News of W'- ami l5 immn VERV SICK 1UR, KNICHT STATES HM1 NERV- OU$B CONDITION 49CE55- YATUS GÇLQOE ATTENTION. iÏâe kqÇe=mgh,t1l well inovu bolopos psu. vbose unemplaiel ab- 0jwtmhome datlag troi 10:10 VePc s1IRIay ho 3 elcluck Tina- e laWukugiu IllMa n- eng one le1:50 train. Hee la novr at tu horne, llrst meel mugi North ave- te a bel sud unIe- lite c f Dr. F. R aiglil. Mr. McdUmouigb, ai saidl ulnite Sua l»tIevening, venît toCeinth, lil"asmter taillIng 10 ntifi Il@ fia- Myi. ArIng thenu hi conaUltel Dr. licCrea vho vineil George eW8llal Wukegi.n laIM. MeDonougli voold arrive lu Chiagoet 7:30 tbla merming. >, ' i bu iI. Atorney W. Fm. WIi met hlm sud returnel le Wauiig5t li h im. Ia Viry Slck Mr. Mcflouougb, according to isl physictan is iu a veuy nervaus cou- dition, in fart, ts ver? elck annd, ton rndme tîme. yl bu compellul 10 tay id home undur close~atteuliou of bis locior. It le is nervous conditionI and genural i iab"thlch caused hlm te sunddeuly lucide 10 make the trip soutb vi Ihoul realiy kuolvni vbeuc lie vas going and vithout no- ttilng is fimli. Dr. Knigbt states that hlm condition tg raber eerlousansd hi has aeked tuiMdda 10refrain tram calllng hi 'phone or vlting bie home bicanse et M. tirDonougi's nervons coud- dIon. Robet Dew Saw Him- Il developi Ibid Robkt Dow met Mr. McDuougb Wilneeday aI 4 o'mclock at the crner o Dearbor anmd Mcrnreesîreets, Chcago. Ru valked xp hubila hlm and mîpped hlm on the Ssci. vhereupon lie plombr ai:, "1Ak ouit Bob ru nov going le cou- "oIta ouple et spectaltlaabout My Oflhien. 1 May bvetoavean 41pastitaumIt'f guatlng on iMy C1IURCI'ITO CIVE RETURNS.Y ,tde M01 I, Oct. 13.-Dor. George Me- Mspstwe e b.Otava Street ha defieg the Joletsailoon »»Offl villihbi ahuncernent lIai be lmN cempe tmlithetu ou iliction NWAie5D bua iIaged 10 receive *«"metr ns ,ula te buuci parler. «M a»sella leamed i vre and vili tUe! teeW MiI varkers le coine vilS buli inilel eflftthlaln bm ai boremuivialtng ealequ huIt Sudm NI. le WooI. Wb Dhmil of a fsosmi af vi ft tbe met abjet yovoey a Boa&- OU$% *01u11, hvea i hie... ýmei Seemve he l.du&a49 a ra tve vie lpnei o Set Amuie&. UNW à ha omeii buge PtA. MACHINE OWNEO DY STANLEYI 1 Cultvai. a cens* .Volm. I vol mai to ai: urne icur tieet vole et borne. Watci tday hi dag aet a ~ or cfgiréat puie*,for It VMli h a e.Ih Ume ate îou tu damst@ orne Othe bieleut pearu bil .the se. À klekWve9ela a loy. In»e à lamreg« 8 t e a rth et borne. ?ralu Il f wert temeu rn ad t vin brnela tome E1. itrl ight ThosewIosd moutci "time inthse homee undemitnd thse deimliility of lightiju dark doute is.d gloomyy ceos.Ehtvbity îe the oaly agoiîtha& cmn ha uset i lffor the purpose. Yeu Cen put an electuic lump anywbere and moka us opeiktion ..utomatic, controlled for instace by the opeming ant closing of a door. The utilitarian phase is generally the lirai thîng considerati. Have il that wmy as ta electaicity in the housp. But observe ils ad- aptabiliy-how eadily il lenda itscif ta any lighting or decorative achirne. Have you ever noticed how a couple of ornarnental electnic table lampa