LARE OJTI LAKE CO0UNTY INDEPENDENT1 SERIAI!CIDENT Office Tale;,hliereo 1 : Ediors Resdence Talephona- No. 145-tL. LETTER FROM MEMBER 0F FAM- LV TELLS 0F ARREST 0F c'i ~ Abag.WM . NEWMAN IN CHICAGO. 1911eW it fiýif 1aIe1ýWaukegan fria-dodre the Newmant M Ra- %,%d 1tamiiy who forma-ny ra-cida-d ha-ne and Issnd t',..r.I i tî,rrg ate, tIae Erer niii ipI .itîer cre aery sail knowfl, are surprised SUBSORIPTiON PRICE, $1 50 PER VEAR STRICTLV IN ADVANCE to icarn that M,ýrs. Alra- Newitnan 1iea Jace> ssing hier husband, Vil..amNewman., for a divorce. nam- ing stotutony grounds, lu addition ta W. J. SMITH ..... Edtor thia, Newman la faciOg crimînal ac. F. G SM TH ......> .... .... ..... .....Mange 'tien on the same charge, is trial F. G. SMTH Mana e nding in the Cririnal court in ('hi- RAY L. HUSSARD . .. . .... ..... .City Editor cage. Tha- statement came te The Sun today i a letter sigiied by a member of the Newman famlly, FRIAX.~E TEM EU~, 91. hsaamst hal Newman waa taken FRID Y, -lE TEMB R 6 191. inte custo dy by the- police o e actur.ý _________________________________________________________111on Ail 18. on a charge of Itav ing abducted Mia& Ave Brown cf Chi- cago. The couple wa-ra ai lange a ______imetha before they couiri be aplîre- Rev. tiI R. Hcks of S. Louis. editor of Word and Works, the uceather' bended. forescaster who each year has bas furnisbed Waukegan with a forecat on the Newman was boeund ovear te, the W«thr cnteingabou it anualWaueganDaycelbraion.prits n ei. grand Jury and a true bihl was ratutit t"iheeteg boutis anuasfll Wauea a cihai;. ft n edcdagaînast hlm. by the- latter body in tONa inhiaSeplnihr isue s tllos: aY. indîctrment charges hlm __________with cotributing tte ths deiinruency Vas, ne dout cvery resident of the crly would be glad ta take advuit- OfresnBrtIn. thatis triai wil taira tskO Of the iaw peritng a cty to turn a bridge over ta a county JtlSflail.placecne Une th Sis teri .iltk Ut, how about the county foFk? Would Ibey accept Genesee treet bridge, rio Mrs. fewmn. the crUe, ls now r- 5n511r how fine an ornament itlei? Hardiyl sidlng wltb lier mother, at 464 West Forty-feurth street. Chicago. She teF dolng a-vctyting in lier power nflw Nobody has a mure tryimng job Ihan a poormaster. Accordingly. poir- tei sectire the acquittai oef ber huahand MaMer Conrad has done a wiait thing in naking il a nais that every apicant On tha- greuina that lie was led te bis foraidmus hyaffdavt tat a l n irenee an enbie10 arefr action without baving ccisidera-d the fo l utprove b fiai hthel ndr edan nbet ae or 1 c sliteitces. She la et the opinion hLmoifl. Such a course la beund ta prevent nrafy unworlty persona gettlng 1tlLat if acquittwi he wilt ra-urn o ter- tounty aid. [and the)> cao he marna-rt al] over KINO AND OIGNIFIED agatin riro!lrr',%ni.extract ta 1' 4r4ru tanec'triral in tlire At the sIa- tiînte she la flot talring - a84y chances and bier sait far divorce \ îlerî,Illinois, DLill> SnorJ Itie21 Vecathe 1rcohaly wiliihe ~dgedhafore the ldituir for is t soIt and digniied ta4ment of forts. and foc caîie et ber brSiband coieiii, for ,is IC idIý andi trcthful pîrting