Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Oct 1912, p. 3

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- ~LAI COTJNTY ID DENT, FRLDÂY, OCTOBER 4, 1912. -s Waj ~TTT"" WANTED 10,000 meD lu Lake County to vote for a& IL ThOmaou for XOPresentitlve in Congrem frin thia district' i AU7T0N SALES aiilg deel týsu farimlug 1 willl *prlng sud mattreu almsonnot ew, i deiiiet public auction On the péuailu olid a" dresser wlth French beys! knowu os the Pd ibbon la u 1 mil.irrar, 1 walonuiextension dming room pouth ef Warrenton on Tnesday, ct. 8. table, 1 waitiut center tab=. Wlt 1912, onmmenig eat 10 a. ni. sarp marble top. 1 'nahogn table, 1 doskt. the foliowing proporty to;wlî: 27 1 box cou*., 1 nid dreeser, 1 walouu choies.aujllc cow., 5 full blood Holstein, book cas wltta glass doore, 1 Garland 4 full blond yerohlree. 4 heavy bord coail hiater, 1 wood @tore, 2 apringerm, bablance grrod nrillehoris, unr- gasoliae movou, 2 morrio chaire, sons bain laill cousins; 2 yr; bav horoe 7 y ras u cho, large sud mmali ru", 1 Uld.' wt 150(); gray borse 13 yro oId bicycle, 8 @top iaddert, kiteben utenilis wi 1600; black drivlng haýr«e Il yro nid, «nd other articles tua numeroue to black nmure inlal, lt-r-oid &lw! iakme, mention. wt 1400; 1 anu 2 yr old oeldlag, ROUT. W. CLAI'I>El. Phone MOI - eo21);3 srn q cane*. 15 tone 0f1 choie@ lamte beysan b eau, 10 aoc. conlThseunudersigned will oeil at. publie in row, % acre posatortsau ÈnU, stack section ru th@ .fosph aichardo fatn, % slr&vv, 750 bru white osa, ine* Rock mi ieonit Day sied 5 mile oascul iland bay loader, Champion wsr, Prairie View, on Tburaday, Oct. 10, . ,IkY eltIvmtir, 1walklng cultoi0, 19 L2 at 12 o'clock &bar t1h. foliowIng Dise harrow, 2 section drag, Prairie Cty tmnynjto.wit: 8 bialu ballfer., offlder, Keystons corn planter, griedlug lo=ten bull, about 80 acres of good aton. 2 wlilng pie». cutter, uiw cn t 'mih blnder, 15 toue choies bob lolgi, 4 loch truck wagncoupletlimothy bay balodil barn, 100 beabeis smîlk wagon, rubbsr tUn bIuy, 2mts of corn lu ciib, 80 bus"s potto.., double bornpe., 2 notea sigo ena.2 s8Inchb Imewaglon uealy uew, 1 hors. sets caralers wllhb ahk.. iiloo d wagn oaly u.w, mut wagon, open rops, boy raise, bay ra*, sPt 800.1lib m, 8:14 ft bay tack. 7:12 Il b"y f-oie..2 large stoc-k tanks, ullk hues. rack, 10oft lee rack, 1% yd gravel box, üh ck-k.-rr, f.,rke, shovela sud snali putatodigger, liotauîarok&, 14 tnck $miu .JO 50ne, beatinu stpv. -, -* MoklA p' etouniatn table, cnter table, sa 30 lynw~I7obarrel' stock 1 3 piece parlorr suite, 8l tocklng cbaire, tank. hug trougbe,, henry single harnese, <6 dining r.-ra hairp, 2 itou bod corn- buggy barriseg. -8 whew l borhswp, one- Lplot-. elock, ( f ramesd pltures. 2 mau 50w, 45 galion lsod cooker. 25#j ih A zminst.