Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Oct 1912, p. 14

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goltousiti s ad auch, imdl- tis lmpovcrished vitality-lack e teghte wcathcr Jtapoofulof SCOTS EHM Salter each mcal starts iu»y body-action ikc a small umti kindies a great fie-and mae fmabas rich, AasitAi. ism md-lesOfflsmts thee éthdb th~te appatit-it MM» m s b.d-,svsamng& acorrs KMULSION is the -m~e celiver ol, made cream- Wk. sd palatable vithout alco- id or drug-the quintessence ý« purity. temt atiofii they or* un- fo roo. ;;;7oyBMn. EIomàaeld. N. 3. 12-M5 AMitionalbertyville Seyoar rmsrved seats et Decken roui'. Saturday. 1iM. enry Schultz le viiting relatives; btQasaîloComros. -J. B. Smtt, coruedy musical artiot, et9 b aLyrlc net veet. atcb for Maiere. oeo. Bealvy, beiter knowu aisBig bots S.rc'"in bis black face cornedy est1 the Lfrrlcnext veek. âpicla vaudeville acte at the Lyric Msatee. Mondai, Tuesdey, WedneedaY Md jbuWady utghte next veek. : M». B. B. Maddeu and Miss Margaret Ipuian of Rogere Part, vitted vltb à*' coule, Miss Erni Bueh during Ju~eNbnlanH. Welcb, e former Lake xffli@ bol, viR .posk et tbe tovo bail. Wb#tsrvl%.s Friday night (tonlght.) hier hlm. oImiem of the Lakesîde Cenîetery ^UlomvlI gir. on o! thehr fameus dat ltheva ba hil, Wodnedal, 3~t0, heglnnlng at 5 o'clock. JeIe, ebliren 25L. S thel aid Orme.Whseer apent te my 0 Srlay evealag attend- t#sItuactione et tis DeKai blà LaIb. 1h ru vblcb cool ~uudaas.d a prifng. *October 29, la regstton » lagal voterea hocid moa. , pnrglmionthelday. Tbe poil -09 the meulprecint wyul be et di Cee tore aid ithe veet Mlle lova hall. là:.e- _ Mary IL Baeb, Mary M_ hi sait asjuMcartby veye t»0MO gradai.. vie repond. ý%MIb Ivitation rou tisir AIma lio end "home Comlug', ai Weaaeyof Our Lady et Long-. 'IWkLedmeUAd eoclty of the M. B. *8 arenplanning to hold a baar i1 obbeu @§aeLa inConnmction viti ib»esB boue eeépper la thm town aul 7*- h.Tb@ 9 eOclete veli orglmseil b avme v aidm plana fur earod VIOL X. M aay eW cl utable for ~emmproenhi ehiounmai. V$ . a of Chi«Coago bdm anagfer iseli Western Fr. Lanit.Ce. o! 048éve. vu. in ibis vtclnlly "as vmk ,*Ib baleneiof th" We hepma evendI from bem amreau. lsldgtou tg h talp te Te« mào bor ei eucaioa, vltl à iév et lavetigatlng pel land proposition. Tb@ "BauD tooogr@" hed every -mtuguaeFaraleest the iovn baIl Tuee.dy evaalng. A large crowd of mem, vomen and chldren ver. proemt and letened t t iwulng ddrumem by F. S. Mdonroe, Late couoty'a candidate for tii. Begiatare, A. P. Nlghtlngale, former Cook conty superntendent of seboole and Chai. M. Thomson, promin ent political reformer of Chcago and eodldate fqr Congre... A contet on wlndow dresslag la hetug conductid by the. Public Service Ce. at euhb ealeroom ihrongbont thoir varions district&. The prize offered for the beet dreesd vludev la a lIver cap t0.ýb@ awarded te the district office lu sehom jarisdiction the mleroom te located. The. local aaleroom Io ln the.cooteet &atilhai a very neatly dretted windov. Yen ahould @ese It. Tva meter. have beau placed ln the window, ai one of the .etreee connected wrlth a tangeten lamp and the other wth an lucan- descent. Tniê le te deuaostrate the diflerence in the amount of current used by eecb lamp. M . hurch Bervies. 2.00;p. .iblescbool.'Sub. "Mission te the entiles." 