+4+ r- A'. 44di mm am à, "&, - S~" -, 145 WX-ýo i; fer qaab -~~ V - ~ l he&usa ..0w C cDsty; f It le a Wmt t tfruaninapurpfo - p--itreutal fuimoi. Adr.su of D t.Iwovo«U. Avpl. te 1. B. Ps-kSM---4&ave*orna et the-but ~x.ipate maifeUiSlu aie ~ WANtD-T0 reut lai-ai Vbé l i mi cbenp If t"am o. eermi. (birent ir fuit Pa MO&: inB i-ne rocm hoadI, mariy' qev; - onOMg vli, on pluse. Lomte4 hait WANTED'4 or 2 roooi 'Mie Irm ralîrcait, aàsap for sou-ibot.bn'les h. fie Fute SAlE-.-fl rt apris Vlalnol. 3s~strei oiltrinu!erred, N. L. 51flL.uesvRW .Pion.27 Wl. LOTBteam, WsiueIdanai #Ioder pleasa leave at Sun olf iteggoane-'titepeedent Office, -"--y Poo---- ltej4ttL- ' "" b": Yorliars OS-Resi belfer viih wvite: ~aes aadSecrsld.1~baotb.ii, eod witii bamu,oming tg bls uit Om es a.laot chOi. J. H. ÇtdyFusunStaeaait . OD la Motisa. Texas aed l'o# DIeum & Aumn. c-2 Fe E,-Uoresq fa,'-ai rp atm swo usnod bais!bomùms si - boses.. Lajl Lvasi, LUiierty SELUN OUOtT. 1- b 4, b. P.Omo..uatn.nl la Oypéo Do - e. mukv gp.bayeir m aitvarlous WgArt1ee. c.mmd aet a bar J.R. ysa, rand ave, Wicke +I. + +LANO orns; USINEU S OC E-$77l lnt taies 5ntomm (Worthi 'douiu. mifle mmbing stoe. Ha4l 700M.,' CWgRM, tohasem, cool ~ eltiearyperinimls, toy., avll, c.Lanadry pais n enta ie.s- seadmis a .gocit amiPrefaiam, bouma -etic, tOi- tiase, ioiss ugtiateit bv D mti. bmet d--r------- --. wI$SeCTm NNOTICEAJUCAONMI 9uleNotIce lae bSW ~etat PyMelicNcU*1 e 1beebY id 5g-tâbwxtber Ada*.tr e etix b 1e MSuriber .eâltratri Uet r'MoAre.. décessed. EAUte of Miehual licàr., - vq-tend l*e couny ourt 01 bAh. viiattend tiec ousy enut COiltr. st a tertuatsereot te b. bolducn County, ai a terni Liereof to1 at j» Court Noumela Waukega, la a4 the Court Marna, la Waul sl,Sw oomty. on the am-stMcitay o! nid Gouatra. t.o n i frt Mi Bihmbb.r as3t, 132, vhcm ait viere Deeember neit. 1912, viien ia .«p uahawlaif dlaagainit lelit ail Perm" h'fag ciainue am à &soileiaid rm.uei te essie are no~ nd itre the ossal nd Court for proecathle saie tsi nidi '~Uos adudication. bar ber MMGE ELL8I< (X) DAUOIiMTY. SRIDGET ELLEN (X) DAUI mark mark A"rnmitL.Admit W-i. e l8e, Auge. W. r. wékg, Attaene. 1 *kgamEllIne, Octber 14 Wankega »MuinOs, Ot Systen 77HEN the frost is on the punI and Jthe toder's in -the shock" kbauker or merchant may-feèl inclined try for a littie business in Greimfield, India the home of the Hoosier Poet. Greenfield is not a large pIsae but it i live onç, and _iý iill cost only $4-.2e toýsen message over bell.long Distance lines Chicago Telèphone Company.ý »e 'the City -large or small, far or near, *11l System teahes k. Ce& Lo 4ng Distanc iagcJ'. Tee- .A. Au4r - LucaiMat -s r-' t~4, - 4- i... "SftIP *~>~ Seat c ora !t' th North easterlY,"Vt agaradins of 393.1 feefotii lato*eîn -West QurterOf the South West for a distance of 142 teet te a tagent 1 ProYad ll 10, 187' S»« ANNYM ix-~ MACHINE Ha Quarter of Section 20 blu aid Town- 1Point; theaâce N'orth 71 degrees 32 Juiy 1, 1872 "e or the .e shlp L Nori;;Mtent.DErtPER..5minute* West 305.3ftet tea apoint lu fore .514 jury uon a*il ueteM