OU DIAN'S SALE. COUNTY FAIR thaï: by fiaI"S wocnt the pln? Von ea nets dala -là :1 ~,3>.8 i i ûi0êI Stae f ilnos.County of Lake, B:W S U C sims ade the euceo0f w ......l nmale:T Drioc. 0 i0 O et &ZIlLi we-sUoea , 1I1 ëft*Gora thrge plays beeau ets :5 r-us 00.Mo"r........,~iNWtO* Ta xrf~ I N AUTO SMASIIUI A. heCD. 19ur 12.L eConi.opérator ttemaguntusna d au- Calumet .............1 1 i Cuges, lb ............iy3 O ob moud gI asverai pe Septmeh e m . . . 91. tb itif 60 cents leal kdthe Rani» Dey ..............R2 fouée, lb.........0 3 O and the oOliud hot wlh 90 the maLter o!fthe appliliatioit of otifl dPo ICO l~. li Viiiget a chance ta VWb o. Lydia H .................2 2 Rà or e...........i Imm, fteday le b.lod gohae e FO~DO CATO TET rank Erhart. Guardian of Edward - - Thi g0 .s Mfor two or thi'es plsm TIMIFlat Het-2:22%. r ,qbgfrteaalatnos TOO FAqT Aý1O SKIDEO IN-.Il n ex___ - y = -adtepayr1 inifrMdt" " cls!Hp-8.Ttl ...... 01SOE UBN. aoi 0a sat.Oeas fl & or 81 b. %tands the Chance Of Vin- TIXE--Thlrd HAet-27. Highland Park- R H m hum boom puiiedoff, thé résebaisem to seIrtelofsatd re m ade record crowd.e nlng a $109 prise. Pr. For AIl Trot-Purse 84M0. margn.y, 0c............. A i1 i,-mffoie»: Th'e tt~. .of ' 'i sreclied auto and vrterof r ecrlordLter a do e -1Officiais or the. fair and the. toVl- .acligans has tu own coterieof Carlo ....................11 i g iO Qader 2b............i1 1 i1FrooifOr.Ail Pace. on Slicrdan i (,ad, jî.si uorth of Franlk- adetrdo eodbIeaoe0Ifolk.a generally, mi today trylug tb apl or mon who are in the lin.Emma GO................2 2 1i2W. DuR>'. eta............O0O0 O0PrinceseJ ...................1 Uin àtreet. lias I."n d. The nia.tldcus nal outo h I gel over the afectsof the oppressive PlO> Of thbe operator, and millonsedutyl r.Brownu............... S.Du>.lb.......i 2 0 Rilej KWt........ ».......... 2 2 chine~ ~~ ei:. ' ii>iiBioa Day of Seitember, A. D. 1912. i shal heat f Thursday. Oid ettiers taser. i a3ndrw"uces"lt t3 gii IUJ.2Va :;220 iu, b ..............O 1 IHnyU>........3 ,the Zo. nioMod',he 'ureih ay o! jait' dclaed tey aveneyr s e W bé hre are no outsiders lu the. THEI ORSE SHOW. Abatro., rf ............1 0 0OTiiet: Là/,; 2:24'/4. Th n .:r ss si.t bsie ~ October, A. D 1912, ai the hour of 1 such sncb a bot day ai the fair as trecpeapa u i .- Ti os h ietetotting Wobick, cf ...........i1 1 O02:20 Trot. road Thtirsdav tnoril iwsith one of one oclock ln the afternoon of saidrThurada>'. Peady, but the. moment an outsider races, suffered tioi year tressa lack Conrad, if..............i 1 O Mr. Rosa ...............I 1 1 li tron' wn'ecis zi ashed off. Resi- day. et the East Door of lhe Court Rost Noom iMuch Uased. draps lu ho and the capipersbahongb.. of entries. Only tillo tandems showed Pl. Glader, p ............. 0 0Antgi......... dents of ilie sreet deciared that fil 'Hous. in the Dty o!f\aukel ii.u The boat of the day sbowed mat iTIe cappers mae.il their busianess te Upbut they Vere prise wlnners of b. Ferry, p ...............o 1 o tss Jae* L .............3 4 4 had seen the machine there sale.12 the Count>' of Lake and State eof11- îthat good theréelt rooin maintalned Induce theSasuciera toa I more mon.lorl iasrise thnn rs V er case hevn-erlenhau Toal.................T..:..:4 ;a 4'/2a224 a o'clock the Il t efore, but that no DOIS. offer for sale aIi pblie vendue j> thie women really la. Womeu snd eY. b>' tellilng hlm that perbapa h.o tpisa i lu tii.reodied l au T otl.......i..6 83i.:.:4/4 :42 :4/.J uehdbeen ear Il. Local garage , lii~tmn ms iidrfrchildren lhronged the retroom al day 1will in the nexi fne. Tbe ucer , kegan and Ver. slrodtb>' the trotter, 1Rotikefeler. O0O02 0 2 6 0 x-9 in botof thonsihonte the finish*$ oangr nwntgaotte w casthe i s ndbs b e o nan effort ta gel aial'froi theiloir. 