Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Oct 1912, p. 13

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JAK 0 DUNTT .,INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN - WEFEKLY SUN VOL. XXI.-NO. 4. sIEENu PAGES LIBERTYVILLE LAiKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS FRIDAY OCTOBER 18, 1912. ONE TO EIGHT $1 50O PER YEAR iN ADVÂNCE . MRS. HELEN JANKOWSKI MOVEP, ING SETWEEN LIFE AND DEATM-SURNED THUR$- A OST PITIFUL ACCIDENT WiTrmoUT THOUCHT 0F SELF, MUBBANO RECEIVES BURNS SMOTMERING FLAMES. Iiot.eriitg beîWeieU life and death. .%BrsHle lei jtnkowski lices on a cot et the jalie icAlister bospital, as the remttîr of iturns recelved Thursdai- îlgit M'alien itaè body was lransformed itito a hlazing torch by tbe exPlOsiOfl 0f a lierosBene lamp in ser home, Sandinlg atbtîme laînp in her righl beni, Mits. Jankoweki wax puttlng wood an the kitchen stove. She reach- ed aboe hber head ta take a îlece o! ssoül front a sheif, and lett ier grp (in tine sood, wich fell on te lamP îttimiey.Thee Ianp proper wax shat- terc-d ino a dozen pieces, Ber ight dress aturated wth kerosene- Wliet ber busband entered the room, ic sifc reêeruhied n buntan torcb lIer beautiful braids of bair were- encloing ber head wiîh a crowfl af!fire. The woman sas fally. lier bod1 mas fairly enveaped Infiae lier ereams for hel, cotld bc. heard for tiso bleke. WitboUt thought Of oeif, '.lr. iankawski attempte t 1 sinother the fiamea wtb hi. bands. He trew bis arms about his itfe's * neck and smtbered lb. flames On ber head wlt bis bands. A blanket was tbrown -about bier body. Mr. J aiikoUaki vas -dy burned about the bandsanad arma. Hi. clothing wae ruined. Dr. M. J. Kalowsky, who livea On %IcAlister avenue, vas summoned ta the Jankowski home, at lhe corner ot Tentb andi Jackson sîreets. When the clothing was taken tram the woman's body large pleces o! tlah vers-e bmfron tbelimbe. -The voman waa actually burneti 10 a criapp. aaid Dr. Kalowsky. t î; as horrible. Her screams could b. heard for blocks. e.Inhaled lb. ..-flame. and ber Ibroat va. burned badly," sald isli. The Corad and Hart ambulance vas summoed. and a race wii.b death foloved. The race vas von for the womai. Ehe vau laken ta the operat- ing room et lb. hoopilal. An anesîboe- tic wa.s admliobtsred 10 eus. the pain. -TIer, vas but eu* sPot on the vo- m-nasbody Ibt at «nt burmed," Bsud Dr. Kaovsky. "Thal. spot vas mn the rlaht Isg belveen the lise and lthe thigi'." Tie vouai csnot Iluie. Eh. vas hmaid berOni reognition. Ever.- thlag has boss doue ta rellevo pain, and ber relatives 1mev ber t condition, Ohe ilb.themaher af tva cbIldren. and in amther xnnth. a tiird chld vonld hava gracf e hii one. 'lh, accident l5ane of lie mont iti- fui in years. iShe bad luit flnlsbed cI.aning avai- the dishes atler feed- log ber tiock, and vas readi ta, retire efler a bard daYa vwOn. RECOVER STOLEN RORSE The. horse stolen fom the IlveryI- n Evanston lst summer, vas found al Gurnee Monday. Tiie horse vas iden- tified Mandcy hi- its iret ovnec and nuas laken ta Evenston. Police Offcer Geni. Hicks vas sent 10 Gurnee ater the stolen properti-. The farter nI (urne. di not steal lhe borse-he tadee off an old horse 10 lhe man vho titi steal it, for the horse and rig. Altbough ho drose the