Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Nov 1912, p. 5

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LÂKE COUNTY INDEPZBDENT,- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 191'2. LCOMINGIl Car of choice York State Apples Leave your orders now at IJ. ELI TRIGOCSi PHONE 25-3 Don't Worr Over Coal Shortage The shortge of Hard Coal with Winter [net approachi ang is catus»ng more or kms anxiety in this vicinity. But-We are prepared to reieve this feeling to tmre etn.Did YOU ever stop to consider THAT if the_ FAMILY were warrnly clothed they could resist the cold better? We are prepared to supply the MEN por- tion of the Farndy with these neccessities. If YOIJ are from MISSOURI corne in ancd let US SHOW you. J, B, Morse & Coo ____PH ONE 14 Liberty'ville, - - - - flhinois. Pt, [Everybody Trying 1,0 find soins solution lu th,' liard ('ual abortage sud corne. îbing to take plaa't' Compre.sscd.Egg Coal if% the best thing wo kno; of for Stove and I lot vator pianua Soolt.ies, Ambees, Cinkerlesa and a good slow burning fuel- Try it. Solti ouiy by SCIIOOLI lavtalluat' are ot ILIBERTYV IL±1E .DIE FSI idaace Frîday emgi Mism Kati' Carrolîl cpe M Sonday wiîh relativesi LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTrION FOR THE WEEK lt eFtîrenc erotl.hi, achool agala. To insur, publication in the. indepe- Fred (Jrabbe, Jr.. ot Ivanhue. trans- Mrc. LuvelI, une tif nh dent, copy must hbain the office no 1lter acted bus,in iOur cîty Tueesau. fuatrifEduatoh ibmn Tuesday of esch veek. Ad:.,r_ The' Tinta Chapler vi ituatwltb Mise froi.e a tie a tiers. .specially. are asked no take FfrWle nTueayceîig.S>, recoul for a tew di partiGulr noion, tu ibis euect. Tbomas Rasiter le agalitifahl b. au attaik of tonslîtîs. out aler an Oight Wet'kt"ut'ge (ol typboid 4enior andl pickupm Clir _matlm__ le o h bu evebasket bail Monday aI Clare iart s cniuet ti tt' ous tMnr. C.Sprlnit let Tuetuatit fr a two to 24 in lavor ut tht'mise witb la soyer" attack ut rheutnatignm veekm' riit wltb r a t", tBattue Wednesday tbet' îku] fi. Ht uopt'r utf'ilkena, Ill . y litid Creelk. Mich. for thir delent iif ML over Siuiidav witiî triendsInlathîs t ty tHenry Otto of! han ilti"I was a boat a better seair in. S P Evleiur l Pxtu îî . a'a jViitor et the home tif J tV.lBund and ut 22 to 21. calliîîg ot'f riend' itii'h ctî'Tueara a auil ver Satnrday atd 8aiiday l)id vou ever tl, ti Mir, anti Mrc lB. T. ioluly iif îurut'e. Abaut lorti' coupt,' artented the good contd b l e , wiere Li.iertyville taller, trie' dat tact t iecopal dance attIilicttan hall ast father or niother' T îvek.Friday eveDiong. li t'ujtîtig Iatleanant off sonettute ant i vîstj 1111e Get acquainteti witb .Nir.ani linr. FrankLo .mi,îî î,î Mr.atîndMms H. L. liail ir , and son You wilfl inil aine tilef Waakegan. vwee,'Sînday italtI'nut witliH freti Heearry.lbave retnrned t" îltir homeeta: ou cati asast ber in ii friond hereý213 N Morgan streeti,a fott th moreo effective and y( Ralpb Ely ut West Ubicagu fil, visîtetid tér mohus, ore sucýesstui wtb several daye ot fast week ct r itr rad M'.Eii'lnia tfstanding ail around. Ilim Bance Ey br&eividere, wbo have ju@t rettîrrîteti rom1 Many tif tbe kicks on HugLi Reid anti ty aunnoif W.aghiig an extended trip %0 the' t ,,.