Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Sep 1912, p. 10

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TUESDAY MONINe4 eVENTS ARRANGED FOR TH-IS y EAR WILL MAKE IT THE D EST EVER HELO HERE. IWOI BEEN OVERLOOKED COMMITTElE IN CHARGE OF THE EVENT THIS VEAR PAID AT. TELNTION TO DETAIL& ILIBERTYvrLLE, mu. ,sept. -3 - Strange as it may appear, there are a ew people lu Lake county, wbO nev or bia. ttended I f2e annual rair, 'Feiitle tI i ear ta b l iet tbb- .t'tyvllta. Sept 3, 4, 5, anti 6. Il 1e probable that Ibis few, if tbey cauld be captuffet by the fair managemaent V"ud le inclieti mnng the exbibitcs. as the cathusatitl thousande whn wSh iysar lhrong the groundse atteal ,,_»e metts of te exhibition of farot pygducia anti central cotinty gather- tg plice, ltere la, hnwever, another feature ta th fair attendents that le worlhy of notice. The ordinarY persan wbo et bend& the fair cames for one specific purpoe.'te generaiiy contents himseeti «bthelb.rces and ffcHa, vhidl I ncndes base ball, anti É-ap sboling. The. wml.n maIeS9a «baal tIn," for te tonesUic aris anti #eàses ber lime tera. The fermer contente himseli wtt several d" ais tb, agnctlturs'l bail anti every on. of tbeta pas a visit la lite "mldway." Tiie reaeon for tiis tiverity of la- terestaI tai ew relize the resi sopeor the tair. With Iis vlow lu mna te ftoWng liaI bat been pre- 1s.citescesereti y hte île, maia llraetions are trotting 81141runinlg races, borseashow, a tiaiti base ball g.tne. tmp sliooblng by Jai Gx#, im, oaltachamion. antd esver ai msas. Dall band c oncerta, a Pont. try a oer, a stock show, a tarzn pro #p~exhibitionanti a display aifte dneste arts. Thînge to ho e eta t%* Ur mightl itet about es fii h'eba tourau, mules, catle, aheep gpi"andi oulUtryIhal Lake county AA& gd- '-siMdd"abowlng te exact scence tu twhich he.binese of faruing and dalb an ba u z. eiuced. 7'be s.t. lh.bissesIte late nt. ami'- ro4est fruteits gav la Lakt Theimnt gigamttic vegetabies that 1,ale coey oil n poduice, Uuhiluibaof cari'iage, buggies, was go». CndiagiculturalIimpiementa. Specimensa fthle bouse wie's art ladading ookttg, preaersngtof the fruts, groing of Bavure, ornementsl noeefie wout, domesllo manuftactures Voric ssaag tbe young faits, oul and -»MeIl painting andthle.artl and AÀibig tisplay oi taunna aiLakt Suinty, presmedt by te art oft ax dernni. Bachi classilcation carrnes a lit c Prytimes, Pler. are tventy classes, ln cuding ninetyfour lots and 1,50 Prise..6 groundi bas beon ln a ralliercog- ed .ondt«f. forumt Mdi ' 1"e & tia)'wagofs tic"ng a ite*y stroaU on al rpeds iqodint othe fair groffdff. They w re Ili-Med th re. deeP aNait- ing their turo ta, enter te large gates Io unIoad exhibits ln varions parts of tht, mammolli park. Hustie, Buatie, Everywiiere. It la Ilie oft repeated story of tlie annual hustle andi bustie andi the ai- ready large farmY Of men Putting lthe grounds in shape for the past few titYS was increaseti today by addltioae forces placlng decoratiaOns for varIons boolli exhibita for thie diaLploya ta e abown hraughattt tite week. The machioet-y exibta were nover s0 large as tuis year. About 90,000 square feet of space lias boeenset pslie on which mammnoth circus tente are plitetid la abeter these exhIlilts. The stock haros are practlcally fiued with the finest exhibyts ai stock ever shown ln this section ofIllnois. Exhîbuhors tram a distance have rec- ognized thie quality anti ize of Lakte counity anti are jumping fron thier fîaimtIo