IS MADE-TOBURN TUE TABERNACLE, FIREBUGS, AGAIN SET FIRE TO SMALLER TABERNACLE OWN- EO IV' VOLIA AT ZION. BLAZE WAS EXTINGUISHES PERSISTENT EFFORTS TO DES. TROY SUILOING. IT 1lB 8Mb, MAY CAUSE ACTION. Fire-bugi made another atteînpt on Tueaday nigbt to destroy tabernacle NO. 2, ln ZMon lCty and (helr effort was a allure only tbrougb the prompt aud, wllllng efforts o!flie ZMon City fire dOPartment- Thle tabernacle la thej Orna >ooted 8erais the rossi freni (le Cook Plant and la Uic place wbere the crusuders beld their prcaching againat tise employes of Uic piant. Tlhe lire vas discovered about 11 :30 o'clock at nlrbt and th.e flames alreasly bail Recureil a gead stan visen the fire departinent arrlved. It was founil tilat Plies of PaPer bail been placcil bcnoatb tise building for the purpose or lgnitlug Uic vool. 'ftissta the thfrd tme attempti o! tbis ldnd have been made agaluatt ha baýldng. In the lRt Place the build- Ing was destroyed by lire and bail te tic robuilt. Sîne (bat time tiere bave been tree distInct attempts tu destrey It again. Ils lst attemPt, Ih la expecteil, yul AmusgeMaillva ta take precautions to mae (bat there la no furtlier attempt of tise Und. The Theocrati dlaim thie attemPti ta huru this tabernacle have been made by amokeri ubo a bve lic. ýcame IDned because of the recent. iy paised tobacco ordinlance. Drainage ClassIfcatIon Notice. To AUil orions literested: y- -are erebY Notifiéd. That (the Drainage Commsioners of Union - Dtalnage Ditziet Number One, of thie lbwù BOf West Deerfield, Lak<e Coun- t?.JIlinois, and ?orthfild, Cook <IMtY,, Illinois, bave lieretotore by t t-iCou duiY M"an sd entere in l -fàol e reds, extended the boundar- le& Ot &&id District, so as (o include tbe'leiownlandisa, to-it: The MMt Ftrty (40) acres of the .»P"~. Tbrce»Elgbts Of the North East .Quater and thse South Twenty (20) -fflm of the Ea hall of the South .CUt Quarter snd the North West Quarter of the Nortb Maut Quarter M Mtie Soutis West Quarter of Seccion -ý<lgnOton (19); Rlso ail of (the South .Jsif of Section Twenty-Nine (29), uhicli lies West of the roaii known and descrlbed on tbe map o! the Vil- lige of Deergeld, Lake Couujty, liii. mois, as inogîn Avenue;, aloo ail of %" UIasds la the South Jialf of &ec- tien -blrty (m0),- ezcept the West hal! of the Nrtb West Quarter of the qotth West Quarter thereof andi ox- cept the South West Quarter of the Souths West Quarter thereof; aloo thse Eiat Three-tuurths of Section Thirty- one (3l1); al»a aIl lands in Section TbIrtY-two (32); also the West balt of thse South Fast Quarter of the Souths West Quarter and the Norths West Quarter o! the South We«t Quarter and the West haîf of the North East Quarter O! the Souths West Quarter sud the West 'TwentytInve (26> acres Of the Suth hait ut the North West Quarter of Section Thlrty-Three (33), ail In Township Porty-Tbree (43), North, Range Tweive (12) Eat of thé Third Principal Meridian, lnu Lake County, Illinois. Also the North haif of Section Five (5) snd the North haiT of the North East Quarter andi the North hait uf tise South East Quarter of the North Eat Quarter of eection Six (6), both In Township i1orty-two (42) North, Range Tweive (12) Eat of the Third Principal Meridian In Cook County, Illinois. That tbe comssiouers ut said Dis- trict bave miade a classification of ail the lansuda aove descrlbed wblcli bai not been heretofore ciasBlfied for the purpase uf siieciai assessmeuta for benetits lu consequeuce of tbe work dome and proposed Io te dune in salol Dtî8trlct and said Commissiouers wiii ince on the 14th day of September, A.D. 1912, et the hour of 2 o'clock id. ., atth@UicWlmOt Suhool House lu 9M dDitrict, to hear auy objections Mitay be made to the classufication W Salde Made as aloresiaid, wtnan .»M Youcean APpear and make out Jeotbif I o bdesire. 