Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Oct 1912, p. 16

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.*e Telepiione No. 1. City Edtorsa Reidence Téepiione No. 14&-L. lAhertyvilie Exebange id at the Postoilice at Litbrtyvilie. I.,.nas Second Chas Mail Natter wd Vesti!. Adertisiiig Rates Mades Eno"r on Appiction. W&SOBIpTiON PRICE, 01.50 PER YEAR STRICTL.Y IN ADVANCE - J. S é MITH .. ........... .... ...... ................................... dto V.G.SMITH.................................... .......... ......Maaa SYL. MUBBARD .. ........................................ City Editor FRIDAI. OCTOBER 18, 1912. Apples and hickory nuts seem plentiful this year in al parts of Lake county. That means niany grate tire parties duuig the winter.. A drive tkrough the country these days causes one to appreciate what beautiful fails Lake county is favore-d vith. The foliage is rnost beautiful and artistic. If Waukegan's medical fraternity is laboring under the affliction of having a repetition of a f ew years ago alèng certain lines, an investigation now may resut in the aaigof some person's life. Such investigations should ai .délayed! __ When is a youth 21 years of age, asks a Chicago jurist aid poitiçal manaç.Anwr When he begins to de- -*mei advlce from bis father and mother, when ho beg*ma ta anmd about the, street corners and make reinarks about WPOOAWvomen. Tbt'a about theime he's 21. It »«»m a ahamè that Rooseveit could pas trough ghm unmerabl4 dangers of deopest Africa without being 2rJod and thei have to be màae the. victin of a fanatc Wbtidto tae. bis 1fe. Providence seems to bave taken 4ýbm iln the. Mwaukee tragedy, however, and, it appears, UItoolonel will retain no serious effects frein the sboeting. Heres a beadime in Saturday's Gazette: "'Chicken eesV. poison dogs, then steal the fousl' That's almost \ nbad ai the. press agent, who Iast week sent a notice te tthe lh*declarlng that a picture showed a mlssionary "con- diiiiieddto the steak". The Sun is selling lots of those fine ve 'Websterian dictionarles. And we don't mind whom ,vestellithem to. W* note that Art Stearne, frequentiy an Independent candidate for the ,> qlsature and successful onec bme enly, han formaiiy assumed the presidency C the Lake County Republican c-ampaignersanmd ha. duiy aamed Lew Hendee ttUrY. The. latter doesn't seem ta know mnuch about it and Chicago head- qmries o te C 0 P.Ma *& tey av dita tht obdybut the County ý1>4mf fdoclaring hmefteofca ade fvr sind!viduaI candidates b1ke Ount, bu thi Io ie fist atemp to eizet ieralfyhena M ESC ON ln (Chicago , and they al agree with E 1nme tiiat the upremle court viii sus_-e WAUXEQAN VIADIJCT: tain my rulî JDOk SMILEY OVERRU LES Mh TahI K EPR !I ! flON TO AMEND THE FINAL a P RULING IN CASE. PLEADED GUILTY TO SELLING Mn LIQUORS WITHOUT LICENSE .Iudge Srniey. county court, riora-' UN TH'E MOTEL. ri #da7 overruleil a motion madle by Cor- or poration Councel Arthuor Bulkley to ADMITTED THEV WERE EMPLOV- 10 ;ameail the triai judge's fiual ruling ED BV REV. QUAYLE 0F LAW P la the bridget -sesment case. At- AN DORDER LEAGUE. h torceey Bulkley aought te bav-e eni- l bed" elin ti'. trial judge'à final rut- John Segars, manager of the lio- lng the reason why lie susaed the tel :torraine at Highland Park, vas $ obWetion that the improvernent was -Nonday fineil $50 an1i '-omis ln the nt a local One, snd therefore coul court Of Justice Gere.E Phillips for D, Ilot ie umadie hy alecial asseasmeut. the aiieged Illegal zQe of liquor. Ht a COuporation (ounsel BulJedy did net -Pleadeil guilty. il argue bis motion. Arthur Drinzaiale ani Robert Skoie. Ir Th attorney for the objectors' îwo tudentsata Garrett Biblical in- te oppoocil tht aruendment. Tbey con- stiltute, Evaflston, tetifitil that they si tend that Bulkley shoulil bave filtil purchasid beer, whlskey and claret at a bill af excetiîon ta carry bis case the