Bk* Teepbonc No. 1.C4ty Edftor'i Reuldeno. Teispilofe No 145-L. Libertyrille Exchange dW at the post(tlliceati lertyville. Ill, s Second Olam Mail Malter 1Weetily. Adertieing Rt.Mode Enova on Application.1 ýýeV'Uà8CRIPTION PRtCE,.5.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE ý"W. SMITH ......... ........... -..................................Editor1 BMP. THMiT ........................ ......................................... Manager fff IL.. UBBAR ........... ............................ City Editor FRIDAX, AUCGUTST 30,1912. The. Day Nursery plan semas to b. a gead on. end In aIl probabiity wouid work out spendidiy hera. #Va a dangerous prank to talca a ho rs. and buggy for a "Joy ride" for It sai)* b difficuit ta expiain the posession of the. property. To b. caught red- bandad wouid be rather ambarasaing.t 'The. Lincoln, III., News-Hearald rlghtly aays: "Judg-, îng romn appearauce about the. only nes support the. rdparty ticket ia golng to recelve u in ois will cornet from democratie papers. The. Soidimr'-Sailors' reunian, the Browe achooi reunion and a few other suri events are past, no now Lake countys attention la undivided au reisting to the Annual County Fair, soon to be heid nt Libertyvilie. lt Io the annual hai- *day ln whlch the entire county untes as Il does notfor anything else. You thouid plan ta attend. àt lut some valuabie nue as ben fouud for theIi.d 2&h'.éhose forte in 1f. heretofor. bas been the uasy Jo of lookin«. pretty. A rallroad proposes to use them toeset the. -mosqu'to Iarvaeilustagnant pnds along lU track. For ths 4Wareaidtobejuatths tilg Tchi"f of police of Neenah Win., has issued an edict that ,nébody kiss anybody" at the. rail'way station there. itt À01 rthit teaa tiat Ilnobody shah kiss anybody," but A W1t's the ma i ki ssed to do about It? Oftetines ft bhla fanit. I a young ma shouild alight frein a train ýjZjjewâand a hanumme young womau should rash up« ai'npad Mss him, whose fauit would il be, bis or hers? ý4»hnces anre h would b. arrested, she would escape. wbat could the. poor follow do-h. woud't dare of- bis friendi Nelmah muaI change its tactica or it will "have auây more visiter.,- for, who wanta to go te a whe, from oie 's arrivi, it will be so chiliy, no mat- where the. mercury stands? THERE'B A REABON. Whm a manufacturer or packer o! any article begins~ it, he doesn't do it because the. newspapers m ei.No, indeed. Re does it because h. knows a god,àrtcle and that if people try it they -will bike' wM by agin.This ia particularly true of adver- food stuifs, for lu spite o! the high cosl of livingi f naS over wus an article of food that wouid returi " ghprofit te pay the advertising bill if one P=rc :s vuaa ilay single individual would make. But te eo h lte repeat their purchases the. article mut be firat Heuce the,. very fact that au article ia advertised is ie gidence of quality and continuai advertialng in proof1 SORAMELE FOR $1,000,000 FUNI). Wu ' It'methiug 1ke $1,OOO,000 lu the. state treasury ~Idb auo owerso!flMinois, tiere la the livellest kind of r;s crableb.teenthe highways organisJati.ons and the. «Woo roads association as te how it wili b. spent. The. 