Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Oct 1912, p. 7

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I 26 CENTS .............. Milwaukee avenue emîtî t ul-eItric 4. ~ V ~ .,ýdepoLI, lquie of R. E. )suaîîN, + u' ISA ~ Lbertyville. FOR SALE-Lots Ili O<Jburne ,.ti- FOR 8SALE-Large Qualty offluilons diviwjon on Mil saukew avenue ..îutiî of ai 1.00, per bu. ot itauee or $1.15 the Eletie dopot. Watrr ud wever dsllve nluvilla"e nf LbertyvillleThes marne laid. R. B. ORç sE, i,îertY ville. oulnstook frsi and second premlutoe -2-tf at the Lût Cuuty Fair. Thte beet 1i -------- aermrnsed. Write oreaome if ju wantijFOR SALE-Horues for ail purposes; au.C. .. eIMI. UbeetiWc. c-21 also two second baud buggies and nomne 00"fdbaum. Làtine Lîvi. Libertvvllle, FOR SAe- Bard ceai bestng ostova, . lae borne;, early new. Inquire of R. MmT, LEst Park Av., Lbertyvîlle, 444444 4444444 '+ FOR lENT + FOR SALE-Ove, 100 pile, ts.Res ...4444....444 and Redu,, C. A. LEAa. R. D. 2, Llty.' ville P-21 FOR RENT-.iademu 5-rocim lower tint ou Dirkieletreess opovitet the Park. FOR SALE-4 vear oId dark boyMine. E. A. Dush. c-1-tf drvirîg mare, brokp psingle and!to- saddle. WALTE5 ANrs.T Eerld I. FuR RENT-My garni of M82% acres P2-1 sltuated at Prairie Vlew, 111. Addreso E. E. LASmOIo nsers Orove, 111 FOR SALE-6 vnrk homs.. eau l -i vsibe m 1100 tn 1500M h~e Pris 75la$20.Joux R. TUmmPSu FOR RENT OR SALE-H8 roomo houses Far, bstziie.III. e-22 wftb JImli usodm npmovemsiutfs Ro-k.. ell. Imilquire BEC P>W9TEOU6. FOR IIALE-25 ton oI bute sadearro: mIPhaný. itSLL -1t for stock feedinti burts as $5800 amI ear -4 at$10.00Ope ton;elào queatuy FOR RamNT-Cotsaus on Laie stre of Yllow Gliobe ouoteset MOiper laquir. 01 vM.s. E. B AIW. e C.4t buebel. isea BoLut. Prabls View, fIl. Pbone 2"W2. uP22-2 FO RENT-Fine offices lu tbe Scbanck balin e. the.. FOR ISALE OR TRAO-Por esit , .0-tf ELIZABETH St'gAC<X. 6mrol Apppton husko-r ln good shape, __________________ velned at $75. la& Nsiîiu. Grayelah FOR 5tEicebC .111.e ow dog. Ogoair. UAP, Bokeieit . Phone 277L1.------P-28 FOR SALE-Tsro borme potatu lgg«i. good as uew. Prks, $7.00. IL W. STflYàroau. Lthrtyville. L9t FOR SALE-W. have for sale a mpion- * did lot of Berkshire Nfogs whlch ve will dIspose of to farmers al, especiai-J ly 10w irice. Wl11 tell trio. of two glte and one boer et tram S153.00 to $50.00. Codar Creat Farm. * Lake V'ila, 111, Wkiy2t FOR SALE-<iood large ontuns. $1 00) Imte oIr pis.FHANL. Viîs.EtsY, Br tller. 111. Phno 2(ilR2 1 i2 WANTED + ........+...... bVNTE-Idarried man ta du gencral te.rni WOmt, APPlY tO J. E. BARKET, Pr airde Visw or teiepboue 28.515 i4bertyville. e-2tt WANTED TO SPNT-Farm of about 40 acre@, cuuvmelnt to C. Id. & St. o'r 4oo Uine ratitoad. Addres W. F:- CRANMLER, 194 NO. Wab&gb Ave. chleago. P-1-2 WANTED-Fartu af 80 to 100 acres, vithîn 6 miles of waukegan for cash .ustomer. State price and when*pos- session can be had. Robert J. Ers- kine. Telephone Building.,3aukegan. FOR SALE-Fir»t tîrizi- wî.umeg B ol- WANrE-To exehange: A portablle stein bull cal, bet'Il-mtrj poultry bouse. accommodateff aeventy Bite, born Jat., 30, 11012. ire. Prio e.bîrdts in winter: adaptable for brood- Ybnia SpoiSard Ilth 47409, Dfain Pearil ng ln Sprng. For farru borse, cowa. (lerben Bu-wlyn 66373. 