anîntal for a year, be neyer suspicion- eti be vas dclving a tolen animal. Tie horse vas found hi a Chicago detecîlve Ivo veek aego. Be fouod the harnes tolen tcom tlilvec3- ln a linemy ai Waukegant. Tii. Waoe- gan lis ecy owsner toIt viiere he bas purciaseti the barness andi Iter the horse vas locatet, The. farter rt GuiiTte coult nal give an accuraI decripti o! ofIte man who radedthle borse. tahlm. LIIMYUlLE IM SCIOL ENffiTAJEENT COURE SOMETI-INQO0F MUTUAL INTER- EST VO EVERY INDIVIDUAL Nt TI4E COMMUNITY The LIbertyvîlle ochoole are going ho bring boe., for lhe entertalument of our people, a course o! gaond liv, enlertain- ment@s vilci ill tale place lu tie lovu hall et didiercut limes durlng tbe vinter. Thse mttsr le nuder thbmnagemsent of the publii sebool. Ths procecels are ta b. useel for the Impros-ement o! aur lu order t0 make It a oucceas we aïk the beurty c-operation of ail the people. We have arranged for lire excelIeub entertalnmeute, the very bett Bfoded by the ftedpatb Lyceuin Burau. Thé cour"e wili b. ofiereil tire Bomber@ et $1,75. The entertainmeuts are of a hîgh ci&@s and sngle admission willIlbe 50c. The eason tickets viii blis erved for the whoîe course witbout extra charge. tinderotacnd i-ou retaîn the Mnme îet throughout the sciole lice inimbern. The firme of Treptow & Taylor and iPaul Ray- aur furniture deniers. bave- donated chairs enuugh 1.0 @st the lhall. Acotiortabie chair for eerybadi- We tûe bigh sîltool will do al w itbin our posîer ta se. that the hall jmeroffi- fortable. Eren la attending thte funage ourffeives wben weather in cold. l'or desription of ingle evpito, datesi, etc., ces t reiars anti large po.rc as; weili sinformation io aur local pape!. [ion wi be called upon coon to jurrba.-e sesîsoOtickets. ilenieuher tir, nîtoîere at $1. à:--)wth @&aie rerçed seat for ail or 5(k f or oingle admission ta eaich andi take your chant-e of gettinez a good seat. Gel i-aur tcLetaeaeris and get trt chance Mt resrving tient seatl'ie rearvation plt wilb[w, opesn as cicîn as the ciale t-gins. Leder &~ Bonds@ drug @tore. There are no lecture@ the course con- *lots of entertainhnents asmi-ou wili *ce. dewrihedin the ircularâ. Corme and enjo> i-aurseIf and at th saine lune bell) the. echoul Ifl vuu are not îelid upon ver- soi ta purchae a eticket i-ou heel hes top ett b. ding store end gel tbern tfare the Let set are gone- Satur- day ls tuse day. The Bayds, November 18, 1912. Smith Damneras, Deýmier 4. 1912 Q J. Water Wilson. Februar- I6. 1913. Musical Favorites. Keb. 28, 1918, (Ueu F. Coiby., larch 13. 1913. DIES1F ROM DURNS MAS. HELEN YANKASKI OIES 0F BURNS RECEl VEO TMURSOAV, OCTOBER THE TENTM. '.fIm. Hlen Yankeskl, lhe young Poulah vaman wha va. burmed beyond recognitian Thuredai- nlght vhen a baIlle of benzine exploded envloptng ber ciothlng ln flames, dl.d aI the JAoMeAllter bospital Nlanday- night et 9 ocîack. Kontantin Yankaskl, ber buaband, bas been held biamolees for is vlfe's deatb by the crener's jury. Beveen sobe, Yankaski toîd thia @tory o! the. disater: '« returned home tram vark aI thse I tasndri- about 6 o'clock Thursdai- nigbt. After supper 1 reneved the task of building a alairvayinlumi- *lm~jome. My vIfe stand et My aide Sa siehamrfnr oneathoàr 11" a lsene meri forne a boar vben suddenly a