Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Oct 1912, p. 9

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NDEPENDENT,, WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN_____ VOL. XXI.-NO. 1. PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, JLL., OCTOBER 11, 1912. POUR PAGES $1.50 PER YE!AM IN UDVA24V»J LAIE COUNTY MAN IS 6II EN SIINALIIiCO@ITION a BY STATE AND NATIONALp FPOSTMASTERS RECENTLYu0 Little Town of Fox Lake Recognized in State e nd National Conventions When Its Village Presldent and Postmaster is Conspicuous t Figure In Important Transactions. 9 John G. Brown, postmnter and C Proidett f theillage of Foz Lake, lohe caunty, lien just brougbt distine. Iion oLite Couty by being eiected1 trelatirer of the state associaion of postzasters and :as furtherbhoxored tional conventtôn ut itÀ,, ,Vh But that wax fDot ail fer. after reackh Ii~g the cornvention heoa named as a member Of the epeciai couniittet of pcetMasters vho vert sont to Waah-1 Imgton La Interview Prenidept Taftji Aud urge Lhe executive to eetatiliah jr e tii.vil service rule for the romain der or 36038 fourth cas postinsters Inla th United States who are flot nov1 S nader civil service lava. Accordingly. 31r.Brown tlaook banda with th iesident and vas one 01 thone to help show th. prosidenit the necesity of re<ognIzing the ros! of the. fourth clasa postinasters. vho. iéot long ago vere brought into the JOHEN G. SROWN clvii service pln.Potmater of Fox Lake, Lakeo ocun, The Rch.nond Tlmee-t>ipatch on ty, who - recontliruwsa hnored by being Sept. ZIt. printed a large group pic- eiected treasurer cf the Illinois Anc- tire showing the deiegates who at- ciation cf Potinasters and vito vast tanded the. convention and the like-nmed a diegate to the Nationalm MM of Lake Coutys deoegate show' Pstnaste'sa convention nt RIchmiond,i 4d up vry cleariy. Mr. Brown, Va. He vas &isc on the contmitte 1 afthougb coming train a @mai] place which vent to call on President Taft1 MM Fox tiLiii.. vas eiected treasurer to urge the eetabliihment f cvil er.1 cf. tt llinojB let. stasociation of vice for ail fourth clas potmautsrsi seSasters recently, and itla quite __1___________ M haor a cnteto Lke oulty.1%8the purpose of honding al governosent9 lact that h. won no honored and pick- e.pîoyes viii be rtconunended. 1 qd front umatchàlarge gathoring of men, Alloacsfrigb etl @hems that ho vas recognlsed by the tourth-clan offices vili aiso be urged.1 etat. postminters as a leader even, though h. biied fronone ot thet1Paiceis poet. samat Oomntunities represented at'1 G. G. Tbompson, chiot cierk to the ett cnenio.Postmaater-General Hitchcock, spot to the convention. He expressed the Tihe Nationtal Meeting.. regret- that Mr. Hitchcock vas not Wbiie liii county lanflot affected, prosent. Ht then opened a generai by tht prospective nowvO Z r ttht discussion relating to methoda of proiuident betauna- the furhclaaa handiing tihe parctls post systein potaters of tha coentyvr a-vich vill be inaugurated on Jan . 