1hall moitl or farm Imple-mente. AddremseOtt &l- whiteanad weil grown. PriLes *15131. Ott, Waukegan, Illinois. 4t-Wkî, Itegpcîed and traasfpred. N. E. _______________ GàATZEWr, Lbertjville. i'bo.sa2178WI WANTED-5it thuni hogA and sboats1i Ce1-Mitffor ferdng lIiii.iijst tîrices laid. Ad- FOR SALE-Two balle ogoitbmthee drebs A. F. %,' Sun Office, Waikeian, inoutbs oui. . AUL..laery i. II.Wkt,2t+ FOR 4L.-iatg ~ed pi ftrmnl wik. AppI71- LITenera Pue 1 uni forcer!1.0 oeiliAT ONCE' Liber ts ville. cut ail My crops of bey traw bariey and con. and also al my WANTED-To mient fi80Ht) 160 stock of cave, borees and cblckens. acres Cash rent (aI e full partîcularsr lu 1titrii. . tuEPEXDENitT . e.)tf aia ail farming Impements and toals ___________________ Borne good bargains If takeit t once WANTED-3 or 4 mrneut for ight boi.- Farmo ',a moule east of Druce Lake on, kgepiui, ta. -[I .î2 1.0111M wtb1 Grange ilall road. Joseph SyIves,1 board. [luquir...ttCieobffiee. FOR SALE-Blak arrii or rme e4444444..... teamt, 4 and 7) jeareal, 16ii bande hlgh.............. w2404) lb.. ageutle asieon % i*ol+ LOST a.nd POUND + blak foilvhorseeafe loirchild . J Hf............... MCuuLibertyvllle. [Phoue 1581. .52-id LOST-L.ap robe on Snnday Sept. 22. between Wanner fori and Liberty vIlle. FOR SALE-N4ew, mnodern, upto-date Finder "eae et thfis office and recive 7-room bouge., large lot. lu Ravine SloVe reward. c-2-1 1 FOR SALE-Labe coionty larme, lanid lu Motane. Tex,. aud iria. DYONsos & A VTslî. C-2-tf FOR SALE-S mroofi bouses and lot &Il modern Improvemente, lot lOOzISO, on IProlessiomal Cards MARTIN C. DBOàMR utlice Opp. 18t4 St. Elecisie Station JificePhone 848 aem. Phone 1860a1 Ms) 3TR CHICAGO. ILLINOIS DR. GOLDING DENTIST floums 8 <o 12 am.-l to 5 p.m. J. Eli Trlgge Building with Dm J. L. Taylor-Phone 19 fe.Phone 1092 Libertvville. lIlliuais DR. EL H. SMITH. DENTIST. aVal-8tc 12 a. in. and 1 to 5 p. nm à)AILY. Lîbertyvile. IllInco PUBLIC AUC710NEERING clo*seot attention pald ta arralngling auctian gales aud be-t regots lu bondI- SIng samep Ail Linde of borses. wagons rand haruesa for salt or sxcbange et ail tintes, HENRY SINE Phonos: 148 or 48 ZION CITY. ILL W. H1. APPLEY Auctloneer FARIl SALES ONE PER CENT Libertyville, Ill. PHONE 143J. ajo 4.... ....... +. lmIELLANBOUS + .....4..4..4.s.... FI'" insumance. bouse reuting, colset Û.laans negotiated bfis Di items. -2-tf DI. 0. P. DuTRRID. VUTEINAIT 8UWBON. £5M5A51 STATU ,ETUUcmmmAu. UbestYvil. M7inos. DR, C. R. GALLOWAY. 015515ovUS LovaLL5 nate sroaa. *ocasg-from 1 to 3 and 6 <o S P. m Uàbertyrtlle. liinols. DR. A. H. CHURCHILL Physicien and Surgeon Offce over Deeber & Bonds Orti Store lonne 8t. 10A . i1to 3 7toa8P. Jd Stecisi attention luIrye, Ear. Nose aud Throat GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Libertyville. - - - - Mîinois DR. E. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE ,i.iiiit8iCo 10 a M. 2tCo 4 and 7tia s p. Offtre osee Ray Fumiture Store. 8iPECI.4L ATTENTION TO THEI EVE LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DR, . . LTAYLOR, orrice ovitifJ. CLI. TR908 ŽLLO. mouas:-7 ta 10 a. M. 1ta 4 3nd ô t,. godemucýE in Broadway. Opposite Park i..1sCrfyvtie. idools. PAUL MIAC GUFFIN ATTORNEY AT LAW. Poo" 8 l.,îî s.1 (iiiNEE.oJEDGE fl esCLAMWONAJCTONOTICE.