't<Jiway commxssioners, 600 stro-g~ are now thoroughiy 'ÎF»izêd ad are makiug a fiht before the flllois road «Wgftteheaded by Homer J.Tice; to shape pendiug leg- 1uud. The commercial clubs and good roada associations, en the other hand, are demandiug that the money b e spent on a few state highways, preferably for a, main road from S-Chicago te St. Louis as a starter. Both sides have hadi beéaring before the committe., which ia scheduled to report out a new road measure in January, 1913. LEAVING THE FAIM Mr. McKeene, o!flthe stat. board o! agriculture, in a recent address, told of the. i-ceut investigations conducted by the. state fariners' institute. These showed that a great 'percent o! the rural population la leaving the farms. Borne astonishing figures were produc.d in support o! the. virtues "When a man deserta lthe farm aid cornes 1tiith city, becomes a consumer and flot a producer, iu an agricul. sense," Mr. MoKeene said. "'If h. owns a farm h. It out. The renter wili do his beat te make the. place 0trhtthe greatest amount o! values. 'NIe will succeed for awhile. Thenhus fonces needrie- HLis barns are beginning to show the. wear. Other for properly conducting le farm are deterloral- ti1over is reluctant to spend any money on the. Il la the. tenant will do the best wlth what ho 9o! apending is money in lmprovlug anotier'. -tn a.nIeusd there the. productiveneas o! the. place "ud the 4ecrease continues indefiniteiy." -qy1gm tbo XIBuros farmer, as weli as the farinera iu ,o«.t starla at, ua once to increase the. horde o! feéd. ugctte où bplaco-,themupply wili be far short of that te o a ime upldy tle dean gli s oug aa s cçudltlon exists, j ual so long willl rmbà aake& Il jeia problem liaI must b. met efotskÉcream tue suppiy." &UN PRINTS COIMPLETÉAJOIT 0 SCHOOL M'AMe ATTSOtING ANNUAL CONFIEMENCE. INSTITUTS 88 MOST PJCCE&SFUL HELD ON LAI COUNY ON MANY YEARL& T1he second day or'te Lake Coun. ty Teachera' Inatitute openet i at9 a1clacit TuetiayAmoraiug jlili164 achool teacher-*t leaat oue repre- oenlative fram every country school --in attendaltce. The addtresee today ver. especlal- iy lntefestlng anti h la expecteti that the per centage of atteudance vill double 'Wdetsaday. Ail Atted Clrcu& A big percentage ni te Yonng la, dues who were ia Wauxegan Moaday aight vent theLb.cîrcus, others vent te th. Barrison and local picture chavi. The institut. thia veek blias bee the mont succestuiLla yare. u8etul information bas been tenderedt Lilas la atteadano. hi sons. of Lb.best Plat torm i.cttirers otalnabic. Thle ichool teachers ln u sson at lbe Instituts ver.: Etina Kampert. Darvlagtan. A. Isabielle OGibns. 4iràatai Lacet Pearl K. Faulknier~, assontb. Miay McCasky, Waulcegan. Annabel C. Weich, Cary. Gertrutie SeerY, Antiooh. Elien McCraren Grant, Onysiake. Beasie Carolan, Deerleiti. Helen Wall, Northi Chicago, Nellie conrtuey, parn,-oyon. Alice J. Reehan Round lAke. Gertrude Sulilvan, Waukga&i Mfaunlel D. Cannon, Moan Cty. I. W. Bush. Waukegan. M. B. Nlelsou, Zion City. Mînnie Graham, Waukegan. 