6:4t p. m. Epwortb League. Sub "Selecting Iisciple." 7;30 p. m. Preacbing. Sub. "Follies o! thé wis.' S Council Proceedings Regular meeting Oct. -J, 1912. Faulk- ner absint. The minutes o! the lest regular meet- log wrere meail by the doert and approved ai rea. The bill o! O. 1. Luce & Co., Ion formi- gatiog the Gerunan Lntbern cbureb vias explained by 1Mr. Treptow sud lir. Renoing alter a discussion it wa moved by Eilswoth and Dolleumnaier that tbe bll b. peid by îb.. village. Carrted aIl votiog aye. A committee oh the fire depertmuent vai present and buted to hare new boots, alter a discussion tbe dort wes iustructed te ait for bide on ten pair. Tbe trea.nrer'sq and clertes reports ver. resd and audit.d by the finance committee and on their favorable report ver. accepied on motion o! Dollenmeier and Ellsvorth. Ali votlnc aye. The !ellovlng bill@ ee.U. K'd by the finance commlîtes. aud allowed on motion afi Jolleulu"ane d Ellsvorth vbich carrt.d. Ali votina a"e: Lake Ce. Printing & Pnhllbing Co., prloting ................... $ 8 05 Public Service Co., street ligbts.. 169 21 J. P. Davis, dreîiag .............i1 25 A. Sedenbnrg, labor ...........12 60 W . Layeock Co., repaire ......... S 10 Waukegan 011 Co., gaioliue...93 66 B. D. Look, valk rebate ......... ilO() P. av, fumlgating............... 21 2b Et. W. Smlih, eaary ............. 65 D0 B. B. Carlett, 63 (0 D. UAmbsrr, mlay .............. 65 0 B. Lmherr, iremu sery.19 0 J. noelalpolie........14 ()0 WoarboîsMspcl]police ..Il00 J.W.5telrd, " " 1200 C. F.Pelereon, ....1200O J. ier. ' ' 12 00 Ir.B.Jobnscm 1200 P. N. Bocten .. ...120O0 Libertyvila Lumhor Co., mde .55 90 Hfoue Lumber Co., mdue .....97 84 sckBrom.. ,ndse. .......... 120831 W. a. lludler, earveying .....15-50 e . B. MeKelabor ............. 2270 &.A *Boy" . ........... 26 25 J. C. O-laaFy "...... 875 W.. Barmet ......... 850 bJ. Ou dm '.......... 6950 B. P. Engleberr. labor ......185 95 J. 9. Bond, labor ................ 84 25 Igovd by Cleeld aid Tri thlia J. W. Bu"le, J. W. Muller aid G. h.k b,,nolfl td tpu*la a cemoat eek t. front of Nliar property on the mlesde o! SteowartAve. eCad govollng &y$. lIovmd b Dol msd Triggm 1 adjomn. farrvotnt ase. E. B. Com. Cierk. Geo. T. Craddok. Rubie Am., myjs- "«I vwu hoibmndvilhilumbago toirmo ymswe e bai I aimM ot veut.I ItrIa esV"aI kai.of htdney ediclné e l meBleor co emli. Tv. bottin. cf . Pilleremdmean6" no [emg of vorti. 1emfnllty mm le my frienda. For THE CITIZENS' ANI< RC&r.rr.LLER, IL. A Paid Check à. a Good Beoeipt A Checking Âoeount is a Sale and Convenient way of Transactlng Buoiness Koney in the Home Bank wlll Benefit you., your neighbor, the Bank., the whole commulnity. pay 3 per cent. interest on savingu and Certificates IL. Tripp. R. F. Roua. Vice Pregideent. SILOS Irving E. Payne, Cathier. SILOS bave Clear Oregon Fir Silos on hand. delay in delivery.. dll ow priesfor immediate delivery. JOHNSON SMITH & CO. DEALERS ZION CITY ILL1 What H~pod£ Dy T. P. BwAZx 00 MPOPET; ; ;AI The notice of ubcrîbere la gMaini called to the fact that the rate for thue paper le S1.50 pe ar un riadvnce. A' glance et the. label a.lll show, vaU hOw1 you stand end w. are hart to tace th* money when yata want to pay up. Mir. and lMre. John Rrnckmau ire.ted Banuday witb R. A. Smth. Ë~. G. Paya. loft Bnnday for Ogema, i"., te pnrcbeee a supply o! greens for the holiday trade. 