tY1soI~ RI3ENTI)AT STATt FAIR I PI(FIL)fun1 FIRST TIME lxN 11151011 W. E. Miller Mas Gone to Springfield Wth Car- lbed of Exhibition Veaetables Which Have Been Gathered From Ml Beut Two Town- shlps In the Enire'tounty. Per the first tme Inlus1hIhstory Laite eaunty la ta hav e a representa- tlva exhit t the Illnois saoisfair vijeit opens at Sprlnzfteld ou Prlday ot tbis veek. W. . Miller et LIber 178*. ha charge oft Iis fine oxhit «C letI for Sprngfield Tluesdai noan. Tla 'exhibt vhlch filél a whle frdght car. had bean gont on a tev la> betore. Tint Imie oSfiny nover betore has beau ropreaentod at the élate far. bas 1«on due te the tact thal ne Lake ecounty citizen bel re ever seeémed ta bave sufflcenleuterest te gel such su exhubit tagether sud lairo Iltt ebý tai. That Mr. Miller has doneso athis yer reftets graîiy te is crod11. tà requlréd consIdérable effort upon Ur. Mlllé?s part te gt the coillein togetier and Il vas necessae Ifôr hf ta vieit. évery tovnship ln théeoutY. Ag a rmout hé ha. thé satisfaction a1 kno*lng that ever>' tovnship lu thé ,pUity. vlth thé exception o Novprti aud Béntan are répresénted. Thèse towushipe migbt have beén auxieus te >é représéntel msa, had Mr. Miler lad UIme te Pay thein a vlsit. «N iput years wbén one vlited thé ta& asnd made thîs taet knovu lue vas 41IMe sgroted vlth thé rejoluder: «klnscounîy doesp't ameunt te fneyer bas ase exhîil ah the :W â kfàiltlnty lenet able te ia1Io suy blul et grain or voetables." j,.Miller sald. "This year vo vant lé éov thomn that tbey are mstaitén, ,t »A Le eceunI> la an the map sud là able te product luit as goal crope Î40;"y -Ceuuty la thé sixte." @o mue l., the,: eéhl44 - that ha" blicoutaken ta thé fair frein Iis eqâty veul hé an almoet éndless Ili ii lsuffic o halla i ewof ýtIW 44ibits tiaI are being talen. lu &M ritplace thoere in aul nda ef Ioga, coi. oquscb, qarrots, pupup- Na>, *L>Indo et gardén vptables OM'tff-tva aed varleties of Do- ta$os. Then Ibere arenoseésplen- fl ep onsamClou Smai's faiM 1~Vreztevnsblp;samples et il »à« ofetwood wvii hétakou aiong le l", tlBtýfltlcally évery klnd ai 401u0, Iileau a hé revu lada- Mise ý e iithé eunti.'Onéetfthe asol oxhitsle that of Mangle béts velghlng tvouty-flvo pouns occh. TVer nwegrevu on I.ouls F. Svlft'a ftia ml teuet nofSlulili. Mr. Miller is very muci plessed vitihohefiué collection that ho bas bon able te gel togther and hé téels Coufideft that hé viii hé ahi. te coin, bort w lltlbsevéral preintums as he e», lit doos not stand ta roafion that .1l woulf 'ue posible tg ral» asur Onér spol ul Placeé la 'sixte. la aditlau te tiho eys that Il Viiialverlse to théedluér caunties la the sMate thal although lAite couD- or neyes, bfore bas séon fil te cem- pote fOi', tbe fine préiuis tht It la on thé Uap Just thé niné sud Ihat lut au good crops and vegotklsl>e. au b. raiset -hère as lu sur comtr lu the tat &W a ater- ai, hé says that thîs la thq more decîrable, In geing about tram on@ tvnship ta, anotbar, Mr. Miller vas recetvod with thé gréatest