FSE ANSLAYB "PAL" j THREE OROWN j.T1ý Ï, SNN Proanotes (cnlm riPaf. One.) (ContIiued Prom Page One.) Another M erger gen.. halluscriait.h.tgunl. Tisi gun finery lacarpeted withbi boiders," CIY lITORHUSR InE ,ý'*11- VLL A NDAS.Wonnaded man. Jorgenson, It la be-, barbor. "ft preved Impossible te drag EsTiNO EXCURSION ~ t$RTYVILE MAN AND ASO- ieved, tbrew the gusI nto the brunis the bottom, for ste sere unable te CIATES UNITE INDIANA LIGHT for hie Initiaie were foulaI nratched keep thse drag-net on tise bottom of The writér, tbrough the eourte.l.'a of AND POWER CONCERNS. on the barrei of tise seapon. tise lake. Thse net wouid trike a theteuernao Land Coupgny o1 -Anderson euas iorriisiy manglid and linuge bouider and lt would be two or CJhcago, and Conîlu.,tor W. B. Carr of PUB5LIC SERVICE CORPORATION died trom tise loue of biood before tisreè minutes before it wouid again thse ChIicago, Miligaukve and St. Paul LAUNCHED RECENTLV CAPI. lie coud be removed 1taite hotel. T strike tise bottom." reAlnaY. vias *ffcrd..d tiei. pleaure of a ALIZED AT $100,000O,0003. Puzzle@ The Detectives. 1Tise police stilI nend another tug to tip 00On 1e 01 tileir exculIionfeuilla11 The police and special detectives thie scelle titis afternoon and if neces. Clit*dâgo te Phurr. Texas, the heurt of Anîounceinent la nmade of thse for. sunROned train Chicago have iscen sary stîli bring a diver from Chicago tue dci Lower Rio Grande V'alley, tbè. mation of a new electrle liglt tuerger una1uccessfl l their attoinpftoaiearn 'to assistlin tise work. dichet farrnlng ection of the grual isy Samuel InBuli, president of thse tihe tue ldentity of the aliegeld mur- Naines Are Unknown. soUtb.e.t, nd lhe deenis lr proper thaît 5 C'ommonwteailh Edison coînpany. and derer. Tu a h olc aebe n a ère Ofr.it.euelo iel bis riads isenew~o,~-iii i~ orgnso reu. s t moe asTae tcresBful ln tiseir attempt to learrie n exeuptin stn hil 076,OA Initial capital, ls callod the nient. He m as banînid oer tO the grand thee dentity of thse drowned boys. I rm0îfrat.dtc itv toyw Nortiieru Indiana 1Vilittes company. Jury of the C(ircuit court of Lake colin xpete.tiat eeolimit.i ad takes ln1Plants in Hsilait towna ti, n lîhout lbond, lîy a justice of the llearn thelr naines nheu îîîey faied 1:0 1, .let hicaon uesî iv auis car fotMontceilo. mnd., west Io tire îIl-ieace t Fox Lake ibis inoriifg. ta show op for dinner at their homes, fr 1:4ti. Luortt laconîus riatrar Ilînoin tatil io. ItalphtD liatheteIT' s atoifeyof Saturday an exclusive Eirtice a arrvnptt-&irîu îyu bu Tis sla thee nmaliesto ilethceevras liTTTO îOUty m.saen bond toalrosecuTe peared in The Sun whiciîrald of te 800 ololulrt1 iui Citysuntn au public uitilttes. consolidations effect for flic i.saTe if the preUmnsnary hear resue o tnobo3nfroultternam e rscu oftwoboy frnt he amedeiay of twenty.llvs îminutes. durng ed by thse eIntereéts lu sontie iietig. 