-r. and ruany olb-r articlées Ina woerhose &bd ["&Dy other ..rt.cieu tbu cumero i- ta men«gtion. Uoual tote tis u oustamention. * Lunch uat nous, ltrura.. PtL PESiELOi, PruYp. Joux C lciai ca, 'rup. Wm. tC. l'ETgE», .AUCuoneer. e (.a: Va'.a,, Auciosurer. OaQENIClerk. Followiug lu a 11.1 ef chattlsste ha igaving rantsd my farim1 willi]elst (.01d at ancction Oct. V, 1912, ou tihe public auction Yà Mlle nortb 0f rive oid Buson tain ý rile oet ot Vole, Pointesuad 1% mils west of North Geo. Vouga, au&cuumer. tihicago on 22eddnaïf Grain Boy Boad (Mua Goling, 1 lac' mare. 1 orrel on gazurday. Ot 12, 1912. eommeucing tred ta Perr'u Gyidudalo Stailon. i ai 1 o'cioobsharp. lM. folowlsg veaon nars bred te Parr's Glydaudal. ropetty. Chamnpion hâiaay lnswltia 4 8tailion, 1 cut. 4 ssotbs 0W; 9 youua ru g£5501150 aërine atr..ed, Word J ermy rows, good ous; one registeod tourlng cear 19l0uipodel, 2 lrooh aiich I o.China uow aud six pige 2 youq .cows, colt 3 yuaks bld os2yoso .ows. 15 ftaimer lacsd Wyadotte houa cot 1 yser oid. tem mm"i, 10 fine &ad rooster pure brud, 24 chleke, 4 shot., lot of chiekens, uew iumber turkoe, u esulky plow n»W. 1 gang j ums.mower. ba fonder, uow ridlag ploW new, 1 idi ai citaor aow, ielivor. barrow plow Due puivrla.r, MaCWouck mower ue*, 1 borno rakebs bo rab, potato. hii4r. power food aw, 1 8-urc-tion barrow new,,1 sprlug cn', Obnck oyolmbtor 220. eus, wagon, 1 tarin wagon and hayrack*. boscutisi. garden ooder, grludtoee, 1 b"y fort witl e crisraasd reos.. 2 »mw 2 «&W.u top wsgoa. top bugM. ardsncu ia tor., i iswn mouse', iu bsvywrk haruoý so t sligbs pool ~ ~ ~ ~ = WueiwoO roo. aa ansbgyhailisu. boqs.hold wirs hnlg oobgwrsu a.furitue.. 8 otanks. 10 acres good b.dwlr. ku bes taisu.i praercorn, M00b»u" soate. 10tonecs ey,, sud fleetauso, onsig tack eshw, 100 busbsl potatous, boy gas olal tbe oh aotrack t oump boardu, &bd uay çtber M0 buobolos. la hiea "mg 100 bu. asolles o amerons te mention. old core la ie, about 100 bu. lat. Ussitorms Cd= bhouatahushfmat., 4 lroq G. D. Ganmoo, Prop., gâud Bc. sud wllh et *ag sud ustromsoUmmisesBo bd. "lses . 1 efflda lon bed -euth1 R. B. Emenu, Auctlowaer. Sos people MMcete th"nktlstay kind cf a ulasd ulthàs«MU !pet- esuiqo ci Portland perfcct concretc. Port- land Ceamntbeiper- Mmrod ad will pcform wooderobut t seulnot uakc ntcscfin. ailst. Cdl fera C.W d Prdand Cernent i, not a neu> product It bas been on the market for fourteen ycars. The same MaW materials, taken from the terne quarries, bave always been uoed ini its manufacture, and the processsupervised bypractic- ally the same men. Hence the un'va>'ying quality of the "Double A" Brand "T7U But 77à«t Can De Ma&#"» HOME LUMBER CO, LibevtyviIle, 111. CHAS. HARBAUGH, Ingleuide. IIL D T. WEBB, Waukegan, ID. NORTH CHICAGO LUMBER & COAL CO, No. Chicago STOP Gta Permit and have your Threshing meat delivered at your door sny time you want it. This is aldone by CH. BARNSTA-1LE Ordors Taton for Jlob Work Advertiolng "alesO Application Aira. John Kiaber and ebildren ara ilstiug tIe formero@ brother lu Grand Rapidn, Mieb. Misa Alunie Druie sud lady friand of ieago, speut Suuday witb ber niother, Mn., Mary Dause. Mr. Proctor and famiiy motoa-ed ont froin Chicago lest Friday and sqpent tise waeaa end at their cottage on tise woet aide. Dr. ccCrîhy and wile accom. panied tbem an thair guesto. Wr.. Fred wllbur will acc.,Unpfny E B. Doolitîlo aid fmliy ta faliforula whero oh@ wili spabd thse wiuter. Mauy Of!