L E PE - eet; theace R uat 473.2 feet: thence tiie W et line of the. East hai a ti ihe.bemnfta d dam a ffl te s ur O ý - A~9 i! e lsOnqal.d I ;;,~ t FOR North 137.8teset'- thence East Wte i.h@ ast hait eltihe South West Quarter landt ln sald District, aseo @Md' 9-à«. "w-'--eafil. West lino, of the Nlortihaut Quarter of the Northi West Quarter of said Sec- viii proceed te examinie th.esa of Section 20 la saisi Township 43;, tAn Twenty-eiaiit whlch point le 1017 publie hlgbvays te bhos5steff l Staaly Wo~ during the lust th«ee Nort Cethe North West cot fet Nortetihe Souths lin, I heo oVseiworlc et n"dDistrict ai 1we yeers bas. ,luliderable ai. n'or of the.South hall 0f the. Uo'tb Northi West Quarter of osaidSection certain te the lbout e eif aigàiet, *Sbil jteary om Md su to fsC, C. lier- enin ethe design Wet Quarter of the SoutihEast Twenty..Igit, coutalning '2.04 acres Judgment the benetite vbek U1 Api.l-aUq 1*If W.1-4 Se.24, lgstof tw~o aro Quarter of Section 17 ln sait Tqwn- more or lets, Owned by Jacob Liekam. crue te the. landt; and publie I(~iNf*. Cuti 8<5, W.31. 50.plaigt a ge ebis intention ship 43 North; thence Hast te tihe t Pri t ofthe.Southi WeI uatr ta bcaffectesi 11 te proposed« " ~ C.-à. jeo« b. r., te Nra. flus. la- « esa'gwu ~ n an entîreîy lin. of s@Md section 17; thesce South Section Twenty-eight, being a %trip of115and the. damages te the iSU*- o ~ + .* 4etIAI ~lef30. o. hIase l- ~Duoe wicih hate the Nortih Zut crner 09 tallit8800«ilad $ltet viii, the, center lune ofdamaged Ie&y vwbe ~ 4 iUb4ikS e s.viM, *8. loy the memect i " 20 oresad; tience Hait te the. wblciila decribed as follove. of way for the contr-Uete . a. lï*os w .3,Lgs itefsto-8. 0.Lav aateuCO ' ii.JNorth Buecorner of the North West Beglnag atàpoint ln the, Fast lino oropoaesl werk bas Dot baSu » ltt IU 3*. tbât. 2. Lloyd's PA. Mr. WoJestm i taat us ba'Quarter et the, North West Quarter 0f the South Weet Quarter 0f Section comPrlslng the lans àh u1.H4wLW. 1., $M3. kind t à M ~Db_1 lete . bt of01section 21, la snid Township 43 Tweaty-elght, 362.0 feet South of tiie acrIbesi, aithte Sam14coff t ueo«aa u fe toe rtAI ma . tha th pls eyeved iused1ln Niti; tiece Southt te the. North conter of »Id Section; tiience Norti the time herein .11oe ~p(30,.,. 88 Noth',..- Is md hil11vavorlngon isWontcorner eoftthe South Hast Quar- 61 dagrees, 14 minute« West 563.2 leet thelmpaaellng of a juryr, se cuis W.p., 800 oSer tire msiiu.Theunsiabiîity ter of tii. Northi Weet.Quarter of sSld te a Point tu the Nortlinoeof I.ad Ail Persoas nterefted lad - oodoesodt wn 101.~1 t2h<Oe peemt m1g dratbas spurred Section 31; theae HEast te the Northi Quarter section vhlcii point la 438.11 Iqr"sasnaned la thlb otie, is -acre.la N. W. 1-4 Sec. $6, Vernon bint teot " .151auniMe Rhichinl@E ~ ast corner of sald Quarter Quarter test West 09 thse conter ofl nid Sec- teetS uhtm n lc ~em v~i. wD., *~*opinion vii b. emDae .le the air as Section; tiience Southi te the conlter of tion, contalnlng 1.03 acres more Ot take such actions as la hl law auto. *lam 3. Polbiii, Hlihland