1canoe in tire ake. wiul se r ers e bcg swit,-Ied irons thie Tise arranged lu Tlic lasT rouir and Shiuuc~eui tuSheriff Green,. the alleg t a hall have lîeen asi- lor . id îi iid i vina elg brouglît tu Nau- SaiBy rwe.Wabash to tihe Frisoill.uose, enefr» TOTil TT'ur oan tTere h.lite b lved iia John, Jr., te 8 year old son offJohno agateu onour ivav nl..ttlîrîîeîMaoîi capî iit, c.ll TgIlis e cîîîty jal.Prakaca, Sr of Pic adiliy court. %vas Aler traveling al i iiglit w.. eCre' Puble -ervce onianyof herif's, FratStaernnt. drowued Sunday afterluoon at 3 oclock an'&kened nt IMos'tt. IMa , 2s3 wuÀlV Puli rt ie<uîîay herli',Inlinoismni.-........lîahin ii ucilae thtie rear ,, oiithwent of St. Lolliî. Kortieru iiiîiis. . C O' .orgotisun lias .cftised taii uaa o leeecrn la paît -lsyoîîug. TProaeading on aur jmo-lru e.fw.arrived -Illiois Northero iiT e' ,raTement,*' raid Sherif Creen Tinian'o.h lcr igtpa.H tompany ............ ltitei%cii orver ture long distance tel, enebroiller and severai amalilplay-T MaSligma , nofiEftîîîlis otthe mates svho stere batlilng rnearnbhlmArkêfiitLm, tata in.. utl,ît1:001î"tc iited Ligit & Rallia ais .437,.olplion.- hnkle ea eprt NMidd.iè VWest Utllitie- Co .Not statTOII a, ,(fe1 ai' lie las liadt att isasstnebaudes laM èr e*uiiý el. f bu Statue of Other Mergers. tra" iteiso f T1asikiiîd beforo'e ' n lUs 1 îbe oi y 555 îloutrecos bini fo. STTirtvdi nti" chi tîî.-n Il au-ad îîf us The PuiciService cool sterri'or. iiruacdow n his rani record, if il fakes iîourhau1 emî\asiot eo e eed fril%%rocgabu ijxlte,11 .. Rglî biladi-cf ta te theo souh asu iliîest of (hicago ail Suiinmel . Resîdeuis Of Nlever, luiitiy An e bstOre of i etralghtd11, d a l anebe[toc..'d,îîuîl. 11,v t sar and the .suhirbs a luncrlh and vest.lake has honunbo o ssiTTi. b TO malaoys omînof e tanyd iCilV b tieawrîîail ldlotdlai ua s îî u Tise Illinois Nocîberli lales iiTi hri in hi efforts 10 leain thî ideni maly aloiîg tfl torý- rit or.Tihe tiyOf lte alleged slayer. Andersnî renoving bis clothing hie began divlng ..îîîbaikLuseigt about Tiris loei IlSra tJnited LigisI (ou ors 5 110111 iCi' ~uuloý" or and lorgenion oîienod tfiirvir) iiî foitl*.theody The.lpy uhola! btc's.ten 5r. is -Tv-a11-ll t~rîn~ ii ii-tîgn,-ln.-tiuw th, bdi.- .,f trelake le.arl. !!tr Fig-nesed tiithedrowTiioggave hisirtieseroîuity. and triali t îiies a. tli Ténnsee IlconratsthoTri(,Ii, hey lwas hll ione, snieime. Nrong locationî and bie apelit nearly an "ai-lOch 5a iniraelc. * emlîn~ aIflveujiort. Molline aidl spaiiga ol -!eo ral isiidredîl isoti n divios loTo a deep'pool w ic-h ti..iw itgeis, ioi T 5 i»i LietcCiIlC Rock sland TheMiddle West ls ilu dalari. Tis..1 isruud ta catch Islinbexiste allant liifoafet front shore, At mîrtliw..teiii Arkinn.as. leSI bat t, vock islaInd i an iit.. i*%sfralvn.Bthhsditxctn asT bc saw tise body oa the hottoru, knostu as tisé fruit bl tofiiki itias aid Interyas hding ninit, îmd on es or e liive lî î- î lna ivinelîg stashei alît, severni feet as ste pasgesd throuagiî ibis lectionl te Te ew cas alidii luny hliciîtor exrheeaselî. cr.u.f the ffllace sherelhe n-an dlving. He ew.w..d peaclîasud appi --ars ,îvî oti rptesno incman liacîlred oltis nWihCics ianaged to s'et itold of It anud toweui nu ljans' aces ut gw-îîiî. ni iilics- ur a .ld rohsitls inNtoficelo.Woictt, Atderson le alieged t i il ou.nf thse -Rar Paril. Fowler and Ianiland, lad..