1 Vt" Mise 1'th day of August, A. D, 1912. TROUAS CAROLAN, GEOR GliGTZLER RIOIIMtD D suppiE. Commîssloners. Atteat: Fred H. Meyer, Clark. Martin C. Docker, Attorney for Commiftionera. Cfl4ê4 4234 Bep6 T"IEW"4y1 Wahington, Aug. 20-Orders went out todsy from the pay department uf the army releasing the wages of al the enlsted men of the army iu the United States for July. It la expected tbîs order will bring happinensa t about 70,000 soidiers stationedi n the United States, a big percentage of whom flot baving accumulateil a bank account un army psy, have gone broie thro"ih the' derelection of Congre»a in flot passing the appropriation bis. The orders apply to the entire enlilt- ed personnel of the -army-tpproxl- mately 86,000 men, but tbose wbo are stAt.loaed in the Philippine Islandls ad AlaMka were previously advaooed thelr pay tor Jtme. Ail the otheru. inciud- lng the soldiers In the Hawalian IB- lanids and on the lotbmus et Panama wîre deprlved of their June wages. The money required to pay off thie remainder of the army for tihe month of June wau aked for In (the gencral defliciency bill, whlch bas flot yet been passed by Congress. ELBERT HUBBARD TAKES A SLAM AT WILBIJR G. VOLIVA. ((baitinueil Prom Page One.) act tbat it la no p]easantry. "Amy man wbo would get ont a document Ilke this certainly lacks bu. mur. Also. lie must lie saturated witb superstition sud have an appalllng faitb iu bis own ego. That la to say, God Almlghty, niaker of the worlds, la on bis aide and bas got Itl for ev- eryhody who dues net believe as Vo- lva dons. "No doulit Ibis mnan Voliva bas some verY guod qualities, but su far as 1 can Bsec he la nu Inprovement on John Calvin, John Knox, and Jonatbon Edwards, murderers ail. The world has been set back a tbouaand years by these religious fanatics. "Voliva la the Mal Mullahi ut liii- nais. Anyone *ho folîowasuscb a wit- leas-cait tron, terra cottu croature lg balmy lu the beau. Volva siseulsi have been uomlnated for vic-president On the. Bull Mioose ticket. This cîrcular was writton by a man vbo vas sure lie vaa absoluteiy riglit sud eQually sure that other peo- pie vere vrong, ands snb a man la aiways a langerons indivldual. If be bail tlie pover, the gutters o! Zion City vonld rmn depon lu uman bloo&. He la full o! bute. tull o! thouglits o! TOeege, full of the destre te get; even. H7e endeeVars to apreai Pauansd four. Not being able te carry ont bis os-n Ieu or Justice, be dues tbe necxt beat tblng sud tells vbat God la go. lug ta do ta theso people ubo malue him trouble. Every vise man kuovi (bat no man la su whloly riglit (bat ho can afford te gay that anotiser man l9 wDIly vrong. Men are Dot goosi or lius-tbey are guail AND bail. -Votive, daubtiessa bas goasi qualitieB He aiea bas soie very dlangerous quaities. 'Ple moat fearful (bing about hlm la bis sluoerity. Mc be- longs (o tbe Fourteeutb century. Log- ic vîli neyer reacli sncb a man. Thie oniy UIlng (bat viii toncl i hlmla (lie merry ha, lia. He îliould te lauglici ont ut court viti Costa. "Wfltliait l knil wsheî, 1 amn ever, "Yotr incere, "'ELBERT HUBBARD."1 OaMM «.. John SmIith as ieen on our strectg Saturday eveiag.