LibertYvilie for te purpase af sitowlng titeir exhibite anti stock aI the County fuit-. The poultry tiepartment, ile tasi yeara, la greatty Increased inl size andt a nomber oi exhiitors anti men Wi known in the poultry m'arld bave eX, presseti their opinion Ibat this year's poltry depautmeot will siurpase any prevînus exhibition. ln tbe "art building" ta the right oi the main entrance, everythutte la hus- lie sýanti lte, antd carpenteraandi ten- orgtmr bave been beay eloce early morning completing the varleus bootits and placing the elhibt lu position, A more Of local unechats wll have digplayeln ibis building, wtich wlit make lt ln the nature of a tatI utyle show tiepartmetimany Waukeg'ao m«elanta disptaying their -ifiltes andtiwares, Regartilese aofte latenes oftite tliresiing sesson, fermera bave heent ponrlng lto the city loday wlt ite"ri exhibits o prias itogs, catIle andti boraes. Secrtany RaY Hubluttatilis have far exceedeti aur exPectaloôit exiibitors puttiog la an appeerance a t tue lat momtent, maoy f whOm we tIi nol expet." 'Ple attractions te lie givea on thie iree stage are beginning ta arrive anti liy 3 oclack Tuesdey aiternooti, al ai te attractions, ln which then, are many Retora, yl l e ln readitteff ior lb. OrTst big fre. performAnce. Berne Salil came*. Weinesdey, afteroaon, Sept. 4th,1 Grayjake vs, Wat;kegan Br.wingi cmanly. gane teat?e aI1:30. Lk Thitrstay mornilti, Sept. 5.Lat Zuricutvs. Wauucoatiagan tarte et 10:30. TIburea'iy afteritaoo, Highland Park va, Roackefeller, gama alarta aI 1:30. ,itiay niottiug. Sept. 6, Lake Bluff vs. iliertyvilie, gane teatte et 10:30. Fritiay eiturnoaO. Wantegan Cube,. vs Racine Iroquois, game starts at 1:30. Pair exhibits open iront 7 a.nm. un. tiI 6 p. m. taiiy. Miway open front 7 a. M.t l 6 P. n daily. Trotting anti running races begin daily ai 1:30. Tneaday and Wetinestiay morne entrance day for ai exhiblts. Wodesdetal, Chitdreee tl. Horse show wI li e given beon. thie grantistanti Thuretiay matning aI 12 .ay Grabats vorits championi trait shooter', wiligse an exhibition at te eag en4 nif tlie fair grounads ritiay afteritoon. Tmap sliootbog by Waukegan anti Iftwcaty supenltenienta have actutailLong Lake Onu clubs, Fritay aile?- T fJie" r ite xits b4e i4l fl mca naca hlloe.t l eusl 0" generai tirectors of tefair antid innge fLbryil eaet ail banea ui lv. aIthers comprise Ithe staff ni offi- Irrea ibryil pvrhleu cers. Paul Maecuffi of the Lakte aountyA 'Mileyear exceptional gooti arrange- fait- boerdi ai tirectors, lias arranged monts have been matie fnr feeding for excellent Iransporation ta the the pteope. TheLi bertyvlle Epworlh caunys big show Ibis year. Besitiesv 1055ue bas charge af lie tinng hall. an unusual large number a! extra cars0 Quit, a rivary ,is expcedte d e- an h C. & M. Electric raiiway, Mr. i veiop among the varions tnwna coot- MacGuffbn lias atrangeti for special posbng the coaty. They are likely train service ont oi Chicago aver lbe. te enter a towtneblp competitlinoan ta C., M. & St. P. raliway. Thle trains i cl"vteti ptouks 'f lhé tarta, or- bnnging Citicagolane 1e tb. fair wiU citarti anti gardon. 