îu40n Wukegan n saldC cuî, trck.STELMN MUT AV Set.24 1i2 May .Caflld 10 CO NT H7 PINPUBLnth Irt .NOICE tg e emb ier . S.Pu a ra .l§e h A i AboratsofTiie Ttle ü.ýinted ENON19LL I FFT Pg-o deex,11, aed w ere aild te- 1.Cai gMlwauk e e & t . aul oMEaH PPE LucyF. Rgbemer, ot 2, an lan Alhougi Tlrny oggla, X auk 1< olisclng Curdo a ke Caga nsi s ai ae aifrachseoerath fei trans nCovlernng Strdy eeln a 18. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MCN' vo tonliW f,$0. prted ThRAMe Chicago min t t er'the reni e 10 ia¶ de('0H11 f he a urca thhicgort &est Mi lwaukEed rai Od RDEn uOrkNEdaY O pRweK WAu M.T.Kll n0 I.o ll, 6 ars it E on haLLs, aue<AIM CO erK Ilolin. 3ean nsidCuiyta. Pbi erîSTnan fVh~~h~pEE LEd M SHer o.AEo sa ept.2loS ud8.Newry tona ht cfulytdnedteeMlvaofSnay Nl - eeLOW, r 2 t.rPalnRatorna h alil tChe tiOFmeS O. L. Watsn and aifeto blartin The score t th 1912, lii nand wh e iil per e fo ith e e Eect ricRai ius bgnnngSaura Lucya Fb e lot :1 blot 28 anl anwod std 2 tho g J o ggi r W lke AIsons h igcli F's gi nst4. Publ a fr nc i se oervthice c rany tai n i e inng l a t urda es e i. 'clock ark, i g land arw O, $1. GogIiasection4 areedt0 l'ail.andibiirni fod e r E eiiren tet her asant twaegn s ,' ut i ef a nul du ettyopcut ut C, A .vo n ey t Cown asp, Wh ne05. l t a r ive w nherful aupi e one 'iei, aueandilînls Se, erbe . Ld e b h lctî onb ioîa onfe Ti ln c m s M.lowKely but.IL.anllb1it.re191rmi.epanye ChcagoHncthIooakdthmsanebtesasoCoot fr0atltiica te Noihweoer Eoratlera1rofrotw sen adk ayspet eekbl. fibni ,Lad ad eres ad te b a e alla auer, niininel ir e n. 3.ePulic Sevie O 1 O uhehas iîonra hrk en fo aIt leý tase ukg an d . ewp. t $ ruenNo6. erM Illioit Cr brnishal be ftit, e at'. abr he ned u- J.ed $. IWanwugt o A et ndr n e thoeMidn il. xihndy.A NN.J IE A .TO N OTICE 0.L W tonad ieteMrtn Th coes teen f l intiEetir oer for bythe eectric rclomany n gThe siplant bsut teiweek.aura Cenm le lov t :1 blrc k"h soib 62 fre t oe l2ute ev1. 1 ,P BlIMC GNOTICE. i,4erbyPueble i mve c e rcko f lan d 0e-aS ýrzlat lse i sx 'l bloc 8. orth wesîaddiionW auk etc ~ '. tthe Sutterîber necutor t IlareN Cr lant atit Wau kegerylenowmn PakHghad akW.D,,1 Anln, fiEg ftrx 1S uit, eri ndlngauesnt 25,00 until gan, W iteyt a W.h.i70 b tnlo t %a h e n nly Ch erfuma ;suyppo t e al.\at WIan d Teinos am en titatr 2 i, . ELanrdc o mpa y the maiti on a oais 0f r a d paon bas b.te Ott bockPertLab and Geore's badl. -ed btlned u w ger hbiipn deeed itastl t.fegt an track omo P od to thea: e rrc t! btntf.a h Gros, 5 ltsb bock 1, aefied Cbca1 e t 1 ae n, ouny Cur ofLof (ont, a a it.frontro t die, intiherme or Park aW. D., $ 1. Te WaGog g n lae ibrrnii of erlhreft b od tte C o S.t A. C. Fonrcgt 50 retire. jt in hacer t id M C roaken th iebas auoane n "-î fs i t h d . apith cr brn e ntfladn oîtte patv Slata Hasein aptgainnsithe nt, 9eRber Ies ay retIf to o h eepbsier tan ofe e - &en, we-t 55feet of!telo t h 2 locp48 tnhng tretnk ii'i, *,, ti d on th1ePUB IrNTICE-av i flhrby giV11he,. l... a cre rack of lnd a bloc 8, orthwestaddiion.Wauk-' tat he SbferberFxectOr f Ile NothnCicao. Te m.tik ltii eWirsy lWnrka. n Lake Bluff, deed, $4.500.1 gante et mort. Julia S. Relis and bnsband ta 'lr Te Ilinou: Cda J. Williams, vest 149.39 feet of bWVJKEGÂN A.BIL B. lot 1, biook 6, lbert7ville, W. D, Ring, ieft field.... 