the.police arrived JOoson wl. Juat P A iUi It-W" e i. WGvào I IN u . iN;makIxig away wlth a piece of 9ardenchufècb-O.t Ùx.immaculate conception Bt4*tord tien nalt*red aiths Jet-1 BACK AGAIN hase and acarpet bouter that hahehadl r ve :IL CDRY 70NE who tiret' mugated thLt îau effort hbe U~ WCONfersoi hotel MUd Mtt art» for --stolexi tram the rear porci of the Pet- maiide te iacrOaie the dry zone about tITauu&TLS esday morning. At nioon IIHRLEiS JOHNSON EVIDENTLY erso.nboome, THOSE FAVORING TIS MOVE. the naval staion. The Inquest over the. body 01f r'd t. pravrietor sent the porter up to PREFERS 8TAVING IN JAIL He was promptly lodged li jai. Thej MENT ARE PLANNINOA STATE li11t héi tiret. place.,ti'atlier Gavin andi Staftord, of Waukeg*ix, an old, dealer awaken hlm. When Stafford ral"e TOlce WOk heKING. .11rIoalgb- WIoE CAMPAIGN Othere lnterosted In the Inavement vtth iDlereet Lt Brlfteport. Thuraday, te angwor the. proprietor e1tered the poWRKN.licdetix and lie telow eh e 15paida. viaiitet, Admirai Boa. *bc et brousbt out the tact that lier. ha& room aetl1,a'clack w1tth s&eléton Ilay1. Chrls ohso, olre mn yr hd ee ante d tcann a bel etei IF-N HSLTRTUEW h tii me *0 the commandanlt etthle beau au estrangement between Sta- BSafford was tound lylng lu bbid un- Chale Jbasn.a ~oedmaior tht be lwmed et bwul a ve xia'e DN TI IEATR ILnaval station. Admiral Ris. docared tord 'and ils wlte over xxoney af- cnoos mi ilwihca "p leae ra te ou ofy isil lfs; warm berth for the. winler. SE SENT TO ALL PARTS bisi willINMoea. ta work for sncble gis- taire.cncos aualva wihcnan irezrelasediro thecouty jil rt-ed a single morphine tablet atar hins. or serving a five monthe' sentence on Johnson was gIvun hislearing tbis OF ILLIWOIS. tien proflding a petition were circulat' ) ". Stafford claimon that ber bus- Dr.* C. L. Jones,, ay local physicien, as charge of robbery on Saturday aI morîiing before Police Magistrate \Val- - @dtand sent t the government Lt band osIlet at her home 1 te peruade wan called ant admunistered'fit aid 2wonl. Within two heure be bad beaute ayo and plead guilty tea'a According ta Rev. George McGun- Washington, This wae don. and It ber to iu a mortfage. fhl sait trealment. iarreeted an a similar charge ani once charge ot larceny. He was bound over nis, paîtor et the Firat Baptist churcb L etb r.Kog fCiao.aecnutthrtteHry Aok eenc o.Pyscin More was reposlng ini bissamre cell ta the grand jury lI bonde of $100 lu 'lithis City, lie passage et the Rock Tihe goverament neyer ttaî any ac. who advîs ar hertflte sdign the PaPer James M. Goff, brother-in--law ofthle lu thé jf. default of frxisîhng thernmust agaixi IRiver coxilerexice at Evanstan a few lion on lie. malter anid Il ,Lleand arranged for ber la Lake a auto- d ad mon, gave Dr. Jone. $100 taOthek Fie mxibsag Joxianstrt laxigxuîb In jaîl. dy g fte ecuinfvring which caused thase who favar the mobile trip out oftotwn liaI afler- Stafford te a sme good hosPital lu Et. et ta aIea ollctonson sarted i t xicment of legisiatioli for a fvemOve bore te eekta get the âate nLus rCicg, e ettit.I [ omtferaoletnore f itat ie O S O~PO A Itâ~les, teeraxieloi botle egilature ta taire the desired ac- Wie hou etnieai ee htlepyiinsepae dtoe ro iate s ores i mnaghectyta IceBO S ON P OB TiN a Training Station at