'Mary F. Hammer. Rock.eeler. Marte Kelly, Prairie Vlev. L. H. Tuttie. Moan Cty. Pearl Cleveland., Watiivorth. Lela Glyndli. Laite Bluff. -Mary Rallonger, Chicago Helghts. Auiahl ntuer, Prairie Viv. Lois Smithi, Antiocli. -W. C. McKenrie, Highlandi Park. Mfiss Jesais Simpion, North Chicago Pearl Ronie>', lbertyville. Emily Felton, Lake Villa. Florence Dietmneyer, Wauicegan. Iva L. Bond, Gurue. Olive E. Jenki,- Nettie Russell, Round Lake. AlIce Drev, Frances E. Goulti, Russell. Carrie C. Shanit, Waukegan. Fý Jessie Thomas, Lbertyville. Vivîan Thomson, Waukegan. Franices C. Sweeney, Highvood. S. D. Nelson, Deenfilit. Lillian Augénstein, Barrington. Tessie Cunningham, Watisworth. %Ir@.Margaret 1. Freemnan, 1-1gb. lantd Park. Atdile Kampert, Barriugtan. Abbie B. Bastîn. Hiîghland Park. Magda A. Jlohnson, North Chicago. Ruthi Johnson. Waukegan. Aune 'M. Paulson, Frances Murphy, ZIon City'. Ailce M. W. Haolcombe. IEmlyHlettell, Zion Civ. Ethei Wbeeler, Waukegan. Bertha MoItie, Prairie View. Ben Rtzenthaler, Prairie, View. Marian P. Raeslde. Waukegau. Edith Rasilde, Waukegan. Anna Hansen, Crayalake. Elsie H. Oralff. Wadsworth. Geraldine Jaecan[, Russell- Ruth Soderman. Lillian Gustafson, Gurnee. Loretta Burkte. Hiaroldi F. Spencer, BarrInglon. Mildrod Bagg, Zion City'. Grace Grlswold, Russell. Helen 11, BteckwlIlh. Rocke!eller. Blanche M. ooittle. Lake Villa. Nt.da)e.. Ryder. SVnthrop Harbor. Vivien E. LaChapelle, Wauitegan. Munriel M. LaChapelle, Watikegan. Willelmiîa IW. Englehrecbt, Prairie %iew. Joseî,hine Delhaye, Rocktefeller. Mary Margaret Jenkina, Liberiyvile Chillie E. McMahon, Waukegan. Elinora Wesner, Lakte Bluff. Mabel S. Faîcli, Ravlia. Dasie D. Frye, ZMon Cily. Katlierin% lobas, ZMon City'. Noaa0. Turner, Mion City. Winifred M. Frye, Zion City'. Esther G. Paf., Zion Ciy. Lillan Loin, Central School, Wou- kegan. Elizabeth West, Waukegan. Elvis K. Eliason. ZMon CiLty. tiazel Gllette, ZMon City'. Vena Mtcalt, Russell. Madaline Meyer, Rockefeller. LAes R.Sherwooti, Lakte Villa. Aurelia M. Gasiflelti, Wtntbrop Han- bar. Harrîett C. Gstfleld, Deerfliit. P. B. Baker, lieortyvile. Marin Crait, Deerfiaiti. Blancbe, Utdy, Ruasell. Itina Dolmage, Evaniton. Edtul Dolmage, Evanston, lailys A. Brenn, Waukegan. Nellie Wlllamu. Northi Chicago. Berulce M. Ollîmara, Waukegan. Margaret A. DeLAny, Ocra.. Nellie M. Debany, ZMon City. Cara E. Dletrick, Lake ShiEË. Don Oman Kessier, ZMon Ctty. Clarence R. Bagier, ZMon Ciy. Th rt Of Na. beeni archlng abeeti tsiiU for yeas.w atclies bave more braies antil11 atictot beir makingto dey And titii tbov aan gettinu eperf aithewhllbewhieb la rotberatraoge. If you seo*M i1k. do learuIiiut boy fer Lb. vatceb tkraart bon ad- vanSdt. tbig l# the plat@ ta came 10. 1lfyouvlsljtofind out w boycam a restl, rolim aiewtcl eha .01sol vist this mitO. Our voeeis tock couteas ALL, tha the artaof watcb naking haste, offer. lied ve wlinIgly plie.cOr Mine et your tlpsi A. ýH-USS JIVWELER Librty"vIl., - Mfinois Mns. M. B. Nielson, Zion City. Miss Geargia Crow, Zion City. Niarlon T. Lee.,ZMon City. Reta G AlbrautU Von Cit y. Cora Walsh, Hlgbwood. Mary Hook, LlIberty ville. Mertie Kueliker, Barrington Moi Mae E. Daley, North Chicago. Viti Eva Daplttie. Round Lake. of BeatrIce M. iDuffy, Deerfleld. eve H. P. Hilbish, Lake Villa. Cora KeiloggBarrington. Mary M. Sus, Antloch.2. A. D. Bartley, Waukegan Gertrude Meyers. Rockefeller. . Florence OBoyle, Fox Lakte. Belle Hughes, Antioch. . Paullns Snxart, Antiocb.S. Mary Tiffany, Antioch. Ruth Davis, Ro;nd Lake.