5 1 2 W. W. F- Xain te A. F. Beaublan, seven lots lun Oaklanrd subdivision, WVaukegan. Q. C., $1. Sept. 25, 1912.-P. S. Gronscnp te Elizabeth J. Ward. lot 2, Waverly euh Highland Park. W. D., 810. P. A. Busse and vite te Margi. Bchendorf. aceseln Sections 27 and 3-à Wauconda townsbip and ln section 3, Cuba township, Q. C., $1. Vîctor Born ta C. S. Riehards, tract of land lu section 36, West Autiocli townahip, W. D., $1. C. S. RIchards and vife to Vctor Born. tract af baud lu section 36, West Anitiocb township, W. D.. $1. Sept. 26. Mary A. Scott and bus- band to btary B. Campbell, 5 lots in North Chicago,IW. D, $1.00. Mary 0. Newell et ai te H. F. Mc- Cormlck. lot 2, Joues estate, euh Lakue Forese, W. D, $1. H. F Hosley and wia te taElizabeth J. Shoîtti. lots 17 an'! 18, block ?.8.1 L.ake Bluff and lot 4 and West 1.5 feet laf lot 5. bock 52. Bighiand Park. Q. C. $1 Sepît- 27 Frank Opeka and wf to Atîdre P urin. Lots 5 ta 8, Btk 11, \Vau kegan Higblands, North (Chicago, W D, 8,0.0 Kempt, second b. .. ..a Willilams, rlght field-...5 Wbyte, caster fied.. 5 Branke, short stop .... 4 Lutter, Oit hase... 4 Burge, thIrd base .... 5u Vose, catcher......... 4 Goggtns, pitcher . 4 Total ............1 NIDWAYS. A.B. Kippy, second basa .... 4 Lyunch, conter fiel.... 4 tronican, short stop ... 4 Ott, firet base ........ 3 Baker, thîrd base... 3 Wald, lait fieid!....i Neveus, rlgbt field .... 3 Ward, catcher......... : Ranngs, pitcher .. Total ............ .30 i 1 WXAUREOAN . .0 O0 O 0 <it0 SIIDWAYS . .0 0 0 1 () iO0 Smitb an'! Butram uiuupi es. Strnck ot-by Goggiiiv 3: Ranga 4. ýBases on h)all,- -oggi 3: Bangs 7. Tvo base. i;te Fi anîd WiVllams, MARRIAGE LICENsES 0I 5 12 E. Io op JF. Roungevelie to Mary E. Bran'!, MaCula Prestang, Northu : icago. 28 Lot 4, Blk 20, Hightanut Park. D C, blarjani Krainz, mre............ 22 $ii0f.John Fi. Sheldon, 7Mllwaiý,be .... 6 Sep. 2--%ý J Fetimn t %". I, auoe K. Hawkes, satie.....40 Farmer , part of i0ct 4 Lnda euh of lo)t 248 Lakue Forest W 1f)ltS John Feldt, North Chucauýo.... 21 Frank Hibbar'! ta J. W. O'Neill, FlorenCe ShOrMan,'Watikegàn. ..17 souitl 82 feat o1 lot .342 Lake Forest Ra)'Maue E. Melle%, Chu ago...26 and Lot 8 Westemti add Lake Forest Marlou Wbnifred Thonujeon. same. .20 an'! part of the northwest quarter Frank Ganer, 2iauu . .- s' section 28 Sheidi tat W D $100. Anna Boesch, seme. . ....191 C. R. Thorne sud tile to Chas Peter F. McCabe, 'lilwuaukee .... ' S\V D 97000. 1CadeBkr,., . ..... C Mlartin DeTamble an'! vIfs ta C . CadeBkeRaie........ Bastion ltiIl black 5 Rdgew.ood , Hannah Nelson, sati,,------------.24 next, 1912, wban and vbema ail lier-. sons bavlng daims agauinsel'! es«-! tata are notifled and! raqneated 10 present theo mne ta, gai'! Court for adJudication. THEODORE ROEPPEN, Executon. rJIARTlN C. DECKER, Attorney for Executor. Weukegan, Illnis, SaPtembar lOth, 1913,Wkiy 3t StateOiOfli1111o01, County- of Lakes: lu tbe Caîinty Court of Lake Couinty. Milton P. Biddlecom, adminietrator De Bonis Non, wlCh the viii annexe'! o! tbeesCiais o! M.