Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Oct 1912, p. 4

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.hboaNo. 1. OtYt'à NuDsl.c TIp O 4.. 4s-L Lb.ruille, Exebeffe M t -be postoffice t Ubt.rVlB, N., mai spcOd clamaliU N*ttor WPT;oN PIlICE, 81.50 PER YEAR S8OIY KOAV IITM ......................-................. ................. ... ditir *Imy .............. .................................................. I U e M JBBARD ..............................1.........-..............citl Editor FEIDAY. OCTOBJIR 25, 1912. uetDeveraux, the former Zionits religlous teach- - edrbu yanialhed ail completely ait ilfthe saili WaUmoed hlm. From what lias been heard aboutlits .tiou bereabouts, h. int likly to show up again ha ChMcago ivil- Service Reform commission haas a formai dexnaid to Preuident Taftinl whicli zhe dis- bot Poatbnasier Camxpbell of that city in urgtd on thé in dhtlei onstantly playlng politicu. 1ostmaat- ýpQMcUs! Thie very idée! ,t8uumsstritw vo18!tndicated that the t"prohlbtf, PdIu'happen ito gSM the Post o" e nt ont or liai *obecome é BuII-Fooser's or 14pabubim or Demo. ~U~btobeal8t& Think ofi, wo out of théi Mm ahredders, con bindtu and tli1k., anept4u tbP.dl&y-work in Lake ç L ouut as -Iy.1'àa "ibody cmndo seem Mi . ca$ipptr Ë 'est)urne! Ètii*i, rodal, etc.,lutcdof0h N,-ý7Dir u*the feid tovards -or sy rom he 1 Two * of the un voter or also changed to Pax A ,au rprsg tbini good titIs UO*A1 ian boy 9o1 loday tp t rn t m papal, wbïhh i kw4 te dellw Ia d101 i kpt ou fro Mr. Le9te coud nù maybodyte give1 haew of certs&g4i pui9y from emlw -w«k-Y Yfor Pdsý *- thepaü bj'tion votes1 $e un. 4..., .-. ns. *ib.*t~uw wvd bi t tbos. 18W lit mauftILujlots Inn lb .881.. s ia of te oaniV 1 i qsSbotffl « tbh ttt5 9 t. l.ith ipoUcy afflm* et tecompiaiti; 81MU8O iota 9**aý.auoer the. stat.,; Oc< bu buasuns 11kwsgd Mt the récoet -Eocii'aller ol te:s tom uSl~8ou - their d te 'Mii. 81M NM. ~ ~t9e mou a la*! <bu a, WtU ftiIi log etetxoot9a sd U et mom*siwr», fflm.0 emmmi huswo1Wffl Wýa1#s01 vibther the,1a~w do« - prohibI botting on [f tepStU teBi"d0 0lt St tà"e Mt n.v.bcu JUIA sapractie wblch nover cin be pIsTent- o!fuiI -ethb gof* mnAi; U' bo0 0f Wh.sNutce teS i0 plOU t a tehave but «è.cemâ- iday wold na n e.1lo M raunOar 4M Md, e ontolouw Àtnlusa tf. -Wb.rea.WitIia a foi ang àachome ié lOcaleS 5 as te whbo r sin mgle m-FA IE 9 OK *iè .sttis oa gfaundaratood ihal Arthur K. bau beau a&kd by s5LOALfdAR WO.1 ITTN ith inrtore BaptEt e inets thecommtlee of ona hundred" iiere h o AE SIERINTENDENT O MNWOMN RATES, GO ;ion*. iiemrtlye At uay *M oattach theirnames with bis inMeoffi an- R ECSON MEND A. NEWS TI4IS MORNINO. .lec.Prsdn IU lie bs OOCxîu lusMR. HKYSOMER DOCS MOTITilt, and 5tbo lUnota wlslfvu utimely and bas deci&ed te aflow the ENOUGN DAYS ON WHICEI THE *fl*INK TIIAT EMERGENCY, the Petit" Onf ROY-. fa pOsral ComnulWe te liatdie Laka couity matter. SCHOOLS ARE DISMISSED, MOT LAW WILL SE NECESSARY. j (.