courtogr sud Il theso ho saw beeniéd te enter lut* thée spiritI cft Se th Ing sud be ju« aua- 41ffl au hi te sée that Lebe eoiaity la veil représented. Mr. MUilots long expérience as proétdéni.oit thé ounual -TA"é Count>' fair nale hlm te se- lect OUI ylhe flnést specinéns sud Il seenus vçry doubîful If there ii ho j«* ota e1 xhibihtors at thé falif vbo viii bave as fiue and as varléd a col-j lection of éxhiîl as hé wlli be ableI to show. Noxt year il Is tit that Il wll be even easalr ta gel collections for thé claIe fatias the people Il over thé county vIii hé loolnagforward le il sud vili bo gttlng 1he01 éxhibits1 ready la bc sent maalThus If but a fév premlums are van this year Il ls very probable that the ii.mber yll ho grotly lucroased lu future yems.Mr. Miller carles thé gond wIsites et évrY persn lu the ceunI>'. A glaue at the premlum 11.1 mIdi- cales tuat lu cage the Lako Cannty exhibits are suoceoaful ln vlnnlng prizes that a .vorY tldY sm may hé recelved. la addition te exhibiting them as a uhole connty éxhiit hé May jexhhbIt mauy thîngeIlndivldualiy and thug vin prise, lu tva ways. For thé boul and largest dlsplay af tarin preduels lu thé Nrthern fHorticultur- ai Diviion ef thé BaIs, thé tirst prise sn $260, thé second prisé la $150, sud th tIid $100, aud thé tourth $50. Prises ranglug tram $40 ta $15 are offered for the best displa>' ot séed cern. Forer h bat dleplay of thé lsrg- est numbor of varlotieet ptatoes, thé prise. range tram $25 ta $5. For othér articles. sîmitar prises are Ot- torél. Thus, whlléhé may flot vin the best eeunty display, Mr. Mller Ihaà a fine opportuuity ta vin séveral Iindividual prises. ELOPERS WAIT IN ELOItR Fatheis le eslng May Be on W&y tram Chicago. e Elgin, Ill., Oct. 3. - Mrv. and Mrs. Ie Iterman Louis Basstard ef Chicago t are vplting et au Elgin hotéi fer t "fïthees- blessing" tram 407 Boyen avenue. Chicago. Basford voéed Miss Helen Smth su ardently that Smth eeted hlm frein thé bouse. t Thé next sihernoon h. dreve up te the front door lu su autoimobîlle, Miss Sith Jumpol lu, and thé>' burrled tu Wbeaton, vbére théy vere marrita by Rev. Ernest Frazer. Baisterd te a young architet. Diffrence. ln ré. tiglous bellets caused théeéruption bo. tweéu hlm aud is tathér-iu-lav. Mais by Flfty Priests. Kewauee, Ill.. Oct. .-Rt Ho,. IL. M. Dunué, blshop of thé Pearla dloces et thé Caîbolie church. sud 011>' priesta of thé diocèse, came hère and ielebrited solemn pontifical mass lu meanory et Re. D. L. Crowe. pster1 ot the church here, whe dled receutý 1>' lu Rainé Losln Pier Pire $1»Ol0. Philsdelphla, Oct. 3-Property vat. ued aI $1,000,000 vas deslroeéd by iaines vblch swept Plér 80, soutb vbarveo, lu one ot the Mosl spéctacu- lar fiées taI evor vlctéd thé Déela- vai river front. Thé pier, vhich vas ovuéd b>' thé Baltliore and Ohio rallroad. vas destreyed. Fr.ight Agent Flned for ftobating. 