Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Aug 1912, p. 5

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T, FRDÂYAUGUST 30,1912. BUTTER, BUTTER. Who bas the. butter? If leu *Pu looldng for Butter made from the cleanest and purest that has a golden color. an *xqulste flavor and créeam.ry laste. thon TRUGGÇS'S GROCERY la certailiy the. place f0 find Il. Forr eiable Groceries et roesonabie priCea. c«Il on us. je, ELI TROS PffObEt284 NextW YOU wilI SUne foi DON'T fo carry a for Me Vie offer you asrtrnent c lars, shoes, c before and di you oui saisfacion gp Liberty'v ïeek is FAIR Week need -somethlng in OUR e titis occasslon. orget that we a1ways 3full line of'EvetrthInr1 L at this, time an especlally fini of neckties, negllgee shirts, col- dres. gloves, hats, etc. Corne in lurlng the Fair and let us show lune and quote you our prices aranteod on amy article you purchau Morse & Co. =PHONE 14 ile, . . . lliuois Don't be a Crusoe Robinson Crusoe did not have accoia to an up-to-dlate stock of Reilable Furniture from which ta furnish his ebode, otherwisi his island home corld have been made a veritable paradise. Dont beca Crusoe.-you donit have ta do so- You can procure herse t eny and ail times. eny and ail things needed in the Furnture lino, to make your home complete thoroughly reliable, the latest designi, and at reasonable prices, TREPTOW & TAYLOI LI LB ER T Y ViL L E I NEYER COULD WRITE AN AD, TIIAT WOULO LOOK WELL IN THIS SPACE AND SAY Wh at 1*Want You to Know IF YOU WILL COME IN WE CAN TELL YOU 0F Something That Wil Be lnteresting THAT WE CANNOT ADVERTISE E. A. BISUIOP9 p Libertyville Lumber Co 1>ang Donpt put It o0«. _________________________________Obituary. - F liMs. iebettan Wolff, for the past two [LIJ=ERJ.YV ILLE 15 JE S Iyeersproprietreae of theNecslnoa eit Lîbertyville. dled from the effecte of cancer of the âtomaclb on Monday, _____________________________________________________ Aug. 19. 1012, ut the, cge of 45 yeare. LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION lion ,TuE WEEK 8 mon the and 8 days. 1 ohewea borm et Stockbrldge, Wl,., on To inare ublcatonin he ndé 1 n- Mies atb "irofCininntiOhiDec. il 1866, and wee one of a fâemily To murepublcaton I ti. idepe- lte. uthleu 0f inrnuat, (b0o tfiteen children, nine of wbom survivei dont, effl muet b. In theoffice nolatar 'tlàvttng KaWdtmU for 6aew week@, four brothera and Oive ligters. than Tuesday of each week. Adver- It le reportsdMat IPester bja ,old hie Boiiles thes@ .0e leavee to mourte ber tiese sp.caliy. are asiwd to take famemof 100 seme., loeated wet -o! tht, deatb an aged mother. Mir@. Mary partculr noiceho hbs «ec. cty, to a Chieffo party for the c0u- Bateaun of Fontdu Lac, Wl,., and two partculer ntic tothisaffct. sderatlon of $110 per acre. The dfal daughter@, lMr, William Sheeban of won ma&.throngb0C. H. Smith. Bllinge, Mont., end Mmr. Ernil Stiegman Workmen besoan work Miondai morte- There IVy llbe celebration (if th, holy o! Fou du Lac, Wl., until recently of Icig roulng tii. M. E. ehurcb. c'ommunion ne tBiday mrnrnng at Libertyvîlle. Mites Ruthb Kseof »esrflld, la epend- 10:30 est the EptucOîal chîrch. BishOP Funeral1 services were held a t M ad ienu, tmg a fou day. friende bore. 