1 ssthecappera losing mono>' and Gambetta Princeovned b>' John i Highland Park. ..1 2 OI1 O1 10-6 hetw.en the torgnes vilwon tirait and oro!ti.ca ad opoic ;Clasth, al o! the ilgilletu and inter. rible tiet. t a stbat b.i lo t the oail'onelISwanbrough. Home run: Marocey. 3 baie bits: second virl very apectaoular. In the ment were hliai!incliiied ta think thtat est O! helave named minors litiand' Six AA,. 'Rt.d. n ecniusl i>. 1.yug umrA:.King, Woblbrick. 2 base bit: King. 2:30 t'rot Mr. Rosnoed out Antuio the machine mgt bave Ieen stolen to the. folowing descrihOd reai esiate, SxvmnVeafcedb'teman Vwu néon to las. $26 at ose o! William E. Dois of Lake Feont VIS Sacrifie hbile: DuE>'. T. Dorfier. b> s bars six Inchton. Tit, finish ln In Chiéago or Milwsauk{ee and tien sttuated in the Count>' o! Lake and heat, non. becomnilg unconscioni. bu't'thene gaine, and afler thig lie turned 1awarded the bine ribhion for tandem'Stolen bases: Rause, King 2, Similh. the firsi race Wu. practîcaill' as cloue. abandoned ber. ater Iilbhad been dis- tate ofIlilinois, bto-i::lu eacit case the. ylctinbelng 90 at-, white and announcedthbat i llvas e,- lsud Arthur Meeker of Laike Fores J. Dorfier, DuE>', . 0.lader. Ailîtrom. , The Roman race In whlch th. riders abled. o ,te outh fected flSiteahad to go ta the ret ery cent he huid and be did nt no i l vsawarded lb. red mion. Conrad. KnIgge. Hapke. Sîtîcit out: stood upon tWVA».horssnl, provend ver> SThe north oasi quarl e . om nsd lie down forsoie houre. byb a on 0glhm.Aob r e ane f i.hnra in 1 b>' Dorlr.7; b>'Glader, 3. Bases On exciting. Titer. werg four horloee,mil Mr.Beioasarive be. hurda> wet uarer ! elin tseuv-fle Ii IThot îhere Ver. no more prostrat- er mien lest $20 and otiers vel mnal te single gig and il. awarded lb. h alls: off ladir 3: off Dorfier. 1. frontsChinage. The cowboy race vil ight sud explained bow the accident townshipî fort>' four Norh, o! Range Ions than the on viiere the. chef wus ho loise varying sans. rMCn fteWuea nte vn hc rwmc ao happent T.eg 7890 . ........... 1 bine nbbon, with Mr. lieeer second. 1 Manager cauo i akgt otraetwtc rwnuhfvr imppne. esad e addivn tnEast o! tihe ThIirdPrincipal >el-rnee noalu.VsaVue. 'i oaba I o byavy ekrvsgiven the red ribbon. loday expected a bard 'fougbt batle ahie sttention. achined10 aH egSali sudbvsdrlv - ihe an, containing !orl, acces; also lie because the sun eemed tb hear dovn gel utiera' t0 gise thlrmoney vien 1Rodsers- Thomas Dohert>' Wou- &gainait lhe Racine elub and much lu- ing~ ~ ~~~~~~u uthc oev i cietnorth aest quarter o! tie souih vest vithial Ils violence on tISe 13.000 or there la net the. sligbteat chance of! kegan, firs:Jh erct ak.tetonee nii oti.LBRYILSp.6-h n occurred.c huatereo!setio tthue-oesceloreleron present Tiursday. Wed- heating thse gaines.