waged ou replace the damageti maîcrial.j th m iii WIiiur Glenn Voliva. The EPIS('OPAL ('Hl7R'l 'ornier Granitld a cil eiee î h ho av ecue and lUn a treet, ligtnilig' craie, mas înclîcd b * vthe passage ut siruck cite puit. Siat on big rouf the recent io l)aico ordlnance which damnageti enfonces an even etrîcler abîstinence BU'CK F'LATS-(orner elidere and trom tht aeed than tflt one ahlch Genesiýetstreets. occupanitis acre îîrcceded Il. trightened a heu the boit stniîck On tht tormer occasion the aitemtt thtetidge of tbe building, showcr- to bitru down the structure was suc- Ing bricks lu the lavement below. cesifui. Nom, as a result uf the ap- lIgbîs a 1 tht building acre cx- Iarenily detecutîneti effort ta destroY tingitîsheti. the meeting Platce il la reparled thal Trees Uproaied. Voliva aatends te have armeti guarda Scores uf beantiful trees acre up- laceti there lu detend bis property. ruoteti Althuugh the damage lu the t h lareporîtr]aIea that he miii bave Immedlate vlcinltr of Waîîkegaiî uali, rîîcis liaced abtîîtthe- main tahar. COnfineti eotely tu ligbîuîng anti rain. west ot tite hIt-plalues rît er ai Gur- nee tht inîl rausetihatot. suid mauy Itte-i titre toriifiont tht grotînti liait slouts as, large as a mîan's tbîîmb nail, blankeîe,î tht groutb mut-ne tht caiîî tiltnot stand lunîpools. A large inîîmber oftrmecs iadt he hark tom from thibir littibe Ityliglîl- uingý People relurning from tht take icaurta hatinarrum escapesa troînin. Jury. One- dg wati to a titch ttar Grange hait, Thtehorst-. frîthîtei lii tht terrlitc Ilghtiiing, lit-t'nit-un nianagalîle aîîî tue tiriver loui ýti- roati Traftic Was Delayeti. Ti afiit. otu on tht Northv.estern anti tht l'huago and -tîlîsauket Elec- tri, catîroas î 'a îclayeti fer heure. TIhe eit'ctrie minextperlencd giest <--Cantittueti OnPege Si. LAXE FOREST IHORSE nacle for te ar that au effort mev be madetie u estroy tbis building "lu a iibilar maniner, NORTH CIIICAtIO TO SINK DEEP WELL THIS PLAN WAS DECIDED UPONý THURSDAV NIGHT BY PRO- GRESS CLUB 0F THERE. OR. JOLLEY, HEALTH OFFICER, DEN lES STORY ABOUT MANY TYPHOID CASES IN CITY tDr. Il3.Jolley, heallt officer of Norrhîli cage. tientes the statemeul if C'eninihistooner Orvle o! Waukegan lu lb- cefttct that there are ai lessi tv.tfty caso! typholdt ever In Norta Chicago, "There are hut six casesn the hoalîtîsi from here anti bat tell ca1es i tgther" Dr .tolley deî'lareti i ode y. ý TERROR STRICKEN MEN WATCJI DEATH STRUGGLE, DEATH TOLL REACHES FOUR DRAG LAKE FOR BODIES CANDE (N WHICM BOYS WERE RIDINF FILLS WITM WATER AND THEN SINKS Claspetli n each other's arme, tht.. bcys-names unknown-.closed thoir eyesain deatis Monday morning, whom '-. they drowred in Lake Michigan. The fraîl canas. canue In whiîch they were rîding wasa swamped by a heavy north east sea. On* doy, a lad of 8 eu v was drowyned In the lake Sunday ai't- ernoan at 3 oclock. Me feli frona pile et the aid Case pler, et the foot cf Waisr street, Watch Desthn Struggle. Eleten me-n, ail employes of the C'orn Producîs Refiniug compan>'. witneaed tht death atruggie ot thte boys a ho bat their lvea In the lake t ibis tnout îîlug. Anton Baril, emplayeti as a trottker aI the relinery, telle tht followluj., stury ou thteîlrownbng, Harji la an Austrian anti ateats oniy a tam words ut Englîsh:- "The beys mare caspet inlu ache aIl- r et a armismhen they sank for the lest - humie 1, mluh Ibree other men, was erugageti in loading a trebgbî car wlth stars h. uhen 1 heard tht boys about for bell> lImmetiiately onc of their tuontîer tilsàppeared ftram sigili, The nîher lau baye mere bangbng toi tbe keel o! the overttirned canot, Wrbiea A the boy caine lu the surface lie grap- Pied mith bis campanians, andti trewa bis arme #bout their necka. Like a brick, ail uret baya anti their cano. snh front stgbt. t sar the boys leave the shore. Tht canot èvas painteti blarli anti us ribbed mithe picces of lath -- Police Rush ta Scons. Pull t-Cl'ef Atterhery 'andi Assist- ant CIeltf Thomas Tyrreil, trave lm- uoneuaueîY lu tht adent ut tht drommn- ing, Tht I.nien utha mitûesetithe tieuthtrtiggle bld their story ansi lîcînît-u ont tht-sptt here the baya sanlik Sent Tug ta Scene. Tt mmdl sent lte filhing tug Folurï 1Iluothers 10 te sare. (aplabt(lin- bu1 Speor suent tmenty minutes lu dnagglîug Miut boîtont, but uias usuc- ct-tsftl lu lus efforts to locale eliber tht- beys or tht canot. "The takbohttom off tht sugar e oCutnet s -Page Six.) iii ii i i. N~i -. t.' t,, ý 'i ' t bI n u 1l Th Lu' I o,,'y Agcitti tIîý,t A t-'î offr-th 'i i a ' i . t- r' ' . i --1y u a i. A,uict-iu tAY 1, i th 3anFon t îu u- sIUBEAtRO. Libertyu,lis, NI 'ti leQ. Mca Durai Crab Irce D, ta promineni itu amuer te upen hercial phophone in Ing olîccatfi 'T-mo turs through Nonr ides ut bail woulti <orifoi mtth those whisrh ahe returu to Arn

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