Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Sep 1912, p. 11

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20, 1912~ - - tsc Il ~.Viila1i~q ~t TrIal IT~ Il ét Ms~'~n gr - tcuat. FRANK( T. *iE DAUGHj. 0u~ . ELty IN ON SA-NO LAU BSIDGQE AUTO WAS ON tROWN OF MILiL Frank T. P'owiér. at one tinie own. or of the Wattkénn Mlaiy Sun and hie daugbter. lina. Tank M. Keeley of Waukegan, lied ILarrow «scagie froni deatli Wedne.4&y aftérnodi when the rear axis of the automobile Iu wbich they cote ridng brke chule tbey were @poding ové? the ground ut a lltéla mile -an hour ciii,. "Had the mxi. tiroke tee seconds be- fort or aflér it 4dd ce cuid crtaily h ave mnet deaiti by "eig crtoW.d 1 death under the ninoihe." iali r. Powier. 1i conslder the accident aànlaet fS,~ tunale ane," ho Uaid. "The ale brllt when the macbJ. a s wu othuifU a Band Lak.. Tlire la st"elil tocards the river ol euh aide 1W thé bridge. and If the accident lied bap- leed chule the machine wlU on the Incline it would have turned turtie and ce wouid have been huritd ader thé umhine.' *&id lie. Mir. Fowier owns a large farn ut lAke Vlla, and lie nai drving Mr#. X ééiey te lier home ln Lis clky. 'FALLS 275 FEETTO TSRAOic DEATH ON WLOorDNC iVoE #Cmoniinud #roto PNké bat.) dtcks. adtor of thé cosipany. said ýjh t enIeued to ho iii and ected pé- céaIIny. At 11il oack lie baygat a titket mâ odaeédd b theé oberva- tift tower af thé Tipte. liveluilé- Utelatbr hbu boytahefl to tué roofeOféheéatoi r Theabmetiow olée srrouid, by an mopn fence. The police sur that Rasmussen muet havé cîimbéd tlu and then descended part way upon a lire escape. Ai évidence that ho léaped lhey point out the fart diii hie body wu carrled acros a tcent?- 'hot alley. ?hree gi employasafeit. éd when thé crash oocurred. Girl Demies Querrai, Rnauaienwue A majidian an sang froquentiy ut clubs lu thé cil3 Ma lancée, Misa Biérman, &ame e a alngor. A rumor flue> had qui reflel, ca ield hy lber andl ler pi «Sts Msét oeatialaly. She eue ovai eomme by the %ees of lie déulb. Il muet hav eabéénaanaccident Me ehaI. "I lied a latter tro i i Tuesd( g ylea lie cau feeling wel li %t;me at ldhrtyveBana mlfi anal hé uppslred ai joviala aiver. i1euwu t hie home durina th mny and c. pinyed the. plane anal&au tbieibér. W. bail na qllarrel. The wore to havé beeu marril elî1tiln yéar. Ai théeBaamussIihome -%t Raimnaeen sad thai bis brother ha been auffering froni Insomniat. -lH ad n« eau snlmeping celi, bu hé dialonot appéar te lié moody," th brotbér salaI. "Hé cmi a 40Yof etfin habit&anad h*d everything te lUve fai 1 am sur.holié ainetcommît sucide. Raudnt w uea unémber cf a Ma seulete dgé and of thé Rayail Ie-ga Mkims iéninn, te ehoan lie ca el gaged aI il dghter of William ie man,.aà 'tirZOfarmér o!fLlbéttyvill ah. formeéni, sang la thé Rohertac S cent theater ut rUbartyvulie. uit r4 *tu sinemeou tume -un o teerparé bécome a cliarcli mlolat. hecause Uaemusen's objection te théatnici Latter May Hold Sécret. Thora réomainseone dclwthat ni cet#rOP. the came. Tht la 'a lette xhhumuasaui TE inoen te hav c,1ttehl lehl% s*eçmbfart. Misa i énclléina otLibrtyvillé, ailion limions bis déali. If ha teck hlm o, l 1f. the motive for the act uns>' wé»4,ied in thé ceunjunication.1 