Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Sep 1912, p. 9

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INqD..EPENDE NT, WAUKEGAN,, WEEKLY SUN rT1. JOUE .PAGEB Pniam-m toctgram te thoerNsvy Depart- 1 ment gave the names et the victime NEW $" RI)E IS an adtelettorlvsath W0IOK1D IIIRE; MAN hIe WITI'PONY WA CII Th tunerala of Officar Negus sud Ing at tht training station and feluow-t REPRESENTED HIMISELF TO ME lAid thie mre general plan as for tht RAILROAD MAN UP AGAINIST six men Tutday, as detalled ta The ' SUNCH OF HARO LUCK Sun et that day.I After the service each body, tht cailet, wrappad ln tht United Sttest flag and bane th vib deerg, vwa sTuraiTI@R WANG STORY PlIced tn a hoarso sud drawu te the t The romains et Negus vilI ho slip-E W'&T.H ROVE -r BEONE F p .o tWashington, D. C.. tht homet WATCMPROVE TO E ONE ofutbis vile, for burlai. TIil HMAPEST iMITATIOMS Pattons body wil l e mnt te Can.- IMAGINABLE. ton, 0, vbore hls parents redit. 1 ___________Recrults Lesas Pae t s Thrtaetfthe apprtnftce seamen, vhoj A liver vatuch swndltr appaira te lest their livea Sunday vert te hav'e1 b e ai; evI t t t uad white but lottln a detachment fr Phiadephia «ea ,ctbnmina known thus fer, It la yesterday. There ver. 281 necruif s1 poMsble .thït thora art everal more. who loft ytuterday atter the fanerai PIle viottu In, tiis eue toit su ahep. servicegtou six et their com9sdiU. 151 over h bvln ttken in su aus No Effort For $&tien. Siy tht _= tke fIt bis naine ho Captain Wlulgm et tht naval trainig *Ithholi, H* tory la given, hayever, station, wben asked yeuterdmg abaut ln eider that othera in the city may the liiho&dj t a ditarMIzilefot net proveo ctime o theisainsl clever ing made te get a lite savlng plan. - . at the training station nov, la fp la tisIstnisce the tgvndlr an- et tht tragoiy ut Sanday. repliIt. hnuenct tht hea u *ral.resd m&n ho mcv ne more rouset no01r a h. ..,p agint bard l*ck sMd bis ip tfort. Voarance lutflilthei srtieL Stop- lHtexplaini fIat tht .gvrl Wtet ptug bis vct4m eh the stfet ht * 01Canoet establial a stadeion vh.e5 a UIe bard luth satory wam t" tû ragedita occur and fiattht Ib lut trom bis jioclt laS». te thomate]S unler ollitiSi! be a ge ah oh ad#SS 11h are able te cage fer Wa& aIdou0~ "bs-4 a *far as laolando&ue$4& h. veuMdbho a' ABIfoPýtO, thaï; ha viii maIe ne eM>t'te to e "*t 411. ea a» é: i i. i. 1-- ,. - Waukegan and Lale cOuntY Pregres- nives htid their firt mass meeting 0t the campalgn in Battery C eMroY Tuesday evening and deciare that tbey are mort than pleased with the rasults Tbey declare that the attendance WAB ail they expected . There were bo. tween 300 and 400 preet. Prof.-C. I. Merrlam of Chicago had been aiver- tiaed as one of the speakers, but hi did not put lu an appearalide sud »e explanation was made for i faUure ta appear. Despite tbts tact tht prograMl prov- ed te be an entertainig une sud the audience vas more than respensiVa. F. a. NMunroe ofý Highland Park, can- didate for the legllature fm 110 Elgbth district, Charles M. Thbpmo ut Chicago, canddate for Congrées trom tht Teuth district, an&i liv. T. A. Mlii.of Reeltord, vert thte ptil,, ers et the evenlng. Atorney Hdmir Coule acted as chairman an diatre- duced tht speakers. It vas a noticeabie fief that the an- dience va made op guite largely ef vomen and this fait Vas comImet upon by ontetftht speakers,, vhq de. clared that vhen tht vWomen beMMO Interetd enongb in a public n0o- ment te turn out sud attbud a met. ing if proted thaf re"Ult aresure te coifl. The mnustcai progrun co- sod outwto solos by C. G. l3icke and tht ingnget "Aiirlee" y tht Mr. Munre Speales. t r. Munroo pr«o'd to le alilY âe ',q;r-«h À*i... a , âfr ON WEDDINQ EVE CASER RASMUSSENI, EI4GAGED1 TO LIDERTYVILLE GIRL, FALLS 9 FROM MABONIC TEMPLE 1 DENIALS,'0F QIJAUREL MADE LISERTYVILLE PEOPLE AMAZED AT THE ACTION OF YOUNG MAN; WELL KNOWN THERE On the eve of bis weddtag te Mies Florence Bierman ofUt bertyvilie, Casper H . Rasmusso., iU years old ot 2643 Princeton avenue. Chicago, ahortty hnfort noon Wed1le"dy, tther