&vin f the catholfr Iiflml loi he concluded it or not, for that la hard to cou- ENOUGH OF THIS 1<1M. rrncnr ~Wrl insi hï tsa fut. . U ~a~t ueî»~et M- C. T. Hqydecker states on re- wieh petition la etined b, +, Pt G. Blardtathaterntlist O hable informatiol, obtatned this-noru-, of votera a"d vomén relg 1iep dcoior<td foks oetter do someting t shove guration of tbree new school isaidayu î,rg held yeterday et the Commission- gjtàinio th e backgreund or they aU illi indimect- -days on which sîcclal prograrnu will er of Inaurance, Superinbendent of,. ÏStbrougli the batred ýwhich that. ma's bolduass j e eprepared. nOt dat s for the dismissal JSeboola and'IaaTeaseti treughout the nation. Jtion '. pugilistie c ool byaea olw: board created ii>-al, set 01 thi egEI, vs sweiled hLq head until- 6'a a menace which Coarn Day, tie tirs,. virday ln No- tur-Cnusendlug the. traternal art la_, vember. Thila day in ,ntended more srance law. fer the beaefit of thq ç()J t be curbed.' Booker T. Waahigion, the negro educa- esîiecially for the country and village Woodrnen. on yestsrday proposed toý idmits Johnson is a menace te tha coiored race. selsools, but tier. lu a reason to, bo thse committce.of thse known iunrg-, lleve that it can bce observed1 wth enta tliat If tisey would stand by tisé.. That Gary nevsboy vlio gavaiS lifa liai a young Wo- great profit by ail schools. It la the tbey would order thire errdu ffffVe imikuo te hlmronally, might live, was a liero of plan ta have pnulahed each year a on thse rate%. irrespéetlve of thse Woed. wate; hi nal.4 . n shuld d don ite hs- crn anua]. placing-in conveaient men Board of l)lrectore. ut~~ 0aa;bssduoudgdv ne ori m terial for use by teachers and This Ea the propoaition tbat tiie .Afflictod vlth0 b vici h"savsys beau di- pu,01s, board tools lu thse face of the so-calied ad uMess, ha aflowad physiciaus te grafi the akîn Fire Preventlon Day, thse tiret fr- NeWinley injuncton Chicago. u Sboy of a young woman vhe liad beau ierribly burn- day n Decenuber. The state tire mer- le thou5iit that If the. Vont cornes to ~elied, but lia dled.> -an a more liaroic c oi ha ld %isal han agreed to prépare a crcular1 the worat, and tuat tisé Board of Direa-: in*ls, vanof the wvend? William Rutihoh Gary > outalulna lterestlug and truatworthy tors af the woodmeu Ignore thse 1111, Iformation Enuflire losses and f re pre- jnoa statutes. Et will bu able ta carr wM. a brave soidior. vention. Tis circuler ln intended ta thrangh tise legllatur, au emergency î supply supernteudents and teaciiers act, annalllng tise rates adepted at tZ IS EDITOR I5 ABOUT RIGUT. wth susbjects and materlalu for pr-'Ch'ilcago. Iltai. iopet. isowever. tisalut *L ~* ~ ~ parlnsgatire prévention pragrain. this i w m ot héoubcés5&Y. an thée ý.,rè'ts aboS 11 ut h * dCUiWtoiDl wVwîIle to a: Goad Ronds Day, thé tlm't Frlday lu still thse ane lape Ea the suit pendlni~ ~uyorarrlsui reelvedlie filowlg mesage fom L lar ie11re Ela apractîcal, every-day at Sprliigfleld, wélis Esta ell =.?ieu, publisher of the Denver Post:- aubjeet. It confronta us evéry day n them tronu entarcint the adapteS Denver Pont proposas heusfier t omit unig thé year. Fariners, mérchauts, buk- rrtes. or atoies o Ja~ ohisè e rs, engineeru, cîtzens and experte Mr. Heydeeker fele, Ouideut. alta or.e ixqesbiomm a.ninac wsocet ~&tOhave bêea dseu4sslg thse natter for conversatiosn wilàtm 180. El n la mpnsbl an am» S o ocityan t ,y ars. We have arrIveS Bet mauy thorlty, tist néwty<l pr slidpe aundsane conclusions. Wisat leseS tQ. detéat thu n*eU ae, dUoioôu ora, - o! i. heaaoe »arntdbsoia eddnwA ascure a wlder iear- &,u onsig romGhosoo irogh the 1-9 on th.e uatter au.ail.