Ah isiave etintala. tbc auci rêvel tioi. thé pQice puobalh>'neyer wc lié able ta détermine the causes thé tragedy. Céhpaisof iSeing Tirsal. Thora la another et of circui otances. hocévér, ehîcli tend te giv a aleudér support tg the théor>' il lýaWeseen inay bave hein ments.l alhalanceal mat béfbr i'éis ti Taèeday niait eben lié arriveda bà Uretdénoe at a643 Princeton av due, omplinedcf beina tirai 7.1 h kt ahébartyMiller. Min mot *rMaM @rateilisus hlm: 7eht ce have véal lent, tbg eu, occiil" lnplgMattreurd lie téli ailée gmai ,it wg ke up betere 10 o'cloc -hitg L'inhé hegan te rési ajiokoe wth bis lrothér Samuel at 1:0 n. u., yiljg&t fiér aut 4: 00 a.n utilei ls00vere< 1b1s réading. Buti f-00 ln4b omu'ihie nrse wuh t hor~ls~, pli~ai loimeand per liôgd.abai ! 1~ ELOPÉRSRE CXTRADITED àmîaQîen, 6aidef sf W k, éhargsd wth W"ésag pouso. vAbany, N. Y, Sept. 19-Requilli poisa %ore alaneal la>'goernor Di thé extradition trèS Atmota. ni Sailitbury, ieuutîmr coap ti, Na orAl itehn *'linâimïn liÀmai ikl 01aclaM Île biAoallafcéa (Illea allegis thif tva ceei. atte &ag li t lamon An@ .-~tth tbé$600 aid valuabié v At tie tme of Ithe alegr te n (eil eul,4h7 hliead bis i41 Cardinal Gibbon# Officlatos at Coemeniesat St. Mary 's. Greai Parade ot Knighte of Coiumb- buaise On.etfthe Festures of thé Day. Wichita. RKa.,Sept. 19.-Héd byh hie oicliice, ('ardhsal iblis. dig- iaanée et thé CAftholi e h"lkl m aiH pér# o!thé Unhited Statel s re bia'é't amtendlthé dedlicatié of Sit )4ara Uutliedrai, ald tle ie é liait cbircli'édifice n thé moth*éoL Thé céremonltes, *hih e$ bn c lIh C!irafisélGibbons as oMUcitlflg prlate. Biéhiop John J. Henne«et olWchita, éebranit oethfle tmusa. anal Atbblish- opa John .J. liennon of SL Louli.- or- ter. were oteslaitwio daya. CardinailGilbons revIecéd a chuarcl parade headed bta>'auniforméal body of KIÇI&bta of Columbus. Thé pregrami s ilidfor celebrallon of vespéra hy Biabop J. H. Then of Lincon. Néli.. andal lecture b>' Archbiahop Jeohn Irelanal et St. Paul. Thé cathédrai. ehicli la In Roman- esque renaissance style, ea erected M a tcoat cf $230.000, exlUaive Of fai- nushinge. .î. ASESALL SCORES asI hé NATIONAL LEAGUIL ey la . Pet. W. 1,.Pet N. Y. ..95 42 694 Pili. ...64 73 497 Ueî Chii. .L 51 62S St. L. .58.82 414 lad Pluts. ...84 54 609 Brook. .51 84 372 Cin .. 71 69 607 Bo& ... 44 94 319 II At Buston- R. H. NL lié Pitaburg ...-610 10 0 002-9 12 0 ne Boston . 000000001-1 12 2 o. Casnnltz and Gbsen; Doaneliy and la- Rariden. ne. sSond game- R. iH. p- n- Pittsburg...0000000e-0 2 0 er- "oton ........00000000-0 5 0 le. O"roéie and Simn;n Tyler and 101 Rardeu-Calied end eigbth acceunt N- of darkness. tef At Phliadeiha- R. H. il ci St. Lotis . .... 600060200-7 10 2 PhuIndeiphla . . 0020 1 00 00-3 9 3 Grinér and Wlngo; Fînueran, Loin, ay Mayer and Moran. ter At Baoklyn- ive Chcago- Brook ly n-Rain. OP At NeYork- ly t'inlnniati-New Tork-Itain. w, hé AMERICAN LEAGUE. If la- ~ L. Pet W.L Pet. VIBOa. ..97 41 703 Det . ..66 75 468 ofPhul. .82 57 593 (leve. .64 76 457 Wasaý .84 57 596 N. Y. ..4890 348 i. Chii. . 9 70 493 St. L. 47 91 341 Ai Detrit- R. H. 2. Ne York....