Park, Il_ on thie land. siId section 21; tiience West 115 lesu. owes by Caroline Busch. Zsi bymsft o41 Clara e, Adrian, Michgan Cty, led., Inventera for ' a. namier of yers o f Sale Section 28, aforesaid; tbenrh South 43.25 chaîna 0f the, Haut hall GEORGE QETN ow.ae. 3>-28. bv ensok«tHeie oesr ast te the. NorthiHast corner af the,!of the Wee' hall of Section Twenly, WILLIAýM HVHN. a fuil OCTOSIA 17, 1912. é e an aeroplaae thAit veuld be practi- North West Quarter cfisld Sect1011 hellig a Btrip fi land 80 feet vIde, tiie C'mminioners of Drainage District ~mSi. J. G. Brown and vife te John Greu- cally Or viiily O ebut CI) to the, 2ener ne onwiichouthecrted theumeronter ofi To .1 Vir i4s b7 a ter. Part bit. 5, Marvin-É Sub. lFox Pre" tt» t b ar o ee u Section 28; tiience ast te tihe Northi 'oîîow, n a, oay Iln Wz"Lakte, Q. C. lfl a 1s irâWwich requir East corner of the, Northi West Quar. 1Beginning ait a point 473.2 leet Eas, 14ARTIN C. DECKER, W. H. Dymmo nd virWte ta P. J s. nostibPi nh sagster of the, Southi East Quarter of saisilof the West lune and 116.7 feet North RAL.pH j. DADV, l-e, si Walker atluite, lot 9, )Flodsie nvelet Section 28; tiiencerSouth te the South î or the Southi line of tke Northi East Attorneys. wklylk1 îtiwm,. sub., LhbertyvMel, W. D.. evlop. Eat corner of saisi Quarter Quarter Quarter of the South West Quarter i ISU! O.C. dv~demmdvit ~ C ~ Mr. Wellen th6kli thai il han Te- Section; thence East 100 feet ;tiience lof sait] Section; tiienre Soutiiwesterly c-2t(mnaines lfor1.iit 4, idgve td Wlunotty South 330 leet; thence Soultht18 de- along a lin, curving te the left, con- c-21 Rvos., ot . 11k.4, idîiaa, Wu~problem ansi ho lua tu sutact wark green 26 minutes West ta the South ke. elen, W. D.., I. vex Northerlv, having a radius et 146.2 Poeso. tO 14 C. u, Halots 16, 17, 1 tu hn pr lot bis m&bi»Vithîni a fr-w daya. Hast corner of the Nortii East Quarter teet, for a distance n u .t <e tte57..5.Hnsn n vt t Jh Gi- tthtpeea lma1elertain bs0fte aui Ws Qate a ueJtagetpon.Corde.Sut e 16,Lawenc Su., L. FrW ., ,,,ecnd machine whlcb was ,"r.cked a South East Quarter oI sald Section 28; gî-ees 11iminutes West 133.5 feet teaATNC.DCE v...,U. LerenceDU... ..o.C .'rest few days ago vieu bissao!.,hin sus- tiieecqouib ta a point 40 ieet South a tangent point; thence Soitthwesteriy MRI .DCR oins vlth C. R. Owens andi wife ta C. Jc. hnd abal 111of0 theSouth line of saisi Section 28; alang a line curving to tiile! t, con Utie Opp. l8to lSt. EHier tation c-42-lttfi.3,RdglndSb. thence West te a point 40 teet due vexNorthwcsterly, having a radins 'tc Phione 84i8 Re@. Ph~oneo18400 e Iâ f Wardsg, ot , b$. 