bttis tell fr0. a se! everbead, The batIle, il devslop- cd, vas hait full of benzine. Tii. bttIestrImd the lamp cbimney. aid Au explosion tolloved, My i- it's cleth. lug va. iaak.d vIth eil and benzine, file va. an irs, vben I looked up., 1 atlempted 10 amoter the flamea vilh my haids andRa. a reaull (the despundeul husbaaid beld up bIs Iva banda. Prom lhe vristlothIe finger lips lbe lesb bcd b,,n burned tlaa crisp. The bhrna ver. covered vilb bandages i 1tore the. ciotbing tram ber body- and carrled her la mi- bed, The tînmes, 1 emothered. vitb the, befi quilta. Tien 1 summoned Dr. M. J. Kalovali-.1 B, Knlovwsky oIkthlb. witness iand and told of the teatmefll that bati been given the unforlunate yooqg She usas bucned beyond recogni- tion.' be said. "We did eveytilmg n otîr power 10 relieve lie pain.' Saltirdas' morning btuie Jane Me. Alîster re. ,antaski gave 1birti 10 a son. Vie chilti vas dead i when it arrtseii The .lni'lri.s al,. BAIAsSI.ý aORDEIN LAK<E COUNTY BAR ASSN. EV VOTE 0F 14 TO 8 GIVES HIM CHA RACTgR CEnTIFICATE. OPPOSITION TO FIGHT IT HARO FIGMT MAS BEEN MADE TO KEEP SALOONIST FROM *ECOMING LAWVER. wednesday afternoon, Oct, lth, the- Lak.e County Bar Association voted on te question o! whether or flot the society woutd recommend that ludge Donnelly Issue a certificate of good moral character to William A.tDean. Such a cerlifict ae i a lrere.îuislte for admission to the bar. A commitfee aîtpointed by the Bar Association somettiime ago, consist- Ing of John 1).l'ope. Eiam L. Clarke and ('harles Il. King, had reported would b. placed before the state board whtch conducts examinations, the board in lura ta dectde whether the protla t sfficient ta deny the rlght tu applicant la take the exarn. This commtt. was nanel to make arrangements for the ten day rule and zake the recOmmendattons ta the court in which application for certift- rates may b. made ln the fuftre: John D. Pape, Elam . Clarlc, ('harles King. Immediately upnm the committee coming Intcexerlloce, the commit- tee prepared a protest acainst NMr. Deane belng allowed tu taXe the ex- amination, In allier worde, their pro- test was dezlgned to î reent the necessarv certificats of g 4moral character belng Issned to ticane by the Chicago Bar Associat ion. This proteat was MMae ouft and duiy- filed and, as a resuit of tr. unlece sometbîng unexpected hap tous, Mr. Deàne will flot he aliowed t take the exam wltîch, If he poseed. yoid make hlm a tullfledged awYîr in Illinois wifh an office In Waùkegari How Il Happened. t'nder the state law, Itît, t anastir- ing attorney eau take tltibr oxam- nation. he muet tiret jrod î,-ýacver- tificate of gond moral chara, fer. This certificate usually is oii ýt. i fromn the circuit clerk'g office in a count 'v wherre the aspirant lices. siio'ia.s Lke ads ercely to NMr. Deans application 1coutn -for Benne.Setdott t tîtepiO an id t1roditced and îresented evi- tked cnd lhe applicant i.s f e"cI dence o!f eteated coovictiomns o! vn-laificate without trouible.fftnt Itago, tation o! the lituor Ian c o! lhe tateho-e Z' -te rles le t t tîtîtlfr as evidence of hie unfltness of pra.tion lent day. before hbetritjti aie ls tige law. 1 Istied. For some unac ,,ititalle ea- The association, hossever, overr.ledi is conîmifte.e antI voted 10 recom- mend 