î0101000&-4 14 3 Detroit-...20300000x-51Il 2 McConnéii and Sceéney, Jensen "ad stanage., Second came- R. LE. Nec York ....t>00001001-2 7 1 Détroit...002010101-4 8 2 Pord andl Seeeney; Wbeaîley andl Onsioe. At Chcago- R. H. B. Phuiadolphia ..010000000-1 8 2 Chiesigo-....0002232OX-9 12 1 Covaleskie andl Egan; Lange ad Ea*tenlý'. Second Rame- R 1 Piladlphia ..00001470-12 Il 0 Chcago-...00000000- ô 1 1 Brown anal igan; White, Lamniins and Mayer-Calied endaofet élahi u cauni dainisa. At Slt Louis- R. H. I Washington ..000100010-2 6. I St. Louis-..000000000-0 7 2 Groonié anal Wlliams; Alian and! Alexanider. Second gam- R. n.'IL Washington A.1 i0 0 0 0 01-8 13, 21 St. L(ais..000002000--2 5S9. Cashien and Williamis; Focoîl,, Adams and StéPhena. AMEnicAN ASSOCIATrIN. I At Kansas City-minernolli lil At Toledo-Columibus, 1I- ToieMdS PKttI~D~II 1Mîaaapp sman Psf U NE CO.1 () Y atimis , H ,o0" e arBîc TEN CENTS AbOED FOR FARM. ERS WHO EXCEEO 65 PER CENT. FARMERS CHARGE COMBINE QUOTATIONS FOR WINTER 13RINGJ PRO+1987 FROM DAIRY INTERESTS. Thé Bownian Dalry company open. éd litsbooi ati ls severai bottiing ès- tablishmeénts about Kano county mon- day morning and filUed contracta with fameroaia pricea offeréd by théBloit dons on Saturday, witb an addition ef ten cente a bundréd for ail miii that cull score 65 per cent on examnatlon l'y thé Chicago board of hénilli. "We have ne Patrons bore dia do- Dot score 65 per cent or more each inonth," Supérintendent Pa'7e thé Ulburn plant. NA "I181& aprIÇeé af$180 ai an average for thSISix menthe commencing oct., IS E*~ I and ainiénslit sei aisl AND i'A I TIIIM ORS Potier ODiscusa.. Sitatiion. iIAdFR1K S"LECT, ThéBocanpéopte rcrali-aé that farmera are preparing te reduce thé' Sixe O! théir dari« anad that their. pa- Thée, offciali]lat of m.,en -ii- dte trons cl aoon hé ralsing bogi, béfeflici-até as Petit Jerre rii ng lhe Iloctoler terniofet Vti* Bruit and toert. catile and heraes If thé reduiction la îy coiurtaslaeaiioal'io , beas fllecé. net clecked. There la a big profit for Summnoed t10 ipféar lun Waîikegap PrOducers at thé Berdén prices. The lie firat dey of théinézit regîmiar term BOwman people are net giving any fo etof the Circuit ~ut Monda. 00t 7: mach and the taik that manufacturera er. BnO. E . utte. A .Pak are induiglng in te the effect that Anti:cli hat. jaa'vla ( l It there la an ever production et milk1leY, Cliarlea. Hardén. Wfliiianî 'to istrtet :iierbert CéiSer. John Eftk- la e le tkénwitli aiocanoe." aSaidt!ng tC iH. Petter, président of the Elgin Avon: Pd, Barron, 1,,.olnd. board of Irtide. . Maortimer Kappié, Albert Kipîîie,, FanMera dlaIm te bellevé tliat theré Béni. ieftus SWarren: L J. ieteaif. la a strong combine of big dealeien Wu a:Jh H lrîîr Chicago te keep thé price er mlirl IW l.éwis. J oh. . eVtéi,gerL ap te elait cents n quart and te lacer Ison. Alert Soderman. Ray Shloupî, L. thé Price pard for thé product. 'rhéy J Yager. I SaY that citi tie prîcés te hé paid hielsn.Chs atp.Jeh Ibère la ne reason why thé retail prîce ý ann. mWKepKaittglis of mitât ln Chicago shouid net hé ré- i.ibertyvIlll: J. A. Jrdît ohn duced te séven cents. ('Ilrin. At réentznétin etthéMml P rement: Martin Wagner At arecnt eetng o th Mile ro. Cuba: Henry Béinuicf, hi. Nturry, ducer"' association a résolutIon a c. F. Randail. Passed suggéating that thie averagei Vernoen: Math Herschbergpr. Priee fer mlk fer thé pérlo e l .98 WNest )eergieid: D. I.t.i-girwood. 