beautify a romt? You fetel, i, ob"dunt and veamuie gazal -heu you bning ei.ctric service te thie hbonie. If y.ur bouse ins' i eu.; foit, -' ve viliiwirO ih At ceai. imiabîe in 24 menlodi ù%@W1Menîs. Thae puce s loy, Public Service Company 0F N09THERN ILLINOIS WffTON WRECKED IN A PALL TO THE MATH. -4<dUBmiý - t SON 09 iNVINTOR BSUfIERS A lt FÉW MINOR INJURIES - t BREAKS 810 PENCE. a - et Thet eveuy bonu Jhn biWoJtOWO e body vas net braken Sunidai aoring vbmn lthe engne lu thu agroplane, de- sIgnfed and conitniictid by bis tather, Stanley Woton, etolpped, and the mua- chine feil to lbts grouud, la regarded ai a miracle hy the few SPectatMr who vitneesed hbe failt te uarth.E Shortly after 6 oclock Suudiy morning the -Wojton acropine vas taken from the hangar and bauled te tbe cern field, adjoining tue planta ef -the National nvelope fatory on l the SouthBide. The ehaini vas tunedn up by father and sont, and sOon thu h wards. "I.« go" vire beard. s Wtb Johu Wojton, a icensed pilai,c et the wbeeltbe machine soared ino the air. It reached au altitudu of perhapa 1,000 fuet and bu soared o'er the district for nome lIime; 'hena nometbilng bappened. The englue had I etopped. The Young aviator made aue ttempt te volpiane te earth, but vas I unsuccestul. Hi eithur leit contro]l 0f the macbine, or lest hle nurve. l The machine felI onu buudrcd fuet1 lu about tbree seconds. Expectlng to tind the crushed body of 'lIe Young aviatar under lte machine, the tev people wvohallad ituessed the test t igt raced ta the soee of the ac-i cident.t Young Wallon did nlt acramble e 1 is feet. He had been lnurued. lu a few minutes bu regaincd congclons-t nussa md va taken ta is home lu North Chcago. The machine vas wrecked. A large fence, ovned by the American Steel & Wiue compauy vas buried under the machine. Wjtou Intendi te make a fev repaire ou the machine, and e aya b. vil hi remdy te make n- otber flight lu a few veeki. The en- gin. va net haaiiîdainaged. A meuth hound electric car vapetsa- lug the tield idt thelime et the ac- elcdent and ew nv d passugeri mad t hured i tpo the place o tlanding Ptbinklng tht a had accident bld ak- su place. It Ila tbelad I"idthe nomntn'Illghtt 2 shoul bave bien turued et se dis- asuouliy. hecaurneYoung WcJtem 9 Proved Ibid the machine va» capable 8 of dotng the vork aud faIulilng antici- *piao» «lsbuilder. on thi plittoru vire Homer Cooki of Wmukegam and Alderman Thaupeo of Chicago, Progresive candidate te Mr. Fais' seat. Tbiy expicted thi colonel te laie bis place ou tbe plil ton. but vire disippointd as ver t h. hundreils uho paced thi spac about it. Wh«e the train aloee up, It vs simn laIt the veau of the lait conc vas flot nea thie plattow a" a gran, rush te the soutb, near thi depet vu mJdla tact. lIe v as i stail tan peéas people abed te, huai bis lie nid but a tîv word, sud the Irali p"lo ut. ThI'e covdi hl ai gatherd va ,»o greatbuh1 Maily Wv b sociidtih uneti e li wd "li d ly msslthi 'Murb prealdent te oay »nct e *.erng every vord M. morrlam un tired. -Wlemlx théchamison haaam Pma"elon tl»a p«tor et bisi car, 1h am 7011119, "urrah ton T.