- Bernlce Davis, Round Lakte. Anna Mareth, Llbert' IIlle. Eîteila M. Onace. Waîîconda. Aima Haase. Prairie Vier. Esthier Ernst, Orayalake. Mary Keough. Prairie 'V1ew. Elizabeth B. McHee, Ant!odh. Mary Klough, Prair'e View. NeWle Keough, Deecielti. Mande Mi. Snyiier, Lake Villa. Elizabeth Marie JohnsonLake Villa Coba Eda ants. Waukegan. Emma Baddpker, Wanlcevan. Lola Teeterlek. Vaon C'ly. A. L. Lakte. Eockefellen. Edith Morris, North Chi-tgo. P. 2. Taurnley, 'Votlinoji Harbor. Edith Darhy, Grays!ake. Lena Gaggin. Antloch. Alice E. Smith, Gtirneç. Ella C. Dawson. Hlghwood. Winlfred Supple, Deertleld. .John Rouse, Rocktefeller. Eva R. Brand, North Chicago. Rtuth Bushnell, waukegan. Ruth Beardslev, Highwood. Elizabeth F. Ahart. llbertyille. Adelaîne 'Miller,. Llbentyvtlle,. Margaret fluers. Lakte Zurich. F. A.Hudson, Hlgiwood. Alice J. Shea, Northi ChIcago. BIG CROWD AT CARIVAL AERIAL EXHIBITION AND WATER CARNIVAL SEGAN AUG. 25 -SE PT. 2 LAST DAY. ;HYDROAEROPLANE VS. SPEEO BOAT$: TWENTV MILE RACE -TWO F LIGHTS DALY. A twenty mile speeti race between a hydroaeroîlane andi three speedtonm- tarlioats la ne of the featurea of the aerlai ex.hibition and water carnival which began at Fox Lakte Aug. 25th and continues until Sept. 2ud. H. W. MeWtlesten viii mals etwa flights dally ln is utisa type byr- tiroaeroplane. There are swimming races ant i hgh ding dally. Nlotorboat races are hé. Ing held each afternoon andi morniug The aquaplane exhihit la regarded a eomnethIng unusual. Tweuty-fiVe Valu able prizea andi cupa vil b. aairdet the winners in the varions freet. A parade of 500 decorted, matSr. boats viilb. eiti don "eellilit Arch MeArthur, deput3' cUitO houa. colector of Waukegan àpElt the weekIc nipecttng the excursi bats on the Fox river -andi bY S day h. viii bave compeflteti l t Speciai trains viii carry thousildâ of Cook county resideuts to TIrox L cgch day. Il la expecteti that 50,000 peapiS viii attend the races esoli anti eV day. Au attempt te belng meai.to a flisturber I.-eilieged to b. Uthetts est motor boat lu the vortd7g1v*. exhihflou run. DlsttIrbér lÙ tg18Ob 64st me'ake 60 miles an hout. lAN 75150 OU? rýAi t. WIrt LA WOULD M0« ONE TO MEET WITN INSTANt,$UccgSS AT F05? TSIIEAMAN. eh KOVe'aeat tecervaion at z = 2"befSre, long the soi. Oré thore aMY have aIEW]ls' xhibi. QQO Of Lthe '5Uovlu.'. Til la Indu. fd trous the toUloving dlspateb Dom1 hn 4»ouimoe. 6an PranclacoCiL. Aug 27.