1Deérfiéld. Hérman itorrhardt, H., per hundreal poanda. According teotleie. fIrcqbéli. déalers, thé redeceal price cas necea. COUNTY COURT sary te prevent an aversnnpiy. Sîîmmoned te atvpear bifore Judgé Peérsona on thé éightli day 'f thé néat Mix Givas 1Mis Viéws. irpgular ta'rm to e h eld aI the court% "Thé prices a'e quoteal for thus Win- ihousé ln thé tocu of Vi .mikigan on ter are a itîle locer than lent year,. Tîeiay, tée Icénty-siîi-orilîiay et said Ira J. XlIx, héad et thé dalry coin Benton: i-I. J. Benstoi cern wbicli hears i. nome. Thére, Andloci: C. L. Vaîl'aiteîî ('lias eas tee much "lk lait Wnter. VanPattia, Eugene fltléTuait. "The forniera cere prodacing me A ven: Wm. Wilînington, Everett nilk in WInter than they did ln Eun- Waukégan: ). W. ~ells, James nier and thé demand eu e nao gréai Dugan, Chis. Swan son. K i4éekland, W " losrm 30 te 40 cents a bundred iGee. Jenkinson, C. 1. 'ack, Phil. Lien- pouna o surlusmlik ebcli eIli gren, John Faubel. Il J.Spagua. E.1 pouds n srpls ilk whch e 8 iP. DeWolf, Wm Jeikitnon. for butter. We dent cant thé pro-; Shlld,:' P. t..OttllenGanutel ducers te floeod thé market cith nillk.ý Chaaé, C. M1. Tros bridge. Andre Thé change ln price te thé producériSehaffei'. wdli Dot affect thé price te thé con- Llhertyville: tke ('arroil. Fred Sumer, a an erasI îcean seé." Nlerltose, A Il. aé- AL.Rîî A meeting et thé Mlii Producérs'~ Wauconda. C. L. j'rati. S. G. Rus- asseciatien prabably wl hé calltiýl el Protest againat thé deaers' PrIces. Ela: Edward Wisîett. Wm. Volte. M' est Déerfield .1. îtii. "Thé prices quoted hy Borden's and Dfeerfielal: C. Gltosnîow, Edwardi other concerna are thé loweat liiiMeTamacey, Péter liia ter F. D. Cia- yearg,' said James P. Grler, aecretary vé'"i, A. N. .t 0ttt-.i (o Lovereitz. of thé producera' associatien. Thé'-_ Producer la made thé reai sitferér.1 DEtéEEN Aï UI .'tLiLtàNu A mevenient ought te bé starteil te bing thé retail piré tram 8 te 7 cents Madison Countp r,,s.Ceictratea a quart. Many preducers Il culhéfýrc le Cetcýiiiiat. éd out et business. Wltb thé higher Cent 0f production and thé burden etf! Edwardssiilée, Il]. 'a, O. t.lIt thé neordinancé In Chirago thic"OUn Outv' v iii iîî il eremenles 'trust' sheuid have gîven a botter prîce cIre gîven au iii! , ! a- t hrougli thé teth frer."iprésence otf îrîr tinéen anti te héfamés.-Elgin (Ili.)Nes. Other tnte cflle il-i aid a mllitary esient elilnh ac i. ai îî'd hem. OCTOGENARIAN WAS da -'was tu ),ii andedcation BURIED SATURDAY tee ' ' ( toate iii i. intî 1 iog cas unvelvd. Wilder Butterfiold, RO years clii wiio! dléd on Thuradgy, Sept. 12, and whoe !ncampment aI Aurora. eus hnried ln LUbertyville cemeter3 jAurora, Ili. Sopti]!#. The lirst an- on Baturday, Sept. 14, eas one et thé nuai encfhipnent if hi- unlforméd oldéat sttlers ln Lake ceunty. ha'g bndOfthé KîtIghtî, and Ladiea of Ilveti ln thé county for fifty yars. dOnpebnd of hie daughtsrs la %Ira. John Rudlp Nlouer ef Illinois iv l,î.ltg held lnÂA- cd Hghland Park. Mr. Buttert1llaes trsr. Théeni-et ta lu continué Ubthl weil kneen Ibrotigleut thé ceointy lht- Tburaday. cause eft bts long résidence.