et the motiter. wso iraIt rer- trial. tanhirldi rsrerlîes n readlnes 10 ender him oi ,a-a s ecr- ew man Ia sad le have met the Bron .girl i hkagotone tfevanti I Il I A. ýHUSS REPLEVINENTS VS. SICKNESS TIRÉCù .o on bvn baupplied en top ofthtei FOU LAKE REMN OLD PAPER ON WALL beetn made to rerneve aDi. of the:Iay- FORTUNE BROS., BREWING COM-1 EL -Wben siekitest occurred lu the PANY GAINS POSSESSION 0F -WL KNOWN PHYSICIAN GIVES bos the disease germa were taken ALL BAR FIXTURES. EXAMPLES WHERE PAPER up by the wallpaper and remained MAS SÊEN AT FAU LT. there, a constant menace to healtit. 81IERIFF GREEN LEFT WAUKE.- The application or another layer et GAN THIS MORNING FOR FOX That much of the sictness that le wallpaper did flot bave the affect of LAKE TO COLLECT G0005. prevalent in Waukegan la due to the banlshIng them.o fact that owners of houses antd flats The physîlcian in question says lhe The Fortune Brothers' Brewlng cer n 1 the clty are flot careful about r.- knOwn of several Instances where sick pany through their attorney, t'Iai re mevling diseased wali paper from the nets bas resulted from the carelesa C. Edwards, have started replevîn walls In cases where conttagious dit- habit of Puttiitg sverai toats of wall. tuits against six Fox Lake salon pases have been present, la the Con. paper on in place cf removlng themn keepers. tention eofcone wel-known local phy before a new layer ta put on. He said In each case the hrewing company sicffln. that If health la to be preserved It seeks 10 regain $350 worth of bar He pints te the tact that In at leaRt IWould pay te go to this trouble. even fittures. They have proAred an at-cite-instance tiis practice caused ccv- tbough itlel a ]littre more expensive tachmnent on a sîxteen foot bar, a six- cra1 deathe. When thé people who le say t If the wallis were s;Craiped and leen font hack bar and a number of moved into a cerain bouse lit the cleaned each tinte tresgh wsll.paper la tables aud chairast each Case. clty hecame 111 with a contaglous dis- aipplled tha-re would ha- much lasa iii- The replevin attts were fled at aenne they attibuta-d ilt t perfectiy onessIn the k1tyý Waukegan early thiis morning. Fitteen natural canne-s. Other rases i'ollowa-d __________ minutes atter the tuits were filed and this prova-d te ha- the same with proof aof nntaMn Origin Sheriff Green and two deputies left sei.eual dilterent familles. Three or Plrofesser Keltb it a Iondon lecture ,hera- for Fox Lakte to taka- possession four deatha tocIt place lu the- house. est the evoidtioit of man. sai-titat the o f tha- goods. A short tinte ago another tenant reaemblance of the. prehistorte mon The saloon keepers, agaînst whom rnoved irto the- bouse and the tiret keys fountd Intheb. Pyum It upper replevi n cuits have haen tarted thlng lie did wac te, hava- the dtrty EgUvt to Southt Americait monkeyu busiessandhcdlai dai waîpae, emoeit ror ih- wll.Ha- ielcdthe commen oengIn cf the ýbave quitbsnsîn a adCai alae eoe mthewM mnH tiropolda of the old antd new world. te the gods whlch are ha-kg nepla-t ound il many rayera it thickneâz,. Th men..,... aglu rtnmn the.sutel ware stacta-d are, I JEVR'ER Jel<tans Lu.tndl, roliercs- caIla-OSAt $35ie Lib ---- îîI:..; G.OA Johrnson, IrdearI>' valiet It - Vi llIu larnninaeîî npropety %soînet UiS COMPANT IS atheno. S s.o TO BR~EORGÂNIZED, C.Iha IDe Plfr00ant illa 1 ehe 'lîreperti valua-t ot $1,0. % ica-. mhbelleret Lre cailedtioen, and Itla w ithin or pewer beame t m-riadlr infoftuated with ber.