10 .iudge Bonnelly 10 issue a certificate o! good chacacter to -Mr. Dean, The members favorlng te issuing o! the vertificale were t. T.l-eydecker, i'lalre C. Edisarde. Paul NacCuffin, Stephen Kennedy. Arhur Bulkley. Alex Benublen, A. V. Simih, Judge Perr3-L. Persans, E. V. Orvle, Benjamin Pacmalee, W. C, Up- ton, George F'eld, William Weiss, Hec- vey Coulson. Thofe opposing lic. Beanne applica- tion vere aas follova- Charles H. King, Elam L. Clarke, John D. POpê Martin Decker. tL. P. Banna, E. Mi. Runyard, Clarence W. Diver and Ernest Gal, Itlai.underslood liaI lie objectars have fileti a petIton tu lhe case be- fore Judge Donnell- praying for a fu bearlng o! the. evîdence securefi by lb. cammitte. and thnt Ibis bearlng wyll tae place ln the near future. Fîgt ta Mîgli Court. Tbat the malter ln flot entirly set- tled iy the vote here la shovn hy the stalemenl o! a prominent ttaime? wbo eaid todai- thal the oppoaittis. ta Mr. I)eans admiesion ta practlce viii carry lbe matter 10 lb. finish, clear ta lbe aupreme court If nec.,- sari-. Tii. frIends o! Deane wbo i-olnd for hlm no daubl Intond te stand by hlm benèce il mneans thaI the real serai la Ibua juil getting under vai-, Histor- a01Ce. Dean, Il la recall.d, olel bIe saloon, the eid John Dielmeyer saloon, nome months age and I ance tben bas fot been daing anytblng. lit vas aaid b. vas merely vaiting to have the mat- ter acted an by lbe ber association viieeupan h. Intended la continue bis plan o ebimg e4mltted ta the lu conneclion vllh h. case, the Sun herevlth priuela an article bearing on t vilci vas prepared for publea- tien nome lime ega, jusl viien the fIrst action lowarda pr.venling Dean becomlmg a lawyer, va. taken. Fer certain reasons tbe article vas wlth- held Ibea. but, as il cavera lie violei situation clearli- nov, itla i.nter.allmg1 la recel, as fllows: 1 One of the biggè8t sensations thati flas evec developed ln Weikegan er breving. rendy for a volcanig eruption, somehilng wiicb ilîl creale mor, lu- luret tien anyliîing ofthle eort thel ha ever bappenotihere hecause Itla the first tinte vithin rerollectIan of odest itizens liaI suri a tiing has developeti. A meetinîg o! the Lakte Cotînti- Bac Association was helti a few tisys ago,ý at whicb il vas votedti 10folIov lbe examffie o! lie (Chicago Bar Associa- lion in tb. malter o! Issuing certifi-J cales o! good moral ciaracter, etc., ta applctlants for examinatln t c.the inarl con, Beane decided te auit s for the cortiftcate ln Chicago airu c tian-in Wankegan-andthaI's litre ttc made a misînke whîcb vill i ao' tm much trotîble and possibly him from tuking the sxam. If lie t i aîplied bere, he would have o, t tthe cer- titIcate wthoul quesitin1-anse no- body would have had t tie tot com- plain as there la no poszinz of applica- fions befare the certifiate is icsued. But, when his name uas posted ln f'hicago, word vas at once sent ta Waukegan and tbe Laie -ounty Bar Association got bury. catled a meeting and voled 1ha1 a protest againat Deanes admission be made, on the grounds Ibat Ibe ia a saloonkeeper and tha! bis moral character i. nal sucd that h. should he admitted ta prac- lice. %Ic. Dean. lnew nothing o! the pro- test belng filed untîl lbe vent to lhe clly and alurally usas amazed whem lie diacavereti wbaî