-____ 8torlng of Electitu bat. Tiîs la an expression oflen hoard: A m"ibodlas héen dévissaI for stor: -When my stabcription rane out oni ing elécirie béat te bé used for' cSki the piper ghet i arn taktig alow, thon ~P&P5 t'. thé INDEPIENDENT for me. -5 I I iL -Co)UPOs Ià ôuimcutive Date@ advetl.dh~~s on e h M M g 9f.. 4fatf. e --a .21 ON PETER'DAW3ON FMRIF DAY DISASTROUS BLAZE JUST EAST 0F HALF DAY WEDNESDAY; WM. KNUKEN la LOSER. DAUGNIER LOST HER JEWELS NEICHBORS JOINED IN rIGHTINO, TI4E FLAMES BUT WERE UN- ABLE TO SAVE HOUSE LIBRYViiI1.E, Sept. 10 - The!I bouse on the Peter Daw son armn, eone, and a haIt mies.east oet Hait Day I burned tu the gro nd today as a re-! suit ofthle explosion of' a kerouene I steve. The place had heen eccu pied for the Sommeir by the Wlilliam Knuken tam-1 1 l'y of Chicago and most of the tamliy weré at home at the tmé of the lire. Sàved Part of Contents. The famliy hustled to save what they couid et thé furnîture and taos, 4_____________w __ et tbe furnishînga eofthte firet fluor were savéd, but everythlng in the sec-I ond story was lbat ln thé blaze ehicli DETROIT GRAFI TRIALS épread ,fast, because there cas no en- ter avallahie with whîcli to combat the Deposed Councilimanc Clerli Takes flames. 1 tand for Cross-Examinsîtl.. Lates Daornnd. Miss Knuken la eald te havé hod considerailé Jeweiry up taîra aieong the v8tuahies being emé expeasve diamonds. Thèeecere ail lest in-thé tire, théfliantes havlng shua off thé atlairea>', thus pnévéntîng thé faul> trom réac hlng thé second fluor, THE F*ARKETS Chicago Cash Grain Quotationa. Chicage, Sept. 17. Wlisat-No. 2 réd. $1.0401.06; Ne. 3 real, 96cil$1.01.; Ne. 2 bard wintér. 92140G93%c; No. t bard cinter. 87@ 91c; No. 1 northérn spring. 94e,95c; No. 2 northern alrma, 91 (d93 yc. Cern -Nu. 2, 77z.21ec; No. 2 white, 72% t@74c; No. 2 yeiloc, 71ft73'4c. Opta -Ne. 2 white, 3643614sc; >No. .white, 324@3214~c; standard, 33%«34%c. Chicago Live Stock. lfogs--Recelpta 22.0S0. Quotations rangedal t 184008.60 hear>' hetchera. 88.6008-65 liait hutchers, $7.9008.15 héavy packina. andl 86.tO@7.40 god ta chute P198 Cattle-Recelpts 14,500. Quotatmeng runged ut 110.3601I0.90 primé atéers. $650U7.75 choece ta prima ted liéat coes. $6.6507.25 sciécteil feedera. $4.300 g.75 tair te good steckers. $10.60 011.60 gond ts chaîna veal canîve. liheép-Rocerpts 38,000. Quotatlona rangeal et $7.2507.65 choicesto prime Ianbs.ý $5.000.5-75 gond te choice -yearlings. $4.5004 75 good t10 cicé cethera, $4.00V4.25 fair te aeod es. East Buffalo Live Stock. Dunnina & Stevens, Live 9Wck Comi- milsion Herchants. East Buffalo. N. Y.. quoté as telows: Cattle-lteceipta 6 cars; mariket steady. Hoe-Ito- céipla 25 cars; market steady; hév $.70eS.90; Vorkers. $8.50Û1.75; ihj $9.0008.10. Sbeep-Receipte 10 cII; market steady; apring amba,.6#10SO 7.60: yearlings. $7w9o.0 etbenta, $4.750 5.00; ewe, $400. Calées, Sâ 11t.00. KnIlfe Stade ln Man's Jow. Augusta, ill.. Sept. 19.