Moraine. They ail they vere e ta the supreme court, and that nowv working nter the direction of Sec- I be ia endtavoring te correct biseter retary Thomnas E. Quayle of tht LakeV ror by arnending the final ruling. County Law and Orlti' Leagne. lu Mr. Bulklty eays nathlng. but the county court at Wauktgan the ho-8 promises to spring a surprise on the tel muanagement vas recentiy fined attorneys for tht oblectora vhen tht $150 and cots for the. same offense. case la caliel for trial before tht su-' This la nlt tht. int ime that Rey.v - weume court. Quayle bas shown that he la after the& «'I amn confident that the supreme 'places .., the connty wbere ilquor la court viii enustain My> ruling," said. being soid Ilegaiiy. He bas .ad con-t Judge Srnllty.; siderable succels with bis studeit. de-j '«I feel that 1 bave been mlsquoted'tectives. Ht la said ta baxe employed bY tht nevapapers of Wauktgan, anil these samle students te visit alegedq bave been mslolged,'said be. bind piga ln and near Higbvood. 1 The nevepapers takt exception toi Mny ruliiag but i have conferrtd vlth More sod etter nov, la INDEPEN- Umofo the Most eminent attorneys DENT than any cther weekly. keaI Estate, Insu rance oss& Ivsmms STROG SRM -71WBARI Waukegan, Ill., Oct . 1L" telm r*e*iaUkbp et te bar as It ta Po* vitiout i a Mthlie tint atone." ible t0 u 't Or lha U5JiIt*JiI. -1I Ir Circuit Jailge Charles Douneii l. s.Au ow IBy of ne hat Saie bad beau preachlng a sermon one s5llt v*u hin.1thinil home,. coul baye said! with PositivE s&nur- Ët iat IX OUe apaPy condition baie1 sace liat ho bei chuaen ie toit fin ,bYr "111e Pept on wvig&s. f..Sare the foregoiag passage of acripture. 1owet 1 l Ie.d. especlally tia'Iis1 for his elaquent i 11.e speech tua rftaieulty *thM sonietime or aniker morning ta the. members fth a itb.1*e bavt e ft ber galt, orsone Utteie a County Bar association viien ho grant- dlamcrti;-. peibaps a violation ot til William A. Deane, a certificat. of anse of tie minor ordiznanoea, Pm 1 zood moral character. Tii.?. bailbeauea isme g&violation ot mone th"at'are a contest, loverai attorneys oppaslrng Mrti51b7 opered of a bigier or. MVr, Deane's efforts ta gain Ibis .der but I1Adohel sud I feti lit slicele-' perequisite ta an entrance ta the. bar ly tiat viqwe a man oins, or violateà and mnauy witnesses went placed on l a 1W, and afterwards tepents. ho the stand. luterest vas tease viien shoul reeelve assistanqoe and l ad and the tridence ail hal beZ. preesnted the belp af every wolil reaaing bannet and one coul bav heard a -pin drapi citizen. Mfr. IJeane's efforts ta retire viten Judge Donnelly began ta talk, as'train a I.wsiaems viici, la enerally he oi adnol iudicated vbirb wSr lbel ot fgardel as of the higiiest order. vas going ta decide the matter. 1lt certalaly vorthy of comniendatioc, Later today the attorneys who bave; acud bOecauge hobaq been couvicted opposel Mni. Deanes entrance ta thet years aga of a violation of tht dramn bar annonuced thai thty bav-e no In- shop act and inl the past. I May Bay, tention tif dropping tht matter bt o iman.iho lbe ever an careful, ou- aaeerted that lhey purpose ta preseni gaged ln that business can eséape a, Illeir evIdence before the bar examin-Iconviction If the law la construedl ers and before tht supreme court of strictly accolling ta lis letier. 1 bave the state If ueatssany. 