- a veli itnown gan. seond. GRAHAM& IN SHOOT EXHISIT. nual fair vonnd up Ibia afternoon, the He admts he vas driving li, prett>' Tovnsiip fortyfour North. o! Range nesdsv vas ahol day at the fair but Wauitegan ganibier declared yestir. Ladies' Riding-ttre. bFrank Muller, Tiie Grahamn brotbers, lhe crack ofcr a lp-,td0- hle fas ad vie h rondd te lorer len Eail o! the. Thîrd Principal Nerid- Thursday vas far vorse , day afternoon. He tien proceededtoaILakte Bluff, tirait IlisaiColby and MitieLong lAke éats, Save an exhibition faicuetoMaciautppon te d e hIr tes ra d eble vs ong o fiedubsiqatere! lcorrt Hersea ver. sffecteanit nsu'cse xm a i b1 oV saime of the crooked iJHaleomb. Libertyville, lied for sec- ai thé trapuThIbrsday wVicis dnî'flur aegodo herav ofCisyton Street adturned ltoin.ntlin or> ars: est lt sdauto ices blew fupab>' lie d=ez ena ansare Vorkt'd and shoved bow nd ucbatnln tbists rilm le trcin h eeln lg Ahenidan Anost ever> machine'lner vrdipsilit la for the dupes ta ia]l Clans 5. Chldren'is Pony-Ntlu pfor la>' GiMaam h ba ht lu thé colint>'The> tboogbt tbey bad the attraction and the. machine became untnanage- quarter o! section tvenlv-one lu, bis tires with a ceat or blanket [nY>tiui. ence Tbompson. Libertyvile,tiret, minci b. roturuid trous Swidon Vheri lc ,bvn able aud akidded loto the, curia vere Township sud Range aforesatd; sueffort ta keep the terrifie bout aila lirO. Thomsas R, Quayle, eretar>' %5.licCurd. Ubertyvlle. second. ho captired the. worl- ciampi«ohip. cincbed, ain greed b Pl> 4100 the ha hoabadon lie Car for lb. aise the south lhait o! tie norlh .551 The. drlniting fountaînna ti n-o bDLieeunx'Lysu rer Ohr thesvreMs . .Ml.Tiecn-i ev'enWukgOfn e tisun.Tseattohebe > nigibatNoe aa njue yleS.qatro i oit eiqa~ (xtrancse 10 lie field, i thronged vitIS ieague. as alitte fair yesterda> and lin on Soubrette sud Misse Rate Car-,ohher marka0en dld not materbalize, phone bamte lu tbe morning, and ali night.a.o onteaasainaibid 10 ahaVacP.qbisteriofnehvasouel.ywescrqisinerC(e- Cilent otier ian being badiY siaiten cept aie acre on he north ide tiere , people 'al day. The cool, refreshing iooked toil conditions quit. geril>.roll on Yorba Linda.asteoalali tshwu bsmiews lydcr C- up. of). in section sixteou, lu Tuws nhiti'vater il ioved ice, vas lie big- He ieeined aurimised aI i elmnmer of \rs. W. A. Niiieler o! Ll eBluff Il vas planned t1bid be Contest cgviexrsadalthcod and ang afresid.ais th cciiigeai boon liaI one could Imagine. The gamblig ganines but was pieied vien sud »Iiisq Crac. 1-omemnb of Roke.Ioda>'y.ovaepes.m adb ol 'andange___________ uthe n it ,trouble vas tier, ver. tac few hbc la i lit te management iil o.feler s> ccc îhrown off their muts Ja> Grahamn broke 73 eut ot 75 birds' cot get t10thliroundii before 7 olock liait of!fle souti .551 quarter o! th"' faucela ta drink ftrainalp.ibet uteioI inIot !Ieeansad Te d.RdOaanbrk 2ou f7 Pai i.evnn.Ti.ofcab a h MARRIAGE LICENSES soîili west quarter o! sctiotI sixteen. CoeBaeGri.soOn as lb.>' verefaînditab e erol capod Injury aud remouuted atier bc-~ Grahami broke 48 out of 50.pl ec.ardyfrbehnrad i Townshipi forts four North. of CSoue a e a r~ifler. san'elIng austed ta heir fel. The dining roonu, conducled b>'y t olshte.aray o i hna u lu . iSiniae sie ffi a ay brdy' aes pwOrth Longue, vas paci tedI di- manie of them almosl shed lar ven Tont Pots, North ('hwii a n' 41Rige TenE Patof tiiý Thiîîlric(gambiingat thie fair tts year b TtrsIn aca ROCKEFELLEPt WINS. nrTuaa' nfca coi v i.'ful i> oîdntsik1 Frani Sdaj ,;ril Chcaz. .. 