îct ame ciit' a1int tlîruugh misai ton, D. C.. are lu tht. rity for a tbrt'e Iag with tht' latter c irottler, W. C. motives. Did yen evE veeke viil with relatives and frientis , Msc bat tiirougb to liperat The Ladiest Aid eociety of thet'dM E. IrI Andrews, vho bas lien eick at the sesru* "i 1w reac churcb vîi meet vîth Mrie Cý M. Fuller St. John'. booptal la Spr'gfield witb representa a triple on Nw berry avenue Tui eataternoon, typboad levr for the point three veek. tupil anti parent. Tiie Noir. 'th. lie reported eoievhat better and great b de ber ebare, andtheti arigg & Wison announhl. tbat tbpir boise in badl for bis recovery. about t'he parent" @tore wili be claaed Wedneedal and Red Comb PoultnY ldloei 4lsf a your initerott ouitilà Tbnrsday oi neat week In tirder tu ate favorite and nets the egge Tbonemad vlit unsandmes. nerseany retaie. sitilied cnmlomen u S iltioniy hb ttill re good ms pa.E .Ebie Ol ahm CtLlaua'rvvîLs LauBza Ci, 6_2 etertliment course. Mre E.L. hrleh t (kiaoin Cly, Mr.. Phoee lubter and tiaaghter, Mli. 150gant'. Cone on w Okahomna, ha@ bean .pendlng alhv Thomas Corlett ver. callei to Evaneton bei, the. publicgechoole days weuh ber luncis and aunt, Mir. and iset Tbureday fia attend t1t' fanerai of They vii h. evt'ry thai bire. J. E. Bond and fsiflhy. the' former". brother, Thiomas UMybe. jour support. Reineit W. bave iut& oft uai insultas lnds. It one v a b ieg.Ighty.sevenDtb jear. toturuleb a good coini migtb ieiltume tii a ud net suisse nov whiie lte gotting and the com in lMre.iDr. Robinson aoftEcanston, came ench une and ifl it le gond L,îavsrTVILLEiu.t tH RCo. tu Lbertyvilie laut veekt tî attend tihe bave the bail rumtoi 3 2 layînî got the corner @loupt'.iithe isew Umm n iine precedE MieEuily A. Phllipm. wbu waa M. E. cburch andi vam a guemt tirer entertainmt'nt. ln called tu the butme of ber aunt. Mr . J. Sundmy uf Mrs. (letrgP Vttwler. misa orchestra Music while X. Bond on account of ilinese. bas callt'd on uther triende. show ta ,tart. (ietyoc reînrned tu lier honte in Ainheret. Wîs . Friends of Mien loeit v . ileizor wilI atitecker & Boadso leavinst Mrs. Bond very much ia.pruved.Le intorested to leara tM her iarriagt' Nortsan Ldd ut the' Palace Livery Wednemday, the 3:th, t,, Mir. toger Piano Tu bas înstalled a blilvPry service@.,Ineet- Kilby utEvanett) in Sm,. Eiliz i t'aierdere ait Ray' ing ail C. M. & St,îP. trains toi anti Iront reinoved vitb lus tailt ftlexîioni n % r it t f I -h': t ana- - î -.. t..l M i dý t'iC1-1 -lii. Is, ri.eit .ete Lars amtP, bedai. will periiit Phone ,S liing witb an aunt rir t Eaucton. wbere anti lv,' cita tder. fortt', .aypoint er vas eiîploys'd a bi)'kkî'eper Itr the1 in villag'. -t IEvaation Produce aiJ.l iifaissoaCoi. Tisquie at iiruuaItiog tj 'la h,' "tre tony a ts ,' çrfîîrned at St, ros la-h tu biotutiat t hic O ie t'A ipar.f ar~î.s matholit' 'hi rt ai £îani;ton ti,,tvt'r. ric J. lii Trigscqelias a butth Vti rt'in ret'iî,t of a littt'r front Mrs. otf