Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Sep 1912, p. 6

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mATER BEPoRE nrgei a mburUEPs110UOUIlUapCarkhe 1maduse wz*é% " SUPERVISO R'obus tlxay put ita *huie wo'rts.tEla Clrkea de apiin n Cr«#i~ * Pote- ~ e~ The outcome or,'thi Meeting vas that IMaanCony-a4BOkadieli.b thé . uoring le paliaiyosrt cPuer terau.tb ttmct i tCantlied Froffi Page One.) thSedeclaion ta estthlia acounty In.A Cate t rosi OQtt $6.000. Borne 5a1-* m*. t t h a .tdt ta tlaur l-,OtnÏ6i4 0Ilu8* i stîtution at the poor featmw nettu"were dlsabvcred. pIda t> The report shows$ t)i tthe Dfl#eB. 'Thc i iiqi tan * élwingi -oiz3d be cared for now and later have acted upon et t iean ains MoLan County-county supeirt 1* ofe iboy, labeing tMProved 1VoYU4itbt 588.1114 th*OPdU& Ca tits iie ud AtOltAtendent et! scicaied icia ametrouble tIiv0Uqï>,tic Dow afficiai's work ad e tutLaike Villa ad >eimChaini h.county work lonthte generalInt. eil continue tealie cared fer at the wbich was fixed up by bisibondmmen. fil ltndt tetvl yteIeoltun îîcsatl atu Clar aerulai wrkamog iepor. Waukegan coîanv, Recarder was beitd a luttle. He com- bObZ liînera who received it mmd OouftY la ueCIA t la *vntiially creat- U r as lRe frît tint thse colt of patients tel.uet heBldig. mtted suicide. »icO i% ai lic. The comita.O __________Wcii th etcolory la owteeagreat. He ti ü*ua a rw Cairmais Eger rejort.d that the .UTWA ANPYhSHVEte.ln eure ,na ingI=1111,L SNG WO B0Ftirok ltt th:sî a't needed e tecountyifarm inauranca on ail county buildings ex- JSTWAU AN BPAUPIERS HVtil C@to hcicmeat Se...1netion W K OFtheaou 'Wouid tea couple nf buildings, a pire Sept. 27. Motion carried t o have Vhn tc par h S era pbrucatafi I mariPhicien Mut Saction utgoUN Y BOAR itrainei nurse, etc. H. ase saad that thena reinsured g~t tiecmime rates. Wta the ourvils " today i.ontd > Armtion Core t heulct th Browu BO a traiiied nurse la even naw needed- board Bat up aud Look notice beconme -muil euqis £il patients sent taeic Cothee Fo Pg Oe) id nt tic tarin. Ncif of a Checking systcme. IL develaped tlat, vith feu, exceptions test çlzoÂas IAcounty chargesansd ho. __________nom_ pageOn-.)-tend c Ha fit ic ouny cold arefat Thé. need af a cauflty checkiiig sys- lie committee had cut out many buli Vas f*trntcd te examine tiioe 10 cols i or fnlydcdo 0rcr lis puer tuiercuiosis patients much tom ila hown by the reporte oi ti he bre ticlr ad faund tic ajupereior ,thoire and datermine their condition, leave tie truancy Inatter to officiais tiecoli - ee inbnw u aeA .condition of affaira in many counnUesbadl net 'adiered ciobeilyta tic prnted rePOMt te thtecboard latdr. of the ichool n eheflrtbn l DW te cseet eo! i e $tete. 0ne Inpartictular,.IAlist ofthe.board whiich designatas A ZIUMber of Grass Laeke restdents Finance Commintes Reporte luit ho tentcolany. Slecut, hw- ttea lar what the poor master may aiiow paes- tu 'Wakegan today armed wltls There are DOW ton pabients t thi wiicbcounatosaat&eif a Oupeais pers ta obtain et stores. Petitt iWilcitîey will precent ta The pac ouiîerpre ssan coon iaAe out cage. county auditor bad bean in charge of Tii. question arase as ta wuetier tie bord of supervisoras alung thAt annuai appropriion blil for the ensu- The Dr. nyWbaesontpra arguevsor i fnnil farao1i Ony the Seboard shouid aiîow paupers to thce gi son quit claimes ta prperty Ing. yaar providiug aums for difaereuttrfioua "'1recent investigation in that county have candies, cookie. aud aven watar- whith ey aow iold. This action on purpoa'es. Il As found, howuiyer, liat Vhlcl i Cmrad. wio h. declaras invetigates showed that neariy every couuty at- melons as One superviser saisihoehad the. Pan the icupervisora. tiey say. ne contingent fond