feil or leaped to bis death heom tht ob- servation tower of tht daànnt Tem- pIe. Chicago. Hlhbubdy hurtiai 276 fbet in lie traglc dive, crasbed te thi! roef ot tht ulx-story Ryerson builing, across tht alltyvay, vlth auch'forci as partly te Imbed itmelf. it vwa crubid Into a shapelees mais. -Wbeiher hae ommitttti suicide or accidantaliy fell, a corotem jury ai the lnqneaf hold vas maile te de- cida. Testlmony oetease alleil tôe show suy moeyt r sOlide sud n< enaI colih tonhl$ho %A l n'hl' fatsý plonge. e. Suione cideeI. m o feI the W e l ý- fe r 'g o E x ï ; ï i i c o m w bO y . v l a n le vas emploW t s :8OW .,e-I. Ad- ADOPT RESOLUTIOti CON= JENINIIQ STYLE 0F DRESS AFFECTED 1W SU MANY 0F VOUNI! WOMIEN OF TODAY Annual Convention of W. C. T. U. Also Went on, Record as Commendlng the Crusade Against Linfitness of Pre sent Public School System; Mrs. Mary Lake was Elected President. The annual conventionl uf the Lake Assocate-Milu Jefferson.E county W. C. T. U. waa bei ait unr- Fower llission-Nirs. Mary Chburch- nee Tueaday ot this wetk with a large II. attendance. A bus load of ladies went Pranchlse-Mro. Mary Sedgwlck. frum Waukegan. Other unions repre- llterature-Mrs C. P. Tibbijta. mented by gonid délgations, were tht Modal ('onteota-.Nri3. Louise Sbep- North Shore Federated union, Liber- ard. tyville, Grayslake and Gurute. Assotate-Mies Augusta Andrews. Iteresting reporte were given by Sodiers and Sailors - Mrs. Nettie the officers and superntendents and Welch. plans were adopted for future work Sabbath School Work-Mrs, M. 0. Among the ramolutIonz adopted wa Persona. ont condemning the style of drama a AsocLate-Mrs. Frank James. worn by en many young girls and Médical Temperance-MI's. Mary women of the present day, as unbe- Druce. couIlng and Immodeet, and expressing Moral Educatloii-Mrs. Nettie Welchr the bellef that the purity and bealth Scientific Tempérance Instructor-1 et the ex demanda that evary thought M rs. 1. C. West.c fui woman *hould uat ber influence PeaMa oaSead by example and4 prec pt to brlng about County Ftr-Mrs. Willlla Kennedy. a demafli for a change in thîs -regard.: Parliamnetal'y Usage - Mira. C. J.f Another resoiution commanda tht mast.1 adies Home Journal aud American lira. Mary Sedgwlck. the retlrlngi Motherhood for the crumade recently, président, was unable ta be present nt1 Inaugurated âgainat the unfitams et the convenUe.n because of ilinesa. She1 the présent public achool syatem lu declinti te accept the office for an-1 its lack ot praetical knoweie. ther year, on- acceuat ef other ttez. The offîcers eiected were as foi- A greeting waa sent ber trem the1 Iowa. convention accompanlai by smrn beau- Prealdent-lirs. Mary Lake. tiful flowèrs. expesive ot the love Vice President-5lrs. George Mc- and appreciation ot ber cemrt*iOa. Ginnis.r. MaryLaIt ,lll reprement the Secretary-MlsLoisa 8epard. c2lnty tthétatecontetltion at Car- Treaura-Mra. Mary Metcalf. bondaInluOcteber sud Miaé L»is Audtor--Mrs. M. 0. Péemne. S=ts Z&wsaneinated as the candi- aupirmtnd6at: - doté fer delegate te thteiPational cen. Evaagellto-Mrs. Mary Harvey. vention t artniand, Ore. C"o.oetlvm Wtb Mlaioalnr-Socle- The Suring inatitute wlli bld la te-mm I»um n5Kahler. Waukegaa. ________ MAIRIED MIDST IJOWER 0f FRESI CiT POSIES AT 4:30 MISS LULU ALICE NELSON WED. DEO TO H4ORACE L. GEDDES TUESDAY EVENINO. SEAUTIFUL HIUE fWEDDIN SEVENTY-FIVE RELATIVES AND FRIENOS IN ATTENDANCE- RECTOR LOVE OFFICIATES CAPTAIN RICLURD, FOR liTCIERYM*E ft4 STIRRINO LETTER TO 918MINQ GAZETTE HE AIRS Hie viEws ON.THE NATTER. CON DEMNS PRESEN'T METIIO SAVS MONEY COULD BE SPENi TO MUCI4 SETTER AOVAN- TAGE TO SAVE FISH. BRIDGE Is BIDS IS CLO Suddon and tinsxpêotuEAM of Streat Rar4ai -Ofw i: ENCIERS OUMER T Put Few baya ' sau..y stQ% Aftsr Plils The Gon«ssetreet Chicago £milw u lean-to te the a, *V cloéed te tr«ef* 4h 1o'o lo.dayl The action, oie0gI fore the dat, et est tht atatm ra s miseon told the have ta omee Minfg e, bIwdge, indlosutht elteitiOfi. thé cloalng eofti- beidp ing tha Cemmitelonir doum.t an ewm iie