-Utte Tors or- r--eue,' COURSE 0F STUDV IN HIGH SOHOOL CHANGED. (Continueil Prom Page on..) Of une Outhticlauguages. preteralily letin. Peraoneily i ai not ln lavor ef foreigu tangnages as a general rule as (bey wlll licof imail belp to the students wbo takes up a commercial course. "Auotbcr chiange decileil upon wsa to eliminate flrat year arithmetic ex. cept lu the commercial course. Ariti- metlc Mbisyear vililieo conuuteil the saine as before, but alter tlei year thse 'change wili become effective. The huard sud 1 bave lhscussedesiUccourse Of s(uly at coniderable iength and we bave ilecîdei (bat Uic course aaloPted, s-il work out better for the stulents. "Perssuolly 1 amrn lu avar of rugi- ing tour units of Einghigix requireil, but wc cousider it tua mucli of a change tram (lic proscut course. As soon as Possible. busever, I shail seek to bave (bis change bruugbt about, Changes ln Grades. Tic sigbt changes decided upon fer (lic grades wiii noV lic a great de- parture tron (lie preseut course. Tlie huard decîdel upon lhe Prang Circuit Plan uf Dasiug, vliereliy an expor- lencel dras-lug toucher vlsIts the clty Once a muntb aud gl'.es tise teaclieri Ins3tructions ln (he best metisoîs of teaching Irawiug. F. D. laud s-as empinycil by tlie board as asistaut lu mînuai training. Hc la a muan o! abiity aud viii make a itroug masfor (he poition. W AT 'SÀ#S CONDITIONS IN COUNTRY PIS., TRICTS SUCH THAT SCARCITY 18 NOW GENERAL. DEMANIS, -MOT TRUSI CAUSE W(ARNINGS UH"EOE AND SUIP. PLV GETS AT A LOW EBB- INTERESTING CONCLUSION. Tbat tbe public bas bad l itqtaste of cheap meat, that prices vii bere- atter stesily cllmb until (bey get beyuud the stage wbere the iaborlug man or the Ilerson of moderate means may ludisîge la the declaration made today by Secretary H. A. McKeene qj the Illinois T'armera Instltute.' Trust or nu trust, beBasys tbe supply~ -111il ic s meagre as to keep (the prices aaarlng. "The American peuple mlght mast as welcl realize that tbey bave bad their lest piece ut chcap meut," Mr.1 McKcene says. "Trust or nu trust, the prîcea Wlll continue sky-ward. "The fait les. not wltb any com- bination of capital wbicb may or may not lic worltlng lu reatraluts of Irade. but with the fermer. He la flot ras ing the necesssry lire stock. Warnings are lgnored. "We bave been lsîulng, varnîngs for tlie last tew years. This conditiont could ble accu then. We were laugicilt nt. The suppîy s-as beglnning to fli off.Nt 'Nov tic people arc today coufrout- cd vltb a condition (bat la destincil lu continue. Littie lve, stock la b&o- Ing ralseil (lat la compared vitb Uic demand anud te c mount formerly raiseil. "There arc many things contribut- lng (o (bIs condition. The principal une. bowever, lae(lic fact thet there la cOmparatively littIe cattie lieing ted.'1 Mr. McKeene then vent, on o asbow(bat the supply o! fecdlug cat- (le lu Illinuois fefar beine- shhe it bas been lu part yeara. lic cited many lilinois counnUes vbere tlie rc- cent reports iboveil ebat there la Praetically nu bee! on (the hua! belug PrePared ton the maret Illinois Onfy Fair Exampie. "Ilinois presents s fair e«ample of conditions,'"lie $&id. "One cau bardiyj expert a man living on tarm land selllng ut $250 Per acre, ta attempt to make a living liy raising live stock. "Tiien the succesaful raiser ut live stock muai be a man of more (bais Ordinary intelligence. He must lie a careful observer of (lie Progresa be- lng made by bis berda. "Ucd must work lnccsaantly, seeing that (bey are given weiI balauccil la-: dions. lie Must kuow wbat la the hest kinil o! foad, lie muat guard againet disease. "Hc muat kuow how ta liuy. Ho must anticipate a favorable market, He must know vbeu (the cattie are reaily for shipmeut. Take it ail lu al]. the stock ralued must be a man weII versei lnlu is business If lie la te make a success.