3 iieaniSb ADJUDICATION NOTICE. South or the place of beginning: ai 287.9 leet for a distance etfj100 leet 8O:ITHCH AGIÀNB OW41loo tht tenc Noth t th plce f bginingte a tangent point; thence South 51 W. A. Miller te Paul MaeGuffin, Public notice je bereb) iiïg uta tinNriit h lcea tnn 141.21 acres. in Secs. 2s ansi 28, Liber- the Subscrhber Atulniatraîî,r of the ln 1Lake Co'unty', illinols. That ail of degrees 34 Minutes West 62 feci toaa ' +4 tyvIU#, W. D.. 123,388.75. tite 0f Anas pàterir,desi, thi. lands wltiiin bou.darles a. above tangent Point: thenie Westerlv along DR, GOLDIN<d F+ + L. A. Passe and vlfr tu J. F. Set- vili attend the. Vqenty Colini of Lake describeil are beneflted hy the Pro- La in, curving ta the right, 'convea DENTIS'? tn Liber- vingel, lot 18, Pesee's Subt., Rhsige.County ut a torns, thereof, u, le holden posed wvan, excepttâtat part of sa!d Souîherly, havlng a radiuset I146.2 Saurs 8 ta 12 ai.- te 5 pli. LphaPhone wood, W. D., 8850, at the Court Htin MSt auk, gan. lu lands requiresi for right of way for the t est for a distance of 168.5 feet ta a J. li Tt'1«J5Building ttraisare. oysno,-s. said C<ounty. an t th Irst M in wioerk proposd etalie doit I luid D3- tanzent point; teL Nri A e ih I . I3~t..n1 fe, WAru- EP.napadwfteKBMil.Decereber neit, 1912, , ieii ad 1 trict as described In the ('onilsson- grees M'est il 2 leet te a tangent lies. Phone 1092 Liberty-1 er, lot 6, Oakmont Suh., rHighlandi *iiere ail persona hautin,,c laims"er-ReortfilIed ini the Cosîniy Court Pin;thence Weateriy along a lins ietvll.Ilni Wkyl akW . I.aautsis saear uidansi aI laie County. on February 1t9th. curving te tihe left, -onvex Nartlieriy, jtipo Oct. 21. 1912.-F S lusison te C 8 requeeted te prenat the sarne tb saii1A. D. 1912 andi approvesi by saisi Court isaiing a radins of 231 feet te a point DR. E. H. SMITH. oluWaolIoIk lot 9 B i andi 2 (ex se; l Court for adjudiM.ton. on Marris 22rh, A. D 1912.lnteWsUeofheZu qt lie rous. feet ef lot 2) Lake IForent Q C 830,0û00 LOUIS H. 1,1CiîICEi.D, 1Yoit are lurtiier natifies tiiat the tisrerWet te o i 'outist F.sret eNIT . Liberty. C B Harrison ansi vifs ta P M Fer- Adiiinstrator.îaovîwng arethelandsproposed ta of saisi Section Tvnty, vicii point Oes elA tc 2&Im n dT ituOI maL p. m p--2 ris lot 3 Spaffords asisi AticciiWv-Du Waukegnn, Illinois, 0Ou71h,1912- be taken or damaged ln salid District.la '3.1 leet sautisofthe orth West arma-I Cc2.m.astt S.e +++ si *00. \Wkiy3t over wiiîci the rigbt of way hanet corner of saîd Quarter Quarter Sec- ALbry. 11111tr-t *+ + Jenaie H Blond and liuiaad ta Mary heen obtaineil, ail situatesiln Town- lan, containing 1.38 acres more or IS + L Cater part af lot 19 î.hhertys-ilie W Saec liniCut lae iip 43 North, Range 11 Hast of tise icas. ovries by Michael Kraus. 11fl S+ ++ D 1851). in the county Court aifl..s, C ounty. Third Principsl MerIdian, le Lake Part of tii, Northi Weat Quarte- atiP BLIC AUCM 0 "o ri; mois if Jameâ Anderson te T 1, Eastwood In tie malter of Drainagec District County. Illinois, as foliova, to-vit: the. South West Quarter cf Section Choi a'tatenin plotiiarralffla tllie, a&îpart of lot 17 block i Andersons suii Nomber Tvao! the Tow n of Vernon, ae o se n etrolàibit *li.bd 15Laie area W O ~o~ ak, ounty lilnols.Nutîe olthie Part of the, Southi Hast Quarter et Twenty, belng a tract of land describ- auetionsan sib essi W Caud, LkeFo est ansiDvi,0t0. c St ke atyplac ioiearug upOf tsSection Tweaty-elght, being astrlp of ed as 10110v.: i nsanerea egt I * notions, -:R Wngl201 elandsii80 tee1) Sdeklieirenterplane of Berinnnopenath bde80authtHastecornerontrrliesiof aegsnong ai the outh Easu co met ~oisii cre lasetio 2 auond 'Cmmssiner' ailai ussanenti hici l sesci an afollove: C0l saisi Quarter Quarter Section; lIN YSN business townsip W D $10;00. or Seneflts ad Damages."Beginning a\ a' point 669.7 tet - hence West 1048.9 test;; thmneH R I 7VIE STti H 8 Mcçlholdiansi aile te.