Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Aug 1912, p. 11

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y rA1TGUST 2~. 1912. iMADE IN WAUKLGAN" $ WAUEGAN i SP ECIAL aBEE IT'S REAL BEER = IIT i r 1 1 e-l"lý 1 Il IT A LWAYS keep bottie of "Waukegan Special" Bottled Beer on ice, at your home. Have it ready when you feel the need of a refreshing, invigorating beverage. You wiIl find no Beer more pure and wholesome than "Waukegan Special." Buy it by the case through your dealer or order direct from the Brewery. The Doctor Knows He will tell you that pure Beer is a 3trengthening, health-giving tonic. "Waukegan Special" Becr is pure, made in a clean, sani- tary brewery, entirely rcmodeled and of the finest Spring Water to be found anywhere. Bottled only by the Brewery in brown or crystal cleakr botties Besley' s WY auktean ééWAAUKÈGAN SPECIAL" Biter wilI Cive the finish- VYng touch of flavor to the Rarebit-a dtlicate, aromatic, appetizing taste, ta delight the paJate 'of a con- noisseur. Wben you order beer for the Rarebit, bct sure it's "Waukegan Special," the purest, cleanest, finest flavored Biter on earth. ~NIET.~~1Brewing -Compaiy ime J Id oiOR LAST CAL To YoU WL WILL CLOSE THE BOQIKS TUIS J 1NTH We Posi-vly Guara ntee Your -lnv,-estrnetW.1 The %lere.ith l'ter and Vegetuble Cempany ile ane of the mosi proitable <'onpanés in nortli ru Ilîlinais. and It lR a product outLte ('ournîY. They did nuL corne ta l.itectyviile aslîitg for a large bonus; as au many do but metnt ta work îtîst us an ' vtoueîît Comapany 8hould and showed the peutple whal ktey (ould do and organized on a profit sharing liamis aud elected tijeir offiers. The bernes of the officers areliereansd neot in tChicago or moie ailier distant place and men elected ty the stock- iolderg direct. The directer4 for the PreRent year consista of J. FE. Meredithi, the pramoter aud generul manager and who la a reideut at Libertyvllle and manager for tteC t. 1%l. & St. Paul R. PL for IAdtsrtyville; R. P. Beitasee. a retired fermer and financier, 41so the preseut mayor oft Ubertyville, Mr. Wrn. Newton, a retired mertant uf Rockefeller aud capitalist; L. R. ('lausenl, SuPL of tte C. M. & St. Paul R. R., well known bath on the main lins and Jannoville divisions, W. Bt. <arr, the fiftb director, ls ton, well knowu ta need an Introduction as te late popular conductor of one of the libertyville trains on the ë3. Paul R. R. AIl the directors except lor. Clausen Ilve la Libertyvile aud vîsit the plant daly aud keep a watcbful Bye over every detail ef the work, thua assurlng the hast resultsanad tte toast expensa. 'Tb@m personality of the directors ls steve reproacb and the person- aity of tbe stock bolders la the test and consista practtcatty of att the business mien of Lltez-tyvllls. very little of the stock belng heMd outaide of Uàbertyvllae. The company la capitallzed for $35,000.00 consistlng of 3,500 stares at $10 Ver share and la sotd St par ($1000) on ternes ta sutit the purcbaaer, previdlng ttîay are reasonable, each shere drawing 7 par cent Interest frorn date of deposit otfrnonsy sud due on the first day of ttarch each year. At the saine ime the dividend wili be xdeclared and payable on or before thte firet day of May. A few of tbe reasons why yeu ahould owu stock la tht. company are: Because the stock lis non-assesmable when fully pm.ld and draws 7 par cent luterest tram date of deposît te day of wlthdrsîwal rsgardleea of divdend. 