- DAV NURSERV 18 BSEiNG AGi. TATED SV MANV PEOPLE. icoutinued Prom page On..> nuursery woulil le a boon (o worklng motbers. lu muuy ln8t»nces these women are tua pour to bre a nurse tu care for their emaili cbidrcn, s-hic (beY arc at work andi t le not feasible te leeve tliem alune. In tbuî exlgency many mathers do not kuos- wbat te do. Wti a day nurlery lu thc cl(y (bey ceuld tuke their chludren (bei-e the tirat tbiug lu (ho mornlug su d thon cal for them wben (bey vere througli work lun(lie evenInga. Tbey vould blicassureil ut goal cure and (lie coat s-uîd lie very siali as thse car- Ing for tbe babies woulI flot lie a very expensîve veuture. On Uic 'other baud there are mnaux wumen s-ho wouidlilke to geV away for a day at a ie but are unabie tVo do s0 un account e!fliavlug susalilcbllden tua Young to lietaken vltli them. biany of (berne vomen gaadly voul puy (o bave the chldron kopt lun(lie nursery for (lie day, Notblng may camte o! the agitation, but those s-ho are taiking for It say tbey hope o arouse iufflcient lutereut to make (t possible. Thse Wanderîng Jew Mattises Paris snd Roger Wçndoor Idontified tise Wander Jew ne Car ter Ibla porter lu tise isousssoid of PnusPilate. 0(1er autisorteil ldeutlfy hlm as Aaueru, a colblser o! Jerusalsm. Tise legend le Tar cider tisa tiseavents vhicis It propoeas48 li central fMature. In th. course of tta popularity (brougisout thie midIle agea It bas acquIrel many forelgu ele- mnenti by accretlen, Aix a po~~biç~I.i> mi..~uam Ih. wi1IAithesqIeOUOf4 NB.I INEW AMtIVALS- 4getblgIpeo SWEATER CQ4%TS,,for Men, Boys and Glrls-'.,eve ry mln 9.=cnt~, 0f-eO .lçJps ejtykcs.$100 to -.$7.0. Tbe 1tçwîFall Suits érearrMvigd4041y. They are the pick of the - be st tigors li- the World. We stIIJ sell $2.$ prinu Suits for $18.95. Not rmay Ieft, but a Il goodl for cither-, ,ummç,r or WW~e rwea r. A newi-lne of 75c Dress Shirts Just recelved. We are puttlng them on sale for qulckidlsposel at 30c. YOIJ SIIOLLD TRADE IIERE. BECALJSE YOIJ GET THE JWO.4T VALUE FOR YOUiR #MONEY Phione 1352-M 119 Genesee s FASIO'NABLE'ROAD MOUSE OR WEAL.THY CLUB NOLISE 1S PLANNED ON DURKIN FARM. (CoallineiProm PageOn.> there would lie no trouble about (bat as ecd member wouid keep hie su:- piy lu his own private iocker. Prom thus It would scem that tihe proposcd club bouse wouid lie very simîlar ta thie Onwentala at Leke Forcst snd the Exmoor at Highland Park. UPun bis lait trIP lie announceil that lic muat firat see thse remainder of (lie men Intereated In tlie deal andl (bat ho wouid (lien lie ready tan(cl exaetlY uhat Uiey' would do. The matter o! transportation lisp- pended io be meutioneil and the man saId there wouîd lie nu dlfficulty lu that. Thcy sald tliey would travel by auto moot utf the trne sud If (bis tail- cil tbem (bhey wouid ride on the treet car Ue. Dlscuasiug (bis last teature in more detail, tjsoy ssiI that wle (bey are not tutereatedIn lutbe Une that (bey are perfectiy sure the Une will lie put tbrougb bere lu the near future. Tlicy voul not tate wbo voulî con- struct the Droposel Une, but tboy ail Beemeil Perfectly sure et their atate- mentz. It la Impossible to maire a denuite statement nt (bis tume, but thora may lie more information on (lie deal wlth- ln a few daya. 