North Chicago. ber iusband bail altemiited ta commit another man, unknown to Goff, the ieaseumer a ndartc e nid ncti O EVR AO RD was but ,axe liakinla aChain wichIL tsuicide. She sait Stafford bas spent latter agreed ta pay, not becanse he a call ofartoncloeoier axid I OT E E NDF DVOSS la piaxixedtetoextexid aven the enire WÀV lÂf1 N COUPLE IS $25,000 of ber moxiey turing the paît bia m likig fer- hie hrotber-in-law, other turniebings. He wound up inT. GIVEN TH-EIR LIBERTY 8V state. y h. sald, but simPlY ln a "Christian- U. r-.y' bl tor Ld wui arie JOGECHS.DONEL . In lxal probability a local office wlthb REFUSED A LICENSE James .14. Gosâ, an attorney of lke spirit." Xas atin soreand mplpa leord [a secrtar.CHAS.beopeied ere __ lia wicbhaba asedfor b îugb Oto leeraxi Ped oi, ladte we Ieeisa Ilure opensad telBridgeport, quolet Dr. C. L Jones, Dr. Jones thon 100k Stafford ftrnm box watua latcapskam foe s. e bytt'eyr and jryaxr abuglryextie tae il b fooedwih itr OUS A1, GLOUISN ANE WoBACxiedHtfrd aGsyig ia2B2depnAtNDb Plyluichepia éo sealnomecap andgloes. ie y th grnd jry n a urg a tone stdat in bs loe ih Il.Thi 1 HANSEN ELOPEO TO MIL- a morphine tablet hitibeau fouad lauli Chicago and returned Immedialely ry ýtur advcatng tis egistio. Ths tStattords packet. Dr. Jones didt t0e10Bridgeport, showiag ne tutier wuts anited by the police axid soni- charge, were released on probtation literature wlîlCalil upon every Organ-' WAUKEE FRIDAY. thikthat this ad beeu purcha@ed soiltute for lie slck max's weltane, tenced ta serve rive moxtbs In thleFriday xight. The twa boys will ite ization futerested inl civlc welfare te! lI Bridgeport. according taelMr. Goa.isi lu sait,ad maig no Inquiries Barty a O ssntnce exie atrurdtaepttePoatio fiti urge the state legilatioxi 10 vole tar i LCNEMS E S NTE The nquest Wu continuait until of lie icepital authorilieu. lhe enlargemexit of the presexit dryý COUNTY IN WHICH THE Tiunsday, Octobor tie l7th, noa hall Hsdignw, ad Ewr *Apzarenty he dit flt even walt te The boys were ciarget witi steal- zone. B RIDE RESIDEL. Dr. Jones migbt be auhpcenaedtet H' yn o, ad Swr à« Mer, thiaking perhaps that If be xing a large quaality ofi irass tram lI the meaxtime ne lime will bel - testify as le bis knowledge oi the lastemedthlat he would be back ln al the Norh Westerni ralîroad depot et ilait by titose favoring .hhis action. I eas uWsosnamrig ae 'Ill ime te gît It. and au It afterwards North Chicago. Meyer was employed N1 000~R 0G rg-W*ijii Bcas n icoilnamrrae ae W e ewsntmistaken. as a fregit bandler aithle depot waenrepnesexing lhe Lake Coanly Law ilicse ma hriersisuetinLoi Bch, akgarltie tledcae gn eft he W.t late thle resestoreOf, Louis Sarneraren. idtnat attend lie Inquest. %w M H. vnt traI a ti stoe o Jospb pacedonde LIaand Ordeiý League, lhe Anti-BalconI aged 22 year-a, at Agnen Hansen, Mrs. Stafford wus present, a.nd ahb» IIIYN Cftuky on Souh Genesee atreet. The irais stolon iy lie boys waa League and possilly tie Wankeganlae1 ervaeoe ro a-h.dcne e neto fblt a$ ueporetrWSbody In a-,sbippetel North Chicago for lie'Law andt Order Leagne, wlll go l egntMiwueonFda Oo psn w nthcselrvea, Othe Of th le store h. succesed North Chicago Hardware Fanmndny Qulncy where he wIll attend lie 111 ber ltbt, conte hot procure a lieisie. next week. ,reeaee. lar concealing liree pairs of trausers >Company. The brai disappear-et arttrioin Stale Bapliat convention., H . Wtbou lhe kauwietge of their Dar- Dr,-Oxiesil yu Mud tva Capsunader ie <1011. or lies relpt at th. epot. The fou.