1 tocted by thetroat orderp.epithe"re Jîîdging train his attitude officiais lu tire nievertiieless much Intereted I Waahngton are euhiIn tht dark ase to the. comlnz change. tht manuer of iandling the nev class Here la what the Times-Disuateir of mail. sud of tht proposed visit of te coin- mttee of vhich Mr. Brovn vas a member: "Tht îstltion requeuting this action cmR Lie part of Presideul Taft I vl be1 pieoented to hlm ai 1 p. nm. Monday lry1 a dtlegationc mposed of the affIctri ct the. NatiIo" ,l Lgue of Pctmaatera thi eielatve comnitteand Mr. SBih- "The peoitlon, vhlcir yul ire ignedI Wanted Infnrmation. "Alil sorts of questions vert put to Mur. Thompoon. They reiated chiefly to thre rural carrier snd tire pareels post, sirosing ctearly tiraI lu aurai sectionslies tire crux ufthtie nev sys- tem. 'What are rural carriers going to do about packages of butter aud tegga?' asktd one meinter trom tire! floor. talk. Mr. Thompson sald ttxat the de- partinent vouid hardiy profide rtf rigt0f R 0 S L erator cars. aWahntn ae)O F R T S L sad f heprspct o Pesdet BOARD> -lACRE Taft making effective the, nov plan. vas w practicaily dtcidtd yester- AT $1# AN ACRE dythat President Taft ln tht near future yull issue an executlttore placing ail fourtir cluosetmtu. r ZrSUPERViSORS MAY PURCHASE tht clasllled service. Tht order. re- ADOSTIONAL L.AND FOR Ti.tE Ileving 36,038 poetmnater f rom the COUNTV POOR FARM. uncertainty of political appointanent., will hoe ont of the most comprehensive1 and for reaching, as afftctIng tire civil ýNW O N 5 - CE service, ever isntd by a Presideut of NW O N 5 - CE tire United Itates. Visitors Submit a Petition. Thot the President vould take this BOARD WSLL NOT ERECT AND step. bis tiraisteatotaard puttiug loto MAINTAIN A TUSERCULOSIS practice bis aften-expreused beliet' HOSPITAL AT FARM. tirat ail governinent offlcers belov thte_______ grade of cabinet niember shouid ire re- moved tram the influence of politics Lake county's supervisors are COu and placed under the civil service.,ibe- sidering a plan of purchasiug seven- lcame practically certain after the del- teen acres of land for thre ioor tarin. egation of poststers returning tram At the speCWa meeting heid Wtd- tht annual convention at Ricbmond, nesday a fa re oftered to oeil the Va., had been rtceivtd at tht White connty seventeeli acres, adjoiniug the 1House- and by Pitetinater Central poor tarro property on the west, for ltcbcock. The visitors submitted al $100 an sce. voneter petition signtd by about 20, Superviacra Broaks, Plgan anrd F4. 009 po.tmastçrsa a*tng 41,t -4b*Yet1 lbe yards ivert al:pointed as a committet plied ln the eiasiffil ar' 1 to lnvestigate tIM. iatter and report "In tht entire country there vert h ack et tht nest.nmeeting. 49,672 fourth du"s poatinasters ait tie Tht couvftk 50W ovnB one bhundred end of the ilst fiscal year. By execu-! andi fifty.nie iteaFreot ofiand ln tht tive order. Issued ln Juky. 1908, Presi-~ tovnshrip of Libartyvilie, anld altbotigi dent Roosevelt plactd postinasters Of 1tbey consider the. priot an ex<-ejeding- ail tht New England States and of ]y low ont. they tee] tirai they have New Jersey, Penusylvania Ohio. Indi- suftîcient land tu cri.for. their ana, Michigan and Wisconsin lu the: wants. civil service, a total of 13,634. Thost Tht supervIsors Wednesday vated stili without the service number 36,- dowu the plan ot establishing and 038. maintaining a tasberculogîs hospitlti Wouid Take in AIl Classes. tht loor tarin. "While tht details of tht proposition Tweive eupervisors NoteAl against have flot heen vorited oni, Il is ex- tht proposition. Six nre-nvert in isecteti that tht poeterastere viii bce favor cfthe.plan. admItted ln groups of States succes-1' eoferisrsenjoyed a chicktn slveiy. Botir tht President and the dinonr at noon. Atter tire meeting postina ter general have rtcominend- they voted Supertntend.