- James lalîrin, propenty vatued ai seltu do. \tany l11eF sucb ntie" ar,- osclgred te suppy ce- f Forga-iful oetbis ewn family or the- CH'flrAGO 8UBUFLBAN GAS A N Porters, or the2 office devil. wlio in an amtigueus efFIlfa e ha- îoesequîence-s, he la alla-gedta tehave EL.ECTRIC LIGNT Co. CAPITAL-__ ____ frtnîy lîrwv ti- hoi mater otacoucenst e riderue fot iig fstad fthat tb-y e)opa-. Tiis they ___ fun trwste hlemttrinocotmp r iieButiti. explaits The Suns Informant, IZED AT $6,1,000-00O A Chine»as. Pms. the- uriter ot tha- etîtoriai front whlch the paragraptL iealow andi I %vas hacause tha- girl vas under9 aaag wephae a waa taken evitentît ragactad the a atter as wortbýy et tain age tirat ha- cas cliarget cr1111 harint e y g fom te Clp"tsblft a an d n igniiedt rea-ament.' ahreted ha-. The -charge ot con- The Neor Soa a eiar iiannTmfonbcCatee Àe -~ - - rihefing teahar delinquency crac lira--ha reorganized andi a na-s organiza- trom a Parls coitemporary, but as W@ < Thon folows the reference tbe Sun made Ia Mr. Hicks folowlflg bhi$ ferra-td atter they had ha-an in aachteon wtb a eapitalimation et $6,000,-bhave Bl recalved the correct.anaver lfoeçeat on tbe weather about Waukegan on Jufy th last-il lin recallgd bho ther's companty a choIe imonth - ait 0)t h-kiwnt ha 'lag sgite Il, logether dit lthe original prodlcted tbat Iis section wouid be vlieled by mas at tbat timob-Srd I i us) et wiîch tclme tae- -.atactives îhad 0u abe' nasteCil oS-Queston. The question ran:'-oung marde an Inettecterel effort ta caliure burba.Vm Gos and EIa-ctici cornItan>. 1am green. old 1 amn yeilw; vo-il -.-"0 tfieur or laarn tha-Ir vhera-aberts. Mr.ha tiaen forma-t under ira- lads et hsts. 1 become complant; Ut i go. Newman is sabidte hava- expreaaed his 1Da-tacrr for the pirpusa- oft tkiiig Cufl a ttiend for long, ho no-ges TRYING TO GET MION PUISONERS regrers at the whola- proceed-ing, de oer ta- prqperty. m eMv hlm; Young I1 baonret. ,W@RK clartrgthat ~tf not Itnow cr1101iea- NEW CARFORROA AR 14DE O as trlnklng about wha-n ha- rail away \Vtle athe termc of tihedeal bave olI 1arn decplsed. The answer la witta tIra-yreîmng cornan cho wurs bard tnet theen mode public. il tc stata-tithat l"Stmwav slppes"-London Globe, Represttatives et the Edison str Ien QYSPIONR UTI oeta coo il h tdutetwl ietecr "0 battery cars ara- andeaortng t ta CT' RSSER UTl o-- o cro il îeca-sm-t u îetecr ib&ace the- dîna-dos o! the Wouka-gaits WORK OUJT FINEIS ON THIEîrans a consîderabie aniounittcf adti- Qufle Toc Much for Ussd Wordi XoWk.ord & Elgin Traction company CITY ROADS TH-ERE. ANENT VOTING FOR HATCH. clouai tends. shich tl bIeta-ed li The value of acvertlslltg vas point- ta.'Ixsaai cite oft lita-mcars. They frurure axtending tisa-brusiness.r ci out ta o mat wth