Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Aug 1912, p. 2

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LAKE Oouyn 4amh om siste battre in The. Mies.Pon@ of Minierl., s goute et te home of 1ev. Baewold. Minesla il llme $peutth W*@ end wtb friende lu Chicago. George Stryker and of Ch ego, @peut the past week wth Geai Otler and family. lira. Sherman oi Virglnie, and Mr RIIPly ai Chicago, were guesta o Mr AdarnaFrlday. lire. AssatIlParsone left Wedneeda, for an extended trip through the weet. Miuse Mary and Katberine O'Brient -liluneepolis, litun., epent th. paa et 'vtth W. S. O'Brien. Unr. Edd Sherman of Chicago, 8el P.Mda,, ith her oculer lMr@. Iommal. Milton D)aielé errived home groin _______________ Portland, Oregon, Satuiday inarulug Auïg. 101h.a@l mlyds th former place hy the. Board of fCoder- writeis. Mfr. sud UM@e Schultz end lMre.Seare CORRU>NDN have roturned mcom their viqit lu North Dakota. Palatins day wv y plessant and Ur@.W. Feddler >of Chicago, ham be.. bus! day st D..T Grove Park anid long vlatlng wth her niother, lire. Win.1 to h. remembered by al Who atte2dedKigs and rode on th. uew rallroad. Vis& Elvera Schmdt of Palatine, la - Mima Cor&Schultz le viselllu efriende ln opending the 'oek wlth hou aunt, Ma.. ci evland. Ohîo. John Kulffl. Mies Cie,, ente returned grain ber Will Saur and aters of Long Grove. viil ln the. north. @peut Sundoy .11h lire. Rerechherger. "e 'g. re. ne. *nt ~~Muaoqalo e etertalned a nu.ebr of ber frieude at tes Ssnday evelgl -.bonari 1Mr. aud Mis. Arthur hl1 n. Mr. and lins. Geo. Kiat sud Chas. Gal. ovay were gueuleaet tie Todd reui- duce uder. lire. Adam@ and Lois let for Graysiake, liI. Uirand lire. John Veter returned Scnday from a tva week's vieil lu Hie- *&th&, itas. Mie Jeunie Vetter w vIa bheen epeuding 1h. pat year lu Tropeka. Kansas, "lso returned. Mr. liansdlire. W. A. Witing entertain- adi ixteen of thir frieuda et e bey rack erhy Salurday evenlngr. This was a hs'sell ta Mr.inud lire. Arthur Wiilg ai Wlunep.g, Canada, via bave been gulta th. Witlnx home for the pat Ovo vesa. Mr. sud lIr§ e oaPetkil &pent Satur. 4e aPalatiue. Ur, ansd lir*. Dukeow sud dsugtr plthlcoo. ver. guete et the home 01 ,liranil Lincolu Pettia durlug th. veel. Kit. Muhîke sud deithter Laura a1 bd Park, are vsting vilh rela- in Desrfieid. Essry egrt of Libertyvilie, ve aa .~p'sdvisita; suudey. Mr mû.su lits. F. E. Mayver of Omaha, fiabr, ver. gueule of I ,.sud Mire. Rose. ~1eu idey.a à" MiesMethe Karch of Portage, Wis., bpathle pet veel wltL M. and Mire. 40.Kardi. 1Ebuglwe Lodge oi Chicago, lad < pei la Wllim'@ grove Suuday alter. lii...Jouai.Karch 1.11 Mouday Ior 4va weehs' vacation wich abe viii aswed aI Cedar Lake sud Portage. Win. À faneweil party was given.î et h. suo lMre. John Schneider jàmes Woodinsu and sous of Wauke- eje se guiet8 aifSire.L. P. Todd XMssAlls Backenbek i ill et precent wi'ting. DOfNi. SMILLER. Atsn.Y. Adjudication Notice. Publicnoticele hebFy girsbt lthe Sol- .. ^r nilsntruoC Ohe sate 01 Jobn 0. 14lekoî ItecesaiU iiattend lthe ouh Conuteo Lake County.aI a teru Iberuot teob. bolilen ettise Court fluse in Wasikegan, luasiit Couuty. on the OrsI loudty oC Odober Mat, 112 wbeu mendOe al persosa bavite elaa gt I sd EtIals ame otîitid i to ala 0 reteul thecast o sald Coult0 AONES B. NICKOL. Admiitlnttria. W&Ukemmu, Iii..Aunai 5. 