25 Dted 1h15 Tweitth Itiamof Sm'lteitt was noe-lihe pour dupes v.ho laid _aIlf efor ail trot viti thl e tari- ceee o rn ihadPrkeyhn a ensl n.Tevefl wr utemte yhl Husard P. Davis, Wuîeol ....24 br . ¶1 oo hi oo> a eolîi rs and a 2253.3trot, for vilch four>l y tilscore o! 9 ho 6 Tiurdaytle 1bîndred Iersons vere «ierved etIthie>adeertieilIl vas a sore bl cio! o!- ?illnie M e' orbereZuri1).2 1911. -RIi 5RT. fcance ovniug, astoerato>acme.Tepcosscieiofgane beicg vllueaied b>' a big crowdnodama.Ti.ercevsx> caIbtislpmnreucri FAK-F1IAIR'1 and msuch onthusisnàivas aiov. The cllent. the menti satiafying and ev- 1albtlrlimeaeunran Josiai W. Norton. Chicago ... 57l(trardian utfsaid minor SkilO! the gaines tois:cure 10asB.l taIas al but fivoo! lhe animais became iHighlaud Park lein vas sapeched tb eryone praises lie EpvorthtLeague quantifies nov and always vilItae. outalders ddflt vin, as tii,> mighh iame, Raci race vas von ln straigbl wlc lihe gainebuh Rockefeller put : for te efforts ln givlng the. public FRIDAY'S RACIE A.T.. SophiaSmniuîon, Chcato.......8 _____- Ibase dmoe in an ordinary gmhn heals. Tbe free for al vent ta Carlo, 'tp a gane scrap sand amid the cheeras: is Itosecrans Badinl, Chicago.. 4 DUIAINNOTICE Igamin u hich lier. la sine element l recqrd 2: 10> vilcisaome years ago !cmnlvfi, iy'irnb ome sis.Frisfor Al Pace ADUDCAvO as goali enougi for the "big ring' o acoun." ok hy'*rnh oi LIBERTYVILLE RACE TRACK - Ptos ......... Helen Poole, Chicagu... .........26 Public Notice is iereby gis on liaI cf chance, His driver. Shaw. vas calleil ta hie otheibcamheb"n iaiu fi3:00 p. m.-Orsstly te thte dlsappoln inc$tt........ Hlenry' Wn. Wiiiner, Cleveland 'tise Subscriler Exeutoi o i s ha ans iuiiddsieheludges' stand for losîng the tfild Ilat1bal, tus year sud a meeting ieleen ment of tite crowd viltattiuded tte RueyKiCng ................. 2 2 3 Maniha B. Tîlala, Norti Chicago . 191 W'illand Testament o! Joseph etr-efot fheflrmnLm n e 2:25, afler winuing tie second Inn; hein arousedtle lulerest o! tie entIre, fuir tii.aftemoon te management Hone> Boy ................. 3 3 2 ilaul Frsc, Cicgo........Court o! L.ate Cout', at a terinithor ae rona u Dpl'Scrf svet b ivas givenCarIe Rocktefeller leut aily t a bmt star! h.,Ampo"le te giv5 e heailp ex'-ii22 rt Bermn J Bileb Miwauee .... o!'fta be hoiden aIthie Court fHouse in West Gray Who acteS for tie manage- wiut ta gesfro nt22 rn s Emma , îî,ndtightlaendlPark en sa ac lan ilt o Ohe ahim.nde touldhavpeM.Rs.......... Mets neu.Milvukee . . >0 VIauiewan. in Raid Coîiniy. ou the irtStment. The oheratora had been ilu 'i inter aa elanc:2 l fom E aI0t o! he sdson. uic. asinclnreactro ego li.,îîeIpan t>' 0f htveAngm222 Joeiianson. Wauitegafl......3 29 pvo!Nvoer o'bvgct. i sdcileuetei di> that uieal>esihat- mile tracits lasi season, trotting In bIl lie vicier>' awy froni the norti but tnnoseme nexpliinable marner l Steadfast Lb BoneNiklsnCiy .......23ialdsier il ale oti il angda l h oir 'ds oudbeup'ladInes it'4Shore boys. got lost in transit acroos Chicago and Iish Lad ................. .1 ........2 sais aid instancesrinnotuleS thd meeir gainesthoumdnbgementedillu hie - 3 44 Edvard Zinke. Warren Township> ..62 rel tased preceut tule sainie tosaiS ii'.e isacsbuvlih gains Calumet Takes 2:35 Trot. Cader vorled viti fair mc'sur un Thmanagementthere Inflrmee oroc CaolneZîils Wrrniti Tî 5l cur fradudcaio ere ciosed, 1h vas ttunfi tthle Caltumet outlassesi theohieri in lie fiil tial tumulteoma sevlerîidrus. hlm the long distance téléphoesthît lit, CaoieZits arno, w,..Ai cutfrajdctoopenators, net content viii tae sin- 2:35 trot sud the bel mlle required 10 coller sud Ferrv finil bed the gane. would be Impossibls for te machine! for 'sutPace iric.