- lagesmnein tbe m ai-d.le wegli 10rtshsore. us bbceve cuid so"M. 5Iî,tiig Lut ael. contaîning electrîn liglit Pnt 30Ptid n tns i et Ihiîciana noce îimmooed andl e' Fru-, iîadcdii to elulemt t at-îtà wîth qut no gas or eîecînlc railw ay iTîs ,seaioînd'aîlsTsia îNfel.Iylhlng possible sas dre for th, rie,ripe fruit. 'ni.. uit 1'ilWlal lma nc nluded. Tir eais ict isodvesuInces be i ox lutt Sunladocot rv o!ilhee slong betore tise liature ut thus part oai ii i.np nae tiie P lant t Kenaiand wiichIs lso ut-bdy wmernc urida oxLkSu-r oeyoitebd hat ise muid lait tieco cannbiîduiL î,tol itraiu 4uired. Sierlf Green n ili miake an atemtfot be revised. Theo body vas remov aidsalio, a.iigc i it l-aio t Pressent electiicity Is develotied t e aln or"hu me.H tîtli 10 dtathe (Conrad &k-tart undtertakling -to the fruit us iicis, îgoaIlU pasic' tny team binail the townna)it vIintI 1enlitile (Chicago detectite force ln r gîurea nnstwl ebedwiin u odnrte tree aïado tei «10 aeloviera tisere la a lîydro-eiectric blis searcis. j thi afternoon. g-sdLne h re.A oel plant n theTippeanoe iver.Accordîîîg to the pimymalea of Ciai Ark..it.. day betore su-cpased h:fzl $at n is Tlsecno rerlorgenson denlen baings aiot and WtH tlO. evs wbe psîm -r lipgh, c May Toke i l mliToWns. kilIledbils partner. He refuses îo tlltl elw cwual tewig sx c arl0asi. 09ped There are oumaroon amali towuastWho shot Anderson. bn ail cliniubed upon one. of te piles tii the, nontb.ru markets. lutie erltryct hy a brauch Une whisicl formerly vere used for tise Jist blow tue fruit b.lt ste rai l ino of thse Peunnyhvala railroad and ots- illerwich s W5at i tiipoint. From theti tjark inountaîna sthih extend iie adilaIklmonoftèeTE RRIFIC STORM 1ibths h.e dove loto tise laite. i iots and Wstntlutu ladian Teritory, -Contnuaetroaod getne.) llkae byssome sruf thesapo-unoW a part ofthlie ftate 01 Oklahsoma. WUl be added te tise consoldationOn. i otiuuedProm age Gut 5 Vother sîs iîadlsguce so pro ,Aau cetu5eft la exîectad nBoon o trouble and daiay by tise bîrulug out Jection or wiener he a taniuaie ta ieeiiusau tadmo henel »Mpuplothon cf uegotiaton by tise of the eiectric motors. Hîindnedn of Ieeli iimneif above te vatar. bis plav - ieurnaFodInstance a l at he iespaetî -- M s .intereta for tise. acquisition Of peoplie vere maroone<i lu dowu-tostu mates 4o net know. They iptleed h'ise nan idista nowu tenaile laf lu ~ore property in centrail Ilnisi, busineshouses for tO o uri tutWa5 lu distreasand sought 1e renouehlgh fa2. ts hies v*nre option have aready bearu oh- Tise fanmers cf fLake ceunty îotiî .but tiseY art'lYed tue laie. Tise .ITohlisn 371fat hlei talsaid. This hi lu tise coal hit and thousandi of dolr.Tecr'sitli maller brother w»n ail hroirau up tews we ses Potato Poiet at an ý- arrangeoments for coal propetiei ara standing, vera rulued. Il han beau i over tise fate of his oldar brother. ehvto t25 en-I. Wapasned .zs'Scted tu beneftt thea othea -mpn- eîtimated tisaIt ulhy 200 farmers of:- Tie victin's, aisarn leamtioyad ai thripugii tac tunnels. oueniat Wîulow, lesw la the group. tise county toled lu thea fields ail uîght tise coal dock. This la tise third timae ArV.. and tise atbtr bptn-to Itisza, S,- Satunday ln an effort te cut their bdeat bhan lnvsaddhis home vithin 'sud Jeusen. -~ KIT grain. Sonne vere Succesoful isu, tise th aut elgisteen mmths. A yaar and At 6:30 Wedne-day .