a bndding buld- luçominend for Prssent use the- cars 'x . -a rIlAg 6EIe au lifc httemr e(cre ,ne. anti le ogreedto, gîta a crftler -wcwii ili saat tortY-tve Pas- letters ma-n aolrîfet>notbing, but kegan Sun: My attention Iras haen Incîradet in the na-wlnante et the- con r sbmitted andtheIlie mea-lant inoked il .MMgers andl ia capable o! makingte t bta- gentlenra uloettev ncaet i10ueoitaraie îriit- ina esIo&nmue m-vrcld bond trip ba-Iceen Palatinea nd Wau ua-th centrctha-c inaan concitOna"bla-. cet itri- t on pfirowntttteo iro soult ncta otIrtth,n vrelî."Ftydlasl 0 »"da ln toty-ive minutes. Sîrîgs harina ibtis finscription bave 11,r thaeertto rn ln rnbu otfotta tîchli e cernmeita- "Youve used Týht. car selgbs aigbeecn tons and 1Peen Itotet on naarl> eia-ny eiegratnh cri ti s nfot attovedt trivoie for gos-lOto tra- a-lactric liht bijina-a If a lot el mcords tva e »iibetoro.' coa $1.85 on lea-uiipOdcriit trisalona' lira- rîgiriof way o e r-(hi- F red Hatrir nt the Progressive Stote tN3i s aete .Chanrîge la une of tue ~.httl. onshail, rcani on Icage & Nortbaa-ctertvRaitroat.intaZion tnm,-nton ra-d u Chcag î, lieimportance_________________t__e pilta f gocg.:ela-itr u a-n ge t'Cty, Th ira- ii t winnet posedtiy d ay iftiIs mtititl e h-a ma-mir- ttu etofyImoruc- îî h Di. t a p ettr sdcn a-u, citet par cuit îîtY officias, but lîy crueetite mon 55e Boardet Truista-es of the rînivE r Iorti shora-. as it would toles vthar et end ef the con ont cao moa- a bers et tire Faderatd Union e tItni.iIttsofttn-0 tr-gspoi oui e-necmai t %th- anmîusgovrniing tie ra-initît'-'nd speet ot65 mles per heur. They have they rUles---etat t aroes tvat - ton- et t ha- Public Servcre r inptany. *Walaler oea-which ratails at $111 X'T.' teru -an Werlrdunt stop. ontaina- ti, r tdo Itoomta-v ara- r' I Thre Nri Oea Oi epty -85. Tesecas ae oa-otat ly -la-v1 Raca-tly the- rit>'dada ta! Ziou 'datnieua. rere are tha- tacts aihio uc.oct- i îr a tricity, but raquirfno uepoeetplant. oîrbed the planoirf naking avery lpruson-tu icols orsire Tha-electcicity coa-la- r sho iv unahie teaîroy Is ina- work l1'alr te oryi mra-ofret il 'tc$1.0tr)0100ll ira-erra-t stockr, $ý2,ririK.00 poblîllos oione Pbi a-ec-vo'Tet iaiteoirecicrade-t-rs ceuinIr talagatiait prssenti hrslia-rt nstork and irrorund 01,M11,0r1)' galtaneete nuieSermita-s .or ut (ilheacofine gnteenaeit bb a-oin oa css ntr re aa et~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i lIa iLIeZrc ie aaae Tr-10 a'orking sa-il le Ziati tre vote as- -ta-on, andl at rira-uriton , ira-cerani iceort gava hrrda cerf- or Ue aiLak Zurch.The ars re he pan morts crîia-at o! the deteauti, 1 case sm f«r thent as high as I105 mita-s ai oea an F-irs oadministraon, rbut1 alg an ithrtafete.aote change, salssthe- Waucendo Le,,ýade. iut tlut ntproea siucca-sa --a- lav ruiite-iiepaitre >ater ttwhc Tha-offioars anti dira-atorut th _____________lasfreea-cm a n b> tira-name e lotf riniatch-atat h 1r mia es0 50 rcetet for crerarlng a ceritiacithome biali nghttfnn the North Shore Oaa cetittany, wdinh wIhi SOfIR RONSINtîî'-îre cîty n- a onlirîpoca- etceise ton rtc .Itatch, btra-ra-csimilar n t10 Ib - oea ronry The bee r-bzigi SOLDIERDROWNS N dl.araaed utlZi lia-c ie a - fo e ha- tie proron it ters 1 bis RACINE TIU ,Sa otalet$7.40. h1.r nnta- u wbe t h lenrperomanity ro tmha-s ian - T.bytnth'io h RACIE TORSD Ail ho badto 1 aewsOIl14cents important 1posiion. ri'ra--t-Charles T R no.grena-t, .gr- gti maethF ,11 evrai- courîelet te wrk ou, tira-fine r Sic VcIers 'as net a nia-mlirar of 'r r rl'tesitaet-A. V. oster.g:tL11s u olfle litinI GEO. ILLIM'SMEMBR 0F HE rt tIa- 1rondats. IHe was alt'ed $2 the deiagatr ntrcit!lurei aurntia- Sa-r catac> andi Traaurer-%',Itrvilng gtie I t-'i N, EBE F H ýn t onriescl Tu- ioh)(Soît-mto f0 uitinca tire daleation for IbeirOruîfruiits o n 5adna 15th CAVALRV. DROWNED IN i' r dvfo it orTh- obc or agnat any C<antidata- ahos-irtilium- RIVER A RACIN. iaveleacet et the- plan adoîpte- r! y'spr I atette r-convention for Oenearl tanager- George F (00( jirvrriimr-o-taful RIERATRCIE. rrv~Zi, officrais andirtoe saunlng cnlealn n ha iustoureni W iTh IIAN ' I III. tARNIti ria- tihac cav-irr e I so i ac as.A. .1 Oison is concerna-tVDNGFR H SOLOIER, IT IS THOUGHT WAS WAUKEGAN AUTO BURNED. Trusfng voets-lIt inca-cf thisin tira- iurecfrrcv K 1. Ana-s. ('hleas T. ' iIi -i Fl '~ SEIZED WITH CRAMPSt BODVY___cîmoiari oirpparrcorrect an iiiciitrtr . tV. Poster, .WIlring Os- WA RCOERD.Fine Vibiîrdestrola-tI oceoftihe- amenaeusIîresvion, tlrouzbh imai, berne antdlIaorge F. Goetnew. Likes-isa-, tri, il(a-- hoiimiii WAruieinoED.biialgrgeàn o-foddat a a-v n enther te the Aninlos The- NorthSrue Gos compaunY. sitb h .IF-CIlEx-:Rsffici, large a reegrce nR-fr lu]b. eag lia-va- tesien mysa-it. Re- POUTV ERs George Wlliains, a ttîaîear ot ltsa-ll.. lata- 'r's'tia-'tavnugir, tard ws ate spactfrîtly leur Ot0. Dlgginson. f eduresI Wtkgn-eNs jnt lu i.T ELTE Fort Sher-idan droanedt tea ralumaila- l-1aoeg- ruI uaIre tha igrtytNotr(biam. t.oa l r1>'I rk s ow LATE lu the Ront ira-r, t Raine, Wic, toitriiila-, the trolrertf Met .ic ts. LAKtE FOREST BOYS NOT TO EI- ilrif, Lake- Forra-t, Forf Shian, 5? te stAREils nos' AS NE eacîy Tirursta> iriritirg.Ste 10. os-neaontdumaraer ot the-(îl0 SENT TO REFORM SCHOOL; liteirî-trorl, liiraiintPart. iberty- Irlr.V AE 1 IEA NE Willanms, iliicoinînai>iy it tour r.tîu -u1ýýgo Nitat NStachit a i regatu COURT GRANTS DELAV. ville, lias iii, 'r'rnetka ont Inoe- <ats, ou sca-dd foc airrtîrer seaa -r nienthars et tire Fîia-îtiî th 7S. 'Mea-scusttucand Scirnr dt f atu lThe crîmpaîr-a- franchises rin antil kiila-1ro alhy savttags irnk fîmio Caair>'.s rit alt (,amirîr Scrrr . W'ls egan, carniet th ire lîrceieon rima- Wirbthe taas tialiInna deîn tier'-1946. Ilire populationiena-va-teiaoaut ('AN LOiOK I TI 'llE I"VT Auguat Ir,, enrerte Iona- te Fort jlbig machiine.r-bcr.ti-c.four alleget obri'Iurgars fa,-r (titadtenulotptf s "I",bncrsaepurw i Shieiatn, Ivrci-a-joyrng aa Ti ru inthe, Tira-exact causeaofuthftir,lra- i Ia-i tiera-lofeJurstice- ai V rrbrats arcnno tn r,0 -unr'1el Tir(.e autrwhncrp a-inn iî river,'r heu 'oriLteinl t>' thotrcrîht Ire c-rnet, lis îlot Itîoî ir xlr. Sueur Thiricoay îiorniug andt naeserlcd ne< n epatr ca->ies$1 nef per 1.1n) rît and cîmen bis prcsmtîîmiara- hard co, voua-tdrith cramîna anti satrirun. nresa iis mtachuinefron 'tirutgati i rtg-Pn>t. '1sn0e!v- iethcf-' oc(rpcdc.SM SIltGE lnn der theîrla- of.r he tiaita-c lie sas rRecktord laie Tumesiat terneoti tbý ir tne moa trea-elîionienitN tan taad the flitra-. eir antdiOct. 