bride a fewla e ort that *e 1- teetBooektht aN b.eda deced e lo.i tale no- terther. chances < 1h. to be tJi tb i at th il of te th Mdst baver, of fresh eut poolea, Captalu Richard Smith, the local I Tuesday afternoon, Misa Lulu Nelson' fiaberman. beIevea that the aurestand t daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Nlcbolay bs a urdc h ihetO Nelson, was united ln the hoiy bondbetaytrdcehelh ott f! matrlmony to Horace L. Geddes, of lilIig 8u far a, fiah are coricerned, ian Chicago. by the Installation oet 0mhbhatcb.PrIe, The parlor had been beautifully or- and be la deing everytbing ln hIs namented with asters and ferus. power ta have one inataiiad at Wsuke- To the strains of the L.ohengren gan or inafils vleinity. He chargea weddlng mach the happy young cou pie that the prosent method of conserving, wended their way tbrougb bowere of postes and were narrled under a tht flsb mnpply lis a lavlsh and prodigal canopy of lowers by Rector W. W. vaste of public tunda. Love of the Episcopai church. They vert marrled at 4: 30 o'dîock. Ho has vritten s lette! te the Sia- A wedding breakfast waa served ati àtIkg Gazette, a weil knawn magazine, oclck A sx clc0 thn^l- devoted- tn thia industry and ln bis yods took a train for Chicago wbere characteriatic tralgtforward and tsar they wltispend a couple etf<aySai esmn atsbi u t ht the La Salie hotel. Tbey wyul leaveIe ane a i utS bth Chicago tht latter part ut tht. week coniulers wrong ietlkda %Bd bai for Montreal, Canada, where thay viii umade suggestion, whlch ho believea spend ten <aya. would b. productive et gond. - Immediately atter the wedding breakfast had been served, an auto-, The foiiowlng article trom the Plab- mobile backed up te the rear door et taig Gazette ontaluai bis letter. the Nelson home and the young couple were talon te, th4 epo. "Le and River Flaherites, Three trienda a watn ai "The Fisbing Gazette la ta recelpt theA ot deo adagee aiva.iri toi- er tht foilevîns ltter hum Captain Riee g t ed naRichard Smith, ef Waukegan, Ill., fIat ln Chicago waa fbrown c g apoake for Itself. Whiie pointesel couple. Mr. Ged4sem hold tnkai- snd severely criflclaed hy Captain hIe positton a a traveli man Smtth la dots net cemmur tn ail his for a leadtng Chtcigo ho Upon findi. Capti mt' atrflon their returu tram their ymoon . pti mf'laerole: trip the yanng people viii tMalte thoir '-I bave read tht article ln thI E- home on Wilson avenue, Chicago. nuis 11mb conservation, 'News Latter' ______________ ln tavrrouttaxiag everything oonnect. td witb the fiabing business; aime au CAtI OF ROuER article pnusbed in tht 'News Lete~ CALL OForne ER me a&u advtaing a patrel bati * SK TING PART EStr the lakt front of Chicago, te stop Iliegal !iahlng. This vould oueitble hreithonotrer satn tatt at leait 110,MO a year tu builu -parties lit the naval station until tur- and mainfain. Undoubteffilytht ten- d ther notice.. 'This la the annonce- dency la te mate Rab fods blgher. ment that bho bean given eut and tht Thomri basDnt benuce Item fa tht ren given in ,the gleom wbiC b- vades f le station asithe remit or the.'NwalAttes' vheebybl Iseod* cenld dtath of the eleven men by drowniUg bela ide chape-but the sîi ooems e Many inquidieshave bain made VU to 8holatumake t"s ctural fooi pro- , regard te thtle r elta"tiOg es 'tihilr Md bler te tht peuple. but the genilaiOpinion aeimed t ___fa__________ ho tabAt tht7wW be cidlaetiitgf al ago, s wsexciusively aa sun et the time, -gav Q*s Cmpany unti sept IBX tu se top tramte acre.. 1eé, Copany and tbt City la Considered matten. beA te bridge upoun that days age witb the rumat~S ot the bridge and iim te vaik acre.o . il the new viaduet la MARRY WMYTE MS S Ils os l o i 8 gmm Mdpe tien hfeattIiIpalsmet t, aie at a rttWu dt aestht touais d"55,s th eu tfi gmsfsheme muaR folio, MA MER 5, autgOF ,M; I<foaW Mlcam' o, &m us4.tu ibisa.Cheon. 1e (tw eins bt rhab=doe, he S. ffet JuDoy 30, Waukga, 8; Noa Aletes b.Chicago, . ." n 2, -no gif). hltinCb $1.50 PER YFAR IN à Il

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