-nt Appley a ed to Congre"e that al] postanasters be vote of thanks for tht aumptuous din- talion Into tht claaaified service and ner and thoenSJoyable time ire rounder- that, go far as poesible, tire entire per- ei them dnring their stay at tht tarin. sonnel of tht postal service be re- But tiuiteen meexhers werie pregent. ,moved frein political influence. Ais to onyCokUA.Hne a rs st firat, second and tirird classes ofonty ln .Hu e a rs postrnaters. legisiation by the con- lnasmuch as Superintendent .Appley gres ould be reqnired ta place itinm reports that ho te short ot tins figttng under ct#11 l se rogeteulatiams, but eqipen, he oad aedeelded te the PresWtent h à iit u3iy.mder spend as YoW ibSara l insutie botter certain deâned limitationa. of comPe- protection..- A spectal comnrIttee tency and efficeecWto put pastintt as appointedti t procuire tire noc. ers, of the tourtirclams under tht pro- tection of tht civil service truies. s'rhoe arpe47niaasd36.nae aithtie Lahe countY poor tarin at tht preseut Urne. THE MARNETS Chicago Live Stock. Hoge-ReceiPte 16,000. Qutationu ranged at $9.20@9.25 heavy lrutcirera. $9.20@9.25 ligirt huteirers, $8.608S86 hesvy packiug. and $5.900i7.60 gond te choicetpigs. Cattle--Receipts 6,000. Quotatians raaged at $10.30011-00 prim, misers. $.3607.75 choie@ to Primo test iret cv.$6.85ffi.7i' stiecteti feedera, $51505.90 tairt10good stockers,110.0 @10,50 gond tir choice veal caives. obeep-Reeipts 43,000. Quotaton(t ranged at $6.40017.00 chlet'to Prime lamba. $4.76915.40 gool 10 cholCel yearlisus. S4.0094.25 gond Io choie vetiteru. $3.3503.86 fair tregod ee. Chicago Cash Grain Quotations. Butter. Creaintry, per lb., 29e; PrInts. 32c; extra frits. 28c; tirets, 26c; daines, ext, 27c; nackinoe stock. 22c.- himore tha 20,000 tourtr-lsas paet- Ye. apviii vrtuitlemudy' masters, viU, rquest tire extension af during the vinter montirs, and tireLîePity roasse are Imnpassable o Turkogi, par 1., 15e; chickees,j tbe civil îservice ta ail tourth.clau. for buggies.foî12;rotr,0esrig.3c POat Office. Tht offices or turteaun How are tht carriers to take up sucir * ge2c roses.10c; Pig.1c statai baav. alresdy henu cissIfies Packages on iorsebsek? asked a. d Ecs t SulgaseLieSc ck by an rer fron PreBident 5005e- Curer. Drnning & Stev ens. Liye Stock Cons- vot In 1908. Theze etates lie east of "To ail inquires Mr. Tiromps.on misineMarchrants, East Buffalo, N. T., the. Mississippi an.! north of tht Ohio, tirade no anaver naaîtaînîng a silence quota as follows: Caille Receipti aMd thre movement nov on la ta givt Ilrat siroved that be appreclateti tht 4 cars; market steady. Hogel-Re- the beneftt of trie reforur te the South Proposition In a Socratie urauner. Ht ceipte 80 cari; marktet steady; heavy,1 *ad. West. vas atter Information, ire said. . 