Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Oct 1912, p. 5

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JQIÂ, OOE 4,1912. BUTTER, BUTTER. D.edM Who hait the butter'? If leu or* l..kiog for Butter made or. and lit from thle clearasem nd purest ereai-Uttt*r that has a golden prond pari color, an exqulsite feor end crommer teste., thon tudy TRIGGS'S GROCERY eburcb will: Io cortainilythe. place f0 find il. For relîmbui Groceries et on Tbnrsdaj reationablo pricas. cati on usI A. Eu la otaytng si J, ELI TRIOS Owb The W. C. P144E 26-3omting s Moero on M Cup of Bleu aat theborne ber home in .'SWEA-TERS.' a owotiiLi Aeyou a SWEATER? 5cme people SWEAT amure<i tu doing nothin, lome people SWIEAT doing smre- ai 83:30) P- m t"ig, and th»ar. re mone people t"a do mot Mfr. and brated thei SWEAT much under amy crumtaucet. But UIoSm Tnesdayov people wear SWEATE , do y«u? If »o oan we about tonty iterutyou in i lg oe.? W. have a fi» neÀin. lu of them in stock NOW, and: wM b ave Ad o. sanile W* have theniwith sma wibout cols,., V necki wbb thora and cobationg t, flon.haff wooI .and all wool, wddsd Ile. Lmt weel amdery al ""han sd weights, with battons and ., o witho'i, witk a rpmag.of pdm efrom $1.00Otoý $5.00. Mr. mun W W. invite. you in t e ee diua. to Mine EVE.RYTIIINU FOR MIEN 110 Kaebl Barry ew returned tu JO 1qa"thir1 J9ftMnese&COà c oo 1b Mot une == =PMH O N 914 = potatoas lu - - -Uhiois. À LLj We can furnishx your horne From pit to dom., With-Furniture classy and new. WeIli make such a price That ypul decide in a tric. That you no place, better can do. * Andithe resulting satisfaction will continue long after the moderate cost is forgotten. T-RETOW& TAYLORj L 1TREPT TYOV1W& L1 It Don't Make Any Difference Im~Yôu Wast lm 8ukIn~Materia ~ouanf i F S tis(acoe at the Libertovide Lumer.upn wa.T-NS1' *~Dqwmýy the old Deo NOTES Or OUR 501< 1B1IRTY~V ILLE y. P E sI heeAre Twenty-IOlx More Sti In Sctoof TisaYser Thon1 Items of Interest IR Scilool. GOAI. Ail UONi AI. EilO PO IE EKThe Libertyvîlle scitools tit haealarger attendance th a pulictIo Inth ndaPn-~MINIllMuDuIotlglSu 1911.îî Tiseyear there lasat.e piatinnthfis ne n - Ater lt et rtellond et ZWy.1 . nd. e 346 studenta againel 319 last mue buln htoOffe o Itervit be brtb "dmdl, Jý E Bod.The sluth, seventh and eighth 1 lay of mach week. Adver- ChaIn eA"s'i a d BdNlCormack are ln charge of Mies Heten Moi pacially, are oaked to taire were visare a* t.&1 Carten Weduesday. Miss Della T. Hough. Tite fi tîc.f0 hig ffet. à baby biow esa 5 gladden the home taught by Miss Florence Witlia notie tothisaffet. 0f Mr. ma Mr*.' Edw. ýIbblewitz De Kalb Normal. The other lei Mouday morula«. - are: Faurth, Ntiss Anna foot; 1.White o1 Antlocit. Wes a The llano gessin« things r' ties, love Mies Pearl Rowley; second. alion luaurtclty Maudmy. and guld. Toitnoie gold runb third.