-Gea Te ail persoas intereâted a. ,Par- North e!tii, South line ansi 3645.8flest North 37 degrees 20 minutes&Haut 50.3 Pheuos 148 se 48 30nô"# tth. 0.1 Tuker lots 15 ansi ifblock :1l Lakte tlcuiarly te Mathtias Wiç.-et ' H. at ofthse West lino of snid Section lest thence HEut te the, West lin.o! f SBluff W D $10. Jscob Lieka.., Caroline Buecht andTwetitgt thence Nortiieauterly Saisi Quarter Quarter Section; tiience W .H PENI ,J g, eofloet Gi H Wilbur te KatherIne ',cIeer. Nicbolas Bucihber husbansi, Michael * 1.jPP ti-iose& ,along a linoecurvlng to lie rigiit; con- South 40 f6et ta the, Pla&ecf bottn- 0.2-ti MiOU part of lot 1 block S North West Krauls, George Nikol. lristina Nîhol, ve Westeriy. iavlng radius of 478.8 nlng. containing 1.36 acres mor, or Auctiouimer waa a~ ditW&Ukegan W D $3000. MNagdaiena C. Tettier, Anna Lockheasi. feet for a distance of 47.6 test te a leua, ovned byt George Nikol ansi FARII SALES ONE SPOt ça T W Sminth ans i vie te Blanche Il Elmer B. SEato% ansi Stanley T. Fne tangent point; tiience North 17 de- Chriatina Ntkol, LIfbertyvifle, MI. Doran lote 64 and 6r» ansi 66 Shavs Jacob Lieltam andi Miohaei Krau. g re.@ le minutes Haut 310 test te a Part et Southi Faut Quarter of Sec- IiN Du l$ scto300Aen.ani of Hgvpy om atkssiones aI Snte Tv tangent point; thence Nortberly aiengtltin Tv.nty-eight, being a atrim Iof~a CE D$30. c Venon Lak Caaty Illitis. a lino curvlng to the,eftt.coavez land 80 feet vide, the, conter Ils, of lien tha" Take notice that the commission- Hasterly, haviaz a radius of 573.7 feootchlc a sdescribes iwoas f bpoîjevu60-eil ai EB~e0 ux or the Brion aparkllng eyes. roay cheeks, ers of Drainage District Namtber Tva for a distance of 154 test to a tangent Commenclng at a DoilS 1153 ls decase, thylip. Eer> grl aitvom f te Town oI Vernon, Lakte Coite- point; thece Nort 2 degrees 10 min- Hast cf tihe West line af the Souti J. M1. '.wavg- , -t e Lake shoild tlakitl-Hnillers R. M. Tea c lios aefilidteir «'Coin- utes Fast te tiie conter of a concret, East Quarter cf section Tventy-eigiit. ty, IlUnoearc»@ .ughaiet A U CI O1Nm E be ohes Parc. ru o,.mimaloaera Roll of AassainOitts Of colvert locateit la the, conter of the.and 33 feet South of thse North linoe144Elewo.JAv lkogn.af State of 1111"8i, County of Lake, no: Bnaitu ait Damages" vith te Cieri public hlgivay, runalng euttunit west of tii, Sautht West Quarter of the 9be,msb ait izer lutiiCoany Curt ! Lse < o fo thé Couaty Court of the. CeIfty of throngh snid Section Tventy-elgiit; Southi Haut Quarter ofsaiSeto ainâ ald 1 __I.n the mtter of thi.es«ttne tW,,-Laike ansait Ue ofIllinois. Th 'at nid tiielce