19.45095; Yrkers. $9.2(d9.40; pige. Want Summer Hoiday. "it vas brougirt ouitirhat thn .oSi. 08.0.Sieep-Receiirts 15 cars;7 potmarkiet steady: sprlng taombe, 87.2ie «Otirtr maltera vicixthe conven- office department iras been autirorizeti 7.35; yearlinigs. $5-0005-50; wethers, tics yul rail ta the attention Of thet o Inerase tire salary of rural car- S47505.00; evea, $1.7504.25. Caives,t Vuiliedepartinent vill be tgken uD rers by about $100 a yea,'e1no car- 16.00@11.&0. tOM,. vien tire commtitte on Postal eeralz Iltet, tw. rocemmendations vîll mart ils report. postaasters yeuierday count for any- Il la undergtaod tiraItria report. be- 1tiing that this Increase la intende.! to Dipitherla Closes Schcol@. t a"ie statiag tire case for civil servic cover tire coat t fasditionai equipueat MeLeansiroro. II., Oct. 1.-An eprrt reotu la trenchant terus,vil aak lu tire tormsof nugles aud vagons ei fdpriei xasbr.Fu 1ha1tirhe handling of parceis viii ne- diaguostit cases and ont sieur have tedprmette compel ail post-icsiae betu reportesi. Tht' city scirohs an.!1 mastersta, attend tire state meetIngsialpae fausmn aeba cf the postlnater'a league. Tire termu"Mr. Thomirson states tirat partIdeel d and public meetings are pro- 'Schoocle for Intruction,' yull be ap asdressesi to amail tovris wouid *roi>' iibttd ty tht city bagrd of heelth, 1 pUeiait t sucir meetings. Tire coin- ahIb. ent by slow trains, topping mittee ii rtemmtnd the saîary ira- et ailpoints, lu order tirat the con- baby Boy Drinks Kelosene. 0" for the paminnt cf fourtir-clase tents megit not ire diaturbed ! ir>' g Hanover III., Oct. 1.-Because bis potmasters. lntead of the preseut'throvn front a movlug train. H I sO miachievaus fOve-year-old sister pro- gyptem, virerehy comýpensation usa addes tirai ail rural carriers *Ul '1> teniti ta alla part cf a cup o! bero. gieta aproporion ta tire amclint ofiequipped vitir scales for veiin; s *0îenMcantore. agedlit "g, rsn a Mmneilitiona. pckages, a map and! a postal Ifiaulis oune ant. ait 0fthre. dA piry- Tii. oommlttee vill recommiensi that Tir e lsitvaw mentione.! are ifteiid lcian saved bis lite. poftmsatera he allovesi thirty dayg' to aid tire carrier lu determIcin# the leaVe Of abg»e beacir Year, viii full zones of chargesa vicii viI lie ata . Carnivsi Dv.. fiat by Wifo. pay. Othor governnsent employes re- ilsired wvien tire systetu gaeo mb et BIvdardaville, Ill., Oct. 10o-Jomepi celve tiaI tue, and! tht potinatera feet. ilory, a carnival iiieiiciver, vu s@but £ad trirmelves ontitle.! ta a lke con- 'Tire question o! egg ad imtr asoi nnbousiy vounded by irbis viue. oUbieatlk . Aoading deprtmnt for 1vu lgft undecldesi aI te l m cloe cbMgLliaz4 Mslo adver. CELEBRATES 351HI AN NIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs Tiromas Tyrreil ctie- bratedtht thirtý-fIlth rannivtrsary of their vtdding Tuesday, Oct. 8. A l&rge nunrier of friends aud relatives coagregated aItirhe Tyrreli residence lut night. Tir e ieut vas la tire na- ture of a card pariy. AIl report hav- msg spent a mort enjoyable evening. Triends dam h. la lire 401h anniver- sary, but Waukegans assistant chief of poliSc aim tiraitire triends art itrylog tu slip somnetihlg ver hum. OFFIIAL LISu ALr ESOTATE TRANSFES Furnlsed by 1dào