- wlll au and feos@confident tilt i. ente or fr-tends, ILlai. alt, tie youn9g Dr. Jliesnn Iwl e conpeembStat Nie then vent te lie Greenleat ahc@ dry coxnpany employet delectivea wio cansoecure lie assage of a similar couple lefI Wukegan tor Milwaukee ford ta Chicago. He leai Stafford and *bos on Washington tîeet. Mr.i found lie braun Lied up In bagiaon the resolution. Rev. Thomnas R, Quayle. vier-. tiey Inteaded t0 procure-tIheCilag>mtrtffrbshenpL li OIsmenleat vwas et tinner bathile dePOt plattorm. The stolen bras@ a il ecreîary of the Lake Coanty Law and requiret lcenvs. I opt déaglator anaver-et Jabnsaî's requestbensi10aundeer Order League, probably will sccom- alig ang"atlemrrg i îhl>t. te, v.p due arties hi bati a ban- One of lhe detectîves employed by pany hlm on tbis trip, lit-onse clerk at Milwaukee vian Bach An attempl yull be madete 10flndA y sz de. While mie vas où engageo thle toundry compaay trlpped an the On Oct. 23-24 an automobile lcas-tof appliet for- a license. ont If Stafford parchaet morne aifond utIPeta pir ! ma..undr bs cLtbag whIch bat beau left on lie plat-, local people viii go ta Rockfard where *-Whaî'a the ataer, vi are bath aitbetinW kgL laI aud.yboefud 'lUt lh. Young woman 5Lw hlm and form anit lhe boys secret vas betr-ay- liey wili attend the. convention Of tie age," askeétach or Snnday. alilet ber ftîber via made the nev-a et, The Junk dealer waa sîîpping I L Oate Anti-Baloon Loague. They ex "A mariage license muet be issued Althongi Siaffard and bis vIte bave ipoe o dâWi-ge. He lien allowet hlm ta go. back tb Chicago. pecrtle gel dhifi body te a PLa airmls'l? I tbocounty In wiri lie bride re,îel lived togelier ftrnosme lime, its nflnean ¶Ilnklag botter af is action a tew eouin utv wy hyfgr ds, ele h ir.saidt tat ils vite yl maie an ai. mMunteslater he sumeonedtIhe police The boys were aisa cbanged wiIb reatia sntwy, ti e figure eteeprocupeieislie cierk.and Îhet il cooret man vas out or sîgît. ' teaiing ralîroadtlickets tram te de- la netreetwxl aea The young couple relarned ieta 1ilmtt rcrebspnoa i po.itate wide effect, bomnes lI Waukegan Fiday night. real propenty. * Wrom lien $Thnson walked soutl, o.Tiere are oier organizatlons hilci rensrpottn te ai1eb Soughî Reconeliiton.*ITV LLP Y O. * u~ Geese steel Hetoset is tto!xiyerstubie mbIbecout yl be appealedte ata pass reîolutions îng oftbteir experiexice In lie £ream Starfrrd iad gene ta Bridgeport, II., 111WLS l.ot îîîng lIe othe îaîîway otr oom On crutches. Me felilxI isi celi endoaing a wider dry zone about lh ie y. lait Monday te bave bis vite aigu ao - Îie Merchant buildlig, evidenlly goxIthe Lalke counly laIl recexitly and xavalirgh..I. Dy tuis action li lie The Wisconisini Eveaxng News 01j5rnarlgage. fft tIL would net encumier hlm atd njured is blp. Bth bays are resi- meantime tbey figure tiai lhe liter ofthie talixire of tbe attempt upan W'iie there '.Ins. Abble Staffant,hil@ 8henvaîkt esI a Sevidee sreel dets o Nati eîca o as was alure casipaiga wblcb will he cn the part of Louis B.ich te procure