bitd been providad piersonally tise finances of e ach pa- icer was indebted ta the county. ai. natlred suchIitems among theaMblle. Iwil rcmave exâting clouds on the to take cure ai Lake Bluiff orphshstgs. MUne 'Lient taken la the clony, and aten' thaugi their reports bild bema axuChairmen, Weich of Newport Or tihe tti. of thc property. tic tant oolony. thc BeAlister hospi- Foieye imes compatis tiair relatives te ratio- Proved annually by the~ board of su»- committee whici cut tie bis aid Tics. residants dlaim tiat they tai. etc., bancs the report was witi-ras ervisors and annuai sttiements isd Iiey lied noticed tbat supervioslarsil dPufthtud ticir land of tie govern- Idrawn and madified ta conform teth; tietan., Ikerme the county wien thay find the been made. Oua officiel, a eheriff, Who Dot adherad te the Illst printefi on ment Mang geas . B orne time necds. Ouiet 1atient carriad lite Insuronca. baid received 1662.29 tram tie oatuLty the bacit of ordars whci shows tit i Sitar that .the gaverne trnfrrcd Thc total amoant as iret reportadt croup. catit ta Cealy. as a balance due an a attleenwu I paupers rnay get oniy the tilowlng te the itate a large arnount of land wus $114,000 and IL Vaà pointed out star g »r. Wtterian showed tiat thefoun d to bieindebtad te lhc counity In nDcesilies: (1t1 rwrse)~N Iis vinity, axceptîng land wiici hy Chairinan Clarke that quite Tard"& th uto of $11399.49, siowing an or. fih<es, cotiing cotnorwrs had be.n adtoft reident propsrty wlhhtn reamon wien It sa cansidared adilsoi tMi u ia pad ltant ecolany tics.roc af over 112,000 Inbils Officiai re.- taple dry gonds (Cotton or wrst.d), VUOfl. -that ilu mre gearo pont thec caty cx- lb In Beufor caring for poor patients: port. sort tCOaI, meate, (sait Or Irem), Wood, Bf t er thora arase a uitie dis. pense. have run ta $127.M0. Dria la Inl9419-82,773. Inquiry 'tftthe situation In varions butter, beans, t6ffe mace, cote pute over titisaoathticProperty U.isd The finance coumilltce'm ended la 91--t,08.counties of the @tate reaiiding the domismncl, fleur, (rye or wiieat) fish. thora le Daw a cloud on tiec tile. Tic report aiowed that In ail 1114,000 l lu 9102.78finuances, thSe books, etc., shows smre (salted). lard, matcemalasses, roideats wis te have lits ramnoed. ppropriatcd for conufy mantenane lis 101182.010. nteresting information as folows: kerasona ou, potatoes, ritte, soda.,soap. - axtga.dsriuo sfla Hoe «ld be makes monthiy reports Hamiton Couaty-ishortage lu of- vinegar. sait. yeast, suga (hrawn), FffAR OTHER MOVES. Bridges. $12,600. ta tie supervisera and tiat tisey are lice of county clark sud sheriff. Coun- brooms, 5plces.- WAXKFXIAN, Seitember 12h - 38an,300. eecios aIwagýs welcose et tise'intitutIon ta ty dlemi comment, as fllows: '"Dont Ail accounts muet ho itarnized and'Tihe spocial cormmttee o! MoAssrs. Col tv9,f71er0101400a invetgate matters. linow how county board cama te over. lie quality and price given for each Brooks. Kng and Meyer, te whans Couuty otacrin d ot1i4.0d0t0th vt.ekfitroubsle. but they are-not anp- article furnished. iwas reierred lie tLake Villa townshiip Cr 3.000 tenIn nwieadt h Me Insated tise number ut pattc " ,_!r elhsi h el htmlk> e, e 'h h ttres rp or 400 lia dcrese raieposeni roaedknow abouaoutbok bockrs.r" alb aldis fet ilemii ISteremt wcitheat'cuvsrere- Ise MAlstr hsplal8".0 ba dcrssi rthr hn nceaedwreaie hter cases ln whtch thare and eggs mould ho lncluded lu tielsenting bth aide. this morning sud Paecia1tis 3,10 M d Pointed ou t t se rate m uâ t uho rat - 'as l ttigat on. liât. A m o t every supervise r adm t-,dt set io d t ic various oi s lie urin. S ta e Bl farpt i anage.2 -0<10 ,ed~~~~~~~ bauateOlnbaialure- Jasper County-Auditar eatmined ted hobildevialed tram lie