#," hl tmakiwuvas tic. Tii ues-pre0dlez gutumiland ibovil bis tielh and Ibe vutlost tuirOm iflins te bai rglit and lsfth tapp@sq miis wMi Mr. lenuiSa nale a fter remaria.0 tue campalga. sewm-ooeerrnOui la Pomme. Waukigan's Bull-Mecueus vers aou la ful terce at the depel vIe lbg calomel$ train polîîil iu. Atoe Borner 000k., eue of the championi et the colonel'.cause, vent ta Ch uago lii, mornlng te ride up on thb colonel'a train. Another mat n en l train via Alderman Tboupson o! Chi Ciga, oppanent to Mn. fois for CSi rism. He letItbe part lire and dg prtel for Graislmks in ipea Iis es enlng. The passlng throngb the City eftht former presideut vas mîmot amirne Isîter a moment as the tume iMcinie pausmid lirougb and gave a short Iiil Liii itocsevelt. McKinley vae ronte norlb. Sehoata vere disulsai on ibat oCccilen, i plattonm va ere< id nean îhe vaien tank and a gre tbhmng - maembîcd. MKinley remet] il longer tIbm Roosvelt henci mot ilahcnste pani b greet bim wva mode. Today's vîrit of Mn. Rooeveltî v bit tiret in Ibis Ciy. He bai passe tbreugb bori bitons but neveu ho stoPpel tg excbinge greetingga vi citizens. Accondlngly, everyboiy vi 0auld, vmmîed te gel a look aii tmmous leader. ROOSIELTa YMJKU lenJaT FI Waukegan "9MV" but did fDot "hbe' toogevelt 'Iodai. - -. Li. b» Waubêito lVlà, à arge ctowa of boem. am Teddy -hà 'y gasoi lo the tirst lme on Wt remous M.rofo teetb whicb the clamplon DldIOee enapi togetber dpvery Urne ho gela uzt- diteti. 71157 wmv lmdoff bis bat Sud salit that remous ielle; theî mv bhin wavQ hiea band good bye-and tbst's ibou.t ail. One wold 'trou hiea phyrntiîku md Colonul Rbfflfflt dos ozhi desirci. Hie provnd t1tBSunday vben b u a ordered te lemain indoori and cancel te apeecbe .plmnued 10 make ta- lay. TIhe speeches vere caucîled and as a resuit Waukegafl, Gai?, BaIn- moud and Iudiana Harbor will not bave an opportunlty lu her tbe former premldent. Th. stop-over spece et aKenoiha Sud Es. cine vere also etricken eut of the Pro- gram fur todai. The Rooeevelt party left Chicago far M4llvmekeu at 3 o'clock 'la atternoonu, and hie firl @Y tedb »41-i bétoulgbl ln the Cream City.- The colonel. boy- ever, dld not *'stay bltcbud" ou the physiclanas ordera. He listened Pati- ently ta the orders that bu vas to re- main Indooreanmd the medlcil reasons wby lie should ruit hie throat. Tber bu aécepted an invitation trom John C. Shafer to go for an automobile ride througb Chicago parka whlch bu did. The train wbicb the ez-prusîdent vwas ou, vas tbe aecond section of thei train due bure at 3:60 and bu reached Waulcegan about 4 o'cloèk. White Rooeuvelt bfld been forbiddeîi ta, malle any speech, when bis trait baited, bu ruacbud over. sbok bnd2 vltb a few vbo vere near the cal and made a few rcmarke. net loud euough bowever, but for those Clo9E by to buar. He smlled profuseli and vaved hii baud ai the train pullud out. There muet have been ove thousand persans et the depot tu greet hlm. Net On Piaffom. The local Buli-Moosura bad credoe a platform on vhich the ez-preaideni mm»d Mr. Merriman