î.gluL w.. rusnad 'nmSi RO I othars tailed and hava ]ont thotînandi a hait ago hin vite dlad of onurpt- l te RHiver bto Texam i;IAthur City ÀT SLkYERIS£CAMP of dllars aai§.renuit. The fields are fion--one yaar ago lhe leit another tour hourn bebn-id sehedanle lirne arvîug toc muddy to drive chrougs today. child train a contagions diseusean d at iallas ut10 :45 'rh ri îuruib 4JMY N TERBRLRSt Boats Beek shelter. nov another memiser of bis ittle fmer u uaas 5:45uta vu o atc TOOLS FOUND AT CAMP ON Threa bg bustseîput iute Waukegan lbabentk wyinavont1Huonbtvn MEYREWS LAKE, ILL. bsarber for shltar. Tise Tn'o Brothers, manr rag other gtiuts, n'e anoyed a dîp bin - a !uU~Mlwaukee launcis, encont edt-Ities aît waters of thils f utoft exico. CHA&S ORINSON, 'TH-E ALLEGED ficuty in makIng port. Sunday morno- SHARPER ARRESTED w.seesoatrçlts iaoeo hAVER, EFUSES O D 1- ng visen the uorth-east aquali, drus- glotnudPo e One.) viewing tise great @eus vrai blt alter VVLGE ANY FACTS. lng Iefore t a lindiug rain. strucis1ber of tisesane band. Tiser.. la -no 'tie flooîd if Sept. t), 1900, during vuhilch iere, three men made an aitempt ta questionî but thaat titey are tlb. lever 6000 lives we-ne test and 43.000,0000 A bugla's itcomrisng uchImae th babertran tre reawatrcnt cracks lu tise wroid and tlier ciev. A bagias kt, îompinllg UlT niae te uarior lom ie snekwaer areas always hansnîîcceeded in vin î- daccdonc III propety, teisacty hlieng tenta ai a "Jimmy" skeleton keYs, but tlîey test central of thise-mboat aigdiuung tisens thir liberty suhon tuîey almost tîitaillv dpstro.sed. Thisalai n locksanad burgiann lantrn, venre dis. Harbormasten Larnen wsncompehied issve been appreisended. AlilsoughIt )- -asount thinty luet uugis, îîîit ofî uîiî coveredinlutise camp occumsed hy Char- te nend a launcis to thir asistance. Ryders bond, hava been llxeîl ai $10.. concrete and exieuds for mile, aloug tile' les BJonlnon, tise Chicago man Who Tiseir boat stas isai! filild tit w 000, 1 am almoat certain that ibis bialimatTteunigsareucnga ta beng blli y th Lak couny au 'te whe therescung luneharrIed îli be turisshed wsithin a test days.. cat htêeigatrrtrgt *~~~~~~~ l"bighl yts aecut u a ie iersuu ani rle As n reaiuit of isnardeent ihave Houston, w.. let at 9:40 for Phacr,ounr 1 tisoritiesn o a charge of munder. lupon tise scene. Tise titre.. occupants isopen that 1I nay catch other menbers detinatian, ariving at tise end ot out Immedliteiy fliov.iig tise er tor er.eiig ae rosts îotsîi 0pi. sadsd erhsps cuen tise jucn*-y nt about 12:445 Satîicday tise alleged layer, Sieritt Green adn teir flisalae. ndrtn ia h uiis Il.rnii k bs aptie nariîe te amp Tsedletr Erbstelsî of Chiicago as bis at- hi eute eacid h am.Te Horse and Cow Klled. torney vhen bisscIase cornes ta trial.'" i-as lig lc.'