31, tnt t. the- tai,bliateiethey have ea-onia-l niet iaur-.e-rl t cisra ompanneons toc r ri a ma-t îmarke- t ntirai rîty beter ir î. $243,94-1, nat 118.16 anti surlu cns often iiyal a? e bully Irim i ra-sthn thiran ntî Tl'ira-machine lv of ta- 1912 yliea tui ' Tirea sttuaaI etfta-llagetIl'o> bir c otnrîn,înr site etgresearningc et tateaa e.,' - fr ocirto is ibodlyrras . a uiat at apîroxlmata-i> $2,000 Tiis tacs ncrect dtire %rotl orthvia- a-l- $ 4:t, 7Cf.Wf utatra ads -ugew fotaird ruin 'r nletetofwater. Tire1tnachinuei-ias ara-ard ita- prisa- ffr rknerrn n itgea aus a cstlt they wsîl day et the- yeaaiii oerutotelive. ha-drI ,î a, n id te irmorîr atîd wîîI en-tne Ia-nst aecocataeî it tire tu iteivieurana- mentir te praîve liray cau A celntý itc> riscioolotiiatea¶ vîthr crmho s feraigb slial bhtgive-n ir eira-i ,-%% r i r ai emciendln g in [moblrrîînradronii ir 'e Foiîrt tutt11y.r1 ndl. 'tut n oaa-c anec leaat, conîtrest tri- olg coie tnh teTarbE AEB 't -StirrtrrO 't"r-t rtutsart bret IAirnttirea ir-abs rg 'rt.Stelîra On Jlii'21 the tht-a-a bocys, Vi'ncent inani tirlng-rlinif ount ordiariunîyl ba- lrcrrglrr ot l n rr'n.lobror îni nein Non r Sttir Park ureriri sas Rorsea-, 1vaara olai. William Va'alah, ia rri iao t-g-t- cros NHsn ,Hl N"l lT-rilihatte im trtiit-tlr'l.m et iimn r-uction b>' tina- luge t1t, anordnNSalqtuist, aoea- 10 Tirrea grtis. linting those front Veuta-ditrna' , ai4 ir t ' nr.a- arin r 'Fîm-ttrireas tirti nI bv' cîretana-ous timuclaied tira-store ot L., Il.W$p- the tîirntote a-aaventh. cr111 ha- si li-ca. Hapupy tir a-mn îo "or the 111 0- ,1 the'0111111sti ýNaued aiW'1) iSpa-i Lakanugirb luievlook 10ht-Olgt. 11nings aaspa-c-ingalsEAD-DRERL'riRtE t NvNFEU] la icI nalie ,- 'e rla inrd-. min 21ffir rvsestroyed bhoitis pinmnies frein tire cash trawa-c tire course- iiwhirmtaarcher>'. trucktath- Tý aOr% a -ct I, [,a-nlr m,'r r I ice. Sera-o dayi iota-r ttis clolmet tiray latîs. raisea-louant tennis. Nature Coi atre îrir Il, ri r nr n l'n' istele $1.24) trota tParcy eummIngs. tîîtetts rrili ira-traatedt tloroueiriy, umàeuvrs nd he iai ss stte' %torny Rlli Day hllnatuve Onuts, fruits anI ha-ries, te nana-vers aitd h- etor ir' i-mi WLL OPOSE M. FOS, Stles Abcime>' Iattri î)î>ofbathea--s 0 tira ruciît>' bitt dantithei the "Rets" ondther-- -p' i-rcirraitlti-tr atre natitona-tiCotint>' .lutga-Pensons te babils and thria-making ot Commun an- that place. niae frriedecaara- vira-boys îelirrqueants andtiateticle s auci as soap, It ant iie vilI t mi-a-cc Intîlu--te latet havetlinam commttidta teie9t. Char- ha- exîltiutidJohn Lnt -clîl ha-thes In maklng ti(- rettînr u t r I-- -rr'O r th tell (001,loritOiies Ra-tocm aciootlprincitpal. Ulieidan te covalry la tm .l.-r . '-t.lbîtriý ci i____C(ity Attortrer John t'. Ster la pro. ie - r CapDuga- -fi.