'Poli of Chicago. W"' Offitiate. lfunilay Wlé.. on Tueeday, Aug 20), laterment la 1frs,. Jopb Deariove ta vwaiUng nt the sebool at 12:80. Ail cordially iavited. belug made lu the family lot iu thred en home of Mfr. and Mmr. Chari«e Hong. lir. C. H. I»itbe of Lo, Angele. Cal. cemetery et that plaee. who ham been visiting ber brother, E. H. _________ C. C. Copeland returoed Sonday from Coriett, for the puet two mnthe, @peut 0 a two wook' .vlettlet Pitaburg, Tea&. tihe paut two weeke witb relative@- and Voliva and Theodore Mir. and Mire. John Col.sMd farnilY Of frleude ln Elgin, returniug bere saturdey. lu hebaif of modeet virtue, timid, retir. tchcago, @peit Auday uth friande here. Attorney B. W. Colby bac îîarchaeed in« and abaahed. The Journal deoires to Rer. Aikin and daughtr o! Chcago. thre M. E. eharmh buildilngs and wîl date that lr. Rtoosevelt bon overlooked violted Mir. and lire. John Welch flaet move lit onto the. protterty recently the man of ail men in the nation beeta wook. bought of A. P. Wbelor w heve e swiîî fited ta b big helper. Win. Newton lefb the. latter part of couvert it loto dwelllngs for rentîng Thot uman la Wilbur Glenn voliva, lu wekona usnes ri t FwlrPuPO«.mat. of Zion end suceesar to -John L. lest wMouionearbuineise tnpauoaFtlerusnrposeeAlexander Dowte. M lre. Stanley Eaton le ependlng nomse tbrougth bon. Wltb twënty-two boly tii. ctume.p.cri>te mfidit atse Ca NMW tii». vtiton ber parente et Cilen, New scoutse eroute ta ighiand Park f rom the clatnguege grid the mora ele rer ______ York. Long Lake ubere tbey had betiet cmpth@ anner, ea ud teigorsacte de The. party wubo fort a lad '@ coat mal for the two weeks prenloir ai the t ' " cenir the amusement@, direct the - gai Information by calling on the Vil. & s xerct.e and manage tihe business of an legs Marshal. Rev. J.- B. MeeGuftn rlaiiui. tl dîstinc- entîre communîty antd etill find time to lils Luella Palmatier of Highland tion o! ratsing the largv't abbage pt.acb, edit the bible end prophesy the Park. ta viating eit tire borne of Mr. andi grown in Lake county thîl y or. eI wratb w onee lire. Frank Niehole.. . raieed one inbhiegârden tiiit acigire 24 - I short, Volva io a fir4t-claosi work- Mir. and Mmr. Daniel Lee visitail a few pounds witb aIl tire outsifi' 1,a, e taken Dng exemple o! a steward of thre public dayste ate pr o fu wekv ihoff Ian you best Ill welfare, andi emtnntly itte:d to taire rltvsin Raven.wood John Welcb last week -îid t,, the part lu a great moral uplit. Voliva reiaiveeCollin@ Doane Compan3 ,f S%. ambre, boulti Ie taken ioto thre third-teri» Conductor W. B. Cari lait week muveti111[1 tbe stock and toole ,of ith Liberty- couneis rîthout deiay.-I)aily Journal. hie family from Mfilwukee, w tbe (,lhert ille lierble Works. lu.t w bat Nîr.__________ P Luce bonnes on Lake etreet. Welci'o plans are for the fuitu re we are M .<3urhBrws n Eimer William@ bas rented the H. C. uneble ta itete. R Cuc Sev esOn Gleecon booem on Laik..treetand moved il tilwlloe i .m lttathe seine laat Saturdey. Mlle .Lily Belle S£Is, lorarly of this bepotîooLeawi ll ai t f23p. m.. n Sid eekr wh ba bee wokingforplace, and Myrtie Elvin Burt are spenti- p rtrLaurlletE:0.m. Sid ieaker who as ben wor ings g iesrailweeke with tir grantifather, spécial service. th ti.pont Mire monthe for Gilbert Lue in Toa 11,o hlîr.Nbak. Preacbinq service at 7 3< p. lu. hy Miontana, returuetilaast Mondey. OnThmsEf r tu ofa het Nb dasa Ber. W.L. W hippIe. Josephb lcbegblin thii.week sold iela eu days wttbrelatives at i Lînil. Wded :0Paesrie Ar houes andi lot on Brainard Court tu John Selleg. Couideratior., 8180. r@. Lulla C. Getman ,r ber home lu Bilalo, N. y., fent Frilat etlter en Tire Home Lumber Company ta iu 0. . rigssu sn re, f Lake . .dvii w recaié nNrhr eipto01facopy of ail analysi. matie et 0. A Trgge ntimon red O ~ extndet viît wtb elate' Noth e Àlgriculturel Experirnent Station of ePark, Iowe, woe callers et the G. A. andiiSouth Dakota and wf îb fiertuncleend the University of Wisconsin aet Madison Frederice home onue day last week. saut. Dr. and lir. E. J.