'Pler. at-efour Iravetl l extra sections, andt lere will divisions ln Lake counhy, Waukegan b. a epecial retura train et 6:40. TPhe lielng inieluetinlathe fOt division supply of brs. anti automobile hues- -vitit Bentan, Newpor anti Warren. os -eil libe ufficleot lteliantie te An exemple of tiversity nfIintereat crowde. et th fair la shown by tht, inlaowing: '%eh ouse wife la offeret ptizes for The Lakte County 'Ttbertttlosis 3n-t ber quiltinlg, tnitîing, emiridery ci titute btoardi of dectrs beldttheir a dOzea Monde, ctocheing, ac. vert, annuel meeting yestetrday andt rans- cake bakbng, JeUy mating, fruit pt-e- acied smclibusinessau as sne tp. Ouie cenvine, ber abiiiy tn rais. fowers, aofte things lione vas te même 0oie If abe ba net Inclinete thelbart of cf the collages la bousOr cf Mises SOMs making, site may enter lb. coot- Elien M. Streeti, nov Ira. Fred PuaI, P ssbtioa fcr prises in il painting, Va- Vin Vas formerly heeti nure.e tte ter saloir, china painting, pastet anti cOlony. IU0 uib96ecrative arts anti handcratt. - IMMe are aiso prizes offereti for tic. Mrn. R. Alien, vbo somes yeersa go pl&Yq .eO cnari birtis, wilti birds ln it vl ber now deoeaLsot buabati, mas. sp.tuitoti anti nountet bird,. cabi- eti lnto Wisconsin vhere Mr. Altien <g unitouiais or Ineecta, flal inh contincteti an Organ stop iactory, bac ~qeuprate coins, shelas, natur- camte tiack tle Waukegan t, live.. Sbe WcîýeIle, oitlie Pia ork, Intian bas tiecid tiea make lier home lies vd *s efipo sMd antique noveltUes. in the fuhure anti la now iootiog about1 eq ffoetin s i4 m e paredte1 mate for a bause. 1-er son, Fret, aow lui trpuporaUoa faclties, asequate. Phoenix, Ariz., la soon tg roulyxta. $pDe"a isit iens ls bing Chicagoans W aukegan andti l l viiie wIithlmi . ta 1t e goasa" uni seieshave heen mother. arnaagelfuir t tllecare af counly ________ satom. ingle ,amiusof, 35 centc vit# »ason ikets atSI. Chllirea M. anti Bt-s. G. R. Lyonobt for unation6 yecro ciam aetmitted free. Caliiorta on Mondai. vliere they ili l'e ean aroeealt d&y aI lb. attend l. aanual G. A. R. encamp- VuaI lAIe Cpunty pair, UIatyydle. ueet held.t tlD# Angeles, <ContInuetIrom, Page One.) throngh aur ochools, ta 111e anti1fe work beyond. Many làcome'cage b1 great syatems, others graw taelie au- tomatons ln immense factories, while stili otliers are literally 'so14' loto in- dustrial usury. <Thank heaven, these useurers are groVlit IBearce.) iNot nearly enongli go on taeihappy. con- tenteti life. "If ail, the pupils that are attend- ing the elementary end seconda]*~ echoots in this country were toelie arranged 1n marching arder. four alireast, the lina Voulti extend acroa te plains 0f Ibis fair state, acros Iowa and Nebraska, acros the mon- t*lnsa ofColorado, ibrongli the des. erts ai Utahi and Nevada, wonld Ilien Mont the peaks af the Coast Rangea anti extendt o thettt valley of the Sac- ramento: And the uine ln the dint distance woutd lie no more vague than la lte vocational future of moil of the mnarcher@. "«The iscoblem, le le iind out the capalities, the preferences anti the resotirces-bath pityalcal andi ecotto mic-of lbe lad,.lilen guide hlm la lis vocation. 'calllng', andi keep waatch aver hlm turing tb.firet years of bis wark, aller lie bas lett scli9Ol. 1«Tii. present neeti for vocatiotial 3education resta upon One or bath ai two conditions: tirae, lie oider agen- tcles-the home, the abois and ti let Vforme of participation in productive lntnett-y-have bast their efficienc second, Ithe demandas ni motet-nIl are citaogIog anti are lmposing con lions whicli can no longer b. met their agenciez. When the nianufi turing processeon, for Instance, are longer 1n or ner the home, the eh~ canoot grow np wllh the trade as1 fore; nor enu the father. vbo ni works bIn he tectory anti ia enotea by division oi labar, enliglitent boy In h. wholep