vire te, speak bu the end oftasn train did ual bring hi! opposnite It and the crowd via a tgreat tbat the colonel dld net get of the car t. t.ake bis place on the plat fora. Neitber did amy otbîrs of hi' Party. rORNER PRUSIOSNT SHOUTS: "TouxNtSoA'%SIllé MOOSaiW WHIt4 ABAsY Clue COL. AT PINS? PID NO? OUP SIGNw#OANOE 0F 51alo4 But SAiLIED LATIN. Waukegan people today Who saW M. ornevnt Monday atternoon a, hil iselted tliem ituntthe ur0forlth lorthw.stern train, vire today trylut to reul mo clearly tbe Bruit man's «pression, wbat hi suid sud dld wheài eore, etc. That bu sbouid bave bien &hot vitb- tu a few hours afler lîavlng here, nid. bis short stop lien the more important and lnteresing. Dldn't Gnsp aigu. Wbeu the olonelle train stopped here the former prusdeut'a oezs drift- id tovirds the impromptu aigu vhich connnisioner B. V. Orvls bad pre- pareil etthlbelat minute hifore hie an- qIvai. The aigu read: 'Nobody for Teddy but the people." Mr. Rootevelt lookud at the aig u e the city officiel sboved It ahove tbe heada of the crowd. Then the colonel stared at Il closely. He did net ieem to grasp wbat It muant, ln tact, bu tNIEM W. WOOjMANEE, TISla NS5 ANOTIIER CHAPTER FI C. M'W'I'T~UKav LIOI4TN. : 0F THE NU19NT DOI4ECAN 14 O.?THIS MORI4îN0 i TRAGRDY ON 017v. XERY MUfl R 0F TRAIN CEfgW T B de ,liaturday aeVhigabout 5 FIL.tiOse,...COMPLAINS.- 'Olqok oft *iiue.>thée E mthe aid ,0F INàijAIEs TO SiDOL chulI of mie Anu C. Deonna, toile? dangbtay qof Phlllp iiouegi, a Wet SBRUME peufUle erecl, bis riglt! Washingtonua~ta'e llit, dealer, addîslà baud clutobai . h Ibrottle of bis .anoter, clipter t0eue or the luent I eanle.8. W. Woodmansue, englneer tYomu.c Toefneltdlihe i lu of the ChOis. & North Weter yens. hicgoh.PInfat, vhoe btb hl a rend, vuafbcuu lu an unconuniusCiaehsiacue r.Pii cditimoru Is iemnit23 Onlng a fev menthe mNo, le sue ber dayrnrnng busband for divorce, naming ber WeodManieboitd hein made uncon- at îgtm ic-epoiit a sclous hi a ligblnlug boit. The tire- tne agtra orsodnw man til th#b. sock. He turned te burled Sunday atternoon ai Spauld-. bis engober aud aald: "Gius,' lg inacemetery on GIland avenue Jusl thatfs getllagclose, I coutd iel ts hat vest et Waukegan.h one." 1IL vis net a large funeral, conîlit-6 Tbe «eft eudld fnot reply. Ing ot meeli Ivo carntages, lu thec Thetirfu rnanrned ta bissldesud tirat carniage rode Mis,* Donln and eber tenter fatber, Pbllip DoneganI. The althdU4gb liesbook the e -gne e peatedly, hl i 14not revive. He rush- body. of the Ilttle corpie aise occupied r ed te the vîlatle cord and pulled IL a place iu tbis carniage, In suveral Limes, 1.:--. thei other carniage, two or thre t lu a tekmldpues every'mew%ýr et Chicago relatives rode. Tberet thIe train cmev vas ln tIti englus eve.unoWaukegan tienda lu the cor-1 rab, tige ae the îensîtlonai deatb of 'Mn,. 