îservod n-thiîîriiiontisa burgina kit and a iumîser of revol- soo 501 it ieie vera1aTdenifiasisverHautuld riaan old I Tse- lr.Withhoids Information. - Iar, we c sti-rnuirmislitely Idudeilîiota vers and riifeet StrZlooîn in andccois laNIt . Colis say that t presnlelî h utoisiiisl)icol isored fr hcti.ouccason valise unden tise cet onu ilisia i darbl daahes oîori;o hve t reacy ho divulgé tise ne !- faud drîn asic tise landi uitbcd tir énale il drd mnly ideal aae1 eotdt aeteWisconsin usan iso wsn le'ed bv tii.. IVi-a oFarîn Land Caompany. murdn lad man o Bjrla>. her beau dons. A hiorse cisned lb: W. t1 or tisa clty lu stItci Itvan doune, tear -y SinGeie arelated fhBioruofthie- Clougis, Ezekiel aivenuesud Tweteuy.ing tisat if lha does g0 that fit uiavgive That stternao(iiu w..coveri-d aven twcuty- tifGeeu hn eiised iseaidof iseSecond street suaËs nrck sud istan t- tisetip 1ta eothen mliembers ofthtise lc Uiles anudl88Wnaluofaithe- hlnt't police and detectîven of Chicago'and ly kiihed hY s hoit of ightning. Lese gang toeiaisa gond thaîr e"cape. farmiug lanids tbis cauntry iorGduce. Milwaukee llu hie attempt te jearnstise >He a ayn surtisI a s ha han iiat- Tise tarning lber..in ail done by innîga- lisan tsto minutes laier a co- owned ter 1n good shape thet haesMill glu-e true ldantity o! #tise murderer and lsy Chai-les Cole, ona o! fils neigisiors. eut tise complete detalîs. De Ryder's tion train tiseRlo Grande River, tise the ban lha la alleged te have mur- aiseoivas truck and kilihed. Iun eyerai vItle hi remainininluWaukegan and watenrsaIfn his routain mu-h animal dered. isacstes eeu-ot d -dvîll net desert lier huihand. 1De Ry- malter suhici sc.t5 aas ,fetilizo tus tise- j. unaucn ren wneup-ooed der has madie nu tatament ollier than &,i, t Biornoon vas brougist te Waukegau minuit buildngs blovn dosto. Iîn-satisat he a h iling te go ha.ck te Wis- su ln an automobile. a atiser shugulan faci that a coht.s conshn and tand triai vithoist extra- Four rapa a Virar are raiseti in tis H-e azked the sierif 001eto taka hlm standing beside )In. Cougi's -hbrne dition papeni. Colline maya that If lha eetianu, tise souf heiugpecuiiariy adopteli ta Chcago. Siseriff Green viii bave was uîîîrt. Mr. Coe laîamail ca-nl able to hraak up tisa Internationaltol the gco w tl i auy klod 1ftarci or the lleged layers pîctura taînen et I gang ut crookB that ha viii baveacA- gardeun îîoduclt ste raie lutise nontiseru once and pisotogramuh vili be sent te _ier__-- tis hait datc tîv a g bcas lu tie @tales hesidem cotton, norgsuni, sugar Kail thea blg dtective iueaus n tehoeis ARIAELIESE. uldadehathiitiat cla nov heilicaeranges, lemoni. ibananas, datas,j X7nhAd tats fr pasiie Ieotfic- ____ haalie dthis I nwle ll ae VutedSaesfr osbl detfcaýbeal t t .tlts, peanuts and otisar tropical fruits 7%T lee mree a o-o Fraîlerici J. Erban, Ciicago-....21i Hundreda of pannona hava beeu aîk-t aud veletablei. lu tise production o>f -Anna G. Lyncis, mnme ... .