1fr. and litre. David Ruseill of Weuke- gan, @pent Sunday with Mir». John hidHride. lirs. Edward Coudry retuned latit veek frein the licAlister bosipîsel and la gettlng along ntcaly. Mdabel Nehrlch spent lait veet vith Mise Florence Smith et Round Lake. Rev. and Mr@. Cros@ o! Crystal Lake, violted a few dais lait veet wlth Mr. and Mnr. W. A. Shaw. Miss Villa WiIcox, wbo bas been dolng missioinarv work lu China for several yeers, spent a fev deys lait week witb relatives bere. GeorRe Wbitney, wbo bas beeu enjoy. ing bis vacation le expected back this week. lu bis absence bis route bai been covered by Walter Leinker. D)on't forget the Republican rally ai the Libertyville towu ball Friday nlgbt (tonigbt). Dood music and speakin'g. Mrs. Cbao. Melînin and cousin.,lMr. Mi, ol h biffo, .pent Sundai St tbe borne of S. S. Wood. O. A. Devereaux wai surprtsed lait week by a visit frein au old scboolmete, Vega Neileon, wbo is nov located at Eau Claire, Wl,. J. E. Lyon rnoved bis famlly lait week te Robart, lad., vi ere ha bai eecured a better position wi th the E. J. & E. Ry. Richard Tresadere ha. takan the Barbarai bouse on Seymour Ave., vacated by 1fr. Lyens end moved bis goode frorn Lîbertyville the lirit o! the w eet. Ou oh lest veat Irving Daddlese aai nited in marriage te MIss Gynetb Rlcbo! <rayalake. The veddingý came saaseurprise te tbe many friands of tise groom but their good viabes are noue the les.@lacer@. Mr. Duddle. bai @pent the greater part ef i life lu thie vlclulty gredaating gromntthe local echool vih the clasm of '98 aid lI. vil knovu and universally esteemeit. Ths bride va. one o! thé. moet popular young ladies. of (rayeleke. Tbey lef t Frlda.y nlgbt for Montana vhere Mri. Daddles haa ferrm. Judge Nînlen B. Welcb, a former Lake eoanty boy, vhli speat et the tovu hall, lbertyvllle, Friday ight (tenlgbt). Comeansd bear bien. A lotter eddr.osed te Prof. V. W. Barris or Docker & Bond, Lihrtyvifie, .nclomlng a rensîllaice nf 81.75 wil secre a mu.rved meson ticket, gond for lie satire otert"alamot coures of 3v. namboen tobe pul on ibis vinler hi tb. Llbertyvllle blgb sehoo l b. ai espedally plemnt limtan ad on ileoulit e.ervyoar ticket mrly. Tickete for Indivduel number. may b. proeared la tie sans. manner by remittilng 50c. BmMient. efthIm e et dm ve rtmateit to an Imprompta cireus perforae Osse day bel vek aid Irareporta toad Il va. hflgly maertdafnn. Il oseme *at tMr. Cameon la rr.lug à ecee cl!vhU eb ba tah"am it@il rearkeble proportimns ad ou the aloreadtiday lie borine dtappoared. lavmosai lomed ibm lautlta"Il va. making a mo0W aueI on thse aine, oua animai.tathIbmOehorn fr., se Mr. Cam"rnd sud b. geun, WIlllan vontt l o rtItlhome. The. cal! va. Don't forget tlid iepablican rally st the Libertyville tova ball Frtd&7 nlgbt, (sonlgbt.) Good r.mlcand ayeaklng. Judge Nnlan B. Welch, a former Lake conoiy boy, will speai at the. towo hall, Llbertyuîlle, Fridal night (to-night.) Corne end hear him. MlieseEmma (irabbe l endlodig a !ew day& ln Ubiegol. lire. Maron Hubbard o! Rchmiond, ha@ been viitlng old friends bore the paéît week. Vis Mary Payne le! t on Wedneeday for North Yakima, Wenbi.. wbore ehee- pecte te spend the wînter wlth ber neces, Mrs. Ed. Bswes. At the meeting o! the Ceruetery society lant