rocese or give h manuel employment aI home asi fore." The labor problem wus montu derataodingiy dscussed by Camm sioner Diver. Re empliasize t point that the laborlng clais doesn Incinde merely those who labor wl their hande, but those wlio labor wa their brains, not merely the uuskill bot the skilled expert antd profes ai ]aber as well. '«With many," he sald "the gte probiem la to get rid of organizeti bor. He saiti that ln doiog this, th Qverinok the dignlty andi nobility iýabor. He pointei out tlia lit trains bath the mmnd andi the bodY, Het 10k occasion to ire a few eh( -et the Idie ricli, whom lie clatinett ,arsites who are living o«f the forts of the Iaborlng clans,. No m ter how ricli s mati may be, liesi that lie shouid do some work, act on the old sdage that a "manim 'Wb't wnrk sttnuidnot be aiinwed est.' lnherlled wealtli ahouid lit excuse for a mtan not ta work, deciareti. ife di. by #eanà thie pee ln a hoi Iir. Vol at ancè devices (cc sizet i andicos patroni ln fort enittgi inany t but th( rwas m QuarIt boving ground Thle1 Chicagi was e gram0 one. I ofn the tional1 It st fronta club an cesSiao where àcert. liadbt lehed 1 the Mc aeie ;FALI Ibu blve~it e5leuey la li lives Ibat itavp 01 ~a~.Its ai value was dezqonétttd very ýwhen it was brouglkt to WaW- Land was usedte 1 revive two ef epie who were overcome by gai iuse below thee bih. aclqtmed Lhat within a few dayE lvwler wiII close the dOisi and wIlt ea begin tihe manufacture of the et In or near Chicago. OR DAY WAS JOBSERVED loctinued From rue O ne.) attendance. The varions booths »oncessians on the grouiuds were nizeti largely. the dancing coming the nMost attention. The tlireat- raspect of tbe weatber caused to stay at home ln the afternoon te attendance in the evening nuch better. The Mn Maie lt rendered many fine selections g from place ta place on the ide. . aLabor Day celebralbon nt Northt tao proveti a muccessful one, Il belti in Fosa î,ark and the pro. oi entertatoment was a pleasing Il was given toder the.austpices a PrFogress club anti the Interna- tband aifNorth Chicago. ltarteti wli a ibandi concert In oi tbe ciy hall. The Progresa and the Blandth ien formeti in pro- on anti marchedti t the park ethere was annuler bandi con- 'Ph. dancing pavillion, whicli teen specially îcraped anti pal- for the occasion proveti one of toft popular ieaturee. a affatr waBaettendeti largeiy, rheing thene iront Waukegan anti ýnearby cities. .S 30 FEET TO DEATH 0ontuadtiPom Paue One.) une~~~> pu MàS. JOHN TAYLOR 0F WAW<KE- GAN CALLED IEÀST BY THE DEATH 0F BROTHER. WAS LEAINS DRUCOIST LATE CHA~S. GOETZ WAS OWNER AND MANAGER 0F LARGEST STORE IN W. VIRGINIA. Mrs. John Taylor, 520 Marion street, was calleti ta Wbeeling, W. V., lste *Moniffty nigitt by the etîtden denth of lier lirother. Mr. Charles Goetz. Mr. Goetz, one nf the leading tirug- glats ai lhe s1a1. of West Virginia, cantracteti lood poison Thursdsy of lant week front a finger-naul scratch In the fieshy part of the palm af hie left blandi. liewae taken ta his homoe t once andi died two tisys later. For yeat-s Ceotz bas heen recagnîz- eti as the leading droggist of West Virginia, hie store being located ln one of thte largest butilding« of Wheel- Ing. Thie stock nt hies sore was valu, ,ed et tîpwards of 130M0. Mr. Geotz was a personal friend of Dr. MacKenzie of Wauk.egan. At the convention of Rexaîl druggligts these two ne were alweys prominent fig. ures. MNouday niglit for Wiieeling. Mr. Geotz bas viiet in10Waukegan on OYV mierons occasions, DIES O0F APOPLEXY.