%vderand Mo è»Mumclon o! ibis man' t io fi t voM deeper lterest ln applylag ties, cou- .f<â18pffStiIDd, til mgd IL saeama teus liaI no ter cty lu the Union vouid, uac,. SnIetVI ualre. ~ ilOh u b la hakn etter iilaiways. I14 4bti-q 7of M sué a man a liconse te oM a rmort, aMd tlerebY 1 bsIEve t hasaspeclal program qullt ibi t eplitbrazenly à iare. lllapreào4 IMs information auj reate + sent~ imesd terat.tu' Rôomveut le sin Stms Stmw M«*Thse atté ht.way cammuissioner will col~t ad-arrage Interestns g Two weeks ago the Sun sent out return postal carda to aud Instructive materEal for t«eien ters in Waiukegan, the name of every fiftb voter con the and puilla ta use Iu preparing tise pro i ,books beîng addressed on the postal card asking the un al r«eeas circulr Mr. Blair says: éÏpent to mark the other card and mail baek to the S"n W. ao* have éouaIshboldairs on order that an expression of the voters of the Èibr on i tch the u miaousar dismtlsud t tW isidential l)reference rnight be obtained. 7" ieho eh..eog Iu ail, 577 postais mwe sent outiand to date, w'v iegrsp epa a. h tci apeca5e m The vote as shownb hseersgives R. c- s s"u ise ld rdy aitnd maort wih ilonseon. hevo liufeu ud thé Uto»«a Msa oi! ma3or1t~ ith Wilso second.The vole*obdows: n d frsoees isor t e a e!eu ,au..avu, and si~~~~e fr ébt. M t).. . . . . . . . . . tion) .. . . . . . . . . od, howed that 1144men who aItie AM' voted the repuhbl.w tica 'rhayû- tied who vote4 udmorate four years 4p~sve t ibisyear, vile one man atlle ticket tour years ago, wrote boEZ bonr Md" m.- b"m m mPrfle aulet id Fpor rusult.usée w elus. m~Msa~k emt loft té. t.drixk a» bd, Thatu! ,t 0CbV I L to IùmIl t.i hi, s Zoé t ~iP55&Uff U1E~ sw #.s C.uiiiiýï Côme I1~ N OKTifIOV8!R 81168. oorDEGÂNMMZ D1867. SE au in a quauiy unfontunately toc rare) wlich enables en@ with ~Me" and wibciatiecaMsete -Msgsilfflgglmsou. a '"bii*wl poueroh Wboeorian brauu to inçer a good thing '%viený theq-knuw O* tg appy it. 14ow, 1t lato bebopedi sud -linfaci ibat the ,er le pommmusd of ti rare sud valuable secomplial- làt4ut o! tusio ittie aricle lu ulmpiy te point a uew lUna wiei4 f oies may be bappily snd prohiably applied. We. ould boe-e 11w venld to adroca t1à 14 4*1,~~au dopa, but vo do b.-. ~~p~n î~uuIou "ed heips hlm vho hle himWef"I. Tblw' te omoderu parlazimema, Itbat Ai#.n a. »te look out fer "0t u t ~ru »Your titye oa iaOind o Ilq ~ applthae harotetltW'4o4he --tzt of01taking oui on@s 41of' ! Atur"aoe1&id djý#»ê lie run of o!Tour 1"f put ~o yu~ mp& he -curih oh detth obail- emt1y clo0s ~ ?u4%S~5~0, oboer We ;plt e a ê rti for o s vo ~4 bre um&'.TorhlP4iat rWqm -eiumtli anAguo4lSQM1* hsblreb" god at t> s"ud*.kat*atac h h JP3!~ 1~ 'vol . 'i 1

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