week It was declded te bold aIl day meeting. for the idter beglnunng ln Noçember. Bey. ami 'ta: .Woi. Cross speot a !ev daYs attise bpmo of Il. Payne receotly. Miss Eva Brao uo! Waokegao, la the gui%tofMisesLolâ Smltb. Mien Etuma Ladke lm spending e COUPle o! weeks ln Chîcego wftb ber brotber Dan and famlly. net very entbiatebout couc a litile peîmeloa rnmdledt wben It ecait came quheki., o do attached tu, the anImal 'leveryvbire lmb ommî vent1 voul't bave bon. me bod gentle ciorttred the Oel narO ph, but It seied cromling tbemumddy rond a. poeelbla lu tbe misrteet time execution eftbte tarkey trot gri.eley bear va. marvelous. by a deeperate efort qnick tu rope vas made &round a teleph sud bosy va. leit to rumin Idr. Zerson came and comp) ardorous job eofeecortiiig. Mis. Cemta Millof Eaadolli inu., viettilng ber eouinK EnM s ..Mrtecb. MIssuRth Bebcel - wuthe. wo.b sud = unee f lita. Kaldesyn P4r<sw etbles«o. Nf.. Miunte Sryker hfa visfttlg boe fpa f.w dais vit bhern brother, J. A. M -a Gor e tIbai rouetraater ling but spandlng ae f. edys in Jefferson viii thai aid relatives..- ,ud belog J. P. Schneder ha. retuaed ber. troin of cearme Florida bqt vîli net reele lain bisplace, etc." It baving moved teoicago. bad the Mis.Wbltlng lae pendîng a !ev daY. ýigit -id lai ChIcaSo islaber &dater. 1 eat on loften UAi ?and the, tand, the .Ftnelly trn e!t tse bons pole Dae util pletad the 1 ase Bail The annuel battis between the married and single mon vhlch to place Sunday r.salted ln a vietory for the latter hi the score o! 10 te 12. Thus is It proveu couclnslvely that tbe place for the famlly man in a% homie bhiebisown itreside rather than on the field pitting bis waiaung ability ageinet that o! hie untincuembered brobse. Eacb faetioný bad its backing of renzied rooters and %bere was uearly as mucb nise as thougîr Wankegan wei'e bers winning the cbampiongbip o! severel states. O! course modesty preveuts Ibe uaming o! tbe reel star o! thse geins but there were other leoser ligbis wbo pastlmod very creditably. The siiqgls teaur trled ont a 1ew twinler la the poison o! Bouehead Hapte, vbo vorked good for four rounds. Re gete the pilîl way front the nean side end vith a littIe groomlug ought ro ho e regular uext year. Bob LilI worked hohlud tbe net for tbe benedicts but the exce@s weigbt be cardes botbered bis wlng and wheo ho tried te catch a ranner at second bo looked lite an apple dnrnplîng rn agony. Columnàs migbt ho need tu deecrlblng wooderful deeds of this combat but lack oh space preventeseove vill close wlth the score. Notes Tbe season record of team n sd lu- dividuals wilîl bo mady for nex t veek'e Ilue. L. A. Mnrrie played a svell game la Ia!t basides starring Wth the. bat. Hie catch o! Enlegeso drive surprtsed othere tbai bimamie - . Jack Irving rau rings»eronnd htmeslt in conter and vonli bave made seme greai catchas If the hall b.d overcaugbt up vitî hlm,. AISe he got a bit. Cropley and Bill Bey r.fased te plai antil aU the gophaur bol.. eround ebort and Second ver. pluggsd up doclîning ta teke a chance of talllag tuto one. AB R Ji p A St 1. Neric. Sb..... ......... . i6 r e a1 IL . PoeIbp............. . j 2 j. o ewa'u. IL1b ....... ....... 4 1ii70i Ooverib,..........S2 7 2 0 A. Nemrich.i........... ,201 . C. Hatke.P, If........... iô 2 2 1 1 1 Taiel..... ... .......... 