t', tieri, auitautieeton tire a,,rth side! IL W Follette Of it)ulCityr, Cal tai tf t i e " a tý %Vic h isnow learing w hltch ili,'eav@t it' ttm-"iiost pleaoan tly B i. kîi,. b ler-'f wa i iak.,,'ùi lrated iu their rlitaborneShe alo -r" que nov,!a uti'egay oft tue eautiful edate, ber son Hai t ýale, S. D., has î,ttaic eîîd out to hic lr,,ît'i"i'srd and expects Mlr, ain' tra .1 T. Lt,I'w net tîtrît t rit'îl tugo to talifoit ri ta udilocate. Percy i% 'îî, id tiiigît f rontti a hu rt ltustnems St tendinit thet' ,t ty of ,tCal ilurnia at trip U, Murot'c", I md Mr. Roberteoui alevad is c. il t11 eiaeed a itîtth' bttuîglîr Iarl wth tItitrtaie talrlt)lpareadrantages tlîý ,'rc iath thome'uoee vi tr wrîgliuîg tîtîrteeti and a bail ritth'ort t"ttulreb'atd pttîithuatnd ettîtie maaiu,î)th hickory aet venir. nute iather-el utn ist' ara,. 'Ihe"uriî. lie"$8000 lier rflt,,, il traigbt eaiary and sa s as planter]ttu the itteentît day , expenees, l to i a vth i rg, to îutruluce i our Pouutry rîtdî'c lon't aumer of lamt lane andi tîing tu a Set seastuliunie"s joît uttaitltutinted En liCiA btut aboîut îwo-thirdm ofut tgrew, but POULTRY tttiol. ii (Ineorpuîiated,l uotu 'ittautliag ti@is act it wîll yxil East St. Iltiltt, l L"IC-6- at lt'isut t"', î'îty Ittîhelb petr acre. Th"' St.jusph'" t ,iur,1i m tII givtr a tazYaar t ira antd li kurý its maybtic ecta au lt t "uw lion Notv. 12, 13. 14,.1.) j .1 'ii Trigus shuw wiuduw. and ll.ii Tutu. týiJIl 1w aany isatares _________________________ iang e'hiclt ilt 1w tht' land*v worit LIFE INSURAICE uf tbe .littie, ilrt'n who bave Ieen preparing îîany lttautifI land asetul it is not enoutigh to be ifldistioiilt u articles. Tire vttîmn taie@ will bave a are the. enta. What am5 vouin idustnious sand.y buotth,' andtheii ladies ofi the' &bout? parîsb diiring ttir @ pare' time bave inade rnany art,,'lt's ftr the' comort of SV tht' public dariiar the couulng winter. hJAThe Iadieo<and gen tlemen oi C. 0. F. are siotakîng uaw tii e part in pnsbing it parieb bave beeni preparlng a fare wlt which tbey w ilupen bhe bazaar un 0Wd Coony Leife nrance Comnpany viii ie 25e a persua, ce1bidret i c. Olftins 0 ofice(AUKITIONAL LBR VLZPG 1 For Fire and Life Insurance SEE Charles D. Proctor, AGENT FOR New Ilampshir Fic Insurance Company Michigan Mutual Uife Insurance Company UBERTYVIJLE.ILL. Jack Sprat would cut no meat, Mis w ife would uat no mort, Unless tbey absolutely knew They came from Corlett & Fredericks Store Libertgville Lumber Company Phene 47-Res. 72 Oowus by the Old Depot Phone 30 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS - NflTFS I Ir rthe Jutnioîrs 'unt Satar an îd bac Iteen inthe' er bac etarted in it' members tof tbe as returned home tion the greatesl acheti" School lite alline-tsacher, ltacher te trying be pupilisi. Ho Don' t outihk aelp bath' Coin. tata leti for use Gel jeans nove ith ths crowd and sat the mare Urne. aaktul taO jon for mber we ame gaina ortable chair for gpamuis vs we l rtable. The pro- det by mnielc a uptruniental and Byu wait for tbe aurtickets reeerv,,d uning 's Farnltîire More. t'an ,-tl lait nie' sîake your sale ftor