Co. Titi. & Trut Go, Ababvu et Titi.Tibia.s »entee Maseni. Temple Uldg. Mené 4. WEDS WOMAN WHIO Sensational Report Cornes Ouat The YISITED RIA IN Money and a Ileifer Was Ue CEL ATAILai~C OetSlgners toWflthdrawal Petftk' _______ iin the Recent Lake Villa Towns". WILLIAM C. HOLT AND MISS ANNA Movernent; NVhole Vicinltyz St1nedé J DAHLSTROM 0F DETROIT __________ MARRIED MONDAV. Was bribery useti ln the. effort te the movement vas afloat even 49 he dolentthe . o.tion of tht nev tcwn- back as vhen tht supervisera ie«.t U SIX MONTHS IN JAIL ship of Lake Villa w$ich the. supervis- Fox Lake to lookloito the svslnp e1 ______________ Iors authorireti at tht recent rneet-ý malter' At tirat tinte a certain super- ing?1 visor declsred he irad hoard et it a HOLT S£RVEO A SIX MONTHO Rumnors te that effect have been he even 4stated that, at the fovIt4l$ SENTENCE IN JAIL-STOLE' hourd ln tht westtern part of the coun- meeting of tht board a Mig *eIo.tI!ti BENEFACTOR'8 MONEV. îy &Il darIng the controverey regard. mDight be precipîtateti sie ep _____________ ha tht plans for the new towshsip cused of accepting hribeur eq", but mno. c the rumnors ver. scl calied betare the board..,il~ Just four montra àfter h,'va,, lits- thst the exact source of the. sîicged, board met. hovever, nothing, erated frorn the Lake coutrty jail, hribery vas obtainabie. tht matter ênd evtntnally t I virere ht served a sentence of six In one cage the Sun heard tire naine creted tire nev tovnahui5 1 S mothe for irocuriug mo.sey on taise of the uian mentioned sas aving ac- gses, according ta e on~ Pretenses, William C. Holtt tormeriyl cepttd money. ln tact, the man, whtu in tht county, vras thti~ of Libertyviiie. il]., Mtain: Mss in drunk, openly iroasted of having re- tirrougir tht use cf moaey asti a ns J. Dabistrom. former private secre- ceived it. I.ater, whtn sober,' It is tary t0 Chiet Justice Harry Oison of eaid he pretended to, kaowntbg Went ftek on Thoir Wo".r tht Municipal court at tDetroit, Nlcûll, about il. But, a turthtr intereqtng la'e J as his vite. For Signing Remnonstrance. tirat saine of thte men vho lesý0lS Word reacired Waukegan today tirai The aileged hribery la said te have ductinents' for their signtur»1" Mr. i-oi and Miss Dahistrorri vert, been carried out lu an effort ta get support on tht report ia th" 1îIR, married at Detroit M.onday. signtra un tht remonstrance ta, tht cf the men Who look '1ndnqeiu 'ï Frtquentiy viren Huit vat.servirîg c'stion of the tovu. tor tireir signatures and uPg.t bis sentence lu tht Lake cuunty jaîl, Vartoua reports have been ireard as tht reinonstrance teckirlt antd9 .Mise Daiistroi vWtitd in iis ceil. it t the inducernents ottered to those' changed their stand., being "o vas generally understood tirat she vho vould sign. Among thein art: tovnship. They an, aid te bay* t*e vas turnisbing bin viti money. Dur- ¶-One man acceptod $100. bnthtosio that tioseo W» oU*t ing ber visitga t tht Jail sire vouid 2-Another got 1$40. h.,ti.'inducmetL ver. M ae#00e read to bin, and It vas ber vords of 3-nother gt s fine young sitiou te mmii. publie. tiidr '4h consolation tirai brougiri cieer 1tt h ie r. ýcrossj<n*g"; nd therotoroe, th 4mfdV beart of tht discansolate mian. Plsnned TakInq la Up. fited