1sald belore aai 1 repeat it nov. 1 do Tiseir principal argumentsaasinat flot believe tien la a man living viia tht lasuauce cf a certificat. of goadlonhal aeteulo~mon klv. Sontinvio- moral character ta Nir. Deane. verelastedàa&hpaw o tie l that be ha abeen arrrested and 'ftodla svilate luitentlonmllyald wilfilly, open of a tipplîng bouse on unay and &IBO that vbeu ho foel bis a>- plication In lhe Coci caunty cour t liat he gave bis reiloace au Clilcago, wllh tht 1I.egeilIntention of sturfut tht certificats vithoat the kmowedge 0f, members cf Ithe local bar associa- tIon. Witb regard toe i.first charge 1Mr. Donne declarelthiat for yoars ho bad been presidernt cf the. lquor dealera' association boe.asd that wbii States Attorney Dady flet Information agalnat ail lb. saiconkiepérs la the. cty that be vas positive thai hbe conîl flot bave been cauviclol. At the tîme, boveven. be ail be vas seeklrng a purchaser for bis saloon go that bc ceul gel oui Of lbe business here and that lbecansidered that If lie bal sougbl to gel out of the mater tbat Itwould have appeared as If lie vas seeking ta raise himstif by thraving The measures are mc dratlc. ald the lav e evere, no ama. I daaî care1 bo, bonest ho mar ho, engagel lahl t busIxnesws, so nt lafrm.ct mal la- maise upon tic previsiojas of the. aw. ald renter hiziself lhabl, te promecu- lion. 1 bave inova 1Mr. Deane peiionaliy ever imie 1Iseine upon the benchin l 1897. I thini ho vas bore la court at tie fIrst t-rm1Ipisedin lathis coua- ty, lu October, 1897. I vas Introducel to hlm at liat time. 1I mev et the lirn e ovawstudynla avthat ho vas tending corne cailege la Chicago as f frequeatly met bum goIng ta the clty I vas an my vay home from holding court. 1 aivays tiateratool h. vas a mnu lat Id n ot lalulge lu lalox- icanta bîmieoif. altbough engagel lui the saloon business. Thie reputation 1I beard of tht mes la my visita 10 Ibis t cit, vas tint he rua one oftht bestý lwn bis fellow saloonkeepers. For 'a tnshere as ni tovu; Ibal is his reason, he sali. and for na other, litaIt observeil tht law as carefully heu tht stalc'e aterney agretil telas il vas possible fcor a saloon kctp- apîbse a nominal fint ai $15 for tse t1ert o ho plead gility, he £tlau examtte; i ku- cf no n.aaen wby bc sbouid or tht others hi also pleadtng cet havt "ou. tu Chicago tu mak-e ai' lîlîtr llicat]on fer a c&lticate af goa Wî'tb regard ta tht second char7e', moral characten If he go desired- be ileuried this absoluteir. sas iug that Thére ta notbing tn tise 1mw 10 pre-' lie 'ad mrelyglie his empoar-'! v-r i Il simply says a certîfîcate' elo bad merelyratgi en bl letemsuonab rsidence as Chicago lu crIer that .. rlcirce -alh snl is mail might reach hlm tht moý a c. ticI of record. Whether that court' radily wbile be really iras living s ehotîld leien bis os-n cnîînty or 1, sert for a tîne. Wilnesses put on adjoinlng caîîsly, lie iaw leelslen!. by bu. usmelr Attorney C. T. ic'v- Hie exiuianation of thse minuer aud Jecter and Police tlagistrate Waltcrt tht circumstancea uler ahicb ho Tayltor. the men vho bal signed h's plead gulity te tht Information ln tht pplication, carrohorattd bis state.'County, court saine tite ln the latter tert ta the minuleal 1ev-te, part of tht year 1911 If Irne. and the Mr. Deane statel aine, tiat he sac-' court, il not heiug contralîctel, muet ificeil a large a:oounît of inmey lu taie it for the purposes of tues case nIder Ibat be miglit get ont 0f tht sa- as true. and 1 canulder bis conuri loon business. Ht sali that lie bail highiy commendable. Tht court bas 'aid $9.000 for bis saloon and hit inovîtîge of the conditions liaI exist- te bal spent another t'sousani lnl fix- et bere and tht inîlepoaltion upon ug it up. iu crIer to dispose of It the part of tht city officiai. 10 prose- he teatifled Ihatt b ai sol h for, cote tht salooukeepers fer apening an $6,0,0, incnrriug a long etr$4.00. Sunlay. ciaiming as they dlaim iln Chii- Arnong the witneseii put on by 31 .cago liaI yon liaI s peculiar popula- )eane te show is gond moral char- tion lie, vith many laboéing men, acter durîng thet tue that lieblie ne- andl tiat tht only day hbat tbey balt ilIed liere. vert: Mayor J. F. Bld- to themselres vas Sunîay sud la de- rgor. former 'Mayor Fred Bnck, for. prive themu of the privîlege of secuning mer Mayor Wm, S- Builock, Commis- liquar on that day voulil le a liard- liouer Carl Atterberi'. Assitant h. Cbief of Police Thomas Tyrreil. form- It