ISSUES WARNIN ABOUT DÀN4iEROS STREICH OFIIIU*A-Y, ç. W. WHITNELL O F LAKES BLUFF POINTS OUT DANQeS ON A STRETCH NEASR ONDOUT lIE WAS NEARLY HURT POINTS OUT THAT ROAD 18 *$d NARROW TEAMO HAVE No CHANCE 0F PASSINO The communicationl beowwle prited1 ver>, cheerfuil>, b»es«seMi. Whltfle :xpres&M exacti>, wht the wrter hai sslde retauently IR the Pset.Mis 0e 4>rienOe la that of Moanj thv>s-4hel, have bl tome clo080sa«Mete sacchent on thet too-navew 511U101I et roSiý, The tsct le, l eoenW se t towp- ehip l sylne se1 obltsfeby ,flàqftahbi lng such a deuigerOa lea, <' *t As Mr. Whtnellboy, .thW beff. about th. Most idea *,et q the count>, despite the. act tt t le much travlel. T4 ià emling Iiiaed by Mr. Whtnell la t#Mlaly end the*ld flot be overiooked-Editof. Editor Lake ContY independektý.- Wblle the townulo o01libertYvi"l has a great ManY Mlle@ I oal»anM aate ighvays; there le a BsIl Bi trOteli of i aneau allj1*Vw di-y l e tound ln the state and liaI tOo On Al road whlcb baamasot as mue!' traf- tic as any ln the.couDIY. 1 refer to, the road runnins. fr05 iÀberty'vlle te Bluff an 10 tht POTtL0a be tween the Croussais: oft 11e Dam. 3Jouit snd 5Astem lraliroid Une belveen the tevushii. eofhBleldei and Àbertyvffie. Ts t tÇh et rOad vas grdel some tIme as>30 Barrow wsmaibtWu im rYW., ¾ ny oLk,> 14 ê MeJo r ur lBrnd, w.i guarts.....c...... your Mason jdrs, lucludiug rubbeis, I dot- ruberaic doz. 49c Soap, 7 bars for..25 Usoelored Japm 1le, 50c grade for ...... .....31c Japan Tea, Siffinga l lb. packages- 12C for ............ Cooking FIgs, tWbite California, lb. -P26 3 lbs. for ......2 c Muscatel RasinsLarge in bulk, lb. 9c" 3 26c for ............ Raslos,Fairy Brand, 5c Coff e, Our 30c Coffte la one of aur strong leaders Ne know its flavor and' strength ta bc a favorite to ail who use it. RoliIed Oats, In bmak, j'ýftthly i!led, 9 ~ Qba for. TrwIo Standard frai'St auda rd ~ lic and lately It hb. î a ',teu *Ab' about eit luches cetcoushel .10B lu the Midle. The dmP iS OÙe both aides are Ob ked Vitk Wa.dl, blshes sand falleqa tveuula soma b en aud la othîr YSIUIam. waei~~ water or matob. On daj recqly * was tbrowvtal, be icItcoq thr. wbén pasmîng anotier autoPaiie by ~j wisel strUkins a largo tree vhIO projecesout tubo the grade endi*,op lDvýIlble on accout t wmste~ brusi. -The cst of cleaulÈeg np. «*Wb lus. snd wi4eung thus R trl T reqd would rot 13e verY griga I lRa att payer mand proPertY cuAVuth@lietOwu. ship 1 vonlnot obiet aamn sur nio One .18e lu the viOIIiltJWoICCd,' tp. extra expense 4uurrei I& thelu" tereet of satetY. This matter oughi ta b. atteudl t.. at ffece ai a bai- accident bere veUl4& renier the towushil) Of LbertyvIle hiable for lammga.