BUTTER, BUTTER. Who has the butter? if vou are fooking for Butter made from the c leanest a nd purest cr.am-Butter that ha* a golden color. an exqulaite flavor and creimnery taste, then TRIGGS'S GROCERY as certalnty the place ta. find il. For relibble Groceriea at reaaonable pricea. calt on ua. J. ELI TRIGOCS PHONE 25-3 S WEA TERS Are you a SWEATER? Some people SWEAT doing nothing, some people SWEAT doing some- ti.ing, and there are some people that do flot SWEAT much under any circumutances. But most people Wear SWEATERS, do you? If so can we intereast you in buying one? We have a fine lime of them in stock NOW and will have more soon. We have them with and without coUsirs, V necks and combinations, cotton, haif wool and aUl wool, nearly a aillades and weights, with buttons and without, with a range of prices from $100o to $5. W. invite you in to lsee them. EVERYTIIIN9, FOR MEN J, B, Morse &Co, ==PHO 0NE 14- Iàbertyville, - - - Mlinois. E~ILZ' HOME, SWEET HOME Make Yourselves at Home at Our Furniture Store THERE ARE Soel to Sîeep lu Chairst! imk Deep In Chiffonier. te "Heap" ln Mirrors te Peep lu itchen Cabinets ter "Keep' la I ,rrî nie liii liii tatain a "lookilu," fior ien, yotr inri- o 7. u' irr j) o k n,"as yu(neamn rughl suad at y o ëý e s er arti hbee )r!aig.A o riva> y aesa logchanc ]TREPTOW & TAYLORf LI1 E R T Y VI1 L L E It Don't Make Any Difference What You Want In Building Material You can find it Satisfactory at the Libertgville Lumtier Companyj Phon&ený7-Res. 72 Down by the OId Depot work at once toward the erection af a fina dweillu. ,Il% Happened tui Rbyau.lad" a musiala medy given undar the direc- tion of the author. lMr. W. M. Lowrie and Tins C;hapter at the Libertyviile town hall Thunsday and Friday eveningo lait weak, waa greeted on each nlght by apprecrative audiences, the seathng capsacity of the bouse beiug tazed ta tbe utunoet both nigbt@. The entire caat wam local talent, wlth the exception 01 one charaeter wbrch was impersonsted 1)y Nir. Lowrie, and ranch praise le due ail for the mnner ru wbich they bandled their part. The proceedm were $180. LIFE INSURANCE Secrity and stalrility of a Àf e inurance company le founul in its Iosspayin« power District NManager Old Colony Life lnIeurance Company 011k- . (laOs fiki thase wio bas- arranged for sIndy ywUl go la Wauksgan. For alo monaets Frlday aîonmt thre quisttud of aur lttloecty wai hroksun sud exelteament reigned supreme when s teamn belanghng ta Gearge Wall, wimch wai standing nntathered ai the south door of Schsuct's hardware store ou tiprague sîreet, halted sud rouudiug the corner auto Milwaukee avenue, daihed nartm ai terrifie speed. At the corner oi Milwaukee avenue and Late street they Craiimed tata a telepliane pale. breaktng it off juet helrrw the surfaýe ai the ground ud agalu alrîrut six Ipet aboî-e the ground. The roirpact threw anc oi thme bomses sud ru fallrug it sustaiued a severe eut lu the ftýilrpari aiits rigbt fore le.g. ticr.llutterilld gave the animal atteutîrnu sud reprrteduoserioue re@nîts nuccubi ircd. Howevec, it waa necassaryu I, îak.