*'hb. iaraesf roi. about the county haire couirnîvted 10 briuy thair milk w ibe l.rayolake cadlfactMny.Thre,re r...ay new contracts signai Up oDri 1t. lir@. Jas. 1,ogabaugh trunrrtced brusiness iu Chicago Waeuiî. Mr. and liro. Bort Siniti.w,rehvciago 0. J. Wheelack tranoacted busineolu vmits Tuesdas. Cbicago Muuday. Mra. Lau Frait va, taL..-u lu>a Mr, sud Ars, C. 0. Longabaugb, wbo bospîlal in Chicago Mouds> cmlure she arn vlaitlng lb. frrmer's parents bere wilii lme realad for ber ayes area pauding A faw dayo ln Zends, Wls. Walter Strait Is lu Ciris-s,tuiakiug Chsan. MaiFariane and tansiiy returned eirctricai treatinentes ad la uery [uucb froua their eatern Irip Saturda>' aud imPa-oved. upent the week end astheir tarm st Ma-a. RarrY aoaand son Hioward, of Taylor'@ Lake. Waukfgan, @peut TzWeday sudWdu- Miss Mercis Wbealer opent Saturday daY wlth Mluo Musis Wiitebea&. sud Bu niay wtb friends lu Chiscago. L. Y. 81ka trammaated buashues in Chasw. Wiibur sud lamily o Waukegau, Chicago Weds.dar. spoetifunday with F. C. Wlbur and Mns. B. J. Loitus and Alula lruse lu lamiiy. Waukegan Wedusody witiu Andrew Mr. and AiMm E. B. 1oolittie and rw7hite* daugbtar lRuth, leava Ir on iaArgeles. Ia. J. M. Paumer 'and wi- vimited C&8. Oct. Pib, to spend the-winter wiîb frieudo 'n Chicago Wadnodas- eveuîug. tirir son Le-onard. and other relative@. John Johntson bas resgrred ii, mai- Tbey wiil rent a furni,§bed cottage and lion 84 l'us driver at Gordinier b ,tel. stay tua enutira wlntÉr. B. J. Lofîsan nturu.d 'Wedriesuisy alter Mr*. Wm. Ellio aud llleOlive Coleman a two waeikstriplin Wscorasin, wero Chicago sioitars Wednesday. Dou't forget aur specialinus c ringà P&Par. Caucodelileen48 Pnveluu,u.sand1 The re ayrriote Woulruo Cub m t489abetapapar for 25e.tI)ruce lîrug Ca. with Mm. Buliard Tbursdoy avering. Mn. Jospb llarwoad esteitined Tbiu was the openiag o! the club for thbe friands tramn Chicago over Satu rday and year'n work. sunday. RUSSELL. Tlhe ladies' Aid sociely met with Mr». G. A. Siver on Tbursday. A part of ortypeople camne out from A few 0f thc young people gave Chicagm Aunday to view the Beldier rRobert Nellis a surprise party ou Bat- placewlth lulsetions of busiug it. 9nrday ulghî at George Wilson'.. Tbey, Born, Tbursdoy 10 Mr. ani %its. Ed ireport a fiue lime. Roy. a ton. f Minnte Reeves spent Baturday a.nd Amber Crtteadsu of Rumsei, 'îl Suuday at borne. trisudo bore Bundey. Mas. R. G. Murrie aud Mars. Siocum Oni, a alaiirowd atteuded the sai spent lait Wadneeday lu Keuosba. 'r@Y 1 Mr. A. R Nichols speut part of last Mr&.Hainford »Id daughter luvseu week w11h Mrs E. A. Reeves. moisi te Vauhagan Wilie Corna lot bis l1111. drlvlrng mu. H. sponsoberg and son loft rmars lant Thuraday. Frlaymbt for a two weeks' trip lu T'he ladies ame pnepartng fer a ba- r'amada sud othor éstern points. l zwS. Wateh for date, later. Mr. Sud Mr@. John Austin retnrnsd tebe 6110 O41lii»g ia the ordeor 0fhleday. monte» faut FPriday.