9 Nov York, Oct. 3. - Judge Jui, Itayet in the criminal branch ot the1 United States district court Oued Wil- liam L. Devine, gênerai lmporting freight agent et thé Chesapeake and Chie railmrad, $15,000 for rebating. Divine had Pleaded gulity. Roosevelt Bock '-. M-ow Yorik. New York, 0,'. 3-Colonel Roagg- vot arrlved lun \ew York atler a1& [$00 mile op eak Iug taUr. MiSTORES' NOVEL PLAN On bl stores made an effort tbiB yea to Openga on the sarne day-nezt Satur- wua followed on the auniptioxL that, ifa&H I4teropeninga on the sm aine rit would p~o4 fomthe. country than woul corne to -.,Mmeg.The. resuit l that the ~JE7tUgs week is carryf ng 711anounceoen. in goo4,, 'lflmseoniex- thegan fro ndthebI tbe bar- Elobb Aoiul' Evont I. *uoe dt wauwatoua Course. i Noa, d nuIHM 4 SEMW Great Automobile TroPiy CpiP"d by Drlng Driver. wlh an Avergs &"ad of a Mlle. Per Houa'. Race Course, Wauvatos*, Wls., Qidt .-Ralph de Palmua, drlvlng a Min- les car, von the elghth Vanderbilt up automobile race over the nov îauvatesa road course and 13.000 le oh la 4 heurs 20 minutes and 81.54 rends, for a distance ot 299 mil«e '64 tit. Tisi vasan avérs.fé speed of s- nlne miles par hoeu r,. or live mluf r heur saver titan lialph Mtor' ne ln lest ymes Vouderbiltrc LVauflah. Hughes Comnes ln Second. Hugle Hughes, drlvlng a More«., ras second. 42.4-5 seconde behlnd De ima, snd Spencer Wlshart, Mer- *des. was thîrd. Hughes averaged 68 4-5 Miles per Bietore s throng ot 60,000 spéctators, rpt on thelr feet aimait coastantly, )brushes betveeu the big cars on .0 narrov course, Tortilafluipod hbu, lat loto the lead at the start, sud )e Palma's vlctory vas made poffilo )y nglne trouble vhich drove TetslsÀ ndhie Flat out of the rafe afier hé àd tirIvon 200 mlles at thé rate et gventy.tve màlle su heur. To.Wlie HdGCod Lead. Totzla w a* six minutes abead of De Palma iien ho val torced te quit. and It seemed a if. hovould finish te remainin i notey-ulie vmlle vlh Duitsp loigbisalvautage. Hie on- mo vowu verklAs: vii, appa-fently. sud e b"d stopped e l ce, once te taeci an sd repoîr tires and the sec- ond tline te look, over bis engiue. Stalpb Multord. thce oly othér ce.z- testégI toredi te quît the race, cor- reil ouly t4ree lapst lé s nor Ope lai vhen magnete troubles drove him frein thé course. Republican Governer Wins. steutpelier, Vt.. Oct. 3.-There hay. lng boon ne cholce aI thé Uste e- tian lust meuth. the ésite lgislaur eleeted Allen M. lietcher et Çavqnlist as goveruer. Thislsaisthé second lume la the bustorof Vermout that thé cbole.eto a goeorerha& gens te the législature. Ettor Trial le Délaye& Saleu, Msas., Oct. 3. - TheO 3110v 'Ë triai bus Inc halbI mmlOct 14 and the shetilhaubeen erdered te smm- Mon 850 nev talésmen. THÉ âWATREfl indIans-Fair toda»,. local ahevers and gomïeviat cooler toulght or te- morrev; moderato southweat to nerti- weot vlnds. Ilinouis - Generafly1 fair todat sud touorroev; somevhat coOer tomor- rev; moderate soutbvest te north- vagI vinds. Winemmul-Fair. cooler ln véstoruI pottien todajr; cooler lu ster u pr- lie t9sight; fair toinorMo; moder- ato seathvoot te vest vindi. Lover Michigan - Paidrd; fair and cegIor tomerrov: moderato seuIl- vout 14 nouthvést wvid. THE MAR0<tT chloage, cash O">i QaatàIono QÇbtça, Oct. 2 Whost-No. 2 re4. 