swidow, tesîlfiet aI lie coroner'slx In-e l Se vahiie4t ate eban yard of lhe epae y h obeBlast F11r ducted from bere, wil bave better et- marrîage icenaa* rueso ye9t'rda ,ftrrn-n. h- slqoa OsOsPeler-ian home, corner of Sher- nace campany at ite lime of bis ar- If____________ iilee ci rtî, 10 efect a rccornc1'aî.ea %aM Roat ad Belvidoee treet. reil. Local expaxents et the rive mi,- Drings spankling eyeî, rosv heo ferasprl0 o i eîu Libertyi Mr$s. Peterson saw hlm n Ite yard., dry zone are nal seeklng to a lae the nxîh IIpý. Every girl and voman Overtures Most Pailure. Md ~ callet the police, saYing liaI iMr dbte xv x NEE-hoa rmltIai i ugie bud taie ILt2HaIlisters R. M.Tea Ste refusedtelasign the piper but » 001105éd ma'ana In bar- uni yard. AslENT tian any otier weekiy. lie Idea. Titey are frank la admit Pearces Drug Store, ln regard le recoaciliation. site re- Mue, the Uidfscar- W.... auua- lance conveyet Stafford to the lias- iptal, but Bs-. Jolies ~po-ah4 tic Idea, $bute cmr-ts, *ad tecerqd lie mueI hurry home "W. Vant Dx< joie. Lt thichemr- iii," said Deputy Caronier Hartliey at the inquest hait ln Sinte'à interta- lIig rodms yesemnay. "We believe b. maY tir-ocame lsit on tblnge liat Do,' appear queer ant unusual." F. BAIRSTQW MANUFACTURER 0V Marble and Granite Monuments, Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence 5olicIted 116 Genesee St 1 Waukffln W BUY A ece Silo-' lsired, setup comwplt, ation, and use the new or frame that Ue not a~n on the Harder patent. J TO FIGURE WITH imber Co. mlle, MI. -- mi BULBS Schilpzand & Sons,' Hîllegomn, 1Jolland BULBS SINGLE TULIPS Dutches of Von Tnoll-scarlet Bell Allance, Waterloo-écarlet YeIlow Prince, Golden yellow La Reinae-white, rose.shade Rose Gris delin-white, rose edged, excellent forcer Golden Crown-yeiloêv, edged with red Macrospellascarlet akbase Picotee, Maiden Bluah.white marginkd, crimmon rose C.ledonia-bright orange [sabelle-Bluahing Bride, Y" à& Lancaster, Sharon Bellas creamy white with carmine rose Recived fnom Schlipzand & Sons, Sept. 19, 1 912 the following bulbs, which we IIYACINTIIS are offering at a price that cannot help but be attractive if you are in want of bulbs. Lo)ok the Gertrude- rosg pink, large compact truss list over car-efully and send in your orden, however small, ancd il will recieve our- immediate at- Giganthea-blush pink tention. Order- early as now is î}'e lime you neeci îhem for winter bloom. Cash witb order. SINGLE NARCISSUS CROCUS iGolden Spur-golden yellow, very early, ex-1 23 Varities Mfixed-spring Flowering cellence for-forcing DOUBLE NARCISSUS Double Von Sion-Telemenuu extra selected JONQUILS Single-rich yellow, sweet scented " Campernelsý-Marcisus Oderus, yellow ALLIUM P4olY Inteum-yellow FREESIA Refacta Aiba-extra selected bulbs GALANTHUS Nivalis f'l Simplex-single, extra selected Queen ofI the BIue-light blue Grand Nonarque De rreumch-bhish white 1-Innocence pure white. large trees Grand Merville-rose white. Gertrude* - -rose Pink, extra large, specia selection. Grand Martre- 665 5 Queen of the bkae..extra large special .selection Romnus14 cm. !rench Paper White Nardassus Gr.- 14 cm. Grand Sobeil D'OrJrench Prim roses and Cyclamans ln Bloom Meredith Flower :4 JE. MEREDITH, President Vegethieo Greenhouses'on Flrst Street, near the. old depot