[frown aet their in whicb it shows thé National Ditiller, lirs. Geo. Fredericks entrtainet Mmrescpon foiam two miles afir1,west of tht. dried grainseor brown guten sncb am Fred Bettrubal ad degbte nî itytbey 8011 at tireir yard, to coutain 27.81 Fro Baterbal an daghtr o ciy.per cent. proteini uhile It ls guaranteed E.L tireyslake, a couple of days flait week. Ltl elySoto hýaggad to contabn 25 per cent, egainsi 16 per lii, Itna Lttl lVeleyStot of1,fi ag, gandcent in other tiry fced solti about the M@ eaCrosby of Evanatan, vleted sounof C. W. Stout of tii"' place, met amreprice. tt isalso sbown to cantai» afecw datemtthe latter part ufat anti witt quite a painful ala recently 9.m9 per cent fat andi 14 97 per cent fore part of tht. week with lire.Wjiiam wben lu soine manner b., ai the endi of libre. Tire document lâ certiled to hy a Walrond. one of hie inger, ut o lu Notary Public ant innay be oseen at the Attaneyant Mie B.B. f iier nd owe l>r Talorwaeiîîînea an 0mpany' ottice. They uow have two ______dM.B B ilran oe. r alr asriioe n cariloatis oflÉtis gluten lu the elevtor. son are spending a week eit Wheaton, dreemédth ie seounti, findiug it aeceesary to Btter eall andi place your order before M un_ n oua courbined usine@@ anu 181Disoin iememirraut W isretloint.i .algn.Iegigfi.c4. ppasnre trip, The littlefelow i îu,îie-fiigý Mie, Helen Wagner returned ta her A very pieeesant vvi..ftlfit wa@ given Sholme at tlooruîagton, Ill., Sfonday et tlîe tose bal., la.,i Frîdav v vening by ~jafter bavîug epeut some time with Mise Misa Beesie Blond inf iiif Miss Helen Nirs. Hattie Prc of Chicago, visîtedi a decorated seti giî.leî roci., unfloweve,. few tiaye with Mir and Mir». C. F. Wrght brown-eyed uei-aud golden gloa.MO -- uad fâýmily et their bomte on eouth With the ylffîa miniit-di electrîv ligits, Mlwauke avenue. the effect seas er' , rftty. tAexceed- IllfieHelen Clark. wbo ha-& beea epend- 1nglY jollY claPlaYeti game,, iDg the esommer visiting relatives hee@ptiitook nifrfrveii. ite anti dauieti andi at Shberida, 11 , leit Tacsday for lier untiiéarlyiiiriiîaa [fie g-etstieearcd- borne et Ili bae. it a very plewalna' ilfummer aigte lire. J. F I[lutelîeori retuerieti to bier entertalumeat. home et CoN lagt-fu, Ky_, the tiret f the last Suadai 9Mr andi Mm .loseetit week ater vîitiagsoefL ime witb Dr. Wison entertaiii,.lfa îîumbev and Mr@. E. H Smitb. anti friende ait a -ry pleaîant bouise STEER STRATONT Mni. Emil Stiegmau te ijiending a party et theîr fî14fa Divistin itict. tîî W:n. l,a.vco(-k & Cof t vn have anje coule f aYswit filleds ntiraëza Those from nuit f ti iwere: Mr. ad % miii re gor thcrwu : %* Lake altr wich ieswillIleve fr iram-J. E. W ilîîîîî,e aiîd Mr. ant i e ain, ru kaîw îîur busines andtt-e new boome ai Fîma (le Lac. %% i. Benjamin liarnI andi taily o1 f)en car îag laerine goI ha ne Thee sil Ir seell rll da srviesCbadbouvne. N tC tir anti lre. Trank iiiitit aceti îîr service tilîle3.dro nî u B ThëY wii b mpcia raly ay ervcesandi daugirter of(fiiag,tMr. anti lre. aayhow. Welîîae'Be lu thre Epwortb Leiagne roum Suuday jiethur Smaithi .: i filfago, fil., Mr. and W m 'r' ,r re rpuderedi. tif rtiîally ii ted Austin, Ili. , tMî'-ILtiii ffCofTougaîxi. gns o lire. HuglirMiller. wbîî fia. lceu ddit,.Kan@., Mr. erî irel-,fiert Wilsonafif Wei k in o on tm ihrlaie n ilwaukee and %Ire. Htîlraes anti etn MOLI NE MOTOR CARS f rientie bere ant inaMontreuil, ba Walter utf Chiag>m Libertyvile, 111. returned in ber hume et Taft. Texas. The Libert ' r iý..tei-îatîly aunanae a PHONF.S--Re.idence 126L Shop4334 ;s Messrs.