-Baffléd b>' a iCaseeof neuraigla. a local phylrician decided te opérai e on John Déanna. andl touna li bts lac a knlté hiade one and one-fourti Inches long and one-hafin ciculetd. Der nia récxileal thait twntY-ltNe yeara ago hé attend- éed a dance and cas stabied ln thé cheék liy anotié.r bey. Wouid Collect for Clothoa. Aiton, Ill., Sept. 19. - Grant Park aiked thé police te hei,) hinicolléct fer théebasgetolita corking clothés, chico lie decared a quarry forénian tbrec le front et a passéniger train and they cére eut te ptéceî. Frocuis on Soft Drink "Ada." Dundee, Mi., Sept. 19. - Tie Kano COuRty Womfan's Christian Tempet' ance union ha requeated a local Sun- day achool paPer paulier te discon- tInue thé advertisement of sott drinks. Irste Pamer Arreateal, Wyoming, Mi., Sept. 19. - Poeé Sheeta. a fsnmer, bas heen arrestéal, charged cilli liring a shotgunan t H. C. Cox, chose automobile Sheets de. claréi flglténed onéetfliis horses. Macomh Boy Uîdiy Burneal. Macemi, ii., Sept, 19.-Lloyd Les- ter, elgit. tirea CaL) ci gaaline mte a bonirq mads by hlm andl big playmates, Bis oveaims caught Or* and hé cas hadi>' mmced. Sequesi for Guspél Singer. Méndotu, Ill, Sept, 19.-Thé cl of Str. Ain Scott leave 1.,500 te Evan- glot Peter Bilihere te hé used aung- I thé goapel te thé lck andl néedy. Abingalon Plant Net to Move. Ahnadon, Ill., Sept, III.-Thé Globe 1biéufacturlng compana>' ifl ot move j"a pnt to 'onmouth because fermais f ber hla carce lni that City. Don'l Go Togéthea.i Ilibai notlced," bsUd lnelo Ellen. -«dat a zmnvery slom hlia swsclLied bonad anad a big hourt ut ou* aW de Oetrol, Slich . 'Sept té Thé héar- Ina et thé e eF1tteén aldermen charged uritil onepraity lteai'ceît money fer their votes lu tavor or 'tosinga aclty étréét. for ltehi n.i-tfetthé Wahasih rallroajl. cas resumteil hefere Justice leffnes ln plice court. Edward Schreitén. depoaed council- mantc cierk. sohose conftession ta sald ta have iatpilcnted ail thé défendant aiderinén. cad imntediately placed on thé *ltness saîndi fer cross-e1ainna. lion. Sclirelterteoiiplaeal that ailtftls deventeén adermetn had axréed clîli bImts ledi'.idé a d takixt' etf$3200 for tfilr vtes lni thée Wabash came. VICTIMS EXpoSE$ COLI Girls Ti lt Wterinq Storlies of Séit Applnted Leadeèr. Testify lIn Couart Agaînst J. Oertle, Chicago 1-ligixia, Chai-ped wîth Ualing Hlrpnioc Power. Chicage. Sept 19-R.evelatiens tht J. Oertléet ofCicao Hélglita 1tlu guiding spirit of a tranugictittouel' éd on solf-effaceément and "spirit lové" ceré iade by aeveu young girl% cha têstIMIed annat Oertiéle-uithes court ot Justice Cbarles e. MeCoiy. Chicîgo itelithts enasno ilirred lii tis Miiél * eird happaunînga lai the Oértld liduéet càlpbeU ail;nae "d F1ourteenth street tiat leadeérs bi ticq Induastnlal Club and social, erganlaa'1 tîcqi lipil a meieting tê pîaiseins et kardî*cting the. girls.o! thé city andl as- Iliitlug luithé pi'osecutlon of Certié. Oertle. accordît te itorlea bold b>' girfa chas fe hé 1t1àtelto thé mya- Itéoriea of bis. cuit, edaims te have a poc- or b>' ehichhé ceuldtd a ther fu- tue, eithet for gond or for evtl. ýe lié hola miles nes>' froni thei, lié hbu a power over thé dlio-ipîéa et bis téacingi, lie dedlars. 2,000 KNIGIATS IN UINE Msgnflcont Paradé oft Knlghtia TéMp. Aàr at Penra itII. Peoria, .,ii. pt. 19.