112 ci. Henry Frelsee yul oon move beel 10 Palatine. lirs. W'm. Moeer underveut ber secoud operation aI a Chcago bospitai rently. Roy. Pollet return.d from e 1700 mile trip tbraugi the nortbveat sud pr.ached bis trat sermon alter bis vacation laat uday. Mr@. Richard Beuuett4 entertalaed ah a linon aboyer Wedneeday evenlng lu honorofilmasDelsy Paddock ai Arllng- ton Relogls. invitation» are ou# for another sover ai the home of Ulm. Gora Bergmanl aI vhlci the Misses Geynor, VanHotu sund Begman are the bustae. Mfr. sud )Mn.. T. Catlow and Mise Heqreta ai Evanstan, speul Palatine da iirelatives.bransd atliuded the plieute leer GravePlarr. C,~ W. Ost ig'.utertalulg hie brother, Wm. Ost sud dangiler Ama, oi Nehacoke, Neb. The . H. Tbomea farm bas heen eold for avîr $100 per acre. Mr.insdlire. Cari«e Smith of De. Pleines, @peut Salorday aud Sunday sud elteuded the pcuir aI Deer Grave Park. LA" ZURCH The bal garni oeil Sunday elveen Lake Zurich sud Betley Bn.wiug Co. lea aif Wanlegfau. A Sunday chool pie i ii h. hbeld net Sunday loy th. scholare oi tie St. Peter'@ cbnrch ber.. A geag of men are busy iuelalling new telephone hunes fan th. larme. Tioe vIl h. about seventy-flvi additlanal telophaue. on the Lake Zurich exciauge. Waouconde, won tbe hall game at Deer Grave ladt Satorday wltb the Lake Zukich em. The sore beiug 1Oto, 2. Iir. sud lire. Louis Osransd lir.,nd lire, H. F. Schwermau made a trip ta Elgin Tueda, Fred Grimm takinu them lu bis automobile. Honry Hiliman siipped a carload of stock to Cbicago Tuedai. 1a u,* la te E. J. &E. run oifflie traek es Pomeroy crqéobolween litre anid Barrongton. Frank Norris wa@ talon ta a Chicago hospîlal liouday sud openaled au for appendicitis. At lant report he ise foing nicely. li. n.udlire. F. C. Seip made a trip la Cicago Tuesday. Fred Fioeil bas purcbased a nese overland taurinr car. Samethlug wblch yau NERD, but vilch yau do Dot fiel ahi. la boy "oew.r may hi advertlaed sny day nov lu lie "FOR BALUI" coluina. Robert W. Reter, Lawreuceville. M a., vbo bad beto botiered vitb kldney trouble for tvo years, ffys: "I tne thnee dîffernul inds ai kldney pillaebut vili no relief. My ueigbbor told me ta use Folîy Kidney Pille, 1I bol tbree bailles o! tbem aud sot a permanent cure. 1 r9eom mend them ta every body." For sale by ail Druaglats. S. L. Tripp. R. F. Rouse Irving E. Payne, Prealdent. Vice Preeldent. Cashier. THE CUlIZENS9 BANK ROCK!!!LLCR ILLte, MIetal Savings-Banka furnished ?ree tO DePOitors' 3 per cent. interet paid on savmgsl and certioates A Checking Âccount will put you to no eKpOflse and ie a convenient, tirne-saving and business lilce »iode of paytng accounts or purchasing goode by mail. PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS: L. Tripp. R. F. Route. Irving E. Payne. M. Miller. J. L. Taylor. J. S. Gridley. «9 Maea'lréponuebillty Approaximately I8100,000.00. fla3if Day's Sanitary , Barber Shop Yrst Clama. Abuisltelu Up-to date. Give us a trial andl be convinoed. rt etliruCuttuag lire. T. .A. Payne, who bas been meking au ezlsuded stay «vtbher cousin. S. J.- Crople!. returuod Sunilay to ber home lu Chicago. lira. Mary sac eusonauBernard, were lu Frankerlle, Wl.., Saturday aud Bunday vlelting relatives. Mire. Carlil)artier and deughter Dome aof Ivebus, @pont Suudey wlh lre. ^. 