1 * Wodanee ascanld t te f-Donegmu ' 'ad subeiquent ,develop- W tdaserfgbt boums.te thd Of-munis long mgo raused the mllk dealur8 iceslulnite ta bc an rbodusbemayandrhDv. l3avn. thi companys surgeon, vastelu nfrndhomyvrha. summoned. Dr. Gavin snmmoned an possessed bers.. a amulane beorehe lft he hoe. e tact tbat Donugan lu turflimhleg ambuldane beforev e hhoe. the Information fui' the deatb curtiti- Woodmsnreahede al epot.e coven r. ate, gave the child'a. nome as James Lt Dlalued of a severe beadache, ad oenIstaofJmsDuilt sml tbt h la ahurlngsenitin egardeil aislgnflcant. Reports for eid shth a unn esto ome tire bave bad it Ibat Douegan den hi, igtie. He vas tabo e 4 ia outevnutabamrru bie borne. Hle condition ls net i-e- asMe Dnl er eb mrid n gadedamicritea. Wodmaseelivs. s "on as tbey coul'd do seocoualat- a 309Shermn Pcej. Wmnu îeently but the report or sacb a veddlng at39S1ra c. neyer bas hein madte public. Ev"r member of the crev-the h irolgdtal fth1el Bigbt switela dlSv. daims te bave Tehroigdjlgo b et Itr heio1 e letbîîî. ipoison of Mns. Donigan sbortly le 'Il soundegi a, tbougb a doseu rifles if er shu bidmdethei seusational e ba bun dachrgelai hu amecharge lu ber 'divorce bll thit ber had eendifhared t te sinebushind vas tle tather cf a chilI Ihat tsecond," sald one meuher of the crew' be oat heuiotldub 10 a Sun repoter, er are knevn te i. A veek atter A~Mr$. Donegau'a funeral Miss Denlin OIJ SIENTDIA> creatil asnstation bhi cemiug lirs e 1 live villi Denegan, On September 20, @hi filed ln tIbm ýd MR$. MARY BRYANT, 72 VEARS cicicoro!ec unyaptin t OLD, IEO AT TIIER HOME AT tei or rCkout eto li 214 CYON STrRE. for a viIloe habeas corpus siekiug te, na gain the custodi etflier four montlis1 bc M May ILBrynt 7 yers cield chlld vlch bad hbienintruael 10 OU 1 Ma M are.Eut, 72 ofthears 01the icars of Mu. sud Mus. Auignat Ach- if 21 Ciita oIi5iivter 0fyrn tIatieo r2042 West Sixti-niath place. Clii- la Clvii Wmr vteruhome fflA- Bigut 1 ca'ge.A legil battle follovigi sud a i 7:a0sailS ki.euhul 1 ngtshort lime mgo Miss Dentin vas gvin t 7:30Byan ocloci. ute esleber ebild vliicb she Immedateli s~~~~ Mr1nmtba inqit ebebrouglit te live vlth ber in Wanke- n fori thepît yenr but thIs bai causedi r lutIle ilium imong ber Immuite' ginp e pidte té cîrmach. ob .0 relative, untîl the ltatmontb. Fou hcpl ed. t hn i uhe t- theput viek thelii aa lybalrealiSd l A fîv dais go IL hecaine fil but lb. 'i that ber strcngtb vu a aling aud that cmlling lu ot a phyicien vas delayed e bhm death va nettfar mvii. Ber hbecaus" IL vwsnettfilt that the nature ditb Frday evean u viapicetul of telb. limas aserions. Whon a ta sudcempoil. 014B8i h ysuicien ftnally wua ce lula v as eh a cbreuic trouble of long standing are tound liaI lb.ealiBi vms suferlng et d blamil fer ber demis.i severe attici ef gmaob4isiteitma aun Mary E Bryant va, humot n Decem.-dhmeae quite commoa tle malilchil- m- heu 9. 