NDrthve.terly alang a lin. Tventy-elght; tiience North 2 degrees pmete tiliainAugmitus Starle. sieceaesi; te T4Omdao4on.B'Rail of Assemenieta curvlag ta te. loft convex Nertiemat- 16 MinutesHast te the, renter of a DR. O. F. - 'o148ý Court for Charlotte Germaine ltarie, bir ansi of B.nta ansi Damages" affftetaev- .riy, iiavlng a raius ef 146.2 test for concrete rulirt locat.si la the, cenou.IJATsitma4~ oniy ii.ir et lau of snid deceasesi: ery pince ad parcel of land cealiie0d a distance or 183.9 fest te a tangent ter of the public hlghvay runniseust i on are bereby nottfl.<i that on la s«It Drainage District, a cerrsa- paint; tieac. Nort-.5 degre 14 min- ansi veut tiirougii saisi Section Tvea- 5N 5WU US & GRRIMond*y the, lwenty.flfth day cf No- thenon razed ansi existae nier n ut., West ta a point ia the. North lino ty-elgbt; theace Nortbwesteu.ly aient brwsEUos PH it,1veunier, A. D. 1912, aithOe itour of 10 Act Ontitiesi "An ArtteW PiOV140 er fol th le Souti hall ef Sie North West a lino curvieg tae' the leit. convex logrti.OcWloc n the torenoon of saIt day, the ostructlon. retiaration 5.it pro- Quarter o! the South SEut Quarter of Northeastitrly hsvieg a radius ai 146.2 the. undersigueit, Charlotte Meta &s- tetieo!o draina, ditches ait love« sait Section Twenty-elgit. vich point feet for a distance o! 34 test, t'oatain- DR. C. R. GM.&LO'VAY. aber 14, ID,Uxoecutrb ofethSe lit viliiand ses the landts of otiiers for grtcpi- i. ,374.9 teet Hast of tii. Wes4line 0f long(0.11 af an acre mare or loes. Ornez Ovva i LOY. @»S 5 I wll testamt of William Augustes Star- tuy5Iianitary ans ioilii- P1811100sesid Quarter Section, contalnlng 3.06 Alsecpart of tho Southi»RatQmuarter u-om1 Il s ad6 b.0ap ' in, diteeeed, vili pressai; te the Hou. amit te prnihdo for lhe orgdnistio f acre. more or le«., oveel by Matias of Section 20), ieiug a - trlp of land P. L Persas,Jusige oeth~e Counti rini Isrct. PPrOv6j4 U ituWlckorsiem.80 test vide, tii. conter lin o!iwhlch Lbsylsllas Curt O« laie ltillinols. bishWlares MUI ,29, 1879.,ad !SU ente partlof the Seti ]bat Quarter of in describesi as tolicys: Office lu the Court Hous lasaisi Lakte S*MdatOWY tiereof. Section Twenty-eighbeing a strip 0f Cominencing Lt 4 pelit 53Û. feet D :flb& Couaty. ber final report ait accotnt salit Drainage District Nuinier 1Yvo lansi 80 lest vide, tiie conter liuoete West f te Hast lins and 33 lest o! ber &a dsitdolngs aui mciiExecu- .« the Town o! Vernon. Lake Oomitr. wblch le descrbed nasfollovs: Sotiofte Nortis line ci the'oriPu5cfl14 Iq. trtg, asuitetsbave Lie saine approveit. llllio, inlubounitei as foIîovs;to.vit. Beglaing ai a peint la the. south Hast Quarter ot Section Twenty-nine; ouée ae,11e58 &eB eIs te lie diecharged_ and te have thse ommencing at a point ln thc Southi lino of tic North hait cf the Northi thence Nort 28,sdogmees 181 minute.s Hnotta t l"6i & )S bae58 11ie1 estate of, nit!doeeseit siclareit fully llaqéa Section 28, Tovnship 43 INorth. West Quarter of the, SouthBuHat Qu>- West 7J feet, contalning .13 of' aiu~it oeett ad a! osedi St w iUne