0. VIelle. lire. Chas. Alvord sud danghter MarguerIte 1,81 saturda'y for Vermont by vay ofNiellera Falla sud New York. They vili mal. an Indfltp visîl vlth relatives ln Vermout. E. 0. Wells le enjoying a lin. vweeke' vacation irom his dntiee th the E. J. & E. et Leithtan. The way "Grimes" hbu started outnt il ols bad for the 0mbh crap nezl yean. W. L.. Rlch formerly agen< for the Wtieconaln Centrai railroad hons, located 110w et Garfield, Nev.. called on ilende here Ibis seel. 1Mr. Rich Ie dolng veil la the weet but etili bu ae soit spot in bis beart for ti part of lb. country. lire Robert Lemmens enterteined a friend, Mica Loin Shanelel of Cozad, Neb., for tie week end. Noît Suuday morning 1ev. Carr will apoak on: 'Hlnder-d Prayer."1 lu the eveniug wlll h. ield the speclal services plannîd ion lasI Suuday evening but wici liestorm preventod. Mmre Wm. Croplîy sud lire S. J. Cnople.viepent Tueeday aitornoon witb lir. 0. M. Ray aI liamond Lake. Mrs.WIII Ray sud chitdren speni o Sn. day wil NIîrio. Rayes parents aI Prairie Vie w. Mre. Clara VanHaro and daughter #]nace, oi Palatine, called on lire E. A. Dean the tiret af the week. E. 0. Payne bas beeubiaudling hies for yeare but lastveek be gaI hie. 11e wa, hiving a evarm sud a lw oai hem olk exception ta lie treatmeut they we. r.ceving and. got buey. "Jim" came aven lovu wlth is face looking like au animaled jack-o.Iantern snd took a lot of kidding. The eweling ha@seubsided but "the memony lingers§." Flow about yaun fali overcoat. lace cunleins, blankels, îe? Nov ie lhe lime fis lol ven rour lait aven0at aud qTe SWÂ~' .5 . .5 .. a.. ÂGUN'Z Mud Pt- -the e game waeis cmaaller lb. visitore hIW battsd .lu t i, h ecSe the ràin liaI hed beeulbsoatenlung ail atteiloOn biay did ** fo tla. Ecrli lu the afergacu tb pooplbgan tOcame ltu »ud at 2..80 t be o gronude laoked Dite Thuradeil e thlb.faer. Moot oi the. Paletta. player, that le thuai Who played ann .Paltîne tean, misaed sbeir train lu Cblc#o &and th crowd had a drewa at ot until nearlyr 4:80 befare îbey gi boe. The hômtie li witi lbheadetaesofai anuinher ai natives kopt thein from galas ta ileup wlsh apectacuiarvce sunta. Heinle Boyrea was lhe star native performer wîth hie haitralag mautearound tiret base besideknochin four or Oive do... home rues over théb bel&top. Mlie laeu tr1.4 oui at second and very neerly eaugbl a hall. W ben the Ramne @tarled tbe pesky vistors batted int Ise scores Ilthe ie ret imalng but th.y dldn't look Bo bg wbdu the Areas came rlghlt back witi lireslu ihem ball and 100k the lead whieh the h.ld util the eud. Dorfier dld Dot plleb hie msal gamte and was ppunded bard but be was given vonderful support vbich kept the bila dnvo. It vas a good game ta watch and seip 1*4tll. boss temo tha, ho ham ebawn tuie year. Neil Suuday, th. Lake 's ews from Kenosha came bone and they are weli recoum.uded. Sunday'sa core, AI 1H H P A E 0.Kin.Ci ... ... ...... ...t41 1 61 0 Dais. i ................ 0. 1O 0 01 0 ilsPke .................... 4 1 2 t 1 O T. Donlte ...........A0 24 Il0 L.iOng.......... ........ 4O 0 0 2 0 G. Nutge, lb............i- O 0O60 O IloueiI.. .............. -2 2 t 1 0 0 RDorfler. i........... .. ....0 2 1Il0 Total .... C 10 2 100 PALAtT11ME Evans s . ......