à Bunday achool caias aahB unday et Charles 1'ueker lbit 1ho latter part of t the M. IC.charcb lu Ibis communitylihe Wook lir, Montana. b ai 10:30 a. m., ably sutfervlsed by tihe Mr. Noise 1-l'anrpedthelb Johnà Ladies' Aid society. As il bas provad Neêorva rooldonce. te be a complet. succesesno far and dr.Id. Thorn visited friends at the soclcty are anaklng every possible' Rouelil, laIt mmwoek. effort for thse benefit of tihe parielion. Wr.m. Fred Zoehler of Wankegau, @peut ara. and especially tbhebhldren, part c t.he wook witb ber siafer ber. beope the people wîîî not ouîy assiot Farn-ai ef Trucedeli, won bere them lu every way but by contiuuing on business laut week. te nend their chlldrema wili Induce The Gures W. C. T I1 wili meet witb others te send tbeir's. Mrs. Carnie Moaltit Wednesdav alte- O. Peterson la conetruciing a beau- friands iuvlîaj. ýleibr n h tifui farm bouse ou bill property re- cenily pua-chased and later will erect HICKORY a fine harn, ail latent improvements, There will be no services at the Includirsg a fine drilied well put downu rhBna on coutfte by W'm. Balles. 1Yearly couference held at Evanston. Dr. Wm. Lewis has compieteir' t e- Mr'. Kidd and family visiied lest covered tram bis recent iliness. Suuday ai the borne of David Pullee. -Nir. and NMm. G. A. Sîver wete lu-j The farmers arc bu, filllng their vited out teo dînner Sunday la the Els borne of -lit. and Mrs- Wm. Siver, just Thete ls no school the fore part of for iwo bours, but were surprlsed to, the week, Mie Lois Smnith belng coul fiud a hast of relatives and friends ed hoife Sundaxy hyîte sudden Ilîneos thete te greet lhem. il cas laie ln of ber father ai 1Innlon Grave. the evening wben they were qhie teoMr. ad Mre: Chaties Crablree and break away te relurn home. on an Mise Neitie Sluman visiiefi Oliver Nelsons le readv for tbe car-, the week end cit!% the Halienhecli penters ta construct bie bungalow, twa famiiy. miles oral of town. bis forîndation bai' Mr. Earl Edwa-uls and darîter. ing becu comî,leled the luasi ceek. Helen, aehm udyfrafm 6iver lurotbers wUl do tire work. I ,cm 1ie uxda o e daye' vieil wiîb the home foika. TIse Edwards botel atnd livPv erj 'ro. Wilson Kinvuisited friends somewbat iaxed mast 00w on account md relatives ai tienos and Wood- of the hunlIng season openinga nd wrsls el fiebiug 1e aleu good. Wrhls ek J. D Traynar, the pianter, bas foîrnd Mr. anad Mrs. Alfred Pedersen spent Buuday at H. Grilfirus. it necessats te emruiay twa extra men mr ilb e-Egadsp b met te dmandforbis serics. per given ha- the members af the Altbaugh suppoeed to he a lad j Camerty socieîv and the Ladies Aid sou the farmers feel mîrch encour- soclety, October 15, for the benefit of aged by the frost holding bock snd thse churcb. There will be a fanes- teel that lt bas been sa far aboya an quilt te be disposed of. Everybody -average season.1 kletocu. Tbey have started te grade the tvtd1 on great Chicago-Green Bay rond, start- iug tram E. H. Scbultz's place of I1[T OVflt business on the state lina lu Winco. D U LI LI W non, tbence north. maklng a roadway twsasty-faut feet wlde. Tbey are un- la now used by ail the lead- lng an Austin-Grant road grader witis 4atry i Lake (Jounty « w'ell a torty-five horse-power ganoilinenO. tg