h tt' t, tl couli xfl b*;0 Hoit vas betrayer by is books n Tht report that bribery vas rite ini Setiafleati ë ia antino. Ht swindled bis benetactor. Tht speilc offense cirsrged was tirat ho targed invoices of goods soid sa that Fred Enderiin. a UÀbertyvilît saloon keeper, advauced money ofi thraurta keep tht Hoit Broom tactory running and tiraI irealo. vhen bils for goods vert paid by creditors, neglectedta 1 turn tht moîrey over ta bis benefactor. Tht books and recorda vert exain- lntd by auditors vhen Hoit vas quar- antined at bis home for ecariet ftyer. Ht piead guiity to tht charge and vas stntenctd ta serve six montra lu' tht county jail. Ht acted as a îtrusty aet tht al during bis sentence. Hots principal capital la tht tactI tirat ire le an expert at tht business of manutacturing wooi duaters. Very fev ln tire country underatand as ire dotaeirow ta tan vool for tire making ot dusters. Hie second vite served as privat stcrttary ta Chiet Justice Olson cf Detroit fot six yesrs. She 100k cars of tht Judgese routine work viren sire irecame bis private stcrttary. Court cierks aud baiiiffe gave ber a dining roin @et as a veddlng gift. NMr. adi Mrs. Hoît viii malet tieir homne lu Detroit virere htoiras started a duster factory. Wiretbiis cilidren are nový ARRAI4iN NINETEEN PRISONERS; ALL ARE IN CUSTODY AT JAIL ALLEGED MURDERER HELO WITHOUT BAIL - MOTION MADE TO QUASH INDIOT. M ENT. AIRENS.TO BE LIBERATES ONE OJR TWO MEN ADMIT GUILT- WERE GIVEN A SHORT JAIL SENTENCE 5V JUDGE. Nîneteen mren, ladicled by Lire grand jury, vert arraignesi betore Judge Ciras. Donntily, at len ociock Wed-t needay. morning. Tvo prisanersa smittd Ibeir guilt and recetved a short sentence ln tire county jail. E. J. Airens, indictesi for bigarny, disi not piead. gis bail vas tixesi at .8.00 non la inr,. .,lt. *,s..5a. Motion to quash findiot ftey George eFid. Willeam clans, m B. V "O a~~ pointed as. hie. atto"a.y-nIo<I0w t quash indieemedit euîore. Otto EL Meyer, a" ied'vos, ceny, pitad not guity-bal fU i >:* $600. t E. G. Shrena, higat--U r iéI 12,000. TEACHER O RATS FOR3 DoieË "J iniie. vhen are gui a new pair of siioeeT'aoie.!' a= ruain of aaun«try --eb64l* PFa Baya f ean get lte o .~0 viren Ioeil my rate.. Tou fl et gat six rata and! I'nt gaing to men hhn - ot thtin.'* "Hoy inucir are thevnr h tire teacher. "I don't lnov," respanded tht b«,'. Tire teacher gave him thi, 41. iars. An act cfehry-ae-cf It developa ihat Lihe boys& fattur .o"1 vel afford la purciias a »*0 W U o! ies for the. boy andth'tii 4o* Oct. 8, 1912-Mary M. Boldo andine one Beema te knov. During the tirai Chicago triturais vilI igu a bon* h on crc ecir~ c huabandto1 G. T. ctnger, lats 1 and 2 lime BoIt vas beid a prisoner ai tht fortht $2,000. Tre ivesi tht ratsansimi. u tv1 block 3, Trutadeit a add. Detrfitld. W. jali, hie Iwelve year oid girl Irak Trs rage oa' raes edtratte, vandl. betu U dhi D. $1. charge ocisir onie sud officattd uas srnthony Zark, snd Rollandl Barr,litvered. Nevertirelen thi bey es E. J. Malcber to F. P. Thaomas, lois Mtirer te iris youuger cihidren. indictiment for iarceny-ball flxed e1t thret dollara. 7 ad 8, block t6, Dreyerma suir, Nortir Hait la veil knoovulu Waukegan. 