- .4 1 3 2 4 1 Hab 2b . ................4 00 41 0 Groh. 3b .......... .... ..4 I 1 I110 Wolff. lb.................... 1 t 7 0 20 Webnert........ ..... ...3052 10 Whitrehil. ............3103200 WeeryPr. .... ........... 30 O O 2 1 B.eloh...l................31 2O3O0O0 footnri .... .............. 1 0 0 0 i0 O Total............. 42110 4 Area. . 03 1 10 20 X- 7 Paatine ........ .... 2 oO0 01 1 0 0- 4 Tva base bite, Evana 2, Flanden., Hapke, Boiwe, T. - onlla.j, Davis; saerifice bite, J. Dorfier; doubla plays, R. Dortier ta Kulgge, Earb unsalted; base on balle off Darder 3, Off Weber 1; bit bibi.:, Daviesaud Wolff; truekout by DanSler 2, l'y Weber S. Notes other fal i lothiug sud have 'Bant" (i . King bad a busy day in ceuter witb send Ibein. la the clesuera. Be bas ltbe sx . ach Hiesure eau cover agellcy ai the langeel sud best clealiugsegrl uic.ahe. snd dyrelug establishmeuts in Chicsago. 810gûtd Elis teiephone i i 21. c-481 Bapke vas tie batting star vîti tbree its in four limes up. Base Saili Tie vy our lads carne back wlb Vieil, wi won again Sunday suId liree ruile in tie tirt shows wbat theY iucldntal! proved beyond a ebadow of cao do wbeu lbey bave ta. a doubt that we bave it ou Palstine. Pst King played s ic. gaine at second The final icor. was 7 ta 4 wben the bsudling seven chance vithotît a ilp. f WANHOE iemes and Emma Kulebker speott b. latter part of 1h. week viti Graymsee relatives, sud attended the banquet Satundey eveuing. Mire. Wlland Beach visited her @on Fred at.Lottavlie, Ind., lest viol. TherewvIl h.e 6lawu social Thureday evening, August 291h, at lie home ai R. D. Cook. Retrasim-uts vili h.e erved, aud home made caudy, aud pop corn for1 sale. Evrybodycome. Bon Porleous Is panting sud paperiugf tle sohool nooïm, aud expecte ta bave il in fine chape ior the apenlug 0ai ecool. 1 Tii Ladies CemeterY Society had a( basket plenleaet the Lake Bluff Orpbsu-Î age Fridav. Ther. ver. a&la irende tram Rockeeller, Gsysiale, and Liberty- ville. The veather vas Ideal aud a very pleaant day vas epet. .Miss.@ Emnma Grable, sud Lillian1 Psyue, cahIled on Grayelake Liends Maturdas. Fred Witc and chilidnen, oi Roger@ Park, are epending Iber vacation at the home pace. 'ie.Jon Wiîtc laeneltaiulug rela- tives io .nChicag. ' T . n,u ai, haa est pie nte vi h be b ld etDaodLa, -VAog. 281h lun1ay'a grave. DAMOr LAKE lire. Aibgîtlei speuding a lew daye lu Chicego vlsitiug hen parente. Mdeaere. Woadln. Dueble, Hoiand and Smith @pont Sunday at Rlvîrvlew Park. Auguet Ot sud daugilor ai Nev Heoka, Neb., an. visltng at Oea. Mitchel's. Neilx Weduesday, Aog. 28th, lethie date oi lie annuai harvest picole, Ev.ry- au. coma. lira. Datby sud mon Watr spet O su UOAt onm FREMOr4T. Mn. sud Sire. Mat Lang and chilidren relurned ta Cicago altir @pouding s ew viole witb home tolte. li. nsd ins. WilIIStelumiller sud lisyme Sleinuiiller ai Chicago, are visiting aI the Froderick boute. ,,ire. Faehz and childreu ai Chicageo, epeut lest veel witb ber parnt@l, M. sud lire. J. Deinlein. iCiane lBolm of %Milwaukee. ia viiting ber grand moîher, Mrs. Diebaid. Pst Buckiy rturued ta Chicago aller speuding ceveral veels vit iriende boe.. lira.Oea. Horcier aud daugiler Mabel sud lire. Audrew Bordier sud chilîdren of Alingon lgite seeullasi Suday at tbe Gaiter home. A DANGEROUS KI8TK Libertyville Mothens Should Neglect Kidney Weakness In Chliidren Not Mauy ecilidren bave veal llduoye. An eanly warning le b.d-wetlg. Olten illowidby bhale, headaehe, Isuguar. 