-4O«e 'eW. Wblt, nell. Lake Bluff. &b#pt fourifY*&* 40 1I fntrot.i "ad getl p55Sed .et oe aimuellv meeting et'the IOfetIlulei, a rimbo- lti m ô ietina thi.emludosers of lgbvays to ide; snd, make uet.0Vo 'trfvel as- nomn 8powible m&l the bflgbam ta the, tewuqMsN l'dvff lI townshipor Shile;ds lius le boit snd uaftrutia, i> 4nlp i* tbe counIîy 1. -O..W. PEUEATliy S1IRT Chicagean Fetind- tale on li MMician Orit FarM. sucineauéAsèclatawuè Wées Wlt oF[Mhe r ime of Accident HM b>, lilîchigen Authorlîles. Chicago, Sept. 26-Wile lusurae I« waesplan to Inqure fit, bth iei'e't Harry -W. Flaber, for"r ýVernt» Chîcago dbsinetlS man. vbp vea touadi b.d vitI' a buet boe la bhW beck ails fruit farimoner EWDm1 viaà, Minhlaire. Faber, thb.*1110-1 bus b&Marrlel herself troam aI coller. lu ber apsrtanents t 311 Bldon avenue.'1 AuthorIin uMichigan are holding 0,. M. Jareboch. ll'lher's buiness a* mOoand ma aPrinçet»oe adqgs, à cBoectleS vlthe .mawa deatha.4k tbeeghMru. Fisher ezonerates i back frous &U blaune SNo warrant bus bueà luued uamlt Mm .FUer, ber busbszd andu4i be.ciiveqt st» the. voods 1libt Fisiies tlaced iso "Md" ; co. sgon«sthle. stuimp «a Ireu, sM&. u omtding te ýArebacb. bhosamotblusuif accieutly. This la the. tor ho lie od Mmr.Fichera- formerai nnue, î Mmnee or1the shootlag. rii ra tiow 6er.Masde h barda hetee unr.l.II to liniepmeazce. Iowa, for buria, bt lii. ahorif ltedreecl. 1An ,ensuination of tb. body aaoel the. buflW enmtera!etdatobglt iaIn vbkch puid ont bave bpu"een d "tbu rile bues. disbared lu b. U»W imr ecrlbed by ÀArback.. acor4lmg lire. Flaber la ton years rouagsar tIb. b had. 9h. la the agtr et Mfartin PattLson. b4à. 10 ho ilàumil+ : ishr. duls bisusdence la %jbI- ,noïcv-s. earll' Interetd 1la eéUe- Colla, Sout oomgpen. aS eccerasmenu. tspturlag 5lruois for soda ImatWa... e. bot bhW oli s.iou$ adbis 1.11 arm vwu blovu, ~ Il gr DOveM dscused the Incident o4ýle th"a ta sa>' tbat It WA» au accident. IR!S 9MILE IS EXPERSIVM Mr. *MIiic. B. WvesWb a~e.dc' chiot Pt Young ' Chicago. sept. 2.-E. G. miac coesmun10Cilago troinGaleMUbr. M. t0 @»ee .slghts. Mr. Mîiaidetla US yerrs 011 aid wu a tarmer'.ifoI ho got rlcI' eouga (o retire. Ho bolS a akinCotage »ve vulie. -mal etrot but tvoyoupg Voueën, pretE> Oue of lb.. imi led, Mr. ,imail turned to 1oo5. The. rouas VOMM uit tbe miîle vaved a m rkmidet. tMr. liiuick vayed bis buMkeWoiiae1 Young WvAn aappiogubel., Mr. luulck met ber Lait va>'. Bis tlirev ber arme a&M=4 » pnecii. "You dear Cid ua." sobtsMI&.«M bas been years *nso1 I»w yveu A itIle chat. then' -Mr. fmunis waiked on. He fait lu big pccket. 1118 wallet vas g"De. 80 V55 $60. Ho oh- tained lb. sympetb; et lhe police et the Cottage Gave avenue itatinu. ARREST OPOSSUM JR 8h*ET! Canton Police Take Unuagal Pri..ê and Wili KItep im. Canton, l11., Sept. 25.-Niait Polios mnet Teel and Smith, of the Cantoni dePartiment, captured a fuil-grovui opossum la tie business district Tii auimal protabi>' vaudered illb clty tram adjacent timber and Wa probabl>' lu searcb crfoodI The police dpartuent bas tb.he i :eur lu ecuemoentasidif uai.1 tome hlm, vit tum thle captive ovrn ith*.public Park. i i. l nIIýi 411 be littie wýorrylng xa ot mi fi' onte of . tteinmopt cs 0 ig wrto ftesuper olyofte mfor ht »»q. 0 mo strIngly at- s~î,sa& msla$, sreully alwool.brçade)otbs, chin- '~uoes aMnilned Coata tRut trot......... ......UIa ~ ~ . q $1.