'IDT WE TIIER FORICÀSTFOINC AUGUST RAINFALL NOT OVER DECLARES VETrERATu FORE- CASTES -0F ILLIMOIS. rMANY 4UC4ES 0F RI RAINFALL THIS MONTH 18 FIVE INCHES ABOVE NORMAL; AND MORE COMING, Don't worry &bout thie price ut coal for the next montli or six veeka. .lust keep on goosi terms vlth the ice ian. Hc lI t elios- you wil s-sut(o lie lu toucl i wl(. Neyer mmd the Pali unlerwear st present, but kccp your umbrelia vitis lu reaeb. You wili noV necil tle flan-' nols for Bomne tina (o come. Fans s-ill be popular ail o! Visi ninth. 'The housewfitelisailvisel (o vateli tlie passing clouda and not (o leave borne vltl the family sbiug bang- lng on tic Une. If the duee it lu hlable to lie drenched. -Grain exposel totae Uicella shoul lie constautiiy wa(ched and canvas novers for the &bockas wlUlibe found liandy at most any bour. The above article la complel frorn the statemouts m»ae by D. R. Jencks, s veli kuowu veather torecaster, ln dlscssuiug conditions. *,Thut peupla may ble more recen- cllo intahelc ieat, IV le veili o inous that s-e urmconslderably liehinil for (ho year on thie averages of beat and as eu.cli ear averages about tlie Sne as lte pvoedesgor, hi yl folIos- (lai tise hast viii conVinuse for iome Urne ta came," lie cald. "lu faci the entire monts andl probably the Sieat Part o! September e-lu ho WJLTM«(ban Ih la uouafly," lie continneil. Two Thînge t. ne Touott Ose tilng 1 iolemair deaife (ouse" &U1 Obildrea taugit-eOb$Mbee; ami oe eto ail perlo n eing lto lit- tise puver of nasefh ssadmraoL7-e1 F. C.Seidel 4a Coc 'Th. flpus. of Botter Clothos" ýGENERUAL EL! VERY1 WINDOW liAS LOST C1ÀIAR FOR LOYERS QEN ERAI..DELIVERY BUSINESS' AT POST OFFICE HARO IT 8V DEPARTMENT ORDER. MANY SEEI( TO RENT BOXES AMOUNT 0F MAIL MANDLED AT WINDOW MAS 9BREN NEARLV CUT IN HALF SY ORDER. The generai deiivcry wlndow of the local Postoffico bbas ot its charm- for clandestine lovers and toliowing closely the publication o! tbe recentý order ut the Post office department whlcb demauded that evêry person re- cciving mail aithle wludow ]pave bis or ber naine and etreet address, the business of thc general delivery clers h as falles off notlceahly. In tact the amount of mail bandled tbrougb thia department of the pont ofilice bas becu oearly cut lu two. At that the formaI order Trom the posimaiter generai bas flot reacheil Uic office andl tbe clcrkac bave beon no more prylng Into the' affaira of the people uaing the general deiivery tban (bey bail been before. Hlowever, tbe order la lu go Into ffect bere wi(hln a few days. The depart- meut bas lssued a regular card to be iîsed by patrons of the generai dcliv- ery and lu the future tbese cards ull t e passed over for patrons to aigu.' Thore are a lot orf iltie atonles beard aud secu by thie siiecial delivcry clarks, but these men deciare tbat tbeir position wilb tbe guverumeut le ut a confidentiai nature and (bey are not Pcddiers ot gossip. Notwthtand- ing this tact the order bas bad the effect o! Cauning a lot ut people to forget that tbere la aucb a tbing as a generai delivery wiudow uithte pont office aud the sale of tbe amail boxes at tie office bas been unusuaiiy large aince the promulgation ofthe c rder. The boxee arc solil (o auy one wbo asks for tbem and tbe purchaser la forccd lu give the officiais bis name and address, but It la admitteil that the supervision of box bolders la nut overly rigld. eEXTRADITION FOR LOUIS F. DE RYDER EXPECTED TODAV. i..