1840.aIet rle, Pa.,balna i;ihedren. Everything possible vwu doue i. youngot Imuglter etHarrisansd btliIfn isg vyStra n Bosn A. Spencer 1Lack. Sue came vest lu 1849 snd Vmlvei ln Waukegan _______ S a iament#>ai' ncealion of the tve" ef t 1e Fort. U BtI CA'Sf le j1h va mrugi0Mr. Bryant' IIL R ACIW&EK f -April 14, :LUI, and thuy have rerided t- la uuisvle ma jWikesan evur stue. Teo lirn ersbora bye chU- MAS& IWARQARET RICHARDS 01vi p- juin, Adle ve wodW.Ini a jwEN TH4E CÇSTOPY 0F R eo aIge,and Lulu S., nov mm .Dewey cmILORI'SVCOURT. W A. T. Look et Northi avftue aud GRANTOi.1AOIVOREs 5 ut HeMryLook ef Kant, Waul.,aie thes JUDGE DONI'ELLY ON A a .uvlving lrthm s eth* edeamed. CRU EL"TY OAROS- W lits, Bryant lmi4%à madly dispaiel e rlabswiab vr le voman, alvmys raerftcleg heu O Si01 ahtred iom bhescvte b irte n conahut that bc s~ug~ ehappy. a âe thou e fleuutbis hi drun Mmlif Crpa mi me athm earoen a, athie unbappy, puedicmint lut Rel« Crpsanduntl r0sR yers vbwich Fred N. Richards cf Highland t active and ardent vouker la thei Pues- le hytirian churcli.noPak. sltonTuum te' ÎY The fanerai vlll oe bld ai the 10. vagnneiauocey ill Puebierian chunéli, sudiyai it- M éwsgataaavreb fl ernoon ai 2 o'clock vili lutirmunt in Judge Chas. Donnuelly ou a cruelty ie the family lot at Qaivool coeteni. charge. S. aikeil thît shee cgien tbe cumlody 'ofthliatvo chilîren. This i S 'O AYDqQ reqlet vas granted vlth one ainend- 1- US 700 ARY DUOS. mn Richards hbnshein given Ibhe . Tbeu-fnrta oflb. mug nee hyrlghî le visît vith hlm children everi lb. Amerlcaue ofepe ar uncs. seirî Situa-day. lHe vilI ho peumilled te Tbls tact hampeus the sîndi et shed- clranl.olde nStrau " icne ad cases DMelncynet nly Netber Mra. Richards er ber bus- ki mmeg pbYsiciina bat among pliarmi-badwlhoprte ttlete @yaCta. These concluions mie diawu childucu out ef court. hi suy inent medical menin theIbe - Mr. Richards bal hlemomtber-in-law 1. arruslud a fev dais go vheu ahi eu lent Isue or the Ameulcin Meliced calluil hlm a "littIe pup". Hi dlaims id Journal, that ahi tol ber sou te take a steel crettrm-heautomobile and ilt11 WAS SE OVEPAIO? hlm. She duev a saanfUe lu a Jua- lnv- vlll& Ot1..-u.Eu tire court. The case a appelil Sclmtfr ! MuntVeuon In,,suel te lte circuit court, and vill hi bled Sel-ffe ofMout Venon In., uring te Decemiber tcrm of court. Louis E. Johnuson, couuly pomiiloli-. lr. ad Mn&. Richards are velI ,o er of Porney c 1ounly, for IOF,000 dam- konrsdnec ihadPr 4d agksowulresideutsaa ho gieun bPr.lh. ail alîglg Iat b ilsellie. T iHe la au employe of the Publie as jury bine Ioday avauded the. an.suServie * compani of Nortbem i1111- it1 cent damagea. nois. STE WART Basm Burners WEU. ICNmqww TO &MARY 0F 7111 OLD RESIDIOTS 6P WAU- KEGAN AND VMCNITY. Jolulit Sebauer vwu bainla 01. sage, N. Y., Jali 10, 1aIM md movel te Lui. couti, llimwos, yul ber parents vhoi 18Mpet 40fag. eoveubsu 20.,1850, ahi maritel Nelson C. Mirsh, vltb vbom the pIc neered lai.MoElImry mnd Lake.coun- iu. For neali e2 Y«e s besi tve dvelt in auchblai-mony tâtat beautitul màemorles cf tisa linger vilb mil of Ihîlu trieuda. Eliven children yers bore. ivo et vhom lIdlu cblldbffld: Arulla, ton maur isar a suce«sstl timeber ln ChIcago, lu 1894. amI Bon, doen01 the Aiaglo-Cbinesi ciii. I n Foocbov. China, lu 1904, vhile tlieesous mnd foun daugbtern, wltb tbsir fîther sur- vive. luInyoung vomanhood te joined the. Mehodist Episcopai rburc-h. liMra. Marab mftler an Ilnest of aven aI year, passed