1leuse It la ane of the few compaules salling stock for Greenhouse aîîîa's a it is toc, valuable and liai s te premoter tetter ta borrow inenpy at 7 or 8 per cent than il iliett(f catitatize, but we cupitalized on tep thoory titlu union thetie wsstrfittli, sud se bave found it su ty thle arnount ut tusiness we h.iîç div ltis year and again it mates it a pîrofit sharing cornpany. teus T'he stocktoider ilînied la 100 shares. thtis gitarantee- iz fihtunu ons persan eau gelti triti vîof ttestock anuit Fr-eze'outtthe site carner, a lia au enly asti ai., lau or threeshaares. letî'îî The campant basii utelinl property ta cuver att ils lu- îteltedneFs unît dues nat lias to', autir" its stock ta raise maney ta de- frav itti exieusesa tîscatîse The board out ir'tiýlrs can not tptace suy lialilities ont te canîpany wititout the consentu of lth stock-holders, beýond the assoLa of the compuny. Be--ause lte manager cOnnuot tblîgale ttse stock holderg witout the cousent of the directors. Becaîta- Any stockholîlrcrua dtaw ltus or her tauney ott t any time with Interest at 7 par Cent frîtîi date uf deposit ta date of wittdraw- aI by giving tsedirectora due notice ila writîag. There are nîany otter rea.oît js t as good but tîme and saeae will not let lis enter them lu detail. We are located withie ii Ly ftI at f thte otd depot at hiterlyvilte sun bave the test shpping facilites in te country, turing twu raitroadsansd ta'o expreffl companlea with trains atlîttut every hour. We are now offsring this staock ut par. $1000, ta lte wage eamues ef Litertyville. Intarest begtttting the day af deposit at 7 per cent. Wty place yaîîr savîngs la a bank at 3 lier cent wben you caîî get 7 per cent? Dont you kuew that that baukwilIt put Iliat mrne nuoney out at 6 per cent and even more? Try te torrow somne money frem that saute bank aud te convin.ced. Takre 5, 10 or 15 starPe ln Ihis gotd mine sud te canvinced. You can draw otît this maney any Urne wlth the 7 per cent Interest ILt as earned, and If It remaina oue year or more yau will also geL your poîrtion of the divldend, which will be lnu proportIon to the number of atares 3you tald, let it be one or one hundred. We extend a perennal Invitation to you and aII your friends etovlalt the plant and verdfy every statement va bave m.ade before 1aiVnUgWMIl We are now addlng 40,000 square fetof ciglsas tao ur PlAat Md w1bon compietod will give no 83,000 square feet nador gloas uitthylI] produce $1.00 a foot witisin the next mear ad the empue Oo!f ml£liDifg Is estimated at 50 cents per square foot, lasses ln vexions other vAyu.M 10 cents a foot, thus leaving a net of 40 per cent or about $3,350 to be dlvlded between 2500 stares, thus glviug a dlvldend of 13% per cent lua 411*on to the 7 pier cent interest or a total of 20 per cent on the 1Laq8tvxgt. T'he banker will give onty 3 per cent on your depeelts and realise tbat 29 w cent on youxr monsy. Figure lt up yours.elf. No business ce .1MM c. es than 20 per cent. If it doos net make that it wlll close Its doors. Ask your merbant or any business man and he convlnced. Show hlm theme flgurms and If ho la honest he will tell you that tbey are correct. ý It Io true that we have capltallzed for $35,000.00 but $1%000.0 w.. placed in te treasury for ernergency and la not veikiflit»&n doms mot draw interest or dlvidend and eau only be uped wheu urgently nesed sad it bas ta te replseed eut of the worklng fund as éoon as pommile. In the foregotng vs bave trIed ta maire aur proposition as pleins. possible, ourmielng the probable question anid answering the arne and again lu conclusion, wil xtsnd a cordial Invitation ta aIl (and especlmfy those wito wish ta find a profitable place to Invest amangu 'wbmse, 1h posltiveiy can not loset ta vIsIt our plant and bring your note book wth you fult et questions and if we osnot anmwer t.hem m@atlfaetm'ly, v. wfll not aak you ta Invest eue dollar.. Iis la no get rlch qulck muheene6 bnt t la an honeet lnvestment, on business principles, by busint»,s ppe.We do vot soli you stock for 76 cents on the dollar ad pmçoela.o »ay7u ttack 110 cents on the dollar at Bmre future Urne. but vo Mllit at lace value, $10.00 per shars and promise ta redeern It et SuT tlume wit: 80 daye' notice at par value, ($1000 together wlth wbstever It hm esulet over the 7 per cent interest. MereithFiower and Vegetable Compan-y See W. C. Sçuiorn-"Busy Bill is One of Our Stockholders. But Do It NOW! J. E. MEREDITH, President # 4 il Il r«,--r- r- 1 . . . . ý , , 1 1 1 - 1 L- 1

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