you. My terme art rigit. H. J. PounE,.auctioneer, ilbersyville'.111. %Nare preltaredtct repair farnitare ut ail kintis, uake new tafrnitar e)tt order anti aphlulter hnggies anti automobiles. Lbertyvîlle Catinet Workm, H W. Hoi F.. Phone 176Ri. NOTICE After November firet no postal money orders wtt1 Lie ised aiter 7:30 P. M. c-4-3 R. M. TAYLOR, P. M. The' New GloLir Hot Biset bas operating methodosail its uvu. The constructionu u sneasttt force the colti air ta enter the Hot iMont register, ita course le thon drected back and aroand tbrougb the air chambers mest abave the base of'tbe clave, thon up thraugh the rioers inta the' bot biaet ring. The' air ta travermîng throngtî the@@ bat flue@ ie aaperkeated and wben jetted Inta the fiameo te prtacicallî as ho asthe fre it8eef The satire coal efficlenuy le lurneti intu beat, thie beat in tam iv> radlat.ed lto the rutila lunLurnlng auj kiati ut raI, gasse, are pnoduoed whlcb are combustible providing a enfilcent quattyllju extreunely bot air la wîixed with ttitesegapsi thte, proper point. I A I Bank Your Surplus With The Lake County National Bank LIBIERTYVILI!, ILL. whîeh 'ombinee îapIî:l. enîdenci', eunsistec'ny and courtesy. The big man with the big roll andi the hit' man witlî the lutile roll are alike wcIt'trmed. Ouar doors are open to horrowers andi depositors alike. O)ur pîîrpose is to make our ltauk a'mîîtîal benetit tf) the vîonmuniity in general and ità patrons in îtarticîîlar. Wt' invite voit to etart a c5heching account with us. Capital Surplus and Undivided Profite. S90,00&W< Blankets h wîfl b. wekcorn news t. many the&, WiAU ceai ad nany other commoditios wilI h." mhh " sWinter, lie7 cam " ibuy bw..i as cheeply as ever. They cau hemm u and we have proven in winters peu t tat our BLANKET VALUES are the. best offeved' in Lake County. ilelmoBt Cotton BIankets ýýix72. in pretty gray@and lam", niS ci fiishd, p ir......................... ..............7 e io er , B an kets-W e'v e always sold the@@ and tbey' re better ....9 c than evr ths yar. Size 6;oxlt, pair ......... ... Knox Blnnket#1'-70x8O, an extra large, soit fleey Cotton i2 lîv lanketour prie tn these i . ....................... $3 New Outing Flannela, Flannelettesebe. W. W. CARROLL & SONS CO* NORTH STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH4 STORE PHONE Si A No. 516 New Globe RootEBm wiii be given fiees tu lte bldea Ci b. tieket draun an the dar ci S« The S&ove Dimplayed la Our Wlsdow rI&.ts Are FriS ask 'br thoe. Ton mmSbe present at draving or your Tieboel la Net Good The New Globe Mot Bleat id 0on0wtetd ta praduce a greaten voisineof bot air at a point ai eombuetion titan-a7yother bot bisaI.Dose It not #tand tla Temaso ltstthe @tore thal wi bu thehast tue l is tht' e oneca- eti'uowted 0entireij canfus»e t" gmm w asted bLivpaSWtng0ont ai @lovp asa ncanauzned emoke?. Me. B. EGER, Libertyville, III.$ ______________________________________________"c- SPECIAL EXHIBIT THE NEW GLOBE HOT BLASTý Wili be Ild at Libertyvillk, November 2, 1912 BURNING SOET COAL WITIIOUT SMOKE FREEI m. L- NOTIES

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