(lenwoiîd Henry of lienville, cotillion anti fal .ii al ia t their socialBe Ill. andi Davîililaceuk ut lrawfords. reception ait tfii,'t. rît hall, Saturday ville, lad., litetirîîm Friday tiîî evening, Aug 3l Tfiegrand dieliay ii No liouday ai ti-huaondihomoîantDivision favore given a%% aY t ýthuOetaking Paît an - trestlu the cotllfîion i- f irtfi omi a ny Dr. an Mrm.J. VanoErveof Mo ilefe ta ec. Noi îiicy nor time lsee r î Alabatraavieliteti several tiays thfie week be pri oiaoti pca al wse ri IdsIere. Dr. Vanidelý'rve weAiune grand fif~ and it. equal could afrenstro h FrtPebtr only bieciiiiliireýl wîtir the famous a'omret su o ieFue rsiye.Mardi (Gras a fi,fi fpeople go thousands fan cirurcirtbers. of miles tui ,- . f fie andi bring yîmnr I t le rel i.rtcd tbat L. H. anti Henry freande anti epeil la jleasant andi enjoy» * V Licbtfeld bave 1urcha8ed of M"r. John able evening [tif WiF V. J. Amiiros, Gleaeon ber hîînee on Orchard treet. Mater o!fr,îîi r What thfecousîderatiori was we are Stre igi,îbl iria ii unable %o learu. berry w&Auhe e f St. Paul riienot assiet- William R. Ede bai renteti tire George Iug Mr. Elîer, the victimofintieaccident Wiener house,ou Lake street anti moveti recorded lna eaîtfer îoluirnn, Dan î'eiletsm Which Ve Appease la lastsecer. lIre. Wisnerwillmake ber taking ai'.aatage ufthtie opportunity, WITH home sitir ber daughter. 51v. R. W. provoketi Henry Briodi of Pockefelier, BAKERY DELICACIESI i Chr-hli t afist mht . ' " PUIlC ilt lUi 1 - LIFE INSURANCE "Fixed for 11e" is veryl good. "Fixed for death" jis much better. S PEE US Y AN LIORN Di.,,, tM».4. -, OMM làIIIau . èý tire alley et tbfv ear of H. B. Egeres hardware store. Fellers wai arresteti 'Sunday moraine by Ilarahal Llmirerry and taken bciunc J ntice Davis Mouday wbo Iraposeti a fiue of $5.00 and cote, which amoanteti to $9.00 andi Coste, on a charge of tiieordevly conduet. The géncral coicenes of0 opinion le tiret Briodi was not tantire leait in bleuie, and wbeu asked wbetber or not ire would ire arreetei; tMr. Llmberry saiti he wonld invetigate the matter ant ili the. evîdence warranteI It Ire soulti proetid as prnvided by law. ft t. reporteti Fellereseas intoxîcated iet tire time and ued moet abusive lenguage. BRE AD, BUNS, COOKIES Fresh Every Day PIES, CAKES, DOIJOUNUTS Baked THE RANITÂRY WÂY My Hôtel has been entirely remodel- f ed and i cun handie a greet many more people as a consequence, dur- ng Fair Week LOCATED NEAR OLD DEPOT Mrs. C. Spring M4oney Makes Money î if planted in our bank.> Keep in mind that we are a bank that doca things. Every mnan can't get rich, but every mlan can save something. The only sure way of saving money is by deposting at. When it jingles in your pocket you want ta spend it. Your name would look weII on our books. Cail and let us put it there today. Lake County National Bank ital Surplus and Undivided Profite. $88,00.00 UIERE9S YOUR CH-ANCE If you ore looking for a home -of gour own 1f go. desire to own renumerative Real Estate. ie of these cottages sold Iast week. The other e. just as big a bargain, is waitinq for goti. J. E. MEREDITI & CO. ROOM 3 SCHANCK BLOCK FCORLETT Q. A. FEEDERCES 1 Corlett & Fredericks DEALERS IN Fancy Meats and Groceries bne 30 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS., )nly a few More Days Before the Fair etter make Vour preparations this week. A( oow rth Store we have a line of Ladies' and Child- ns' Shoes, Ilosierg, Neckwear, Muslin Under- ear, Corsets, Gloves, etc. that wiII interest go. iicularlq et this time. AND AT OUR SOUTHI STORE esides a general assortmnent of Dry Goods and utions, we have everything gou want in Stapl id !ancy Groceries for the Lunch Basket or diS HorneTable, f AIR WEEK OR ANY OTIIER lIME 1W. CARROfLL & SONS GO.- NORTH STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH STORE PHONE 3i For Fire and Elfe Insurance SEE Charles D. Proctor, AGENT FOR New Hlampshire Fire Insurance Companyý Michigan Mutual Lite Insurance Company UJBZRTYVILL.EILL. The INDEPEN DENT $L501

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