- fac-<Oontinued Frant Pageon.> chian lied been robliet. A galti watchMis noanti e amali sumof nmnoneY, the com-1 bar for a few minutes, leavingMis ilt panion reportet as antang the mleing Strotuberg sittIng In a chair on the b articles.'Te watcb anti mnney Vers iront porcli, l faunai et th. hotel a few hotns later. When ahle returneti aile aw thatl ted Etiwarti Conradi, ai the fit-m ai Con- Mliss Stromberg wassiii anti ln ne- tînt rat & Hart, conduchedth ie Inquest sitanse ta ber soliclîtus Inquiry was hi. over thle bodiy.* A verdict abowlng Infot-meti thet e hati bast the uae ai b thal Miieclian bati met tieath ily ac.lier limbe an hber rigbt aide andti hat citient wasî returneti. she was unable ta mose. She wes The deati mans home la ah 43 Court taken tIo t h. bouse anti Dr. Bellnw& Street, Chicago. He wae 24 years aId. w5as ummioneti wllh ail possible haste. un- 'Mle remaine were forwarded ta bie He at once faunti that Miss Sromberg lis- home ier hurlai. waa euffering irom e bati stroke ofai p thie Mleclian anti campanion leit Chica. aidez, anti atviieti that abe h. tation ont go Satuuntiy mornlng for Round la the hospitai wkthont the ]oas o! Mblt Lake, wliere they were ta espent le-a- y lIme. Thte Whihe anti Tabin amt- ,ith bar dey. The men were fishing front buance was summoneti andtheb, slnd- lOtd, thte platfarm. The accident itappened 1 en woman was rernovedtu thie hasiti I10fr shontly aher i1 o'clock. laI but dieti about an hour later, Oison vas releaseti itom jal Mon-. Dr.BlIlows sld il wot not le est day afternoon anti permîlttedt t returoneceaaary for an Iuquest ta lie beld as la.-t I ong Lake. there -vas neonliut 'but thal the bey .bor the ei- mat- lling Whio tno hoe He titen quotedthelb foiiawing linei froot John Ruskin: Thelre lsa aworking Ciashappy sa coolenteti Among bath t-Ici anti poor, Phere le an 1db. clans, Veat, wlcket anti miserable, Amoug bath tici anti poor, es Bd He Vent on record as heing lu in. son ai union labor anti saliIl Vas lte' onY scoapon vîtti vhicli 1he labang u-a- cai compele againsl capitl. He tieclereti, bowver, ltaI lb. laborno cla§5ss liulti lam0 no lime ln purging bts rankftheilt alion "sluggers,", lb. "gnmen", etc., Vhbcl are marring lbe tabou cause. Mn. Dîver Iben pictureti the labciT conditions lu this country witit thame ia other caunîrles, sitowbng th utas aupenbarity bi he Unitedi States. Ho aiso expreaset hie satisfaction ltaI he coutry lias seen fit lu elstea 0 an day each year la wiethltabou Ing mtan le given bis Jusltdues. POE RESPIRATOR, RIVAL TO PULMOTOR TO DBUUOT BY FOWLER 18 REPORT HERE. (Oontinued Prom Page One.) reauAis base beu securpi. With the PaO ReSpirator this la fol Possible. ion but one tank le carrieti and ti hilte axygen la manUiso- turot In ntucb th. saetmanner as acetylono £as le manufactures trami calciumt carbide. 'Phis gives a zuacti- celiy uuutimîletisuPppy ai oxygenancat mates il neceesary merély ta carr tie one tank In whlch le il manu a- tnret. 