%oses L Earie. de-, cease'!, vs. Jane E. Partrldge, Nfary 0. Payne, Frank B. Raria, Elizabeth Earle, bis wlfe, WilliamtA. Earte. Emma Earle, bis vite, Fred L Earl. Ermiua B. Earle, bis wtfe, Caroline Weacer, George H. Weacer, ber bus- band, William H. Earte. James Shea, guardian, Pannie 1H. Parle. William, Camman, Naouii Lambi, %flike GarI- roueszund Miary Heiferait Petition for teace ta ccii reai rtatp te ay udebis. Satuifae tory affidavlt hitltg feen filed bib te office o! the Cierk of this' tCourt. that William A. aFansd Km- nia Farte meside 0o1ut cfibe state f Illinois, sa that proces cannat belI sel îod uîuun ibem or rither of thent Notice is therefor brrehy lic-en tni oite sait] William A. Earte and Enjua Earie. that the above nanted îîeîition-i er iteretofore flled ln tbis Court bis luetitton for leace ta sel real estuit- of decedent ta pay debta and tiuat an alias surnnons bas Issue'! ont af Ibis Court against the aboya name'! defen- miants returnatîle ou the fat dav o! the terrm of the cannty Court Of Lake! C.onnty ta be hetd ai the Court flouise in Waukegan. ln ssiI Lake County on tbe lat Monder a! October A. D. 1912. as is by law require! and vhIch pe-. tition leatstill pen'!ing. et-tv A .mr'i.Nrs. tâtion. The same plan af elimlnatlng Sun- Wlrln lre mnth, i 1 ead. heday work in ail plants of the steel Chicrago &a Milwaukee Electrie rail- corporation vas announce'! iast vik rosI w, t seîud ta limite'! trains buta bu dispatche. tram 2New York. 1< ba" the 'ioop- district of Chicago, Cao frect lu Waukegalihohaver,for The Eiectriecocmeany, it le said, npo!cn a eudn nSn 11ii secure the use of the elevate'! days at the Waukegan plant in o0ew a tracke, occned b3 the Chicago, Mlvwan- Ye.Teol o mlydbr kee & it. Parut raiiroad, wbicb areSnay ar vtcle adve noue beingued us the Elevated rail- lureak'!areoccr aturdayg ain TheSi.Pal rlirad illa al, wlikept oua Sundays te take cars 01 the=. TheSt.Pal îltoa'. I l se'! vi! owever, the lue le that thc plant la ~ secure a ptermit front the etactrie lins o aaeaae alo h abts ta operate freight trains; aver the sie-e t Ps, itle sanat onthtempab*Loya tric racks In Lake, Renosha and! BRaithpe, ta bgeefatos0fthee lffl cine counties. o h w i atrs fteet Altbough the repart Is paraistentby andthe obsre Sndaefow ~ e. denle'! by the beads ai the electrle ndthevokme 1v1ibave t e tv. company, itlal reported that the St. enth day as a day ai reet and mecees- Pauni rallroad vilI socure e permit thoen sent tbree freigbt traîne over the alec- trie Hue avery uîeht. Thbe îreiht COURT Or INQUiJRV trains wll ha sent over the linesalater 1flNISIIES RE ,1~ îassenger traeie ban dlseootlnned for the day. Tbe Court afi nquiry, campoead 0. Since the mi~e of the roand to the OMicers at the Naval Training stS. bon'!holders, a repart bas clrculated tan, thîs afternoon compieted its liW among the traînuien of t< iune, tbat, quisition Into the terrible disaater la the. newty organized c3mpeny pro- wbicb the lives o! eleven men vers toses to a îrchase ail tbelr lpower front last, an'! bave forwarded