12 1827 11 MAtanD A a H pAàS Marel.......... :....e 1 * ,i1i1i Bloch. Sb:...... .......t 1 i4 S 2 Ray. Sb ........... ...... 1 5 2 Doitu. p....... ...-S-,,,21',10 Oroleru.Se...... ........S 12iO J. eM.e. ri............ .o0oe =1 i e..............4 0 votai.... ............ OUie ; 0 MnIai ....... e 1Oi 1 0 s-u . .......822 1isO 2O-2 Tvo bais bite, Croplmy, T. Derfier, A. Mshrilelccrifice bit, Cropje, Bvai, Rej. LMI, In4wg; double ply. Maurris te BRU;&truck out by flapieé 4, by Roma 8, Dorfier 10; bais on balla, Ra$e 4, Dense 2, DorfienS8. Frak Ray o! Vais, B. D., le vlsttngr bts brother 0. i. Bey aMd ptlwr old frienda o! the ecotomunity. ire A. Bunot o! wilmette, speot aigle dey@ wltb friend e be. "e .1 Mmfr. . olme le lu Clcoo 104à sw days. The nçw pester I l e yn itrettfng speaker and everyone sbonld bar blin. FREMONT.e Henry Tekampe eotsrtaloed bie ister froin Prairie Vlew thîs veer. EI'zabeth and Francis Bertle enter- tel oed ibeir cousine the Misses ReSIog o! Volo, lait week. Mrs. AI Geniers and son and Rose Gauler. o! Mlwaukee, speoýa few.dayo oý lait veek at the Adain Bebm home. Mmr..WiII tiuolet aod éeltdren o! Chi. cago, are ppendlng e few dojo vîtb ber parents, Mr. and Mm . eo. ttaut. (leu. Bertue wee a Chicageoeiltor une dey of lait veek. lk arm bouquet of brides roses@. The nie-a tron of bonor vas grswnMd lu white voile ei-er yelov ilt sud carried awhite roses., Rey. Fred E. Bslrt fAurore. read the service. Tbe guestewaena tbe immediate !amily o! the couple. Tbe dlning rom waa profusly decorated a-Gb plut car- uation@, and alter ea-edding eupper the Young couple leIt for Iowa en their honeymaon. The brides going aa-ay govu waa.bina serge a-th tuanetailor- ed balteo matchr. Mn. and Mrs. Stenger vill ho et hbeaa!ter NovPmber ftirai;et the borne of Mr. Ptagge ount)eerfield aveue. , ire. Peter Holan, 11501 Ruckeye RId, CI.veland, O., mye: 'Yei, Inde.d I1cen recommend Foleî'a Bouey and Tar Cempound M y httle boy bat a bat Case f vopigcog. oe 0sh vah. l. tt ace. ggaveiun Faiey'sn Bonay and Ter Cemrondi and h bat e remerkahle effeci ad eared hum in a short lime." Containe no barmful druge. For sale by aIl Druggite. Mir. and Mr@. L. T. Bouse enterteined 1fr. 8a-eeny and femily of Chilcago, ever Bunday. lira. Bamenlng ls on the îîck ]fat. We hope for ber epeedy recovery. lir@.a. . iherdtng entertelaitdrela- tives and friensetram Etaieten, Chica- go. Deelaines and Palatine, Monday la bonkor of ber brtbd&Y. 1fr.. Lack roeiraed to ber home in Farbanlt4 M Inn., thl. voot. lire.Wm. Moser and danghter accom- panidbber hir ter. Mia. Waids Knlgge stI Tharaday for ber home In Phoenix. Ariona. Mfr. and Mr@. Louis Scbopple and Mr. aid tIr. Hauri chopple and sOu calied on lir. aid lir*.-Ahin PerryiIn Alden lats anday. ]B . W.lmujeen of Mlsbourne Beach. lloda&, la vimtlng et lhe home 0f1lMr. amd Mir& Mucet tProusat. Dr. J1. L Blak la entertalniug bis brother. Fred Bleat of Kalarazoo, aleNcossd1r.rd abaddle o! Chbcego, viei test ber. r.ently. WHEN 18 HIE 21? Wben Io a men 21 yeare o! age? Ou the day hetore bis tventy-firs t blnthday, ansvkrs Cliarles H. Mitchell. 