- telah Webb; flrat.Mfiss Dora Kru. E. V. Smith @petit1at Jimmy valeunt".Hlgt s chool: O. W. Burrna, Ilb relatlvein Chicago. kirs. A. R. IVlark la vlaiting this cîyitýn pal; Mie Louis. Cater Nils ire. W. H. Puterson are the thinltereet 01fAIrard Mertin, Real McOnew. The new principal. MI rte of a baby boy bore Amenica lunRrasaee"irie, la makling a tood ùlmp] The. Ladies' Âld .oeety, of lhe Preery. among teachers and pupils and le' Aid of tiie Presbytenlau terlan cbuncb ulli bold a baksery sale ai estln sebool work Ili year eee 1 Most with inl C. P. Wright liaY' funnituits store Saturday alter. ceptionaily keen. ax, Oct. 1I1 Doon, Oct. 5. The seniors. Juniors snd sopi nltly Pbullipnof Amberot,Wls. . The Amicl club gave opeaîng bave been orgsntzed. Tite seni( et the. home ot J. B. Bond, dance at the towa bail Tueéda ' yevening. cenO are: Prestdent, Florence by tii. Massee of ber sat, Tii. usuel attendauce aud gtrod time vice president. Forest Smith: pneveiled. Hatebei orchestra of Ove tary. Madolyn Zook; tresurer, T. U. wll hold lis rfgular pisesa fnniab.d moeil vey Mons. Tiie junior ofclr the borna of Mre. Margaret W$ am re pln d te, repaîrt urniture of President, Ida Hayen; vice proi ussday. . Tapie "The ail kinds, maite aow furnitune te order Pearl Hulloa secretany mand t: Ming@ andphnletef< andautomobiiee. er, Harry Olendort. Tise sophb ibrvU Co oi H.W are: President. Lottle Buikley L Koestler, employed asenDursBorge. Phono 174IL president, Nlarlan Taylor; se lot 1. £. Bond. returned te Getat pair 0f Trae Bolderq thai are and treasurer, Enmma ReInl. Chicago lest Saturday. tirs. guâacteed te hold, se. iMontgotmery Duný te overcrowdjng of thei1 =n cz; a-oved. Ward et o,. eatoftIspfee8-,o. No. r 13306 & 7, tbey do tihe Bit, dont I.ol a new teacher bas been added wtyville Aseembly annooces 1orignl corp, aud te accommoda Il rtynext Seturdai nigl twith that PWeesefIeaiher,gêt tie lest. oxra 'Ial n !ti ag san hall. A ilod imne le Peter Petges muid ahari.'s Jobuson school recltatiiin rooms has be, )thoee wio attend. Entres, bave returned trou ublrr r ittiCoorado 1vlded, part ýIven te the elgfith M.haarp. and Utah. Tlaay brought brine with bilas H. M. _ Mos lit the new te I it.Benry Lichtfeld cele. hem sevenel fine speime n al an. sd Ir tentit wedding annvensary one Boozamite. au animal wrne neariy A committtee of Oive bas been vening, Oct. lot. There were ex tinet. ed to take charge of ail ent, y guesls present. Mmny uès- Monday Mark Rfleîwortii satsred the. meute whicb are te b. given tl Cg Wore reelvsd lu tînware. University ot Chicago where III will tte.ter. The senior clas bas flirt ucit wme snerved maid a very &a wacourse in civil engineering. It resentalîves. the Juniors and evening W"a enjoyed. A'Il wyul b. rememlaeid Mark waB awarded mores eacte bave one. Mine Kat 1many more ysara 01 happy a sehoaaiaip et "Ibisuls for hie roll la chairman of the. commill ai the. Dsuid laigb echool lest Mn. Hugbi Wilson, representsl k wsnendy ~ yean. the. ledpatb Lyceum bureau, ii t i. B Wedan.youa et o&&n.fali th coona ides lu [)arlington. Wis., was a M C.R. jer yoajîestwn 1 rg mk«.Bràowdýout, ibety.coller ltstweek. r. Frank Ilsnof Ubertyvîlle, ville. P-1.2 Th ii. ses Hapke. Smitbhs Il Dyer 01 Bridge*"-i, The MeCiaiD aéle quartette. cotnpoaed