'Ti@ a mitake tenegieat theee troubles.. Ta blame tie ciild ion ltiown dlstreae Se. ta check tie cause. Bave lie ciild fron daugerous kidniiy ils. Doau'e Kidney ille are especially Ion veal kidneys. Lih.nty ville parnteîskuovîtbelr vôntb. lire, Wegener, Orcierd sud Second Ste., Liberty IlexiI., ue.vsm "Doan'e Kidney Pille are spiendld sud Il le a pleason. ta r.commend them. Oue of my ahldr.n ba ebail feeling ln tié bekan sd Mides. The lîdusis el oeh cans ai t. Doan'a Kldnly PIa made a complete sud permanent cure!' For sae by aUl dealer@. Prias 60 et Fostsr-M4ilibor C., Boflo, NewvYork sale agents far lie UnitedStetes.. 1Remernh.r tic n&me-Dospu'e-aiid other. >1 48-21 si ln. j .F. Hutcheecu ai avingta, ,le speuding torne lime wilîh Dr. 1lMre. . . 8.h. oýtrectore are vilng thé site of lii. v M.E. cbnrob almost daty an4 ex- 10 t bave tbeir bide ln by the. thirts. 0t f tii. rnuh e. la reqnlred by tDmiltm. IL a. Ohuroh evSLo. Tbe Bible Schoal saI2 p. m. la.l Sun. d"y va. attended by a very laiç auminr deopte lb. satreme beet aad a change ai location. Tii.echol l convene pramptîr et 2 o'elack »eil EpWcrth Leagne Wnmeet ln tha aborel iditorum promptiy et 6.45. Pueseba mrvie at 7:80 p. m. hy Rev. W. L. Whlpple, mablect, 'What a Loct Temper Cool." Dr. C. B. Elleworth, Dentist. 16 Baldwtu St., Rochester N. Y.. B-y@ Foj. Kldney Pille gave himlm Immdlate rotliand stroeglh.ed hlm wonderfnllv. 111 have boee bothoed wltb weal kidneya and bladder trouble sud sUffered oe Foley Kiduey Pille gava me woodeiiully. f1a&m ple.ed tu mreaa moud thir use." For sale by ag Droggoate. [ GILM~ The ladiea of lis ivanho. churci viii Tesadeos ociheal et 1 D. Cool o Thureday svcng, Aug. 29. 0. B. Cald weil bas bme very oick the peint week bol le Improvlug lowiy. lire. Nomson is visting lber isîber DeoasAmos. Katie Leffenherger enterhained a find fnom Berringlau the point viol. Emma Coolboas retorued home aller spending snme lime lu thé vien. Ire.,Baruey Ameun aud children &peut Saturday with lire. Taube at ryslake. MliselHulda Meyer of Lake Zurich, @peut Suday aI home. Mr. aud Mies Chao. Fredonlek are the gied parents of a baby boy barn Aug. 19. 1ev. Losanor and famil3 of Canada. epeut aifew days here wiîh old frieuds recently. lir. and lira.Chas shenwiu aud s,,us spenf Suuday wlth A. H. Sebverman. C. N. Thompeon atlended lhe tuneral of u old friend aI Ridgwood lest Rat.- urday. Me i Eatvesu C icago. h ey, sud Mrel.ives R.Ciagon. Lm bear Mr . . R. wenms' ai PofkLey. vibare epeL.DlnS liermeelof iti ela. lives and freude boe.. Mfr. and lira. H. Loto are entertaining their dsogbters, Mir@. W. 0I. Bitter aud Mi@ Lydia Lotz. and Miss E. Vedder Ibis veel. Mire, O. Loveri nud cilîdren ai High. land Park, visito ith relative bore M.uday sud Tueiday. Miss Edna Patt@ in nt home Ibis volk for a few dsye witb ber moîher. Mre. M. Pott@. ed lie latter@ 8subi Mn, . .Allensen, last Sunday. "The Progressive' Party le lihe individuel, mouorornian, Who uffs Foley Kiduey Pille for backsebe. rieumalisin, weak back sud otber kidney aud