4ttorney for the. board of election com- lâteloners ln Chicago. ln accondance wth tblgr anever ha bolds ln a legal ,opinion given te, Chie! Clark William H. ituant that al male nesîdeuts of Chilcago aboft. taenty-tlrot blrthdeya tait on November 6,4! thaY bave prop- erly regleterad are antltled tu vote et tire election November 6. Thse quesîtien a-as nalsedl by e epeltic Instance ln the pneclnct of Chie! Clark Stuart and bu bas ln-' structed those whoee bltbdays teil ou November 6, to regster. There are approximately 20,000 t iret votera lu Chicago annually. This nom- ber dlvtded by tise daye lu the year a-muId Rive an average et 54 pereous ton a day. ThIo %I. Stuarts gnoe as Iotehie number whbe alll ho permit- ted to vote unden the opinion. .tolllsten's R. ,M. Tee dlean. tbe stomacb, boviels and kidiseys; regu- latee, atrangtliene. purifies, bait.bealtb tueurence. Pearces Ding Store. Liy Leut wmmk eacontene of eue. mmm in taeakabout ogm ehoie tf eqpt aithreugihit accoe.aiabuost MW Pm" e, He Kmad beu Mked te par mi ««S«a khe h ua ". ad*MWtimbut for vilci hi, ad ae seo& le av* mime et àb.d s.ed hm eMr remorde the fleMat-mah.mamed ia pr ehm n W" é viii m haowt $300A& lbaswama pf valahe eord, wamt t ? W. heap ibeam rn hd feove emm~nlem,. . kiad of a remed hms fer you hy havla a ée.cklag acm.umt viii as. Boter m u aaomtki e.. The Flrst National' Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS PRAIRE IE ire. IM. A. Wagner and cblldrenofo 0 raelake "ust tnnday et the home ut ber milter Mmr, A. 0. M ether. Mir. and Mis. A. (;. Richabrdsontertain- ed their siater Mmr. (eo. Itchards of Gileoview Tue*day and Wedneeday. Mrs. S. S. Stanger and @ou Warren of nm"epfflouday wiàl-ber elstlr LMUE ac F.' Bleu of Chicago, vl.tted is eson, Fred Bleu borsea couple o! dayo. Edward Duon., cndidâte for guyernor and other I)emocretlc candidates Tlsited ber@ Moriday. John 1). Fink made e busineietrip to Cbicego lait Fridey. Fred Hueit an! T. G. Fox bave eacti Iir. aid 1fr. C. K. Osborne ver. the veek emd gumeet Osea. Stanger. MIa. Bemie Enlckerbocher wai takou serteualy 111 Tu.eday eveulng wlth Iap- pendtcltlsanad vai takea te the city for ai operation. At promunt @hoe I.doing ai vel aiseu ho expected. Mrs.. alph Kuictbocher i. vfsltlng in the clty wltb ber mother, lire. iai. The Thîmble Club va. entertained Tuesday hy Mis. Maragaret Vedder. The Jevel Club met et the home of Ulm MMldred Kniekbocher for their mou tbly metn. The Rteading Circle met Monday even- Ing at the bhrne o! Mises Emily Kunaak. lire. Cliford Wblting @peut a few deys vltb ber brother W. A. Wbiting. Miss Une Plagge, daugbter o!f1Mr. and Mr@. Henry Plagge, and Mr. Floyd Stanger, non o!f1Mr. and lire. itsdte Stanger, vers married Seturday alter- noue, Octîîber the swslftb et the.bomne of the bride@ parents. At threeo'oue to the stratus o! Lolrsagrins weddlng mrcre plaied by a cousin of Mises Plagge MWla Cecelle IMiller, the bridai party en- tered the parlor, wbicb wai decoreted wttb rsd and green. %Ir@. Osborne, Mr. Stangers sëister, wbo wai a .hrne bride, wai the matren o! honor rand Mr.Os. borne the best mein. The brid e wore, a wbite ernbroidered gown and carred an On lait Wednaeday occnred the death of tho tvelie Joar old en o!Ilir. sud lire. Fre Gerbert ofH all Day, deatb being canit by blood poison. The be- revd parent@ have the iyinpathy of their frrends and nalghbors. Inrerment va. mate lu tIhe Bal! Day cemetsry. The lIa.' AId o! Prairie SVew vilh conduct a hasear and gir. a sapper in the. bamment ef the Evengelical cbnrcb on Fridav evenlng. Oct. 23, hegfnintg et 5:30. Al are uvitled te attend. Mfr@..Paul Webiing, 816 ëitth St., Neoria, Ill., bail kidnoy and bladdmr trouble, vIts terrible baekache and pain acroé. the hupe. Jut Imagine ber condition. 