rie have been aPPolnted adheeo The couple wen aoeomsnlsdot W. B. Mefilaiz J. W. M unde-, AI srt clans iv the entartalument ci ba, Wiel bl Mr. sud M, HawssudILHartusu,lfst bcom.t.g tee. %de. Alter the. ceramoul lsbelou offlthe lsag quartettes iii tro. te th. tii.y ull counsty. Tbey am open to ail couvert, Miss Scot., Who tangbt the i, future ou,.poilt" ies-plpoand other engesuad el- bUt grades lte r017 ast week Henry' Ken madle ameite. A&Inm dMn. C. N. Dunaad welcome vîstor nt sciool Ti muai dlcovery while diala r'v7' Baverai were absent frutm lie is gdE,. Is attentiou 46*a u eI ymeland" wuaDot Tnesday ou account Of Use coi aeteds by an objesci bopplag pNSSueted nt the town hall Webdaa tion lu lhe Catbollechcurcb. i. egrund betwm e srows ulgia, tiei. aD. bget givlug mas The biga school and teacher 1tOOPlng te esilue l it iereseau ubeïr Iaalii$,tu bulld ~a aVformed a Magane club. Pm a hersaidt ti, a«-ài-as-1tbicauïe of the iROulei dÉue. given luths lunttisu trougi fie souu1h- bailou Tneise vaveung. Theiplay. Manie Andrews wus absent b >t bave us hoaa'd of one beiug bowever, wmilisb.given Tjuraday sud ie pan ofthe 0scoUtr. FriAa gdg LAKESIDE CEMETERY FILLÉ layveingus ii. cemin Egadig te olentnhoucle l SVEN ^ORES MORE LANI Ida evnix w te ocaion Bevdig he ecdpa croncld l BADOEO TO TH4E PRESEN'T rplsetut imie aicamp last Volal une werei Wilsaon___ heu about fiftyiy ns dgather. Olaudorit saiued a broken limb, the Frauk Sînsser bas sotd the fi 9Eum for a social eveulug. youngmB« aoeused by the boy o1t even acestelthe Lakesîde Cel camp fires sud gae...asd baving ilirown a stonarut him .hii Issociation for $4.400. Tbis la at cousietlng of rosat coru, &truck hlm cansng the. fracture, wieh te tyville's only cemetery and tht trenkiarta, coffeaud Bond- etat.tiiatthe accusation Js absolutely tional land sae purchaised by v'eryone wae servedirlM a Waees»dsud bt thome mailngtiie ellega- soclatlon becana thte aId ait ek aud each did thef r oua fieu are laylng themnselves fiable, bren filledl witb graves te sucit As lthe guesta were about te Il lu uad 0f ood milkecons. Addreas lent that desirable lots were n v. Whipple suggeoled they P. 0.But~ 159, Libertyville, .314 er obtainable. and tirs. Whitney e vote oftoetm g h soito lite evenings entertainineut. A dest mas reclntly conaummente d tSome lieeti. assgoci aio tendered in a moot iiearty wbereby W. F. Hafemnan pureiuased o 0f cetita addtonl greond ne d aIl wnthome feeling they J. B. Sobeil bis retail nelikbusiness luncr lergolaionsthe resopen a Muost enjoyable, eveuing. téla City, takine p ression the tirst oft Mr. Blusser icti thereuit ___________________the. mouh. tMr. S elannpsuin~g stsfcoyprc -s ec trip tea pI<aida in the intenesî t bsreldeai starled and non- it ha. bel FE ISUffl C saaitholing threbutjus wht h* summated. The. addition of the Eot rINU R.ehaNyoe bv psstatentholdns lirthelut ure iatehi. acre tract wiîî lv, e eassociE îto rensic a mitrieu have a euusul lanefrr lb futroetar.befine piece of ground wilchi isisilkioiilkanudaih ieuna 1 Stat. athPe l u n. @graded at