<Continueil Prom Page One.) as hig counsel Attorneys Rubin and Lei f o!liilwaukee.1 ýrecognized as two of tbe beat criminal iawyera lu the country. Hal lie been unsuccesatul lu securing their services, lie aunounceil (bat lic voul try (o get attorney Erli- Stein ut Chilcago. Sheriff Green la o!f(lie opinion (bat whlen DeRyder la removed (o Wiscon-. sin that a determined effort wililibe made (o ecuire bail for hlm and lie thinks (bat (lic attorneys s-IlattemPi. (o bave tise amount of bis bonda cut dos-n. The exact nature o!f(lie crime of Wicli DeRyder ia accuacdIn luSbcboy-, gan le net kuawu. but it la admitteil (but l bail aomnetbing to do s-itb min-, lug stocks. Detective Collins declarci, (bat lie teileves (bat DeRysier lBaa member ut a gang uf Internationasl crooka and (bat John Bock, s-lo se-, cureil 03,000!rçm 'Willam Weilge Of (hise lty vas a member of (lieSasie biand. Ho bopes (o lie able to get "u-' ficleut Information frem DeRtyder Vo ensile hlm (a place came Ot these mon lncustody. DeRyder, eltbougb salil (o be a ."dù e ieul" liai not -asked for nier- phine or cocalue for several days sud appareutly hs getting along aIl rlght' Iwithount ILt WERE COMINGOTIRE TO SEF TEACHER Lester NI. McJames and Raymond ililrandt, of Chicago, boy bicycliate, started for Waukegan lait nigbt to sec thoir former school teacber ln the Lake View achool, Miss Agnes Simp- son. They arrived ln Evanaton afler curfew hours and were taken Intoecus- tody of the police and their atories In- vestigated. Lester lm a ion or Herbert bie- lames, 3749 ,LBosworth )%venue and Cul Oui (5 .-coupon c coupons of Con secutîve Dates will entitie you to one of the advert.9ed lu previous issues Wbea, you ea u er, açi q,*sb jm te" i mperti dCaSiffl uEa C.s GUarànieedTubes.u« Ieu £e-, as shuiwn below >7 Raymond la a son of Nîcholas liii- ranît, DlIS Adiîson avenue. Thse Police founul the boys mattîcri liad been tcleplioning ail over CLhies- go for thlmandl (bey bold lhem lu thie bo9pital room of thse Evanâton po- lice slatlon until miorinig. Whefl te Quther Apple& EVen tisongis he MaY Dot h. vell lu'ad lunfruetfcejture tb. average scbloolboy luwa fuilte-mIl ttishe boutUlie to galber appila 1, eu tic dog làa aanelup.-Tse Taler. She FP"l 28X3 $9.2,- 32x3 10.75 29 x31,; 14.215 30x31.> 14.75 31 x3 2 15.3W 32x31 .. 15.75 34x3½ ý, 17.25 .36x31.. 18.75 30x4 21.25 31x4 22.25 32x4 22.40 33x4 23..90 34x4 24.00 35x4 I24.90 36x4 25.90 34x4l/., 30.75 35x41/> 32.00 -36x41. ý,33.00) 3ý7x4l/,2 33.90 35x5 39.50 36x5 40,50 37x5 41.00 Imponel Ua.. tisekil plais Camiage C"asi $10.(X) $8.40 10.75 !).0() 9. 75 16.30) 12.50 17. *2-- .i 18.75 23.(K0 24.75 215.90 26.(X) 27.60 27.90 '13.75 34.75 35.75 42.50 43.50 13.50) 14.50 18.50 19.50 20.25 21.00) 21.60 22.50 23.25 27.60 28.50) 29.50 30.00 34.50 35.50 36.00 Tubes -as. laad End 2.4 2.l00 2)5 2.10 3.60)> «2.95 3.7<) 3.00) 3.75 13.10) 4.(M) 3.2(0 4.25-) 3.30) 4.65 3.40) 4.80) 3.50 4.90 'u-5 5.00 3.715 5.10) 3.90 5.25 4.00 5.40 4.10) 6.40) 4.20 6.50) 4.30 6.75 4.40: 7.00 4.50.- 7.50 4.75 8.00 4.90 8.50 5.00, 5 ~ 7- l: bcue ena, e."' v Izaer fr dubes. coim- CemmtIeae e "* 4ua.h. 0 pete.........15 Plaize aie tq, .aorted keC11a,20 irs ls........... ...... .25 Y** Cvera, aulsire ...& ' VWWcAWIIeCwaent, 31tPt cen.18 fIffl gfige*. e.rim %trips .75q Clilcehr afinlag, *Il aIres *71 rerfeCtIsq RiýlIiera, 25 p.c,,Oii. ,pçh RIeUl...............'60 nImt4ck Imerters, 2 P. C. dis. 1346.8 Iiçhl:n Avenue, Chleao 2u taper cent diaçouat f rom set gau ia.y 'c c 1