-Ohs*niing new modela 9~ m . ill '~~IU'fi t~hnmel '*4o à&I wool m nm ep,32 lnch q4 fidwith guratW dy arn ded «#teh*i o nvlymateriais..$1 AJ*~t.a. mie $ .9O-Sinart new fail mod- ,ý_jjofail wooi shrunk and spot trié et eult proetjerge in navy, hrown anîd red, trim- silt >14 years ......r..... for the gare Mwas tivenees. Tbsu est 1w orted noyeltiels In and. bné mitures mny hnite'9b sida and have bMelltciet,. Omt u lW effectively thmd ... Coul. fer t. ieI-utbouss havecoats fOr _he stout. s A s ,,M e medI - .We show àsIn b "d <id selection àt.. . ...... Girls, Dresse $4.O-Modigh styles for the littie girls, made of a fine ail wool wil itv of serge., Norfolk, sailoir -and . rer Thompson styles, combination 4' trimmed, ages 6 to 14 at ......0 yb Not h r alFootear at The- Globe? ro ýg y&U Shoes OiIdre's h...- y3~W* think ev- Most parents. have ci-y *II Igum 11 ce to realize that knowabott'te spen-the Globe is by far the ddsioeie are sel- lidg t SOThy best place in Wauke- better i 'tv and gan at which ta, buy t styley foot- their cljdrén 's shees. fl wear y jve ever You'ltflnd special pure h fo the values bei-e in -box .- mo5y foai cal ifmvClkd loatheMs.but- ~ bllHbr Ai 41a1àmRt- .B OVIV HOI-lt'a esUntial J' on a" M tomons the best whan you buy fot-ve Ites> drabe.r" he vear ont of Globe sicm. lima Myrotb- e i he r r sldthroughout, ani 4... ....... .... and .. .... ..... ..1.7 5 The,:Gloes YdWIWeed for Fanl - If there '~on bi.gtat la annoying botb ta WOMW a~' patiencesudpeeket book it is short lived boley ;qes., ilaves give more troubles pi the uatter 6!wear tha' most any other (Iresa - ,accessory. . /'. ?sPwwbad Carnet Bdi 0em. ; lliinate thesë' trýubles because tbey give the wear and. evi they shoul£. Tlusy.are inade oÏf uoft; erstM' elieted skim ns amis< toutly stitched'as ioe ue most proof againstrppi Tbhey ai-e ga teed te give satisfae- .0 tien, pair O*Jand ......2 fortablêdimensionsimade of the verv soft- est sna ýnest of, Amoskeag ,ouogfi6éiuel, beavily sweed, pink snd bn t1e(f1 some baud embroidered .... O(5kV NMONT 0OWNSO- .CHI&ORIN S L*UI ýMa. et leavy qulitystl- ARNT-. I'fet ed ImansueMbeteraidtim mae of i* fleeei qtS"d mol,ý OdïsbBS10t,~A bine stripes, At............... pca u.. Wa49Ci' bAuoITsa or - PNMot WuLL- KNtOWN LAKS. . C ou WI.I 300 CIGAETTESINt1DAY' WANTRO TO Ult WHI«M, 8»10M OP elftOAowAVy; MAO lce!.~ -t"rmpu mlcLas0; moueer. C44 d augbter et aver' ~~I~Blformer.. laie aosnt dq1pa lu eking te10o OiwaêldIqat45* &Wi etcf dopt- imgre ;40~fm-Iftb* themu barbos qa**5itluoMe..le as$tei~I. ,itMtm MKwusie for- ~bte.before brerlI*'~UWiel uh tqé or' vyaSmo t M~ei.