ls e -01a.bigas 50 'sh". er thse data Jury and Coroner's tees. 310,00(1. i-e cpelesau cat ! oo ba gnebookts. Faur cases of siortaga. Some cause o e ad te. -O!f the Petition. June lth, shall stand Msrth and death reports' 170(l. * ,a lessadcs ffo a essettled sud ochers VIe s ued. Chiltendan of Ournee axplained bis or wiether the ignatures as appeer- Pttn eodbosadsaiu go a muci, I1C The y - ThaItem and said If tiSe board did nol ing on the ptition et ibis session tif. er. 1 reorsboks000.aton 3MînnOa 50lie state board cLekiviogm taln M cinon aunt allow the grocery bill whiciha hadj the board lie taken as tie rosi sien- elntgtneadmitun ,à '-hten, li fiht hroghot t emi writdoe "I i. s opnil on Se dautlsorized lha would lrua'fil out obils ers. Tic lune ltisdate was finla Hîo conîy isshingsand$10.000. Oe eti'ya < .g. ~.ou.os~ Ibusiness exparience. as weîi asl this. pocket beause ha dtdn't thinit thc daclded ab tise one.Tise committee ofcounty bdi s.,1,00.0 dat takep tiecalsl inti"tinsprianoe ,and Information gainât! In gracer shaulçi stand the lIos. . ,adJonrnad the hearing te Wednesday. Tie commnittea recommeuded liaI poparetet froin county forme. He sld asslating lui tue audit af, tha accounte WhiI Air. Fiih? Sept. 19 et 9O 'clcck. tieabv0uit lve nalrat but tVa buildings would hieeedad for 1In sevrami outtes, tiat In nearly av- Spellman asked tia icason for pan- Tic reasan for tise point comIn Up tpersboai. rîioad lelepionai e atle imali colon, te cae for peor pu, ery coulity tn this stata bavlng a pop- -pr getting fiai on nmre billse H a htaamn a ido lirgrePui property In tise county and ti ulatton of mare tissu 40,000 a Peat live seld tiat 'fiai" cnvers a multitude of!1tide a nuner pernsn a ndoeiti lr e uhrzdbetu tiauta oa to adaned ame. ad oe igîtîng county ouiler cen in each asi& saying tisat. under "fiai pan-.ayadmvdltots oumnetx nlstvlain fo asimliectit u« -y avmae te tisa couuty hle sla pers couid getlobatersa dns 1-aayadmvdltotetw ic 400 C»» .in Ootty Uncared Foi. sVrltimois ver If -ie eau icceed ter-, Intact anything of lie Iluny t PeditiOe ner. Ege m atat th ee saary.! i Dr Watterisn aade the etatemaent In pevelting lie caunty board irom Iribsnt11e a! wiici Vre luxurltsand Poit n agr grmvdta h aee h tba lc bltvedlira re400caespayin(r bils for the pagment eti Vilcinet nacessittes. 0ne man Viso bas opposait tiSe eo- icountv truant officer, Elani Crre, bc tith elee hr ae40c se uiyi O 5Al iho.' Ptt etta i i tia lion o! a uew town madea aratier lm.- eut troinu$800 te$500 per year. Cr et ubrclule n ak cnny wiqj sé LieniiFor Lpgerinted tndnePortant eaalmeur today wisen ho said rlad. Mr. Clar-ke i tiSe tirât brun ! tre sel ouLargminCo&Dyattentio, ndcncy to make 'every marchant lisat. if the boerd autsorizel tie now fluor tise counts'bas bâai under tie thut e, aot Vre ecime gaDt t tia, egna unty-AOf adiars faua lu lecly dILnmcxl lnwansî. i liho tiSe sterling or new lew witch permits a saiary or tb~ ., her li ritirs ae na tr- lai nubaro! ffiadha kept ta tsycould Put on tifeair bills mauY sirlar Tmoves lu create eddl- $800) If the board desires tl a py <at Ilnairtealad tiemwela. i tees noltipbpjg. te ti.m. A40itag Itlenmementtoned lu thea uIt, but BeIll ional townships In towne that ara amount. H1lm tiret yaar extpirez Oct Plan Adopted. to1ile tizSordXot suparvisiku had Paupers otier thlugs whci tiey del now ratier large. 