their report the Public Service campany af North- t Washingtn. ern Illinois. In case thia le done Il The Investigation vas mont tisas' ciii tnen mnch for WVauikegarî, Iria&- ongb sud subetantlatee In detali the iuuçi as this contpany's larucest plant inquest report made Immediely j aft. sa in ankegan. cm the accident. Captaîn fulau. The eiectric lune ovuis 7 acres of bovcr, '!etermiucd ta maire an eei land un North Chicago, and it 1$ ex' cloner investigation Inta the tact Ift'ý ve.-t,.J .ct an :)arr0nb .it h e ect..'! rder hat tbare mlght netS hé, nn titis site. slgbteet donbt about the cause of tbe- ' If the St.Pauai railroad secores a aeccident, permit to operate freighit trains over Sonîg vretena'acbt- the etectrie tins, real saisie ownema mami 0f tht lake &McaoCite " lu Wenkegan, predict a great fluais- madeoftheites atnwhe ebat*a4 ciai and nu'tstrial boom for ibis cty. bweau anchoas oain'!theboar6 It wili Inean an addition ai 15000 be nhrdo adb% n Inhabîtants to tbe city." saait ns rosihr asdee aerwt w estate dealer. current flovung bctween it an'! sbeet* it uii mean the upbnildiug of the <ag uaro-'sjdmeto West Side.' sald another realty man. the part af 5fr. Nagus, but 1k vag o»~.~ Just usho wili b.. appolnted super- t anybody voni'! bave mae," Ce:~- intendent and general manager of the ain1pllm sceritMa, ojL Park Higbland! Park W D $22-70. ' (Racln es.-rs pilease ropy f C lelk Iecriîmaylntkovette Emma W'. Glass ta H. F Sheake, Wle eee hcg .....2- akgn l. et 3 .D 1912. One raluman of thH4iwbectrlchUe 14.92 acres in narthe-ast quarter of StYrtie Raymnondflunton, Wle ..... 2 7' Elam L. Clarke, Attorney for Peti- state'! tbat Robent Ives, rigbt-baud Section 34, fleertield towcnship, Q C Harvey Griffun, Font .Sieridan ..... 21 tioner. wkit-4t tan to Preaident A. C. Frost '!nning $1. Hilda KelIer. Fuauustoni............ 19t ihetme bie bel'! the reigna of cou- Emma W.f',iass ta W. C. Sheske, William R. Mloore . .. Chicago, 11i. GUARDIAN'8 SALE. tral. allhIob made Superlutendent of par olnotbest uatersecio 34 Marthe, Mueler ..tilwaukee, Wls.Sa o iîulConnty a! Lake, Fs:transporation. This report coul'! net Deerflel'! township Q C $1. Charles Wagner, Ntilwuaukeea -...21 lu the Conrty Court of Lake County. bie venide'!. Helen J. Howard ta Sarab T.Clow- errude Mauejeask,'%lwue.1 September Terni, A. D. 1912. That WV. 0. Johnson, recolver of the an'!. iots 3, 4 an'! east 514 let of lti5,Gn Inttlwue. 8 l the matter ai the applcaton a of ',wi rtr u' bta ebr Moderwesîls aob Waikegau W D $1. William Blige. Waukesba----------.22 Frank Erbart, Guardlin of E'!var'!od ilrtr adta ebro Sept, 30.-F. C. Lipitard an'! vife ta '.Îràe r..,, akna-- Dohuen sud Elizabeth Dobuer, minore, the reorgauizstlou comuibtese viii bc John Clark, lot 11, section 16. Wuarren Herbert Weber, mtliaîkeeo-....21 teO elb roaiastate. made president ai the contpauy vas toansbip, . WD_,$5,200. Lîlliban Timker. \Milwaukee - 18... i By virtue a! a dacretai onder made reports'! Cu'ay. Last nlgbt it va ra- P. W. Ganae an'! vIle ta F. W. Charles J. Bvoboda, Racine .. ..23 an'! outere'! ai record lu the abave an-, parte'! hat ons af the brge Canadian CokssbVilda Hanson, Racine-----------... title'! cause