'Plietlee a nerf ni future. for bath machines, but if the Pae Itespinator ectipses te Pulmotor, un bas ie6en claimet, it shouit soon boe. cone fne i h. foremnet Invenions of lhe age- The. Pustmer bas nt. The body othte 4usd woeM vaU talon ba 8oo, VINISthe eneml willi e boe. Burll Vili tam place ln Rose111. Bo tai sa kno" Mia stromlb.rg bas no rsi4tives living In tbis couintry but leavsà seVerabl lrotit' ers and sisters In eweden. LUNATIC TAKEN TO ASYLUN (Çmêlbnueti Fromt Vag. On&) log knifé an à grindetone. finyder hat taufIglit for hi% 11f. tu arret 0Ol son. Thte crazed moan drew bis 10f. andi endeavoredti b cml Its huiigty- iooting bladg loto Snytier's heart. The tlmOly arrivai aifassistanoe ttaved finyder fromn meeting death et the iunatli's hantbs. Waa aàSa" Man. "'PliaI fetlow le one of tbe 'bad men' of Michigan," saiti the deusuty warden Who was sent tu Wanl<egan by the au- tborllies of the alate institution,. "lie bas attempledti t murder three resi- dents oi Escanaba. anti but lwo daysi befare he escapeti iroîn the asyium lie look an oatîl that lie wouht mprtier the Jtidge wbo pased the zseulence whlch contitttetl lAntothelb. aylumo."l The depnty wardeon ineistedti hal 01. o ha placet inba stralght-jat bslle. fore lie wae teitoomthe joli. it@ bande were piacetiln a muf anti bis feel were strappeti. .Oisen waa lotiued ln a padded oeil et te aslyum eariy Monautiaimornig. LL IN BAStliU MRS. MARY 1UTLER TESTIFIES AT HEARING IN DIELINQU- ENCY CASE IN COURT. SENT TO NEFORi SCHOOLS ELIZABETH AND MARRY BUTLER DECLARIO o9LINQvENT8; SENT TO OCHOOL. 3Mr. Mary Buller af Northi Chicago was taken frotlier oel 1n the Lake caunly bastile ta lte (ounty court mont thie ptornlng la teatifyblnte case ai the peope ofaie ti.laie.versus ber twa chuiren, Elizabethi Butler, age 16 anti Harry Butler, 10 years oIt. Salurday nigit S@ate'@ Attor'ney I)ady, filet a itetition Rasidng Ilallite two ehidren b. dec.laret dellnquents anti sent ta reforot echoole. He chargeti that the cidren were graw- lng uit ln Idieness and crime,.l'he deede which these elilldren are alleg- ed ta have commIttd were oi a most serions nature. Ellzà6beth Butler was declareti a de- tinquent andi committedtehothe ()eneva fichool for Girls, lier I0.year4tlti brother was committe t thie St, Chartes Sooci for' Boys. M ~ Clul Oal etrljco~uWp, w Coupons of Conecutive Date. * will entitie you to one of thé advortised in previons isenes j I 1' s 't "tAir atles" Become Real Casties When You Have a Euslness Educationl Are you dreaining of the great things yott'11 do "bye anid byel" "Bve and bye" is the rut into which the dreatuer lias fallen. TODAY is thtedtix- for aetion! "DO IT NOW" is the slogan of sîic-css! Get ini the gaine with ambition and wake tup to your opportîrnities! Now is the tiîïîe-this school is the place! W'e not only flt yoîî for a responsible position of highest order-but we have the influence to get it for you. The Waukegan Business College will have a "Rest Tçnt" at tlic County Fair. See Prof. Munt- son about enrolling yoîîr son or daughter at this time or cail at the College at Waukegan, El., if not convenient f0 do either, phone 636, or 1551-M or write for handsome Catalogue and full partieulars rcgarding the College anid it's work. Remember that this is the IdqQ.1 ,c4o9I of Short- hand and Tç*r1tini. Idéal RMhbol of giàineas, Enkl«h, Oi Service, Pènmanship. -aeYou sein thé Stanotype? Learn'to Write Shrthald on a Machine.- The Stêeitype docs for Shorthand what the Type'wlitek, docs for longhand-prints it ont in plain letters with gî'eat- ci case, greàter speed, and greater accuracy. SILOS SlLÔâ W. hâve Cdàr Oregoh Pli- Slilo on hand. No*delay in dé.1hëry. Spécial -Io* prices for lgnmédfate dèlivery. JOHNfM âbMITH à CO. L1.ZION CITY, ILLINOIS DO NOT FAIL TO ENEOLL WiTH aUSë Fali Terni Qpns zx 9tIi, 1912 FE DAIT ~~w %~ean usesColl ege'r WAUKEGAN9 II. La 1, - - 1 - 1 ý f-,

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