one@aud made a Part Haluns v II î,nuc lb mik bsinsscemetery wbere UÀbentyville r.l y-e Ih M- ladaeliimadpe b r fil teir lest restlng place. F, Uu S lig the puat The cemetery proper ba. c about sixteen acres aud bas K 1 O R NEpiscopal Services use for alanoatfilftY yesrs. For District Servimaee et i Episropal chant-h every'lime, it bas been realized tait ' office l e mOfficeBev. B. L. Marvin, itector. addition n-fil anen-er ail pto __________________________________________________ many years to come. For Fr and Lite Insurance SEE AGENT FOR New Hlampshire firebisuance Company Michigan Mutual Lite, Insurance Companyj Jack Sprat would . et no meat, MIuS wite would sat rie more, Unless they abiOlutIykncw They cam< frofn Co*#t & Fredericks Store Phtone 30 LIDERTYVILLE, ILUNQIS IL E. (hurch Services. 2:00 p. m. Bible schooi ralilydey. A program .1f mustcwill be rendered eud the. Rer. W. C. Scott Batavia. Ill,. wil aidrestii. shool. W. invite ft.e public t tiis our of exrcfse 6:45 p. m. Epworlt League. 7:30 p. m. preachinfi, lte Bey. W. L. Whii.ple expeerAts 10 bvotprpsent witii hlm on Sunday evening one ai the m-miter% aIfte Rock River confénence sito n-ilpreacit. Preebyterian Borvioffl Next BahLatu le alîy day for tbe cburcii and Bundaysithool. will begin et 10:30 lu die mornung sud wlil consiet of a ope"lalprogram r.udered by ithe Sund&> shonl. lIithe evenlng aM 7:8» there yl be a sang service and speclai uoia. Sermon by tse pastar, cubiset, "Samuel'@ iallying Day". Aliane wslcouae aibath service. Carti ot Thanks W@ wisb ta, extend Dun alucere thanke ta nelgibors, frlsnds sud relatives mlao 00 kludly aasisled us durnug lhe icknua and deth af aur iieiaved wmli sud mother. AIeafortoneb.beautiful floral A. B. TITUS ANDi CaILîtIgu S. S.S. S. Mine The miiove four S'a are the four corner stones upon L ron. whlch our bmnk stands, and they stand for princl- L A. STRENGTH r. Bur- SOLIDITY ressf on 1 Inter- STA.BILITY PMS ex- SECURfTy hmoreifThé bank thmt has these corner stones should have or offi your acCount. If you are net doinfi business with us, why Spat ;flot begin today? >a re: Lake County National Igank mident, LIBERTYVILL!, ILL. ýreur- more'. Capital Surplus and Undivided Profite. $90,OOO.00 F;vice1 retary te, the à ate the en de' grade. eacher. elect. FALLQQýD M ,, rp- Our Autuma Stocks are uow behmp a"du p, mt ar ew thhap For the cooler weemur arrm in g.- tee. W wlll have fer gour imspectlo. sous vergi 101r' s cbool P<>Styjmpu Bediugm, etc. id Mur- ehv utrols l11. S~I Il muai- W m utrav i MO-ocvt 'ommit. Baett. The des- ont ami drufflt la l.M vo.s~ma. l oirs snkq mg oud"ta e'eeith dWt telt t, Simi eS, atts. wus a kursday.ÂIsiefomlc p sehool A ie rm1ou nerut- bavw.W. CARROWLI & SONS Gçà O. NORTH STORE PHONE 29 ,ED; SOUTH STORE PH4ONE Si $20*1 Globe Hot Blast Given Awaýr F REE ON Saturday.: Nov. 2nd, 1912 Stove is on .xhlm in oqr show Wiud"i W. bave received a carload of the farnoumu Elecic Welde&l Globe Stoves and- 4 ge Against Dsrutufroým Rust or Corrosion Hu B. bry

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