bladderirregsilarltles. Fuley Kiduey Pille are bealiiug, strengli..nug. Ioule sud quick ta pradoce beneticial recuite. t.ontan no harifl druge. Neyer seld in bull. Put up iu two size in eealed hottite. The genulue lu a yellow 'package. For sale by 811 Dnoggieto. KIIA, POIS For-Bad Blood. lie Independent vin resel fer mare neaders titan anY 011cr PaPeir lu lhe couuty. We have th, circulation; you viii gel 1the buatnea. M In our experience covering & good inany year we find the -Chicago Double A" brandof Portland CeÎncnt , t giving the greateat saatisction to the great.stnumberofourpatruml "Double A7 Meani T s on obtW m Aa(o lamt HOME LUISESCO.. Liuetysile, Il CIM&. .ARUUGH LUMER cc b Di. il *& àmàm*a 6 Ol 1, 1 u 'I i f I I I. I Il BUY 1IHC. Wagons for True Economy Y OU cannaI farta without a wagon any more th n You.can keep bouse without a sove Voi wrk your wagon oftener and harder than anything aise on the farta. Buy a wagon that lasts longer than the aver- age. It ijean easy thing te do, evan though ail wagons whicb are painted alike may look alike. The differeflce in wagons je undernieath the paint. It is the material and workmanship, entering unto the construction of 1 H C wagons, Weber New Bettendorf Columus Steel King wbjch make theta the best wagon jnvestment. We vant every purchaser te convince hjmseif before lbuying, that when 1 H C wagons are advertised as having oak or bircb bobs, hickory axles, and long leaf yeiiow pine box battoros, these are the materials actuaiiy used. When an 1 H C wagon reaches a farmers ban, that farmer bas one of the best-wearing, easiest-ruaning farin wagons that skiiicd iabor can make or that money tan buy. Thereas na need ta speculate jn buying a wagon. I H C wagons are made for nation-Wide uses, with special features adapted ta local conditions. Weber and Columbus have wood gears. New Bettendoif and Steel King have steel geais. The I H C wagon dealer in your town selle the wagon best sujted ta youl' neighborhood. Ask bita for I H C wagon literature, or, write latarational Harester Company of Amerita (lncorporated) MiIweuIoe. Wie à8H C Sarie.sea The purffbe of thil Bureau is to furnish. irçe af Charge to ail. the hest Information obtainabie Buildin. Cise S An Incomparable Lighti A Helper that neyer. Tires Are each avaiable at the touch of a button 1 1 VOTES, #ÔlkWC&ÉEN That's. the cry 1 Tihe womeu aeem bound to have a voice ini our government- and If théy have to 1ive ai be taxed under àt maybe they onght to. Any- way the womau who knowes omethlug about laws and business gote ulong better. That'a the. reuon we encourage women to run bank accouate with un. It in a big *helpto them to uuderataod buineua. Your wlfe and littie girl ought to have an account wlth us just as welI au you or your boy-Don't you think. soi Corne ln and talk it over-We have both sav- luge and checking departuients, 'and pay 8 per cent. on saviugo. TESTU MNATIONAL BANK 0F LIII3RTVILLE Nez: Dor or the Poot Office When your home is equpped for hie 1 1 1 1 =1 1 i'l 1 1 .. 1 ... 1 ELECTRIC SERVICE it is luxurious in everything but coot W. wire huuaes at cost 124 montha to pay 'lb.à expenge of wirilig is Iow PUBLIC SERVICE CO. of Northern finois 1 uu- 1 An" t COAL

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