a Counties-You are flot lina. We wiab town comminsioners . ebuid visilt tbm and se. their worb. 011uDng the boit resuita if you Tt i. marevlouà. aieflot uulngit-Fpor mie by Tberihu frmr' lu Inthe worid Te ReXali . Store eldom but the conveulense of hersfltr I&, who uaay b. the wib e.Of a Tillon ou f tb. reaonuswhy astIls, ceof tc hotie bMm la b.lsg4IlrtoJ 1 hoAoaBrasse a 6als OaTWO SOM niI urr, liinçb.Mu t piot.gos'Pf** 10 ~u . .Rounud Lake ~#igo4 ou mil b.»,w ëM*hs- k e b t <h no, ntY; la et ime 1 'y lm ufflmI Ras-. W. E. Harvey and wife ,,,f bu-s L be e ý N w are guesta of lUr. and Mms. C. van 1 Patten. Bei'. Harvey preached at the ____________________________________ motning service. _________________________________ Mfr. F. 8nyder of Wbeaion, Ili., sPen th wek ed e th pasonge. Attorney Paul MtartGuR sud Peter' W alkegan la St. Paul 'ber. Sr. s. E thewe pen ai ibeprage. hBawer of Sprlng Grove lefi Tsiesday Price started a delicataseen store. ine, lit. Js EThome.pntF da ihfor IMontana ou business. is still reported 10 be ibere. Miss Clerc Nelson of Leon L.ake Beaiuing Oct. <i. heie al g stores ýTue dja 'thîe foliowing LibertyviEw, sPent Friday with Miss C. E. Baies will clos. et faon ou Sandays tb @e , Pro1,e left for Springfield to attend,, and aitended the cîass parîy, ta îrevi'il during the wlnîer nrunib. tle stae fait: W. E. Millet, W. 1fr,. Mary Maint of <'bîcago viiesi Miss Billy Carpentor in her fanions, Davis. -\lr.udarrues Warren, Ansths. ber mother, lr Jessle Sirang, Sat- singing and musical acte aitlthe Lyric 1(rrir nsd iJeeher. Mr. Davis le' urday sud Sunday. Monda>' and Tucsday nlghts, Oct. 7 s""pernueruulei of the state dopait.. Mit. and lire. Wm Cremirre ar-t-veui sud 8. Ment 0f Epiarv. culinaty and pantjy home Tburadav from ileir casiero Work un excavatlug for the nec store. Mr 1Ienîi fîr cto the faire, trip, wbcre tbeY $Deent the erummer. Nlethodist cbnrcb le progreselng vert' detlils ofwblch sopear in anolbaor Misa ura Allcott of Antloeb spent saiis-factorlly. f is belng done on-the Iun a tew daYs visltIng trlends ln ibis day c-ork plan. coun vclnlty. *Yoýu'd botter lot me go away la-au Donny Chope, wbo badl pneuruonla, iiîrt money. 1 arn hable to bave lock- le; getting aloaig nicely. jaw lu bothi nt' banda In a minute." Rev. A. W. Safford left Tueaday for Bi, Avers-ilu Alias Jimmy Valentino," a three weeks' vacation whlcb be will The streels aboultawn were given9 speud with bis siotera- a Altoona, P&s. odsrpn Tedyb eea The Laies' Aid was beld Thursday. ta godsrajîTheg Tuewsday by seera . j 1 Mm Maggle White and Ma-. EvaIic etr.Tewkwamubei. * ed and belîued the stets mafetlally. Strang served dinnar.t Rev . W.Saffrd nd Mss cora Special vaudeville aacteet h. Lytic ,frv Forte entertained the Keystone sud Thseatre the fa-et four nights of nexi Votunteer cassso0f Use Sundoy ws@kit n addition to regular program. f school. Usual prica of admission. lia. John Banner vielted ber son Fouid's Macaroni plant la runulng Clarence in Evanesst. , M full, Ibat. is, as ucar full as possible. Ïfro. Rogers returned to ber home The company la seuh urtable la