had been placed la bl% vay. lie bas been atudying lmv fer týe paat three leurs and vais juct gelII*g ready ta take the har examina- tien vhen the unexpected thlng hep- pSede. Deame la a saloonkeeper, operating lb. old John BDietmneyer place, Jus vust of Pearce's drîîg store, Naturel- Iy lie feels hadly oser the attair but do«, net menifeet t he anger that ne vould expect. Be vas very reticent vbon questloned hi- tbe Sun and et tiret inslsted tint noting b. sald about Itlnl the paper. Flsh h.mae a utatement ln effecl as follova "I feel ver- badiy 10 Ihili tIsat sncb " atm1d ha. been taken asâslmtme.j 1 thought ta better my position Rn lite. theréfare stîîdied lav and liepefi te h. adMltted 10 the bar and gel out of this business. 1 mai- have beau ln ane objecîlonable business but the tact là, 1 have not drank a drop mi-- self ln Ivenl- yeame; ln the last 17 ygeas1 have been In business ln Ibis eOufty. 1 base been arrested but once for technical violation a! tbe Iaw. I underetandti hal the prot saas ys moral ciaracter la not gond. Ihat I bave iequenîli- violalefi lbe law, etc. Naturalli- 1 deplare lhe ae- lion helen agaitiet me which, 1 tel. 1.s et least ves-y unuind. In ather varda, l look@ as if 1 msy i-ce ospelIed la remnais inlua lne of business tram vic I have trteti to escape by bet- tering mi- vocaltion * SIG SALE AT LAKE FOREST, ,aIte Forestfs ifîtt striking examp1e o! iandsrape cardoning-the Edscard L, Ryerson honte itecomea lhe pop- erîs' o! George R. Thorne. Possession crners 10 Mr. Viorne.ý Jan. 1.The- bouse wnicle ao! con- grete, i., said to hure goal $700.000 WED IN LAKE CO; OFUSI LAID TO ADIluT'(O. PAR SUPERVISORS MAY PURCHASE ADOITIONAL LAND FOR THE COUNTV POOR FARM. NOW OWN 159 1-4 ACRES BOARD WILL NOT ERECT AND MAINTAI N A TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL AT FARM. lake county*s supervisors are con- idering a plan nr purchasng seven- teen acres of lan.d for the poor farm. Att fie slecial imeeftng held \Wed- niesday a fermner offered to self th(, (oUinty seventeeni acres, adjoinlng the poor farma property on the ssesi. for $100 an acre. Supers isors l3rooks. Egan and Ed- uards were alpitneti as a comtoiteN fa investlgale the malter and report bac k at the next meeting. The count, now on ns on- hundree and fifli nfne acres o! land ln the t ow .sltp of Littertvv-lle, and although 1lhey consider the lrire an excecding- 'y l0w one. btey feci ihat they have sufficient' sund fa rare for* theîr wants. The cupýervisors Wednesday voted down the plan o! establishing and maintaining a tuhercutosis bospital st, the poor iarm. ,.-eive supervicors noleti sgalnst the' proposcitloîî. Six men were ln tas or o! lie plan. Thte ntperrlso-s enloyeri a chicken dînner st noon. After the meeting t bey voteli Superintendent Appley a vote o! tianke foc lie sumpttiona din- nec and lie enJayable lime he render- ed them durbng their atai- at the iarm. But eighteen members wer. present, <aunty Clerk f.. A. Hende. vas pres- ent. Inasmuc as Superîntendent Appley reports that he la short of tIre fightlng equipinent, the board ha& decidedti t $pend a few dollars ta mesure better tire protection. A apeclel committ.e vas appoInted la procure the neces- sari- equipment. Tiiere are 47 males and 36 temealea aI the. Lake county poor