-.. 8cogtt ,Txntcoltîiaayoi TIse allegad muder leed aer nncos n,"viatla tise mater vits theise ,Txsfrotârp vr te ASviicsOtto W'lterndort, Bassett Station, wstmlr?" tise faut ta day, ag] theîr data lu the union, whie lu tisa vinter PIL- Es refuses te diseus h i .t............ 6qe'isrminuas .monthenobosaud caihage are grown tisa~Vl--------------------6 qeînen runtn nauieredo. Weatiser veny axteniêlsIDlutisa Lover lido Grand. ,.eýPtd Wben questioned by tise Nlied Buftou.ISlam, Whn-....24 officIis amy that neyer before have alvtchanrhauahas u,1»0t*shl t teh.Wilfl lurnuis bacis Tiss. Tisompnon. Chicago -...._2 they exisanlanoasisucît cold veatiser lvfrtegood hn mairels. at othr ade f u oel. aunis hggnno, ame-------6ln Auguat, but otter ne explanathon. învancmut wa cau recommend notilng liesag tseFal tyai TsahotheAug. Stoeriî. Prairie Vien' -....45' People hava noticed tisatisae leavestsipoisImrllttru eeS ASe Iola ts.dl*sd. Thse short athletic Lana Kuecker, sauta------------..4et massy treai are aineady urning. for ieuoa netdtsi iefr !ý okit »d aon Sa are n, loner FerinandSans, hicago........doashiflotuahapduennetutilen aai d l tisaofLhe wererRRioGraandsallaiof 1 > r u uni o r o ogrilede lanpilmr a nme----------..31 early lu Septamban. Tise green la Texan, considecing tise tact tisai avery FifyJ4nthAnual LIBERTY VILLE, ILL Sept. -3, 4, 5, 6e '12 A $35 25.00 Racing Program lias been arranged, 15 Great Events on the best 1-2 ile track-in Northern Mlinois SPEED PROGRAfI WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 4 Z-15 Pace .............................. Purse $300.06 2 -25 Trot ........................................ ......... Puise $30000 Ri-nnn Race 5-8 mile dash..l.............................. Purs. $125»0 Runnimg Race, 1 mile dash ................................Pu.12.00 THURSDAY, SEPT. 5 235 Pace........................... ....................... Pu $g 0000 2-35 Trot......................... ................ - .. .'>'une$300M0 Fiee-For-Ail Trot.......................... .. -.............. Puise $4 00 Runnmg Race 3-4 mile dash ........................ ......... Purs. $125-00 Rwining Race, 7-8 mile dash ................................. Puise $125.00 FRIDAY, SEPT. 6 2:22 Pace............................ ................... Purs. $30000 2:20 Trot ...... ........................... .... Purs. $30000 Free-For.Afl Pace ................. .... .........Puis. $M 06 Consolation Race, "- mile daah............................. Purs. $100.00 Runming Race, 3-4 mile dash .. ................ Purs. $125.00 Running Race, I1 8 mile derby.. .................Puise $20000 xhibits The exhibits this year *will be botter and more ex- tensive than ever before -There will be conteats oach day, one ini the forenoon and one ini the afternoon, between the best teams -obtainable f ozý liberel puises A Clean Midway Special effort ms being macle by the management to clean up the midway thi year and an event un- surpa8ed i previo us years as promiaed Plan to attend Lake, Ci . s Cli b ,no