siIand ifl ernEu at of te ThirdPria- ter et salit section Tvsnty.elght, 874.9 acre more or les-GS8mssasve-wp4 place Yen Mai b. prenent If 709 am iffl Mrliin hLaie CouutyMi, Di est Hast o!fteWest line of sait Aiseapart of tise &atihEast Quarter UbertmWile. fit no te do. nofie,8U1 tet East of Oie Senti Weet Quarter Sectiontence Noartii 51 de- ot Section 20, ans ime sopart of tie Datosi Octeber 23rd, 1912. cenerof s4ds section; tiiles.'North grecs 14 minutes West, 481.5 test te a Nort hast Quarter ot Section TFWen. R .yIMT Charlotte Meta Etarin, te thse South lune of the North liait point la the West lin.of saisi Quar- tynlne, iieing a strlp of laitd30lesit DR.LV. Executix u a oreaald. <t the Southi Hast Quarter 0<-iffl ec- 1er Section, vbich point is 352.6 test vide, tise renterHune of viich is de. EEA.PATO kmWkYlt tien; tience West te a point $28 test South of the, tenter lino ef saisi Sec. tcribeit as foilows: - si,,51,85 10le0a.*m. e315 4t 1 5Csa S ànwat efthe east lin, of Section 39 la tion, contaIning .89 of an acre,. -. einn tapit29fe et offieoe a eî 5s 15e5415 the CHbL LAX sait Townsip~ 43 Norths; tbeàocaNorth Aise part aI th, Northi West Quarter of the West lino ansi 13 test Southi 9WA For tihilse andi Foyer, te the Sauths une of the, I4otii hall of Section Tventy-eigbt, helng a strip of tise Northi line of tiie North Hast LBET iLS lUI to of the SautShEast Quarter ettthe 0f lansi go feet vide, the conter line Quarter af Section Twenty-aine; Lfl8, PAUJL MC OUFFIN, Atty. fer îduhiats NorthiHast Quarter of saisi Section of viiicii ls uescrîbeitase follovs: thencé Nortis 10 siegrees63 minutes DP. 1. L. TAYLOrp Adjudication Notie. 29; tienne West ta the WOUt lin. of Beginning at a point ln the South West 67 feet, containing .13 of an orgioulna bu. eVee aà.a. Publie eo*i,-.la heey eh tvsa tte 81t. te NortbhEast Quarter a!fsaIt Sec-.line of thse Northi West Quarter of saisi acre more or Iesa4ý.formlng a part ofuob- te 10 ç4 m. i te 4 "ds 6 k scriber Admmntaltrtsr Cot ertiteo fAu ion 1 29; tisence North 165 test tence Section TetIh 433.9 test West the Hgwasof the TowetV ernon =ar'ng. decaess vwti attend the oeuf"et;Tet-iîiHgswy eion . Core ake cbuntr. at a tmterisiwroiWest te tise Fast lin, of *section 30 of tise renter o! said Section; tisence Lake ('ountY, Illilnisansi onatrolledsi esldSss-MaBroadway. opposite Park te c!boideu a t onurtRses 10 emeaeomyla sli Twnship 43 North; tiience North 6i degrees 14 minules West by the Higiivay Cormisslonenq o!fi~ie.aua. ni ain.5eBd w ore ailprn755 a igNorthi ta the Souths Hast crner 0f 445.9 feet ta a tangent point, tisence éa5ld Towvn, -= t O 15ftn 555'ayetc"Idanluite Norths Fast Quarter of Sie NortNortberly aiong a lino cur'elng te the Yeti are ,rrthr - !uEha hePA AC U M vmon AD)AM Bn TITUS. Asim#lnistor. uat Quarter cf saIi Seetica 80; rigit, coaver Sauthveaterly, iaving Comnilesianers o a sisiDrainage DIa- Wsnkexas. tu.. Octlber 7. 1912. - 14r3'ltience West tetise South West corner a radius of 338.3 test for a distance trint viii appear beltre the County ATT'ORNEY AT L.AW. BdO