~* ~tb Mniaioviier The Ne* C.eMôe It's alwa y@ best to buy_ the new corset before yoîî do the suit, for you will find the suit will fit go mnuch betterand look more. - trim anad stylish. If you buy a C. B. corset you arc sure o! get-, ting satisfaction" for it will impart to your figure the lines which are now se eusential to proper dress.- It ia the one corset th*t embodies style, eomfort and duiablliïy, *1.00 to - k* Ail gema of beauty to 0 ont an f0. uary or conmmonplace style lu thçe e ' ggrega- tion. Ilati3 for every oSta»ii 6frwuthe (1aunty street bat at a couple of dolltft te the elegantly trigimed bat for ýdroW shiWkl as $50.00. AUl products of eut own WrkM,-m adataios rom the mçet. pWp!.n'e4 mra ian and XeW Yorkode.,o s eulgi * ua ideas of our'own de iW Xr- 6 tW6 bWUt alike; e4ch itiodel a da4incUve cweéation. You '11 surel1y find a bat te eoiiform to your purse here. Woeus'a Umm asuwt-Thè î lock union suits %or womený' ,a M. t fine-t PEytian yarn and litatlïý*,-t ft1,high neck, long -aleeve p' length.-reglai $1.25 valves 44-. WOURI' PANÇAND CI.Lh. t VEST-Imue ushlt s, veSte, lacetrimmed pgat. 2eS values St, 1cpatent "'tf~ .. garmeut..............iCo va I. or >à e t * altby mine 0W8eTboy, thlaiugber tellow "«e*ho abeb 5 cttdI.Ug of Boqiier, co., .l la llevu. H11- adeptel hlm. Au, hou, r 5 itr rdtlu1 -lut*otla * ; pital, unad rgolug trealmMwo lu the ward the motiier of thé. boy w.sOBS-Ivobetadal ýciqp .h ele pgyChopa±N Wur4. Oh& va. takeu Ing a riot lu the hOtOl lqbiiY, mis i" 41'ýeaii du"Tb e, t th ê te. thu hoaPitai Ibis afternooà mter a McIC.nzie suulenderei thé3 youngtdr 1*MOI - lamTt eAW1t h«' $usPbo, à policeman bai fou" iber mrnug an -d tho- csluY usut out 24 got :the YI Iitua*91 Md i incoeret geech tpa crowd of meu mother. RiotaNlo.,- a c!wed. mi.a44ai tbt3dlegmA.soB and ýoys trou tk4 -stOPs Of t Sun5Wthé .girl fromboulder vasm th@ I. pmliigda?. Ohurcboo 'the Hou Wifae L ýt ley.dlagud. Ater aomla a < luxth street maj Amgterdafl vnue. orsn o re olgmrttue a* gtout W4 elgme lW Miss -MCKeqasiele- a eg fthi tii10th lobby of thie botel sud aoptel ke»ntoday fil a. SMý lAr teh st. Mrat o héL SherIve l luoe. oft tue ohilirga k - guesti. Thw ive'. i.!*a~ 's a New YqkfoaCiri etVla.uttilad waa net tmiS fr« two boors. lbBY d. W I .. prg. Bhe wua mxtous t.o ie hebiliht smd me»mle b1W Uotlmér hbaihM e et Uglita of rmsim yand leru If New tuai... York wonffl BOke. Whon hLO lftmu- 11m M UKoe continUa ued, llU J0h1%. u0.b itbrn0W ed they, didpe do ded lte snobe her-ail nigit, a fo as eoaa-ho'la etory saueoltI *a~m" Mel &bd4 jesteuia> o bouhht 500 *W-aid vdorel awmy- froua timt wi1 rl.wçbU~uI* Larpttee te heuOL tosair tbemoralu«. ab* vil! a'ètb. i ~s Àeoffding to. statbments Mode et 1home lu the cameof a tratlued ure s eu abot emiss _ _ _ 4d tto MUsalSue %Vet 1eut" on tià* qamUL.Wetet Wobesg al s ma ae 1 - 1 - 1 " , ïMW im 1 m ý Zmwel