vas only viien lh. lIste's attar- e-r Alderman Shtniff amd Chief of Po - ________________ lice A. L. ConnaI. Police Mlagistrale Walter Taylor, Attorney C, T. Hey- docker, former Chiot of Polict J. W. Svaahrengb. and formtr Shtriff Elvin J. Griffan. Julge Dernnelly taci a vtry brui vlev of the. malter. He mail liaItiihere are fev wbo bave nacl errol aitsaome lin. lu hheir live.H.e alI laI ho thougbltiat viiere a man "nean sd Bflervmrd repents thal ho shautId b. forgiven. Hé aildel that Mr. D.anees efforts 10 rotire froni the. aas busi- noms and alto bis attitulde vlhh regard tu pl.adlsg galIy viti thé otite? Sa loonkeepers, oven tbougb b. kaev f ho vas sot gUity and cenlil sot ho, - .4 convictet, va. bighiy cammendabie. U L A Mfr. Deane'. reputatioa, b. B»I&, lotr oolurting one ai tbe bell laloos la b hisbd, et$Wstl the City, maîlagreatlT te ie cIlISit ailIetno a~ od4 Tht tollovlag verballu lepoit of Indge DonaciW's speech, - L wul i n #o c~l furrnsbd tlb.qua tbroug b tc» ~ Vihb~ttS q4 a of 71a, $r 14. LBUkUbet offciaI court reporter. vbo 10 5te*tf l i lSdiaca.1. sec:peSecouat 01 t» Mcuir. Fouvisia toli oMtboy q4* »I malter of BpliallOB or v- velt stiore. A. Dene f OWUMW « Qir waboh sto*olocatallm mofal cbsractel PlueoOur lus i ot 1 owlpeLr utgdesDonneur etatet: I-f-& l tiailIt la mecoessayfor th ff cour mg a "ant*blg la l0Mimat- trotier tiaa Ibis, liat 1beoucm ml E E4 a bdge cartainîr oagbtte 0bu hg f ad, snd I thlakIo *laeftedla pte- LII'7Si ~ i L8rviag as bigu a moral toue@a in 1 taçàla âtic ii at bey mOtioin wal taxèm la igIqiaSce filthe condi- tions Mat exista'ýi berla thls clty fer, & aumbea. of yeer, as 1 AM told, .on*til*g ieout vhich 1 Bao v er- sonalir autblnge 1 arntoldit ad 1 wuaMi ln normed by reading the pa- pous of 1h5 codition of affaie. Tii. saloonkeepers ver. arrested and broughl tu and a co"promise of the. matévwu ba& .Tbgre bel«g tva or THM WMaeLe 0Fr1111. EaVy MACHINE PA0ED OVRS THES CHiLOys Imes., CIIILO MAD STANTIEO ACROSS THE t icES? wHN SHs WýA* MTUCK. tire, tri&alsnd Convcton vli LtteCaai suail fins lIflitei ai inc cae A Ltte ar Oerkin, a 12 year aid metngo the Uiquor Dlesaqo girl living la Higbland Park. vas' the ciatlon vas bel, ad, as Mr. Done i U fpdtiijre udT saye a compromise vas effecteil by ternloon st 3Il a'clck viien tb. ivas wblcb tbey vers la ail core ne ansd struck and rua over by au autotmobile piseid guilty, and accopt the. judgment, Iris-en by Miss McArry of Chicago. cf conviction aldfine of $15 and coats. The accident occurred et the corner of He saya be coald haveesacapedla Sn . Jaims andlCeairai avenues. bis opinion, a conviction. Tbtre ver. Byve people ln the car. an Overlaad, vhlcb Mis McArry vas The position be occnpled and vhicb dIi-la. it la estIrnated that tbe ma- h. expectol In a short time ta relia- chine vas travellilng about ifiteta quish vas ont. lu whicb be vielleil miles au houn et the. Ume of the. ac- certain influence ii othera. cident and il vas due ta tuis tact He, with others. vent la and pleasi aIoetthit tht child vas net killel guiiiy to the offense'of vhich h. aaye Iittattly. b. vas flot guilty. amd vhicb conid Tht corner la question la a bail ont not have been proyeal against hlm, for and especially bal on Sunday atter- lbe purpos. af e.cnrlag that compro- noona viien mny people are croslng mise.,ad tbe itîgation ceaseil, vbîclitht street amimosi constantiy. Tht iit- bal causel so mucb bard adbitter it girl III flot seem te tee tihenma- feeling li ttua communiatu. i beileve tbat action of trua as I stateit before. entîttl uo alony aithtei. bada et tbe court, but the. banda of the cern- Iitîse geaeraiiy, te the highest com- niendation. Cl fiel tiat ta reins.e1fr. Deane a certificate of moral ch.raclar unde? thie moing thst ba$ beau made W00111 b. -anucollae on Willim A. Duene. Jt vonit flot bMent tits Co-mllty on. particle or inoresse tie standing of the bar orn singe iot&. I am amie"asIna lip the bar 01ai .Md clean. iaanilous mes abouM tho only aimttcdWvi eoccuPT deeant, barnest respectable positions ln se- ciety. If ve ar e toeul tieniout ie- carme.sometîme la tht PaSt they vin- lateil or infracteil nsenminor pro- vision af the lav. 1 thuai thorearem fev of us that vonl escape helag critîcisel. 