î J. owues b>' Leo J. Paluaka. cil>'.............24, LOUIS H 1,1(IITFEI5. gie bts. sauteS 10 maie 'big kIlI-o!hilmasl2:23iý-.Rannle Dad bad, Dorfier for Rocktefeller pitched a te arrive in Lîha lert b efore 7 p. m. ltHarry Otto anud mrIven b> Ed. Barri.. Helen Wyseciti, sanie....... 221 Fe5ctItOr iug' b>' allovîinge li gstciers" ho iots o! speesi, but sas net up 1e a bard viale o! a game anSdvas stîitotel' and Il would taon tenome titre te o~ sti laei ietn Winm.B. ing, Ovanalta. Mn. ... 51 Vkga.Iiutitet)e i>s 1t lb daube up ou thein bts. The manage- ac sd u ddhonba sace eni nce>' Te oceelerban asunaicIlan gI .byfoutteflnit EmaiauotLaeFoes..i..4ni12 ent kitpia close vatcb onthie gaines wfbi 0505.0 iter 10 breakt lu oier['anotier gauîe milil- t' i'rlrtm5 l emaasgttswttitu e etofigt heatiriveIr.rmeeil' vorouis, brît i tiat existed on ail parts o! thie "m1iS'beal. The runuing races ver. dahes Croiîlr. e-ts Sît" -, > -i, ' U~.be aadnd iemngmn i.iiu.iars a rvn e Henr'>'Marylana, Racine .........21 1 say"sund announco tiat Uic finit aI 0futsevenelgits anS thiree-uuarters or ei sud a varni barile ma,> o;etted thse fair are ver>' indignant, but s&y, for the iraI tiieln a race, let lber out, Chrinle Petel'aonms...saine . . 19 Adreaders belome isomeoners as tenilts made 10 'double-up" ou bets a mile and thei.flusies vote gol Tite Boa Score: liti te>'canflot blame anyone as itt andS$lie ltnisied eati> ln 2:14'l William L. Loins, Chicago .... 23amatr !cor e-fr i>'ET Il- sili resultithle gaines being closeS. onoîîgi 10 raw applause. Sylvia, a Roceeller- R Ilt i >ssimpi>' Somithtng tai could not Jlia G. Vidard, Grass Laite... 1?TERESTED 114 THE PROPERTY As a fair exanipi, o! the double up wirner Wednesdav. repeated ln thb. Smitih, cf .....t. A be foreleen. William Rochon. !1arsbeld, Wis .. .23 ýPROPOSITIONS IN THIS CITY. sud 15ctics the folloving ia>' ers. ta Il- second race. beatii:g lieno>' V_ King- Dav'is, 2h ..... a1 i The crowd ut tise fair iod a>'vs KIIINEI" Lkl Magaret 51*1Eau Claire, Wis. ..23 itie>'LEARN thingas sbuih rosi .5111e. hl T he i.operalor announces' ficher sud Major IDo> in 1: 20. Pear J. Dorfiera.........2 1 1 muchit aller han yetrday, te For Kidne>' alsmitadder Ii.a' C L osED!O T UE General -Subscription Book of the Meredith Flower and Vegetable Company's stock lias been closed, and the company extend many thanks for the support the public-has extended, especially the wage earners, who have taken advantage of the opportunity ottered by the company, whereby theycould buy shares atpar, $10 each. and get 7 %O interest. There were a few shares subscribed that for varlous reasons have not been taken, and any one wishing to inveést may do so by calling at the office of the Company in Libertyville, or at their lent on the Fair Ground. A cordial invitation is extended to ail while at the Fair to visit the Meredith Flower Ô Vegetable. Co.