8h. furiber eam: 'I va. ale very nervone, hait beadacheeand dizsî §pelle aid va. fait gettlng van. vhon 1 took Foley Kldnay Puileand nov aIl mvtroubluesr.cured. lloley Kîdn Pille have donese mucb for me 1 ahaîl aivaya rmommend tliemu." For @al by &HI Draggists. ArtbnrLîoderin&ngoftChicagovies tire guest cf Lev ienat ccci Sundai. A little itaugiter arrived et the hrome of lin. and lire. Trscy Davis ot Atio, rocounti>. Waîtle Converse and finrily bave moved frouâ Wanconde te the [luion faim near Vole vhich vai recenly vacated by Robt. Clauder. Mre.Jae.Converse expeto te go to Chicago this a-e.icSeturday lor an otreration for the concer on ber band. Dr. licCorrnick cf Wauconàda. vîi accompani ber. J. (0. CrIieei. a peinter living 540 North Muiberry St., Eageretoa-n, Md., estte: "I hait tidneytrouble vîth a severe pain acromm my bsck aid could hardi y gmt up efter oitting dova. I toot Foley KIdn.y Pille and sonoutound the pain Ieft My hack. 1 could get up and dovu vtth eaie aid the bladder actàin vamore regalar aid normal." Try them. For sale by aih Dnrklte. in hGluten Feed :Owing to trouble we have had with gluten 0 f ced getting bot, and being desirous of b aving more room in which to move it, we wil for thse neit ive days commeningO 0 Saturday, Oct. 19, if thse amount on band 0 bolds out, make the foliowing Pr icet: 0 60 tonsmInternational Dairy at $23.00 per ton 20 tons Quaker Dairy at 23.00 per ton 30 tons Sucrene at - 24.00 per ton 20 tonsvDtied Malt at- 22.00 per ton o 2S.tons B Middlings at - 25.50 per ton 65 tons Gluten at - 25.00 per ton Ail other f ceda in proportion As afurther inducement, with e::ry ton SL. TIPP, ROCKEFELLER ILLIN015S Mnt' . . E. ebler. 'bought 140 arme o!ftiter land lu Wisconsin. 'L'br>to go np thene thie Ier. and lins. E M. Um'batrb enter- vîntar sud clear soie of It. teînied their unie and !arniy, Dr. and SIm obt liod o Chiago Sunay. Editor fileanteofthes Wan<ondn Leader lirs~~~~~~~ ttb.lodo bcg.Sna. viited bere unuday. Wallace Riîz'8ntluler bougbt aun lE bnirraeatpt h g Everett tire passenger automobile wbrle uodR.E.fetrmaeariWChcg lu C'Icagolait eet.Tie ucif var for the nev railnoad Mitue Auna Loctheed o! Chîcego, vieiL. arrived et Palatine Tneedev uirning. ed witihr br mother lira. Lockhied over Mm s. .O. Fnîtâcb o! Highland lPart, For fiad llloud. visited et the Ni. W. Knedier brethe tiret o! the vee. Mr. and lir%. Paul Pegelow -ontrn. OT L plate rnrynng near Btaaboo, Wisconsin, 1fr.sud lire.A. J. Brneveritent luea short turne vbere tbsy expect te lu Weduedey lu Keakegen. coate permauentiy. Mmre.Wun Lougmere anrd ion tiiltir The barvest bonte festival heIdnet the lait Saturday for Wlecoriein aonere y Evaugelical churuh lait Sunday vas wlll riait M rm. l.rnngneres' daugbter for vieil attended. The cbnrcb via. appro. two veelas. prrately decorated vuth the producte 0of , ns. D. V. Waitle is ndng afew da3s herm and gardois, the latter donated tr ithle agtr o h* ag th. paiter. Ererytinatireeent euijoyed wîhbrdnhe.Me ia agr the ocaso. at La - ratigs IR ti 91 à

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