81,024PL04; Mi. 3 ted, ScO$1.01; No. X bhall Iatér, 9114092%c; Mq. 8 a d v~eU $se. No. i ioéa»lL 3834 No. 2 northom aspring, 802c; Ne. 3 $Ma& ïS8301e. Corn-No. 2, 670 47%c0; Ne. 2 visite, 6836069e; No. 2 yeliov, 47%048%ce. Ott&--4o. White, 831.4084%c;: No. 3 vhite, 31360323e; standard. 33*88%e. Chiespo Leae Sook. Hogs-llCeclptI 920,090. Qnotatiou rang"daI et 5.5 eavy lpplag. $8.9009.86 light &I#01UIL, $83508,60 heavy peekin&, sd $6.2007.50 good te choe lupg. Catle-îemepts 19,000. Quotattomo r"ogolt SiJJO*iIM prime âteamO 86,8507.75 ccete j»lme ted, ed ççnvè, $5.9606.70 eloted teoders. i$Î51596,90 fale o uésstookers, 010.1 ransel at 86.5007.00 cholce te prime Iambe, $4.5005.265 b.d te *chis yearlings. $4.1004-85 good tu choo vethors, 83.4008.85 talr le geed e vres. Butter. D Creamery, per lb., 36c: priats, aie; extra trsou. 29e; lirais, 27e; daliés. extra, 28e; firsts, 26e; pseking stock, 12e. Ilpotatees, - & Wisconsin. 62067e per bu: Michi-1 gan, 55067e: Minnesota, 62@57e. East Buffalo Livo Stock. Dunning & Stevens, Live Stock Cou. g Dlégion M eréaats. EBst Rudoie. N. .. Quels as follous: CAttle-Itue*t r, cars; market ilew. HogsReelt C_10 cars; markt atron; hevy, gai yToakers. 89.1509.6; plUS,08.50. dteoi ir-Reelpt le efl; markelt %ow *Pu iu mb%. $720785;oant 'I We c4rry Use Seat lines of MeW& e nd bo's cS9woes, Underwear', Mlots and Caps and EITRICTLY ON£ P&ICE w w ST&ICTLY ONE PJICE ACtt Chîi atOftY as WeII as an older person. We want every peri. A Soit t ake Coun ty to cuit ut our store during the coming *#ek, because we can show tbâtti at do better hel'e than 'any *&u'e else. Ogr reputation W rRefiabltfty and Dependablllty Io welI kuown and we wlsh tÔ malnidal thâit tputation by square, Ionest The-, PAd-licIutlog lieuse il. AI*hul6r £.Cusgw.y 118 WASMINGTOM~ STREET Chait. t.rggqult. M*s.ger Té-goweIle In Our MeWm's Store Occurs Thela Opnig Exhîbit You're given a special request to rnake a visit to the Globe dur- ing this openingt and view the wonderful fne of fail sUits on display. 'Any one of our saldesmen wilI be Oad to show you these hanidsome ne garments- without pressing~ you to buy. Yo'i,18 find this a really remark- able cIothing display for they are not ordinary garm0ifits in any respect They are especielly made for The, Globe, by thée moMttalented crafts- menl and fo the the chokiest of American and foreign wooIenM, In the Iatest patterns and color- ings. Included in this splendid sFiowing are Kavfnsp< uioZgnents sWeI ifle as ohnotable maes. 3"ics 1n0 ftémjl $30, You'll Llnd a larger varietY of. 9vercoâts at the. GIb. t6à a ty otur store in Waukegai>. AaWacow of styles, patteras and colomigeito choose f rom. M en who geek the latest and smartest in furinlhitigs should sec our splendid neW fati Une of -àdus shirts, gloves, n sctkwashats, ho.Iaey, -,etc, to Wea r for Evetytfinil to Wea Men end Boys Mc= -w,, ý, . . - -, - : . ý ý- .