1200, Chicago, W. D., $2('0. W. H. Sciretd and vite ta, A. G. Wa- Attorney J. K. Orvia ie reportesi ta Peter Stappas sud JO$. Pebolas, as VOTE V&. COUNTY>ISJfi tral sud vite lt 17 Crîbbs suir ou have vouderful succeas lu raistug 5atilt vithir ntent te commuit murder- Llbertyvilte, Ili., Oct. e-D.Ie i.ï4 Cedar Lake, W. D., $1.000. money for hiis ew raliroad ai Wau- bail fixed at $300. liug an adviaary vote lt fns Bitatof P. W. Tucker (dectasedi couda. Tire tact tirai tht laylng o! John Komsstysii Henry Werzeklt et onut superisera dbd1.uà* Le Cathrerine Crawford. 40 sere in rails beiveen Laite Zurich sud Wou- snd Anthony Derba, indictinent for't "'Y ie atro!bldl a tht Soulin est quarter O! sectton 21, couda iras been startes iras spurresi iarceny, pitad guity-adnult property bercuiosis Ilititute et tua tima. Tho' Newport townshlP, dted, $2.450. Wauconda people to raly to hii sup- stolen vas valued at $50.1 vois vasl Ivelve teslix., 1 J. J. Rostuz to FrankROl8taig, 80 port. Recently Wauoonda granied tire Richard Cettreli. indictinettfor iThis meansa tbat'th.opropoeftion of acres lu tht nortirvest quarter Of comurany a franchise ta pasa tirrougir borse steaiing-Attorue>' Benjamin i building -a tuberculcne lneittî on section 22, Grant tovuship, W. D., $1. tirat village. Durtug tire last tvo Parmiaiet appoiuted by court to roip- tire cfunîy tarin mi beau "tablesi", Laurinda Dickson sud husiransi toi vetis Mr. Orvis base betu conductlng rttent deteudant. for tire preéent, ansi the general Nils Niclolsen, lots 6 andi 7 Hillna ont of tire viririvin. campaigus for Charles Johnson, Indictimenl for lar- Opinion la tiratIl:illîîremain JuaI suir Laite Zurich, W. D., IL. viicir ie la famoua. He declaret tiraI ceny, pleads guilty, sentence 1 day In viser. Itl a r sonm. tite. R. T. Davis ta F. MacDonald Love. tverytiring iooka brigirl for tire ev tire couuty joli; aiso a fine ut 810 andi 'The reason given iry a number of 30 acres lu tht soutuveet quarter of rossi. ceote. upervisora for their action vas that section 12, Grant townahip, demi, $10. Abert Sveuseu, Sidney Bell an.!tire*tent calon>'. vest of Waukeganis G. A. Reesi ansi vifetut B. F. Clifford Tire bar association are 10 hoisi their Walter Schahl, burglary, bail $500-j. sutticient for neeris of count>' patient@. ansi vite, lot 45, Nelsoa sasista Ra- annual clam biake aitirhe Bacirelor's G. Weicir appointei attorney. vînia Wode. W. D., $5.000. club irouat ai Third Lake on Saturda>'. George Schiviae, embezzlement- Tire>' are tu psy 84.00 sa plate. fit lbail fîxed at $1.000. Tiret soidiers who lied imbib*d WO Tht Lake Count>' Bar aeociatioo reportesi tirai tire>'vilii , traise rats Sencer Banks, bail fixes aI 1000j mucir Waukegaun er-Julce ad A4 vili irai. thtir annual clam bake at the to tirtir i 'ii talre the -iadiclint, crime against nature. hectini quarrelsome, vert mm, Bachelor Club bouse, Third laits, on mane>' out cf hheir ovu pocet.a John Harvey', iarçeny-bial lisleà at tirs brai poli(lest551igirt.uami Saturday. Oct. 12. EMy yWsstkegan1lieast tinis ial haireneoft tîeir uîîsr$500. tire nightin rutir. county JOL.. atorney vl attend tliO=d akbie. 1 statesi today. Karl AabJomnen, knovnu asChat. vere given sahbovins tae - Uý 1 1 (

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