tarm at lh, present lime. WARRANT AGAINST PINK( P(.iODLE INFORMATION CASE WAS FILEO IN COUNTV COURT EV STATEI8 ATTORNEY DADV. WARRANT ISSUED FOR TME AR- RE&I 0F GEORGE F. POTTER, OWNER 0F THE PINE INN. A warrant for 1h. arrest er Joseph (lumîber, manager of thei Pink Poodie, vas lssued today et the raquest of Statle .Attorney Dady, vho fiied an Information. Gunther la cbarged with havimg sold liquor vithoul a licous. The. "Pink Pooffle" wan terne a year o roa age. vheiî certain Waukegan peeple vere chareed vltb bavlng lied dinner ln a "ras,4house", Beverai libel suite ver. threatened athe recuit of the Insinuation, The Pink Poodie la la Hait D)ay, and te aue o! the beat ltnown resarîs near hicago. The place la owned hi- e Cbiceugo syndicale. An Information case Was tiled la- day againal George P. Patter, awmer and manager o! the "Pin. Inn" lust soutb of! li!Day. He la cbarged wllh bavlng sold lilloor vithoul a license. The bail ln eaci rase ls $200. To date every alleged blIng pig keeper, bas plead guilti- and pald a fine of 1 Waukegan, Ill.,-Oct. 14.-Jaseph tinof ber. proprietor o! the "Pink l'oodie" pleadeti gtilly toaa chtarge o! selling liquor vitbotî a Il- cerise bcore tîttge Perr3 L. Persotts. o!flthe Cotinty court., foîtdts îîîoî tîltîsanti 'scfined $75.00 )on Carl, o! lotir (auttft. The lite o! $300) for o, .utga blinî tic - la fie largest lthat busitevi t-- n-l th e hislory aofthe counfi 'Pt- ik Pooille lu otte of the t tri t eriof Bal! Day. (Georup F. PotIer, îîraîrletor t'ýfith- lu.- eItnn"anaîber Fiai! Bas llte.ýorf cire,% a etttii liac fine o!f 2I) REîceitthe foc wriec of a stocrk ficm --ie ila-.. 1e-ý,t -------- -- -- - -- NOW SEEK A DIVORCE.tfft- :ttf !li!Bsprîre moneti staiedt lat lie chiliti at tieti of lie tate. A vole vas laken andintwo ltDa pcue a sictim to ile ntotier's borne. the membere tiecidedti 1 esîablisi tie a lit i-n'-e f0 sel1ltfntoxlctttitig liqturs. Vie inuuet vas heit t 11:30 Tues- cue liaI, hereafler. aIl applicents' lîrs. Air fanmpbell fited etit foi Il,- aid i for the lirense. The day ntorning. Dr. John L. Taylor, of namnes mutlbe poeted ln lie court divoice atainst (Guy M. Camîthelil in fine o!f ignainat tie tu-o lleget Libertycille. preslding. Vie funmal houe. ten days before they gel their Ililsvaulîce circuit court on Tb,rsdlat, bini ttig îroîrù-fors ase aseessetI arrangements viii be annoned viien certificate ln Order ta gir. ime for, alegtng cruel ant iinhîîman ireatntent. berthýe o!fte iir that a liai! Bnp a sister of the dendwvano reacies ani- prolest e-un mîgit existt 1 e 1 The coupîle usere marriet aI Fort resident hid taken otît a lirensit ai s Waukegan. i flet against them, trilie, in umn, Sheridan.,111.. on Bccember 29. 1911. cost o!f$V,100 e ell Ilito TO TUE CASE TO LAiE n p ipu COVNTY MEDICAL ASS'N UU ihaUiI CASE 0F MAS. JAMES CASMMORE 18 THE TOPIC 0F CONVERSA- TION AMONG DOCTORS. la eprtÊLasgetig n 1clyatWILLIAM COCHRANE, 84 YIEARI» tha sh wil pllthrughunlssOLD, WHO LIVED MERE MANY somehin4unfrsee devlop ln he EARS, 18 THE VICTIM. imimediate future Thoce of the m edIcai fraternity who diil not linow of the case hefere it ai> A OGSUH O peaei cin Ille Sun Saturday (and there A LOGSUH SN t' cre a te'v who did not) have heen diScusseng the matter in detail since theti and the fact ls true that flot RELATIVES MEARD CRASH AND since the case of lrs. Joe Connor FOUNO UNCONSCIOUS FORM has the city had sucli a sensation of1, - I .