lu sel'! Court on the Nhnth' bon'!baiders voul'! lis made preffident Churchill, lot 19, block 1, 2j~'eaî Day of Beptember. A. D. n912. i shal or thsa campauy, Waukcgen, Q. C., $i. Frantk L. Hutchinsoti, Toledoa-...24 au Mon'!ay, the Ftourteenth Day aiof________ Mary B. Camtpbell ta Caroline B. Norma P. Niblînt. Miliwaukeeo-...19 October, A. D. 1912, et the heur aiof a !gbeogu aGag Fry, lot 36, Block 9, Waebburn Park Johnr GIolis, Milwauukeea..........12 ana 'clock lu Use ettemnoond adoiturne. vicute Gorge o end! lo 17, Block 31, Ntb Chicago, miee Kock, seinte-------------31day, et the. East Door of thea Courta mpganltrkln an be W. D., $2. Frank L. Weiss, Milwukeea... 21 Hanse lu the City of Wenkegsu, in anmaoa'! ie0llganme W. 3. Wyntan an'! vite ta C. T. Gunis Aima Goldack. samne.............. 191he Caunty ai Lake au'! Stet.of ai IIfo cats, Invade'!te yard oi LouIs MiI- veet 52 feet eest 102 feet ai lot 333 J. Ernest Brook, Antioch ......... 3 noie, offar far sala et publie vendue lem oI Lambs Corners, an'! beiore Mn. Lake Fores, W. D., $10. Gertrude A. Smtart, Ramne--------..27 ta the hlghest an'! beat bl'!'er for Miller could escape, ha'! bIttaisbhla T, L Eastwood ta P. J. Juhren'!. Arthsur Chas, Openlocb. Weukegau 22 cash, al ai the nlght, tîl an'! Iter- sevsrely lu tha ban'!. FrIends finally fourlot luVilage i Derfel', 'ee'!. Fancs (regadts ane - -.2eset ai the above neme'! minora i0 an'! chase' au'! kîlle'!the animtal an'! ie fou los l Vilag ofDerfilddees, ranes reards, ain ........23ta the follavlng dascrîbe'! rosi egiate. hea' vas taken ta Chicaga Pasteur $3000. Jannie Elizabeth tarson, amie, .. 19 etuate'! ln the Connty ai Lake an'! Instîtute hy Mn, Miller vbo at once L. A, Pease anu'! ifs ta Joseph Del- Frank Ra'!ovtctt, Wauikegan...22 stats o! Illinois, to-vit: starte'! tekIng ConStnents thae ta '!e- baye, lot 19, Peases sub, Hlgbvo'!, Andy J. Decitt, Milwaukee......22 The uorth eaet quarter o! the south termItne vbather bo vas ln danger Q. C., $250. Enslly Miller, sanie.............. 24 v.est quarter ai secion tveuty-one, iln front poison vbich it ba fenr' a F. . lakin a'!tefe a osphVinicent Raubini'k. Chicago-...40 township foty-four North, o! Range haebincoti ed thaimais Dlbaye. part oi the south hiait ai lot Ida J. Larson, Chicaga ......... .25 ton East af the Third Principal MerI'!hv en otie n h nm 24, Slear's ptat ai Higbvoo'!. W. D., $1 Cari Hetzler, Sonuers, is ......24 tan, îontainlng forty aires; aiean he fns Antelia Busta Lonts au'! Wm. Suit- Caroline De Long, sanie.......... 19 itortit wes';t quarter of the sontb vest midt pat orlot 3 nd 4 Aner-quarter of section tventY-one , in mi'!. pat a lot 3 n'! . Ader-- -Township fonty-tour North, af Range berg's suîb, Fox Lake, W. D., $8000. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. te-n East of the Third Principal M,%erid- C O E 5 i A. T. White an'! wffe toa1M. Lsuad PUBLIC NOTI('F la hereby given ianîontaining farty aires: aise th,- Aun I.Iltigh, east tant of lt 2, block that the Suhucriber Executor at hlsou'tii art quarter af the north vesi lca tl..on 7. Kirk andl Poceils adI. Wýaukegan, Lest WIil and Testanuent o! Philip iquarter o! section tweuty-ans i lcllenpin W. D., $ 1. Blegele deceastid, vilj attend the Tuawnship sud Range afaresaid - W, W. Ioupe and wite in -1, J. F. Cotlnty Court or Lake Caunty, athaaiC te routfîba faIthe north east press. Another will NtîBean, east fiS feet of lot 6, block 52, Srn thereof ta h.. holden St the utrartor uf tuesou, w St quarter le- Hghland! Park. W. D., $12,f. 0 CurHanlse ln Waukegau, bunsel'! (rit oune uri- un the north aide there' A. M. Lanyoni an'! wffe to Rose G.,1 Counntty, an the irst Mou'!ay of De- of),ln sec tiotu s'xteeuî, In Toanshit , -onths. ReilY, ot 0. iiming & ol anid Rtnge aforesai'!; aiseathe nortfu Reily, oC 1, Cimmigui & C.3- Cetiber next, 1912, vhen and vbere hlai!of the souritoeait quarter of 1h.- Narth av-enuIe a'!', Watikegsn, W, D., ail persans hacing ctabms against sal'! Southt west quartr fesSection si-teen es10. are notifie'! anut requgneto a ii Township forty-four orh, f present the amie ta Ssb'! Court for R auge Ten Fatof the Third Prin i- The falloiong cases vere fla'! ln , adJudication. J plaiMerdian, Circuit court taday: Frances Rosait, JOSEPH SISGELE si)aed this Twelfth day o îit"m- sign a contract now - ter Povers vs. Laura VînglubaRossI. 2ixecutor.lbelr A. B. 1912. ter, bill for partition: Soutbwvesternj E. V. ORVIS. FRANK ERHART, i h e ok Milllng Ca. a corporation, vs, John Attorney for lixfcutor. Guardian o! nald mInors. Wkiy4t i h e ok Onan, confession: Richard B. Barnum,. Waukegen, Illinois, Septemuie S. b That eluabce hoarm'!lig bonne wblcb rtlpon o a vs. J. Wilim Pape an'! Fred 8. Ptj!- 1912, WkiY 1< yau bave '!etermilned taOn'! SOME ortlp nefrast Ion, bil: lu the mattar ai the esta DAY ntay he advertiseil to'!sy. oi William P Welmemm, decease', va..isomthlnt vbicb yaqn XE=.but Cooke, Pope & pape' clainuaats &p'v»w.»mYou onadt ise abip la uy FX pelant. ppel.cowtuth "M IALM eoi>à. urKf'lnev uîuîil htItudder Dieuses. phone 9903. - ,, ne ...u not tho.uguu enat bmiS v ln shoal vater an'! aucherad!bu bosi l <bore 19 Do question bu my Mimd bQt the boat wuld' bave bee sate. Tne boat vas thomoughiy seawomtlsy ame woul'! elmoist be saie enough to crame the ocean.1" This report thsug scttice the laatC doubt aseto the causa of the 1104. dont. The court: Lieutensant Coq> mander Smith, Lieutenant rmIas.Sd Dr. Kaltes. Lieutenant London vasm ' the recarder. Aiex Cremon'!, city Inispecter, Je busy thesa days taking saunpiu cf the mik tram vaxions miik vagouà l here and! te.ting <hem for*Impurfte and butterfat. The ase; are made las the offie of (lbty PbysclaasIMoiey u Plans are sald Sa b. unde arey f1« an eutrnce aofSteIllinois Tractlos Bystezn (the McKinley intertrb»r Ubnes) loto Chicsago by vay et Joliet, Mondais, La Grange, a.nd Serw r yn. farming au Intemurban ebMM beh. Sweu St. Louis and Chicago. It je pruposed ta enter Cheaga over the rCracks of the Douglas Park braft q « Ftba Mietropoitan "I." 15 vil ha a ssary fa bull'! thirty-tvomO'f, n U lne. the date when a new directory will go to flot issue for several -er telephone service, -and get your name Gall at our local office Jesman to caiL. A. ANDR Local Mans .0.... - - 1 , 'l' '« 1 1 l . 1 'Il 1 - 1-1 ...- - il oi uecemuer r

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