avmy Ortober 3, 1912t et ber home, 1931 Obermaavenue, Evanston.lii.11 Funeral Baturday morning. October 4, at the famlly resldence, conduct- ed by ber pastor, Rev. A. L fisher. of Wbeadon cburcb. for years a tuem- ber et ber bouzebeid; Dr. William Pierce, an old pastor, and Dr. John Denves, of Java, an Intlmate frlend of the fanidiî, aalst ed, pYiig fittIug tributes ta the memory or ber whoac long, useful Ile, vitb lia far-reacbint Influence, baî luit cloied. Lovhug bande laid ber reverently to rest amid flower n d' aunahine ln Warren cemctery, lAke countY. XIII- naie, feeling that of ber It CoUld truly hi said: "The 111e wblch. ta lielength and breadth, adds beigbt. *hicb, ta Its persona] auxîbiton and rympathy wlth man, adds love and obedleuce of God, complerteé ltaelt lato the cube of the eterual citi. and la the Ilte com- plete."-Evanston Prose. Semetblug w1lcb ycu NUNO. but vbleliYcU do Dot fuel able to bur "ne*." Mar lie Sdv«uflm i, ilwla tbe FOR SALU" OcIMlur lu heBpt That Money cmn Buy. Our euidmih e ssonemb alm ePsl amuis. -Wu ubam en a ffl m ux e.Imtmaea&MBMea ouemcs. '~4f '~O miot Blasts x Steel Ranges Cast Ranges Perfection 011 Fleaters A large stock to select f rom COME IN AND LOOK TIIEM OVER The price le Rlght SCHA NUK BRUsi 1 1 scemel somewbat aunoyud-and he dld flot get the drift oflt for tbc moment Tbeu be realîze l ils sigulfirance and said: "That's rlgbt,' atter wblch bu motioned ta Mr. Orvis ta came aven ta te traiu. The rommissionur tld ta do sa but lte mrawd was sa tick bc coulId flot get te hlm. Whel He lId and i li As bte train balluil. tbe former preaideut, vilh a suille ou bis face andl a vive of bim baud muid: *"How do you do goal people?" and juai about Ibun a bibi belug buld ln ita molber's arma slarted ta ry-prob- ibly vmntlng ta gui over Inlo lte colonel's opun arma. Colonel Roosevelt, buarng the chilil. sald:, "Thatas fine: ibire's a Bull Mauser for you," at wbicb lthe cro'wl set up a iîl sud a chier. Aflun sbaklng bande vltb a fuv persoa n na the car, Mn. Roosevelt sald: "Wuil there's a langer cucul valtlng for mu aI Milwaukee sa 111 have ta aay good-hye," and, vîving bis baud, bu gave the couductor the nal and thetrain startel nanti ta Milwaukee, vhere a fev bours liter ho. vas ta ho tic mark for an iassassin's huIlaI. SEALED COFFINS FOR ALL? Na ule Made Aogarding the Trans- portatoui cf DadMade Publie Yestmnday k>' Dr. Egan. Ailvance ahosto af the Illinois itati bonrd of bemltia bulletin setting forth change. ln relie governiug lie trans- partition of the dead. paget!at thi conference of boards Of bemlth OU Sept. 21, von madi public yeatsrday by Dr. James A. Egan, secretary of the eate board." The nevroti Providi Ihat vhen a body la not, embalmed and cannel reoli lits deutination luitvtenty-feur bouts, Il shaîl ho placel lui a benueti. cally &semlegi cst.' Dr. Egan led the figlt ta bulug about thé nai of hereinetically se@eoù as hia i ndaise obtaijiel the passage et a rule providing for eztraordlnary cari la the transportati o!o &l bodieo vhere fiati bas reaulled fre. a con- tustons dineame.