- .. thie kinti. Takelit Before Society. A. cordinig to genierai comment beard amntg local lb)sicianfs. te case ta to be taken bjefore fihe LuXie Co ut y M ledit ai Socitly andti t Xc ysone fur- ter senstional dcselop)menfs 'sf11 be ceeun ib e near future. cti stuteti there seerms a uftanim- ous feeling among the physicians bo take tîte malter before the society antd about ail that renfains le la decide juat whlo is the todtvîdttal wbo shal foimtally present the motfer for the societys consideration. No meeting ut te society bas yet been called but ft le .alti that doctors are talking avec the defaile and a speciai session may 13e ralled to laIte t up for discus- sion îr-.. lames las trot e, le Grandti avenue mo man wboae conditiotn fol- Ion îng duclaratiouns o.' ier btîsband of eiLhler nisîpractî1ce or tttentionil lieg-1 ai1 trealtent on the part of a local doc-1 for, lias attracted nitrh attention ln 1 the city, eepectaily ln Me tuedical fra- terrtity, thtis aiternoon v-se remuved t0 ber home at the cty limite. lier presceit phyeician, lr. Bellowe, statedj that sihe le out af danger un- lese somtingunexîîecled asesln. Uer condition whilp in he hospilal grev better faster titan was expected bence site vas able 10 returu home much sooner than ahe and ber reIn- tivsl helieved wonld b. possible, Nathing New in Case. Nolhing particulariy new in lb. case bas deveioped as yel hut local doctors are discussing the matler privalely and il la underslood that steps are b.- ing outlined for bringing the malter ui) for an Investigation hi- tb. Lake Coonly Medical Socety. It lis flot known juet vbal position Mtr. Cashmore viii take ln the mal- ter beeing that his vît. la on the raad ta recovery. It la seid thal h. la viiling to drap the matter provlding that tbe doctor whom he blemea for the condition bis Wl!. faund herseîf in, wIlI agre. to pai- ail expenses con- licetie With tie. case and refunfid im the. money be already paid for ser- vices rendered before a second physi. clan vas called Imb Ite case. THIEVES NEAR LAKE ZURICH? Police autharlîles today are inven. tlgaling a rallier pecuilar Incident of Sunday nighl vhich bas slren.gtb. ened the belief Ibal a gang of thieves bave their headquarlsrg »eur Zurich or Lubertyville, saad Wednes- dai's Elgin Courier. <toninuini. Il sald: Tire. men stepp.d froin a Ihird1 rail car et th. Elgin terminai, On.- acclased lie other tvaot holding hlm uP. He reiused to svear out e var- rant for their arcest hovever, and lb. olier tvo vere permitled ta, go. The man wbo iad camplnlned of belng belti up burcieili- left the station. Th ville. A mile outslde of Lake Zurich, tisi- Waukcgan iriends of William Coch- rafle, 8i )ears old. one of the very gar . liest sefîlerslitere an. .