- scieraI elitee lu the wunld. P li rt!.darirage wa duoue te wrViag, i Episconal Services Services nItir, 1:Isçnrînpal burch er r-ncv Snnday as firl, ir%% s lirciservirces ai 10:30 a. ni.811am riiîsr.hool ait il .;i AIl are cordiinI î rinritri attend. Bei-. W'R iti, K1h. ut For Fire and Life Insurance SEE Charles D. Proctor, AGENT FOR New Hampshire Fire Insurance Company Michigan Mutual Lfe Insurance Company LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Jack Sprat would eat no meat, Mis wife would cat no more, Unless they absolutely knew They came from Corlett & Fredericks Store Phone 30 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS gIla McOrew @peut averffaturday and 8unday at Evanslon. Sime wai raîber hoarse Manday morning due ta Satur- day's foot bail game. Theigb sciool dock ta on a strike, s om onquestion Wbat hure le Il plesse." Severat sophunore girls went ont ta Butsswoode ouday aiternoo. Otto Boehm, clame of 1911, ia agalor attending Madison, Wl,., sehool this year. Lloyd Taylor oana cd eur amatra bu leli us for the Evaseom Acudmy. The senior clase held a cIans meeting Tueeday uiglit ta cousider tbe nismer of getîlng clans rings. Tbe report cards are uuarked with latters tbrs year rnstead of nurabers as !orraerly F meaus iailed, 1C75, tCtrius 75 ta h0o B m() ta , Id'45, B plus,,,, 10 90; A 90it> t9o7, A 95 , A pius U., ta 100. Helen Sîrate cas absent tramn seveuth grade cla8iee Mouday sud Tuesday h.- ause ai sirbuese. tiarry tirrti snomrreattrrrrtrîg tire tryait Strattoir Businr-e I ollegein l Chii agi-r bate Carri-rll Irent Saturda ru inEane- ton, la tire mrrinng sc ir tîemded a foot bal garine t n i-can ciii nesteru Arar.lcrry sud (rani-Techlc I roIl. lutirhe alternurrî tr, cshnrin sud Satîburrre (aire tuirîraiLe' wlrîrslî tree was anotirur gîreiniit- (ýri cirtire Northr. w-,.teil'a I irm-u'rt) urw!tLake- Fire@t li,n ri-idi twald rnri tirilr t liaviei Irotine - r iralncrlrlby Mci. Protine si[eut Sitriiriiy ii Ciieugo. lu tîre aîtecirrir t Ire> i.,;et ti i-1iIlch a~rkGnlliirgforl. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION Arr r xaination for tire Irisit ii rof c-Ici-, ç,rrtofice, wrll hi held at lbe I rstrriîrc inIbis city ou Noi. 1, 1912. For aprplication hîsuts, suddirrr fu informrationrrelative tu tirsexairinrîîlrru r1ualiiicatuionm, dubies,slaries, etr., addremr Serretary, Board of Civ il Servirs Iîauriuere, Past-Otilce, City. INc are prepared ta repair furniturs ai ail kinds, rîake uew inculture taurîrder anuphrbleter buggies aud automobiles. Liheryville Cabinet Worlrs, H. W. BoYEs. Phoue 176H. Ad-readers Irecome hom"-avera aU s malter ut course-for lIrey GEIT IN- TEREBTED IN THE PROPERTT PROPOSITIONS IN THIS CITY, and tiser LEARN thngs a&bout reai mtatI.. More and better uews lu IN'DEPEN.q -DENT tban an, olimer weekly. "Teach economy. That is one ofithe first and highest virtues. It begins with saving money." I --A. Lincoln. Can you afford to dîsregarcl the example of ont of THE GRLATEST MEN this country can ever produce? If you are wise, you will think this over "and conclucle that Abrahamn Lincoln knew what he was talking about. Corne in and Deposit With Us LAK.E QUNTYIDEPENDENT, FIDÂY, OCTOBER 11, 1912. MILKIEN ORQANIZE rLIBIERTYV ILLE BRIEFS PEIMANENTLY _____________________________________ ORE BROS. ATTEND MEETING AT TOWN HALL SATURDAY LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION FOR THE WEEK'7 . NIGHT, SEPT. 28 Ta traure publication in the Indepen- Deputy Sirerlit Lluubery i atteuding AttervtigofheMl-Pdurs dent, capy must ha in the office no 1ae court lu Waukegan thiH ee Prrrtective Assar ration field Saturday, r.sdte.F .Dyir reern-Sept' 2-.sat tire town bail, Libertyville, than Tuesday of each week. Adver- I.sdIIe .P Iyroii r pn-I. a crrtttorwarr adopted] aud tiaers. eapecially. are asked ta taka mng some tiras ai Marnuet, i. permanent ofirerm %were eleited. partculr ntic ta hiaeffct. Orders for bomenrade ,rikir WIN be The serretary îîals iutructed 10 apply _____________notice ____________________prornptlyfflied by Mins@ . hulriuger, foir a charter ai once ansu ry pos,1rîrsible Park Place. t effort hainîg mrae to i serure new lire. 1uerger vieited v îbh Mrs, Herruian Mir. aud Mra. A. Kirbv iha- returusd meurbers. Schultz tast Fridsv. froru Seattle, Waoh., alter ret ii.rt visit Thom. and Jos. I are of tihe local Harry Putnam rs attendiug tire races at that place. bottllng plant %ver.- presprit and alter ai Lex rigton, Ky., thim week. %vW. G. Wells lat week n'... . 1 i î1oùs, .basting about lire bueh t fr a wbile Mire. Sarsîr Mrrick leit lait week for hold effecti into the Mer, ,lrîh bouse on suuounced that tbey couir nrrt raies the Vancouvre, B. C., tojoiu ber sou, Walter. Braluard Court. contract price abave $1.70 lier bundred Mrs. Harriet Garner rot Wlliasn, (;race Croker of Lancnr-t r. M'le., le pounde excelut ta dairyrn.-n wborre barme N. Y_ la viitiug a% the borne of J. W.i peudiug a couple of wC.-I.w"i rcela-ecored 65 or 0 ver lu wlriclî case tbev Butler. tivie and trieuds here. would pay $1.80> per buurlred. The t onîib Jrdt u dairyrnen relused this boiiever, stating Mir. and lits. A. G. Watson ofan c, J. .MrdthadW . Sranorî leit that they would not igu a contract vlslted Suaday î.,-th Mr. aud lire. John Suuiday morning lorsa ten i a3 business unies@ svsry patrri of thre locasi prant Welcti liere. Itrpta pointa lu Penusylîrîrrirs received she sam@e price. As [has8t of Mir. and Mrs. lea A&, Wrighit left Lat me make jour sale fiic iou. My the niembers of the association bave 1Wednesday moruiug [or Spriuiglield taj terrasare rtgbt. H.J. Irai i utioreer,kether odsuaeuweein attend tire tate fair.Lbet7'le, tireir nuIktota rayalake or shipprng ta F. G. Botes of Chicago, visiteri tram Mr. sud lir@. D. Catil ttuzbes afIChicago. Yare Bras. no doubt realize Saturdav until Tuepday wjtl r. ansd Highland Park, visîted-ri r.atives andi that this association i. tounded on Mirattay L. Huirbard. ifr. d Mee vr sturdBaldid nady. sonetbiuig besides bluff. Jos. lare, who NIis. A. B. Aruet aud chlldren asoit Mr. t .sdlr.Aran aîwna did tire alking !or thre local dealer@, an arrî tr. Tnrk of Waukegan, allun ou daughter Jeannette and \Mr.l(aidwiu's louadit irseil in ratber a tight corner Libertyi itIý rierrds Stirdav rîrother ail oI Cbiîagr(. -:Sî IîirdaY wherr ire ofiered tir answer arry questiona Tir- Libertyville i.sserrrblýý arrnrunce a with MIr.sud lirs. E.-Hi r!r. t the faruiers night wish to asti. He wae r-rir-Lert îanty frrr next Satrirday urigit. F. M, Ray ai Vate. S t)' rri i red bere forced tir admit that tire waw uo Oct, 12. Eiiut I i. > î ni. Isot Friday sud meio 4uirg rmil,,bahoie apparant neasîru for t1i- decrease lu f i is siter, Irls. M.I Viar He price tetweerr nrrw and tbe hast vear M'is R1ill1wMr\,eltî , uîrrsir ai artiet a iauhred" i- ' erin Ira lrrden e haitet tirs tire Isrie Threatre i- un-il a,-e rdredarr lriianhr ndfnl rrbarrry epigt an hrdiyvýrîn, ct ý nd1.otil next spring. figure Ion er. l'riie, t ir,-nu rrrieer, guararters Mr. sud lire. F. (Gr rd enter - The Iermianent iiirer, .lt-ted are: awt satiton.tarued R-ay Catlow arr! a iîrIM. aud Ct . Il. W lrrî-. pedent. 