-Mov. apicturiâare the latent Innovation M the diversion, of Uiea saula Sol. CbOYaS t Fort W1lafd Seott.a Miy Uailahd post on thc Pus$l.1 1miiitary Toservuua. %Théceat monorymen Who malle ap the Pom &Y 'Sae, the picturea once 4 vsek Ai ke Post «xchange, it vas annoeti mu. PIr, cents or lis eQUlVAIent la1 mbangochecks vii le Charge ifor UWlsa Lte profit* a lu thluxur. efor the IOdler%' mes. T~he tact that te plan la being trIeti 14 luainother fort makes it gms hble Ithat Uithsaine plan viii b. id la UicevaMous torte la Ohe ouef yMatinaturaily vert 8h *àn vin ime fateha sova. Tho soltla roi * tort Vsa aosmtomedti oattendilaa otiols picture shovs ln lflghvood id Wankogsn andi ao danlitiese the a et living the lsvhowen Lbe rase. Mton vould appeai raibor atrongiy tLb,.Then, too. csi] Lb. meey 1t lu vould corne laci tota tem ID eway aif luzurea. Word that the an vii lie trIeti out nt Paort.Sheridan Hl b. airalîtieaaeerly. TO»RCYCUIs T o RACE ON LAOR Di Nine motorcycle races wililibe bold tnday ILabor day) a et theiberty. i.e race track under the auspices Lb.h Evenston 7tltorcyctilts. The rente anti pria. Ilot tollovi: -20 mile. 4 là. P. stock machine -modal. -10 mlle 7 h. p. stock machin.. -modal. -5 mile, 4 h. P., bltdniven machine -roeda. -15 mile free for àll-medal. -5 mile. 4 h. P., chalu driven ma. chines-meial. -5mile. belt andi chaîn: wlnners of eveuts 3 anid56-medal. -One mile 7 hl. p., lUme triais- eup. -One mile, 7 h- p. LUe trials- cep. ~-One 11aIt mile. 7 h. P. f ree for ail --cap. COUE 1tu AYR UFPATwiSUpUKA.1 LAN luti*XUPUSUTGMÀtqt*Na TO THE MOTitiSA CMI 8. opVSA.0 TS4SM $Ay THe? WILL CofftINUI TO DO TitiS FORI IP£FINITE TUME. Ti%0 troIRIls cthat bulasuebrewlag in te MoL" of G(oti burchon tcei Sontb iSd. fer m»vers! wveagivus uo appeauac.cf bins say acararà setlement ih4anIt liasbecnAat ami ime anti U aîutblag, Lhe. mabersamar drlttlsig fttiler way AUl Lb. tima. IL. as ihougiht lIai vhcu Lbhe im. bosg of the striklu factIon recelvet intoraaio whldh ameUlet to point te th. tact that Pallier Ka".an, w viob they bac! plned their taltil, bat mfi.. rePreeenflte.situation te theis, that1 they vouît ai once deacrt hlm andti Setum t te b other dhurcli. IL in truc bilat mauy oethîe mcmli.., prie. tilcaly ail o! is afoiliovrs did teaert hlm, but they arc. n hlitteriy oppoaadt te Faulier Stuekie, vbo la atUlui charge lft the 9arIs,,taitlez raes. .W* týït tue cte realajil sauur Pithefi àLw ia" ' igai.,but at thsa *ase , .v.t6i oaw'î vanwit te ratura ta the. motýxaa hqres -long sPallier 8tlWla tým es vo dom't tiX ak ta -We denlt vIa bt.ay aaà rore chumb ésemuraiof n e ta ndlng othSercl clee, Suýse areugona tu t»s a" estisolle, cethra te thcUGo> mam c0bliloant i one to the Poush oatbello, vbm agit111otiier go ta, Uic utomaalan harei. Wclatei tu tcon., tine dolug se unUil thse Arcbbop sem lit Le grant 1ar raquest andi place a more experieaceti man la the pariai, Thib ve viii AU loin m. anti every. ting vUiiibe me t vas lefors." Thiasca»M eex«pme..thé.feellagi et MMY o et b.members. IL te salti that Pailer Ka"anbau Bot at leoft thé eitg but acoordlng to ail reporta bis feilowlns la becomlngamalier eéhi dey. sous of hbe toioersaaounc- ed iluat they vouiti builit a cisurnil for hlm, but notiiins appears ta hbave come of til and ti soeema ery doultul If thcy VIII attimnpît t put this lato et- ftd - 2 Remove the Drudgery wlth an "AseoCiatesd" as Engin. tisai iceapsthe boys end girls on titharas. W.have usow a full stock of 2 1-4 