- ceaident up to ive %elrsaugo when he went tue liv. with bis dtaighter in Esanston, voe t Shocleli today when they iearned ocf i hid sttdden deathbin Evansfon Iat Stttday night. Dealh was the rsI of an accident, NMr.tCochrane havig failen front a îwo-ciory wlndow tu Is ground. Jîîst how the acciden nnppesced ne one le ahle to telIl bat bis relative are inctinedti 1 think that il happened es. .eie waa in a somnambuHlstl state. Arising froîn hie bed, vwhlle stili asi.ep. he îsallked ta the .vndo* p and topîled autî, according to the .r'n'Y theory tinat hic relatives are able 5 form. The sound of the lire hic fail awaiened his relatives a" ihey hurried outside where they foan e bis unconeciaus body. A physiclan wlaq. summaned but he dled wllhout buviat « regained consciousness. Hie, body will arrive In Waukegm an th. 12:41 o'cîack train Wedne*da.Vc theDce.ta lb. cburcb of h1 lm1Si» laie Conception. Intermeut la S Mary'$ cemeteri-. The. news of hie audden deat b bý$M>" aorrow la fr1 ende hors. Re vua9 of the first t10 seltîsl l ti. viehtt.. ]lv. years ago ha vent ta thse b of bis dnughter and ban l11,,0& IA. ber mince. Died Wîthous Seelco Son.-'- Yeara ago Mr. Cocbrane's son dt& appeared froam Waukegan and heno. ;fs er heard frrnm hlm again. Grief seet. ed 10 have ttsrned tbe fathersb« slghtly for, althougbhe livec4 ber* up tu Ève. yeara ago. he made dall7 trbpe ta lb. post office hoping bo vouli W reise a letter frrnm hie absent *oq. The long-iaoked-tar bItter nevtr liil.- Ladst pring tbe Waukegan pse-, picked up an aged'man waaderftg t streels tbers..He ver. bedroom sla*> pers and thege vers la tallera ftem bis long walk, there beRng evsry PM> son tu lhink Ibat ho had wallwd tX e- Evanston. He appeared, foehiêl*Mb* ed. but 5maI17 frntincohereat M. marks Il vas Iearued bhlm ain vý Cochrane and b. coa rtrm Evastes. .aWIh Ibis edcv iserelativées ," located. Locil Mrend e efv.d Il ovalkod ail lb. vay bae .tee 8180- bo bei recelved a letter rem bisbu i 1mlaalng mI. REBEKAIIS ELCT MRS PROTINE 0P LIBENTYVIL&* M5 ELECTED PRESIDENT FOR ENSUINQ VEAR. At lie regular meeting efthtIe IWe bekaheo, Lak, caunly division, bfflt *. Waukegan Pridai- evening thse tolbv. ing officers ver. electod for the s*ni* Ing year. Peident'-Mms. Pretine, làbct- ville. pald te tast driverbc gaysc, aud eut SegetarY-Mrs. Graco Eairtow. out.t Titere vas no bouse In alght ai W'auucegan. fie place and ti t as ratier laIe et Siter Harris, Supreme officr a! the nlght. clate, camducted a sebool ef luitruc- tion In the lge hall during tb. a!- RECKLESS SHOOTING. ternoon, A numaber o! lb. supreme officers o! tb, state ver. present. Farnters rontinuete 10 rmpluin of Vie Waukegan division o!flb.eRF. rerckiessa iîîîîems 'alto vs it heir farts bekahbe takes place lnuf.bertyville, alt,,osît ilî tIncone InstaneevnAnlioci nnd Waukegan. tante Ipigeons uer. Iilieti i-tv bys Delegaies !com esci o! th,- tbre. armed l uti a sotaîl rifle. Then a tan ciiove name iti-fe a- present. It baNtng two dozs PePPered n valuabil as exilecfed tIsaI a Mtach larger - cov "" d a thiri on. tiret n chargt1crond tsoilii atieni. tthle dovi-. of ettot 1h10o a flocI o! ghIickens. kilt. pour o! ratu hrtneen six andel eu Ilfg tltree sud maiming six. Efforts catisei mailýto 't tan at their bMem on the Part of lie farter 10 ascex' Blt j le, atrerdedthelbmeetlfle tain lte names o! tie gsîllty parties ,'tti(Wb--' failet. It le believedt tiat nex! yeal! lcfrcsýhmns5wr, ss'rvedth farmprs bli e dIffecent county towni ,oti' leveenîng. Ail reort wili bol meetings and organize pro- titi tint,. tectîne societies t-,c ON THE GROUND BELOW 1 v il] 1-1

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