1K.lE. Tîronais, sr'ie in l onofPulStzth trIi. Thomas Csîl,rî r, nangbler ice Iiresideflt;N. E. tiatzert, -eecrotary; day uffreda @ver avidet wexilieHenriett.a aI Evausrrrr. utr1rr, hrmiron TI...s.Saute, treasurer; ex-crurnirttee, dallîriferelon o a ysec re ar-ient beirei-ewherry avenue sunda.N W . Scbrer-k. caran,iCbam. Slrlznian, lar hi-n. Mr. aud lMr@. Frarnk irraasa ofF. Morrihortit, Geo. W. Bergeron sud tIr an tis Jrbn lilîîrb ~asLttletoti. Colo.. visrîed ith relatives Eut Huffman. Mr.an Mr. ohnMiuic - lie ud frienuts bere lioudaY awr Tuesday. A meeting vvas called for Ssturrlsy Harciet Miicb sudtMr. Gearge Crane Oct. 12 et M:30(1il the town hall, of Chicago, cslted on relatives and Mr hmscm oC -iosppbr1Lbryil, l.Aldiyfrýr r Iriando tbers Saturrlay. , i. gîîy m orve. tmi adcordilty luvlted ta, attend Ibis meeting. Laver, aIf music *bouldt mak t a i aral movd paint ta, bear Miss Bilts McNoty ai the Tueeda, Ocloh-en 15, i regstraton Lyrc extWeuedsysu Tbrssyday. Aitltegal vote", îlrruld mate scuiOOL NOTES Lrnigts. Uual riceaiadission. efforts te register ou thatirliv.The poilI tprîcdeweisedlausibl nighs. Uual riceof amieton. books of the east prerrunt' will 4 tr Rpre Stweeiéodl uroho MIr. aud lire. John MeCormntck and C. Gottl & C's5 store al there weet Mondsy alternoou. Mauy promilse lamily enterIiewned bIsso Joli& Pattersan preccitai lte tovu hall. helter reouisDt tume. of Oak Park, a ew days the latter part >,, ~ ~ ~~Miss Calter wae s Chicrago visitor of lait wset spd thre tore part ai ibis. tIfjs au - P baIngsud gltio Monday altennoon. The LadIe' Aid solety oi the Metho- termes helorecoîuplettugarrangemente. Mils Olive Bugg, a former teacher ln dIst church wtU hold a week festival sud R. I. Laugbltn ai the.,Wsuksgan Con. the grade. wai msrried recenty. harveat home supper aI the towu hall secvatory of liualc, wtro adveried limai 8aturd&Y sanie ai the grade teacmers Thursday atternoon sud eveuiug. h. wdaid opsn a studio lu LihertyvUlle vlaIlsd Wauksga n utihe morutng and Nov. 7. oady af eatmh weet, bai found lit the Naval Station lu th@ allennoon. John Çater ba ht 0 Gerg nec.ssary ta chang, bis plana on K Rte Petges wai abseut Friday. Bond the aid William Davison lot on tai bo~ re. Howéeru tats I>it Botter recitatlon areexpecteul Iro tIhe Hahnt raerodsu îî taitazmimrilaevr h tae tlmIhlgb ahool students no w that ime home IN OUR 'Grocery Department SOUTH STORE W! OfFER THIS WEIEK Salmon, finest blood red Alaska, tail can ...20c Salmon, Monarch, best Columbia river sockeye, titis istrictly fancy pack ........... *........ 25c Catsup, Farma House, this is a natural colored, non- preservative kind, large bottle............ c Olives. full 20 oz. jar, thick nieated mnediumnqueens this is a 35c value at present price, while they last...................2c Mouasses, oa rad akLouisina, 2icana s*each 9c, 3 for .............................. 235, Durkasco Gelatine Dessert, a pure fruit fla'voucl gelatine. cornes in ail flavars and eacli pae&sge containa a handsorne sauce disit; each ....... 10c The new Oriole Prepared Buckwheat wdJ Le in tii week youve probably used it, if flot, do k no W. W. CARROLI & SONS CO. NORTH STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH STORE PIONEIf $20.00 Globe rot Blast Given Away FRE ON Saturday Nov. 2nd, 1912 i Ç~>~ Y' îj)Stove is on exhibition ) in our show Window We have received a carload of the famous Electic Weld , Ingot Iron Globe Stovss and Guaranteed 25 Years Against Destruction from Rust or Corrosion H. B. EGER Laibertyville, flL Lake County National Bank' I LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 1Capital Surplus and Ùndivided Profits. $90,000.00