IL P. "Hired Man" Ou Englues The fflred Manisa ater coolati 2 1-4 h. p. gai angine and la In- te nded for worit on the. tarm asuch a. punping %voter and runnlni r ail nkinds of amali4 machines. The hopp.r watsr coling le very utcceastui and ha* made possible a pouver devolopmant which clsses the a ngine as on. o eot astnd tronges fils iiraIed hors* power, buili Speciafcations Of Hired mmx Gusranteed horse power--2 1.4 Cooling %voter i fiy wh.ai dians-IS soeeti 450 1 " face-2 -4 easa 4 ~wg. -50 Stroks 5 peV.yfoca- Shift diam 153-8 Ibasae-O 1-"2xa89 Shafti .ngih 24 1 wg.-400 OverallIl 48 1 coiore-sedad black width 24 i bpanI-nake and bncie hihh20 PRCfES45.00 For sale and guaranteed by Ml. B. EGER Libertyville, Illinois SUMMER TIME The bees are buzzing inutLb. doyen, the corn im ripening, and the long.bladed leaves glin'. iu the suushine; the boys are shouting and mplashing lu the old swimming bote, anudthe perfume of green, groviug ibingo makea the air sweet. Tlhe fariner lookm over bisi fields, reckoning ou full graniies aud velii-lied loft@in athe autumn. [lie is erjoying the bernes aud peao' and te fruits of hi@ garden, and preparing te iay in sîores of 1rovender for man and beast for the un- productive mnths 10 aoou te foilow. NO ()NE 18 CLOSER 'lO NATURE IN 1M1 WVORK THAN TIIE FARMER, andl no one kuowm better titan h. the. NECESSITY OF PRO-0 VII)ING FOR TuIE FUTURE. Likewise, no ouïe should kuow better than bc the uecessîty of laying by, I)URINc - IS PRODUCTIVE YEARS, sufficieni stores to last him, and i'IOSE DEI>ENDENT UPON HIM, DURING THE LATTER YEARS 0F RIS LIFE, and wben he bas net ibe same ener- gy te vork as now- A SAVINOS BANK ACCOUNT AND A LIFE INSURANCE POIiCY ARE QUITE AS NECESSARY to hins as lofts fucl of hay, and bins of corn and oats, and souda for another sea@oii. NVith a habit of tifs that cauaes himtneta 111 bis barnna, ta keep a heaithy savingo bauk fuud, aud ta owu a constortably large hife insurance policy, n fariner CAN LOOK INTO THE FUTURE WITIIOUT DREAD. Ife knows he viii have had geasoîle vhen crops are poar wben bis savings batik muet ho ualied un te beip lim oui îemporarilv, and vhen bis premiumns are hard te pay. BUT WIIAT WOUTLD LIFE B3E IITHOUT SOME STRUGQ'(LE? Do flot the boys gel fan more fun out of the swimmnig bol. this sum- mer, because tbey have been doprivod of it ail vinter, vien the suov was deep and the echool kept thein busy ail day? Do.. net the farmen derive more sîreugtb and satisfaction wben be vins oui after a hard stnuggle vitb nature titan if he hed merely te go oct and pick bananes any day ofthLe year in orden te lire? Te him vho bas the ambition and energy te work, and to bint Who ha. foriight shall bu given COMFORT IN 1118 DECLINING YEARS. TUIE BEES ARE BUZZIN4G IN THE CLOVECR, TIIE BOYS ARE 8SHOUTING AND) SPLASHINE.4 IN THE OLI) SWIMMING HOLE, sud summer with iLsq joys and duties is bore. Happy tbe mian vbo CAN LOOK U.PON IT WITH JOY UNMIXED WITH DREAD FOR THE UNFRUITFUI, DAYS TO FOLLOW. Yours ti-uly, JOHN HOOGE DISTRICT MANAGER, The Old Michigan Mutual Life Insuranceqomnpany The Time to Act i.s Now. 1 - r ý 7,.-, 1 ,