1 arn golng teIne a cer- tificale of moral character to William A.Deane. Photographlc Map of ithe Sky. A photograpic mecofef he sutinsl . hrs as bý'-î Iti, -v-îr by the altronomers of Harv-ard uni-J s-erîlty. The vhole map voulil caver more than Ove acres.1 iiUiNRo iNT«nNALLY FACT THf.T HMIS MORSEWOIJLU NO? 1 ZN OUT 10 SIAMEO FOR THIE ACCIOENT Charles Voeîscb, foren ai a Laire Brolsaalmtariuzn. on Grand aveau., bast vest t ai3V!keg. sustslned la- lainai insurhsi--annay agt et Io olcloci vien isi.buggy cohlildit i a buggy being driven la the oppelte diretion. He vas draiel orne bu>- drul test undor bis overtarned buggy hêforebiis harne stopped i l i fluie l condition la serions. Foelîch vas driving ta Waukegan te »scnre ishorers te assist ln the dlg- ging of a roat celier etthlbe anitarium. Hie harasebail an aversion ta tnrnlng ou nto the sIleofotthe rond and r.- tnaed to legs-e the renter ot the bigb- way despite tht bard tugging Bt the reins viien be approached another rig. As a remilt the front vheel %truck the ap.proachlng buggy, smashlng tb. axel near the point viiere tiih.iel is fastened. This cancel the buggy ta tmm compilely aver, pinaing Potil- chine cemiag ad startedin, ossî tte seb undern.ath. Streetln lafront of IL. IPrighteaed Bat tii.accident bis bors. 8h. vas inecked dovu ad befdre' startel ta rue. *Ho ftl.hy came toaa the. driver of the. car conid stop tbe stop and occupant* of the. rlg vbich machine bath vbeels ail dpassed DverI balbees rua into, burriel torvard le the. childî lîmba. Mise McAITy stop1 sud th. extent of i. Injuries. He vas ped the cau vîthin a fev foetad bu?-, plaedtlu their buggy ad removnl to ried back la belp thelilttle InJureilte sitrna.Dr. Watt-raon vas cbuld into the. machine. Thiei lle summon.ed.- vas rernoveilnt ai oat lofice of Poelscbhldsuffered s bemornhage Dr. Roberts viiere the. injuries vers of the. Iongsand an Investigation attealsl ta. %Inch i the. surpris* att shavél @@vert] aerves aldmuscles ail, Il vas founa that tbe Injuries of lanbis aide badly tora, la addition be th. ebil. wvIiispainful and serions. bild heen lInuredIt nteraally. Hie con.- ýare not necesmaily fatal. Thosm vba dltion la mmviat Improved today. vltauesd the accident saY that It ln It wva spealar cotidcdlace liat remsrkmbie that the cbil vas Bat the people driving la the. rlg vhlch kilel. figureit la the collision bal juil stop- _______________ pet another rua mvmy aldprevenlel reMeir Fmbrioa. injurie la tb.occupants before they In the marufacture of hair fabrice met Foelatii on the. rond. tie bair la re-cd ta a pente by a sol vent and ail binas ofbeaindtlibers s llCttmP- abe are o. Tii. patte i la r»utbroagb prîec farmers lad saaii culturesa arn Artficel suit spianer ald ravs Profitable unertaklag. As manY as tram the splaner la tireali. Same oft W»O"Srst qality" smails, thé price lies, area yard or more ln le5stbcof vicb tirougbout the. year aver- They can ho brailed or vovea ic é a gis««$170 a thousal. can ho renrel tificial borse-bmlr. iFair cempogoltou ansan acre ot land. Tboy bave ta ho oi supenior qnallty la kept tor the man- tel onu aonc. a day. preferabiy la th. ufacture of vigs and bralds.-IHanpters evonlng. ail tiougb extrerneîy s-ors- clous are by ne means fatîdious. Afler a tali of rain. wvicb eems ta ubarper Truc Enougli. their appetites. a b.d ni 100,000 vili Hall the vorl do't iav oy test I ldemollîb a barra, bail of cabsgo in Uive #h...ieve-Lif* a very short space oftlime. J.E.m mITI& Co. SOÇA > acUANE oAX "WMW

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