-Tee ipagnifi- cent pageants feteéd the ltity-allth annual conclave of theé ~ranal coin- mandery ef Knilabta Templar afIl111. noe. Tlae conclave wue openeal by the otllî.iai paradéetfmore tIbm 2,006 Bir Kelabta tarmlng an éacort te thé grand eomumandery and niurching througli tirée miles of doentoeui streete te thé Masonic Temple. Thé commandériset aInigit staged an Iflniinatéd perfide tnaînithé bead- quartera le the xelnm of thé Péorin caxnmanderi.i William Leslie Sharp ef Chirage cas chosén riait eémInent grand command- er et the gland cotnnandery et 1(nigbts Templar ofhIllinois te auccéed Arthur M. Otinan otf}'eorit. LAW THAT GOES IN'TO EFFEC;T OCT. 1 REQUIRES STATE- MENT OP CIRCULATION OHR NEW RIJIES GIVEK PAIO "WRITEUPS" MUST SE ÔES. IGNATEO AS ADVESTISE- MENTS UNDER LAW. Washington, Sept. h; Posiniater, Générai ilticlico k today gave eut thé folleeing stâtementa regarding thé put tlng lnto effert ot the néepaper Wc pérlodîcal publicity law, the first ré- turns ef whicb iut l'e made l'y O,4ý 1. Appropriaté return blanks are w ing mailed te ail pubIlshers. Requâirementi uf the Law. "Th'le lae requirei that pnlAiaiera' shali file on the firat day etf$Pctohg and ?.prii ot.faok yer, otihUP Postmaiteir généra lsad tltithé,I postmater, undér penalty of déniai te thé Uae of thé .g#, à allqrt. ré- ture of the Aames apau4addreaé of the owner, pilbuiIj s4. dgtqnmnaging édi- ter and business amnager of ail seca-. patterg and perlodicais. cith thé ex- (-éption of religions, fraternal, Initier- suce and scieniic pauication&Aisea; eben a corporation. the. namés of thé hoidera et More than 1 pér cent 'of thé stocks, bonds or otbérsextq nust ho given, andl tu thé cue;of dàaly neespapere a atatffmént of theé&er aéeW paIcrçtuIqÀtioRp or thé précedfu*ý six Menithe. Muet Mark Paid Usité. "AillédItorti or otiier readlng mat ter appoeig i j g mwapaper or inaàÀw zine for the publication of chieli pty ilà accépki* Do- toeniffd, inuet he markéd -"an rtleékiefllunaer à ftéé j d if bot leéaa tin$Sa f ore070tua 'On the firat day of JuIy, »912, théré, wets 28,144 neOsaPffre madpeWi-d cala eniloyins thie aoond CIe ýmkli privilège. Thor* cerN 2,514 dtllel.1>7, 217 w4eliios. 6,377 mni<thué. 1.331 qotatfýrja a g 1iS é ff liepz ceptiop 0fabont 3.500 rligoep.frai.W- nel. tmpèranob -M eoiéuMWeDo ue.-. tiens clii be àétitel. "Aithouli bis lac cai not favèred by the éât" sati ~ota fully injiii4 tiaty Anlaa ed ora gthesact Çoagvm douibtîls tiad in mlhd'thé 1«016« daiiy- déca papera, but Ih ciii seet laonw Springfield, IIL, Sept. 18.-tA econd hank je te bhé oiçé<at Lake, " «4 Villa State haii: William G. Schiuit. -, il céli kn:cn wi di & ai c )Àgt3a p éf i wt àt4p W1wam 1 hllhman. --j '. I-mbal! eiJd C. .On..Térbmirtg ocaI- tb't local hankerp are unahieto ünde1- s tan'd wby two' bania aho,*t appiy 1toi perniutz eIthIýl~af a-'Wotbwlien 51ke Villa lias dol.da, btmi 1a4uy proapect of que before. - Theiéfiritpermitena lsued 1tf men aligiitiy knocn to résildents ot county. The ti4re new banlçe ;-r. The h*eorà -ho recélvéd permie lai Min 10open aninstitutIo;n thé ate9w, part ot lu.t Inonth and thos. grn-t4rc P tne riglit, todl4y are net connectedl any W*l. Owing to a Iw~ the GLOBEwiIab ke Saturday tifi 6-oýiok ,. Open iii't ingj iii"'- "'a. JOSEPH ORAMBÉRLAIR { à ~ S I ilNotaiS Englisis Siatearnsan M 8T JE NMI3D «ering Endl of H Io Csaeer ý4 à VýT . 1

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