ýTtparlng tira- ouplainto et ir-city et eti hrouh <'mp )oîui.av'la m-r irt mIi 1U11 ad nrne rt erCr'smna omprtamnt bas haen madtata siy Kanosira agrn.sîta-h Chiaage & .I- Kilbourn,. Portage, Rie, lColummIn i airr n t- rnrrriiurgint n emc Irtepte ara- arala-ct about lcaving snoriIee i.tlri,mRailIc'y compan> te- tertodîn. O<onomomoc. l'acaît -i t in r1nl,. rtboars vitirnails In the- strea-Is on on mandlng tire roper protection etftisa 51lWitrauka-a-Aften laavine Ra't iineerit woianu tia ad-coras ha-e layare Ilabla-crssnarî trecompany cithin lie day ithe soltiers vsill go to %"rnthcolnil ni 0 l h~'Xitrh nrd-ernmt ialîtpepa- opt-e rorsese ontd1>0- limitelofethe tir- ba nt the- complîIntl liarbr, tbnS taFort heridn. wh is ttille- Theleveragrîculturaî extenioln cil i Its na-xt meeting ond sent ta 'eO d ih g Tha-v cr111paBsatiroiteitW'aakeag jon eto nmr Irmra ictia-dti ermaie tira- lbilproviting tonrta-taraI anti ilote fia- commiissionl lest as ren as It re- laie F'tiday atternoon. coca- Tir'es nition l l b inant icsuppotiof o plan te maintolut oa kili- ceivea tbha-sanction efthtie ceunicil a-t fart demonstator Itava-ny agi- Tha- cemplaint ls mata- tolîowng maity ito iir ll.O17-3 Niti trtonei vanus utîtra etînt>'o et it-nation passa-t atentî on tire paîritfte Cit.y ta The Dally TltouUlt.iasida-a trainingnz ressiei..ila-an the- liuse Augart 22. Evty effort sacire bthe- roter protection of cross- 1W thé l nd ff riot bat ulub l » t itistes tira-convention rili moka- nom m'Ill be put forth ta sacure esrly andi loges. l.a-ters sent ta lte compati gagreeably s nthelb coversatc± i aiens fer mentiera efthtrevit-favorable consila-tatIon b>' ta- Sen-' bava- talla- tevobrune ea-seand ist. vr en ltd.-&ddlson.Et oIe c'hen Congrasa'çe-convenes I De- limes lia-y bava- brongeava-t sc8i -- ,~ board of equaizatIon.-Ra-cord-lierold. cemmear. courtesy tu bite way of sadetS - Remove the Drudgery the farrn. We have now a full stock of 2 1-4 h. p. '*Hired Man" Gas Engines The Hired Manile a water cooisd 2 1-4 h. p. gas anine and is tin leridýd-for work on the farm such as pumpirg water and running ail kindi eft imall machines. The hopper water cooing is cary successful and ha% nmade possible a powrer devi iopment whrth classes th.enrgins as one cf thbe st and strongest of ils rated horse power, buiît Spcif*oaion« f Hired Man Guarantasd horse power-2 1.4 Cooiing waier 1 fly wheel diam-18 Speed 460 1 face -2 1-4 Base 4 i wgi. -50 Sirote 5 1 puiisy face-4 Shaft digrm I 3-8 I base-G 1-2 sxl19 Shaft ength 24 1 wgt.-400 Oserait 48 1 colors-red and hlack width 24 1 spart mats andl brate *heighih 20 PRICE-S45.OO For sale and guaranteed by H. B. EG ER Libertyville, Illinois The art of makiug watches fasc ha-enmarclîiw a4ad staaily 1er yaars. Wt.i- ivnir ialt and stîli petiutto thair initkil)ti r day thon even. And efill Ibsi rre gatt"l,, a-ht-spa ai tbewhiis-w hritm rb,.1r.1g1, if you vwould Uta- te la-arc ru-t ltew fan tbe wlateb mating ata@-raad- vaBeed. thîs ip tha- tloa- t i r'iiw4ett, ifyoD criiàtt nd iut houwrc ht-P ma rrrally reliaba- watrIr r-Fknjba--mi visit Ibis stom. that thear at ni watrh ntakiug iras tu And crs wililsgby place iiur tinrea yrrnr disposaI.