gel ai In Evonsion Monday, baving speul suff5clent number of girls le keep up s liS same time wltb Ma-s. Bain. wlth orders. c~re s a îltlIe t e wein 1ail casîgbî up witb my work tfor Barnallo, tise noted catoonists, wil! the tiret tinte In monilia; l'in goîng orlt b. ai the Lyric Thseatre on Wednesday atter Ihor i alpes t make JeII3s." t e uie and Thursday nlghts, Oct. 9 end 10. Id "DusiY" Williams Tuesday alter- hm r Dont fil o ae hm. oon asho umpd Itoa Mitchell car nlo c Je Oo'tfal 0 s.hl.and 'boat It' out of lown.1. IHenry P. Engeiberry ha.s the con- no outiet, m- cofn , u. zai*t _j S ~ ' ] tract for excavatlng for lbe ne, botite c.siowa-timt brolé., Mý building snd wort was startod Thuns. hfl cmbaima hL»« ut Mimse.Sylvia sud Serons Bonsarlei day of 1h10 week, Il wIlli lake about wadut vtiwu &@ *b . --tlia Monday for the eaoi wbere lbey wililthe wek.N otecotaton asis> teth ule si - atend ichool. t iwee oohrcnrce n " W ni,éa nb » Air, sud Mms.George Kapple opeut the builingjob bave yet been let. in MW ~Par t .theb.rom "àha» Snnday wlth friands et Autiocb. The management ofths Lya-Ic Theatre -W uesIinhau*e'th* Mne. Thayer aud daughter Mtella o!f'announces tisat ho h»s changed th' Waukegan, speul Frlday witb ber Isouvenir nWIgietaIhie plsy lhaute frosu motber. r1T'aursdoay niglit 10 Frldey niglit for an Th 1 i m s Mr. and Ni-. Y 1'. Keller cai*-l 's. dfinitu uerold, 1 rv.S-u. .1ilalereponted Ibat thb. Lon Knox E-ue a js r,. 1 -i.>' ~'I..1 u. W ' atm ortb of Ibertyvllle hasisaen or lat--t.u ,r"-urnl ons st-d but tise report le uncoaflrmed. "vs Il'.. r ~P,î, The H W. Foieît farm, soutis ofl Ub. 'ues u T-, .1.-.-u utigi, wt...whore site ertyvIie, la reported mol to Samuel i'UhÎ 0té. * ù,"s b-1. va,,. tag ber sMater. Air. Klng. 1Inanlat $200 an aere. Confirmaio oontho ad uI a tsts OM George ilaummoni s»d fomlly have'la lacking. attfeaAst~ ~i uovad trout Orsyslake t10 setenant Mr@. nL C. Price.and roungeett o f$W1111 t ftu. nouai ou tise Chord tarin. Aluqai Brou.sam pubtig up a ne, daughter are uow living lau ib.rty- cnIment silo. C. C. Auss la puftlag up vfie, tise dargiter haiigeg tated~< anothsi new eSlave silo. îcbcol bore. Tb.y are BIlai ils Mi.rt UBiIC SII!CZ CO AI! Duting the blah wlnd lamé Twensa8' Prces daugisten. Mra, MoCChin.Mue. teiP o on tleB. oî mmvs Pri, .lb.thewtte of formàern*Cosiaty O OTENEL - wl ow.Fortuestoly Doou a 0»W raue rce 4ymvt rn hart. aises. Tieeonito AR-E YOU ,SICK? FrPoison Blood mier 'Fer Ctearrh. Huamorsmd Plnpl.«ose.FaoComisd ~Hedache. Pa" idi. ah, U14 Ml Oo &d JIa Osy cause. Cidi & ever 0f ml sdi1~ CI'ui& ed Aime Ai ~t lthe worId a greal- ose. MNI~4.~«e an. d harmics o Cdperaom. t, yyt 80extremclî' fatal te te. Md"ri gr0 -ba3l .oo "uuhdrives the poison eaifrIy oS; 09Immhe mmin3 d. A Mild Family Laxative The New Discovery SFor RgIEVMATSM and GOUT, deep- sUs md ppreud' hopel«s "!.s, ny ge tr Umd b>' Spooimiims in quatur oftoa" Plemumat <tu ke Dos'î wouaeZ OMSondc ures-ml- md linmnta md UBdi 9 rYromedw -t oesuda vI<YIoubIS OOUIOBOOSUImest WY, - r Jam~ L " t M r l m O A a s h i . m

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