1'.H eapitdb h ici Dr.Valesés mti te inpruatalowed eu s e athe officers. ired. Oliere lait lie mercisanla are: Hc seid tuaI lie 'bece l buzzlng etlJ udge. 0 Amango irnes, tise cautg Clarkaitohnetbd 0I Rockefeller now'" and liat, if tie Tise bis rere ordrrd pSt'd. t"'I n! n atleacut thut Illai tse Plan O! the- iad retainad femforlanutems' licenses The genaral blle! seemed tlabbu Lake Villa plan carrnes. Rocksefeller; -nier (tît Ifrum W u"k'-'.n It- $40Ittia btientolfon>' people ta have tie super. and the treasurer retalsed a salar>' as tiat lhe It t hould lie made more coin- resîdants wll laie stops te have a 1 the court houge.Vas toIt Over. x" 'ltm0g Voi h lie, officiais tlaes, superviser o! assoeerente In addition ipreisensve and that especally. il 1to-n created tiese, o eparae tem- The comrnîltee gavaeInls report !f th a-te hls asiars' as treasamer. Ail of tiens sisouldd include miât and egges which, selves foin Lbtyvl ownshiip. H'ý ?00 names for petit Jur-y for tiseco- tubutl a iitustlaicytei e rpaid tbea countY. noV are uat ou IL. ixedicted theveanse mtgist he rue whb Inà terme. Tise raaolution of lise coin-1 oby. Tist ta: establsi a means wiiere Couty clark says haotii the aof. ('iserman Carke of the board o! i- reg'ard ta Atiacivvilage as perlatr n .mtee. wiicti8eeated lise grand furies shîcen dlu4g aI ic fimtoi- tiieli- sdouïancm O Lo . W6 Sk»Il esera. m*g. sn doitet tû a ticalt.o Veb «conine oomr. lob or Wankegan, Maee is m ar Waucoad wo-a mnedas tunsîttue t g ae auditor, ta er the couftty aSseit booki. To Locale bwànsb ade. ehuer puoved liaI tie swap iComiftteo arr*gle Wlt uâ cornpw to iacao ad place onL thie mwaup Iad ownad ig cunty. Notion carried. Thue. cMe, tCconty li. W det*rmineý how inuci of tii much-tallted-of IV land tic cotlnty reallg owns. ecIi-cuit olork's aalary wu assied $2,300 to $2.600. axpianalion of beppears 1ln enother colunsa. mJ. N. Hill, BomrnerOs., hemasciié p's Rioey sud Tir ionpienuitf~ Is.r lgwidas 'It neyer 1fe11s1tan-sr 't.oshs andmit»-otan d provecto P.W, have fise ebldi-n andi go gie tiem ns Fai'o . iîsy and Compumd fer a couà, and tb.>' a- un voSe. Ws wauM nDot h. vithaut 1oui- boas. ior saeUI. v ail Ilit. wi line of &id fer li~e Moaister hoipi- tain tulI bgit s. uth ici TMUII t S Da M SSISSIOI4ale. Lecurd Bihon. ("SObrte') 0f aras. laie forme, ba a petIon ibc- fore tic board l inwia bes9ee itu nira 1e titl teatoacres Of rncand@r- edlnd ir hle boat lu Giais làt., atood ije s lngto psy $300 for t H. plans filag in mare if is ta gîvan titie. lHe moi' fas tbnt a mual.trip ant bisinid boat Vilci ie uses as a Isummer rmort and jlalon during lie esson. That e aura oardIng houale whlci gais bave dtermin.d ta Ud 80»W DAT ma>' b. sdvertim. t da3'. s..# , *1 i 'lA -e "s e w,1 e e iL~ -o o e e e o o I.' i s.. O0ne-Piece Silo Any saze .rd set up complote above foundaion, and use the. nev improv.d door frame thm iw not m infringem.ent on the. Harder pate.i IT WILL PAY,.YOU TO FIGURE WITH Home L..umber C'à se erffle., M HOME,9 SWEET HOME! No matter how cheerless the home mag seem, how lonel!j the hours magj pass, how cold and dreargj the winter daqs and nights maçj le, it can ail be turned into the most pleasant place and time of the gear byj Ivisiting the Meredith green-houses and selecting one of those beautiful Palms or rerns, together with two or three Plumoses or Asprengeri and a Maidenullair Iern, theyj are ail of a.bea'utiful Spriog Green. Two or three Vincas or Ivyj Vines creeping over the waIl adds [o cheerfulness. Those Large, Ulandsome Chryjsanthemipms of ail shades wili soon smile upon us, watch them, who wili be the Iirst [o get [hem? Just take a view of our beautiful fields of Roses; 13.000; and then look at 20,000 Carnations that will give us our winter flowers. the most critical bugere We hav'e a surprise in store for gjou, gpou wiIl find ev'eryjthing here for Design work of ail kinds [o order, both for social and other purposes. Meredil h Fiower g& Vegetable Co* J. E. MEREDITif, Pre3ident Greenhouses on First Street, near the old dépot WHY NOT BUY A 'F

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